Curls biography. Nastya curls - biography, information, personal life

Russian singer and model Nastya Kudri. Performs songs in R'n'B style, raps.

Biography of Nastya Kudri

Nastya Kudri was born in Moscow in 1996 in the family of millionaire Igor Kudryashkin. As a child, I was seriously interested in dancing, and at the age of 15 I started singing. Studying at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

In 2017, Nastya’s father Igor Kudryashkin was in 115th place on the Forbes list of the richest businessmen in Russia.

The creative path of Nastya Kudri

Nastya began making music professionally at the age of 18, when she asked her father to shoot a music video with a rapper named Kravets.

Nastya Kudri She doesn’t hide her financial capabilities and is not used to being poor. Rather, on the contrary, she makes the most of her father’s capital. Igor Kudryashkin strongly supports his daughter in show business.

Nastya Kudri I have already recorded about twenty songs and shot more than ten videos. The singer tries to add a twist to each video. In 2016, in the “Fantik” video, the main role was played by the actor of the TV series “Molodezhka” Matvey Zubalevich. Song "Attention" Nastya Kudri performed in a duet with actor Alexander Golovin.

Nastya is constantly working on herself: she studies with a vocal teacher, trains her voice and composes songs. According to Curly herself, she has no idols in the music field, but she would love to record a song with rappers such as Kanye West and Tyga.

In 2016, singer and actor Alexei Vorobyov invited Nastya to live with him in the USA, where they shot a video for her song “Bad Boy”. The main role was played by American actor Cam Gigandet (“Twilight”). By the way, Vorobyov became the director and ideological inspirer of another video of the singer - "Tell".

In mid-May 2017, the track #We'll Be Hot was released, on which Nastya Kudri sang a duet with Olga Buzova. Later, a video for this song appeared, which collected more than seven million views.

In April 2017, an accident occurred with actor Vasily Stepanov. According to all reports, he jumped out of the window of his apartment in Moscow, but the actor assured the media that he did not try to commit suicide. Knowing the tragic fate of the actor, Nastya Kudri offered him 100 thousand rubles for filming in her new video "Drew".

“Many people will think that this is PR, but I don’t care. I didn’t know that such tragedies happen to Vasya regularly. We don’t know him personally, and I know him, like most, from his role in the film by Fyodor Bondarchuk. I need a lyrical hero for the video, and in terms of texture and type, Vasya fits perfectly.”

Personal life of Nastya Kudri

Nastya had a rich fiancé named Yuri, whom they dated for a year and a half.

Since November 2016, Gola has been in a serious relationship with the son of the owner of the Reso company. Sergei Sarkisov.

Today you will find out who Nastya Kudri is. Her biography will be discussed in detail below. A spectacular blonde with good vocal abilities and a beautiful figure has already found her audience by recording her first compositions. We are talking about the daughter of a wealthy Russian businessman. By the way, Nastya spends her vacation with Hollywood stars.


Nastya Kudri’s biography is closely connected with music, while creativity for her at this stage remains, rather, entertainment. She makes videos in her free time, not busy with her studies. Her compositions began to appear in all kinds of music ratings. The girl was born in 1996 (November 27) in Moscow. She began singing professionally at the age of 15.

Before this, the future Kudri directed all her energy to other activities - choreography and dancing. However, the injury influenced creativity and forced me to think about a new field of activity. Currently, the girl is studying with a vocal teacher, training her voice, composing songs.

The performer chose journalism as her professional field. Anastasia Kudryashkina is not modest, does not hide her capabilities and position in society, on the contrary, she tries to use them to the maximum extent. Over time, the girl’s desire to test her strength on the stage was supported by her father. Although initially he was categorically against it.

We are talking about Igor Kudryashkin, who, according to Forbes, is one of the richest people in Russia. When she turned eighteen, instead of a car or status gift, the girl asked her father to allocate funds to create a video for a song performed together with rapper Kravets.


Above we talked about Nastya Kudri’s childhood. Her biography as a singer dates back to the age of fifteen. At the age of 18, she began releasing music videos for her compositions. The performer has 20 songs and 10 videos. All the singer’s music videos are of a high standard. Many works have their own interesting backstory.

In 2016, the performer’s video for the song “Fantik” was published on the Internet. In it, the girl starred together with Matvey Zubalevich, an actor in the TV series “Molodezhka”. Another composition and video by the singer is called “Attention.” In this case, Alexander Golovin, a Russian actor, performed in a duet with the performer.

The script for the Bad Boy video was given to the girl by Alexei Vorobyov, a good friend and longtime admirer. By the way, he was the ideological inspirer and director of another work of the girl - “Tell”. In her songs, the performer prefers R’n’B and pop styles, sometimes rapping. According to Nastya, she has no idols in the musical field, but she would like to record a duet with Taiga and Kanye West.


Nastya’s youth gives her the opportunity not to think about grueling workouts or strict diets. As the singer admits, she does not limit herself in foods and does not adhere to proper nutrition. Loves French pastries, Italian cuisine, sweets and baked goods. The performer regularly dances and sports.

This turns out to be enough to develop grace and plasticity, as well as maintain an ideal figure. The singer is compared to Gigi Hadid for her height and physical resemblance to the model. Nastya loves shopping and makeup, traveling and parties.

When it comes to clothing, the performer equally appreciates both domestic designers and foreign fashion houses. Nastya does not neglect things from the mass market. At the same time, she is fascinated by designer shoes.

Walking around Hollywood

You already know how Nastya Kudri spends her free time. Her biography is also connected with Hollywood. Alexey Vorobyov invited her there. She agreed to accompany the young man on a trip to the United States. The girl not only visited the Hollywood hills. While spending time together, Nastya and Alexey regularly attended various star parties.

At one of these Hollywood events, the young people were accompanied by Cam Gigandet, an actor who became famous in Russia thanks to his participation in the vampire saga.

According to Nastya, the famous film figure made a good impression on her and proved himself to be a witty and charismatic interlocutor. Later, the performer and Gigandet released a joint music video. The director of this work was Alexey Vorobyov.

Personal life

There is one more question that interests fans of Nastya Kudri. The personal life of the performer will be described below. The girl's look is extremely intense. She is often written about in relevant publications. In 2016, Sergey Sarkisov, the son of the owner of the Reso company, spotted his soulmate in this blonde.

The young people dated for a year and a half. Their relationship was described on the pages of various publications. For example, cases of long-term joint vacations and a party in one of the clubs in the Russian capital were described. Alexey Vorobyov also courted the girl.

Nastya has many friends from representatives of the “golden youth”. One of them, Diana Lebedeva, suffered a tragic incident in 2016 that shocked Russia. The girl died in Switzerland in a car accident.

Nastya Kudri is the youngest singer in modern Russian show business, but she has already begun to conquer the big stage. The blond beauty has four of her own video clips - “Origami”, “Nothing in your love”, “New Year”, “Attention”. Like millions of girls, Nastya dreamed of performing since childhood.

Miracles do not happen only to those who do not believe in them. Nastya didn’t believe it as a child either. An ambitious 9-year-old student at a choreographic studio dreamed of becoming a musical actress. However, during the rehearsal, the girl received a serious injury to her knee joint. The consequence is a strict ban from doctors on exhausting rehearsals. For Nastya, the doctors’ recommendation to think about another profession sounded like a death sentence.

Nastya Kudri: “It was a difficult time. I could still dance, practice with other girls in the studio, but as an amateur. I remember sitting on the windowsill in the evenings and bawling. Now, I realize that it was a sign - as if I was turned in the other direction. I began to devote more time to singing. Moreover, I always loved to sing: since childhood I was constantly humming something under my breath.”

A trip to Kyiv, a gift from her parents, radically changed the schoolgirl’s life. It was there that lucky chance found her. A girl approached Nastya in a cafe and offered to star in a video. As it turned out later, Yulia Ivanova was the director of the video for the song “Dislike” by Irakli and Dasha Suvorova.

Yulia Ivanova: “It was really chance that brought us together. The actress, who was approved in advance, fell ill. I remember how we frantically looked for a girl to replace her. And here Nastya is just like a gift to us from above! In her I saw everything we needed for the role: sincerity, emotions, beauty.”

In November 2013, the premiere of the new song “Everything as we wanted” took place.

In the photo is Nastya Kudri


At the beginning of February 2017, Nastya premiered her new song “Drawn”. On the social page The following note appears on the network: “I heard this song about a year ago... I immediately got into it, I felt every word, every sound, every second of this song... Who had a first, complex love? Come on, let's raise our hands. Then this song is for you and you should understand it like I do. Because I loved. And every word seems to be written about me. It was as if the author of the song was watching me and writing from my portrait. I could only dive so deep with him. Have your minutes turned into hours?”

On May 22, Nastya Kudri and Olga Buzova present a joint track “We will be hot”, the Artist does not stop there and promises another hit. And so, on June 15th the single “Without Preludes” is released.

Nastya Kudri. Lyrics
Album "Tamagotchi". February, 2019:

Nastya Kudri. Other song lyrics:

No foreplay
Bad Boy
Wind on your fingers

Nastya Kudri (real name - Anastasia Igorevna Kudryashkina). Born on November 27, 1996 in Moscow. Russian singer and model.

Anastasia Kudryashkina, better known as Nastya Kudri, was born on November 27, 1996 in Moscow.

Father - Igor Kudryashkin, businessman, commercial director of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, according to Forbes, is one of the 200 richest people in Russia.

Due to her parental capabilities, from an early age she grew up as a major, living in an atmosphere of luxury and glamor.

Since childhood, I have been interested in dancing and choreography. According to her, then she dreamed of becoming a musical actress, but a knee injury prevented her, due to which she had to focus on vocals.

In general, she was attracted to everything related to creativity. She demonstrated a penchant for the humanities and showed good literary talents.

From the age of 15 she began to actively study vocals, gradually reaching a completely professional level.

She received her first widespread fame, albeit of a scandalous kind, on her 18th birthday in 2014 - when her oligarch father threw a celebration for his daughter for 9 million rubles. This excited the Russian public and attracted the attention of the press - first to Nastya’s father, and then to herself.

Thus, the scandalous coming of age became a good media promotion for the girl. And she did not fail to take advantage of it - she became active on social networks, willingly posed for the paparazzi, did photo shoots, and gave interviews and comments to the media.

Success among the public was also accompanied by Nastya’s spectacular model appearance, her certain similarity with the American model and TV presenter, with whom they are, moreover, almost the same age. The media began to write about Nastya as the “Russian Gigi Hadid.” Although it cannot be ruled out that it is just an element of targeted PR to increase interest in the person.

After graduating from school, Nastya became a student at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

From the age of 18 she began to actively promote herself in show business, primarily as a singer. In her songs, the girl professes pop and R’n’B styles, and sometimes raps. She herself stated that she would like to work with such a famous rapper as (husband) - but even dad’s money may not be enough for billionaire West.

With the help of her father, she recorded compositions and filmed video clips in which famous Russian actors were involved.

So, in her video for the song “Fantik” the star of the TV series “Molodezhka” appeared. And, for example, in the video for the song “Attention” the star of “Jumble” and the TV series “Kadetstvo” played.

Nastya Kudri - Bad Boy

It was Alexey Vorobyov who became the director of another video for Nastya Kudri - for the song “Tell”. We worked on recording the video in the USA, in Los Angeles.

Nastya Kudri - Tell me

In the spring of 2017, she recorded a video for the song “We Will Be Hot” in a duet with her. The video caused a strong reaction on the Internet due to its explicit footage and provocatively sexual scenes.

Olga Buzova and Nastya Kudri - We will be hot

Nastya Curly's height: 177 centimeters.

Personal life of Nastya Kudri:

I met with Yuri Osipov, the son of the ex-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

There were rumors about Nastya's romance with the singer and actor, especially after their time together in America. But perhaps there was only a business relationship between them, although in some joint photographs they gave rise to conversations about relationships that went beyond creativity.

Since the end of 2016, Nastya began dating Sergei Sarkisov, the son of the owner of the Reso company. They have known each other for a long time, their first meeting took place when Nastya was very young with a mutual friend Yuri Kiselev (son of the famous producer and businessman Vladimir Kiselev). At the end of 2017, the couple separated.

Road accident and amputation of Nastya Kudri’s fingers:

Summer 2018. This was the result of an accident in which she got into Nice. Nastya Kudri was driving along a serpentine road when a car unexpectedly drove out to meet her, she got scared and turned the steering wheel to the right. Kudry's car went down the cliff, flying about 18 meters. Nastya woke up already in the hospital. The fingers on his hand were crushed and the doctors had no choice but to amputate them.

“I understand that my incident did not deprive me of my legal capacity... Of course, I can’t play Rachmaninov on the piano now, but my fingers are quite enough for my songs,” commented Nastya.

Beauty secrets from Nastya Curls:

Nastya Kudri is known for her slim figure, but she does not diet. True, the girl goes in for sports and dancing to maintain a model look, develop plasticity and grace. “For those interested, I eat whatever I want and don’t limit myself to anything. I love sweets and flour, but at the same time I live actively, I move a lot, I go to the gym and dance,” she shared.

About, what cosmetics does Nastya Curly like?, she said: “I usually use Dior or Bobbi Brown foundation, eyebrow pencil, MAC blush and eye shadow, Dior or Yves Saint Laurent mascara.”

The girl is passionate about fashion Nastya Curly's preferences in clothing the following: “In general, I follow fashion trends and often attend shows. I really like clothes from the collections of Saint Laurent Paris, Stella Maccartney, Balmain and Top Shop. I also support domestic designers; the ones closest to me are the creations of the super fashionable brand Walk of Shame.”

Most of all, Nastya adores such an item of clothing as shoes, she said: “Shoes are my passion. I love Gianvito Rossi, Christian Louboutin, Stuart Weitzman heels. And I prefer to wear low-top shoes from the collections of Givenchy and Saint Laurent Paris.”

During the celebration, guests took pictures with vodka bottles and smoked cigars

The doors of the capital's La Barge restaurant were closed last Saturday even to the most loyal visitors of the water establishment. However, the two-meter guards still had to part at the entrance to the ship at least 120 times. That’s exactly how many guests that evening had coveted invitations to the party on the occasion of the 18th birthday of the daughter of a permanent resident of the Forbes list, Igor Kudryashkin, singer Nastya Kudri.

The table setting, a significant area of ​​which was occupied by strong drinks, and the amount of smoke above them were more likely associated with the 30th anniversary of another socialite, rather than a festive party for teenagers. The event ceased to be official after the first glasses of forty-degree liquid soared into the air. The main ringleader at the festival was the son of 53-year-old Russian artist Boris Krasnov, Daniil - cruising past the tables with a glass and a cigar, the 19-year-old young man constantly made toasts in honor of the hostess of the evening.

When the mood was finally raised, the hero of the occasion changed her snow-white evening dress to a comfortable stage costume in order to perform several of her songs to her friends and present a new video for a duet with rapper Kravets. After her performance, Anastasia’s boyfriend, the son of ex-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Osipov, Yuri, also appeared on stage. Among the guests of the noisy party were also seen the daughter of the general director of Transaero airline Olga Pleshakova, Natasha, and the eldest son of the singer Jasmine, Mikhail. During the rest of the holiday, the excited teenagers were entertained by the singer Creed and the group “Zveri”, and the actor Pavel Priluchny acted as the compere for the evening.

By the way, the scale of the funds spent on the party is also impressive - 1,899,360 rubles was just one bill for a banquet in a restaurant. For a large group of yesterday's schoolchildren, 25 bottles of champagne, 23 bottles of vodka and the same number of bottles of whiskey, as well as 50 bottles of red and white wine were ordered. The bill for just one hookah, of which there are 30 in the holiday estimate, is 120 thousand rubles and does not include generous tips. The main amount went to pay for the performances of the artists and the decoration of the celebration. The final price for celebrating the 18th birthday of my beloved daughter was more than 9 million rubles.