What do Turks think about Russian girls? Turks about Russia and Russians (24 photos)

Unfortunately, no person is immune from disease. Information that appeared at the beginning of this year about the terrible disease of the famous Russian singer Zhanna Friske shocked literally everyone: doctors diagnosed the ex-soloist of “Brilliant” with a malignant tumor. And until the star’s husband did official confirmation Because of this, many RuNet users simply refused to believe that Zhanna Friske had brain cancer.

I'm very glad that great amount Russians did not remain indifferent to the singer’s illness.

At present, we can confidently say that the events that unfolded immediately after this sad news were confirmed. Everyone wanted to support the pop star and her family morally and financially.

How dangerous is glioblastoma?

Medical experts did not deny that Zhanna Friske has brain cancer. The singer was diagnosed with glioblastoma. This pathology refers to primary brain tumors. The specifics of treatment depend on which areas are affected by the disease. If the tumor arose in close proximity from the cerebral cortex and the disease can affect the centers responsible for movement and speech, then symptoms appear immediately. In this case, the patient often loses consciousness, his B similar cases a person usually immediately runs to a doctor; in most cases, the pathology can be stopped at the initial stage, and treatment here can be considered an effective measure.

However, if a malignant tumor is located in the deep structures of the cerebral hemispheres, then visual diagnosis is often very difficult.

It should be emphasized that Zhanna Friske has stage 4 brain cancer.

If we talk about primary glioblastoma, then, as a rule, it is not accompanied by metastases. So said one of the neurosurgery doctors

Many are still interested in the question of why Zhanna Friske developed brain cancer in the first place. Experts gave comments on this matter as well.


So, for what reasons could Zhanna Friske get cancer? Doctors' predictions regarding the sources of the disease boil down to the following: some claim that the singer developed as a result of the fact that the star Russian stage spent a lot of time working in Mexico, and later moved to Miami. Everyone knows that in the USA and “the homeland of tequila” there is a bright and burning sun, which could negatively affect the singer’s body.

One of the neurosurgery specialists, Andrei Grin, informed that in medical practice, patients who have undergone surgery to remove a malignant tumor quite often experience a relapse after they go on vacation to warm countries.

Other experts argue that Zhanna Friske’s glioblastoma appeared due to the fact that the former lead singer of “Brilliant” abused the use of anti-aging procedures, the purpose of which was to produce stem cells in the spinal canal. Naturally, this increased the risk of malignant tumors, which usually occur in several places at once.

Zhanna Friske probably could have foreseen it after all. There are cases when the disease does not cause any harm to a person at all, and sometimes simply “dead-end” situations arise when the doctor is unable to help his patient, and then there is only one thing left - to transform the pathology into some kind of remission in order to extend his days at least a little . This is what one of the neurosurgery specialists, Dmitry Okishev, said.

The singer did not immediately turn to doctors

According to the pop diva's relatives, she did not immediately seek medical help. In the middle of last year, her headaches became more frequent, she constantly felt drowsy and repeatedly lost consciousness. Only after these alarming symptoms did Zhanna Friske begin to show concern about her own health. She turned to doctors, who diagnosed her with a terrible illness. At the same time, American experts were sure that the singer would not live even two months. Naturally, they did not tell close relatives about this. However, their expectations were subsequently not confirmed.

Difficult choice of clinic

For Zhanna's relatives, choosing a clinic for treatment was not easy. They took her to Germany, the USA, and also to famous cancer centers in our country. Ultimately, it was decided to treat the singer in New York.

The singer's current health status

Zhanna Friske’s diagnosis shocked not only her family and friends, but also the entire Russian public. The singer’s colleagues “in the shop” tried their best to help her, and even took part in an event to collect Money who were required for treatment abroad. The fact is that it was impossible to delay with him, because Zhanna’s vision suddenly deteriorated, and she herself suddenly lost weight. It was decided to carry out treatment in the USA. Almost immediately, the singer was prescribed a course of chemotherapy, which certainly had a positive effect on her health. pop star. However, it is still very premature to talk about Zhanna Friske’s complete healing. After using medications, swelling appeared on the singer’s body, and it is very difficult to recognize the old Zhanna in her.

Positive dynamics

Today, the singer’s condition has stabilized, her health has improved somewhat, and she is seriously considering the issue of a further treatment strategy. The singer no longer intends to undergo chemotherapy.

American media reported that the Russian pop diva decided to be treated with an experimental nanovaccine in one of medical centers, located in Los Angeles.

Since the girl sees poorly, she is forced to wear dark glasses. The reason for the deterioration of the singer’s vision is obvious: Zhanna Friske has brain cancer. A malignant tumor certainly affects optic nerve. As soon as doctors manage to reduce the affected area, vision will be restored, experts report.

It should be emphasized that doctors have already made some progress in this direction. There is a possibility that it is possible to completely “overcome” cancer.

Zhanna Friske's family is next to her

Today, next to the singer are the people dearest to her: mother - Olga Vladimirovna, husband - Dmitry Shepelev, son Platon and friend musical group“Brilliant” - They all provide every possible support to the singer.

The singer’s father, Vladimir Borisovich, also informed the Russian printed publications that his daughter refused chemotherapy procedures. As for the new drug, which is specifically designed to combat glioblastoma, only its name is known - ICT-107 and the fact that the vaccine was recently successfully tested in medical laboratories in Los Angeles.

Opinion of Russian experts

Russian doctors do not believe that it was necessary to send the singer “abroad” for treatment, since similar vaccines were created by Russian scientists.

When the public was actively discussing what happened to the singer, the capital’s oncologists expressed disapproval that Zhanna Friske chose to be treated by their foreign colleagues, reproaching her for lack of patriotism. As the chief oncologist of the Russian capital said, in our country there is better treatment, and it is also completely free.

In addition to this, experts recognized that the developed drugs belong to the experimental category, therefore they are not always used and are not always effective.

For months now I’ve been watching how the media keeps chewing on the opinion of Zhanna Friske’s father that the cause of his daughter’s cancer was the IVF treatment she underwent. I understand and share Vladimir Borisovich’s grief; I think that there cannot be a greater misfortune in a person’s life than burying one’s child. It is also natural and understandable to want to find those responsible for what happened - purely psychologically, it is easier to experience misfortune by transforming your grief into anger directed at certain “culprits of the misfortune.” And yet, understanding all this, it is unpleasant every time to open the daily press review and read something like “the cause of Friske’s death is IVF”... However, understanding the complexity of the situation, I did my best to refrain from public comments on this topic. And this despite the fact that he repeatedly provided data various studies, which clearly indicate that hormonal stimulation of superovulation carried out during IVF cannot cause cancer. And now I’ve finally come across more or less objective material on the topic, and I bring it to your attention.

In medical circles, they are discussing in “hushed whispers” that Zhanna Friske’s oncology could have been triggered by the in vitro fertilization procedure that the singer resorted to to give birth to her son Plato. We talked to a specialist and found out whether IVF can really provoke the development of cancer?

The discussion on this topic has been going on for a long time. The singer was diagnosed with a rare and very dangerous tumor, glioblastoma, shortly after giving birth. Konstantin Khabensky’s wife Anastasia, who tragically passed away at the age of 35, also had brain cancer, and she also resorted to IVF, and she was also diagnosed only after giving birth. But, according to doctors, in both cases the tumors were there even before pregnancy, but no one knew about them. In the course of research that has been conducted for almost four decades (the first test tube baby was born in 1978), doctors and scientists have not found concrete evidence of a direct relationship between IVF and cancer.

According to some reports, women who have undergone IVF in the past are more often diagnosed with hormone-dependent tumors after a few years (brain cancer is not one of them), but this statistics is not very indicative. For example, as shown multi-year study Australian scientists, hormone-dependent cancer was diagnosed in 15 women out of 10,000 who underwent IVF, and in 11 and 10,000 women who did not resort to it (the difference is within the statistical error - note by Sergei Lebedev). Today, doctors advise not to panic, but not to relax either, because many of the women who are unable to get pregnant naturally and decide on in vitro fertilization may initially have health problems that make them predisposed to both infertility and cancer. Therefore, a full examination before the procedure is mandatory. Before each IVF, it is recommended to take tests for tumor markers. Any pregnancy is a big burden on the body, and with IVF this load increases many times over, and diseases, including hidden ones, can worsen.


In vitro fertilization cannot initiate or provoke the onset of cancer during pregnancy. But IVF can stimulate the progress of a tumor already present in the body. In addition, do not forget that any pregnancy - natural or with the help of IVF - causes a strong change in hormonal levels; patients who are undergoing treatment for infertility, as well as those who have undergone IVF, in order to reduce the likelihood of miscarriage, in addition to this, receive large doses of the female hormone estrogen. And some cancers (for example, breast cancer, endometrial cancer) are hormone dependent.

This is, in fact, what any self-respecting and knowledgeable specialist should have said. IVF could not be the cause of the singer’s disease; Apparently she was already suffering from glioblastoma at the time of her IVF procedure. And here another question arises: did Zhanna know about this? And if she knew, what decision would she make? Was this a case of an undiagnosed disease or could it have been a conscious decision by the singer to leave life behind, albeit at the cost of several years of her life? But this is all in the realm of speculation, and we will never know the answer.

And I am writing about this solely for one purpose. Whether we like it or not, what happens to famous people, consciously or subconsciously, greatly influences our attitude to the problem that this famous person faced, as if everything had happened to a person close to you. Therefore in in this case It is very important that those women who are now deciding whether to do IVF or not should objectively and correctly assess the risks, using not the idle gossip of journalists, but the opinion of professionals.

40-year-old singer Zhanna Friske died on June 15 after a long struggle with a serious diagnosis, which she was given in mid-2013. The sad news was confirmed by the singer’s father, Vladimir Borisovich Friske.

The man refused to provide details of what happened - now the entire family of the artist is in shock from the terrible news.

Zhanna Friske’s sister said that the singer died in Moscow.

Zhanna died at home. It just happened... - said Natalya Friske, who also refrained from detailing the sad news.

The most close girlfriend Jeanne singer Olga Orlova, unable to find the strength to speak, wrote to social network Facebook:

“Farewell, my beauty.... You will forever remain in my heart.... Watch over me from above.... I love you very much...”

The whole country has been watching the story of Zhanna Friske over the past two years, worrying about the singer, who was diagnosed with brain cancer. Jeanne's loved ones desperately fought for her life, taking her to the best clinics in the world. Over the past year, doctors from Germany, America, and China helped Friske cope with her illness.

After a long course of treatment at Memorial Sloan Catering Hospital in New York, Zhanna went for a three-month rehabilitation to Latvia, where she celebrated her 40th birthday surrounded by loved ones, and then finally returned to Russia.

Experiencing remission (temporary improvement during the period of cancer. - Ed.) Friske in recent months lived in Moscow in country house together with her husband Dmitry Shepelev and little son Platon. The singer continued to be under the supervision of doctors - at latest pictures Zhanna can see that it was difficult for her to move.

IN last interview given before the New Year, Zhanna admitted that she was happy to celebrate the holiday with her family and was full of strength to defeat the terrible disease. But the miracle did not happen. The best luminaries of medicine were powerless in the face of a serious diagnosis.

According to the singer’s friends, Zhanna Friske will be buried in Moscow.

Russian show business mourns the death of Zhanna Friske

The stars express their condolences over the death of the singer

On June 15, 2015, after a year and a half of struggle with a serious diagnosis - an inoperable brain tumor, singer Zhanna Friske died at the age of 41 at home in Moscow. The performer's closest relatives - father Vladimir Borisovich and sister Natalya - were the first to confirm the sad news. Zhanna's colleagues on stage, despite late night, when it became known about the tragedy, they expressed condolences to the singer’s family, her son and lover Dmitry Shepelev.

Zhanna, may you rest in peace. Dear family, please accept sincere condolences. Zhanna, goodbye.

Natalya Chistyakova-Ionova (Glucose)

Tears in hail. Our beloved, strong and real. I can't believe it all ended like this...

You will forever remain in our hearts, Zhanna. Rest in peace.

Viola Syutkin

Talented, kind, beautiful, young and very strong. Zhanna, your smile will remain with us.

Zhanna! It hurts so much that I can’t find words! I believed... I hoped so much... I so wanted you to live as long as possible with your son next to you... Rest in peace! We remember! And we always will...

Blessed memory... Zhanna...

Social networks responded with grief to the death of Zhanna Friske

Of course, life ends. But this one ended too soon. She was kind, sincere and strong. Lord, how I feel sorry for you, Zhanna. I'm sure you'll be happier there. And you will continue to sing. Have a safe trip,” wrote composer and producer Max Fadeev.

On his Instagram page, singer Philip Kirkorov did not hide his emotions:

Farewell, beloved Zhanna... Farewell, friend... A true friend... I'm crying... It's impossible to believe... This is cruel... - he wrote

Didn't stand aside former soloists group "Brilliant", with whom Zhanna performed on the same stage.

Farewell, my girl... Sleep well... You will forever remain in my heart... - Olga Orlova wrote on Instagram.

I know for sure that very soon you will return to us as a little bird, an affectionate puppy or a blue-eyed baby... Your soul will always be with us... I know how much you liked to smile, and how much you would not want everyone to be sad.. “I appreciated and loved you immensely... We all loved you... Fly away, our dear Zhannochka,” Yulia Kovalchuk said goodbye to Friske.

And the Ukrainian actress and member of the group “ VIA Gra"Vera Brezhneva wrote only two words - Zhanna Friske and put two emoji pictures - hands folded in prayer and a sad emoticon.

Let us remind you that information about the death of Zhanna Friske appeared on the night of Monday to Tuesday. For a year and a half, the singer struggled with a terrible disease, but still failed to defeat brain cancer. Information about the death of the performer was confirmed by the relatives of Jeanne herself.

Fans of the work of the wonderful singer and actress Zhanna Friske were shocked by the terrible news in January 2014. Doctors discovered she had brain cancer. In June 2015, the artist passed away.

It all started with an ordinary headache that began to overcome the show business star in mid-2013, shortly after she gave birth to her son Plato.

Zhanna did not pay attention to this “trifle” for a long time. I thought that maybe it was some kind of postpartum syndrome. The pain was relieved with pills. But my head started to hurt more and more. And her mother began to notice something was wrong: her daughter was increasingly tightly curtaining the windows and sleeping around the clock. Such a long and sound sleep could no longer be explained by fatigue alone. Then Zhanna’s legs began to literally give way. And one day she lost consciousness in broad daylight while she was shopping.

Zhanna was taken to the hospital. They took tests and made a diagnosis: . Moreover, it is inoperable. The doctors admitted that they did not want to tell the truth to the relatives, because, according to their forecasts, Zhanna was supposed to die in the first month.

The singer herself, having heard the terrible diagnosis, accepted it with her characteristic fortitude. Until the end, Friske tried not to upset her parents with the unpleasant news of her illness.

Zhanna in general strong man, - said her father Vladimir Borisovich. - That's why she didn't tell anyone. I didn't want to upset you. She is very strong and will never say that she is sick. That's the kind of person she is.

And soon the following appeared on the artist’s website: “The fact that for many months remained exclusively the matter of our family, unfortunately, a few days ago became public domain. At the same time, we want to stop any speculation and believe that fans and people who care about Zhanna have the right to know the truth Our family has had the privilege of ordeal. Zhanna has cancer. We continue to fight for it and never stop believing for a minute. We appeal to everyone with the only request to support us kind words and prayer."

On the same day, all people who were not indifferent to the fate of the actress gathered in the Channel One program “Let Them Talk.” Zhanna’s friend, singer Olga Orlova assured viewers:

Zhanna is a fighter, very strong. All efforts are now aimed at ensuring that Zhanna overcomes the disease. It’s difficult to say where Zhanna got this illness... It’s some kind of plague of our time. It is necessary to check your health, of course, in order to notice this disease in time.

Another friend of Zhanna, stylist and TV presenter Vlad Lisovets, who has known her for more than 17 years, supported her colleague:

It is difficult to say where this disease came from. Zhanna always took great care of her health - she did yoga and followed detox diets on vacation. I don’t know, maybe the Lord sends such tests to his beloved children. And I am sure that Zhanna will cope with this test, because she is very strong.


Doctors tried to understand the causes of the star’s serious illness.

Zhanna Friske was diagnosed with glioblastoma, explained Candidate of Medical Sciences, neurosurgeon Igor Borshchenko. - This is the most common primary brain tumor. Signs depend on which areas are affected. If the formation occurs closer to the cerebral cortex and affects the centers responsible for speech or movement, then symptoms appear almost immediately. This may include fainting, sudden disturbances in speech or coordination of movements. In such situations, people, as a rule, quickly turn to doctors for help, and the disease can be detected at an early stage - its presence is shown by MRI of the brain. And then it is possible to prescribe treatment on time. But if the tumor is located in the deep structures of the brain, it can grow without acute symptoms. Often, a sign of a tumor can be olfactory hallucinations, for example, a person seems to smell like garbage everywhere, or familiar foods change their taste and smell.

Chronic headaches that are almost not relieved by analgesics, nausea and vomiting in the morning should always be on your guard.
It is impossible to say what exactly could trigger the development of brain cancer. There is discussion on the Internet that this could be due to Zhanna’s pregnancy and taking some hormonal medications. I can say that there is no reliable data on the connection between glioblastoma and hormones; it is not a hormone-dependent tumor. According to statistics, this type of cancer affects both men and women equally.

We can say something else - primary glioblastoma practically does not metastasize. This can give you hope. And is amenable to surgical and radiation treatment. There are cases where people recovered completely from such a tumor. The main thing is not to let the disease take its course, do not despair and listen to doctors, and not “well-wishers.”

A different opinion was expressed by oncologist of branch No. 1 of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “City Clinic No. 68 of the Moscow Health Department”, candidate of medical sciences, head of the oncology department Ekaterina Prikhodko:

Glioblastoma of the fourth degree is one of the most dangerous fast-growing tumors in the body, with active invasion into surrounding brain tissue. According to the US Central Brain Tumor Registry, the 1-2 year survival rate for patients over 60 years of age ranges from 13 to 2 percent. It is more common between the ages of 50 and 70 and more common in men. To date, the cause of this disease has not been established. There is no convincing data on the harmful effects of magnetic fields - phones, smartphones, household appliances. A possible cause may be genetic predisposition.

Modern diagnostic methods allow the detection of a disease in the presence of appropriate symptoms, even in its initial stages. Using computed tomography of the brain, MRI of the brain with contrast, SPEKT and PET examinations. But, unfortunately, the absence of early symptoms of tumor development does not allow timely diagnosis of glioblastoma.
And the effectiveness of treatment depends on various factors: the location of the tumor in the brain; high resistance to conventional therapy; anatomical and physiological characteristics of the brain (reduced regeneration of brain tissue); tumor penetration into surrounding tissues; reducing tumor blood circulation, preventing the delivery of chemotherapy drugs to the tumor site; large quantity side effects from the therapy.

At different stages of glioblastoma, all stages of treatment used in oncology are carried out: neurosurgical - surgical removal of the tumor; combined - radiation therapy with the use of chemotherapy drugs; maintenance chemotherapy.

Since this is one of the most dangerous and unpredictable tumors in oncology, doctors establish average duration the life of such patients is about a year. However, each clinical case has its own individual treatment program, the result of which depends on the condition of the patient’s body, the tumor’s response to treatment and the doctor’s experience. After all, each patient reacts differently to the same treatment.

But why the tumor could have arisen is a mystery. But it is known for sure that pregnancy cannot be considered a risk factor for glioblastoma.

Treatment of a patient diagnosed with glioblastoma in Russia is carried out according to government programs for free. Neurosurgical School of Russia represented by the Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after. N.N. Burdenko is one of the most recognized and respected in the whole world. All patients in Russia receive step-by-step, adequate treatment that meets all international standards. The work of Russian doctors is no different from the work of American doctors. The fact is that currently oncology has gone beyond the borders of any countries, states, or continents. Today, this is a global community of doctors who think alike and have the same approaches to diagnosing and treating such patients. In a professional case, there is no difference - America or Russia. This is the patient's choice.

Another doctor shared his concerns - obstetrician-gynecologist Semyon Tsinker, who delivered the birth of a star patient:

The last time Zhanna came to me for a routine postpartum examination was about six months ago (the book was published in 2014 - editor's note). At that time I did not see anything in her appearance that could indicate illness. She was happy. The boy was born large, everything was fine. The artist did not say anything to me, the doctor who delivered her, about the existing tumor. Of course, it cannot be denied that the disease developed over short term.


Since January 2014, Friske underwent treatment at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. And already there Zhanna’s terrible attacks became more frequent. According to relatives, the unfortunate woman seemed to be twisted and broken all over, her body was bent in pain so that her spine could break. And after the attack came hours of unconsciousness. In March, it became known that the singer had practically lost her sight due to a brain tumor. “We were told that glasses won’t help now, because the tumor is putting pressure on the brain,” the singer’s father told reporters. “Once the swelling decreases after drug treatment, vision will be restored.”
And the singer’s son Platon lived in Moscow for some time after his mother left for America with his grandmother and Zhanna’s sister Natasha.

We always tried to show Platon Zhannochka: all the photographs were on TV,” Natasha recalled. “So he didn’t feel like mom wasn’t around.” Zhannochka called herself. We talked to her almost every day.

Channel One held a fundraiser for the singer’s treatment. There were so many sympathizers with Zhanna that in a short time, literally in two weeks, about 70 million rubles were collected. Therefore, all the clinic’s bills were paid, funds were reserved to continue treatment, and the remainder of the funds collected went to the treatment of children with cancer on the waiting list. The singer was supported by all her colleagues, and even the famous Sharon Osbourne, wife of Ozzy Osbourne, who also suffered the horrors of cancer, but recovered (about her in this book too. - Ed.). At the end of January, the singer’s producer Andrei Shlykov said that doctors give positive prognoses of recovery.

And soon Zhanna Friske herself addressed her fans with words of gratitude on the Rusfond website: “Thank you! It was impossible to imagine that in such a difficult moment for me and my family, hundreds of thousands of people would respond and support me with words, prayers and money. I thank you all for your attention and care. It gives me strength. Thank you for your humanity. For the fact that there are so many sympathetic, merciful, caring people in Russia. Health. Peace of mind. Hopes. God bless you".

In April, Platon, along with his dad Dmitry Shepelev, was already with his mother. “The grandson really missed Zhanna, in Moscow he looked at her photographs and stroked them,” said Zhanna’s father, Vladimir Borisovich. – Plato is growing by leaps and bounds. He has become so strong! He already has four teeth and bites.”

And in May, when Zhanna began to feel better, Dmitry Shepelev told how his family survived this difficult year in the fight against cancer. “Zhannochka definitely feels better than six months ago. And for us this, of course, is a great joy. We live one day at a time and don’t think about what we will do in two years, where we will go on vacation next summer. We realized that it is important to enjoy what we have here and now. Because there may not be tomorrow. And this applies to any person. The fact that Zhanna is better means that for the first time this year our family can be together. There is no need to fly somewhere, move or take any drastic actions in order to save a person. This gives us the opportunity to finally have everything free time dedicate to each other. I can hug both Zhanna and my son at the same time. It's the most important".

Zhanna and Plato literally learned to walk together,” recalled sister Natasha. - And in the end she got back on her feet, began to walk much more, she became much more better voice. Otherwise, when we called her before, she had a barely audible, sleepy voice. And then she started asking me so cheerfully: Sis, hello, what can I bring you? I say, bring yourself healthy, I don’t need to bring anything.

Test results have already shown improvements in the celebrity’s condition. In the early summer of 2014, after a long course of chemotherapy, doctors decided to complete the singer’s course of treatment. And Zhanna went with her family for rehabilitation to the Baltic states. At the time of writing (September 9, 2014), Zhanna was recovering her health on the Riga seaside in Jurmala (Latvia), where she celebrated her 40th birthday.

According to the attending doctors, the artist was able to cope with household chores and raising her one and a half year old son. The singer performed rehabilitation exercises every day and followed a strict diet.

However, as Zhanna’s friend Olga Orlova reported, despite significant improvements in her health, Zhanna was forced to sit within four walls almost without leaving. The fact is that Russian star The pop star didn’t want to get caught in the frame of yet another curious paparazzi, and certainly wasn’t ready to give any comments or interviews. And journalists stood by her house for days, wanting to get a picture of the recovered star.

Dmitry Shepelev after his experience last year I thought about writing a book. After all, he really has something to talk about and what to advise people who are faced with a similar situation: “About how not to lose faith in yourself and in those around you. And about the fact that you need to love every day - it doesn’t matter whether it’s black or already light.”


Anna Semenovich, back in January 2014, when Zhanna’s future was unknown, dedicated her to her friend touching words, which can help other people trying to cope with an insidious illness:

Remember once and for all: That there is only one life! She's yours! You don’t need to listen to anyone... They don’t know anything: your emotions and suffering, your grievances, love, farewells. They don’t know what’s in your soul, in your heart, they don’t know how to warm you up. Who is needed, dear, who is loved. Who you desperately need. They don’t know your words, they don’t see the pain. And never be in your role! And you alone have the right to decide, take, see, talk, call, scream, suffer and wait, and hate and miss, and hold your hand tightly. Look into the eyes and hug, laugh, cry and dream! And not to be afraid and to love, Only then will you understand what it means to Live!


Zhanna Friske passed away...

Column by columnist Boris Voitsekhovsky

That's all. No more talking. Now all these arguments seem incredibly stupid and pathetic. Remember? Surely you remember how they heard from everywhere: they say, lies, deception, deception. And then Zhanna Friske died. At home. In Moscow. At the 41st year of life. Honestly.

It’s an amazing thing: an ordinary pop singer about two years ago suddenly became an indicator of the humanity of the entire country. All that was needed was to get seriously ill. The news feeds are full of cancer. The gossip columns gasped: but she just gave birth, what is this! Channel One immediately launched a campaign to raise funds for treatment and collected a fantastic amount in a matter of days. That's where it started. Where did all these questions come from? Is he really sick? Why does she have to collect money - and so, I suppose, she’s rich? Or maybe it’s not for her at all?

And it was disgusting, if we call everything by its proper name. And disgusting. And I feel terribly sorry for Zhanna’s husband, TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, who in his blog confirms, thanks, as if making excuses... ()

The editors of the newspaper "Evening Moscow" expresses condolences to the family and friends of Zhanna Friske.

      • Chronicle of events

        Materials on the topic: 174

        Zhanna Friske died

        After long illness died famous singer, actress and TV presenter Zhanna Vladimirovna Friske. In a month, the artist would have turned 41 years old. The singer and her husband, TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, have a son, Platon.

        • The father of singer Zhanna Friske illegally re-registered the Range Rover car, which belonged to deceased daughter, to his son-in-law. These are the first conclusions of the police from the Department of Internal Affairs in the Western Degunino district - on March 6, the police department received a statement from showman Dmitry Shepelev, who learned about manipulations with Zhanna’s expensive SUV.

          Stanislav Yuriev
        • New scandal flared up between the father of the deceased artist Zhanna Friske and her widower, TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev. The latter wrote a statement to the police that his ex-father-in-law was trying to sell the singer’s car.

          Moscow bailiffs have denied information about a ban on TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev traveling abroad.

          Stanislav Yuriev
        • Zhanna Friske's common-law husband, father of her only son, Dmitry Shepelev, remained silent for a long time. After the death of his wife, he practically did not give interviews, did not communicate with journalists, and did not even attend the wake. However, a year later he appeared before the public to promote his book of memoirs about Jeanne. The presentation turned out to be scandalous - Shepelev said that Friske’s parents allegedly did not want to see their grandson Plato.

          The parents of singer Zhanna Friske received the right to see their grandson - on Thursday, the Savelovsky Court of Moscow partially satisfied their claim against the common-law husband of the late artist, Dmitry Shepelev.

          The Savelovsky District Court of Moscow postponed until October 6 the hearing on the claim of the parents and sister of the singer Zhanna Friske against her common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev to determine the procedure for communicating with the child, an MK correspondent reports from the courtroom.

          Just over a week has passed since the anniversary of the death of singer Zhanna Friske, as it became known about the death of one of her dogs.

          Exactly a year has passed since the death of the beloved singer and actress Zhanna Friske. The Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery, where the artist was buried, was crowded that day from the very morning - friends, relatives and acquaintances came to remember Zhanna. However, it was not possible to see her common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev. Friske’s son, three-year-old Plato, was also missing. All this year the boy has been living with his father, who does not allow him to see his maternal grandparents.

          The singer died a year ago from brain cancer. Didn't save from terrible disease Zhanna neither the money raised literally by the whole world, nor the best of the best doctors.

          More and more details are emerging about the fate of 21 million rubles that disappeared from Zhanna Friske’s fund. At first they said that he managed the money common law husband Zhanna Dmitry Shepelev. And, supposedly, there are even documents confirming the transfer of funds to Shepelev’s accounts. Now documents have appeared that millions of millions were taken by her mother, Olga Vladimirovna, a few days before the singer’s death.

          Another scandal surrounding the name of Zhanna Friske - documents surfaced on the Internet according to which her mother allegedly managed all the money for the singer’s treatment. No one has verified the authenticity of these papers, but they have now been widely circulated in the press. Zhanna’s father, Vladimir Borisovich Friske: “They wrote so many things about us this year, and here is a new lie. Should I comment on it or not? I have already reported and made excuses so many times... And they write worse and worse. Do you really think we didn’t treat the child?!”

          Released documents indicating that the disappearance of 21 million rubles collected for the treatment of singer Zhanna Friske was the work of her mother caused a storm of emotions. It’s hard for people to believe that two weeks before her daughter’s death, while Zhanna was in a coma, her mother, 64-year-old Olga Kopylova, transferred more than 20 million rubles from the dying woman’s accounts into her name.

          In memory of her friend Zhanya Friska, who died of cancer, singer Olga Orlova recorded a video. Composer Maxim Fadeev helped her in this.

          The song for Zhanna Friske was written by Max Fadeev, fulfilling the promise he made to her personally during the singer’s lifetime. It was performed in memory of Zhanna by her closest friend Olga Orlova - godmother her son Plato, the most close person from theatrical environment, who remained with Zhanna until the last. Olga also became the author of the verses for the song; Fadeev wrote the chorus himself.

          The story of the disappearance of Rusfond money collected for the treatment of Zhanna Friske has taken a new turn. If in the morning it was reported that the singer’s father Vladimir Friske decided to sue the fund, which accused the family of missing funds, now it turned out that he intends to prove that the embezzlement was committed by Dmitry Shepelev, Zhanna’s common-law husband.

          The appearance of a certain Radik Gushchin, who identified himself as the father of Zhanna Friske’s son Platon, caused confusion in the scandal of the relatives of the deceased singer and presenter Dmitry Shepelev, who until now was considered the father of the boy. Now they want to force Shepelev to take a paternity test.

          The conflict between the family of Zhanna Friske, who died this summer, and the father of the singer’s son, presenter Dmitry Shepelev, is developing into a real showdown. Shepelev stated that he was attacked, and Plato was nearby at that moment.

          The scandal continues between the common-law husband of singer Zhanna Friske, who died of cancer, Dmitry Shepelev and her parents. Vladimir Borisovich made another loud statement to Father Friska. In an audio recording released to the media, he stated that he could even kill his would-be son-in-law.

          "MK" at the request of lawyer Alexander Karabanov publishes open letter Zhanna's parents to Dmitry Shepelev.
