Artemy Lebedev wrote an open letter to his “mountain brother.

Lebedev emphasized that if they bring a soldering iron to his “ass,” he will also bring “any apology to any camera.” “You are strong and daring, everyone is afraid of you. But just believe me - everyone who apologized to you did not actually apologize. And everyone who watched these apologies does not believe in them either,” the message says
RIA Novosti / Ilya Pitalev

In Chechnya criticized open letter"mountain brother" with condemnation received in Lately spreading the practice of forced public apologies to residents North Caucasus, published by designer Artemy Lebedev recently in Facebook.

The addressee's name was not mentioned in the text. In his message, Lebedev, addressing a certain “mountain brother,” noted that “we have known each other for several years,” but “only relatively recently did I begin to notice what you came up with new tradition- force people to apologize for any criticism, for a sidelong glance at you, for an inaccurate word about your sister."

The designer emphasized that if they bring a soldering iron to his “ass,” he will also make “any apology to any camera.” “You are strong and daring, everyone is afraid of you. But just believe me - everyone who apologized to you did not actually apologize. And everyone who watched these apologies does not believe in them either,” the message says.

“It may seem to you that if you are strong, then everyone respects you. No, dear. We have slightly different mentalities. In our culture, you need to win respect with completely different skills - deeds, soul, mind, wisdom,” Lebedev wrote. “All the neighbors in the communal apartment are afraid of a violent alcoholic, but no one respects him. Think about it, brother,” the letter ends.

Chechen Minister for external relations Dzhambulat Umarov said on the Dozhd TV channel that the designer’s letter is an attempt to promote the name of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov.

“To Artemy Lebedev, I will say the following in response to this appeal. Artemy is a dummy. I don’t know what kind of blogger he is. This is a person who, in his cheap post, immediately admits that he is a zero. He admits that he is a coward,” Umarov said. The designer “should not have accused all those who really realized their mistakes and really apologized of cowardice,” the minister believes.

“His leftist, so to speak, attempt to promote himself on the name of Ramzan Kadyrov is also zero,” Umarov said. “What are we going to talk about now about some clowns who are trying to show their rotten insides?” - asked a rhetorical question minister “Why are there provocations now, on the eve of the New Year?” - he added.

On Chechen television, from time to time, they show stories in which people publicly apologize for criticizing local authorities, including personally to Kadyrov. So, in March, the Grozny TV channel showed a story with an apology from a resident of Chechnya, Maret Zanzulaeva, for her speech at a gathering of villagers in the village of Davydenko (Shovdan-Yurt), during which she accused the security forces of beating people and several times compared one of the policemen to a bull.

In May 2016, a video was aired with an apology from Avar Ramazan Dzhalaldinov, a resident of the Chechen village of Kenkhi, to Kadyrov for criticizing him. Dzhalaldinov called the filmed video about corruption in the region a “mistake.” Last January, MP from Krasnoyarsk Konstantin Senchenko, who called Kadyrov “a disgrace to Russia,” also apologized for his rude post and took back his words.

Recently, a video in which RANEPA student Andrei Knyazev was hit several times and forced to apologize for comments about girls from the Caucasus caused a great stir. The day before it became known that his offenders were expelled from the university.

In turn, employees of the TNT channel recorded a collective video with an apology to the “great Ingush people"in connection with the number in the program Comedy Woman about an escort agency employee from Ingushetia. The head of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, then called the conflict with TNT settled, and the apology video was unnecessary.

Designer Artemy Lebedev published in his accounts in in social networks“An open letter to a mountain brother,” criticizing the unnamed but easily recognizable addressee for his habit of gaining respect for himself by threatening physical violence.

“We have known each other for several years, but only relatively recently I began to notice that you came up with a new tradition - to force people to apologize for any criticism, for a sidelong glance at you, for an inaccurate word about your sister. To be honest, if they bring a soldering iron to my ass - you don’t even have to connect it to the outlet - I will say any apology to any camera. And all my friends will do the same. You are strong and daring, everyone is afraid of you. But just believe me - everyone who apologized to you didn’t really apologize. And everyone who watched these apologies doesn’t believe in them either,” Lebedev wrote.

According to the designer, it may seem to the “mountain brother” that “if you are strong, then everyone respects you,” but Lebedev refutes this statement.

“No, dear. We have slightly different mentalities. In our culture, we need to win respect with completely different skills - deeds, soul, mind, wisdom. In your culture, wisdom is also highly valued, but for some reason only in old age. I’ll give you some advice: follow the example of your elders. They earned their respect without a soldering iron, like civilized people. I’ll give you this analogy, just don’t be offended. All the neighbors in the communal apartment are afraid of a violent alcoholic, but no one respects him. Think about it, brother,” Artemy concluded.

Since Lebedev has already long years is one of the most popular bloggers in Russia, the audience coverage of his blog on LiveJournal, Facebook page, and Telegram channel will give odds to many media outlets. In numerous comments, readers easily guessed who we're talking about, and expressed support for the designer, but doubted that the recipient of the open letter would listen to the advice.

Everything is correct. I just doubt that the sincerity of the apology is fundamentally important to these people. These are too high matters for such a contingent. It is important for them to demonstrate strength.

Courage 101%. The first who openly voiced what the whole country was thinking about. Respect.

Many people thought. Artemy said. Boldly.

Here the complaint is not against the mountain brother, he is so used to solving problems himself, but the complaint is against the brother in uniform. The brother in uniform turns a blind eye to everything. It seems that the threats are real way solve problems. Not a trial, not a dialogue. There are no consequences, and the result is faster than in court.

There were also quite a few jokes about the fact that Artemy Lebedev was in danger and would at least have to apologize for his words. “Artemy, we will miss you!” - users wrote.

Representatives of the peoples of the Caucasus also noted in the comments, who tried to explain to Lebedev the difference in cultures and mentalities. “In the culture of the “mountain brothers” it is customary to take responsibility for the words, especially jokingly imagining the women of the most chaste (without exaggeration) people in the North Caucasus (the Ingush) as prostitutes... If only they would watch the broom, they wouldn’t have to suddenly and frantically apologize... That’s the song,” - wrote Abaza Dau. This is apparently a recent case where . This comment was liked by 55 people.

Previously, “Reedus” talked about how, calling the blogger a “small-scale official,” and even accepted an invitation to have a debate with him.

Artemy Lebedev via Telegram appealed with an open letter to a certain “mountain brother”. The designer reproached the addressee for the habit of demanding an apology for criticism and statements and emphasized that no one had truly asked for forgiveness from this person. Lebedev also asked to follow the example of their ancestors and behave in a civilized manner.

An open letter to a mountain brother

Greetings, brother! Peace to your home!

I’ll write it here - it’s more convenient.

We have known each other for several years, but only relatively recently I began to notice that you came up with a new tradition - making people apologize for any criticism, for a sidelong glance at you, for an inaccurate word about your sister.

To be honest, if they bring a soldering iron to my ass - you don’t even have to connect it to the socket - I will say any apology to any camera. And all my friends will do the same.

You are strong and daring, everyone is afraid of you. But just believe me - everyone who apologized to you didn’t really apologize. And everyone who watched these apologies does not believe in them either. Such ***** [bullshit], brother.

You may think that if you are strong, then everyone respects you. No, dear. We have slightly different mentalities. In our culture, we need to win respect with completely different skills - deeds, soul, mind, wisdom.

In your culture, wisdom is also highly valued, but for some reason only in old age. I’ll give you some advice: follow the example of your elders. They earned their respect without a soldering iron, as civilized people.

I’ll give you this analogy, just don’t be offended. All the neighbors in the communal apartment are afraid of a violent alcoholic, but no one respects him. Think about it, brother.