Projective technique cactus m panfilova. To identify the level of aggressiveness, the graphic technique “Cactus” (M.A. Panfilova) was used


(Marina Pamfilova. Engagement. 2000. No. 5. P. 12-13)

Aggressiveness" href="/text/category/agressivnostmz/" rel="bookmark">aggressiveness, its direction.

We remind you that in diagnostics graphical techniques are used in combination with classical tests and basic methods of psychology (observation, experiment, etc.). Combining diagnostic techniques allows you to interest the subject, set him up for working together, get more general characteristics personality and note possible problems, confirm the results of other tests.

When conducting diagnostics, the test subject is given a sheet of white paper of standard A4 size and a simple pencil. It is possible to use pencils of eight “Lusher” colors; in this case, the corresponding indicators of the Luscher test are taken into account when interpreting.

Instructions.“On a sheet of white paper, draw a cactus the way you imagine it.”

Questions and additional explanations are not allowed. When processing the results, data characteristic of all graphic methods are taken into account: the spatial location and size of the drawing, the characteristics of the lines, the pressure of the pencil. In addition, indicators specific to this technique are taken into account: characteristics of the “image of a cactus” (wild, domestic, primitive, detailed, etc.), characteristics of needles (size, location, quantity).

The following qualities of the subjects may appear in the drawing:

Aggressiveness -

Impulsivity - abrupt lines, strong pressure.

Self-doubt, addiction - a small drawing located at the bottom of the sheet.

Stealth, caution - location zigzags along the contour or inside the cactus.

Optimism - usage bright colors(version with colored pencils), image of “joyful” cacti.

Anxiety - usage dark colors(version with colored pencils), predominance of internal shading with broken lines.

Femininity -

Extroversion -

Introversion - The picture shows one cactus.

Pursuit To home protection, sense of family community - the presence of a flower pot in the picture, an image of a houseplant.

Lack of aspiration To home protection, feeling of loneliness - wild, desert cacti.

Figure 2(boy 8 years old). Aggressively lonely cactus. The presence of aggressiveness, demonstrativeness, introversion, feelings of loneliness; lack of desire for home protection.

Figure 6 (girl 9 years old). Kind introverted cactus. The presence of a sense of family community, a desire for domestic protection, femininity, introversion, lack of aggression.

After completing the work, you can ask your child questions, the answers to which will help clarify the interpretation of the drawings:

1. Is this cactus domestic or wild?

2. Does this cactus prickle a lot? Can you touch it?

3. Does the cactus like to be looked after, watered, and fertilized?

4. Does the cactus grow alone or with some plant next door? If it grows with a neighbor, what kind of plant is it?

5. When the cactus grows, how will it change (needles, volume, shoots)?

Attention! When interpreting the completed drawings, the visual experience of the “artist” must be taken into account. The presence or absence of visual skills, the use of stereotypes, templates, age characteristics- all this significantly influences the diagnostic portrait of the individual.

Book by M. Pamfilova Game therapy of communication. Tests and correctional games" can be purchased at the bookstore of the publishing house "Gnome and D Moscow, p. 1. Telephone: (0Book by mail).

Aggressiveness - presence of needles. Strongly protruding, long, closely spaced needles reflect a high degree of aggressiveness.

Egocentrism, desire for leadership - large drawing located in the center of the sheet.

Demonstrativeness, openness - the presence of protruding shoots in the cactus, pretentious forms.

Femininity - the presence of decorations, colors, soft lines and shapes.

Extroversion - the presence of other cacti or flowers in the picture.

This material presents an analysis of the results psychological test, which you can follow the link:!

Initially, this method of personality diagnostics was proposed by M.A. Panfilova for children 3–7 years old. However, it would also be useful for adults to learn a little more about themselves. You can do this test with your child, friend, loved one.


Interpretation of adult drawings

General characteristics of the drawing:

1. Position of the drawing on a sheet of paper. The position of the cactus relative to the horizontal middle of the sheet indicates the level of self-esteem of the person drawing. Adequate self-esteem - the cactus is located approximately in the middle of the leaf. People with low self-esteem, prone to inferiority complexes, tend to draw at the bottom of the page. The drawings of those with high self-esteem tend to the top. If the cactus occupies more of the left half of the sheet, then this person most likely likes to focus on his past and indulges in memories. Future-oriented people are more likely to draw a cactus on the right half of the paper. Those who are focused on the present will depict a cactus approximately in the center.

2. Picture size can also tell about the level of self-esteem. If the cactus takes up less than ⅓ of the page, then this person may have a complex about himself. On the contrary, the cactus occupies more than ⅔ of the page for those who strive to stand out, to emphasize their superiority and leadership.

3. The nature of the lines. Clear, almost continuous line characteristic of people with a “steady hand” - confident, decisive. If you see shading on a cactus, then this person may be susceptible to anxiety and restlessness. About impulsiveness a fuzzy, broken line may indicate this.

4. Pressure force. Pay attention to the brightness of the lines with which the cactus is drawn. That is why it is better to carry out the test using a simple pencil. A thick, “pressure” line speaks of the tension that the drawer experiences. Notice which detail of the cactus is particularly highlighted? Weak lines are an indicator of low vitality, loss of strength, and fatigue.

Features of the cactus:

5. Needles, their number, shape and direction talk about the level of aggression. Large (in relation to the general proportions of the cactus), thick, long, poisonous, especially emphasized - such needles are more likely to be drawn by a person experiencing anger, aggression, or irritation. It can be expressed in his usual behavior, or it can be hidden as an unacceptable form of interaction. About direction You can recognize aggression by the direction in which the needles grow. The needles grow upward - aggression is directed towards people who are higher than the person in status (parents, bosses), social and financial status; to the sides – to peers, colleagues, “equals”; down - on the weaker, dependent, lower in the social hierarchy (subordinates, children, animals).

6. Cactus shape. Cactus unusual shape, “creative” means that a person is characterized by a certain demonstrativeness, a desire to express and show himself. If the shoots of the cactus protrude beyond the main “body”, then this person is quite open to other people and sociable. If additional the shoots are concentrated inside and do not protrude beyond the outline of the cactus - you are dealing with a rather reserved and cautious person.

7. Where does the cactus grow? A home cactus growing in a pot is usually painted by people seeking protection, gaining home warmth and comfort, family and close circle. If a cactus grows in the wild (in the desert), such people are characterized by the experience of loneliness, self-focus, and isolation. However, if next to a “wild” cactus there are other cacti, plants, and there are still living objects (animals, people), this may mean that a person strives to gain personal freedom, independence, and strives to become strong and independent.

8. Additional details cactus. Decorations, flowers, and the unusual coloring of the cactus appear in those who are prone to narcissism, femininity, and coquetry.

9. Colors and “mood” of a cactus show the current state of a person. Dark colors, fine shading, and a general downward tilt of the cactus (as if it is withering or lacking water) can signal dominance negative states, symptoms of depression. A joyful, bright, strong cactus reaching towards the sun will most likely be drawn by a positive, easy-going person, open to the world.

10. The presence of “babies” on the cactus. There is an opinion that “babies” on a cactus mean in fact children, either existing or planned in the future. Most often, “babies” are found on “domesticated” cacti, which already means a desire to create a family.

An example of interpretation of the “Cactus” drawing test

Drawing of a 20 year old girl:

The cactus is located in the middle of the leaf, occupying approximately ⅔ in height - this indicates adequate self-esteem.

The spines are small, but there are quite a lot of them. According to the girl, “you can touch it, the cactus is soft, but if it pricks, it will sting.” That is, the girl is friendly, but if they offend her, she will show aggression (she will defend herself).

The cactus is round, there are protruding shoots, the flower is feminine and demonstrativeness(pay attention to me!).

Home cactus (in a pot, on a napkin, on a windowsill, with a curtain nearby) - high value family relations. There is a sad cat nearby - in this case, this is the desire to have a cat that has not yet come true. However, there are no other living creatures in the picture - this may indicate some loneliness, unshared interests.

According to the girl, she had just such a cactus when she was 14 years old and she really liked it. And in the picture the cactus is slightly tilted to the left - into the past. Thus, that period in life is resourceful for her: a pleasant memory, from which you can draw strength.

The dominant color in the drawing is blue (although there were 24 pencils in the set) - this is a calm and satisfied current state.

“The cactus will not grow anymore, it is already an adult” - a feeling of being an adult, mature personality. “He will just start to have shoots” - this could be the implementation of plans, ideas, or the desire to have children.

Interpretation of children's drawings

When processing the results, data corresponding to all graphical methods is taken into account, namely:
spatial position
picture size
line characteristics
pencil pressure

In addition, specific indicators specific to this methodology are taken into account:
characteristics of the “cactus image” (wild, domestic, feminine, etc.)
characteristics of the drawing style (drawn, schematic, etc.)
characteristics of needles (size, location, quantity)

Based on the results of the processed data from the drawing, it is possible to diagnose the personality traits of the child being tested:

Aggressiveness – the presence of needles, especially a large number of them. Strongly protruding, long, closely spaced needles reflect a high degree of aggressiveness.

Impulsiveness – abrupt lines, strong pressure.

Egocentrism, desire for leadership - a large drawing located in the center of the sheet.

Self-doubt, dependence - a small drawing located at the bottom of the sheet.

Demonstrativeness, openness - the presence of protruding processes in the cactus, pretentious forms.

Stealth, caution - arrangement of zigzags along the contour or inside the cactus.

Optimism – the image of “joyful” cacti, the use of bright colors in the version with colored pencils.

Anxiety – the predominance of internal shading, broken lines, the use of dark colors in the version with colored pencils.

Femininity - the presence of soft lines and shapes, decorations, flowers.

Extroversion – the presence of other cacti or flowers in the picture.

Introversion - the picture shows only one cactus.

The desire for home protection, a sense of family community - the presence of a flower pot in the picture, an image of a home cactus.

Lack of desire for home protection, a feeling of loneliness - an image of a wild, desert cactus.

Interpretation of colors

The color of the plant indicates how mobile the child’s psyche is:
green symbolizes constancy and confidence;
yellow - fear of being rejected by society;
blue - the baby is comfortable in the conditions in which he is located at a specific period of time;
red - the subject is experiencing strong emotional arousal;
gray - the child has a neutral attitude towards everything that happens;
White color sometimes it indicates that the person being tested has vision problems, and he does not notice that he is losing the plot in terms of color;
black - the person being tested is used to contradicting his loved ones about everything, perhaps he is too spoiled.

After completing the drawing, you can ask the child questions as an addition, the answers will help clarify the interpretation:

Is this cactus domestic or wild? Where does it grow (at someone's home or in the desert)?
Can you touch this cactus? Does he prick?
Does anyone care about him? He likes it?
Does this cactus grow alone or with some plant nearby?
When the cactus grows, how will it change? (volume, needles, shoots)

Marina Aleksandrovna Panfilova– candidate psychological sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Psychology, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Medical and Dental University of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation"

2. To identify the level of aggressiveness, the graphic technique “Cactus” (M.A. Panfilova) was used.

This technique is intended for working with children over 3 years old and is used to study the emotional and personal sphere of the child, to determine the state of the emotional sphere of the preschooler, the presence of aggressiveness: its direction and intensity.


When conducting diagnostics, the test subject is given a sheet of paper in A4 format and a simple pencil. The psychologist explains to the child: “Draw a cactus on a piece of paper - the way you imagine it.” Questions and additional explanations are not allowed.

Data processing. When processing the results, data corresponding to all graphic methods are taken into account: space, location, size of the drawing, characteristics of the lines, pressure. In addition, specific indicators specific to this methodology are taken into account:

Characteristics of the “image of a cactus” (wild, domestic, primitive, detailed),

Characteristics of the drawing style (drawn, schematic),

Characteristics of needles (size, location, quantity).

The following qualities of the subjects may appear in the drawings:

Aggression - the presence of needles. Strongly protruding, long, close to each other;

Impulsiveness - abruptness of lines, strong pressure;

Egocentrism - large drawing, center of the sheet;

Dependency - small drawing, bottom of sheet;

Demonstrativeness, openness - protruding shoots in the cactus, pretentiousness of forms;

Stealth, caution - zigzags along the contour or inside the cactus;

Optimism – “joyful cacti”;

Anxiety - dark colors, internal shading;

Femininity - decoration, flowers, soft lines and shapes;

Extroversion - the presence of other cacti or flowers in the picture;

Introversion - the picture shows one cactus;

The desire for home protection, the presence of a sense of family community - the presence of a flower pot, image indoor plant;

Having a feeling of loneliness - wild, “desert” cacti.

When interpreting the completed drawings, the visual experience of the “artist” must be taken into account. After completing the work, the child is asked questions, the answers to which will help clarify the interpretation of the drawings:

1. Is this cactus domestic or wild?

2. Does this cactus prickle a lot? Can you touch it?

3. Does the cactus like it when it is looked after, watered, and fertilized?

4. Does the cactus grow alone or with some plant next door? If it grows with a neighbor, then what kind of plant is it?

5. When the cactus grows, how will it change (needles, volume, shoots)?

Based on observation of children and analysis of the results of primary diagnostics, we can give psychological description some children, presenting them in the form of characteristics.

Sasha Zh. Analysis of Sasha’s drawing (Appendix 2, Fig. 1) showed that the child had a high level of emotional anxiety. Namely, I didn’t start drawing for a very long time, I was unsure of my abilities. After persuasion, he hesitantly took a pencil; while drawing, the pressure on the pencil was weak, his hands were sweating, and the paper was wet. So - he is very insecure, low self-esteem.

Answers to the questions: 1 - homemade, 2 - does not prick, you can touch it, 3 - likes it when you look after it, 4 - wants it, but he is alone, 5 - everything will grow and the needles will grow.

When analyzing Katya B.’s drawing (Appendix 2, Fig. 2), there is a noticeable manifestation of egocentrism, a desire for leadership, and some aggressiveness.

Answers to the questions: 1 - home, 2 - injects, 3 - good when looked after, 4 - wanted someone to be nearby, 5 - will remain the same.

Vadim O. (Appendix 2 Fig. 3) began work only after physical contact, while the psychologist was stroking the child’s back. The child is very anxious, has low self-esteem, and lacks self-confidence.

Answers to questions: 1 - homely, 2 - not prickly, 3 - like it, 4 - communicate in the neighborhood, 5 - will change, he will become bigger.

Lisa A. started drawing, and without hesitation took Blue colour for drawing a cactus, which suggests that she probably lacks her father's care and affection. The presence of a flowerpot confirms the assumption that she needs a sense of family community. The drawing is located at the bottom of the sheet and is small in size, which indicates the presence of anxiety (Appendix 2, Fig. 4).

Answers to questions: 1 – homemade, 2 – doesn’t hurt, you can touch it, 3 – likes it, 4 – wants to grow alone, 5 – will grow up.

Sasha P. Despite the fact that the drawing is located in the center of the sheet, the size of the drawing is small, the shading was applied after the psychologist pointed it out. While working, the child sweated: both his hands and the paper were wet, which indicates high anxiety (Appendix 2, Fig. 5).

Answers to questions: 1 – homemade, 2 – injected, 3 – like it, 4 – growing, 5 – the same.

In the drawing by Sasha R. (Appendix 2, Fig. 6), the presence of a blue pot indicates a lack of paternal attention. It is possible that resentment, anxiety, and lack of attention cause defensive aggression in the child.

Answers to questions: 1 - homemade, 2 - you can touch it, where there are no thorns, 3 - like it, 4 - no, doesn’t want it, 5 - it will become big, with big thorns.

Drawing of a cactus by Artem F. (Appendix 2 Fig. 7) - the presence of strong shading indicates probable anxiety.

Answers to questions: 1 – home, 2 – no, not prickly, you can touch it, 3 – like it, 4 – wants to be close, 5 – the needles will get bigger and so will he.

We also note that during the study, almost all anxious children are slow, silent, and, despite the fact that they understand the instructions and the task, it is sometimes difficult for them to answer the question. Children are afraid to answer, they are afraid to say something wrong and at the same time they do not even try to give an answer, or they say that they do not know the answer, or they are simply silent.

Thus, according to the results of the “Cactus” graphic technique, on average, this sample is characterized by low indicators of openness and optimism, and the highest indicators of the state of the emotional sphere:

An increased level of aggression was shown by 14 children,

Anxiety – 17 children,

Desire for protection – 17 children,

Egocentrism – 12 children,

Introversion – 15 children.

After analyzing the drawings, a group was identified according to criteria that indicate manifestations of a fairly high degree of anxiety and aggression.

3. Additionally, in order to identify the level of anxiety in children, we used the “Questionnaire for identifying an anxious child” (according to G.P. Lavrentieva, T.M. Titarenko) by interviewing parents.

Instructions. If the statement contained in the questionnaire correctly, from your point of view, characterizes the child, put a plus; if incorrect, put a minus.

Signs of anxiety:

1. Cannot work for a long time without getting tired.

2. It is difficult for him to concentrate on something.

3. Any task causes unnecessary anxiety.

4. While performing tasks, he is very tense and constrained.

5. Feels embarrassed more often than others.

6. Often talks about tense situations.

7. As a rule, blushes in unfamiliar surroundings.

8. Complains that he is dreaming scary dreams.

9. His hands are usually cold and wet.

10. He often has upset bowel movements.

11. Sweats a lot when excited.

12. Doesn't have a good appetite.

13. Sleeps restlessly and has difficulty falling asleep.

14. He is timid and fears many things.

15. Usually restless and easily upset.

16. Often cannot hold back tears.

17. Does not tolerate waiting well.

18. Doesn't like to take on new things.

19. I am not confident in myself, in my abilities.

20. Afraid to face difficulties.

Data processing. The number of “pluses” is summed up to obtain a total anxiety score. If the questionnaire scores 15-20 points, this indicates a high level of anxiety, 7-14 points - average and 1-6 points - low. Examples of completed questionnaires by parents are presented in Appendix 3.

Based on the results of the questionnaires and after a conversation with parents, a group of children with high and average levels of anxiety was identified for correctional classes (Table 2).

Table 2 - Level of anxiety (according to G.P. Lavrentieva, T.M. Titarenko)

No. Name F. Floor Age Anxiety
low average high
1 Katya B. and 6 +
2 Seryozha K. m 6 +
3 Sasha R. m 6 +
4 Pasha V. m 6 +
5 Sasha P. m 6 +
6 Seryozha B. m 6 +
7 Lisa M. and 6 +
8 Sasha J. m 6 +
9 Vlad P. m 6 +
10 Olesya A. and 6 +
11 Lisa A. and 6 +
12 Egor B. m 6 +
13 Sophia K. and 6 +
14 Darina O. and 6 +
15 Denis A. m 6 +
16 Darina P. and 6 +
17 Vanya Z. m 6 +
18 Vadim O. m 6 +
19 Anton L. m 6 +
20 Igor L. m 6 +

Summarizing the data on the identified group of children with varying degrees of anxiety, we note that:

High level of anxiety – 55.0% (11 children)

Average level anxiety – 35.0% (7 people)

Low level of anxiety – 10.0% (2 children)

This study led to the conclusion that more than half of children experience a high level of anxiety, 35% have an average level, and only 10% of children have a low level of anxiety. These data were also confirmed by the “Cactus” method and based on the results of a survey of adults.

Thus, during the diagnosis, in combination with the above methods, a group of children (18 people) with high level anxiety and fear, as well as with a high degree of aggression, and it is precisely these children that our correctional and developmental program is primarily aimed at.

In addition, it should be noted that when observing children during diagnostic classes, we see that almost all children have difficulties. This is accompanied by a feeling of anxiety and dissatisfaction. They then compensate for their dissatisfaction in free play, on a walk, where they act aggressively, get angry, look angrily at others, etc.

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Diagnostic results using the “Cactus” method (M. A. Panfilova)

Sasha P. Protruding, long needles located close to each other are evidence of a child’s aggressiveness. A large drawing located in the center of the sheet is an indicator of egocentrism and the desire for leadership. Optimism - the use of brightly colored pencils, the image of “joyful” cacti.

Ksenia S. Protruding, long needles located close to each other are evidence of a child’s aggressiveness. Small drawing, located below, suggests that the child is not confident in himself. Extroversion - the presence of other cacti or some plants or flowers in the picture. Lack of desire for home protection, a sense of goodness - wild, desert cacti are drawn.

Daria O. The abruptness of the lines and strong pressure speak of his impulsiveness, even nervousness. Optimism - the use of brightly colored pencils, the image of “joyful” cacti. The desire for home protection, a sense of family community - the presence of a flower pot in the picture, an image of a houseplant standing, for example, on a windowsill. The small picture below suggests that the child is not confident in himself.

Artem L. Protruding, long needles located close to each other are evidence of a child’s aggressiveness. The abruptness of the lines and strong pressure speak of his impulsiveness, even nervousness. The desire for home protection, a sense of family community - the presence of a flower pot in the picture, an image of a houseplant standing, for example, on a windowsill.

Anastasia A. The abruptness of the lines and strong pressure speak of his impulsiveness, even nervousness.

The small picture below suggests that the child is not confident in himself. Optimism - the use of brightly colored pencils, the image of “joyful” cacti.

Christina Ch. Protruding, long needles located close to each other are evidence of a child’s aggressiveness. A large drawing located in the center of the sheet is an indicator of egocentrism and the desire for leadership. The desire for home protection, a sense of family community - the presence of a flower pot in the picture, an image of a houseplant standing, for example, on a windowsill.

Alexander S. A large drawing located in the center of the sheet is an indicator of egocentrism and the desire for leadership. The presence of protruding islands on the cactus and the pretentiousness of the depicted forms indicate demonstrativeness and openness. Optimism - the use of brightly colored pencils, the image of “joyful” cacti.

Ilya D. Protruding, long needles located close to each other are evidence of a child’s aggressiveness. The desire for home protection, a sense of family community - the presence of a flower pot in the picture, an image of a houseplant standing, for example, on a windowsill.

Table 6 Diagnostic results using the “Cactus” method.

The frequency of appearance of individual elements indicating the presence of aggressiveness in adolescents is shown in Figure 2.

Fig 3.

The figure shows that the frequency of appearance of details in the drawings indicates the presence of signs of aggression. For example: Artem L., Kristina Ch. Ilya D. have almost all the main criteria for indicators of aggressiveness in their drawings (needles are sharp, long, large drawing, occupies 2/3 of the sheet in height, frequent needles located throughout the drawing, missing lines, not falling into one point).

After analyzing the data obtained during the diagnosis, the following conclusions were made: some children showed a high degree of aggressive behavior. (Artem L., Kristina Ch., Ilya D., Anastasia A.). Others have a weak one. (Sasha P., Ksenia S., Daria O., Alexander S.) When carrying out the methods, we noted that children With low level manifestations of aggression in behavior performed tasks very creatively; they were open and connected well with others. Some of them showed themselves; were prone to vanity and arrogance.

The children had fairly adequate self-esteem, although they were not always self-confident. They actively moved to implement their plans, made all decisions independently, did not make frivolous conclusions, and were not anxious.

Children with an average level of aggression are fearful, shy, and often rude; there is repressed aggression, isolation; need for love, care and support.

They were not always confident in themselves, sometimes they felt fear. Only a small part of the plans were realized, but they often made decisions impulsively, sometimes made frivolous conclusions and were anxious.

Children with a high level of aggression in behavior during the methods, children experienced a feeling of rejection and guilt; there were tendencies towards alienation and opposition; experienced difficulty opening up to others; aggressive, anxious.

Children showed high or inflated self-esteem and dissatisfaction with their own position in society. They are sometimes impulsive in making decisions, were dissatisfied with their actions, decisions, and are also quite energetic.

From all of the above, we can conclude that younger schoolchildren with mental retardation have a pronounced aggressive behavior. For some it is more pronounced, for others less. All children use profanity to express their emotions, but under different circumstances. This is due to what reasons influence this emotional state. After analyzing all the data obtained, we came to the conclusion that the most common reasons influencing aggressive behavior are the following: cruel upbringing of a child by parents (constant beatings, punishments, curses), ignoring the child (devoting little time to the child), raising a teenager by parents - alcoholics, parents with drug addiction. Definitely required correctional work aimed at reducing the level of aggressive behavior.

Psychologists use different techniques. Basically all research is carried out in game form. But sometimes, to determine certain personality characteristics, it is enough to draw something. This is precisely the technique implied by the “Cactus” technique. M. A. Panfilova - child psychologist, who is the author of this study.

What can be revealed

When carrying out this technique, the emotional and personal sphere of the child is examined. With its help, you can determine whether the baby is susceptible to aggression, how intense it is and what it is aimed at. The “Cactus” method is used by psychologists when working with children over three years old, because it is necessary that the child be able to hold a pencil well in his hands and draw.

The essence of the technique

So what is the “Cactus” graphic technique? To carry it out, you need to prepare one sheet of paper and a pencil for each child. Ideally, the study is carried out alone with a psychologist, but if this is not possible, the session can be done in a group.

So everyone young participants research hands out “tools.” Since the method is called “Cactus,” every child should draw this particular plant. Moreover, no questions should be asked of an adult; there should be no hints or explanations. The child must depict the cactus as he imagines it. Perhaps he doesn’t quite know what he looks like, but this is precisely the essence of such research as the “Cactus” technique.

Additional questions

After the drawing is ready, the psychologist asks the child additional questions in order to be able to correctly interpret the results obtained. This will help you see the whole picture more clearly. So, what questions does the Cactus method propose? M. believes that you can better understand the child’s condition if you ask him the following:

Is that a domestic cactus in the picture or a wild one?

Can you touch it? Is it very prickly?

Does this cactus like being watered, fertilized, and cared for?

Does any other plant live next to the cactus? If yes, which one?

What will he be like when he grows up? How will its needles, processes, and volume change?

Interpretation of results

Conclusions are drawn both on the basis of the drawing and on the basis of the responses of the little subject. At the same time, when examining the image, they take into account such details as:

Pencil pressure;

The location of the cactus on the leaf;

Image size;

Characteristics of lines.

The “Cactus” method allows you to identify the following qualities of a child’s personality:

1. Impulsiveness. Its presence is indicated by strong pressure on the writing instrument and abrupt lines.

2. Aggressiveness. First of all, as you might guess, needles speak about it, especially if there are a lot of them. High degree aggressiveness takes place if they are long, stick out strongly in different directions and are located close to each other.

3. Egocentrism (otherwise, the desire to be a leader in everything). About availability of this quality the child shows big size drawing and its location in the very center of the sheet.

4. Openness, demonstrativeness. This can be judged by some pretentiousness of the shapes in the figure and the protruding shoots on the cactus.

5. Caution and secrecy. In the drawing of a child who has such qualities, one will notice zigzags directly inside the plant or along its contour.

6. Optimism. Bright colors will tell us about it, if the work was used or just a “happy” cactus with a cheerful smile.

7. Anxiety. This quality is reflected in the picture as broken lines, internal shading. If colored pencils were used, dark colors will predominate here.

8. Femininity. We can talk about it if there are soft shapes and lines, flowers and all kinds of decorations - everything that true ladies like so much.

9. Extroversion. People with this quality are very sociable. Likewise, an extroverted child’s cactus will be surrounded by other plants.

10. Introversion. This quality has a completely opposite characteristic. Accordingly, there will be only one cactus on the leaf.

11. Craving for home defense. If the child has a sense of family community, the drawing may depict a cactus in flower pot, i.e. a house plant.

12. Feeling lonely. Its presence is indicated by a desert, wild-growing cactus.


As you can see, the “Cactus” technique allows you to draw specific conclusions about emotional state preschool child. Sometimes this is very important, because not all children openly make contact with adults. If the results were not very encouraging, you need to carefully consider the strategy for further action so as not to frighten off little man, but to win him over and try to help him.