How to draw the right highlights. How to make an opaque vessel glass? How associations will help you draw a bottle

I bring to your attention a short and informative lesson that will help you in the future to draw and paint glass objects. Today we will begin to understand what is so special you need to know when you draw, for example, a glass or glass vase. How to fill this vase with water, and then with flower stems.

The most simple rules You will learn about glass images from this article and a short video clip. Perhaps after viewing you will be able to use the paints, pastels or pencils you have on hand to depict a vase with your favorite flowers.

Such a picture or drawing will bring great pleasure it would be quite appropriate for you as a gift for March 8th :).

So let's start to figure it out:

Glass color

Naturally, glass comes in a variety of colors and shades, but we will start with transparent and colorless glass so as not to get confused.

Glass is transparent, which means it takes on the color of its surroundings.

If the glass is on a blue background, then the substrate will be blue in any of the techniques (oil, acrylic, pencil, gouache). And to be more precise, probably a darker color than the background, than the color of the environment.

How to draw bright carnations

Examples of glass color in paintings

Blue vase on a blue background

The color of the glass is the same as the background color (Alexander Adriaenssen 17th century)

How to make an opaque vessel glass?

To put it simply, without delving into physics and discussions about high painting there are a few simple things to understand and use:

Determine where the light source is and set a highlight

Knowing where the light is coming from, we can determine where to place the highlight. We draw a conditional beam from the light source. In the place where the beam touches the glass, the brightest glare on the entire glass object is formed.

If the vessel has a convex or curved shape, the highlight may follow the shape of the vessel, or it will break up into several bright dots or features.

Blik stands on dark side vessel - because here the light touched the object, but has not yet had time to dissipate.

Painting technique A la prima

Examples of glare in paintings

How to draw glass? Where to put the highlight?

Highlight on the right side of a glass vase

The highlight follows the shape of the vessel

Highlight on a dark vase

Glare reflex

Since glass is transparent, light will pass through, scatter a little, and hit the opposite side of the glass object. If you conditionally extend this beam further and stop it on the other wall of the vessel, this is where the reflex will form.

A reflex, unlike a flare, will be a large bright spot of scattered light. The reflex should under no circumstances overshadow the highlight. The reflex is much lower in intensity than the glare, and many times larger in area.

Examples of glare in paintings

How to draw glass? Reflex

Reflex on the vase

Reflex, clearly visible

Reflexes of the external environment

If there are several colored objects around our glass, then they are more or less to a lesser extent should appear there. You can decide for yourself how bright the reflection to draw on the glass is.

If there are flowers with green stems in a vase, then surely these green stems will somehow be reflected in the thickness of the glass.

These reflexes are not as noticeable as on opaque objects.

Drawing a beautiful swan

Examples of reflexes in the picture

Yellow, orange, greenish reflections on the glass surface

Glass has thickness and shape

This means that both glare and reflexes will follow this shape. They will also linger a little in this thickness.

It is worth considering that the bottom and curves of a glass object are usually thicker. This means that the shadow and light in such places will be more intense or “thick”. If the glass is colored, then the intensity of its color will be greater on the bends and bottom.

Examples in pictures

Glass thickness - more dark line. The highlight follows the shape of a vase

Video tutorial on how to draw glass

Let's watch a short lesson and draw a glass vase together :)

Date of publication: 01/04/2017

To make the drawing look more realistic, we make shadows, thereby creating volume for it.

The concept of the terms light, shadow, chiaroscuro, reflex, halftone and highlight

Light- the lightest part of the picture. Without it, it is impossible to give volume to an object, since we see the shape of an object only in good lighting.

Shadow- the unlit part of the object. The shadow on the unlit side of an object is called its own, and the cast shadow is called the falling shadow. The own shadow is always darker than the falling shadow.

Chiaroscuro– this is a transition from a light area of ​​an object to a dark one.

Reflex- a reflection of what surrounds the object in the drawing. The reflex will always be darker than the midtones and lighter than the shadow, since it is part of it.

Semitone - smooth transition from light to shadow without visible boundaries. It exists only where the sun's rays fall on an object only at a certain angle.

Blik- the light part of the mirror object. In the picture it often looks like a white spot reflecting the sun's rays.

What does the shadow depend on?

The degree of illumination of an object depends on the lighting in the room, the angle of incidence of the rays and the light source, and the distance between the object and the light source. There is natural and artificial lighting. Natural light is light from sun rays, and artificial is light from light sources made by man. The greater the distance, the weaker the illumination of the object and vice versa. Light and shadows on foreground should be more contrasting, as they are more noticeable. The planes that face the light are the brightest.

How to properly shade an object

First we need to correctly understand the shape that we need to shade. More complex objects, such as man, nature or things are built from the lightest forms of an object - a sphere, a cylinder and a cube.

So, first, choose a pencil. Shadows are best drawn with 8b pencils. Best to have simple pencils of different hardness to make the pattern more voluminous.

The next step: you need to sharpen the pencil. It is best to do this with a stationery knife, as the lead is longer and thinner.

Next, we make a sketch of our object, which we will shade. Lightly pressing the pencil, draw the outline of the object. It is better to draw from life, seeing the object with your own eyes, this way it is easier to determine the shadow. Place the object in front of you and turn on the light, and you will see that it casts a shadow, which you will later transfer to the drawing.

Next, identify a light source to outline where the subject's shadow will be.


Strokesbroken lines, which help to shade an object in a drawing.

Choose a shading method that is convenient for you. There are three types of hatching: straight, circular and cross. Straight hatching is drawn with parallel lines and is great for objects such as hair, dresses, and so on.

Circular hatching is done using circles different sizes And different strengths pressure. This allows you to create a more realistic object.

Cross hatching is done using cross-shaped lines that allow you to give a darker shadow to your subject in your drawing.

Always hold the pencil as horizontally as possible to ensure natural shadows.

I suggest you try all types of shading on a separate sheet of paper and choose the one that is more convenient for you.

Let's move on to the most important thing - shading. First apply one layer of shading to the object, draw another layer next to it so that our two layers do not intersect. If they intersect, a dark place is formed, which is difficult to get rid of during work. After you have applied the first layers of shadows, in the intervals between layers you apply a second layer, but the shading should be different, that is, you need to change the inclination of the strokes. Then on top, where necessary, apply the third, fourth, fifth and subsequent layers of strokes.

Shading shadows

Now that the shading is done, we need to shade the lines. There is no need to do this with your fingers. To do this, you can take a cloth, a piece of paper and carefully smooth movements, without pressing too hard, rub the pencil. Then look at your drawing. If you like it, then good, but if not, then move on to the next step.

Correcting errors

The most common mistake is that the shadow, highlight, and so on are incorrectly defined. To correct it, check again whether your shadow is in the right place and whether the highlight and reflex are visible. The contours between light and dark areas should not be clear. If dark joints have formed between the hatching layers, take an eraser and gently touch the dark place. Repeat this step as many times as needed.

No one succeeds the first time. You must strive for excellence, go towards your dreams. Remember that even the greatest and famous artists We didn’t start drawing pictures right away, but started with simple things that you might be learning to draw.

One of the most important things to remember, and one of the hardest to achieve, is the perfect balance of white space and color. So I made a list useful tips about how to leave white place in watercolor paintings.

Remember that you don't have to paint the entire space.

IN primary school we were taught to completely color objects along the lines. With watercolor this rule does not apply! Imagine this piece of watermelon with no white spaces in the pink and green area. It will be lifeless and boring.

The rest of my tips about white areas in watercolor paintings are divided into two categories:

  • Preventive: Something you can do before you touch the paper with your brush.
  • Consequences: Something you can do after you've applied the paint.

Preventive Drawing Techniques

1. Plan first

The key to keeping white areas in watercolor painting– plan ahead. You can't just improvise here because the paint fills the space quickly, especially if it's wet, and you may not notice the moment when all the white space is filled.

Start by marking with a pencil the area you want to leave white. Label them as shapes rather than lines. After that, draw around these shapes. You will be able to fill these places very light colors then if you notice that there is too much white.

2. Start small

If you leave too little white, your painting will look dead, heavy and lifeless. If you leave too much white, your painting will lack depth. But if I had to choose the lesser of two evils, I would choose to leave too much white. You can always return to the picture and add more colors. It is very difficult to remove paint once you have applied it.

Plan multiple areas of white space spaced appropriately throughout your composition to create balance, like in this desert mountain landscape.

3. Work from light to dark

Watercolor painting requires patience. Sometimes I feel like giving in to temptation and rushing to add dark colors before it should be done. This is one of the mistakes that can disrupt a clean space. Working from light to dark, applying paint in layers will make it easier to leave the necessary white space.

Techniques used after drawing

1. Masking tape

Before you start painting, cover the white space with masking tape. It leaves crisp and smooth edges. It's ideal for creating borders, but you can also use it to highlight areas in the center of a painting.

2. Masking fluid

If you want to leave a more natural-looking white area, add some masking fluid before you start painting and let it dry. You can paint directly on it and the paint won't soak into that area. When you remove it, it leaves well-defined edges. This is a great way for landscapes.

3. Getting wet

If the paints are still wet and you are working on heavy paper, you can blot the color with a cloth or paper towel. This will create soft edges for clouds or mystical pictures.

4. White gouache

After watercolor paint dry, apply white gouache in the areas you would like to lighten. This is your fallback method. The main thing to remember is that gouache doesn't have the same airy effect that pure white space does, but this technique can help.

Many of my students are afraid to draw glass. And this fear can be caused by various reasons. Some say that they can’t see anything in glass and don’t know what to draw, because it’s transparent. Others, on the contrary, say that there is too much in glass, all kinds of glare, colors and reflections. Let's try to figure out what the real problem is in the image of glass and glass objects, and how glass differs from other materials.

Properties of glass objects

To begin with, I propose to remember that the natives exchanged glass for gold. And I don't think it's stupid, glass is really very beautiful material! The natives did not know the objective value of glass and gold and assessed them visually. So, when you sit down to draw glass, try to see all its beauty. Look at it through the eyes of a native who has seen something like this for the first time in his life. Glass can have all sorts of and maximum rich colors, while it can transmit light, can be transparent and literally invisible, glass can reflect the world around it up to the smallest details, or can pass it through itself, bizarrely deforming it. I am certainly one of the people who, looking at glass objects, see an infinite number of incredible interesting details.

Glass and light. How to draw highlights on a bottle correctly

Does this mean that we need to draw all the highlights that we see in the bottle? Of course not! You always need to make a selection. Let's say in front of you Glass bottle. Six lamps shine on the bottle, and the light falls from the window. All light sources are reflected in the glass of the bottle, and each can be reflected several times! In such lighting, you shouldn’t chase all the highlights; take those that fit most clearly in shape. I always turn my head and watch the reflections dance across the surface. As a rule, I ignore the glare that appears and disappears. I paint highlights that change their shape but remain. I almost never copy the shape of the highlight, since it is really unstable. I draw a highlight of a shape that fits better on the surface of this bottle. Having noted the brightest white highlights, I begin to mark the reflections using the same principle. I turn my head, watch how they are distorted, and choose the most interesting ones that fit the shape better. IN pencil drawing bottles, I try to mark as many highlights and reflections as possible so that they all have clear boundaries.

How associations will help you draw a bottle

I often ask my students to describe glass and what associations they have with the word “glass.” Sometimes I ask them to hold the bottle in their hand and describe how they feel. Typically, I hear something like - sharp, cold, smooth, hard, transparent, etc. And then I ask them to paint so that their stroke can be described in the same words. The stroke should be sharp, smooth, hard, and transparent. Even if you draw an orange bottle, it should have cool colors, since by association you remember that glass feels cold to the touch. It is very important to change the nature of the stroke depending on the subject being depicted. Let's say, when drawing the bark of a tree, we will not apply a stroke in the same way as when depicting glass.

Features of drawing a glass bottle

We always start working from the brightest pure colors. If the bottle is orange, then you can start with pure yellows, oranges, reds and other colors. We always remember that it is never too late to apply dark brown, purple and other shadows, as well as reflections, but we can add bright and pure shades only in the first layer. Also, I do not use any one color in the glass image; I work on each highlight and reflection noted in the pencil drawing separately different colors, I put it together like a mosaic. At the first stages, this approach seems unnecessarily fractional, but in the end I summarize everything, and the bottle is assembled. When the surface of the entire bottle is collected by color, I wait for it to dry completely and apply dark reflections. To achieve glassy shine, you need to work in very contrast. Light highlights should border on dark reflections without any transitional tones.

Majority art schools and drawing courses primarily teach how to draw shadows. Constructing and drawing such primitive figures as a cylinder, ball, cone, cube is a rather tedious and uninteresting task. However, it is tasks like this that are the first step to understanding shape and volume. geometric shape, as well as the ability to depict its dark and light sides - that is, the ability to draw shadows with a pencil step by step. In the future artistic practice The ability to correctly feel the dark and light sides will be a good help in any drawing.

If you want to make the sketch visual and realistic, you need to give it volume. In this article we will tell you how to draw shadows with a pencil correctly.

Light and shadow

Drawings should be realistic and pleasing to the eye. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly combine light and shadow in them. This will give the drawings contrast, depth and a sense of movement. shadows to make your drawings look more alive, attractive and interesting?

A little theory

Have you ever wondered what allows us to see the shape of objects? Let's reveal a secret: this is a collision of light and shadow. If we place an object on a table in a room without windows and turn off the light, we will not see any form. If we illuminate an object with a very bright lamp or spotlight, then again we will not see its shape. It can only be seen by light that collides with shadow.

Neither light nor shadow falls on objects at random. There are certain patterns. They allow us to guess how the light will be located on the object, on its forms, and where the shadow will begin. And the person who draws needs to know these patterns.

Elements of chiaroscuro

In drawing, the following elements of chiaroscuro are distinguished: highlight, light, penumbra, own shadow, reflex and falling shadow. Let's consider each of them in order.

Glare called a spot of light that is located on a convex or flat glossy surface and is obtained due to the strong illumination of the object.

Light- These are the surfaces of an object that are brightly lit.

Penumbra called a faint shadow. It occurs if an object is illuminated not by one, but by several light sources. In addition, it forms on surfaces that face the light source at a slight angle.

Shadow- these are those areas of the subject that are dimly lit. A falling shadow is one that an object casts on the plane on which it stands. And his own is the one that is on the unlit side of it.

Reflex called a weak spot of light that is located in the shadow area. It is formed by rays that are reflected from other objects nearby.

The depiction of these light gradations allows the artist to clearly depict the shape of an object on a sheet of paper, convey its volume and degree of illumination.

Do these rules work for computer graphics?

Yes. Computer graphics- this is the same drawing. Therefore, how to draw shadows in SAI or Photoshop is no different from drawing them on paper. All the theory and all the rules that work for an image on canvas or paper are also valid for a computer.

Step 1: Selecting the Right Materials

How to draw shadows with a pencil? First of all, you need to choose the right pencil. Of course, you can paint shadows with charcoal, sanguine, gouache, and acrylic. But at first it is better to limit yourself to a pencil.

For shadows, special drawing pencils are used. They are sold in sets. A budget option can be found at any office supply store. There is also special paper for drawing: it is better to choose thicker and stiffer paper.

There are many types of drawing pencils. There are ones with a soft (M, 2M, 3M, ..., 8M, 9M) lead, and there are ones with a hard one (T, 2T, 3T, ..., 8T, 9T). In sets from foreign manufacturers, M is replaced by B, and T by H.

To depict shadows, a set of 3T, 2T, T, TM, M, 2M and 3M will be enough for you. To depict light it is better to use hard pencils, and for shadow - soft. This way the drawing will look more natural and will be easier to draw.

Let's talk about paper. Too smooth sheets, like the ones we print on, are not suitable for drawing. Don't use paper that is too hard. It will be difficult to draw shadows on it. It is best to use special drawing sheets, which are sold in a folder at office supply stores. How to draw shadows correctly? First of all, purchase the right materials.

Step Two: Linear Sketch

How to draw shadows in a drawing? First of all, make a line sketch of what you want to draw. It is advisable to do this from life, but you can also use a photograph of the object. The most important thing is that the object you choose is motionless. In this case, you will have a lot of time to sketch it.

Take a close look at home environment. You can draw flowers, watches, kitchen utensils, and items of clothing. All of these are excellent subjects for sketching.

If you use a photograph, it is better to print it in black and white. This way you will be able to more accurately depict the outline and shadows.

Step 3: Achromatic Colors

How to draw shadows? When working with a pencil, all of them start with white and end with black, with several shades of gray in the middle.

How to create an achromatic scale? Draw a rectangle: this can be done on a separate sheet of paper or in the corner of your drawing. Divide this rectangle into five equal parts (you can do more, but 5 will be enough to start with), then number them.

The very first square will be white, and the last one will be black. The parts between them need to be painted with three different shades gray, dividing them by tone. As a result, you will have something like your pencil's palette: the first rectangle is white, the second is light gray, the third is medium gray, the fourth is dark gray and the last is the darkest tone the pencil can produce.

Step 4: Shadow Theory

How to draw shadows? To do this, it is necessary to understand their nature.

Find the main light source. Observe that the lightest are often closest to the light, the darkest are farther away, and the shadows fall opposite it. Special attention You should pay attention to reflections, as they can be the brightest place of the object chosen for drawing.

Step 5: Choosing a Hatching Method

How to draw shadows? Using shading. It is placed on top

Choose the way you will hatch the sketch, depending on the object itself, the light source and There are many types of shadow hatching, and the most popular ones are straight, circular and cross.

A straight line is drawing many parallel lines as close to each other as possible. This method is great for objects without texture and for drawing hair.

For circular shading, you need to draw many small circles. This shading can be used to create interesting texture by scattering circles and adding lines to them. In addition, you can more clearly show the density of the object you are depicting by placing the circles close to each other.

Shading objects by drawing intersecting lines is cross hatching. This method is great for adding depth to a drawing.

Step 6: pen test

Try making shadows. Since your drawing is still initial stage, you should not make them too dark. This way you can easily erase them if necessary. Draw, gradually filling in the places that are needed, and leaving the lightest places white.

As you paint, compare your work to the subject or a photograph of it to make sure you're putting the shadows in the right place.

Step 7: Patience and step by step work

Add shadows in several layers. They must be gradually darkened, layer by layer. Between dark and bright places there should be a noticeable contrast. Do not forget to use an achromatic scale: the drawing should not be in the same gray tones.

There's no need to rush. The process of shading shadows is similar to developing black and white film: it must happen gradually. Patience is your key to success and beautiful drawings.

The more you deepen the shadows in the drawing, the less noticeable its contours will become. And that’s right, because in real life almost nothing has a black outline. The same should be reflected in your drawing.

Step 8: Shading the Shadows

Now blend the shadows in your drawing. It is necessary to make them more realistic and smooth. You need to control the pressure so that it is not too strong and too weak. Blend until you are satisfied with the result.

If you don't have shading, you can use a small piece of paper. An eraser will help you highlight those places that you accidentally covered up. This could be a highlight, or a contour that is not completely hidden under the shading layer.

The main thing is to remember that most people who draw, including the most famous artists, at the initial stage creative path made mistakes.

  • Between your hand and the paper you are drawing on you can put Blank sheet printing paper: this way you will avoid stains on the drawing.
  • To avoid dirtying the sketch and correcting mistakes, it is better to use a vinyl eraser. Erasers made from this material do not damage paper and erase pencil marks well.
  • Don't use your finger to blend the shading.
  • To make the difference between light and shadow more noticeable, you need to use good lighting.
  • It is better to hold the pencil at a smaller angle to the plane of the paper so that you can draw with the side of the lead rather than its tip. This will make the shadows more natural.