Mouse drawing lessons. How to learn to draw with a mouse on a computer? Basic nuances of drawing thin and smooth lines

Many people are mistaken that normal drawing on a computer requires a powerful processor. For optimal functioning, a processor frequency of 1.5-2 GHz will be enough for you. The choice between manufacturing companies is not fundamental; the amount of your funds is the decisive factor.

Main parameter your hardware for creating illustrations - quantity random access memory . Working applications, such as Photoshop, Painter, OpenCanvas, or even 3D graphics applications, require large amounts of RAM.

If your goal is to create complex, multi-layered sketches, then you need to purchase as much RAM as possible for your computer (you can work more or less optimally if you have from one gigabyte free RAM).

Video card You won’t need any of the latest current lines either. The manufacturer also does not play a special role, only your personal preferences. Among people involved in computer illustration, design, etc. There is an opinion that the best video cards for this are created by Matrox, but this, of course, is entirely subjective.

Drawing equipment

Next, we should move on to one of the most important aspects this kind artistic arts– basic equipment. It's worth starting with scanner, it performs one of the key roles, namely, it transfers the picture depicted on paper into digital form.

Let me give you a simple example: you have drawn a tree and you need to move this tree to the forest. Scan the illustration, do a little stylization for general image painting and transfer it in a separate layer onto it, everything is ready, now your tree is in the right place.

The next essential part of being a proper graphic artist or designer is tablet. Such equipment is created most often of two types - graphic And drafting. Let's talk a little more about this.

Graphics tablet– has a small working area, creates a point rougher than a drawing one and reacts to the force of pressure on the pen, which greatly facilitates the work. Using professional software by type Adobe Photoshop, it is more convenient to handle chiaroscuro and brushes on such a tablet.

Drawing tablet– created for CAD programs such as AutoCAD, 3DMAXStudio, etc. Such a gadget does not feel pressure on the pen; the dot is either there or it is not. It is often distinguished by very pleasant and high resolution and positioning accuracy.

In the case we are talking about, a graphics tablet is more suitable. Of course, it is better to buy more expensive ones, since they have a wider range of capabilities compared to cheap ones, but an ordinary one can also cope with its functions.

Another important, but not mandatory gadget is uninterruptable power source. None of us are protected from power outages, and we don’t want to lose our many hours of work. That is why it would be better to buy yourself such an assistant, so as not to grieve over the lost hours later.

How to draw with a mouse

You can realize your creative urges without special gadgets, using only with the mouse. This option is quite economical and simple, but then the task becomes hundreds of times more complicated, the lines become less even, and the operating time increases significantly.

This option only takes place if you set yourself the task of fulfilling simple drawings , or you are unable to purchase the required equipment. Or you just need to correct the scanned drawings.

As you can already understand, you can’t become a good artist on a computer with just a mouse, except rare cases. People involved in graphics usually say: “You can draw with a mouse, but you don’t need to.”

But for working with a tablet, it is also useful, here are the requirements for it standard– it should fit well in the hand and be comfortable, it would be nice to have a third button on the side, but this, one might say, is already redundant.

Drawing apps

There are many specialized software packages, from the simplest, such as standard Paint in Windows, to complex ones, such as Adobe Photoshop. We will tell you about several of the most popular ones.

Painter– one of the most functional. All known and required this moment It imitates materials for art quite simply, which allows you to expand the range of its capabilities. Is paid.

Adobe Photoshop- software created more for editing and processing photographs than for artistic art. But it has a huge storehouse of functions and materials. It has a colossal number of filters, brushes and other add-ons. Also paid.

Corel Draw – a vector editor, less functional than the last two reviewed, but it is free and has normal, no frills, functionality.

Open Canvas– an editor similar to the leading programs in its field, but greatly simplified. It is recommended to begin your acquaintance with computer drawing here. Quite a lot inferior“flagship” in its field, but still has good functions and is completely free.

Computer graphics kits

Minimum set– mouse, computer, scanner, piece of paper, pencil and graphics editor.

A very labor-intensive set, but it allows you to create relatively high-quality work. A sketch is created on paper, scanned, and processed. The end result, with enough diligence, is good work.

Comfortable set– mouse, scanner, computer, good graphics/vector editor and drawing kit.

Using a vector editor, any curved lines can be drawn correctly. Also, with normal ability to use drawing packages, you can create quite good works. Mostly relevant only for vector editors.

Good set– a normal computer, a high-quality mouse (can be a trackball) with a mouse pad, a scanner, a graphics tablet and paid programs (at least one, preferably Photoshop)

With such a set you can reach a fairly high level, the restrictions are only on your skill.

I don't have a tablet. I draw very little, and I’m afraid that if I buy it, it will either quietly gather dust on the shelf, or the time, which I already have very little, will be spent on the wrong goals that I pursue in life. But in fact, drawing with a mouse suits me quite well, this, of course, may seem strange, but it’s true.

I use Photoshop CS5 and Logitech mx518 mouse.

It has been serving me for 5 years, it is very comfortable, straight lines, which everyone is so afraid of, are drawn without difficulty. Although make a sketch human figure I can't (it's not easy on paper either), but here's an example of an eye sketch drawn from scratch.

The main difficulty after all, it is a lack of knowledge and experience.

I’ll try to outline the main features of drawing with a mouse:

It is much more convenient to paint with a standard soft brush. Hardness(Hardness) ranges from 20 before 70% . Flow(pressure) 40% . Opacity(Opacity) is also usually low, but it depends on the situation. I'm afraid this item may cause negative emotions, because almost all the use of a soft brush is frowned upon, but drawing with a mouse using it is much more convenient. There is no way to regulate the degree of pressure, and therefore, if you take a hard brush, the strokes will turn out to be very rough. So you need to be careful.

I repeat, since it is impossible to regulate the degree of pressure, I additionally use an eraser with a low opacity to erase a little the ends of the lines.

Lots and lots of clicks. In general, you need to very quickly not only click on the drawing itself, but also be able to change the size of the brush, its hardness, transparency and switch to the eraser and back, this should be developed to the point of automaticity.

Now, actually, about the drawing itself.

The idea appeared more than a year ago, and I no longer remember how this image appeared in my imagination and what inspired me. I removed some stages in order to get rid of fruitless transformations, since due to lack of knowledge, I have to change a lot in the process. Final result different from what I originally posted here, I modified it. It’s no good to somehow post a lesson when you yourself are dissatisfied with the drawing.

I intended to draw a girl whose hair turns into water and fills huge lake. First, I always make a pencil sketch (but since the idea appeared more than a year ago, it was not saved) and trace it in Photoshop. As you can see, the idea was a little different and I had already started to implement it, but something didn’t work out.

A year later, a slightly different picture appeared to me; I thought that this must certainly be a waterfall, and not just a stream. Therefore, I changed the sketch in Photoshop, if there is a basis, then this is not very difficult. Work permit - 3773x5500.

The next stage is definition color range, which is always difficult for me, despite the fact that I have a clear idea of ​​where and what color it should be. To do this, I create a new layer on top of the sketch. Let me immediately mention that in the future I will create many layers on top, gradually gluing them to the base. I don’t use a clear palette; I pick colors by eye or with a pipette from already drawn parts.

I work with the image evenly, but perhaps I will highlight the stages of the face, since on a small scale it is difficult to catch the changes.

I begin to detail the face and outline the hairstyle. To paint the skin, I use a large, soft brush with a low opacity to soften the color transition. In the process, I turn the face and add richer shadows of orange, yellow, and burgundy tones.

I draw hair broken lines and erase their ends. First I take a thick brush and gradually make it thinner and thinner. Using this principle, I draw absolutely everything, not just hair.

And now let’s return, in fact, to the whole picture.

At this stage, the main task for me is to correct the anatomy, prepare some kind of frame for further detailing. To do this, I look at references; I choose a huge number of them, so it’s impossible to single out any specific one. Either using transformation or drawing on top I correct the body. I designate the environment more specifically.

Then I try to enrich the color palette, adding many shades. I paint the sky and go over my hair and skin with the same colors, trying to make it glow. Using a hard brush I make the dress transparent in the leg area and detail the bodice. I draw the mountains in the background, copy them along with the sky and flip them vertically to create a reflection in the water. There was originally a pendant around the neck, which I later found out of place.

I draw the hands and change the appearance of the braid, instead of the usual one I draw “ spikelet”, because I didn’t take into account the fact that it was exactly what I got next to my face. I draw in even more detail the sky, waterfall, reflection in the water, and outline the stems of the plant on the rock.

I had a feeling that there wasn’t enough space around, so I expanded the canvas a little. Fog began to appear below and flowers on the plant.

And finally I apply 2 Alien Skin Exposure 2 filters. It turns out 2 layers on top of the picture:

1. Color Film - Kodak Ektachrome mid-1970s (blue) (lower the contrast a little, Opacity 20%);

2. Color Film - Fuji Provia 100F (Opacity 20%);

On each layer I erase areas that are too dark or overexposed.

The finished result.

Final result

Drawing on a computer is a very exciting and interesting activity. In order to immerse yourself in the process as much as possible and not be distracted by various little things, it is best to use a graphics tablet. If you don’t have such a gadget, but you want to draw, then you can get by with a mouse. This tool has its own characteristics that interfere with the quality of your work. We'll talk about how to use a mouse for drawing in this article.

As we already said, the mouse has some features. For example, with its help it is almost impossible to carry out smooth line, if this is not an arbitrary stroke, but a drawing of a contour. This is what makes our work difficult. There is only one thing left to do: use some graphics program tools. Consider different variants We will use the example of the most popular drawing software. However, most of the techniques can be transferred to other programs.

Actually, we will engage in a little deception, since in pure form It can only be called “drawing” with some stretch.

Shapes and selections

These tools will help you draw the correct geometric shapes, for example, the character's eyes, various spots and highlights. There is one trick that allows you to deform the created ellipse without resorting to transformation tools. You can read about the figures in the article below.

Selection tools also help you create correct geometric objects.


Using Photoshop, you can create lines of any configuration, both straight and curved. Mouse in in this case we will use quite a bit.

Stroke a path

Since we cannot draw a smooth contour line manually, we can use the tool "Feather" to create a base.

By using "Pera" we can already simulate real brush pressure, which on the canvas will look like a stroke made on a tablet.

  1. First, let's set up the brush. Select this tool and press the key F5.

  2. Here we put a checkmark next to the property "Shape Dynamics" and click on this item, opening the settings in the right block. Under the parameter "Size Fluctuation" select from the drop-down list "Pen pressure".

  3. Click on the item "Brush Mark Shape" in the header of the list. Here we set the required size.

  4. Now let's take "Feather" and create an outline. Click RMB and select the item indicated in the screenshot.

  5. In the dialog box that opens, check the box next to "Simulate pressure" and choose "Brush". Click OK.

  6. As you can see, the stroke is very similar to manual drawing.


In order to increase your level of proficiency with the mouse as a drawing tool, you can use ready-made contours. They can be downloaded on the Internet by entering the appropriate query in the search engine. Another option is to draw an outline on paper, then scan it and upload it into Photoshop. Thus, by tracing finished lines with the mouse, you can learn more even and precise movements.


As you can see, there are techniques to smooth out Negative influence mouse on the drawing process. It should be understood that this is only a temporary measure. If planned serious job, then you still have to buy a tablet.

In today's world, computers are increasingly penetrating our lives. Many areas are simply unthinkable without the use of a PC: complex mathematical calculations, design, modeling, Internet communications, etc. Finally, it came to drawing!

Now not only artists, but also ordinary amateurs can easily try to draw some “masterpiece” using special programs. It is these special programs for drawing on a computer that I would like to talk about in this article.

*Please note that only free programs will be considered.

1. Paint is the default program...

It is with Paint that I would like to begin the review of drawing programs, because... it is included in Windows XP, 7, 8, Vista, etc., which means you don’t need to download anything to start drawing!

To open it, go to the menu " start/programs/standard", and then click the "Paint" icon.

The program itself is extremely simple and even a complete beginner who has recently turned on a PC can understand it.

Among the main functions: changing the size of pictures, cutting out a certain part of the image, the ability to draw with a pencil or brush, filling the area with the selected color, etc.

For those who do not professionally deal with images, for those who sometimes need to correct something small in pictures - the program’s capabilities are more than enough. That is why I recommend starting your acquaintance with drawing on a PC with it!

2. Gimp - a powerful graph. editor

Gimp is a powerful graphics editor that can work with graphics tablets* (see below) and many other input devices.

Main functions:

Improve photos, make them brighter, enhance color rendition;

Easily and quickly remove unnecessary elements from photographs;

Cut website layouts;

Drawing pictures using graphics tablets;

Own file storage format “.xcf”, which is capable of storing texts, textures, layers, etc.;

Convenient ability to work with the clipboard - you can instantly insert a picture into the program and start editing it;

Gimp will allow you to archive images almost on the fly;

Ability to open files in “.psd” format;

Creating your own plugins (if you have programming skills, of course).

3. MyPaint - artistic drawing


MyPaint is a graphics editor aimed at beginner artists. The program has a simple interface coupled with unlimited canvas sizes. There is also an excellent set of brushes, thanks to which, using this program, you can draw pictures on your computer, just like on canvas!

The program is captivating with its simplicity and realism - the paintings come out of the pen almost like greatest hits on the walls of professionals.

In the program, you can choose canvases, for example, carriages, walls, buses, on which you can then work your creative miracles.

The panel provides a choice of a huge number of colors - more than 100 pieces! It is possible to make smudges, change the distance to the surface, use markers, etc. In general, a whole arsenal of a graffiti artist!

5. Artweaver - replacement for Adobe Photoshop

A free graphics editor that claims to be Adobe Photoshop itself. This program simulates drawing with oil, paint, pencil, chalk, brush, etc.

It is possible to work with layers, convert images into various formats, compress, etc. Judging by the screenshot below, you can’t even tell it from Adobe Photoshop!

SmoothDraw is an excellent graphics editor, with a lot of possibilities for processing and creating images. The program is mainly focused on creating pictures from scratch, from a white and blank canvas.

Your arsenal will include a large number of design and artistic instruments: brushes, pencils, pens, pens, etc.

The work with tablets is also quite good, coupled with the user-friendly interface of the program - it can be safely recommended to most users.

7. PixBuilder Studio - mini Photoshop

Many users on the Internet have already dubbed this program mini Photoshop. It has most of the popular features and functionality paid program Adobe Photoshop: brightness and contrast editor, there are tools for cutting, transforming images, you can create complex shapes and objects.

Good implementation of several types of picture blur, sharpening effects, etc.

It’s probably not worth talking about such features as changing the size of the picture, rotating, reversing, etc. Overall, PixBuilder Studio is an excellent drawing and editing program for your computer.

8. Inkscape - analogue of Corel Draw (vector graphics)

This is a free vector image editor similar to Corel Draw. This program is for drawing with vectors - i.e. directed segments. Unlike bitmap images, vector images can easily be resized without losing quality! Typically, such a program is used in printing.

It’s worth mentioning here about Flash - it also uses vector graphics, which allows you to significantly reduce the size of the video!

By the way, it’s worth adding that the program has support for the Russian language!

9. Livebrush - painting with a brush


Very simple program for drawing with good capabilities for image editing. One of the main features of this editor is that you will draw here brush! There are no other tools!

On the one hand, this is limiting, but on the other, the program allows you to implement a lot of things that you can’t do in any other!

A huge number of brushes, settings for them, strokes, etc. Moreover, you can create brushes yourself and download them from the Internet.

By the way, by “brush” in livebrush we mean not “just a simple” line, but also complex models geometric shape... In general, it is recommended for all fans of working with graphics.

10. Graphics tablets

A graphics tablet is a special device for drawing on a computer. Connects to a computer via standard USB. Using a pen, you can drag across an electronic sheet, and you can immediately see your painting online on the computer screen. Great!

Who needs a tablet for what?

The tablet can be useful not only for professional designers, but also ordinary schoolchildren and children. Using it you can edit photos and images, draw graffiti in in social networks, easily and quickly enter manuscripts into graphic documents. In addition, when using a pen (tablet pen), your hand and wrist do not get tired during long-term work, such as when using a mouse.

For professionals, this is an opportunity to edit photographs: create masks, retouch, edit and make corrections to complex contours of images (hair, eyes, etc.).

In general, you get used to the tablet very quickly and if you often work with graphics, the device becomes simply irreplaceable! Recommended for all graphics lovers.

This concludes the review of programs. Good luck with your choice and beautiful drawings!

Text: Victor Bespaly

The computer has changed its role more than once during its evolution. If earlier it was bought in order to create, now it has turned into a center for multimedia entertainment. You can watch movies, listen to music, play games on your computer - and that’s enough for most people. But not for those who want to create. Today we will talk about how you can draw on a computer - and at the same time draw beautifully.

A true designer is unthinkable without art education, must have excellent command of the techniques of drawing (pencil, charcoal), graphics (watercolor, gouache, pencil, ink, etc.), painting (gouache, watercolor, tempera, acrylic, oil). But computer graphics Anyone can master it. Computer in hands ordinary person can turn into an obedient instrument for the embodiment of his artistic thought - the very one that he cannot translate on paper.

The first thing to remember is that there are two types of graphic files: vector and raster. The set of tools and programs you need will depend on which graphics you prefer. In vector files, an image is formed by a set of curves and shading functions. Each time you open this image, the editor program draws the image from scratch. In raster files, a picture is a set of dots with a color parameter, and the picture is universal, but takes up more space.


One of the most important parameters of a computer is the amount of RAM.

Contrary to many claims, you don't need a very fast processor to draw on a computer. A real frequency of 1.5-2 GHz is quite enough, it will be Intel or AMD - it makes no difference, it all depends on the means and preferences you have. The most important parameter of a computer working with graphics is the amount of RAM; the more of it, the better. Our work applications, such as Photoshop, Painter, OpenCanvas (or even 3DS MAX), love it when there is a lot of RAM. And if you are going to create complex multi-layer compositions (and you definitely are?), then you can’t get away with the standard 512 MB DDR. We recommend installing at least 1 GB; The speed of RAM affects performance less noticeably.

You don't need a cutting-edge video card for drawing, the brand doesn't have one either special significance. However, there is a well-established opinion that best cards for drawing and graphics is produced by Matrox.

Now the main thing: the periphery. And we'll start with the good old scanner- without it, the artist will have a very difficult time, but he is needed, first of all, to enter background blanks into the computer. For example, you drew a palm tree and now you need to place it on an island by the sea. Take a similar illustration on paper, scan it, stylize it as a painting and place it as a layer under a palm tree. A digital camera can compensate for the lack of a scanner, but this application he will cope with the task with a C grade. You can make sketches by hand on plain paper, and then correct them on the computer after scanning them. A decent scanner will cost you 2 – 2.5 thousand rubles.

And finally, the main peripheral device for a computer artist is digitizer or tablet. They come in two main types - drawing and graphic. Drawing tablet created for CAD applications such as AutoCAD, 3DStudioMAX and their analogues. Such tablets have a pen without a degree of pressure - it is either pressed or not, there are no details provided here. The main advantages of these tablets are: a high resolution and positioning accuracy; an old model with a large area will cost approximately 1,800 rubles.

Graphics tablet differs in the following: a small area (graphics have small areas compared to drawings); It positions the point more roughly, but it feels pressure on the pen, and this is a big plus. If you use Adobe Photoshop, then working with chiaroscuro and brushes different thicknesses it will be much easier. Additionally, you can use a function that makes the stroke brighter or paler depending on the pressure applied - as a result, we get the opportunity to draw a lighter or darker “spot” without changing the brush.

For our case, graphics tablets are best suited. Prices for non-professional models start from 800 rubles; As you understand, the more expensive the tablet, the better it is and the more convenient it is to work on it. However, even on a small A6 matrix everything can look quite tolerable.

Another useful device - uninterruptable power source. It's better to play it safe than to grieve over a loss later. genius creation, which you've been poring over for a week. Approximate price depends on the desired capacity and the number of connected devices. In order to have time to save the drawing at the right time and turn off the computer correctly, a UPS costing 1,000 rubles is quite enough.

Common mice

A rather exotic input method is trackball- an inverted mouse with a large ball. The user rotates this ball with his fingers. The advantage of a trackball over a mouse is its high precision of cursor movement at low speeds. The trackball is inconvenient for everyday use.

In choise mice everything is quite simple: does it fit comfortably in the hand, is there scrolling or a 3rd button, etc., all this is entirely up to your taste. A separate conversation about rugs; rugs should be purchased specifically, and not used as a bonus for a new computer.

A mechanical mouse pad should be both slippery and grippy. This means that the mouse should not stick to the carpet, but the ball should literally bite into it. For optics, it is better to choose a mat so that the mouse does not move the cursor while standing still. The size of the mat should also be optimal - too large ones take up a lot of space on the table, and too small ones force the user to frequently move the mouse away from the edge of the mat.

You can also draw with a regular mouse. But it's not necessary.


There is a whole spectrum software- from simple tools for drawing on a computer to professional packages. The Windows shell includes one of the simplest packages - Paint. Using an example of working with this package, you can create initial presentation about techniques for creating graphic files. There are also more serious packages, for example, Adobe Photoshop. Let's try to briefly go through the main programs and highlight their advantages and disadvantages.

Painter is one of the best drawing programs.

Painter - best program for a computer artist. Now version 8 has been released, called Corel Painter. Don't be fooled by phrases like "Procreate Painter is better than Corel Painter" - it's the same program. Painter easily imitates all currently known real materials for drawing and painting, and even the styles of individual famous artists. The interface is intuitive, the only drawback of the program is that it is paid.

Adobe Photoshop- a package focused more on photo processing than on drawing. However, it contains many essential tools for an artist. It’s not very convenient to do painting in it, but coloring comic book pictures is just right, and applying it to them various styles and filters are even better. The great thing about Photoshop is that it's built for great amount filters, brushes and other add-ons. You can easily convert all sketches to single gallery With recognizable style. Photoshop is paid and expensive, but it's worth it.

Photoshop is a powerful graphics editor for all occasions.

OpenCanvas- absolutely free program for artists, very light and comfortable, but in terms of functionality it is very inferior to expensive analogues. In many ways it repeats the flagships, but is greatly simplified. The project is developing, new updates are released periodically. Can be recommended to all aspiring artists.

OpenCanvas is free and functional - that's what's great about it.

Ambient Design ArtRage - special program, which allows you to draw almost works of art using a tablet computer or tablet. You can either draw it yourself or use any digital photograph as a background; You can draw not only on a tablet computer, but also using an ordinary mouse or tablet. A very useful and absolutely free program.

Ambient Design ArtRage was created specifically for tablet computers.

Corel Draw- vector graphic editor. For a long time it was considered a toy for amateurs; professionals disdained the program, preferring Adobe Illustrator. But the Canadian company Corel did not stand still - the situation changed after the release of episode 10. The program has grown so much that today we can already recognize it as a very serious vector graphics tool. It will appeal to everyone - from a green beginner trying to draw “in Corel” for the first time, to a pro who can quickly make some fashionable item with it. trademark or a label for a new beer.

Corel Draw is a powerful vector editor.

By combining these editors with each other, you can achieve almost any result. The only thing worth remembering is that the vector editor is always primary, and the raster editor is secondary. That is, after editing a file in a raster editor, it can no longer be converted to vector format; you can only apply the next layer.

Summarize. A must-have kit for a computer artist is Painter or Photoshop. Optional - Flash, Corel Draw, OpenCanvas. A vector editor allows you to create an image from scratch, while a raster editor works better with blanks. This, of course, does not mean that you can’t draw something decent, or even even brilliant, in Photoshop. But it’s more convenient to draw in vector programs.

Options for practical use

Budget. Mouse, pad, raster editor.

If you have invested a little more than the standard 10 dollars in a mouse pad and a mouse, and even if you have a lot of patience and at least as much time, then, of course, you will draw something. Unfortunately, drawing with a regular mouse is very difficult. IN best case scenario The resulting drawings are in the style of children's primitivism.

Minimum. Scanner, sheet of paper, pencil, mouse, raster or vector editor.

This method is quite labor-intensive, but allows you to get good results. The idea is simple - you make a sketch on paper, scan it and process it in a graphics editor. The better software, the better the quality of the drawing.

Comfortable. Mouse, scanner, Corel Draw, high-quality mouse pad.

It is very convenient if the mouse polling frequency is high, and with the help of vector editors you can draw any curved lines correctly. But this method is only good for vector editors.

How to. Graphics tablet, scanner, trackball, Corel Draw and Adobe Photoshop.

With this set you can draw on high level, you are limited only by your skills and imagination.

Graphics tablet

A tablet is an ideal device for drawing.

Probably almost everyone who has ever picked up an electronic pen and tried to draw something on graphics tablet, felt bewildered and disappointed. It looks so much like a regular pen, but the feeling of drawing is completely different. And the results, frankly speaking, are not brilliant. Perhaps the result will be better if you understand the principle of operation of these miracle plates.

A special mesh is installed inside the tablet. These are conductors made from the thinnest copper strips. Each of them can be compared to a receiving antenna that receives a signal from an electronic pen. They allow special chips to track the position of the pen on the tablet and transmit its coordinates to the chip. Then the driver and drawing program are turned on.

When we move the pen over the active area of ​​the tablet, a trace remains on the screen, if we have a graphics editor loaded and a drawing tool is selected. Many tablets have a transparent plastic cover that can be removed so you can put a picture or photo underneath. This way you can trace the image, copying it. The pen itself has one end for drawing and the other for erasing. The design and principle of operation of all tablets are almost the same.

Good luck!