Program for learning to play the guitar. Guitar

Our Guitar Courses are built sequentially from simple to complex and include accompanying Special Courses that provide important knowledge necessary for every guitarist.Every training course– This is the completed stage of learning to play the guitar. You yourself determine the duration of your training, depending on what level of guitar proficiency you want to achieve!

July 05, 2016 Basic Guitar Course Program

Our Guitar Course begins with mastering Basic Guitar Techniques - the foundation that no one can do without. good guitarist , no matter what style he plays. For beginners, this Course is especially important - it gives fundamental basis which will allow you further develop in any direction and master any style of guitar playing. For those who have been playing for a long time, the course will allow you to eliminate all the “blank spots” that hinder your progress and limit your “ceiling”. This is precisely the knowledge and skills that are often learned very superficially during lessons with a teacher and in guitar video courses. Many teachers miss this knowledge - the most important for the formation of real guitar technique - trying to move on to accompaniment, improvisation, harmony and other “goodies” as quickly as possible. And in most tutorials, this basic knowledge is given so briefly and incompletely that it is simply impossible to understand and master it on your own.

July 05, 2016 Elite guitar course program

Basic guitar techniques have been mastered and it’s time for you to move on to more interesting, spectacular, and subtle things! During this course of study you will find several the most interesting subjects: Elite Guitar Course,Electric guitar course,Music theory course and continuation Master course for guitarist technique development.
The purpose of the Elite Guitar Course is to deepen the basic skills of playing the guitar and learn highly complex professional techniques and techniques for playing the guitar. Studying this course will allow you not only to master special techniques for playing the guitar, but also to achieve incomparably greater expressiveness and effectiveness of performance, and in addition, it will allow you to create a bright and memorable concert repertoire and perform successfully on any stage. This Course provides a deep understanding and mastery of the most subtle tricks of highly professional guitar technique, which are not only absent or extremely rarely covered in textbooks on guitar, but are often not considered deeply enough even by teachers in educational institutions.

July 05, 2016 Higher Performance Course Program

The Advanced Performance Course is an experimental Guitar Academy course. Outstanding guitar virtuosos, often unknowingly, use special techniques , with whom you will become acquainted in this Course. We will also talk about many aspects that will help you reach a whole new level. creative thinking and expressions in music, to achieve the exceptional impact of your art on the listeners. We will understand the deep essence and purpose of music, we will learn to hear the essence of music, ourselves, hear and form music within ourselves, and correctly creatively improve ourselves. You will learn how to work on yourself and how to manage the influence of the music you perform and its images on your listeners. This Course is for those who have decided to go beyond the rest and reach the most radiant heights of their art.

Internet tutorials

As a rule, for the query “guitar tutorial”, search services return hundreds of approximately identical sites that represent Internet analogues of paper publications. There's nothing wrong with that: guides like these can give you the necessary theoretical knowledge, teach you how to play songs using tablature and read chord fingerings.

  • GuitarProfy tutorial. Here you can find all the necessary theoretical basis for further self-development, a table of correspondences between notes on the stave and frets of the guitar, as well as examples of classical guitar works.
  • GuitarUser tutorial. A small tutorial written in simple language, which will teach you how to accompany your favorite compositions. Suitable for those who want to sing songs to friends with a guitar, but do not want to become a professional.


There are probably as many guitar tutorials on YouTube as there are text textbooks. We advise you to pay attention to those where lessons are taught by reputable musicians, or channels with a significant number of subscribers. For the rest, follow your personal preferences, and we will tell you about two popular Russian-language channels about guitar.

Pima Live

The channel of Anton and Alexey - two St. Petersburg residents who not only share tips on playing and learning, but also invite experts to give exclusive lessons, play instruments and post video reviews of guitars. There are videos for both beginners and advanced guitarists.


On this channel, guitarist Pavel posts thorough analyzes of popular compositions on acoustic guitar. The repertoire is wide: from pop hits by Max Korzh to the soundtrack from Interstellar.

Interest clubs "VKontakte"

With VKontakte groups, everything is more complicated: many advanced guitarists do not communicate in the community for beginners, but there are a lot of amateurs who consider themselves pros in such groups. We advise you to be skeptical about professional advice from groups and publics. But similar interest clubs can be very useful in finding like-minded people, chords and tablatures for songs. Also in such groups you can almost always find advertisements for sales and purchases.

  • « Guitar lovers" One of the most popular groups about the guitar on VKontakte, with more than 120 thousand subscribers. The community has a wall where you can post questions that interest you.
  • « guitar player" Another group with an open wall and a variety of content related to guitar and music.
  • « Guitar and guitarists" Project of flamenco guitarist Alexander Kuindzhi. You cannot publish a post on the wall, but you can ask a question in the discussions.


Guitar Pro 7 /

A music editor familiar to many who have dealt with learning melodies from tablature. You can record your tracks of various instruments, export them to MIDI or print them. The program has a metronome, a function for displaying the staff and guitar neck, the ability to record any nuances of articulation and add effects. On the Internet you can find tablature for Guitar Pro for any famous song. Special sites will help you with your search:

  • 911tabs. An aggregator site that searches the largest libraries of tablature and chords. Here you can find sheet music of all famous foreign songs and even many domestic compositions.
  • GTP-tabs. A huge archive of scores of Russian and foreign songs.

PreSonus Studio One 3 /

A useful experience for any guitarist is to listen to yourself from the outside. This requires special applications. DAW programs (sequencers) will help you record your compositions, mix guitar tracks and create accompaniment from virtual instruments. There are at least a dozen worthy sequencers. For beginners, we advise you to pay attention to PreSonus Studio One, Steinberg Cubase and Ableton Live.



An interactive tutorial that recognizes notes played on a guitar using a microphone. You can take lessons step by step or focus on learning songs from the library. The gameplay is reminiscent of Guitar Hero, only not colored circles light up in front of you, but numbers indicating the fret on the right string. Free version The game has limitations; a premium subscription will cost 332 rubles per month when purchased for a year.

Progress, in addition to constantly finding more and more new activities for people freed from the need to produce food, also allows us to make significant progress in organizing the process of learning to play the guitar. It’s worth saying here that with the help of modern gadgets and applications, you can develop both technology and theory.

Let's look at 5 applications, some of which did not even exist as physical devices some 50 years ago, and which are now available to literally every musician. I hope many of them are familiar to you, but if not, be sure to add them to your practice arsenal.

#1 Advanced metronome.

Nowadays, simply using a metronome will no longer surprise anyone; they are built into tuners or used as an application on the phone. Some inventive musicians go further and offer not just metronomes, but full-fledged ones at not very exorbitant prices. Separately, there are various applications for iPhone/Android, of which there are already several dozen, if not hundreds.

Just practicing with a metronome can get boring very quickly, so you can use an app or device that can perform more complex drawings. And then just try to use the idea:

  1. Start with slow tempo, the metronome should play sixteenth notes. Play a rhythmic pattern or riff, and since sixteenth notes are constantly sounding, it will be quite easy for you to navigate in time.
  2. Switch the metronome to play eighth notes. The task should become a little more difficult for you if you are playing a sixteenth note pattern. But there will still be enough supporting eighth notes so you'll feel fairly comfortable.
  3. Switch to quarters. Now it will be even more difficult for you to keep up the pace, but you just need to try.
  4. Try with half notes and then whole notes. If the metronome can't do that, just use quarter notes and a tempo two or four times slower.

With a metronome that can play different beats, you can either develop your internal sense of rhythm according to the proposed scheme or come up with some of your own. For example, turn triplets on one beat to sixteenth notes on another and try to play the scale in the same pattern, and then switch to quarter notes in the same way.

No. 2 Programs for slowing down music

#3 video editing programs/video chats

Nowadays there are simply insane amounts of irradiating video available on the Internet. There is, of course, outright garbage, but there are also a lot of good video schools().

Now, if you don’t understand some part of the video, you can always load it into the video editor and play it in circles until you get tired of it. 20 years ago, this would have required the videotape to be completely erased; 50 years ago this would have been impossible, since there were no video schools or VCRs.

I added video chats like Skype here only because they are also related to video, but essentially just new tool communication with the teacher no matter where you are. That is, you can study either with your friend from the next door, or with Greg Howe or Frank Gambale, depending on the budget, that’s the plot.

I think this is one of the the best tools for the development of a musician. Portable studios appeared en masse in the eighties, but were quite expensive. With the complete transition to digital and the increase in computer power, you can record a song at home.

With a DAW, you can write your game during class so that you can later point out your mistakes or take it to a friend or teacher for review. In a DAW, you can use plugins for slowing down, use various ones, make backing tracks or demos, shoot songs and then record your covers using it.

But the most interesting thing is that sound recording is becoming more and more mobile. Look what you can do just with Garage Band on iPad and small audio interface

5. Band-in-a-Box

At some point, there comes a time for every musician when they need to learn how to play songs. This can be solved quite easily now, since for almost all famous guitar compositions you can easily find a backing track.

If you don’t have enough practice with backing tracks, but at the same time you are not strong in writing your own backing tracks using a DAW, Band-in-a-Box becomes the best and, in fact, the only tool for you.

The application is available for PC or MAC platforms, and there is also a version for iPhone.

The main value of Band-in-a-Box is that it is truly a band inside your computer. All you need to do is select the style in which your composition should sound and set the chords (you can skip this step), an arrangement will be generated for you immediately. The application uses MIDI sounds from your sound card, so the sound will not be great, but no one is stopping you from then exporting the result to a MIDI file and loading it into your DAW, and then using the VST there.

In addition to simply arranging, Band-in-a-Box can be used to create melodies.

But what I found even more interesting was the learning function. I found several Jamiroquai backing tracks on the Internet, loaded them into Band-in-a-Box and now I use my Custom style for practice. I would like to think that when I improvise, JK musicians accompany me.

If you have anything to add to the list, share it in the comments.

Internet tutorials

As a rule, for the query “guitar tutorial”, search services return hundreds of approximately identical sites that represent Internet analogues of paper publications. There's nothing wrong with that: guides like these can give you the necessary theoretical knowledge, teach you how to play songs using tablature and read chord fingerings.

  • GuitarProfy tutorial. Here you can find all the necessary theoretical basis for further self-development, a table of correspondences between notes on the stave and frets of the guitar, as well as examples of classical guitar works.
  • GuitarUser tutorial. A small textbook, written in simple language, that will teach you how to accompany your favorite compositions. Suitable for those who want to sing songs to friends with a guitar, but do not want to become a professional.


There are probably as many guitar tutorials on YouTube as there are text textbooks. We advise you to pay attention to those where lessons are taught by reputable musicians, or channels with a significant number of subscribers. For the rest, follow your personal preferences, and we will tell you about two popular Russian-language channels about guitar.

Pima Live

The channel of Anton and Alexey - two St. Petersburg residents who not only share tips on playing and learning, but also invite experts to give exclusive lessons, play instruments and post video reviews of guitars. There are videos for both beginners and advanced guitarists.


On this channel, guitarist Pavel posts thorough analyzes of popular compositions on acoustic guitar. The repertoire is wide: from pop hits by Max Korzh to the soundtrack from Interstellar.

Interest clubs "VKontakte"

With VKontakte groups, everything is more complicated: many advanced guitarists do not communicate in the community for beginners, but there are a lot of amateurs who consider themselves pros in such groups. We advise you to be skeptical about professional advice from groups and public pages. But similar interest clubs can be very useful in finding like-minded people, chords and tablatures for songs. Also in such groups you can almost always find advertisements for sales and purchases.

  • « Guitar lovers" One of the most popular guitar groups on VKontakte, with more than 120 thousand subscribers. The community has a wall where you can post questions that interest you.
  • « guitar player" Another group with an open wall and a variety of content related to guitar and music.
  • « Guitar and guitarists" Project of flamenco guitarist Alexander Kuindzhi. You cannot publish a post on the wall, but you can ask a question in the discussions.


Guitar Pro 7 /

A music editor familiar to many who have dealt with learning melodies from tablature. You can record your tracks of various instruments, export them to MIDI or print them. The program has a metronome, a function for displaying the staff and guitar neck, the ability to record any nuances of articulation and add effects. On the Internet you can find tablatures for Guitar Pro for any famous song. Special sites will help you with your search:

  • 911tabs. An aggregator site that searches the largest libraries of tablature and chords. Here you can find sheet music of all famous foreign songs and even many domestic compositions.
  • GTP-tabs. A huge archive of scores of Russian and foreign songs.

PreSonus Studio One 3 /

A useful experience for any guitarist is to listen to yourself from the outside. This requires special applications. DAW programs (sequencers) will help you record your compositions, mix guitar tracks and create accompaniment from virtual instruments. There are at least a dozen worthy sequencers. For beginners, we advise you to pay attention to PreSonus Studio One, Steinberg Cubase and Ableton Live.



An interactive tutorial that recognizes notes played on a guitar using a microphone. You can take lessons step by step or focus on learning songs from the library. The gameplay is reminiscent of Guitar Hero, only not colored circles light up in front of you, but numbers indicating the fret on the desired string. The free version of the game has limitations; a premium subscription will cost 332 rubles per month if purchased for a year.

Finally, we can talk about the electric guitar learning program itself.

During his teaching activities I managed to create a fairly interesting, diverse and most importantly effective program learning to play the electric guitar. Below is a list of program elements in the appropriate order of execution. The general task of each element (riff, solo, legato, staccato, etc.) is deciphered in brackets.


The sequence and content of program elements is calculated according to the principles of increasing complexity and minimizing intersections common tasks. In addition, it is important that practicing each subsequent element helps to better master the previous one. It should also be noted that a large number of real works in a programme. Such a correlation between them and exercises allows you to practice technical elements, as well as their combinations in the context of real guitar parts, which significantly increases the literacy and versatility of the guitarist, increasing his vocabulary.