The largest rock festival in the world. Approximate ticket price

In the 1970s of the last century, Japanese cars poured into the markets of Europe and North America. And since about the same time, many models have been assigned legendary fame"unkillable".

First wave in Russia

Remember the post-perestroika action movie “Risk Without a Contract”? In it, one of the “main characters” was a 1980 Toyota Celica Camry, which was being driven from Vladivostok to Moscow. Judging by the time of release of the film (1992) and the condition of the device itself, it was purchased from Pakistan for a price not exceeding $200. Nevertheless, this car successfully drove 6,000 km of roads and 3,000 kilometers of off-road, jumped on an improvised springboard and drove a third of the road at top speeds - and this is not a cinematic exaggeration.

It was then, in the early 1990s, that our people experienced their first automobile shock. Not only were used Toyotas and Nissans more comfortable and convenient than Zhigulis and Muscovites, but they also practically did not break down. At least at first. And even on Zhiguli oil.

By the mid-to-late 1990s, when the infrastructure for purchasing, owning and servicing right-hand drive Japanese cars had more or less developed, the Siberian and Far Eastern people experienced the following shock: with high-quality oil and proper maintenance, these cars were simply indestructible. This especially concerned the Carina, Corona and Camry models that became famous and popular among Toyotas.

Series 170

This series has become truly widespread in Siberia and Far East already by 1996. “Carinas” and “Crowns” of this series entered production lines in Japan in 1988. Their engines already had electronic distributed fuel injection. Many modifications were equipped with ABS, almost all with a four-speed automatic transmission, and absolutely all with air conditioning or even climate control.

The restyled “Crown” produced in 1990, which received the nickname “catfish” on the “other” side of the Urals, was bought by my father in 1996. True, it was a rare modification - with a manual 5-speed gearbox (yes, there were such ones). But it had all the other automotive “charms”.

There was only one thing missing: driving pleasure. To drive, this Corona (like the vast majority of Toyotas) was bland and completely uninteresting. But it performed its utilitarian functions superbly. And I was depressed only once - the rear shock absorbers quickly gave up. However, for its mileage and taking into account the almost constant driving with the trunk loaded to the most “I don’t want”, it was a completely innocent and predictable misfortune. Which I decided to purchase new Kayaba shock absorbers of the same orange series.

That's all! Over 4 years of intensive and not very gentle operation, this “catfish” NEVER broke down and gave no reason to doubt its reliability. And she swallowed the red (leaded) AI-93, which was often found at that time, without even choking. However, like hundreds of thousands of its right-hand drive “sisters” from Vladivostok to Moscow and St. Petersburg. The car was sold to a friend who drove it without any significant problems for the same number of years.

To the markets Western Europe this series went under the name Carina II. But her fame was not so overwhelming. main reason- of course, not the notorious “imperial quality” of cars for the Japanese domestic market, but the nature of Western European operation. Such Japanese cars in the Old World were bought by poor citizens and were used much more intensively than in Japan. Hence the smaller residual resource. The same “Karinas” and “Crowns” that came from Japan often had mileages of less than 100,000 km, did not know almost the maximum modes on the unlimited German autobahns and were better maintained. Siberians and Far Easterners said: “Yes, they have only been tested in Japan.” And they were not far from the truth.

Series 190

It was this series that received all the laurels of the famous Japanese reliability and indestructibility. In the West, this series is known under the name Carina E (not “e”, but “epsilon”). Its almost complete right-hand drive analogue is Corona. But the Carina was already different in appearance, especially from the rear. And her characteristic curves became the reason for the popular nickname - “smile”. Corona was called “barrel”.

For their reliability and indestructibility, the cars of this series were forgiven for absolutely everything, especially their unsightly appearance. Actually, the nickname “barrel” speaks volumes about the design.

But the engines, especially the 2-liter ones - the petrol 3S-FE and the naturally aspirated diesel 2C - rightfully received the nickname “millionaire”. However, the other engines, the 1.6-liter 4A-FE and the 1.8-liter 4S-FE, also did not suffer from any sores and, with gentle operation, could easily exceed the 500,000 mileage without even noticing it.

As for handling and driving pleasure, as with reliability, everything remained at the same level - blandness and inexpressiveness, elevated to the absolute.

Series 210

One of the reasons for Toyota's financial success is the actual deception of millions of people regarding generational change. This deception lies in the fact that Toyota was one of the first to decide to radically update their models not in a 5-7 year cycle, but half as often. So the 210 series was a deep restyling of the 190 series. The costs of which are significantly (sometimes an order of magnitude) lower than the development of a truly new model.

But the 210 series inherited that same reliability. Which, however, was slightly spoiled by the new 7A series engine. This engine was, as usual, more economical, more environmentally friendly and better in all “objective” indicators, except for one - that very coveted reliability. Most likely, this was due to new “ecological” trends, and to the fact that the A series should not have been bored to 1.8 liters.

But with the appearance they came out with a classic Japanese rake, which they (the Japanese) stepped on and are constantly stepping on - very good and even good Carina and Corona Premio were supplied to the domestic Japanese market, and awkward Avensis were supplied to Europe and to us.

Series 240

About the same story happened with this series as with the previous one. Models for the Japanese domestic market (Allion and Premio) looked much more interesting and harmonious than the frankly unsightly Avensis, which went to Russia and Europe.

True, in terms of technology, the 240 series was truly new models. Actually, there is nothing more to say about them. Because this novelty drew a thick line under the legendary concept of “Toyota reliability.”

Photo at the opening of the article: Toyota series 240/ Photos provided by the author

When purchasing a car, its owner, willy-nilly, embarks on a path of periodic cash costs associated with the maintenance and repair of the vehicle. But if you choose a proven model, you can reduce the number of trips to a car service center and save your time and money. For evaluation, dealership statistics and owner reviews are usually used.

When discussing which car is the most reliable and economical, one cannot fail to take into account the main criteria that form these concepts:

  • Possibility of repairing components without replacing them.
  • Low frequency of failure of car components.
  • The ability to operate the machine on low-quality fuels and lubricants.
  • Optimal fuel consumption when driving on city streets and country highways.

To some extent, the buyer is interested in whether the selected vehicle is included in and the Moscow region, but quality indicators remain in first place. Judging by the statistics of dealer networks, motorists most often turn to service centers due to paint defects, Low quality interior trim and errors in the operation of the on-board computer.

How the rating of the most reliable cars for Russia is compiled: categories of faults

Technical experts evaluate the quality of a car based on certain categories. The same criteria are taken into account by dealer maintenance stations:

  • Transmission and power unit – most of breakdowns are associated with the internal combustion engine and its electronic equipment. This also includes problems with the gearbox, clutch and gearbox.
  • Body – the rigidity of the body, its resistance to moisture and the quality of the paintwork are taken into account. No less interesting is the opportunity factor body polishing and plastic components.
  • The chassis – it is the condition of the suspension that includes the best reliable cars for Russia in the “indestructible” rating, because the condition of the roads does not meet the standards everywhere. The bulk of the costs are related to , pads, bushings and steering rods.
  • Interior and electronic equipment - the category is assessed by the comfort and reliability of on-board electronics systems.
  • Security systems - attention is paid to the quality of the Airbag response in the event of an accident.
Current statistical information from the registration lists includes the class of the car, its year of manufacture and configuration. This also includes data on breakdowns of a particular model.

Top 10: which passenger car is the most reliable and economical in our conditions

Let's look at ten cars that have gained credibility in the domestic market for high-quality assembly and minimal operating costs. These models are adapted for driving on Russian roads in our climatic realities.

Over the years, the Czech concern has been able to prove that its products are technologically advanced and quite accessible to the average car enthusiast. According to statistics, these cars have a minimum number of breakdowns - this is reflected in the productive cooperation with Volkswagen.

If you are looking for an answer to the question of which car is the most reliable and economical in Russian conditions, then you need to take into account factors such as comfort and safety. Class C+ sedan This is ensured by the following options:

  • Adaptive cruise control.
  • Blind spot monitoring Blind Spot Detect.
  • Parking sensors and distance control device.
  • Lane Assist.

Of the entire line of engines, the 1.4 TSI turbocharged unit with a power of 122 hp is the most optimal in terms of fuel consumption. With a six-speed manual transmission, the car consumes only 5.3 liters of gasoline on the highway. If you take the same engine, but with a 7-DSG robot, then the savings will be more felt in urban driving mode - 8 liters versus 8.8 with mechanics.


The second position remains with Korean automakers, who with each generation of the car increase the build quality and equipment of the vehicle. Our car enthusiasts also liked the high-tech engine of the Gamma series, which has decent dynamics. For example, one of the two proposed engines with a volume of 1.4 liters and a power of 107 hp, either with a manual transmission or with an automatic one, consumes only 6-7 liters of gasoline per 100 km, and of the 92nd grade.

Analyzing reviews from owners, one of the weak points of the KIA Rio can be identified - this is the catalytic converter. Many motorists, after driving 5-10 thousand kilometers, prefer to install than installing a new node.

The compact Japanese SUV is not yet very common in our country, despite the fact that it has a fairly decent breakdown rate. That is why the car was able to get into the ranking of the most reliable cars for Russia, having practically no analogues in its class. Despite the complexity of the design, the all-wheel drive transmission with a pneumatic coupling operates flawlessly and rarely needs repairs.

Taking into account the fact that the crossover took only third position, the majority of experts and owners still characterize it only on the positive side:

  • Inexpensive spare parts.
  • Usually only consumables need replacement.
  • The motor is reliable and economical.
  • Robust frame and indestructible axles.

Somewhat spoils general impression trunk corrosion from cars is a kind of childhood disease that occurs after 2-3 years of intensive use. On the other hand, the concern has established a warranty period for paintwork of three years or 100 thousand kilometers. Chassis components have a shorter lifespan - 1 year or 15,000 km.

Nissan Almera

Fourth place in the top quality cars for our conditions is occupied by another representative of the Japanese automobile industry. This is facilitated by such useful options as:

  1. Steel protection for transmission, engine and brake system pipes.
  2. Ground clearance 160 mm and upgraded suspension.
  3. Reinforced steel chassis.

Improved shock absorbers and springs, a reinforced front stabilizer and a torsion beam - all this not only contributes to comfort and high-quality handling, but also eliminates frequent visits to the service station. Power unit with a volume of 1.6 liters and a power of 102 hp. paired with a manual transmission, it consumes an average of 7.5 liters of gasoline.

Sedans and station wagons of this model confidently close the top five in the rating on the question of which car is the most reliable and economical for Russia, although they are not so popular among motorists. The new generation of the car is equipped with a powerful 2.5-liter gasoline unit, but despite this it consumes an average of 8 liters of fuel. The turbocharged equivalent consumes a little more than 10 liters.

Over the entire period of operation, the Subarov Lineatronic variator has proven itself to be a reliable unit, capable of trouble-free operation with all-wheel drive. The plant provides a 6-year warranty against through body corrosion, so Legacy owners are insured against body problems for some time.

What brands complete the top ten reliable cars?

  • Mercedes-Benz– premium cars from Germany, unfortunately, in Lately are not worth their price. A high price does not always guarantee quality.
  • Volvo- the safest cars in the world.
  • Volkswagen– the eighth position is retained by the German concern, even taking into account all the minor technical troubles, cars of this brand still delight with high-quality assembly and components.
  • Opel is a proven brand of cars that has gained popularity among our motorists due to its low price and maintainability.
  • SEAT– the Spanish brand, part of the Volkswagen Group, brings up the rear top ten reliable cars.

In any case, the rating is reliable passenger cars for Russia should not be taken literally. First of all, the owner chooses a car based on design, equipment and ease of use, because it is he who will be driving the car.

Recently, one can increasingly hear the opinion that modern cars have become less durable than they were some 5 to 10 years ago. This is due to the fact that companies, in order to reduce the cost of production and the vehicles themselves, install components of relatively lower quality, purchasing them from the so-called “third world” countries. But is it really that bad? Not really. You can still find a lot of car brands that take the quality of their products very seriously. Let's talk today about those “indestructible” cars.


Many modern models stuffed with various electronics can hardly be called indestructible, because often such vehicles They require a lot of care and attention from the owner himself, as well as considerable expenses for their maintenance at a service center. It is also noted that units that were assembled thanks to some innovative design solutions are often less reliable and may not show everything they are capable of. The worst in this regard, oddly enough, are luxury-class models; experts have repeatedly called them the least reliable representatives of the automotive industry. Our rating includes exactly those cars that can be safely called not only indestructible, but also unpretentious. During the assessment, breakdown rates and the cost of their elimination were also taken into account.

Toyota Camry

This Japanese car, especially the Europeans are sure of this, is the closest thing to the word “indestructible”. Camry is quite durable, the number of reports of its breakdown is extremely small, which is why drivers, when choosing a new car, give their preference to this particular car. According to various experts, even if you buy this used Toyota model, there is still too little chance that some kind of breakdown could happen to it. The most that changes in the Camry is the oil and the headlight bulbs. Also speaking in favor of a Japanese car are its fairly affordable prices, the close location of service centers that can be found even in small towns. Also, independent experts who annually conduct testing of vehicle production enterprises recognized the Toyota Camry plant in Lafayette as the best, taking into account the quality indicators of the cars produced.

IN in this case, it is extremely difficult to single out any one Porsche model. The reason for this is simple - the Germans know a lot about the quality of the cars they produce, and this has been no secret to anyone for several decades. The largest European automobile club, ADAC, claims that the breakdown rate per 100 new cars produced is negligible. Another company, TUV, claims the same thing. For their study, they took 100 cars with mileage from 50 to 100 thousand kilometers. According to their data, the Cayenne, Boxter, and also the 911 have the best performance. If you want to buy yourself a truly standard car in terms of indestructibility, then you should, without a doubt, choose such an excellent representative of the German market as Porsche.

Lexus is a well-known Japanese corporation that is aimed primarily at producing executive cars that are distinguished by high levels of quality, speed, and most importantly design. If you remember, at the beginning of the 00s, all businessmen and show business stars were literally obsessed with Lexus, which for some time became the star of all sales ratings in Russia. ADAC assures that such fame, in fact, did not happen on empty space. The brand is an enterprise of Toyota Motor Corporation and over the years of its conquest of the European market has repeatedly shown that it can count on leadership positions on a par with such giants as Mercedes and BMW. The number of breakdowns is extremely small, and service centers are located in almost every city in Russia.

Audi A4, A5

One of the guarantees that these winners from Audi will be able to get on our list are real legends that they want among motorists and they are dedicated, first of all, to the indestructible suspension of this car. Naturally, prepare quite significant sums of money for both the first and the second car, but if you have already forked out for such a purchase, then believe me, you certainly will not regret it. The Audi A5 was introduced back in March 2007, but during this time it has not left the popularity ratings of key automotive departments, which, in addition to its suspension, also praise its trouble-free braking system, rims and overall assembly. Experts are confident that you will be able to drive even over Russian potholes without any problems. At least this is what they will promise you at the official dealership, and they will also give you a free service guarantee.

The Volvo brand has long become a true legend. If you surf the net, you can find a lot of different video evidence of this, where the videos are called: “Indestructible Volvo.” The Swedish brand has earned its popularity among millions of car enthusiasts not only high quality assembly, but also the advancement of their vehicles. There is, however, one “but”. The cost of both the service itself and various branded consumables is quite steep, so think before buying a car of this brand whether you are willing to put up with it. Experts, however, assure that having spent at least once at a service center, you will not have to go there a second time very soon, so this waste, in their opinion, is quite natural.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class

If we talk about the high cost of maintenance and repairs, then you are welcome - say hello to the leader of this rating. Repairing a Mercedes-Benz C-Class series will certainly cost you a significant amount of money, but the question is whether you will need it so quickly. The thing is that the German auto industry has always been distinguished by high quality indicators, therefore, in terms of indestructibility, Mercedes could well be at the top of our rating, but the prices for its maintenance simply do not allow us to do this. However, it should be noted that if a person bought himself such an already quite expensive car, then he should count on such expenses. Is not it?

Ford C-Max

Don't be confused by the fact that this car is a compact minivan. Don't forget who created it. The Ford company, despite its American origin, has managed to gain a strong foothold in Europe and easily competes with key players in the automotive market. In addition, official statistics show that office workers recognized the C-Max as the best car for traveling with the family, as well as driving to work and around the city in their daily routine. Also the reason for the guarantee is the fact that the C-Max was also recognized as the safest car of the year in 2007, a wide network of Ford service centers with excellent service and a long warranty, literally on every part, reduce the likelihood that you will visit the center two times per year to the absolute minimum.

Volkswagen Polo

The camps of debaters about the “kings” of the global automobile industry will always be divided into two camps. Some will foam at the mouth to prove that there is no one better than the Japanese in this matter. Others will point to the Germans and appeal that their methodicality and accuracy can be fully demonstrated with the help of one single car - the Volkswagen Polo. This car for the brand is something like business card. It was he who helped to survive the difficult times after the diesel scandal and not lose absolutely the entire market. Domestic experts even gave the Polo its own nickname - “ Tin soldier Russian roads". And why all? Yes, because contacting service centers with Polo problems is extremely rare. These cars break down very rarely, and the cost of original parts is equal to the VAZ analogue. Volkswagen can boast of excellent, responsive handling, unbreakable electronics, and an indestructible exterior. For users around the world, all this is a factor that elevates Volkswagen to a leadership position.

Hyundai Solaris

Well, how can you do without the main, dare I say it, bestsellers on the domestic trading platform. Over the past few years, the Korean brands Hyundai and KIA have shown which class of cars is the most popular among Russians, since for several years in a row vehicles of these brands have been in the first positions in sales. In this section we will talk specifically about the Hyundai Solaris. This car is actually inexpensive, this list the most accessible, but in terms of the number of awards he is far ahead of the other participants. “Brand of the Year”, “Best Car of the Runet”, “Car of the Year”, “Golden Klaxon” - this is just an incomplete list of hundreds of awards that the Korean “superstar” received in Russia. In many of its parameters, Solaris bypasses analogues sold by Mercedes and BMW. If we talk about the parameters of indestructibility, then everything is in place, otherwise the car would not have made it into our rating. On average, a breakdown of Solaris occurs only after 2-3 years of use, and repairs do not cost the owner a lot of money.

And here is the second representative of the so-called “Korean invasion” of the Russian market. For several years in a row, brands, if they manage to outsell Rio, do so solely due to the mass of promotions, discounts and similar events. In terms of strength parameters, this car is rated highest by Russian experts. As you remember, they take into account not only the number of requests per year, but also the cost of eliminating the problem that has arisen, and here, as you understand, everything is at the highest level. If you decide to buy yourself a new car, then Rio is certainly long years will become your reliable assistant, because even on domestic roads it is distinguished by its high endurance and practicality.


In any case, our rating is not the final authority, and if you are faced with such an important issue as buying a car, you should always proceed only from personal reasons. Read carefully several statistics, study the opinions of respected experts about a particular car. It is also necessary to take into account the relationship between cost and durability. In general, in world practice, from year to year the quality of produced cars is constantly increasing, but you should not rely only on the integrity of the brand, because you are dealing with a corporation, and it is only interested in you as a buyer.

2018 can already be called generous with events, thanks to frequent visits from the world's largest rock icons. And this year they really spoil their fans with regular visits! This is also a concert of the unique G3 project of one of the greatest guitarists of all time, Joe Satriani, in March. And the hot April performances of the bands Halloween, Rainbow, revived by Ritchie Blackmore and, of course, Ken Hensley from Uriah Heep at ROCK FM's birthday. At the end of May we were shaken up by Deep Purple, who celebrated their 50th anniversary. And on July 13, for the first time in Russia, the unrivaled Guns n’Roses will perform with their original lineup!

But if lovers classic rock such a vigorous concert activity was not enough, or for one reason or another you did not have time to attend these concerts full of drive and lively energy of sounds, do not be upset. Especially for fans of cult rock bands and painfully recognizable guitar licks, ROCK FM, together with National Geographic, has compiled a selection of iconic music festivals where you can hear real rock and roll this year.

1. British Summer Time
Place: London, England. When: June 6-14. Headliners Stars: Eric Clapton, Paul Simon, Roger Waters, The Cure.

Since 2013, in the very center of London, in the royal park of Hyde Park, the British Summer Time festival has been held for two weekends in a row. One and a half hectares of greenery in the heart of the capital of Foggy Albion, kilowatts of sound and a great mood are guaranteed to all festival visitors.

2. Download
Place: Donington Park, England. When: June 8-10. Headliners: Ozzy Osbourne,Guns N'Roses, Marilyn Manson, Avenged Sevenfold.

The festival has been held at the Donington Park race track near the village of Castle Donington since 2003 and each time attracts more than 20 thousand fans of heavy music. For all guests, the festival is an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the flavor of central England, walk along the track where the Moto GP races take place, and try traditional English cuisine - giblet pies, puddings and fish and chips.

3. Robert Smith's Meltdown
Place: London, England. When: June 15-24. Headliners: The Cure, Nine Inch Nails, The Libertines, Mogwai, Deftones, Manic Street Preachers, Placebo, My Bloody Valentine.

The annual Meltdown festival is a real celebration of art: music, cinema, theatrical performances and painting come together in one place - the largest art complex Southbank Centre. The highlight of the event is the choice of the festival curator, who forms the list of artists: every year one of the famous musical performers. Meltdown has been running since 1993 and is preparing to celebrate its quarter-century anniversary under the leadership of Robert Smith, vocalist cult group The Cure.

4. Secret Solstice
Place: Reykjavik, Iceland. When: June 21-24. Headliners: Slayer, Bonnie Tyler

The multi-format festival Secret Solstice is unique due to its location: a large-scale open air event takes place next to northern capital world - Reykjavik. The festival takes place during the white nights - the city is located not far from the Arctic Circle - all festival guests will be able to experience the unforgettable sensations of “day in the middle of the night”. Despite the powerful lineup, the organizers are trying to further diversify the program with performances inside glaciers, volcanoes and - literally - in the ocean.

5. Isle Of Wight
Place: Isle of Wight, England. When: June 21-24. Headliners: Depeche Mode, Kasabian, Liam Gallagher, The Killers, Travis, Sheryl Crow.

From 1968 to 1970, the festival on the Isle of Wight off the coast of South-East England attracted so many fans of the rock movement that it surpassed the legendary Woodstock in the number of guests. After a 30-year pause, in 2002, the festival was revived again, and in 2018 it is preparing to present a simply enchanting line-up.

6. Roskilde
Place: Roskilde, Denmark. When: June 24 - July 1. Headliners: Foo Fighters, Arcade Fire, Justice, Blink-182, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Royal Blood.

The Roskilde Music Festival is considered one of the... major events Danish musical culture and most major festival in Northern Europe. Today, open air is also known for its non-profit orientation - funds raised at the event are regularly donated to charity.

7. Opener
Place: Gdynia, Poland. When: June 28 - July 1. Headliners: Radiohead, Foo Fighters, Prophets of Rage, The Kills.

Polish Openʼer has established itself as an event with a cool line-up. At the same time, it is affordable in price compared to other European open air events, which has already brought the event the fame of an “Eastern European phenomenon.” The festival is held just an hour and a half drive from Kaliningrad, including the time to cross the border, in a place under the name Gdynia, touching the Russian ear.

8. Rock Werchter
Place: Werchter, Belgium. When: July 5-8. Headliners: Muse, Arctic Monkeys and Pearl Jam.

Oldest music Festival has been gathering guests on the first weekend of July in the Belgian village of Werchter, located 30 km from Brussels, since 1976. Guests of the event will be amazed not only by the high-quality sound and impressive performances of iconic rock stars, but also by the large-scale pyrotechnic show that traditionally closes the event. And, of course, the beauty of Belgium will not leave you indifferent: meadows, neat houses and rock and roll reigning in this pastoral!

9. Lollapalooza Paris
Place: Paris, France. When: July 22-23. Headliners: Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Hives, Pixies, Alt-J, Liam Gallagher, Editors.

Lollapalooza Paris is the newest member of the famous festival family, which will be held for the second time in July in the historical place of the French capital - at the Longchamp Hippodrome, opened in 1857 by Napoleon III. Those planning to attend the festival will be able to enjoy not only performances by top-level stars, but also all the delights of the most romantic city in the world: shopping, restaurants and attractions literally at every turn.

10. Wacken
Place: Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. When: August 2-4. Headliners:Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sons Of Apollo, Sepultura, Judas Priest, Mr.Big, Ghost, Helloween, Amorphis.

Since 1990, the small village of Wacken in northern Germany has been considered the center of the global metal industry. In addition to exclusive artist performances, the festival is traditionally famous for its excellent street food and excellent German beer.

And those who, for various reasons, cannot attend the European rock and roll festivals, will always be able to listen to the hits of the great rock musicians on the ROCK FM radio station!