Double diamond chain weaving for women. Choose chain weaving: mission possible

In this article we will look at the main existing species weaving gold chains, as well as photos with names. This type of jewelry today is wildly popular and in high demand, this is especially noticeable in the summer, when people expose their body, and a gold chain glitters beautifully on it. How many decorations and types can you see? weaving gold chains! The variety of options is great, which means that everyone can choose according to their taste, style and budget.

The most common type of jewelry is a chain. It can be worn by both women and men, and even children. It can be worn as an independent decoration or as an addition to a pendant.

Weaving gold chains, female species:


This is the most feminine type of weaving. It is light and weightless, designed to emphasize feminine beauty and the refinement of the owner’s taste, at the same time very durable. It consists of two links: internal and external, so it will never break, but even if trouble happens, the chain will not be lost, thanks to the second link.

Weaving gold chains, photos with names:

Cardinal (Moscow Bismarck)

It is as strong as the first chain, since each link is soldered with a gold curl. There are “Cardinals” that are not soldered, but this will not affect the strength of the product in any way. The chain is elegant and feminine, looks expensive and beautiful.


This kind weaving gold chains is a truly feminine decoration. The tenderness and lightness of the links will not leave indifferent any lady or girl who appreciates jewelry. You don’t even have to worry about losing this type of product. It is particularly durable. These models differ from the other two in that they are attached to each other with three points, and, naturally, this significantly affects the cost finished product. But with such high strength, all costs are worth it.


This product will not ruin its owner. It looks massive, but there is not much precious metal here. The multiple interweaving of links indicates the strength of the decoration, while the chain looks very noble and elegant, which speaks of great gift, and about a practical purchase.

Weaving gold chains, photos with names:


This decoration is also considered one of the most durable, durable, but no less beautiful and elegant. “Rope” chains can be either massive or thin, but in both cases they are quite durable.

Since ancient times, perhaps the most the best gift For both women and men, there was and remains a gold chain. This jewelry masterpiece, depending on the length and type of weaving, looks equally good on young beauties and mature women. Wherein modern ladies They wear gold chains not only on their necks, but also on their wrists, ankles, and some even use the jewelry as a belt or as an addition to their hairstyle.

A women's gold chain with an original weave can emphasize the individuality of the owner and add zest to an already established image. This feature jewelry was noticed by jewelers at the beginning of the 20th century. Since then, every woman can choose an accessory at her own discretion, focusing on personal preferences and.

Long and short, large and thin, made of white, yellow or red gold - all these points must be taken into account when choosing such an expensive product. However, the fundamental criterion on which the appearance of the gold chain will depend is the type of weaving.

Let's take a closer look at what types of weaving women's gold chains are, and who they are most suitable for.

Names of the best weaves of gold chains

Let's start our short review from the simplest and most durable weaves of gold chains:

The varieties listed above are only a small part of the weaves of gold chains that are available in the assortment of most jewelry stores. In addition, such decorations are among the universal ones. While exclusive weaves of gold chains include chains with inserts or zircons.

Which gold chain weave is better?

The abundance of gold jewelry makes choosing the right model a difficult task. Because each product is beautiful in its own way. Therefore, before purchasing, it is best to try on the gold chain you like. It is also necessary to take into account the physique, the occasion for which it is purchased, the age and character of the future owner.

Chains and bracelets from precious metals- these are some of the most oldest species jewelry. People wear these products both separately and in combination with pendants, religious symbols or pendants. Today there is a wide choice of all kinds of chain weaving. However, the most practical, durable and beautiful of them is Bismarck weaving, you can see the photo later in the article. It consists of many links directed in different directions.

Types of weaving Bismarck

Bismarck chains made of gold or silver, based on the appearance and shape of the segments, are divided into the following varieties:

  • Round
  • Brook
  • Python
  • Byzantium
  • Cardinal
  • Fox's tail
  • Arab
  • Springel-shaped
  • Moscow

All varieties of Bismarck weaving in gold are distinguished by their exquisite beauty and dense interweaving of links.


Bismarck round weaving includes many rounded rings, ornately intertwined with each other. Due to this, the chain receives impressive volumes and is most often used in men's bracelets.

The minimum weight of round weaving up to 50 cm in length is about 14 g. Up to 20 cm - 9 g.

Round weaving also has names such as royal, Roman and imperial.

Bismarck round:


Chains and bracelets of the trickle technique got their name thanks to external resemblance with a smoothly flowing body of water. The rounded links of such a Bismarck chain flow from one to another, thereby resembling a nimble stream.

Weaving streamlets is performed by jewelry craftsmen both manually and using specialized equipment. It is worth noting that precious items made on machines do not have defects or rough links.

Brook chains and bracelets, despite their voluminous and massive appearance, weigh very little. Therefore, they are great for both men's and women's jewelry.

Weaving a Bismarck stream does not require large expenditures of precious metals. Thanks to this, it is one of the most affordable varieties of this technology.

Bismarck Stream:


Python weaving is one of the most modern branches of Bismarck. It is made mainly by hand. It has three rows of openwork, thin and rounded links, closely intertwined with each other. IN Lately Diamond-cut python products have become very popular.

This type of Bismarck is perfect for both women's and men's jewelry. This weaving looks most elegant with office style clothes. Python also has names such as Italian, American, caprice and pharaoh.

Bismarck Python:


The Bismarck Byzantium gold chain is a true embodiment of the highest class jewelry craftsmanship! These products are made up of several types of links:

  • Simple: round, square, oval
  • Shaped like number 8

The interweaving of links of various shapes allows you to create an exquisite pattern that will serve as an excellent decoration for both women and male. Used for the manufacture of full-weight products of any size. Chains and bracelets of Byzantium weaving are recommended to be worn without the use of additional pendants.

Bismarck Byzantium:


Weaving a Bismarck cardinal chain is one of the most difficult. That is why such products always have the highest strength and sophistication of style.

Cardinal weaving can be either soldered or not soldered. The links have the following forms:

  • Oval
  • Round
  • Square

The Bismarck cardinal chain can have two, three or four rows of links. Most often, this weaving is used in the manufacture of men's bracelets and chains. Much less often - in women's jewelry.

Cardinal Weave:

Fox's tail

Fox tail weaving is characterized by thin, openwork and intricate patterns of multidirectional links. This weaving is often used in the manufacture of massive jewelry. Segments are used in weaving various forms, among which are:

  • Oval.
  • Square.
  • Circle.

Such a chain will have a rounded shape and a length of 40 to 50 cm. Also, these decorations have an active shine that shimmers as the product moves.

The Bismarck fox tail chain weave is most in demand in women's jewelry. However, it can also be found in men's chains or bracelets.

Weaving Fox tail (or herringbone):


Arabic weaving got its name due to its external resemblance to Arabic writing. Such a Bismarck is created by a jeweler either manually or using specialized equipment. The links are laid in several rows - from two or more. The elements are predominantly round in shape.

After assembly, the segments are soldered in four places - where the antennae of the half elements come into contact with the turn of the main link. Then the product is stretched, leveled, the links are pierced with an awl, and the irregularities are filed off.

The Arabian Bismarck is distinguished by its bright play of light. Many jewelers also enhance this property with diamond cutting and blackening. This type weaving is suitable for both female and male genders.

Arabic Bismarck:


In a springel-shaped Bismarck, the thickness of the link is equal to or slightly exceeds its width. Therefore, elements most often have the shape of ovals, which can be:

  • Double
  • Triple

Moscow Bismarck

Moscow Bismarck weaving is perfectly smooth. The ends of its links are soldered and sawed off, so the chain does not cling to clothing, as is the case with classic weaving. This factor also has a beneficial effect on tactile sensations when wearing the product.

Jewelers divide the Moscow Bismarck into two subtypes, according to the number of link rations:

  • Four rations
  • Six rations

The Moscow Bismarck is made as follows. The metal is cut into small elements that are twisted into links. Next, the segments are assembled into one chain and soldered (the number of solders depends on the type of weaving). Then the product is leveled and its irregularities are cut off.

Moscow Bismarck is especially popular in men's bracelets and chains. Much less often, this weaving can be found in women's jewelry.

How to choose?


Noble chain metal is not only beautiful , but also an absolutely universal decoration. I like her and women, and men, suitable for any clothing, worn either separately or together with a pendant, cross or pendant.

But the appearance of the chain is not the only thing you need to pay attention to when buying. Equally important is the weaving of the chain, the strength of which determines durability decorations. In this article we will tell you everything we know abouttypes of chain weavingand their features.

What types of chain weaving are there?

All existing chain weaving can be divided into several main groups.

The first is chains with classic weaving. It is based onanchorconnection of flat and oblong links or “Rollo” rings, which are located perpendicular to each other. To the classictype of chain weavingalso referred to as "Sea Anchor". A decoration with such weaving is a smaller copy of a ship's chain, with jumpers between the links.

Another version of the classic - armored type of chain weaving, in which all links are in a single plane. There are several types of silver andgold chains with armor weaving: “Free Diamond”, “Cartier”, “Cobra” and others.

No less populartype of chain weaving made of gold and other precious metals are considered " Bismarck" Such chains are made both manually and on a machine. Earlierwas considered an exclusively male decoration, but in last years Manufacturers are increasingly producing lighter and more delicate models especially for girls. Therefore todaygold chain with Bismarck braid– universal option for everyone.

The most fashionable chain weavingfantasy. It includes everything unique and unusualtypes of weaving gold chainsand other noble metals. But such jewelry is very difficult to make, and therefore quite expensive. There are many varieties of “fantasy” chains: “Bird’s Eye”, “Cardinal” and others.

Another beautiful chain weaving – « balloons" It appeared quite recently, but quickly became popular. Such chains can consist of balls alone or in combination with cylinders. If you like massive jewelry up to 10 mm wide, we recommendchoose chain weave"balloons".

Which gold chain weave is the strongest?

If you want to choose a women's gold chain with strong weaving, take a closer look at the “Nonna” pattern. Among chains for men, the most durable are those with Rombo weaving.

Third option tightly woven gold chain– the “Bismarck” described above. Jewelry products with this type of link connection are suitable for both women and men of any age . And they really havespectacular appearance.

The best chain weaveswith flat links – “Cleopatra” and “Celtic Knot”. Flat chains with such weaving not only serve for a long time, but also perfectly look .

Gold women's chains with fine weaving

Which chain weave to choosefor a child or young girl? Of course, the lightest and most delicate. There are at least three types of thin but quite strong chains: “Spikelet”, “Twist” and “Venetian weaving”. Each of them is good in its own way, and which one to choose depends entirely on your preferences.

But not all thin chains are strong. Some of them are so fragile that they require special care. For example,women's gold chains with weaving“Omega”, “Snake” or “Herringbone” should be carefully hung on a hook after use. And also - carefully ensure that they do not twist.

These are the basic tips on how tohow to choose a gold chain weave. Jewelry made from any other precious metal can be chosen according to the same principle. Happy shopping!

Bismarck is one of the most complex and beautiful weaves. In our country, chains made of precious metals woven in this way gained enormous popularity in the dashing nineties, when massive decoration on the neck or hand was considered an integral attribute a certain layer of society.

Times are changing, modern jewelry is not so large, but weaving remains one of the most in demand, as it provides excellent link adhesion while having an attractive appearance.

What kind of weaving is this

A photo will easily help you understand all the intricacies of the method. This is a large and somewhat rough weave, originally invented for chains weighing over 100 grams. Nowadays, such a massive product is considered bad form, so even on a relatively thin chain you can safely wear two pendants or a large cross, a zodiac sign, etc.

A specific production process, which jewelers consider to be not at all complicated, allows the links to be placed very close to each other, creating a dense structure. This famous technique, which has a different name in the West - Kaiser, Cardinal.

The most commonly used gold wire is with a diameter of 0.3 millimeters to 1.4 mm. There are many types of weaving that allow you to diversify decorations while maintaining their positive qualities.

Types of weaving Bismarck chains

Today there are 15 officially recognized methods, each of which has a name and distinctive features. Let's look at the most popular:

  1. Round bismarck. The links have a rounded shape, which intertwine with each other, creating a large volume of the product. The decoration turns out to be heavy (50 centimeters - 14 grams). This method may also be called royal, imperial or Roman;
  2. Brook. The links, shaped close to a circle, seem to flow into each other. The volume of the chain turns out to be quite impressive, but due to the weaving technique, the weight remains relatively small. Such products are distinguished by their elegant appearance and affordability, because the metal consumption is low;
  3. Python. New development specialists, in great demand. Three rows of thin rounded links are intertwined. To be carried out only by hand, ideal for business style clothes for men and women. Other names of the same subspecies:
    • Italian;
    • American;
    • caprice;
    • Pharaoh;
  4. Byzantium. This method was created for exquisite, unique works of jewelry. The following types of links are used:
    • oval;
    • round;
    • rectangular;
    • in the shape of a figure eight.

    Each master combines this set in his own unique order, creating unique patterns. For chains made using this technique, additional hanging decorations are not recommended;

  5. Cardinal. This top class among the masters. Several rows of links different shapes tightly woven with (or without) soldering. The chain seems monolithic with impressive volumes. Used by men;
  6. Fox's tail. Thin links of three shapes:
    • oval;
    • round;
    • square;

    Intertwined in different ways. The products have a round shape up to 50 centimeters long, shimmering while walking;

  7. Arabian Bismarck made from two or more rows of rounded links. In places where the antennae of the half elements come into contact with the main structure, soldering is performed. Then the chain is stretched, given its final even shape, the links are pierced with an awl;
  8. Moscow way. Our jewelers did not miss this weaving option. Perfectly different smooth surface, because the ends of the links are sawed off and sealed. There are two subspecies:
    • 4 rations;
    • 6 rations.

The manufacturing method is also interesting:

  • gold is cut into equal lengths from which links are made;
  • the resulting elements are assembled into a single chain and sealed using one of the methods listed above;
  • the product is leveled, after which all irregularities and roughness are finally filed away.

Due to its appearance, it is most often used by men.

Which type of weaving is suitable for men and which for women?

A variety of techniques allows you to create chains different thicknesses and shapes. However, in some cases it turns out brutal, in others elegant. Let's look at which species are best for both sexes to pay attention to.


Emphasize strength masculinity the following types of Bismarck weaving:

  • Round. Impressive sizes will look perfect on major representatives the strong half of humanity;
  • Cardinal. It is extremely rare in women's jewelry;
  • Moscow. The correct shape and large links are perfect for men;
  • Springel-shaped. The same width and thickness are unlikely to decorate a woman’s delicate neck.


Only one option can be definitely called feminine - a fox tail. These chains are extremely rarely used by the stronger sex. However, this fact does not limit the choice, because there is a whole range of types of weaving that jewelers consider universal.


Rules good taste allow the following subtypes to be worn by representatives of both sexes:

  • Arab. The name itself implies oriental sophistication. Therefore, the beautiful half of humanity chooses jewelry with a thinner link, and men with a thicker one;
  • Byzantium. A beautiful and expensive product will decorate and emphasize the status of absolutely anyone;
  • Python. For a properly selected business suit a chain in this style will be a wonderful addition to the look;
  • Brook. In this way they are created budget options for both men and women.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other weaving method, Bismarck has a number of positive properties with the obligatory presence of some disadvantages.

There are five main advantages:

  • Aesthetically attractive appearance;
  • Strength, because it was created for massive products;
  • Versatility. This article has already given types of weaving that will look equally good on men and women;
  • A large number of subspecies, creating a huge selection of chains according to appearance, and by weight;
  • Possibility to choose products to suit any style of clothing, which is not common for jewelry.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • Lack of opportunity to select an exclusive. This back side enormous popularity. There are so many products with Bismarck weave on the market that it is no longer possible to come up with something fundamentally new;
  • The connection between the links is an order of magnitude stronger than on the clasp Therefore, when damaged, it is often the most expensive part that has to be repaired.


Here are examples of the cost of chains with different Bismarck weaves, calculated per 1 gram of product:

The example shows that the price is fundamentally different for complex, elite weaving. In other cases, the scatter occurs within the statistical error.