Names of weaves. What should a man's chain be like? Tips and best weaves

At all times, gold and products made from it were valued at very high prices. People paid a lot of money to own any piece of jewelry made from this noble metal. The famous “gold rush” also left an indelible mark on history. And now the precious metal yellow color valued no less. Jewelers create real works of art from gold. Rings, earrings, necklaces and much more. The list also includes chains made from this noble metal. They are one of the popular types decorations We will talk about the types of weaving gold chains in this article.

So, there are many types of weaving gold chains. They, in turn, are divided into female species weaves that are masculine and suitable for both women and men.

For women

The types of weaving of women's gold chains are distinguished by a wide range of choices. As a rule, such models look light and weightless. They are designed to emphasize the femininity and elegance of their owners. Here are the most famous views weaving.

1. Nona

One of the most feminine types of weaving. At first glance, it seems that such a chain can easily break. But for all its external lightness and weightlessness, this weaving is considered one of the most durable. The thing is that there are two links here: internal and external. If one of them frays, the structure will still remain undamaged due to the second link.

2. Cardinal (Moscow Bismarck)

This type of weaving is in no way inferior in strength to “None”. The secret is that each link consists of two soldered gold curls. There are also types of weaving that do not use the soldering process, but this does not in any way affect their strength. Like the previous type of weaving, “Cardinal” looks elegant and feminine.

3. Rose

Jewelry with this type of weaving is truly a feminine accessory. Delicate and light, they will not leave any jewelry connoisseur indifferent. Although this type of chain is the most expensive, there is no need to worry about losing such luxury. The links in such models cling to each other at three points and this is not the limit, there may be more of them. Of course, such a design is reflected in the amount of metal used, which affects the price. But their high strength pays for all costs.

4. Brook

Products of this type will definitely not ruin their owner. Although they look quite massive, not much gold is used here. The fact is that the links are intertwined many times, which causes such visual effect. But at the same time, such twisted jewelry looks very dignified and elegant.

5. Rope

This type of weaving is also quite durable. Such chains look great, whether they are thin or more massive.

6. Love

Perhaps the thinnest and lightest of all chains. Such models are created from thin gold threads and are considered the most fragile. But they also highlight a woman’s best features much more clearly than other types of weaving.

7. Braid

Complex and massive weaving. It takes a lot of time to create jewelry of this type. Such jewelry is created by intertwining three chains, which in turn consist of very small elements. A lot of metal is used here, which affects the cost of the products.

For men

There are not as many types of weaving gold chains for men as there are for women. After all, more massive and serious products should decorate men’s hands. Such weaves reflect the best masculine qualities; everything should be concise.

1. Shell

Classics of the genre. The most popular models among men. They look impressive and massive. Practical and very durable chains.

2. Figaro

A characteristic feature of this weaving is the alternation of round and elongated, elongated links. It doesn’t look as massive as the “Shell”, but there are similar features.


The types of weaving gold chains are divided into not only two categories. There are types of jewelry that are equally suitable for both men and women. Here are the most popular weaves:

Anchor chain:




Bird's eye:


The chain weaving models shown in the photo are truly suitable for both men and women. Moreover, for the former, without diminishing their masculinity, and for women, without eradicating their femininity.

The types of gold chain weaving presented in this article are just the most popular of them. Almost every category of such weaving has several more subspecies. Thanks to this variety, each buyer will be able to choose a piece of jewelry that will accurately reflect the character traits of its owner.

Video selection

Exist different kinds weaving gold chains, some of which have come to us since the times of ancient civilizations. Each master who wanted to create his own special forms put some of his own meaning into the link sketch, creating them inspired by any existing samples, which is now easy to see just by looking at the curling. And the creation of the chain itself was a rather painstaking task, because first the gold was melted and pulled into a thin thread, which was then cut and twisted into links. And only after that it was also possible to manually interlock each link, creating unique decorations. Today, a jeweler’s work is made easier by special machines that produce links.

A gold chain around the neck or bracelet looks like a completely serious independent decoration that can be worn by both women and men of any age, as well as children. Often pendants are hung on thin gold chains, but a massive chain is a complete decoration that does not require any additions.

The types of weaving gold chains for men, women and children are different; there are purely men’s jewelry or, conversely, women’s jewelry. For children, they usually also create special chains that are distinguished by their strength, reliability and overall weight. There are also types, so-called “unisex”, which are suitable for both men and women of any age.

Types of gold chains for women


One of the most feminine and delicate chain weaves, which is also very reliable. The secret of the strength of such a chain is that it has an internal and external link, which are cross-linked. Therefore, if one link frays, as sometimes happens when worn for a long time, the product will not break or get lost, but will be held on by the second link.


From another elegant ornate weave, which is also called “Moscow Bismarck”, beautiful feminine chains are created, very reliable and durable. The secret of their strength is that each link is created from two soldered curls of gold thread.


One of the most complex and expensive weaves, which requires a lot of metal, is “rose”. However, it is not for nothing that it is so highly valued, because in addition to the weight of the metal, its high reliability is also valuable, which is achieved due to the fact that the rings cling to at least three points. And, although the production of such a chain requires a lot of metal, it looks delicate and light.


Quite pleasant-looking and durable weaving looks impressive and rich. However, it doesn’t take that much to make it. precious metal. The effect of massiveness is created by multiple interweaving of its elements. Overall, this product looks very elegant and intricate.


An interesting and durable weaving that looks great both in thin and massive versions. Slim version goes well with a pendant, pendant, pectoral cross, and wider models should not be supplemented with anything; they look good on their own.


A thin and light chain that looks very delicate is considered one of the most fragile. It is created from a thin gold thread and emphasizes the femininity and tenderness of the owner’s nature.


A very complex and massive twist, which is created by intertwining three chains with very small elements, weighs quite a lot and is expensive. It takes a lot of time and a lot of precious metal to complete this work, but the result justifies all the costs.

Types of weaving gold chains for men

For the strong male hands We need decent chains. They must have considerable strength and classic shapes that will not look elegant women's weaving, so there aren't many of them.


Quite popular and the simplest men's weaving, which can tell a lot about its owner. This model is one of the most durable and practical, especially its double version. Such a chain looks massive and, one might say, impressive. It is one of the classic models.


Another simple one, but interesting option weaving for men. This chain is similar to the “shell” one, but here there is an alternation of simple and elongated rings, which looks quite interesting. Usually the “shell” and “figaro” are made of two types with a round and flat shaped link. Round ones are more massive and durable than flat ones. It is also worth considering that “figaro” weaving characterizes any type of chain; several types of links alternate.

Weaves suitable for both men and women

In addition to definitely feminine or, conversely, masculine designs of chains and bracelets, there are also those that are equally suitable for both sexes. They will look good on thin woman's wrist or a graceful neck, or on a man’s massive wrist or neck. So, below are just such unisex models.

"Anchor chain"

This fairly common form of weaving is most often found in the form of neck jewelry. For women, it is often complemented by a medium-sized pendant or pendant, since this model is usually made of medium thickness. The weaves of men's gold chains are made heavy or inflated, with large links and thick casting.

But there are several modifications of this type. For example, “anchor twist” consists of slightly twisted rings, from which the product takes on an ornate shape and graceful look. Naturally, this modification is more suitable for ladies. But “anchor sea” can again be suitable for both ladies and men. All the same classic anchor links have an additional constriction in the middle.


This species also has many modifications. One of the most common is the “double diamond”, from which neck chains are usually made. For bracelets, a “triple diamond” or larger is more suitable. Such decorations are wider and more reliable, and they look more impressive. This twist is again very strong, due to the fact that each part of the chain is connected to the other not just once, but as many times as there are rhombuses in it. Therefore, even if one of them is damaged for some reason, the jewelry will remain with you.


An elegant and massive twist, the production of which takes a significant amount of precious material, consists of links twisted in a figure eight with a plate that can be of any shape. As a rule, men choose smooth options plates, because more feminine chains are made with interesting shells that can be different shapes, with holes, slots and fine cuts. Such shapes are popular both as neck chains and bracelets.


This weaving of gold chains is very similar to a man’s “shell”, the only difference is that it is twisted. But, as a rule, it is made thin and flat, then its edges sparkle and allow the gold to reveal all its sunny shine. Interestingly, in the female version, such chains are made thin both on the wrist and on the neck. Therefore, small and medium-sized pendants and pendants look very good on her.


Such chains have very interesting view and a pleasant texture. They are smooth and are often chosen as neck chains for massive jewelry or simply as a stand-alone chain. Such products are not cheap due to the fact that a lot of gold is spent on their production. However, the price is justified by the quality. Thick links are intertwined in such a way that a solid twist is created that can hardly be torn or damaged.


Very beautiful and unusual shape The links in this chain look rich and interesting. Such a chain does not need to be supplemented with anything; it looks great as an independent decoration. It is made in two types: elliptical and rectangular. Of course, the rectangular version is more common among men, as their bracelets in such shapes look perfect.


Luxurious twisting is created from small polished links, from which a dense chain ribbon is assembled. It really looks like a ribbon of gold threads, such delicate work is done to create every small element. Sometimes you can find a chain that consists of several such “ribbons” intertwined. Of course, such delicate work will not be cheap.


A smooth and non-standard shape of chains, usually complemented by some kind of pendant or cross. However, there are also wide “sneaks” that wear well without any additions. Nice feature such chains - their smoothness, because the pendant will not cling to them.

"Bird's Eye"

Such chains are popular due to their attractive and elegant appearance. Despite the smoothness of its shape, it looks advantageous on a man’s neck and wrist. This type of weaving is very reliable, as it is usually made from thick gold thread.


Such chains are well known to us thanks to various key rings and accessories for mobile phones. The weaving resembles a string of pearls, which is why it got the name “perlina”. There are several variations of this form. Sometimes you can find an alternation of round and cylindrical beads, sometimes they are made with a cut, and often several threads are braided into a braid. Such weaving of gold chains is popular as women's bracelets, men's neck chains, and also jewelry. Crosses, pendants, and talismans for children are often hung on them, relying on the reliability and durability of this model.

A chain is a piece of jewelry that consists of links of various sizes and shapes connected in a row. Such decoration is always relevant - it does not depend on capricious fashion. Types of weaving gold chains are very diverse.

The type of weaving is a determining factor not only in the appearance of the jewelry, but also in its durability.

Varieties of weaving gold chains

In anchor weaving, round or oval links are located in planes mutually perpendicular to each other.

Armor weaving

The links are mini-ovals, slightly curved and reminiscent of a “half-finished” figure eight. All links of the chain are located in the same plane.

Armor weaving

Weaving "Bismarck"

Chains made using this technique are the most durable and strong.
The weaving elements are cut and screwed into each other using thin, spiral-shaped wire. As a result, a complex pattern is formed, and the chain looks quite wide, flexible and flat.

Weaving "Bismarck"

Weaving "Love"

A very feminine weaving option. The links of the chain are round flat loops connected to each other at the edges. Jewel made using this technique looks very airy and romantic.

Weaving "Love"

Combined weaving

The combined weaving method is good for youth jewelry. It is a combination of anchor weaving and armor weaving.

Combined weaving

Weaving "Serpentine"

It consists of thin twisted lines tightly connected to each other. A chain made using this technique looks wide and flat.

Weaving "Serpentine"

Figaro weave

A chain made using this technique looks like a combination of long oblong links with small round ones.

Figaro weave

Weaving "French braid"
This weaving looks massive, but at the same time very elegant. Reminiscent of a braid made using the “French” technique.


Venetian weaving

The links of such a chain are small rectangles, rigidly fixed. The interweaving of the links is quite intricate and complex.

Venetian weaving

Types of weaving gold chains are not limited to the above. By combining different types of weaving, you can get completely new design options.

Although bracelets are more popular among female half, they can also be worn by men. They, like chains, can be supplemented with pendants, contain parts made of different metals, for example, yellow and white gold, and have inclusions in the form of stones. When choosing jewelry, the buyer pays attention to the types of weaving of gold bracelets.

The bracelet should be combined with other jewelry and be in place. Unlike chains, the types of weaving of which are divided into several types, bracelets are always made decorative, they can be worn, depending on the situation, they can be supplemented with a pendant.

Bracelets made of different types of gold

Nowadays, a variety of types of weaving, stones, and different colors of precious metals allows you to choose the most suitable option depending on your taste and financial capabilities.

Technologies for weaving chains and bracelets

Bracelets are made in three main ways - hand knitting, machine knitting, and stamping. Today, machine weaving, thanks to special equipment and technologies, allows you to create jewelry whose link thickness does not exceed 0.2 mm.

And although technology now allows us to make a wide variety of bracelets, machine knitting cannot do everything. Some types of weaving are made only by hand. The specialists who do this are called chain tyers. The quality of the product in this case directly depends on the skill of the jeweler.

This work is painstaking. Hand-woven chains are made like this: first, the master draws a chain of gold and winds it onto a prepared base. Next, the resulting spiral must be cut into equal links.

The links are fastened manually using pliers into the required pattern. After this, the links are soldered. The flat appearance of the chain is given by the process of compressing it between the shafts.

Stamped bracelets are made from stamps - ready-made links. The connection of such stamps is less stable and subject to deformation, since they are not soldered, but threaded into each other.

What is the difference between solid and hollow chain?

Regardless of the type of weaving of the chains from which bracelets are made, they are divided into solid and hollow.

  1. Hollow chains are voluminous and light. They are made of wire that is hollow inside, and with thick links they are light in weight. They look solid, and complex types of weaving are often used to make them. In terms of price, hollow chains cost less, since the price of a gold product is primarily determined by its weight.
  2. Solid chains have much more weight, which is reflected in the price. However, they are much stronger and more resistant to deformation; such chains are suitable for daily wear. In addition, in case of damage, they can easily be restored to their original appearance.

Types of weaving

There are a lot of ways in which you can weave a bracelet. Often you can even order exclusive types of bracelets from the master. Nevertheless, there are traditional methods by which products that are identical in properties and type are obtained. Each of these weaving methods has a name that has been formed over many years. Let's look at the main weaving methods.

1) "Bismarck". This is one of the most common and complex types weaving. You can often find the name "Kaiser" or "Cardinal". A bracelet made in this way consists of several rows - two, three or more.

Until recently, this type of weaving was considered feminine, but now jewelry for men is also being made from it, especially in the nineties, when massive, expensive chains and bracelets were popular. This weaving looks like a chain of large quantity rows with round links intertwined with each other. Bracelets made using this technique do not require the addition of pendants. Moreover, if their size is small, they may not be combined with the massive structure of the bracelet itself.

There are several of its subspecies. For example, “Bismarck Glamorous” complements the traditional one with balls. Or “Bismarck anchor”, made from a different type - anchor, intertwined in several rows. The latter has the appearance of a wide, but not thick chain, bracelets from which are made mainly for women.

2) “Anchor”. This type of weaving is also no less common. A bracelet made using this technology looks like round links connected in series, similar to an anchor chain. Some of the links are located in one plane, and the other is perpendicular across one. This type of chain is very durable and simple, which is why it is the most popular of all. These bracelets will last a long time and are easy to care for.

3) “Ribbon weaving”. Weaving is not inferior in popularity to the previous two. It looks classic, light and suitable for all occasions. “Ribbon weaving” is considered the most durable, practically does not tear or deform. The links are all located in the same plane and polished on both sides. Therefore, such a chain is very convenient in the form of a bracelet; it does not move or get twisted.

Such chains are given as gifts even to children. There are also several options, such as dual and parallel. In the first version, the links are intertwined through one another, in the second - in pairs of two parallel ones. It looks very beautiful when made from yellow and white gold.

4) “Nona” or “Figaro”. This type is often classified as an armored species. This technique is considered the most unusual and interesting. Used as a bracelet or chain without pendants or pendants.

The weave consists of two types of links, alternately small and large, woven together in two rows. Reliable and durable weaving. Will look good with any pendant.

5) "Cobra". Considered intended for business style. The links are placed closely, which creates the impression of continuity.

6) “Flagella”. This type of weaving is unlike any other. It is also called rope. Bracelets made in this style will have a relatively high cost. The type of weaving itself is massive and strong, reminiscent of a rope.

7) “Fox tail” is attractive and has an original appearance. Looking at a product woven in this way, it is difficult to immediately say how it was made. It is classified as armored weaving. A complex mechanism - two double links, intertwined in one direction in one plane, then in the other - one double, then the same in the other direction. This type is also called “Royal”. There is another option for performing the technique from oval or oblong links.

8) “Rhombus” is one of the most exquisite. Ideally combines white gold and cubic zirconia or diamonds. The links are diamond-shaped and intertwined. Can be single, double, triple. Suitable for people of all genders and ages.

9) “Italian” or “Python” is a complicated version of “Bismarck”. More different from it modern design. It is done by hand and has many other names, for example, “Venetian”, “American” and so on. Previously, it was considered a man's decoration, massive and self-sufficient.

10) “Venice” is a type of anchor weaving. Except that the links are flat and wide, shaped like a square or rectangle. They are connected sequentially in opposite planes, as with the anchor type of weaving.

11) “Love and heart.” Each link of this weaving is shaped like a heart. They are slightly different, but from a distance it is almost impossible to notice such a difference. This bracelet will be an ideal gift for a girl or woman from her beloved man.

12) This type of weaving, such as “Rose”, is made exclusively by hand. It is also called “Courage”. Each link of this bracelet has a spiral structure. The finished bracelet looks chic and voluminous, with a complex structure.

13) "Spike". Somewhat reminiscent of Fox Tail, but has a slightly simpler, repeating pattern. The links are arranged in one direction and often, which gives the feeling of a solid chain.

14) “Pharaoh” - is a complex structure of interlacing links of different diameters. Characterized by high strength and abrasion resistance. The weaving has a complex pattern, which allows it to be used independently, without pendants.

15) "Turtle". A rare weave that is highly durable and attractive. Reminds me of the appearance of a turtle shell. It has one drawback - the links of such a bracelet often tend to cling to clothing. It is good for making anklets to wear in the summer.

15) "Perlina". Accessories for phones are made from such chains. The weaving got its name because of its similarity to a string of pearls. This form is made in several variants, for example, cylindrical and round links are alternated, sometimes they are cut, or several threads are braided into a braid. Women's bracelets are often made from such chains.

Types of weaving gold bracelets

How to choose a bracelet?

There are types of weaves that are considered to be suitable only for men or women. There are also universal types weaving. Men give preference massive jewelry, made with “Bismarck” or “Pantsirny” weaving. Women choose graceful ones, complex drawings- “Rose”, “Love”, “Nonna” and others. For children, jewelry made from tightly knitted chains, such as “Snake,” is selected. But the main selection criterion is the taste of the buyer.

Another point to consider when purchasing a gold bracelet is its lock. First of all, it must be of high quality so as not to disappoint you at the most inopportune moment. In addition to ruining your mood, you will also have to spend time and money to take it to a specialist. In addition, the lock should be comfortable. Please note that the bracelet is most often put on with one hand, and not the dominant one.

There are two main types of locks: truss and carbine. The first one is suitable for elegant products, and the second one is recommended to be chosen with massive bracelets. Do not forget that if the bracelet has a garter, the diameter of its ear must be larger than the lock so that it can be easily removed and put on.

This is not all the variety of types and bracelets. At the moment there are many of them, they are constantly being improved, which allows everyone to choose a product to their liking.

Chains made of precious metal have been known since ancient times. Even then they were a symbol of wealth, power and might. Currently, these jewelry, even at their high cost, are very popular among men and women.

Types of chain weaving

The type of link connection is an important criterion for choosing a chain made of precious metal. It depends on the shape of the elements and the method of weaving them. appearance products. The connection type influences the strength and ease of wearing. The variety of jewelry makes you have to figure out which chain weave to choose. Jewelry will last longer if done correctly.

Exist different types weaving gold chains and silver items, among which you can choose the optimal modification. There are many types of connections - from the simplest and most concise to the intricate ones, with links of a special, complex configuration. Basic chain knitting technologies:

  • Bismarck;
  • anchor;
  • armored;
  • twisted;
  • fantasy.

Bismarck weave

Bismarck knitting (other names: Cardinal, Kaiser) is a continuous series of links consisting of several elements located close to each other. Such a chain looks massive, voluminous, at the same time elegant and not at all pretentious. Strong rectangular links prevent the chain from stretching or deforming and make it practical to use. The only disadvantage of the product is that when worn, dust and dirt become clogged between the double links.

A variation of Bismarck is Python. This technology for connecting chains got its name due to the features of its appearance:

  1. The decoration resembles python skin and looks very impressive.
  2. The jewelry differs in thickness and volume.
  3. It can be chosen for any person. A solid “python” is also suitable for men.

Anchor weaving

The perpendicular arrangement of the links to each other distinguishes the anchor system. There are several ways to connect elements in this way. In the marine version, each link has a jumper in the middle. Anchor twisted knitting involves slightly twisted elements and gives the decoration an elegant and original look. The rings have a classic round or elongated shape. The anchor version of gold chains is durable. Such jewelry is comfortable to wear and easy to care for.

Venetian knitting, being a variation of this method of joining elements, is durable. For such jewelry, you can choose a pendant of any shape. Another type of anchor chain knitting technology is called Garibaldi. The links of such a connection have a rounded forked shape. The mating is named after the spouses Giuseppe and Anita Garibaldi, heroes of the Italian revolutionary movement who were united in their political views.

Armor chain weaving

A type of anchor - armor technology for connecting elements - differs from it in appearance. The elements are slightly twisted, look like unfinished figure eights, and are located in the same plane. The product looks as if it is completely flat and polished. The armored version made of gold looks laconic and elegant. The model is comfortable to wear and has increased durability.

A product of this kind is considered masculine, but such jewelry with subtle elements should be chosen for a woman. Figaro knitting, according to jewelers, is the strongest among the varieties of armored joints. Such models are very popular among men. Other options for armor knitting are Nonna, Rhombus, Snake, or in another way – Snake.

Twisted weave

The spiral shape of the decoration elements is suggested by twisted types of weaving of silver chains. Such products play, shimmering in the light different faces. For example, tying with a twisted rope is a common and strong type of connecting chain elements. The decoration is not deformable due to the reliable, movable method of connecting the links. Figure out which chain modification to choose:

  • thick ones are suitable for men to wear;
  • thinner, women's options designs look great with exquisite pendants.

Fantasy weaving

If the chain does not look like the listed types, it can be called fancy. Such unusual jewelry is best chosen for men and women with refined taste. These are non-standard shapes of links, unusual ways their compounds, unexpected combinations of metals. Such products are made by hand, despite the complexity jewelry work. Examples of fancy knitting are Byzantine, Royal, and the so-called bicycle chain.

Which chain weave to choose

In a situation when the question arises of which chain weave to choose, a number of nuances should be taken into account, one of which is the person’s build:

  1. For thin people, narrow chains with thin elements are suitable.
  2. Large men are advised to choose voluminous jewelry with wide links.
  3. On an elongated neck, short items consisting of thin elements look good; on a short neck, long chains look good.
  4. For a child the best option There will be a high-quality light decoration. Select an anchor or armor type connection model.

Are you looking for which chain weave to choose? Consider whether it is intended for wearing a pendant, medallion, or cross. Objects hanging on the chain increase its weight, the product wears out more quickly and may break. It is also important which weave of the gold chain is the strongest. It is not advisable to choose twisted or thin, lightweight products. For wearing a cross or a pendant, armored or anchor-type chains, which are more durable, are ideal.

Video: Types of jewelry weaving