Gold jewelry for men. Jewelry for men

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Custom cufflinks – exclusive aesthetics of your soul

Cufflinks are all about the rich inner world, with his virtues, interests and ambitions, contained in a small but significant for men's style decoration. And custom-made cufflinks, with a unique design and unique meaning, are exactly what you need to express yourself to everyone around you.

Each of our clients is an endless source of inspiration for the jewelers of our workshop, who are always happy to start making custom cufflinks. We have already created dozens of diverse, bright and original men's cufflinks, which you can find in ours.

Making custom cufflinks - stages and secrets of craftsmanship

When our craftsmen begin making cufflinks, first of all, the client’s wishes in terms of appearance and semantic content are clarified. At the same time, you can choose one of the ready-made pairs of cufflinks, making changes to the design, or express all your ideas, which our designers will be happy to implement and coordinate every detail with you.

What is the process of making cufflinks?

We bring to your attention the latest men's cufflinks, made to order by our craftsmen.

Personalized cufflinks, made of 585 gold, have an original shape and unusual design with luxurious carvings and initials in the center.

Men's Fury of the Tiger cufflinks reflect passion, strength and authentic masculine character. Made of yellow gold with diamond inlay all around.

Men's cufflinks made of red gold, depicting four spades, which together form a clover leaf - a symbol of good luck and wealth.

Why should you contact us to make custom cufflinks?

Today, many companies manufacture custom cufflinks, and choosing among numerous offers is sometimes impossible. But we are convinced that we are able to satisfy all your wishes and ideas and translate them into the refined aesthetics of men's cufflinks. And that's why:

  • Most manufacturers view their clients solely as a source of income: superficial communication, imposition of their ideas and questionable execution... Is this really what you wanted? For us, you are a whole world, inspiring and endlessly interesting, and making custom cufflinks is exciting. creative process, reflecting you and your vision of the world.
  • We offer you the most reasonable prices, consisting of the cost of materials and labor. No extra charges or overpayments!
  • With us you will not find low-grade metals or stones of dubious quality: only high-quality materials that have all the supporting documents and certificates.

If you want to become the happy owner of unique men's cufflinks made according to original design, just call us! And we will embody all your ideas, reflect your entire essence in custom-made cufflinks!

Jewelry House "Dynasty-K" is a unique jewelry workshop that has chosen the creation of custom-made jewelry as a priority area of ​​its activity. Our jewelry catalog includes the brightest representatives collections that will inspire you and contribute to the revelation of your true nature, which you can express in exclusive jewelry. And it is this decoration that will remind you of the truth of life, its brightness, amazingness and versatility. By contacting our workshop, you can be sure of the accurate and detailed embodiment of your ideas about your future decoration and the unsurpassed quality of the finished product.

So what kind of jewelry do men wear? All kinds of jewelry have been mandatory accessories male image. These products also survived times of strict prohibition and then became part of the image of rebels and pirates. Jewelry- an integral part of business style created by the modern man. An accessory made of precious metal not only gives a certain elegance, but also becomes distinctive feature owner, expressing his character. Silver is a very popular jewelry metal because it is easy for craftsmen to make elegant jewelry from it.

Jewelry for men made of gold

Jewelry made of gold can become a priceless gift if the feelings with which the gift was chosen were attached to the cost of the product. The choice is quite varied - these are tie holders, cufflinks, chains, bracelets, earrings. Some of these items are inlaid with stones. Modern men are also no strangers to all kinds of products as a way of self-expression and manifestation of character.

Men's jewelry on a thread

Jewelry on a thread is a stylish element that attracts the attention of others. These options are loved not only by teenagers, but by people who are accustomed to dressing informally and unusually, as well as representatives creative directions activities. And, although most jewelry is made for the fair half of humanity, the first owners of these insignia were still men. Therefore modern Men's Accessories from precious metals can safely be called a kind of return to origins.

Jewelry for men

Jewelry for men is a practical product that should emphasize the status of its owner. Is the brilliance of precious stones, precious metals, Murano glass from Venice or diamonds a luxury reserved exclusively for women? This opinion is to some extent erroneous. Jewelry craftsmen think completely differently. And any jewelry store for men can confirm this fact with its huge assortment.

Jewelry for the stronger sex

It is worth noting that men prefer to wear jewelry much less often than women. However, for modern man who strives to be fashionable and successful, the choice of men's jewelry is not limited to a wedding ring and pectoral cross on a chain. Today, the men's jewelry store offers a huge selection:

  • original pins or tie clips
  • stylish bracelets with or without inserts
  • as well as other jewelry self made, which will emphasize status and individual taste.

Some men prefer an economical item made of silver, while others, on the contrary, prefer gold rings with opal or ruby. There are also those who prefer to wear a strict, unobtrusive signet with a sapphire or diamond.

But if a man does not wear precious jewelry, you can give him a gold fountain pen, a silver cigarette case, or a keychain with the emblem of his favorite car as a special gift. The main thing in a gift is that the jewelry has a certain value for a man and is different high quality execution.

Buy men's jewelry in Moscow

Do not forget that men have always been more demanding than women in terms of choosing jewelry for themselves. Therefore, choosing a gift for a man is a very difficult task. If you want to purchase decent jewelry for men:

  • the catalog of our online store will help you cope with the task in the shortest possible time
  • and the level of prices, service and huge selection are guaranteed to not disappoint you.

Men's jewelry has always existed. But today they are more relevant than ever before. They can be made by a skilled jeweler according to an original sketch from expensive metals, decorated with precious stones, mother-of-pearl, leather, or have a simpler design, inexpensive materials and an affordable price. Here the choice is determined by the personal preferences of a particular person. It is important to remember only one thing: rings, bracelets, chains, cufflinks, tie pins - each of these accents plays its exclusive role in the process of creating a unique, memorable image and men's style in general. Without them, you will be just one of many, inconspicuous among your own kind, part of the gray mass. Are you not happy with this? Then arm yourself with our article! The time has come to choose jewelry worthy of the most stylish and sophisticated gentlemen. Detailed recommendations are already waiting for you. Join us!

Watches are the basis

Today manufacturers offer the most different design hours. To avoid getting lost in this diversity, use this short hint:

  • For dress codes and prefer classic wrist watch;
  • most model-friendly classic style, laconic “pilots” and discreet solutions for divers;
  • The outfits fully allow for the presence of any wristwatch of your choice. Including for divers, chronometers, pilots. These are the classic Panerai models worn by movie characters Stallone and Schwarzenegger, or Omega watches legendary
  • Clothing sets in sporty style not compatible with classic models. Here, smart watches and solutions specially designed for divers, climbers, and fitness classes look most natural.
  • In winter, spring and autumn, it is optimal to wear a watch with a black and gray bracelet; in summer, stick to white. The exception is sports-style models.

Panerai watches - they are worn by the “cool” movie characters of Stallone and Schwarzenegger

Ring - how to wear a man?

Often representatives of the stronger sex are very dismissive of this accessory. And in some cases even negatively. This is due to the widespread stereotype that only women wear rings. But let's remember the story. Famous male monarchs, aristocrats, just famous people who were not indifferent to their appearance and clothing, often wore rings, rings with stones, and signets. Like this!

Sometimes well-chosen men's jewelry can become that missing “zest” in stylish look. It is only important to observe the following precautions:

  • Do not put on all your existing jewelry at once. This is blatant bad manners! And you shouldn’t take as an example the photographs of rappers that have flooded the Internet, with two or three rings on each finger. This is only relevant at a stylized party or creative get-together, where everyone present supports the created image. Therefore, be restrained.
  • Properly combine the rings with the outfit and other accessories present in the look. I'm talking about the same things: style, colors, textures...

How many rings can a man wear at one time?

How to wear rings for a man?

There are no strict restrictions on whether a man can wear a ring on his right or left hand. The only exception is wedding ring, which according to Orthodox tradition should "sit" on ring finger right hand. In other cases, it's your choice!


Traditionally, representatives of different secret societies. But this is not the only option. Ring on thumb hands can also indicate the wealth and authority of its bearer, which the latter is in a hurry to demonstrate to others.


Along with the little and ring fingers, this is a finger that enjoys well-deserved success among men. He wears large rings with stones and simply status rings that are not a sin to show off to others. This choice is easily explained, since forefinger considered a symbol of power and leadership. Is this about you?

Middle finger

Visually, he is longer, stronger, and more courageous than his closest neighbors on the arm. That is why rings worn on him are flashy and bulky. Metal models are preferred gray, since this finger is associated with Saturn. But here everything is decided by the individual preferences of a particular man and the basic tone of the outfit.

It should be remembered that silver does not go well with warm-colored clothing, unlike gold. We decided to immediately put rings on middle finger and one of its closest neighbors (index or nameless)? Great! In this case, select models of approximately the same thickness. This way men's jewelry will look like a single, carefully selected ensemble.


A popular finger for men to wear rings on. Priority is given to wedding models and options made of precious metals with a laconic design and minimalist decor. Although solutions with engraving or creative shapes are also relevant. The main thing is that they look discreet.

A ring with precious stone, but it requires an appropriate outfit. Most often, these are emphatically luxurious sets for an evening formal appearance. It is believed that creative people wear rings on their ring fingers. Maybe you are one of them?

Little finger

The choice falls on this finger quite often. The fact is that here rings, rings with stones and so-called signets look less catchy, overloaded, and shocking. In addition, among palmists this part of the hand is considered a symbol of the mind.

Necklace, chain, pendant - solutions for the most daring?

You can choose any model to your taste, but don’t forget about the style of your outfit and image as a whole. For working bows, it is better to limit yourself to a more traditional metal chain or a laconic small pendant on a leather cord. Minimalism is the secret to success in in this case. Leave necklaces and pendants of unusual designs or with beads for your leisure time. This is when you can let your imagination run wild!

Cufflinks - men's jewelry for a sophisticated look

Metal models of simple design are traditional in formal looks. It can be made of precious metals, decorated with mother-of-pearl, crystals or diamonds. If you want to wear this men's jewelry to the office, then choose options with more creative, but still discreet designs. I recommend that young people under 18-30 years old pay attention to unusual models. For example, from silk or other textiles. Incredibly easy to find here interesting solutions that will allow you to stand out and attract attention.


Tie clip - complete elegance

The presence of a tie in an outfit presupposes the presence of a tie for it. Of course, this is not necessary. But! Like all accessories, a clip makes a valuable contribution to creating a memorable image and individual style of a person. Thanks to the accent details about the man, his appearance even many years later they remember with admiration.


Men's jewelry is always attractive and adds a touch of sophistication to a look. But how to achieve harmony in the image? Firstly, the accessories you wear should be combined in style. Secondly, it is necessary that they match in color. Third, be mindful of the location and environment(office, street, restaurant, opera). You need to understand when it is appropriate to wear discreet and, conversely, flashy jewelry. Fourthly, everything should be harmonious. Not a single component should “scream” or “fall out” of the ensemble. But don't be afraid. A little patience and you will definitely succeed!

I reviewed only the most popular jewelry for men. But there are many more of them. Which ones do you prefer? Perhaps you have your own secrets about choosing and wearing jewelry? Share them in the comments! Your opinion is important to us.