All books about: “novels about rich men…. Modern romance novels about millionaires and businessmen and poor girls Novels about the love of the rich for the poor

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Life puts Paula Carlani, a representative of the once powerful family of Italian aristocrats, before a cruel choice. An apartment, furniture, and family jewelry were pawned and sold at auction. The only one who can help keep at least a roof over her head, Gregorio Manfredi, offers Paula to enter into an agreement, the terms of which literally plunge her into shock. One can only hate this insidious man. Where does this come from...


Like many women, Christabel believed that we should not miss our chance and strive to prove ourselves. Not in the name of glory and honors, but for the sake of satisfying my creative aspirations. Her life was subordinated to this until Christabel got married. However, being an independent person, she could not resist the temptation to act in a movie and secretly left her husband...


The meeting of the main characters of this love detective story, as a novel can most likely be defined by its genre, took place under very unusual circumstances. She, concerned about the fate of her beloved brother, suspected of committing a crime, strives to prove his innocence, of which she is absolutely sure. He is obliged by duty to detain the suspect. Despite…




Left with her baby sister in her arms after the death of her mother, young Charity Wilkes reached the limit of poverty and despair. A car accident brings her together with a fabulously rich French banker. Having barely met the girl, he undertakes to settle all her problems, offering to enter into a fictitious marriage and adopt a sister. But was this “chance” meeting really so accidental? What secret is snoring in...




Charlize is young and pretty. But she doesn’t have a minute to do makeup, soak in the bath or go to a party - she alone is raising her little orphaned nephew... One day, a man appears on the threshold of their house who radically changes the whole life of this little family. First, the struggle for a child, and then the struggle for love becomes...




Young Nicole wins a trip to the homeland of Count Dracula in a television competition dedicated to horror films. The girl is preparing for chilling rides, but reality exceeds all her expectations. In distant Transylvania, Nicole faces real, not imaginary dangers, and the dizzying risk of adventure gives way to dizzying love.


Kate Fellow, a humble manager at a casting agency, gets a rare opportunity. The famous director Jonathan Blythe, who contacted their agency, offers her the main role in his new film. Kate happily agrees - she is attracted not only by the new, interesting job, but also by Blythe himself. The relationship between the actress and the director develops as if in a wonderful Hollywood fairy tale, but...


At the age of fifteen, Liz Morado left home, where no one needed her, and at twenty she became an actress in a provincial theater. Her life cannot be called boring, but when a mysterious stranger suddenly appears in it, Liz realizes that in fact the adventure is just beginning. And what! Distant countries await her, mortal danger and the first...


Young police officer Mark Langton is assigned to investigate the theft. He meets the victim - Magdalena Marigold, the head of a large cosmetics corporation. This woman is so charming that Mark falls in love with her at first sight. Magdalena also lights up with passion for the handsome young man... But will their mutual passion be quenched? They won't interfere...


Michael Fossett is loved by two women. They both deserve reciprocal love. Celine is beautiful, talented, seductive... Veronica is charming, cheerful, spontaneous... He is unbearably drawn to one of them, but it is a pity to upset the other. He is a true gentleman, so he makes a choice that his conscience tells him, not his heart... But can you deceive your heart?..



Matthew Glenfield, a modest school principal in a small town, falls in love with the new teacher, the quiet and charming Lilian Montague, and gives her... a priceless ring with a huge ruby. Because in fact he... The fragile teacher Lilian Montague, protecting her student, instantly deals with three hefty bandits. Because in reality she... Because they...


The daughter of a senator, the charming and fearless Louise Worpole, is tipped to marry Peter Collagen, her fellow student and the son of one of the richest men in the country. But the girl's heart chooses Dan Entwood, a man from another world... Her choice horrifies her father and brother, and Peter begins to weave intrigues to get Louise. But obstacles only provoke the desperate girl. And she, to...

The main character of this fascinating love story is endowed with the wonderful gift of foresight. Her new acquaintance is conducting an investigation at the company where she works. Feeling that he is in mortal danger, she tries to save her friend. Their desire to ward off trouble with their common strength gradually develops into love...

Vague Dreams of Laurie Foster

Sand borders Susana Fortes

Susana Fortes (1959), Ph.D. in Geography and History, university lecturer, is also one of the most prominent names in modern Spanish literature, she is the winner of many awards. She is distinguished by her virtuosic style and “soft rigidity” of storytelling. “Borders of Sand” is a book that can be read in one breath, since it is a kind of fusion of thriller, detective story, spy action film and romance novel. At the center of the story is the fate of three people: two men and a woman who were brought together, using the words of Salvador Dali, “a premonition...

Unapproachable Emmeline Suzanne Forster

Your hottest fantasies will come true... Your most secret dreams will come true... Here are four stories written by the masters of the modern romance novel. Four stories of love - and passion, feelings - and sensuality, joy - and pleasure. Do you think our days are devoid of romance? So you haven't read this wonderful book yet!

Passion in an old estate. Book One Margaret Way

Bronte McAllister struggles to resist young entrepreneur Stephen Randolph's efforts to turn her grandmother Gilly's land into a modern tourist destination. Stephen insists that he is in love with Bronte, and she believes that all this is a diversion. This is the plot line of the first part of this novel. In the second book, “Passion in an Ancient Manor,” which is published under No. 1203 simultaneously with the first (No. 1202), passions flare up to a truly detective level. Bronte has a rival, her brother is being pursued by his maniacal father, and things come to a head...

Passion in an old estate. Book two. Margaret Way

Bronte McAllister struggles to resist young entrepreneur Stephen Randolph's efforts to turn her grandmother Gilly's land into a modern tourist destination. Stephen insists that he is in love with Bronte, and she believes that all this is a diversion. This is the plot line of the first part of this novel. In the second book, “Passion in an Ancient Manor,” which is published under No. 1203 simultaneously with the first (No. 1202), passions flare up to a truly detective level. Bronte has a rival, her brother is being pursued by his maniacal father, and things come to a head...

Freebie for a sucker Irina Mayorova

Irina Mayorova, author of the acclaimed novel “About People and Stars,” re-entered through the service entrance. This time in order to tell how professionals brainwash potential buyers, what methods of influence they use and how talented creative intelligentsia helps them in this. This little office world plays out its own tragedies and farces. And if love visits him, it turns out to be heavily mixed with betrayal and cynicism. But the tragedy experienced allows a person to return to his roots. Having lost her memory, the heroine...

Girls of Modest Means Muriel Spark

Muriel Spark is one of the most famous contemporary English writers, a winner of many prestigious literary awards; Evelyn Waugh and Graham Greene spoke enthusiastically about her work. Many of her novels have been filmed. The novel “Girls of Modest Means” is a real tragic farce. It combines irony and philosophical depth. The novel takes place in a boarding school for girls from good families. Their livelihood is limited, but their ambitions are not limited...

Arsene Lupin's arrest Maurice Leblanc

Arsene Lupin in prison Maurice Leblanc

France. XIX century. Love and death, wealth and prison, secrets and chases, adventurous adventures and love affairs of the famous insidious swindler and seductive handsome man named Arsene Lupine - a masterful robber, subject only to his own code of honor, who became a detective.

Sherlock Holmes comes late Maurice Leblanc

France. XIX century. Love and death, wealth and prison, secrets and chases, adventurous adventures and love affairs of the famous insidious swindler and seductive handsome man named Arsene Lupine - a masterful robber, subject only to his own code of honor, who became a detective.

The Gentle Rascal Linda Bartell

Linda Lang Bartell's romance novel takes place in medieval Italy. The beautiful daughter of a prince is to become the wife of an illegitimate gypsy whom she hates. The mortal danger threatening him provides an excellent opportunity to avoid an unwanted marriage... Will true love overcome the obstacles that arise in its path, will Juliet fall in love with her handsome groom?

Unlucky Beth Ciotta

Afia St. John is a loser in every sense of the word. Troubles follow one after another, and there is no end in sight. What should a woman born on Friday the thirteenth do? There is only one thing - to break out of the ring of bad luck! So, a new job - in a private detective agency. Handsome chef Jake Leeds looks like he stepped off the cover of a romance novel. Fascinating investigations. New Horizons. A new annoyance for happiness. Perhaps Afia will still be able to overcome the “loser syndrome”?

Gillian Hunter's Lost Honor

This is LOVE, Love that does not recognize laws, knows no barriers. These are SECRETS and ADVENTURES. Mysteries, the solution of which promises mortal danger, and adventures that threaten to prove fatal at any moment. This is passion. Earthly - and heavenly, sensual - and holy. Burning, frantic, fiery passion!!! Romance star Linda Howard and her talented co-stars Geralyn Dawson, Gillian Hunter, Miranda Jarrett and Maria Stewart bring you five tales of LOVE, SECRET, ADVENTURE - and, of course, PASSION!

On the list you will find modern romance novels about millionaires and poor girls. What can rich businessmen and ordinary beauties have in common? Of course, love!

Jojo Moyes. See you soon

Lou Clark works in a cafe and is dating a guy whom she apparently has already stopped loving. When the girl realized that she would soon have to say goodbye to her job, she gathered all her strength into a fist to go through a new life test. Soon Lou Clark will meet Will Traynor, the guy injured in the accident. This meeting will change the lives of both of them forever. Further

Amanda Prowse. Clover child

Prejudice often divides people, and this novel tells the story of such events. Dot Simpson unexpectedly meets Sol, a wealthy foreigner. This could be a story about happy love, if only the couple were not hampered by the censure of society, because they are from completely different classes. Who will break first? Further

Clara and Gabriel would be an ideal couple, if only their families were not against such a union. A rich heir and a poor dancer - is there any room for real feelings here? However, the lovers will test their relationship when they get into a car accident. Now Gabriel has only 8 days to lose everything or fix it. Further

Kayman is convinced that there are only 2 categories of people: the rich and those who sell them something. And she belongs to the second. The girl works part-time in a porcelain doll shop, but the work is so uninteresting to her that she prefers to watch the rich and make fun of them. However, everything changes when Xander comes to the store. Cayman knows that rich people can't be trusted, right? Further

Two destinies intertwine in one place - Valentina with her sick grandmother and little daughter, and Max, an American businessman who intends to build a yacht club. Life in the village changes dramatically after Max's arrival, and houses suddenly begin to burn one by one, taking people with them. But is Max involved in this? Further

A young businessman Gleb almost hits a girl on the side of the road one night, and when the next night he sees her again in the same place, he realizes that she is a prostitute. He can’t help himself, he tries to court her, and still can’t get her out of his head. "Night Moth", meanwhile, refuses him in all his attempts. But is she so unapproachable? Further

Valeria does not lose hope that her common-law husband Igor is about to return, because he couldn’t just drop everything and run away? Valeria asks Tatyana Ivanova, a private detective, to help in this matter. The first circumstances become clear almost immediately - bandits have already visited Igor’s subordinate. The story is only gaining momentum! Further

A midlife crisis unexpectedly visits Alexander Lomonosov, a successful businessman. He almost despairs when he unexpectedly meets a young girl with a certain zest. However, everything is not so simple - the history of his family directly affects the development of events. But how can you change the move yourself? Further

While still a student, Sasha got married and moved to Provincial City, gave birth and is now left with only her mother-in-law and a small child in her arms. She is sent on a business trip to Moscow, where the girl meets an old friend, and... unexpectedly turns his life upside down. Between lovers there are long hours on the road and many circumstances that they cannot influence. Further

From a young age, Fern’s mother warned her against love, because it leads to suffering. The girl gets a job with Aminea and Raida, influential people, and goes with them to a picturesque oasis. Suddenly, the girl meets Zafir, Aminea’s brother, and completely forgets about her mother’s instructions. Further

Jake Andersen and Lydia Sheridan work and spend most of their time together. When the two of them are sent on a business trip to Norway, Jake makes an unexpected proposal - to arrange an affair exclusively for one week. But will young people be able to resist and not transfer their relationship to the walls of their hometown? Further

Jonas Deveson has experienced a lack of parental love, and is now desperately trying to implement it into adulthood. He dreams of an ideal family, but ironically, he falls in love with a girl who is as far from his ideas as possible. There is one more circumstance - her mother is to blame for the death of his own mother. Further

Five days in Paris is all that Olivia Thatcher and Peter Haskell have, and during these days they will have to decide whether they are ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of the feelings that have gripped them? Peter is a married businessman, Olivia is the wife of a senator. Will they have the courage to start over, or will they separate forever after these days? Further

Madeleine Forrester has been working at a jewelry company for a long time, but all this time she hears her immediate boss exclusively by phone. Petrov is constantly at exhibitions around the world. However, when Alexey finally arrives at the company, Madeline understands that she will definitely have problems now. Further

Alec Sarantos is used to getting everything he wants, and even girls are no exception. One day he meets Ellie Brooks, and she and Alex spend the night together, after which the young man breaks off all contact with the girl. But everything is not so simple, because very soon Ellie realizes that she is pregnant, and now demands a wedding from the future dad. Further

That's all for us. If you know other similar modern romance novels about millionaires and poor girls, or about businessmen and their employees, write to us in the comments. 😉

Do you remember how poor Cinderella from the fairy tale by Charles Perrault dreamed of going to a ball in the royal palace? With the help of magic, she got there and became the prince's bride. But it turns out that happiness comes to Cinderellas not only in beautiful fairy tales. After reading the novel, you and three charming Cinderellas will not only plunge into the enchanting world of Beverly Hills, with its chic receptions with rock and movie stars, with luxurious restaurants and rich houses, but also make sure that dreams do not always remain just dreams.

Freebie for a sucker Irina Mayorova

Irina Mayorova, author of the acclaimed novel “About People and Stars,” re-entered through the service entrance. This time in order to tell how professionals brainwash potential buyers, what methods of influence they use and how talented creative intelligentsia helps them in this. This little office world plays out its own tragedies and farces. And if love visits him, it turns out to be heavily mixed with betrayal and cynicism. But the tragedy experienced allows a person to return to his roots. Having lost her memory, the heroine...

Knight of the Holy Sepulcher Alexander Trubnikov

A rich peasant and a poor knight go on a Crusade. At first, their relationship did not work out, but having jointly killed a couple of scoundrels and falling into a web of medieval intrigue, the ancient French became strong friends. Lots of adventures, battles and love, Templars and Saracens, and most importantly – the author’s excellent sense of humor. All this makes the book “The Knight of the Holy Sepulcher” an extraordinary event in the world of historical adventure novel.

How a Man Thinks (translation by A. Yashurin) James Allen

How a Man Thinks (translation by O. E. Prodan) James Allen

James Allen's book As Man Thinks was first published in 1902. Since then, it has gone through many reprints and has become a true classic of positive thinking. *** James Allen is one of the first Americans in the 20th century who gave in his literary works a serious analysis of an individual’s motivation to reveal his inner potential. This book, ranking alongside the works of Dale Carnegie, will help all men and women, whether rich or poor, educated or uneducated, experienced or not, to find...

How a Man Thinks (translated by A. Yashurin) James Allen

How a Man Thinks (translated by O. E. Prodan) James Allen

James Allen's As Man Thinks was first published in 1902. Since then, it has gone through many reprints and has become a true classic of positive thinking. * * * James Allen is one of the first Americans in the 20th century who gave in his literary works a serious analysis of an individual’s motivation to reveal his inner potential. This book, ranking with the works of Dale Carnegie, will help all men and women, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, educated or uneducated, experienced or not,...

A pill for loneliness Tatyana Lugantseva

Where can a lonely girl meet an interesting rich man? Especially if she is decent to the point of indecency, works as a pharmacist in a pharmacy and is poor as a church mouse? It turns out that the most suitable place for this is a cemetery. And not just a cemetery, but a freshly dug grave! It was there that the first meeting of Yuri and Estela took place. Drugs, diamonds, poisoning, murder - whatever happens to this couple! And they will find themselves in this ill-fated cemetery more than once...

Star lover Maria Zhukova-Gladkova

Two eternal competitors - former models, and now wives of rich men - suddenly decided to become writers. This idea was given to them by their mutual lover Pyotr Ryzhikov and even suggested the plot - to “kill” him in both novels. But soon he died in reality, leaving a strange will - half of Ryzhikov’s fortune should go to the one whose book will be published first! But in fact, the novels were not written by society ladies at all, but by Karina Kunitsyna, who works part-time in a publishing house. Now she is in danger, because she is the real author, and there is a lot of money at stake...

Stan Nichols

A new gift to readers from the author of the acclaimed trilogy “Orcs: First Blood.” The novel is set on the island of Bealfa, where magic is available to both rich and poor, but the best part of it has been usurped by the island authorities. Rith Kaldason, the novel's protagonist, a member of an outcast race, the last of a great tribe of warriors destroyed decades ago, is declared a criminal on Bealfa. Trying to get rid of the curse that causes attacks of blind rage, he goes in search of a remedy that will help overcome the mysterious...

Oligarch and Amazon Vladimir Kolychev

Olympia is a girl with a temper. She wants rich men. A simple guy, Vadim Zuev, is not one of those. But when she found out that his father, oligarch Ivan Altynov, had turned up, her attitude changed dramatically. Now she is eager to marry Vadim. Although greed knows no bounds. It is better to marry the oligarch himself than his illegitimate son. After all, he may be left without an inheritance, which, by the way, is being hunted by another person - Altynov’s business partner. And he has already hired a killer...

Anti-bitch Anna Berseneva

It's fashionable to be a bitch. Young girls and adult women dream of acquiring this attractive image. Instructions on how to become a bitch and numerous encyclopedias of bitchology make up an extensive library. And a woman who does not want to pierce the hearts of rich men with her heels causes bewilderment in our time. Moreover, this woman, Lola Ermolova, has all the data to succeed. She is beautiful, has a cool mind, knows how to look impressive... Why does she refuse the brilliant opportunities that open up before...

Lick sugar. Life with three Oksana Nerobkaya

What is it fashionable to dream about now? About a rich husband! There are 250 thousand very rich men in Moscow alone. For example, Andrei Malakhov and Oleg Deripaska. Oh great love! They say that it exists, and even comes to some. For example, to Ksenia Sobchak and Tina Kandelaki. About the fulfillment of secret desires! (And each of us has them. For example, about a threesome or...) Dreams are sugar! Harmful to the body, but so pleasant to the soul! Oksana Nerobkaya is a great connoisseur of the “sweet life”. Sugar is her element! Do you want to lick a piece?

Blunt Instrument Georgette Heyer

Detective Georgette Heyer will appeal even to those who generally dislike detective stories, although we suspect that this is a minority. A plot twisted like a steel spring with many suspects involuntarily brings to mind the novels of the incomparable Agatha Christie, and, you see, everyone reads them. Another, no less valuable advantage of J. Heyer - subtle humor in depicting the characters and realities of the English province - puts her works on a par with the novels of Joanna Khmelevskaya, and both great masters of the genre adequately complement each other in the ranks of the so beloved...

Long road, state house Vladimir Kolychev

Olympia is a girl with a temper. She wants rich men. A simple guy, Vadim Zuev, is not one of those. But when she found out that his father, oligarch Ivan Altynov, had turned up, her attitude changed dramatically. Now she is eager to marry Vadim. Although greed knows no bounds. It is better to marry the oligarch himself than his illegitimate son. After all, he may be left without an inheritance, which, by the way, is being hunted by another person - Altynov’s business partner. And he has already hired a killer... The novel was published under the title “The Oligarch and the Amazon.”