Is the actor Eremeev the son of Mishulin? Timur Eremeev - son of Spartak Mishulin

The article will discuss the modern computer keyboard layout and its purpose, and will provide a description of the keys and photos.

The keyboard has gone through a number of modifications from 1984 to the present day. She was acquiring additional elements to make working on a computer easier for beginners and more comfortable for professionals.

Any user now has access to equipment to suit his creative ambitions.

Computer keyboard - photo, description and device

The size of the keyboard is affected by the number of duplicate keys. For example, for convenience, some manufacturers provide the device with a separate digital set.

Most hackers and programmers ignore using a mouse for most of their work. For such users, the distance between the keys is very important, which affects the size of the keyboard.

The layout of the keys on a personal computer is different from a laptop. Because of this, users connect an external device without losing mobility.

"Hotkeys" - the most useful combinations

To speed up work in programs, shortcut key combinations are provided. They are also called “hot” keys. Conventionally, they are divided into groups.


  • “Shift” + Insert – inserts a fragment copied to the clipboard;
  • “control” + Insert – copying a fragment to the buffer;
  • “Shift” + Del – cutting out a fragment and placing it in the buffer with the ability to paste.

Editing the font:

  • “control” + “and” – making the text “bold”;
  • “control” + “sh” – italic writing;
  • “control” + “g” – underline.

Text alignment:

  • “control” + “d” – along the left edge of the document;
  • “control” + “y” – centering;
  • “control” + “to” – on the right side of the document;
  • “control” + “o” – uniform distribution of text between fields.

Hidden combinations operating system now allow you to configure your computer without opening settings:

  • Windows + "+" : open action center;
  • Windows + "I": access Windows settings;
  • Windows + "s": launch the Cortana program;
  • Windows + "s": put Cortana into listening mode.

Key assignment on the keyboard

Let's take a closer look at the functions of the keys.


The letters on any keyboard are arranged according to the QWERTY principle, since this is exactly the layout that was used on typewriters. Programmers from Microsoft decided not to change anything, so that the transition from printing to electronics would be familiar even to typists.

This approach turned out to be reasonable. Users typewriters Haven’t thought about how to put this or that symbol. For example, a square bracket or an exclamation mark.

You just need to watch and switch the keyboard layout in time. A hint from the operating system is in the lower right corner (near the date and time).

Numbers and signs

Between the letter “Ё” and the “Backspace” key there are number keys from one to zero. By clicking on them, the user can type dates in the text or perform arithmetic operations.

To put punctuation marks and other symbols indicated on the number buttons, you should hold down the “Shift” key (the side does not matter) and the corresponding number.

Below is shown which icon is located on which number:

  1. – «!»;
  2. – “quotes” (Russian) or “@” (English);
  3. – “number” (Russian) or “grid” (English);
  4. – “dollar” (English) or “;” (Russian);
  5. - "percent";
  6. – “colon” ​​(Russian) or “tick” (English);
  7. – « question mark"(Russian) or "&" (English);
  8. - "multiplication sign"
  9. – «(»;
  10. – the “0” key is responsible for the “)” sign;
  11. – does not have a number, but a “hyphen” is drawn. If you press “Shift” + this button, you will get the “underscore “_” sign
  12. the last button before “Backspace” is “+”, and together with “Shift” there will be a “=” icon.

Next signs punctuation can be inserted using the keyboard keys with letters:

On the key with which letter is the symbol located? What symbol can you get?
in the English layout with the Shift key in English layout
X ( left curly brace [ square bracket left
Kommersant ) right curly brace ] square bracket right
AND : colon ; semicolon
E "" quotes ‘upper comma
B < математический знак меньше , comma
YU >mathematical sign greater than . dot

F1 - F12

The twelve keys on the top are called function keys. They allow you to work with the operating system without using a mouse.

In some cases, you can do without auxiliary programs:

  • F1 – calls for help;
  • F2 – renames the selected file or folder;
  • F3 – opens the search bar;
  • F4 – opens the history of address requests of a computer or browser;
  • F5 – update the working window;
  • F6 – selects the tabs of the working window;
  • F7 – launch the spelling and punctuation checking system;
  • F8 – most often used for custom system boot mode;
  • F9 – in some programs launches the measuring toolbar;
  • F10 – opens access to the menu of the active program;
  • F11 – switch to full screen mode;
  • F12 – opens the document saving menu.


The meaning of the key translated from English is Escape - avoid. Abort or cancel an ongoing computer command.


The operating system icon is shown on the keyboard instead of an abbreviation. By default, Windows opens the Start menu.

If you combine it with the “B” key, you can minimize windows. The transition is carried out by the combination Windows + Tab, and Windows + “A” is the search command on the computer.


This key is only available on laptops. Designed to switch modes for managing settings and function keys.


Switches the case of uppercase and lowercase letters in the text. The combination Shift + End allows you to select a line in the text, the combination Shift + Home cancels the action.

Text decoration buttons

Special keys will be presented here that help edit the text typed by the user.

Special keys


The purpose of this keyboard command is to neatly delete a character to the left side of the cursor. Good to use in a text editor when a typo occurs. When combined with the “alternative” key (“alt”), cancels the last action in the program.

In the file manager, switches to a higher folder. In the photo view manager, returns to the previous photo.


The key separates words in the document text. Makes indents between characters. When Replace is enabled, it can be used as the “Delete” key. In this case, the information on the right side of the cursor is erased.

The key is intended for entering a command, confirming the selected action, and displaying the result of a mathematical function.


Has an indicator light on some keyboards. When pressed once, it turns on the mode of constant typing in capital letters.

In the vocabulary of users there is an expression “don’t capsize” (don’t write large) - this is a request to disable this function(remove capital letters).

Tab is used in text editors to create the first indentation (red line). When you combine the key with Alt, you can switch between program windows. If the corresponding option is enabled in the system, then flipping will take place in the beautiful “aero” mode.

Useful when the mouse is disabled or suddenly malfunctions. Allows you to move the cursor from one line of the context menu to another.

Additional keys

Insert – the key, even in combinations, is intended for inserting or replacing a fragment. In text editors, it allows you to manipulate information on the clipboard.

Home – in texts, it moves the cursor to the beginning of the line, allowing the user to edit without using the mouse.

Page Up – move from the current location to the page above.

Page Down – scrolls the page down.

Arrows – the direction of the keys indicates which direction the cursor will be moved. When combined with the Windows key, moves the active window to the right or left. If you press the up or down direction, the window will expand.

Pause – is intended to stop the multimedia player for a while. Pressing again will continue playback.

“NumLock” is used to disable the numeric keypad.

“Printscreen” key for capturing the screen as a screenshot.

Questions and answers section

  • How to make a capital letter on the keyboard?

Using two keys: “CapsLock” or “Shift” + letter key.

  • How to put a period and a comma on the keyboard?

A period at the end of a line can be placed using the key located to the left of the right “shift”. The second method is suitable for the English layout - press the key with the Russian letter “Yu” (for the comma “B”). An example is described in the table above.

You can add a comma by simply pressing Del.

  • How to put a leading comma on the keyboard?

The so-called apostrophe is placed on a computer by switching the layout to English language and pressing the "E" key. An example is described in the table above.

Knowing all the combinations, you can become a real master of your computer. Even when not working computer mouse, work will not be suspended. And even a schoolchild needs to remember the so-called “hot keys” as the main assistants when typing and editing text.

You and I have already learned. Now it's time to learn the keyboard. In order to write a letter or a request in an Internet search engine, we cannot do without a keyboard. In addition, if your mouse does not work, you can use the keyboard. It is enough to know a few simple commands. Real programmers and hackers don't use a mouse at all. For them main tool- keyboard. Perhaps you, too, will work like this someday, but for now we will learn the basics of working on the keyboard.

Key layout

The entire keyboard, depending on its functions, can be visually divided into several groups:

  • Function keys (F1-F12)- used to perform special tasks. If you press the same key again, the action is canceled. F1 key - opens help for the program you are currently in;
  • Alphanumeric- These are keys with letters, numbers, punctuation marks and symbols.
  • Control keys- These include keys HOME,END,PAGEU.P.PAGEDOWNDELETE And INSERT.
  • Cursor keys– used to move the cursor around documents, web pages, edit text, etc. Control keys (modifiers) (Ctrl,Alt,CapsLockWin,Fn) – used in various combinations and separately.
  • Number keys– for quickly entering numbers.
  • Edit keysBackspace, Delete.

Keyboard layouts may vary slightly. Often modern keyboards also have multimedia keys. Such as mute/mute, volume control, go to Mailbox etc.

Keyboard key assignments

Each key performs a specific action:

  • Spacebar- the longest key on the keyboard. It is located at the very bottom in the middle. In addition to its main function, do
    space between words, it also deletes the “selected” object.
  • Esc- cancels the last action (closes unnecessary windows).
  • Print Screen-takes a screenshot. This screenshot can be pasted into Word or Paint. This photograph of the screen is called a “screenshot”. This key also prints the contents of the screen.
  • Scroll Lock- serves to scroll information up and down, but this button does not work on all computers.
  • Pause/Break-suspends the current computer process, but also does not work on all computers.
  • Insert- serves to print text on top of what has already been printed. If you press this key, then new text will be printed erasing the old one. To cancel this action, you must press the Insert key again.
  • Delete(on the keyboard it is often abbreviated Del) - deletion. Deletes characters located to the right side of the blinking cursor. Deletes “selected” objects (lines of text, folders, files).
  • Home- go to the beginning of the filled line.
  • End- jump to the end of the filled line.
  • Page Up- turns the page forward.
  • Page Down- turns the page back.
  • Backspace- deletes characters located to the left of the blinking cursor while typing text. And it returns to the previous page in browsers and in Explorer windows, replacing the “back” arrow in the upper left corner.
  • Tab- tab stops the cursor in certain place lines.
  • Caps Lock- switch between upper and lower case letters.
  • Shift- briefly pressing this key gives a capital letter. In order to type a capital letter, you must first press the Shift key and hold it down while pressing the desired letter. The Shift key can be pressed both on the right and on the left, whichever is more convenient for you.
  • Alt- to switch to the opposite language (from English to Russian and vice versa) – you need to press the Alt key and without releasing it the Shift key. Pressing and holding the AltGr (right Alt) key is used to move to the second level of the keyboard.
  • Ctrl- right and left. Opens additional features programs.
  • Nut Look– includes an additional numeric keypad.
  • Enter- information input key, confirms the command “yes”, or moves to the next line.
    Cursor keys - (up), (down), (right),
    (left). Using these arrows, you can move not only through the text you are typing, but also through open pages of sites and programs.


You've probably heard this expression. " Hot“They are called because when you press a combination of these keys, you can quickly call up some program or menu.

Each program has its own set of such keys. There is no need to memorize them. If you constantly work in some program, then it makes sense to memorize them. We will gradually study many of these combinations.

In many program windows, when you open any menu, next to a particular command, keyboard shortcuts are indicated for calling the same command.

Keyboard shortcuts

Typically such combinations are indicated with the sign + (plus). For example, Win+E. This means that you must first press the key Win, and then the key E.

The letters are meant to be Latin, regardless of what layout you have at the moment.

The most necessary actions on the keyboard

  • In order to switch to another language, you must press the key simultaneously Shift + Alt or Shift + Ctrl.
  • To print capital letter, you must hold down the key Shift and click on the desired letter.
  • To print all text in capital letters only, press Caps Lock and let go. And to switch back to small letters, press this key again.
  • To type a comma, you must press the key Shift and the comma key. They are usually nearby, on the right.
  • The point in the English layout is located next to, to the left of the point in the Russian layout.
  • To quickly call up the menu Start, you can press the key Win. It usually has a window icon (Windows logo) on it.
  • Key Fn designed for laptop. If you press it and any of the keys F1- F10 , you can enable or disable additional features. Usually on the keys F1- F10 there is a little icon drawn that shows what exactly this key does.

For now, this knowledge about the keyboard is enough for you. Find each key on your keyboard and try it out.

In this lesson I want to tell you about the purpose of keys, when you look at them it is not immediately clear what should happen when you press them. These, of course, are not alphanumeric keys, everything is clear with them - what is drawn will be displayed when pressed. True, on some alphanumeric keys, three characters are drawn, and it is also not immediately clear how to display any of them. I will also tell you in this lesson how, using which keys and in which mode to display each of the symbols drawn on the key.

Let's take a look at a regular keyboard.

I highlighted in red the keys with which everything is more or less clear; these are symbolic keys (letters, numbers, signs). The only thing I will dwell on in more detail in terms of these keys is how to display all the symbols drawn on these keys, but a little lower.

But the meaning of the keys highlighted in blue is most likely not clear to beginners. And so now I will describe the meaning of each such key separately.

I'll start from the top left corner.

"Esc" key. Reads like "Escape".

This key usually CANCELS an action. For example, if you right-click on the desktop and open the screen properties window, then pressing the “Esc” key will instantly close this window. In any game, pressing the “Esc” key will most likely exit to the game menu, and if you press this key again, the game will continue. In any browser (Internet Explorer, Opera, FireFox, etc.), when entering the address of a site, pressing the “Esc” key will return you to the original address value, to the home page address. And so on.


Keys "F1-F12".

These are function keys, i.e. when you press these keys


IN different programs these actions are different. Typically these keys are used as hot keys or in combination with other keys. For example, in most programs, the “F1” key is a call for help, help.

The key combination “Alt+F4” in Windows closes the current window. In any browser, the “F5” key is a page refresh.

"Print Screen/SysRq" key. Reads like "Print Screen".

Using this key you can do


Those. in fact, when you press this button, no visible actions occur, but in fact, the picture of the photographed screen goes into memory (clipboard), from where it can then be retrieved by pasting it into any graphic editor, such as "Paint" or "Photoshop". By the way, if you press this key together with the “Alt” key (highlighted green), i.e. “Alt+PrintScreen”, then not the entire screen will be photographed, but only the active window!

Scroll Lock key. Read as "Scroll Lock".

The essence of the action of this button is that when this button is turned on (this is indicated by the corresponding indicator light), using the cursor keys (arrow keys, Page Up, Page Down) you can move the screen image, not the cursor. In general, I found the use of this button only in ExcelE, where it really works.

Pause/Break key.

Usually from the moment you turn on the computer until Windows boot You only have time to see the Windows boot screen on the screen. But in fact, at the time of boot, some information about the system is displayed on the screen (the presence random access memory, hard drive capacity, etc.), so that


For this information, you need to press the “PAUSE” button; to continue, you can press any button. In general, this button in combination with the “Ctrl” key was actively used at one time in DOS applications for


program operation. Now the function of this button is performed by the TASK MANAGER.

Num Lock key.

This key


Located on the right side of the keyboard. If this key is turned on (as indicated by the indicator light), then the numeric keypad will work like a calculator, i.e. When pressed, numbers will be displayed.

If this key is turned off (the indicator is not lit), then the number keys will work in a different mode. The “1” and “7” keys will work like the “End” and “Home” keys - moving the cursor to the end and beginning of the line. The “3” and “9” keys will work as the “Page Up” and “Page Down” keys - moving the cursor one screen up and down. The keys “2”, “4”, “8”, “6” will work as arrow keys, i.e. in cursor control mode.

In addition, if you set SPECIAL FEATURES for the mouse in the CONTROL PANEL, then when the “Num look” key is turned off, you can control the mouse cursor using the keys “4” - left, “6” - right, “8” - up, “2” - down.

"Page Up" and "Page Down" keys.

These keys allow you to scroll up and down the screen. Keys highlighted in blue only work if the Num Lock key is turned off (the indicator is off). These keys can and should be used in any text editor, any browser, in general, anywhere where the information does not fit on one screen in height.

Home and End keys.

Using these keys, the cursor moves to the beginning (Home key) and the end (End key) of the line. Or to the beginning and end of the list (in Explorer). Keys highlighted in blue only work if the Num Lock key is turned off (the indicator is off).

By the way, if you press the “Home” key together with the “Ctrl” key (highlighted in green), you will go directly to the first (topmost) page. And if you press the “End” key together with the “Ctrl” key, the transition will be carried out immediately to the last (bottom-most) page.

"Insert" or "Ins" key.

The "Insert" key switches between INSERT and REPLACE modes. In mode


If you type between two words, the right word will move to the right and new text will be inserted after the left word. Like this: “left” “center” “right” - I inserted the word “center” between the words “left” and “right”. And in mode


the right word will be overwritten - replaced by the inserted word.

Like this: “left” “center”, i.e. the word “right” will be completely erased.

Sometimes you just want to disable this key, because... When typing text in WordE, you can accidentally click on this button and turn on the replacement mode, and at the moment of editing the already typed text you don’t notice how what you typed is overwritten. Therefore, I recommend that you sometimes pay attention to the status bar in WordE, there is an indication of the “Insert” key. In addition, in WordE you can disable this key altogether, but this is not covered in this lesson.

This key is also used in combination with the “Ctrl” and “Shift” keys (highlighted in green).

Key combination “Ctrl+Insert” - copying selected text. Same as “Ctrl+C”.

Key combination “Shift + Insert” - inserts selected text. Same as “Ctrl+V”.

"Delete" or "Del" key.

Using the "Delete" key you can


one character to the right in any text. Or delete all selected text. Or delete a file or folder. By the way, if you delete a file using the “Shift+Delete” key combination (the “Shift” keys are highlighted in green), the file will be deleted bypassing the trash can, i.e. it will no longer be possible to restore it from the recycle bin.

The key highlighted in blue only works if the Num Lock key is turned off (the indicator is off).

In addition, the "Del" key is used in combination with the "Ctrl" and "Alt" keys (highlighted in green). When you press the key combination “Ctrl+Alt+Del”, the “Task Manager” will open.

Cursor keys - arrows.

Using these keys


The cursor is a blinking vertical bar in text editors or a highlighted rectangle in any file manager.

Keys highlighted in blue only work if the Num Lock key is turned off (the indicator is off).

The cursor keys can be used in combination with the Shift and Ctrl keys (highlighted in green). This is especially useful in text editors.

The key combination “Shift+right/left arrow” - selects one character from the right/left.

The key combination “Ctrl + right/left arrow” - moves the cursor one word to the right/left.

The key combination “Shift+up/down arrow” - selects one line up/down.

The key combination “Ctrl + up/down arrow” - moves the cursor one paragraph/line up/down.

BackSpace or Left Arrow key. Reads like "Backspace".

With this key you can


one character to the left or the entire selected text.

In file managers, this button is used to move one level (one folder) up. In photo viewing programs - go back one photo.

The key combination “Alt+BackSpacr” - cancels the previous action. Same as “Ctrl+Z”.

Enter key. Read as "Enter".

There are two Enter keys on the keyboard. If you often work with numbers on the numeric keypad, I recommend that you use the “Enter” key, which is located on the right, bottom part of the keyboard.

The Enter key is used to


any actions, to open files, to launch programs, to move to a new line.

Shift keys. Read as "Shift".

Shift key is used


characters. Those. if the "Shift" key is pressed, then the letters will be printed in capitals. Like this: SHIFT KEY.

Additionally, the Shift key is often used in combination with the Ctrl and Alt keys. For example, the key combinations “Ctrl+Shift” or “Alt+Shift” switch the keyboard layout.

"Ctrl" keys. Read as "Control".
Alt keys. Read as "Alt".

I combined the meanings of these keys because... they really are the same. These keys are used


other keys, i.e. "Ctrl" and "Alt" keys are used


with other keys to perform any actions.

"Context menu" key.

Using this key


Exactly the same as if you pressed the RIGHT mouse button. The menu will correspond to the program you are working in, i.e. active program. Or if you press this button while on the “Desktop”, a menu corresponding to the active element of the Desktop will open.

Windows or Win key.

When you press this key, the main Windows menu opens - the START button menu.

In addition, this key is used in Windows in combination with other keys, making it easier and faster to launch any programs or perform any actions.

For example, the key combination “Win+D” minimizes all windows.

Key combination “Win+E” - launch “Explorer”. And so on. I will make a separate lesson about key combinations.

Spacebar key.

This key is used


between themselves symbols, words, i.e. to insert a space character - indent.

By the way, if replace mode is enabled (using the “Insert” key), the “Space” key works like the “Delete” key, i.e. erases the character on the right.

Sometimes the Spacebar is used to confirm some action, i.e. like the Enter key.

Caps Lock key. Pronounced "Caps Lock".

The "Caps Lock" key is used in the same way as "Shift"


characters. Those. If the Caps Lock key is turned on (the corresponding indicator is lit), then the letters will be printed in capitals. Like this: CAPS LOCK KEY.

Tab key. Reads like "Tab".

Using this key you can create a “red line” in text editors, i.e. When you press this button, several space characters are inserted at once.

Using this button you can bypass all contextual elements of the active window. This can be useful when the mouse suddenly stops working or is not there at all for some reason. To make it clearer, go to Explorer and press the “Tab” key. You will see how the cursor jumps from one context element to another.

The Tab key is also used in combination with the Alt key to switch tasks in Windows.

Now, as I promised, I’ll tell you how to display all the symbols drawn on a key.

For example, I’ll take the “?” key located near the right “Shift” key.

There are already four characters per key. The secret is in the “Shift” key and the keyboard layout.

Those. to display "." (dots) the Russian keyboard layout must be enabled.

To display “,” (comma), you need to press this key together with the “Shift” key in the Russian keyboard layout.

To display “/” (slash), you need to switch to the English layout and press this key. To display "?" (question mark) you need to press this key together with the “Shift” key in the English layout. That's the whole secret.

The same goes for other keys that have several symbols on them. For some special ones national symbols, you need to switch accordingly to the national layout.

A computer keyboard can greatly simplify the performance of many operations (after all, while there were no mice, they somehow got by with it). But for this you need to use the keyboard correctly, that is, know the purpose of all its keys. Today we will talk about how to use function keys.

Function keys are the row of F1-F12 keys located at the top of the keyboard. They are called functional for a reason - each key has a specific function assigned to it. In other words, the function keyboard is programmed to invoke specific operating system commands. In addition, in various programs and games, function keys may have additional functions - the same as in the OS, or others, depending on the developer's intent.

So let's break it down assignment of function keys in Windows OS. We will move in order.

F1 – Windows Help key or the help system of a specific program. If the program does not have an internal help system, pressing the F1 key can open online help on the official website of the program. Obviously, if the application doesn't have a help file or online help, nothing will happen when you press F1.

F2 – object editing. Most often used to rename files and folders in Windows Explorer or other file managers.

F3 – call the search window. Makes it easier to search for files and folders on your computer (if a folder is open when you press a key, the search will be carried out in it). In the browser, activates a search for the text of the page.

F4 – activate the address bar and show history in Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer. In other applications, the function of the key may vary (for example, in the Total Commander file manager, the F4 key is responsible for calling the built-in file editor).

F5 - update a list of objects in an open folder or an open page in a browser.

F6 – cursor translation to enter (pass focus) to the address bar (like activating the address bar in F4, but without showing the history).

F7-F9 do not have standard functions in Windows OS, so their effect will entirely depend on the specific application.

F10 – call the program menu. For example, in Explorer in Windows Vista/7, the standard menu (File, Edit, View, etc.) is hidden by default; the F10 key opens it.

F11 – switch from windowed mode to full screen and vice versa.

F12 – the key does not have a strictly defined function, but in many applications it is used to call up various additional menus.

There are also some established ones using a functional keyboard. Let's say Alt+F4– this is closing the active application. Combination Ctrl+F4 closes the active tab in the browser. And the combination Shift + F10 used to open the context menu.

More function keys can be used to go to BIOS or boot menu. The assignment of the keys will depend on the model motherboard, but quite often the F2 key is used to go to the BIOS, the F9 key to call the boot menu, and the F8 key to select the Windows boot mode.

It is worth mentioning separately that how function keys work on laptops. Most laptops have an Fn key. It allows you to change the action of the function keys. Using combination Fn + function key, you can turn the touchpad and Wi-Fi on and off, adjust the sound volume and brightness of the monitor, etc. You can find out exactly what action a particular function key will perform in combination with Fn from the icons next to the keys or from the instructions for the laptop.

So, let's summarize. Function keys can help you save time on common operations. But when working with a specific program, it is worth finding out in advance how exactly it uses the functional keyboard. To do this, you should use help, fortunately, you know how to call it - one press of the F1 key is enough.

A keyboard is a device for entering information into a computer. With its help, you can quickly type text, manage programs, and play games. Newbies are often intimidated a large number of buttons with unknown functions. But don’t be afraid, in this article we will take a detailed look at the keyboard structure and the purpose of the buttons.

Keyboard selection

Depending on the type of connection to a computer, keyboards can be wired or wireless.

Wireless keyboard with USB adapter

According to their design, keyboards are divided into membrane, scissor, mechanical, and semi-mechanical.

  • Membrane ones are the most common and cheapest. Under the button there is a silicone backing. When pressed, it is pressed and closes the contact. Some models are protected from water. Can withstand up to 5 million clicks.

  • Scissor - found on all laptops. More expensive, smooth and clear small stroke, quiet. Withstands up to 10 million clicks.

  • Mechanical - under the key there is a metal spring and contact, because of this the keyboard has a lot of weight and a high price. The buttons are activated even before being pressed completely. Loud, but the typing experience is completely different. Withstands up to 50 million clicks.

  • Semi-mechanical keyboards are a hybrid of membrane and mechanical keyboards. Instead of springs, elastic silicone elements are used.

  • You can find it on sale exotic options: rubber, wooden, glass, laser keyboards. But they are not popular because they are not very practical.

    There are also two convenient types of keyboards: ergonomic and gaming.

    Ergonomic keyboards have a non-standard shape; the keys are not located in straight rows, but follow the position of the hands. Convenient for quick touch typing, but it takes some getting used to.

    Gaming keyboards are distinguished by their bright design, convenient key layout for games, and the presence of additional keys and functions. For example, on some keyboards you can write macros to automate certain actions. Gaming keyboards often come with backlit keys, which is convenient for use in the dark.

    When choosing a keyboard, pay attention to the type of printing on the buttons. In normal printing, the letters visually protrude slightly, like stickers. Over time, they will wear off and you will have to replace the keyboard or apply stickers. Laser-printed keys do not wear out for a long time, but are not as bright.

    Laser printing on keys

    Simple printing

    Laptop keyboards are usually more compact, without extra buttons, and with short key travel. Sometimes without the number pad on the right.

    How to clean

    Dust, crumbs, and hair get under the buttons. The keyboard needs to be cleaned once every 1-2 months.

    The best way to clean it is to remove each button and wipe it with an alcohol solution (be careful not to erase the inscriptions). The buttons on membrane keyboards are easy to pull out; you need to pry them off with a knife or screwdriver. Remove large keys carefully so as not to break the mount.

    You can also clean the keyboard without removing the keys using pneumatic cleaning - this is compressed air with a tube for hard-to-reach places, sold in computer stores. You can replace it with a vacuum cleaner in blowing mode.

    There are special cleaners that are similar to slimes - they leak into the cracks between the buttons and dirt sticks to them.

    Read more about it in a separate article.

    Purpose of the buttons

    A standard keyboard with a separate number pad has 101 or 102 keys.

    Keyboard button assignments

    The main part of the keyboard is occupied by writing keys. Top row occupied by numbers from 0 to 9, below there are 3 rows of keys. This keyboard is often called QWERY because of the first row of keys in the English layout.

    Keyboard close-up

    The function keys F1 to F12 perform various auxiliary actions. They differ depending on the programs. Usually the F1 button calls up help for the program.

    The Esc key always means exiting the program or canceling an action; in games, this button is used for the pause menu.

    The Print Screen button takes a screenshot of the screen at the moment you press it and places it on the clipboard. Then you can paste it into another program (Edit - Paste). To remove only the active window without unnecessary elements, press Print Screen while holding down the Alt button.

    The Scroll Lock key is now almost never used, as it is ignored by many modern programs. When you press it, the indicator on the keyboard lights up and the cursor keys control the position of the screen (up, down, left, right). When the button is disabled, the cursor keys control the cursor position.

    Pause Break button - almost never used. Pauses the computer. IN modern versions Windows only works while the computer is booting. In some programs and games it is used to interrupt the current process.

    Tab key (sometimes indicated by two arrows resting against the wall). Performs a jumping function. For example, it can shift text alignment, switch between form fields, and, in combination with the Alt button, switch windows.

    Shift key (left and right). A modifier key used in conjunction with other buttons. When you press Shift together with a letter, a capital letter will be printed; together with a number, a symbol will be printed. Can be used in conjunction with any buttons on the keyboard and mouse to access program functions.

    Caps Lock. When you press this button on the keyboard, the indicator lights up and all letters when typing become capitalized, as if you were holding Shift. Pressing it again turns off the mode.

    Backspace. Removes one character before the cursor in text editors. In other programs it often performs the function of going back (to the previous page, to the previous folder).

    Del (Delete). Removes one character after the cursor in text editors. In other programs, it deletes something (selected file, object). In combination with Shift, deletes an object permanently (bypassing the trash bin). In combination with Ctrl+Alt, it launches the task manager or restarts the computer. Some laptops do not have this button; its function is performed by the Fn+Backspace key combination.

    Ctrl (left and right). Typically used in conjunction with other buttons as a modifier key. For example, Ctrl+C copies the selected object or text, Ctrl+V pastes. On MacOS laptops, the Ctrl key has different functions than in Windows. There it is replaced by the Cmd button. You can also find references to the Strg key on the Internet. This is the Ctrl button on a German keyboard.

    Alt (left and right). Like Ctrl, this is a modifier key. Used in conjunction with other buttons to perform some actions. For example Alt+F4 closes the program. Sometimes the right button is indicated as AltGr.

    The Menu key on your keyboard is usually represented by a list icon and an arrow. It is located between the right Win button and Ctrl. When pressed, it opens a context menu. Analogous to pressing the right mouse button (RMB).

    Enter. The most big key on keyboard. There is also a second Enter button on the number pad on the right. In text programs, moves the cursor to a new line. In other programs it is used to confirm some action. Analogous to clicking the left mouse button.

    Win (left and right). Windows key between Ctrl and Alt and between AltGr and Menu. Opens the Start menu. In combination with other buttons, it performs various Windows functions.

    Space. The longest button on the keyboard is located under the letters. Used to separate words with a space.

    Insert - determines the input mode. Toggles insert new or replace mode existing text, to change the status of an object from passive to active.

    Page Up - scroll the page up.

    Page Down - scroll the page down.

    Home - move the cursor to the beginning.

    End - move the cursor to the end.

    The arrows ← ↓→ move the cursor position.

    The numbers from 0 to 9 are duplicated in the digital block in the usual position for dialing, like on a calculator. There is a period, an additional Enter, separate buttons for basic arithmetic operations: plus, minus, divide, multiply. Some keyboards have a Return button instead of a second Enter on the number pad. It often duplicates the functionality of Enter, but in some programs it has a line break function without confirming the action.

    The digital pad works when Num Lock is active. Without it, the keys will perform other functions. For example, the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 act as arrows, 0 acts as the Insert button, and the dot acts as Delete.

    Which button do you need to press to...

    You can change the layout from English to Russian (or vice versa) using the keyboard shortcut:

    Alt+Shift (standard), Win+Space, Alt+Shift.

    The comma on top (apostrophe) is placed using the E key. It must be pressed together with Shift on the English keyboard layout.

    A period on the keyboard is placed using the key with the symbol / and? (next to the letter Y) on the Russian layout. On the English keyboard layout, a dot is placed with a button with the symbol > and. (letter Y).

    A comma is placed on the keyboard using the button with the symbol / and? (next to the letter Y). It must be pressed together with Shift. In the English layout, the comma is placed using the sign key< и, (буква Б).

    The letter е is located in the upper left corner of the keyboard. On some keyboards it is moved to Enter or left Shift.

    A colon is inserted using the key combination Shift+6 on the Russian keyboard. On the English layout, enter a colon using the combination Shift+F.

    You can cut, copy and paste an object using the hotkeys Ctrl+X (cut), Ctrl+C (copy), Ctrl+V (paste).

    The grid is inserted on the English layout using the Shift+3 keys.

    The root sign √ cannot be typed on a standard keyboard layout. You can do this by holding down the Alt button and typing code 251 on the numeric keypad.

    The vertical stick sign is placed on the English keyboard while holding down the Shift key with the \ icon (next to Enter). Some keyboards have a separate key under Backspace or next to the right Shift.

    A question mark is inserted using the Shift+7 key combination on the English layout or on the Russian layout using the button with the slash icon / (between the right Shift and Yu) together with the Shift key held down.

    The division and multiplication sign is located at the top of the keyboard number pad. Also, the division sign (slash) is next to the right Shift, and the multiplication sign is on the number 8 (press together with Shift). In the text, the division sign can be replaced with a colon, and the multiplication sign with a cross (the letter x).

    If the number pad (right) on your keyboard isn't working, check to see if the Num Lock light on your keyboard is lit. If not, turn it on with the Num Lock button.

    If only capital letters are printed, turn off Caps Lock using this button.

    The Fn key is found only on laptops. This is an additional modifier key. Typically used in conjunction with the F1-F12 keys to control screen brightness, volume, and touchpad.

    Video about popular hotkeys in Windows:

    If a button on your keyboard is missing or doesn't work, use the virtual keyboard. It can be found through a search in Start or Control Panel - Accessibility. Also, many text programs have the ability to insert additional characters. For example, in Word, on the “Insert” tab, there is a “Additional Symbols” button. If you often need to enter non-standard characters, I recommend installing the Birman typographic layout on your computer.