Sergey Trofimov nationality. Biography of Sergei Trofimov, personal life, creativity

Falling from a height

Eternal saviors of the people.

From such obsessive freedom.

They say you are God's bride...

There is no place for your dear one..."

God, what a nonsense...

“I was born in 1966, in a maternity hospital on Proletarka. He spent his childhood on Samotek, where he lived with his mother,” Sergei Trofimov floats on the wave of memory, “...Mom was the chief bibliographer of the Institute scientific information By social sciences, and dad, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich, worked at the Khrunichev plant. Mom and grandmother dedicated their lives librarianship. And my two great-grandmothers tsarist times They even received an education at the Institute for Noble Maidens.

Gravity flow then was not the same as it is now. It was terribly interesting to live in Moscow at that time; the old courtyards in which we boys played football and “Cossack robbers”, sang with a guitar, and fell in love were still preserved.

Our area was amazing. I lived on Second Volkonsky Lane, from which you could run across the rooftops all the way to the museum Soviet army. You could walk an entire block by jumping from roof to roof. It was ours favorite hobby. We lived on the roofs, like the Carlsons. And they fought, and they made peace, and they played. It was a golden time. And I really was in love with all the girls at once.

When I turned five, we came to kindergarten Some aunts and uncles came and arranged an audition for the children. That’s how I ended up in the choir chapel. From half past eight to two - general education subjects, and then until the evening - music. At the age of six I was accepted into the first grade of the same school.”

Trofimov, as usual, is modest, simply stating the fact of admission to a well-known Soviet Union school. It was almost impossible for a random person to get there, experienced teachers It was not enough to have absolute hearing; they tried to discern more in the child - a craving for the harmony of the world, talent.

Music lived in Sergei's soul from birth.

At the age of 7, a schoolboy wrote his first waltz on a piece of toilet paper in the hospital; at 10 he is already composing fugues, etudes, and trying to create a sonata. Brought up on the music of Bach, Monteverdi, Mozart, Schubert, Baratynsky, Rachmaninov, Gershwin (the works of these composers were performed by students of the Moscow Boys' Choir), Sergei tirelessly searches for his “melody”. He is especially attracted to the piano: the boy tirelessly improves his mastery of the instrument, improvises, composes...

And it is clear to him and, especially, to the teachers that Sergei’s path lies in the world of serious classical music. But God decreed otherwise.

Falling from a height

“At the age of 13, when I was in the camp, I was very unlucky... I wanted to show my prowess in front of the girls, and at the Zarnitsa game I climbed the tree where I was located Observation deck. The tower turned out to be poorly secured, and I fell from a 12-meter height, putting my hands forward. Surprisingly, once on the ground, I didn’t feel any pain at first. She came then wild, piercing...

The diagnosis was multiple fractures of both arms... I had surgery after surgery. The doctor assembled my hands in jewelry, like a restorer restores ancient vases. It took months for rehabilitation...”

It seemed that a severe injury closed the door to great music for Sergei, but poetry came during this difficult time. The music was transformed into lines. It was as if someone from above showed him a way out of the impasse.

“And at this time, it was as if a dam broke - poems began to emerge from me. I couldn’t write them down and dictated them to my friends. Perhaps, without this fatal incident, I would have become completely different. During this time, I changed a lot internally - I learned to communicate with myself, listen to the one inside me. I dreamed of the day when my cast would finally be removed. And now it has come. The hands were a pitiful sight, bluish-pale and wrinkled. And they didn't listen to me at all. I started restoring them. Everything went through hellish pain, even fainting. I became gloomy, desperate, different thoughts came into my head...

The hands were not developed in any way. Then I took up karate, started lifting weights... Six months later, my arms began to slowly unbend... Falling from a height, I could have remained disabled, or I could have died. But God protected me.

I remember at the beginning of the 7th grade, someone came and invited me to listen to Queen on a reel, “ Bohemian Rhapsody" It was a shock. By 8th grade I suddenly discovered AC/DC. Complete freedom of spirit!

At this time, Sergei makes his first attempts to compose songs.

After all, it is the song that is the most diverse genre. And the musician took full advantage of his knowledge and natural gift. Being an excellent melodist and symphonist, he masterfully mastered the most in different forms song creativity. Today in his repertoire you can find romance and country, gypsy tunes and blues, rap and classical pop, waltz and twist, bard song and rock and roll compositions.

It would seem where the musician got such a developed sense of the Russian language as a living organism. Sometimes it seems that Trofimov simply “weaves” masterpieces out of thin air, from the voices of passers-by, from car horns and the rustling of crowns. Well, here it is, either it’s given or it’s not. But to the gift should be added education and the right books. Sergei’s passion for reading grew over the years into a passion for... no, not collecting ancient Guttenberg manuscripts, but... comparative linguistics. This is a science almost as complex as, for example, the quantum physics, only instead of formulas and numbers there are formulas and letters. You don’t just come to such a hobby; you have to be at least prepared for it, otherwise you simply won’t understand anything.

Therefore, neither the music nor the poetry of Sergei Trofimov can be confused with anyone else, even when his song is not performed by the author, but in versions of other performers (Trofimov, let me remind you, writes for many of our pop stars), it is instantly recognizable. The peculiarity of his style is colloquial, giving the verse the spontaneity and charm of living speech, and the song the beauty and simplicity of listening. Professional orchestration skills and absolute pitch, which allows you to instantly arrange the melody among the instruments, helped Sergei become an arranger of his works.

However, let's not get ahead of ourselves...

I simply couldn’t imagine my life without music.

After school, he entered the Moscow State Institute of Culture, where he became acquainted with Cossack songs, northern Russian songs, and went on a folklore expedition to the Don. If I had graduated from college, I would have been the leader of a folk group in some cultural center. But, after studying for three years, I left and entered the Conservatory at the Faculty of Composition Theory. However, I didn’t study there either, because it didn’t suit my spirit. I wanted to study music first and foremost, and not the basics of Marxist-Leninist philosophy. After all, composers and musicians were considered at that time the ideological mouthpiece of the party.

I remember how during the exam I asked the teacher how the bourgeois C major differs from the proletarian one.

“You will never hand over scientific communism to me, Trofimov,” came the response.

This was the last straw, and not long before that I was expelled from the Komsomol, having been caught with a file of the banned anti-Soviet magazine Posev. I said for a long time that I am not interested in bourgeois propaganda, and in the magazine I read articles by Seva Novgorodtsev about rock and roll. But I was still expelled...

In the early 80s we were going to Pushkin Square and screamed at the top of their lungs. There were about twenty regulars. Mostly these were my school friends from the choir, so it’s hard to imagine what we did there! So, Queen arranged their songs into 8-10 voices, and we arranged them into 15-16. The whole area was on edge!

Then I had a group “Kant”, and we performed successfully in the suburbs of Moscow, villages, and houses of culture. It was such intellectual art rock. They even paid us money...

In 1985 we became laureates of the Twentieth World Festival youth and students. Then young Sveta Vladimirskaya turned to me. And I wrote her the song “I Don’t Want to Lose You,” which became her first hit and for which her husband, Volodya Vladimirsky, paid me 150 dollars. This was the first fee.

At that time I was working at the Orekhovo restaurant, and we had a whole program consisting of my songs.
In 1987 I left the restaurant. He traveled around Russia with a guitar as part of concert teams. Then, music cooperatives were created under the district Komsomol committees, which organized concerts and tours. We traveled with "Mirage", with " Tender May“, with Zhanna Aguzarova... They performed five concerts a day, it was called “chess”.

Then 1991 happened: someone rushed to earn money, someone left the country, someone drank himself to death, and I felt somehow uneasy. Now I can probably formulate why.

“Evil men of wisdom, prophets and sages,
Eternal saviors of the people.
Give me something so I don't give up
From such obsessive freedom.
Oh, dear Russia, baptized land!
They say you are God's bride...
How did it happen that today for me
There is no place for your dear one..."


Began concert activities as a rock bard.


Served in the church (singing director, clerk).


Creation of music and lyrics for the album by singer Svetlana Vladimirskaya.


Easter all-night vigil in Moscow.


Beginning of touring activities under the pseudonym “Trofim”.


Release of the first solo album"The Garbage Aristocracy, Part 1."


creating music and lyrics for the albums “The Sorrow of a Sinful Soul” by performer Alexander Ivanov, “Mom, Everything’s Okay” by singer Karolina and Svetlana Almazova’s album “To the Ten.”


releases three solo albums “The Aristocracy of the Garbage, Part 2”, “With Good morning" and "Oh, I wish I could live."


creating music and lyrics for the album “Queen” by singer Carolina and for the album “Voice” by Alla Gorbacheva.


own solo album “Garbage Aristocracy, Part 3 (“Devaluation”).”


solo albums “War and Peace” and “I am Born Again”, performances in Russian cities, nightclubs in Moscow; solo concert at the Palace of Culture. Gorky, a trip to Chechnya took place.


solo album “The Aristocracy of the Garbage, Part 4”, member of the Union of Writers of Russia.


solo album "Bard-avant-garde".


solo album "I Miss You".


solo album “Wind in the Head”. Awarded the Suvorov Medal for his contribution to literature and cultural heritage Russia (November 4, 2004).


solo concerts in the State Kremlin Palace, touring Russia, participating in various television and radio broadcasts, releasing a new album “Nostalgia”.


tour of Russia in support of the album “Nostalgia”, solo concert at the State Kremlin Palace, participation in various television and radio broadcasts. Awarded the medal “For Service to the Fatherland” (Saints Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy and Reverend Abbot Sergius of Radonezh) III degree. The Board of the United Group of Special Services Veterans "Vympel" awarded the order"Veteran Cross" II degree (November 2, 2006). The book “240” has been published - a collection of song lyrics written by the author.


solo album “Next Stop”.


August 2008: took 44th place in the Forbes magazine ranking - the 50 most popular artists, TV presenters, athletes, writers and top models of Russia.”


solo album “I live in Russia”.


Solo album “Everything is not important.”


BY DECREE of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 2011 No. 290 “ON AWARDING STATE AWARDS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION” to Sergei Vyacheslavovich Trofimov - soloist-vocalist, member of the International Union of Pop Artists ( creative union), for services in the field of art, he was awarded the honorary title “HONORED ARTIST OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION”! Release of solo album “Sorokapyatochka”.


Solo album "Sorokapyatochka"


Solo album "Aty-Bati"


Solo album "Black and White"


Solo album "In the Middle"

Prayer inside of me

Our generation, despite the fact that everyone despised the “scoop” in their hearts, associated itself with a great power. And when she died overnight, I wanted to identify myself with something. I went to church. In my deep conviction, and I know the history of Russia quite well, it was the church that played a role in unifying Russian statehood. Not so much the princes, but the Orthodox faith. And I stayed in the church for two years: first I was a chorister, then a regent. There were no concerts. I lived strictly according to church rules.

One day a miracle happened to me: during the Christmas service, when everyone around me, including me, was reading a prayer, my own prayer, born from my heart, began to sound more and more powerfully in my soul. And at some point I suddenly felt something piercing and bright at the same time. It was as if my prayer - the one that sounded in my heart - was heard. And I was given the opportunity to see for a moment and feel the love of God! It all happened so suddenly - it was as if a bullet had hit the heart! Human love - for a woman, for a child - is only a small particle of the Divine love that I felt then. And then I decided that I had found my calling. I had priests in my family, and I wanted to follow in their footsteps.

My spiritual mentor, Father Nikolai, forbade me to become a monk. He was then a priest in the church on Taganka, and now he is a monk on Valaam. He said: “You cannot be a monk if something new is constantly born in your soul.” And I really was writing something all the time, composing music and lyrics. “God gave you talent, which means you must realize it, create and thus serve people. This is your purpose." I still often go to church. Faith saves and supports me. I generally live with the feeling that a miracle is about to happen to me. I used to wait for him all the time. And only recently I began to understand that miracles happen to us every day. Love is the main miracle, the main treasure. This generally dawns on men quite late. And even later comes the understanding of what true love is.

I lived most of my life with the idea that to love is to possess. Only when I was approaching forty, a few years ago, I realized: to love is to give. And everything fell into place.

In 1993 I wrote “Vespers”. As a rule, Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky, and Rachmaninov sound in our churches, but I wanted to return to the roots - to the Russian Znamenny chant. But the Holy Synod reviews and approves for performance only works by members of the Union of Composers (of which I was never a member), so my “Vespers” was performed only in two Moscow churches, but even there, after the priests changed, it no longer sounds.

I left the church with solid ground under my feet. Even when he sang in a chapel, and then in church, he continued to write poetry in this vein, which has no relation to the official musical establishment. Then he studied stylistic rock and roll. This is how the album “Sorrow of a Sinful Soul” appeared, songs from which were performed by Alexander Ivanov. At the same time, I wrote lyrical songs “for the kitchen.” I never really wanted to go out to the general public. Everything worked out naturally. I wasn’t looking for show business, it was he who found me.

When I returned in 1994, I was forced to start all over again. Not only in creativity, but in life in general. Then I met Sasha Ivanov and Stepan Razin, the husband of the singer Karolina. I started writing songs for them, and they decided to publish my “kitchen” songs, which were written for myself, in the album “To the Aristocracies of Garbage Garbs.” This was the beginning. Then I got the pseudonym “Trofim”.

Aristocracy of garbage

Let's pause our hero's monologue for a moment and remember the memorable year 1995, when the album "Aristocracy of the Garbage" began to play from the "embrasure" of every stall. To be honest, I didn’t understand Trofim right away. And the point is not that I, like all aesthetic critics, was frightened by the notorious “thieves’ note” of his early albums. Not at all, to me personally, who grew up on the work of Arkady Severny and the emigration of the third wave, the songs from the first disc seemed, on the contrary, too... intelligent. The album did not fit into the format and was difficult to describe. In voice and appearance, he seemed closer to the bards. In terms of music and arrangement, it’s almost an emigrant. Texts... These were the hardest ones to compare. It seems fun, rollicking, banter, but at the same time, sad and bitter. Only later did understanding come - his texts made me think about looking for answers. Stylistically, it was an unknown cocktail, where you could feel the sharp and laconic style of Vysotsky, the melodiousness and softness of Okudzhava, the courage and melancholy of Arkady Severny, the despair and wisdom of Galich. The ingredients seem to be known, but merge into an unfamiliar and bright taste. For six months I wandered around in indecision, constantly listening to a new artist at student parties and in my friends’ cars, but not daring to buy a cassette for myself. Now I can’t remember which specific composition broke through the gap of mistrust, most likely the title one - “The Aristocracy of the Garbage Garbage”.

“...When the rednecks use communist money
opened the American Express Bank,
the security officers gave free rein to the swindlers,
having your own diamond interest.
And at the same hour from the common swamp
let's go, throwing off our bast shoes, gentlemen.
Now they are in order and respected,
rowing lava from a muddy pond.”

The debut “shot” turned out to be accurate, but almost caught the hit-maker himself with a ricochet. In 1999, when in addition to the first record Trofim had three more new discs to his credit, the host of the “What? Where? When?" Vladimir Voroshilov invited him to perform live. And the young singer-songwriter heartily told viewers about “the aristocracy of the garbage dump, dictating the fashion for morality.”

“After that, I was taken off the air altogether,” the artist continues to recall.

The situation was aggravated by the album “War and Peace”. With its release, functionaries from the funds mass media I was given different labels. Many of us don’t really know anything, but at the same time they have their own opinions...


Alexander Rosenbaum helped. I am sincerely grateful to him for this and even dedicated a song to Alexander Yakovlevich:

“...Write about your soul,
that flows, flows with azure light,
Breaking through the darkness
hopeless human blindness,
And how funny it is
to be a singer, a rebel and a poet
In the state of rednecks,
indifference and poverty..."

Now it is difficult to predict how events would have developed if Trofim had not sung a “seditious” thing on the air of a popular television show or if Alexander Yakovlevich had not met him on the way... But, as wise people say: “God leads through life.” In the new century we heard a completely new Trofimov. This was not just a chansonnier singing talented and sharp satirical couplets. Suddenly, my boyfriend from the tape appeared as a subtle lyricist, a philosopher and simply a friend, capable of sharing sadness. They heard him. They understood and loved.

Sergei Trofimov stands out on the modern stage for many reasons.

Firstly, with genuine poetry, sounding in every line, and secondly, which is extremely important, professional vocals. Classical Italian voice training, which accompanied Sergei throughout his ten years of study in the choir, and folk vocal classes at the Institute of Culture mean a lot and distinguish the artist Trofimov from many who believe that they sing with him “in the same genre.”

It’s normal when a person searches, grows, gets to know himself... Over the years, views on things change, the attitude towards oneself changes, the people around change... Experience and wisdom come. And with them - others musical compositions. Now Sergei Trofimov can afford to experiment with sound, producing a whole block of new projects with, in general, a purely rock and roll sound, and recording entirely lyrical albums.

Or maybe he’ll shake up the old days and broadcast on Channel One a rollicking duet with Dmitry Dibrov, which viewers will perceive no worse than his original songs. Let the best proof of my thought again be a post from the impartial Internet. An unnamed admirer reports: “I wasn’t interested in Trofimov’s work for some time until I heard his album “Nostalgia”, where they sound wonderful and very kind, both in text and in musically, compositions. It was with him that my, dare I say it, love for his songs began. As I know, the period of “prickly” themes has long passed for him, along with a change in creativity, there was also a change in his stage image: the place of the pseudonym “Trofim” was taken by his first and last name - Sergei Trofimov.
Yes, success is obvious and deserved. But how nice it is when an artist with an audience of millions speaks about himself simply and without pretense: “Well, what a star I am... First of all, I am a servant of God, and everything else is secondary. I still feel extremely awkward when people come up to me and ask for an autograph. Of course, I don’t refuse, because you can’t explain to every person that we are brothers, that we are equal, and it doesn’t matter who does what in life.

No matter how much material things people have in this life, I mean, a yacht, a Bentley, our essence does not change. All this is given, so to speak, for temporary use, because when you leave you will not be able to take away either a yacht or a cool car. You won't be able to take anything at all. Life is intellectual game. And in this game the main thing is to understand what kind of real you are. I would like my creativity to be slightly stimulating. Encouraged us to search for answers to the question “Why?” Why are we all here?

Sergei Trofimov the artist and Sergei Trofimov the man continues his search. Stopping halfway or resting on his laurels is not his style. He is always on the move.

Vectors creative activity The artists are so diverse that at first it is not clear who the director is.

Well, of course, the main thing is musical, every fan of the artist will exclaim.

This answer really lies in plain sight - Trofimov doesn’t just live and breathe music. And therefore he flies to where his song is most needed today, without hesitation.

As a listener, he catches everything on the fly and immediately understands where they are performing a routine in front of him, and where they are giving away their soul. I was lucky enough to attend various performances of the singer, and I don’t know of an example where his voice sounded “half-hearted.” Trofimov always works seriously and with pleasure, and, as a real artist, what is important to him is not the interiors around him, but mutual contact with the audience, even if the hall today has become an army tent or a hospital corridor of a military hospital. There is no need to explain to Sergei about the sense of duty...

That’s all true, but the other day, flipping through another glossy article with an article about Sergei and looking at his absolutely happy eyes in photographs with his wife and children, I suddenly realized that the spiritual vector of the current Sergei Trofimov is directed, first of all, towards his family. And this is quite logical. No best source for inspiration than peace and goodness in the home. Maybe someone is used to calling on the muse while standing on the edge, but not Trofimov. That’s why his songs are good; you listen to them and a fire lights up in your chest. This is called a "gift".

I am a person from a world whose name is show business. There are a lot of temptations around. Rocks me like a ship. I'm only at peace at home. So I live with the feeling that I spend my days in a casino, and return to the temple to spend the night.”

Maxim Kravchinsky, journalist

A country Template:Sun,
Russia Russia Professions Singing voice baritone Tools Guitar, Piano Genres Russian rock, Russian chanson, author song, rock, rock-n-roll, blues, reggae Nicknames Trofim Awards Audio, photo, video on Wikimedia Commons

Sergey Vyacheslavovich Trofimov(November 4, Moscow) - Russian author- songwriter, musician, chansonnier, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation ().

Performs in the styles “Russian chanson”, “rock”, “art song”.

Also known by his stage name Trofim. Sergei Trofimov has two daughters and a son, Ivan (born November 18, 2003). Winner of the “Chanson of the Year” awards

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Sergey Trofimov - City of Sochi

    ✪ Sergey Trofimov - Stolichnaya


    ✪ Sergey Trofimov - Aty-baty

    ✪HD. Sergey Trofimov "Fate". 2015



Creative biography

From 1973 to 1983: soloist of the Moscow State Boys' Choir at.

In 1985 he studied at the Moscow State Institute of Culture and the Moscow State Conservatory (department of theory and composition).

In 1985, he received a diploma at the XII World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow.

In 1986 he worked in a restaurant in Moscow.

From 1987-1991: concert activity as a rock bard, recorded the album “Such early spring"with the group "Eroplan" (album not released). First solo concerts.

From 1991-1993: served as a singer in the choir of one of the Moscow churches

In 1992-1993 he released an album by singer Svetlana Vladimirskaya.

1993 Easter Vigil, Moscow.

In 1994, musical performances began under the pseudonym “Trofim”, at the same time Sergei wrote the song “That’s all, the sage said and sank into the water.”

In 1994, he released the album “The Sorrow of a Sinful Soul”, performed by Alexander Ivanov. In the same year, the beginning of its own concert activity took place. The beginning of cooperation with the production center of Stepan Razin.

In 1995, singer Carolina’s album “Mom, Everything’s Okay” and Svetlana Almazova’s album “To the Ten” were released.

In 1996, singer Alla Gorbacheva’s album “The Voice” was released, and at the same time Sergei worked in pop music. The beginning of active solo performances in Russia.

In 1998, the singer Carolina’s second album “Queen” was released, a solo (but not original) album “News from a prickly distance.”

In 1999, he co-wrote the music for the film “Crossroads at Night” in the USA. On November 24, 1999, he participated in the “Musical Ring” with Mikhail Krug.

In 2000, performances began in Russian cities, nightclubs in Moscow; solo concert at the Palace of Culture. Gorky, took a trip to Chechnya, was deputy chairman of the Board of Trustees of the GUIN of Russia. The pseudonym “Trofim” faded into the background, and Sergei Trofimov began to be written on posters.

In 2002 he received the chanson of the year award.

In 2004, he participated in the television game Fort Boyard with Leonid Yarmolnik and Oksana Fedorova and team captain Ernest Matskevichyus, Igor Lifanov, Maxim Vitorgan, Natalia Zabuzova and Tatyana Alexandrova.

In 2005, he became a laureate of the All-Russian literary prize named after Generalissimo A.V. Suvorov, established by the Military Art Studio of Writers.

On March 11, 2014, he signed an appeal from cultural figures Russian Federation in support of the policy of Russian President V.V. Putin in Ukraine and Crimea.



  • 1995: Aristocracy of garbage dump-1
  • 1996: Aristocracy of the Garbage-2
  • 1996: Oh, I wish I could live
  • 1998: Garbage Aristocracy-3: Devaluation
  • 1998: News from the prickly distance (folk songs)
  • 2000: I'm Born Again
  • 2000: War and Peace
  • 2001: Garbage Aristocracy-4: Basic Instinct
  • 2002: Bard-Vanguard
  • 2004: Wind in my head
  • 2005: Nostalgia
  • 2007: Next Stop
  • 2009: I live in Russia
  • 2010: Everything is not important
  • 2011: Sorokapyatochka
  • 2012: Aty-baty
  • 2014: Black and White (B/W)
  • 2017: In the Middle

Unreleased albums

  • 1993: Such an Early Spring (unreleased)
  • 2005: Album as a gift (limited edition)


  • 2005: News from the prickly distance
  • 2005: Nostalgia (deluxe edition)
  • 2006: I'm Born Again
  • 2006: 10th anniversary creative activity dedicated to... (gift edition)
  • 2009: I live in Russia (2-disc deluxe edition + DVD with clips)
  • 2010: Everything is not important (deluxe edition)
  • 2012: Aty-baty (deluxe edition)

Live albums

  • 2001: CD “For our ladies!” (live episode. episode 6)
  • 2004: CD “Dedication to St. Petersburg” (DVD “Wind in the Head”)

Official collections

  • 1996: Good morning! (collection album: new and best)
  • 1999: Legends of Russian chanson
  • 2000: Favorites
  • 2001: Bullfinches. Best songs
  • 2003: Along the very edge (+ video “I fight like a fish”)
  • 2003: I Miss You (Compilation Album: New and Best)
  • 2004: Trofim. MP3 collection. Part 1 and 2
  • 2006: Dedicated to the 10th anniversary of creative activity (collection album)
  • 2009: Collector's Edition. Best songs. Sergey Trofimov. MP3 collection
  • 2010: Star Hit: Sergey Trofimov - Best songs
  • 2011: Sergey Trofimov. Grand Collection. Part 1 and 2
  • 2011: MK-Collection. Chanson Alley. Sergey Trofimov. Part 1 and 2
  • 2011: God, what a trifle. Dedicated to the artist’s 45th anniversary
  • 2011: Sergey Trofimov. Romances
  • 2012: Aty-Bati (collection album: new and best)

Performers of Trofimov's songs

  • Araks
    • Album “Raritet” (2006)
      • Separation Blues
      • Strange night
      • Far, far away
  • Alexander Ivanov
    • Album “The Sorrow of a Sinful Soul” (1997)
      • God, what a nonsense
      • I will lay the sky under your feet
      • My unkind Rus'
      • Moscow
      • I'm calling for the rain
      • She believed in a fairy tale
      • I live here
      • I believe in fire
      • Tenderness
      • You are my light (But I don't believe you)
      • Holy lie
      • White snow
    • Collection “Space (Ballads)”
      • On the edge
    • Collection “Space (Romances)”
      • In those days
  • Vakhtang Kikabidze
    • Album “Tango of Love” (1999)
      • We are leaving
      • Good morning, guys!
  • Lada Dance
    • Album “On the Islands of Love” (1997)
      • Unexpected call
  • Nikolay Noskov
    • Album “Mother Russia” (1994)
      • In Rus' (Russian version of the song “Mother Russia”, music by N. Noskov)
    • Album “Whim” (1998)
      • I'm not fashionable (together with A. Chulansky, music by N. Noskova)
  • Irina Klimova
    • Album “I'm so tired of waiting” (1998)
      • I'm so tired of waiting
      • Romance
  • Caroline
    • Album “Mom, everything is okay” (1996)
      • Mom, it's okay
      • Rich grandpa
      • The Velvet season
      • You won't love me anymore
      • My number is 305-42-16
      • Lost soul
      • My grief
      • Affectionate deception
      • What a pity
      • Romance
      • Three songs in one
  • "Good morning",
  • “Today in my city...”
  • "Bullfinches"
  • "Motherland"
  • "You are my light (but I don't believe you)"
  • "Do not be afraid",
  • "Clever girl"
  • “Oh, I wish someone would lend me a loan,”
  • "I live in Russia",
  • "I'm used to smiling at people"
  • "I miss you",
  • "I'm already tired."


Music videos

  • 1995 I fight like a fish
  • 2000: Eh, I wish someone would lend me a loan
  • 2002: Bullfinches (director Fyodor Bondarchuk)
  • 2003: I Miss You (directed by S. Andron)
  • 2003: Just like that (directed by S. Andron)
  • 2003: Wind in the Head (director I. Korobeinikov) - released in 2013
  • 2004: Pigeons (official clip from the concert released on the DVD “Wind in the Head”)
  • 2004: Alyoshka (video sequence)
  • 2008: Umnichka (director A. Igudin)
  • 2010: Kingdom of God (director D. Korobkin) (film “Yaroslav”)
  • 2011: Don’t Tell (directed by A. Igudin) (TV series “Lucky Pashka”)
  • 2012: Observations during a walk (author Alexey Komov)


  • 2003: DVD “All Facets” (unreleased)
  • 2004: DVD “Wind in the Head”
  • 2006: DVD “Dedicated to the 10th anniversary of creative activity”
  • 2009: DVD “I live in Russia” (clips, addition to the deluxe edition of the album)


  • 1999: “Night Crossroads” (documentary, composer, music co-author)
  • 2001: "Truckers" (composer)
  • 2001: “Forgiveness Sunday” (documentary, composer)
  • 2003: “Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness” (composer)
  • 2004: “Fighter” (composer)
  • 2004: “Soldiers: Hello company, New Year"(in the episode the song by S. Trofimov “God, what a trifle” is performed)
  • 2005: “Dacha for sale” (composer)
  • 2005: “Alexandrovsky Garden” (in the series the song by S. Trofimov “On the Edge” performed by D. Pimanova is heard)
  • 2008: “Montecristo” (the series features “Moscow Song” by S. Trofimov)
  • 2009: “Platinum 2” (actor, composer)
  • 2010: “Yaroslav. A thousand years ago" (composer, soundtrack, video)
  • 2011: “Lucky Pashka” (composer, video)
  • 2011: “Loot” (the characters of the film sing S. Trofimov’s song “I Miss You” at karaoke)
  • 2012: “I Believe” (TV series) (S. Trofimov’s song “I’m used to smiling at people” is heard in the series)

Music awards and honors

Year Reward Nominated work Result Category
2002 Chanson of the year Bullfinches Song
2003 Chanson of the year Wind in my head Victory Song
2004 Chanson of the year Have pity on me Song
2005 Chanson of the year Wind in my head Victory Song
2006 Chanson of the year Spring Blues


2007 Golden Gramophone Award Moscow song Victory Song
2008 Golden Gramophone Award

Chanson of the year

Sochi city

I can stay

Victory Song
2009 Chanson of the year Do not leave me Song
2010 Golden Gramophone Award

Chanson of the year

Do not tell me

Wind in my head

Everything doesn't matter

Victory Song
2011 Chanson of the year Do not tell me Victory Song
2012 Chanson of the year I feel so good now

I'm used to smiling at people

Victory Song
2013 Chanson of the year Observations while walking


Victory Song
2014 Golden Gramophone Award

Chanson of the year

Internet Victory Song
2015 Chanson of the year Say a prayer

God, what a nonsense

Victory Song
2016 Chanson of the year

Real MusicBox Award

My dream

Former podesaul (Duet with Denis Maidanov,

Alexander Marshal and Oleg Gazmanov)

Victory Song

Urban romance

2017 Chanson of the year Ship Song

The singer was born on November 4, 1966, and today he is 50 years old. This is a Russian author and performer of songs, as well as an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. The text will discuss in detailbiography of Sergei Trofimov.

Singer Trofimov performs songs in the style of Russian chanson and rock. She also often writes her own original compositions.

Sergei's nickname sounds like “Trofim”. The musician has a son, Vanya, as well as 2 daughters.

The path was thorny

Biography of Sergei Trofimov begins to interest the general publicsince 1973. This year he began performing as a soloistMoscow State Chapel. He finished his work as a soloist in 1983, having worked there for exactly 10 years.In 1985 he entered the State Institute of Culture and graduated with honors. But, unfortunately, the treasured “crust” did not become a pass for him to great life at that time, so Sergei worked part-time in restaurants in Moscow in the evenings and did not even think about a solo career.

First samples

But from 1987 to 1991 he began performing in the group as a rock bard, and also recorded an album, which he would call “Such Early Spring.” During these same years Sergei Trofimov, biography which is not replete with highlights life, gives his first concerts. But in 1992 he left to work as a singer in a Moscow church.


Next is the biography of Sergei Trofimov begins to count many concerts that took place in the period from 1994, it was thenThe musician first performed under the pseudonym “Trofim”. Also in 1994, he released an album called “The Sinful Soul of Sorrow,” the album’s performer was Alexander Ivanov.

Biography of Sergei Trofimov points to 1994, which was one of the most important, since it was at this time that he began his concert activities and collaboration with the production center of Stepan Mazin. IN next year the musician released an album called “Mom, everything is okay” and the album “To the Ten.”

In 1996, singer Alla Gorbacheva released the album “Voice”, where Sergei Trofimov was a musician. In 1998, Carolina’s album entitled “Queen” was released, where Trofim also appeared as a musician.

The new century begins very favorably for Trofim. In 2000, a tour of Russian cities, nightclubs began, and a large solo concert took place in Moscow.


Since 2003, Sergei has become successful musician and a performer, since he begins concerts not only in Russia, but all over the world.

In 2007, Trofim starred in the series “Platinum”, and in the same year the musician was awarded the “Golden Gramophone” award.

In 2009-2010 he received the same award again.

In 2011, awarded the title of the Russian Federation.

In 2011, 2 concerts took place in the Kremlin, one with the participation of only Sergei Trofimov. In 2014, Sergei Trofimov, whose biography and personal life is presented in the article, again received the Golden Gramophone award.

Relationship. Attempt number one

After this, Sergei met his future wife Natalia Gerasimova. This girl played an important role in Trofim’s life. But they were both so strong in character that Sergei once could not stand it and divorced his wife due to frequent scandals and misunderstandings. But soon Trofim married the same woman again. The seemingly happy couple had a daughter. But, as the classic wrote, “ love boat crashed into everyday life.” And to be more precise, o new woman. And it was not possible to glue it together. The couple broke up.

Real happiness

Later Trofim found new girl, which completely changed his life. Her name was Anastasia Nikishina. What's interesting is that sheI fell in love with Sergei right at one of his concerts. After the event ended, they were introduced by a mutual friend. Trofim cheated on his then real wife and began dating Anastasia. Allegedly, this was the only case of treason in the biography of Sergei Trofimov.

Before this incident, the singer’s family came first; he could cancel a previously planned concert due to problems with his daughter or his wife.

After some time, Anastasia became pregnant, and the musician decided to move to a rented apartment, starting life with clean slate. After that, he left his wife Natalia and went to live with Anastasia, after some time he became a father. After the birth of their son Ivan, they signed, and Anastasia’s husband became singer Sergei Trofimov.

Biography The singer’s relationship continues with the fact that after some time they also had a daughter, whom the happy parents named Lisa.

By the way, children come first for the singer, and he is going to become the father of several more children.

Present tense. Future plans

Now Trofim continues to give concerts and record new albums. The singer’s personal life is getting better, his children and wife love their father and eagerly await his return from tour. Sergei Trofimov plans to release several more albums in the near future.

On this moment Trofim is also in demand abroad; he often holds concerts in the USA, Great Britain, England, and also Spain. But Sergei remains no less a favorite singer in Russia.

His songs are liked by a large number of music lovers, and people come to concerts a large number of of people. Sergei had to do a lot of work to achieve success in his career, as well as his personal life, and he succeeded. Sergei Trofimov, biography, whose family is presented above, is loved by all residents of Russia and abroad.

Trofim (Sergei Trofimov)

Singer Date of birth November 4 (Scorpio) 1966 (52) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @zvezdatrof

Several generations grew up listening to the soulful songs of Sergei Trofimov (Trofim). He is a recognized legend of Russian chanson, a talented poet and composer, owner of a soft, soulful voice. Sergei is well known to fans of bard music for his songs “I Miss You” and “Bullfinches.” Many of the songwriter’s creations became hits performed by other artists. TO popular songs You can include “I will lay the sky under your feet” and “God, what a trifle” by Alexander Ivanov, “I’m unfashionable” by Nikolai Noskov.

Biography of Sergei Trofimov

Chansonnier was born in Moscow on November 4, 1966. IN early childhood Seryozha was often ill; at the age of two he suffered clinical death. The future artist’s mother, Galina, devoted herself to her son. Such dedication led to discord in the family. The father, Vyacheslav Trofimov, drank and raised his hand against his wife. When Sergei turned four, his parents divorced. Since then, the singer has not seen his father for 35 years.

Galina Fedorovna noticed early that her son beautiful voice. To develop vocal abilities, she sent the boy to music school. At the age of 7, Sergei was accepted as a soloist in the choir at Gnesinka. Trofim began writing music and poetry in junior classes. The birth of the desire to write was preceded by an accident. Ten-year-old Sergei, while in a pioneer camp, fell from a tree and broke both hands. After the injury, the boy could not play for a long time. musical instruments. Coming up with poetry helped him have fun and relieve his soul.

After school, Trofimov entered the Moscow state institute culture, then studied at the conservatory, but in 1986 he left the university to sing in a restaurant. Started a year later Solo career artist. At the same time, singer Sergei Trofimov worked on the album of the rock group “Eroplan”. The collection of songs, however, never appeared - the team broke up.

Although Trofim was anti-Soviet, the collapse of the Union caused confusion in his soul. The artist chose to look for support in faith. From 91 to 93 he served as a subdeacon and sang in the church choir. During the same period he collaborated with such famous performers, like Svetlana Vladimirskaya and Alexander Ivanov. Trofimov participated in the recording of albums by Tatyana Tishinskaya, Svetlana Almazova, Alla Gorbacheva.

In the mid-90s, the songwriter decided to perform songs himself. Under the guidance of producer Stepan Razin, he recorded debut album"Aristocracy of the Garbage-1".

The next five-year period in Trofim’s life became truly impactful: the artist released four more collections and began touring around Russia. In 2000, the singer-songwriter presented two albums at once - “War and Peace” and “I am Born Again.” The singer performed new compositions in front of Russian soldiers at the height of the Second Chechen War.

The beginning of the new century was marked by recognition of the artist’s achievements. The songwriter was accepted into the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation, and in 2002 Sergei became chansonnier of the year. The singer received the award for the song “Bullfinches”. A year later, the artist became a participant in the popular extreme TV show “Fort Boyar”. At the age of 39, the artist gave two concerts at once in the Kremlin Palace. At the creative anniversary, in addition to Trofimov, Tatyana Ovsienko, Alexander Rosenbaum, Irina Ponarovskaya, Alexander Marshal and others performed.

A year later, the singer repeated his success on main stage countries, presenting the “Forty Forties” program. The same year it was published poetry collection Trofimov "240 pages".

The artist has repeatedly received the Golden Gramophone. Trofim’s best songs, according to the hit parade: “City of Sochi”, “Internet”, “City in Traffic Jams”, “Wife”, “Moscow Song”, “Don’t Tell”. In 2010–2011, the singer’s concert tours took place in America. Songs by Trofimov are in the repertoire of Vakhtang Kikabidze, Irina Klimova, Lada Dance, Lev Leshchenko, Nikolai Noskov.

Personal life of Sergei Trofimov

The artist first fell in love when he was 10. Seryozha met the girl he liked, Estonian Katrin, at a resort. Forty years later, the singer maintains friendly relations with the former “lady of his heart,” who now lives in the USA.

At the age of 20, Sergei Trofimov married Natalya Gerasimova. WITH future wife he met after a performance in a cafe. In 1988, the couple had a daughter, Anna. Family life the chansonnier didn’t have a good time. When their daughter turned three, Sergei and Natalya divorced, and in 1998 they got back together. The second attempt to improve relations was unsuccessful, and in 2003 the couple separated completely.

In the midst of a family crisis, the singer met Yulia Meshina. New lover the songwriter dedicated the composition “Bullfinches”. Their paths diverged because of Yulia's dad. He insisted that Trofim give up writing in favor of the family business.

In 2001, Sergei began dating Anastasia Nikashina, a dancer with the Laima Vaikule ballet. At the beginning of 2003, Nastya found out that she was pregnant. The artist had to choose between his wife and his mistress. He chose to start a new family.

The divorce process lasted five months. Offended Natalya did not consent to the divorce. Nervous tension It also affected pregnant Anastasia: Vanya was born prematurely. After the divorce, Trofimov married Nikashina and recognized his son. In 2008, the couple had a second child, Lisa. Co eldest daughter at the chansonnier's difficult relationships. She's creative self-sufficient person, writes books for children.

In 2009, the singer went to court to terminate the settlement agreement with his ex-wife. The subject of the property dispute was Vacation home. As a result, the court sided with the defendant and refused to annul the contract.

Sergey Vyacheslavovich Trofimov was born on November 4, 1966 in Moscow. Sergei was raised by his mother, a bibliographer: his father left the family early. From the age of six he sang in choir chapel. Children's choir was in demand by many theaters in Moscow, for example, together with the choir, Sergei visited the stage during the production of the opera “Carmen”.

After school, Sergei entered the Moscow Conservatory.

The songs of the aspiring singer did not fall into the official format at all. Soviet stage: Trofim started singing in restaurants and giving underground concerts. Together with the Eroplan group, he planned to release an album, but due to the events of 1991, the plans were never implemented.

The “Troubled” time, from 91 to 93, Sergei waited outside the church walls - he served as a choirboy in the church, but gradually life took its toll - he felt that he was capable of more, that he had something to say to the public and the country.

Appears for the first time in 1994 stage image“Trofima” is a simple buffoon, a shirtless guy, looking with irony at the chaos reigning all around. For a long time, the mask of a “man of the people” became the main way for Sergei to convey his feelings and express his attitude to the surrounding reality. One of the main songs of this period was.

In the 90s, Sergei writes for the stars Russian stage: his songs were performed by Svetlana Almazova. However, he does not forget about “Trofim”: this period is reflected in the song, and several albums have the same name.

He begins to give solo concerts, gradually gaining fame: in 1999, Trofim competed in the “Musical Ring” with himself.

In 2000, a turning point came - the pseudonym “Trofim” disappeared from the posters, it was replaced by the real name and surname: “Sergei Trofimov”. This year Sergei went with concerts to Chechnya, where there was a war, for which he was awarded a medal"For courage."

His work has also changed significantly: songs or - this is not at all the Trofim that the country has already come to know and love. The songs became more thoughtful, and the signature humor practically disappeared.

In the 2000s, Sergei Trofimov was an indispensable participant music festivals, official concert teams, laureate music awards, including many awards from law enforcement agencies. For the song, Sergei received the FSB Prize, and he was awarded several Golden Gramophones.

In 2011, Trofim was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation,” and the following year Sergei became a confidant of the President of the Russian Federation.