Atl history of the group. ATL – biography, photos of the rapper, songs, personal life, videos, albums, height, weight

ATL is the stage name of Sergei Kruppov, who is considered a popular rap artist. Has been described as a "new school" rapper with prominent creative prospects. Known to fans of this musical genre for almost 10 years.

Life path

Sergey Kruppov or ATL was born on January 30, 1989 in the city of Novocheboksarsk (Chuvash Republic). For many years he lived in his hometown. From a very early age he was interested in rap. He especially liked the work of the famous and popular Eminem. It was this musician who motivated ATL to start doing hip-hop. Now he admits that he likes almost all musical styles and trends, with the exception of chanson.

Over time, the artist realized that he wanted to seriously engage in rap. It was necessary to choose a bright pseudonym in the Western style. At this time, one could often hear the abbreviation ATL, which meant the short name of the airport, which is located in the United States, in the state of Atlanta. Later, Sergei wanted to change his stage name, but he came across information that Atl is the god of the element of water among the great Aztec tribe. He considered this a good sign, absolutely not a coincidence, and decided to leave a pseudonym.

Creative path

According to Sergei, his debut performance took place on 01.12. 2005 at a city concert. It was at this event that he became acquainted with Mantana, who later became his colleague.

A year later, ATL and his friends decided to create their own group called “Aztecs”. Initially, young people were just going to freestyle and listen to modern rap artists. At first we didn’t create our own tracks. A year later, two members decided to leave the group. ATL and Vadya Bledny quickly found new rappers who wanted to be in the Aztecs group.

Next year, young performers decide to upload a track of their own composition, “MyWorldMyStyle,” to the famous rapper St1m. Since the latter was in search of material for compiling the collection “The World Belongs to You.” This was the very first collection, the purpose of which was to support promising and gifted talents. At that time, St1m was attentive to the track composition of a team of rappers from Novocheboksarsk. This event made them quite popular among those who truly appreciate rap culture. In addition, the year brought another happy event to young people, and they were able to win one of the famous competitions.

In 2009, the group released “Now or Never,” after which new compositions were not released for 3 years. It includes fourteen full tracks.

In 2012, the group decides to release the second and final album, which is called “Music will be above us.” After this, Aztecs finally disbanded. All participants began pursuing solo careers.

Solo project ATL

In 2012, Sergei began work on his solo work. The first mini-album was called “Thoughts Out Loud”, the second - “Warmth”. Each of the above albums included 5 tracks. This fueled his interest in his personality and creativity.

In 2013, ATL decided to participate in the Versus Battle, where he won a landslide victory over his opponent. It was this event that served as a serious impetus for the development of his career and popularity among rap listeners.

In 2014, Sergei wrote two whole albums, which are called “Cyclone Center” and “Bones”. This gained him a new audience. Fans noted that the sound became much better and more interesting.

In November 2015, the album “Marabou” was released. The album incredibly quickly gained popularity on various social networks, with many likes and reposts. The absolute hit of the record was the composition of the same name “Marabou”, by which the artist is recognized to this day. A very stylish video was shot for the track “Iskra”, which his fans liked. A distinctive feature of this album is that he performed all 10 tracks independently, without the participation of other performers.

In September of the same year, several collaborations were released, which were combined under the title “Karma x Coma”. The end of the year is marked by the release of an interesting video “Bees”. Already in March, the artist released an album with the sparkling title “Limb”. This album brings the rapper a whole army of fans. Sergei dedicated one of the compositions, which is called “Back”, to his friend who gave up drugs. Of course, the fiery track is one of the best creations of ATL - “Dance”, which still remains very popular on the Internet.

To Sergei's early published work, which was recorded together with the most famous Russian rap artists. In addition, ATL is good friends with Oxxxymiron, who speaks highly of Sergei’s work. In his opinion, he is a good performer and an excellent author of truly high-quality texts.

For a long time, ATL toured Russia and the CIS countries, so he practically did not release new tracks. But, in October, Sergei pleased his fans with the “Sacred Rave” video, which was filmed in just one take.

A month later, a video was released for the track “Architect”, in which the performer compares people with simple ants. Fans noted the originality of the video.

In mid-November 2017, on a wave of hype, ATL released a new album called “ATL - Distortion,” which was highly appreciated by its audience and brought many new fans.

Personal life

Sergei hides his personal life very well, so there is no information about the performer’s girlfriend, wife or children.

ATL today

Today, ATL is one of the most popular artists in the rap industry. It is noteworthy that many of Yuri Dud’s guests, when asked about the best rappers in Russia, in most cases named ATL. Did you like the article? Share on any social network and get a 10% discount.

The real name of the performer is Sergei Kruppov. Born on January 30, 1989 in Novocheboksarsk, Russia. Zodiac sign: Aquarius. His height is 181 cm, weight 73 kg. This is an incredibly talented, sociable person who became famous thanks to his musical activities: Sergei is a rapper and is included in the ranking of the most successful domestic rap artists.

What does he do?

Since childhood, Sergei loved music and listened to it for hours. He really liked the songs of rapper Eminem. It was this performer who inspired the teenager to create his own music with his songs. While still at school, he participated in events, musical freestyles, where he met future colleagues. Parents did not interfere with music lessons, they allowed me to develop in the creative field and improve my talent.

He was not even 20 years old when he began to actively perform on stage with his songs and declare himself. These were no longer just musical events, but serious competitions that could help achieve success. Such competitions really made the artist more and more popular, helped him believe in himself, and stimulated him to create new compositions.

Sergey and his colleagues worked hard to create new songs and never stopped believing in themselves. Real fame came to ATL after participating in the “Versus” battle. This is a kind of rapper competition in which you need to defeat your opponent with an amazing rap in an extremely short time. Sergei performed excellently, showed what he was capable of and thereby became widely known. His fan club grew significantly after this battle, and many requests for performances appeared.
At the moment, Sergey continues to create new songs, record albums and take part in battles. He believes that it is necessary to continue working in the music field, to continue to improve and achieve greater success.


The young musician is not married. Nothing is known about his relationship. Despite the fact that he has been performing in front of the public and at concerts for quite a long time, very little is known about him. Sergei has never been noticed in the company of girls, which means that he carefully protects his personal life from prying eyes. Does he have a lover who won the rapper’s heart - these questions remain a mystery. Perhaps a little later he himself will tell this to the public.

When journalists and fans ask him about his personal life, love, Sergei smiles and tries to change the topic of conversation. He clearly doesn't like it and doesn't want to discuss it. The main thing for him is to develop in music, to position himself exclusively as a musician. Public discussion of personal life can distract from making music.

Sergey Kruppov, aka ATL, is an incredibly talented young rapper who has recorded many music albums. He continues to work, toil, to delight fans with new compositions. Sergey does not refuse to participate in battles, is friends with many rappers, and appears at various musical events.



ATL is focused. “I’m a fan of music, books, and I also write rap,” he says curtly. On his iPad he has “The Magus” by Fowles and a novel by writer Jonathan Carroll. You expect something like this from a person who, judging by the songs, is interested in everything - from the movie “The Avengers” to astrophysics.
Novocheboksarsk, where he is from, is half an hour’s drive from Cheboksary. At the same time, completely different hip-hop comes from the two cities. While hardcore parties were booming in Cheboksary, here young bands were making a southern, “bounce” sound. Four young people under the name Aztecs recorded something similar - one of the tracks of the four was heard by St1m: this is how it ended up on the collection of the newly founded label “Aggrobobruisk”. “Now there is no Aztecs group, there is only our public VKontakte,” laughs ATL. At the same time, two of the band members help him with guest verses and mixing, and he himself insists that ATL is a musical project of three people.
During the lull, two mixtapes were recorded under the banner “FCKSWG”. There, the artists easily borrowed the minus of Araabmuzik, but the album being prepared this year will be more “author’s”. “The beats were written by Chase, Diamond Style, SmitBeat, Yashar, Ripbeat, DJ Pill.One. At first I wanted to write a creepy rap in the style of “All Blvck”, but now I decided to move away from that.”
L’One, when we talked to him at the end of the year and we were talking about newcomers, was the first to name ATL. There are many similarities between them: both are young, both have heard a lot, both do not want to get hung up on one thing - in the end, I find out that literally in the near future they are planning to record a joint track. At the same time, when I start talking about trap, ATL frowns. “I have a couple of trap cons - that’s it, now I’m a trap artist.”
“Yesterday a guy named DJ Philchansky wrote to me, saying that we are making a twerk mixtape - L’One, Timati, Liga will be there. Come on, write a verse (we’re talking about the recent mixtape “Kamornomnya” - approx. They’re calling them to the studio. At the same time, I’m not going to any Black Stars. Not because I don’t like it, but because I want, how to put it, build your own castle, march under your own banner.”
“I like all music in general. Well, maybe, except for chanson,” ATL will say a little later, and he won’t say it in all honesty. His songs easily include pieces from Benny Benassi, TNGHT or Die Antwoord. At the same time, no matter how much euphoria and raver fervor there is in them, this is not music “for the feet,” but to a much greater extent - stories about the tossing and experiences of our twenty-something-year-old contemporary. Is it easy to be young - his songs try to answer these questions; and the answer is obvious: no, it’s not easy. “You understand that at the beginning we have dance tracks, and then - gloomy ones?” - asks Sergei. I remember “Skull and Bones”, which ends the second “FCKSWG”: under the darkest beat of Clams Casino, the lines are heard: “Asian Moscow is raising the Russian banner, and now you can figure out which of them is visiting whom”; I didn’t hear anything more accurate last year.
In general, the best metaphor for ATL music is his pseudonym. At first glance, it sounds stupid - like an airport code, but in reality everything is much more complicated. “It was fashionable for us to change our own rattles. I became ATL - then there was a theme of southern music, and it seemed to me that it would be cool to call it that, based on Atlanta. And then, over time, I found somewhere on the Internet a list of the entire pantheon of Aztec gods, and there was such a god of water - Atl. Well, I thought, great, that means everything is going according to plan.”

Early years: childhood and youth

Greetings to guests and regular readers of the site website. So, Sergey Kruppov, known among rap fans under the pseudonym ATL, was born and spent his childhood and youth in the Russian city of Novocheboksarsk, in the Chuvash Republic. As a child, our hero was literally a fan of music, which inspired the teenager to become interested in hip-hop. When Kruppov seriously took up rap, he wanted to take something sonorous and short, in the American style, as a nickname. The abbreviation "ATL" was well-known - the short name of the airport in Atlanta, and it was these three letters that were chosen for the pseudonym. Later, when the group "Aztecs" had already been created, Sergey wanted to change his nickname, but he learned that the Aztecs had a god of water named Atl, considered this coincidence not a coincidence and decided to leave ATL.

ATL's first performance, according to him, took place on December 1, 2005 at a city concert, where he met his future colleague Mantana. Later, the young man begins a friendship with Vadya Bledny, with whom he puts together the group “Aztecs” in 2006, consisting of four people. The team rehearsed a lot, did freestyle, discussed future plans, but did not release new tracks for some time. In 2007, two left the group, and the remaining ATL and Vadya Bledny quickly selected new members from among local rappers. The line-up was as follows: Cherocky (Vadim Cherokee), ATL, SmitBeat and McFly. The following year, Nikita Legostev, better known as , founded the Aggrobabruisk company, whose main task was to support young talents in rap music. Steam published the collection “The World Belongs to You” and was looking for tracks for it. More than one and a half thousand applications were submitted. Among the few selected was the composition "Aztecs" - "My World, My Style". Thus, a hitherto little-known group was heard by the general public in the first collection of "Aggrobabruisk".

Music career

Gradually, the popularity of ATL and the group grew, in 2009 the guys won a hip-hop festival called “Coffee Grinder”. In the same year, the group released the album “Now or Never,” which included 14 full-length tracks. Such artists as Mut, Zloy, and Lenin took part in the recording of the album. After three years of silence, in 2012 the second and final album of the Aztecs was released, brightly titled “Music will be above us.” That same year, the group broke up and all members went off to their own solo projects.

Aztecs - Satellite (2012)

ATL is also trying to do something of its own, releasing mini-albums - “Warmth”, “Thoughts Out Loud” and “#FckSwg” in 2012. 2013 was marked by Sergei’s participation in the “Versus Battle” rap competition, in which ATL defeated Ukrainian artist Andy Cartwright.

The same year marked the 12-track release "#FckSwg MMXIII", in which many Russian-speaking performers appeared: Ar-SiDE, Eecii McFly, Rokki Roketto, Jude, Hash Tag and Pablo Stop It.

ATL - Eyes to the Sky (feat. Jude) #FckSwg MMXIII (2013)

In April 2014, the seven-track EP “Bones” was released, and in the spring ATL published the solo album “Cyclone Center”. The sound in the new works, as fans note, has become much better and more original, and the big plus was that ATL not only read, but also experimented with vocals. The release is also notable for its famous guests: Chayan Famali, Eecii McFly, Zmey, Lupercal, Dark Faders.

ATL - Virshi (2014)

The "Acid House" mixtape, heard by fans at the end of 2014, is a well-chosen mixture of fragments of the rapper's performances, reflecting his diverse musical tastes. In general, according to Sergei, he is impressed by music from different styles and genres. The only thing he doesn't like is chanson.

ATL - Natural Born Killers (2014)

In January 2015, “FckSwg x For Peace” was published, which included 13 explosive compositions. This work completes the “FckSwg” trilogy, about which connoisseurs of modern music respond extremely positively, citing in their reviews vivid epithets such as: “this is not just rap, but an astral creation.”

ATL - Skull x Bones (2015)

The single "Snowdrop", released on an October day in the same 2015, caused delight among Sergei's fans. After this single they began to say about ATL that “his music is on the brink of war and nerves.” In November, ATL pleased the audience with the album "Marabou". He performed ten tracks exclusively himself, without a single collaboration.

ATL - Snowdrop (2015)

In January 2016, a video was released for Sergei’s collaboration with Brutto Caspian called “Noah”.

Pica, Gross Caspian, ATL - Noah (2016)

March is marked by the premiere of a stylish film adaptation of the track "Iskra".

ATL - Spark (2016)

At the end of the year, ATL goes on a large-scale tour of Russian cities and neighboring countries. Before leaving, Sergei pleased the audience with the video "Bees", based on a year-old composition from the album "Marabou". And two weeks later, a new mixtape “Karma x Coma”, which included both new and already known works of the artist.

ATL - Bees (2016)

It is worth noting other, early published compositions by Sergei, recorded together with, Rigos, Lock Dog and others. These works, in general, appealed to the majority of our hero’s audience. ATL is also friends with, who speaks highly of Kruppov’s work, calling him not only a talented performer, but also a great poet. 2017 - ATL is on the rise in popularity, he is full of energy and releases the album "Limb" in March. The new product consists of ten single tracks and one fit. Sergei dedicated a song from this solo album called “Back” to a friend who gave up drugs.

Personal life

For a long time, ATL kept his personal life completely secret, but in July 2018 it became known that the artist got married. The wedding took place in the performer’s homeland. No information could be found about the bride.

ATL now

The artist toured the CIS countries for a long time and did not release anything new. The silence was broken on October 2, 2017, when a video for the track “Sacred Rave” was released, filmed in one take. Dmitry Egorov aka Gaboon Viper also appeared in the video.

ATL - Sacred Rave (2017)

A month later, a film adaptation of the song “Architect” was released, made in an interesting graphic representation. Both in the composition and in the video, people are compared to ants - small creatures whose destiny is to work and obey rules all their lives.

ATL - Architect (2017)

On November 16, the mixtape “Distortion” was released, consisting of 6 tracks. The collection was named after an effect that distorts sound, which is often used in various musical genres, usually in combination with an electric guitar. The release is made in Sergei's original style with notes of esoteric and ritual electro. In his texts, ATL, in his characteristic manner, engages in soul-searching and discusses the pressing problems of society. ATL, although he prefers a gloomy post-apocalyptic style in his performances, is known as a calm and non-conflict person who simply loves his job and does not intend to abandon it.

: (Official group "Aztecs" in VK)
:, photo from "mr. Coffee" and others.
:, still images
: (Official Instagram page)
: (Official VK page)
: (Official community on VKontakte)
Stills from VersusBattleRu videos from YouTube video hosting
Stills from Aztecs, ATL music videos from YouTube
Personal archive of Sergei Kruppov

When using any information from this ATLA biography, please be sure to provide a link to it. Also check out. Hope for your understanding.

The article was prepared by the resource "How Celebrities Changed"

Russian rapper ATL, a representative of the creative crowd "White Chuvashia", is rightfully considered one of the most prominent representatives of the "new school" of Russian rap. Senior colleagues in the craft have more than once spoken positively about the guy’s releases, noting that he manages to skillfully play with images and skillfully convey the general atmosphere of the track.

Childhood and youth

In fact, the guy's name is Sergei Kruppov. He was born on January 30, 1989. This event took place in the city of Novocheboksarsk (Chuvash Republic), where the future rapper spent most of his life.

Sergei became interested in rap thanks to the creativity of a white-skinned performer who achieved recognition in black music; this example managed to instill in Krupp the hope that he would be able to achieve similar results over time. The 2002 film by Curtis Hanson (“L.A. Confidential,” “The Wave Riders,” “Away from You”), “8 Mile,” only further spurred the thirteen-year-old boy’s desire to engage in creativity.


The young rapper’s first, albeit undocumented, performance took place in December 2005. As Sergei himself states, this happened at some kind of city celebration, during which Kruppov met his future comrades. The new acquaintance led to the creation of a team called Aztecs.

ATL in the group "Aztecs"

At first, the newly formed group, consisting of ATL, MC Fly, Cherokee and SmitBeat, simply exchanged musical innovations in the Russian rap genre via the Internet, and also practiced freestyle during personal meetings. This continued until 2007: then the guys first seriously thought about recording a debut album and about the beginning of the development and promotion of the group.

The very next year, the Aztecs appeared in the new collection of Nikita Legostev (also known as rapper and Billy Milligan), released under the auspices of the Aggrobobruisk label. The album was called “The World Belongs to You”, in honor of a quote from the film “Scarface” (“Carrie”, “Carlito’s Way”, “Mission Impossible”), Kruppov and his company were noted for the composition “My World, My Style”.

In 2009, Aztecs took part in the “Koffee Grinder” rap festival, where, among other things, they took a prize. On the wave of success, the guys released their debut album, which received the ambitiously maximalist title “Now or Never.” The next year was spent on a few tours, after which the group disappeared from the radar altogether.

Once again, ATL, MC Fly, Cherokee and SmitBeat made their presence felt only in 2012, releasing their second and also last album “Music will be above us.” After this, the Aztecs decide to disband, but in the future the guys will collaborate with each other more than once.

In addition to the release of “Music will be above us”, in 2012 Sergei released two solo mini-albums at once - “Thoughts Out Loud” and “Warmth”. They managed to create the proper resonance, which a year later led ATL to the legendary offline battle platform Versus Battle, which was just beginning to develop under the strict leadership of Sasha Timartsev, better known to a wider audience under the nickname .

Kruppov, albeit without much style, still dealt with his opponent, who was played by the then virtually unknown rapper Andy Cartwright. However, Sergei realized that this type of activity was not suitable for him, so he rejected subsequent offers to fight with any of his colleagues in battle form.

Instead of verbal competitions, ATL plunged headlong into creativity. This is eloquently evidenced by the rapper’s full-length album “Bones” released in 2014, and then the next mini-album “Cyclone Center”. At the same time, Sergei’s first videos were released - “Natural Born Killers” and “C4”.

In 2015, Kruppov released a new solo album, “Marabou,” after which he came to the understanding that he was ready to go on a tour of the CIS countries with his songs. Without wasting any time, Sergei set about implementing this idea. In his free time from performing, ATL managed to shoot three more videos - “Mandrake Root”, “Skull and Bones” and “Snowdrop”.

The year 2016 will be remembered by fans of the rapper for the re-release of the old mixtape FCKSWG, as well as the release of videos for the compositions “Iskra” and “Bees”.

During his relatively short career, the rapper managed to work with Zmey (), ST, Evil, Ar-Side, Pablo Stop and some other performers of the same level. By the way, such senior colleagues as (Casta), (aka Noggano and N1NT3ND0), and (Centr) spoke flatteringly about ATL itself. The above artists admitted this during an interview.

Personal life

The details of Sergei’s personal life are shrouded in mystery, which is quite in keeping with the spirit of the performer’s work.

ATL now

2017 turned out to be quite a fruitful year for Kruppov in terms of creativity. This representative of the “White Chuvashia” crowd released a new album, “Limb,” which expanded the rapper’s already considerable audience of listeners. The main hits of the new record were “Back”, “Dance”, “Sacred Rave”, “Architect” and, in fact, “Limb”; videos were shot for the last three compositions.

Also, Sergey, together with his fellow beatmakers from Dark Faders, appeared in the twenty-fifth episode of the web project “Profession: Rapper,” hosted by the permanent Denis Grigoriev (aka rapper Karandash).

At the end of the Krupp year "Instagram" shared with fans the schedule of upcoming performances (posted under a photo from the concert), which will begin on January 19 from the capital’s concert venue GLAVCLUB GREEN CONCERT.


  • 2008 – “The world belongs to you” (participation in the collection)
  • 2009 – “Now or Never”
  • 2012 – “Music will be above us”
  • 2012 – “Thoughts out loud”
  • 2012 – “Warmth”
  • 2014 – “Bones”
  • 2014 – “Cyclone Center”
  • 2015 – “Marabou”
  • 2017 – “Limbo”