Music lesson plan for the younger group. Summary of the open music lesson “Looking for Bobik” in the second junior group

Summary of an open musical lesson for children 3-4 years old “Our bus speeds forward, where happiness lives!”

The summary will be useful to music directors and kindergarten teachers.
Target: Formation musical abilities preschoolers in familiar songs and games.
1.Strengthen correct posture, ability to walk, easily on toes.
2.Develop pitch hearing and attention.
3. Convey the cheerful, joyful nature of the songs in singing.
4.Form singing skills: breathing, diction, lightness and flight of voice.
5.Create a joyful, relaxed atmosphere.

Progress of joint activities

Organizing time:
(The children are in front of the entrance to music hall)
Musical director:
Hello children. Do you love to travel?

Yes Yes Yes.
Musical director:

Today we will go on a journey, and a magic bus will take us. Please tell me what every passenger should have?
Musical director:
Well done.
I'm giving out tickets
On the road - I call everyone on the road.
(Musical director: and the teacher hand out tickets and take their seats)
Main part:
You have a ticket in your hands,
He's handsome - no doubt about it.
We'll breathe on him
So that he can come to life again.
(back straight, breathe through your nose, mouth closed, slowly release air)
Breathing exercises: “Blow on the ticket”
Musical director:
So we got on the bus
And we'll go far
And along the way we will meet friends,
Let's play, what else?
And we will also sing for you
And let's dance from the heart.
We will tell the guests everything together:
“Hello, thank you for coming!”
Wait, don't rush,
I know: someone will come to us
And he will collect tickets.

(music plays, the Conductor enters and collects tickets)
Musical director:
Buses, buses
They're running down the alley
We're having fun, we're having fun
We're going for a walk!
Musical director:
We rode with the breeze,
Now let's go on foot.
We get off the bus
And we'll look around. (they approach the “store” easily on their toes)
What kind of house do you think this is where they are selling miscellaneous goods?

Children's answers
Musical director:

Well done, this is a store. Here there are food, books, toys, and there are also handkerchiefs. They will be useful to us for dancing.
The boy will find the girl
He will dance with her!
Dance in couples “Stamp my foot”
Musical director:
How you danced merrily
And not a bit tired!
What awaits us ahead?
Take the steering wheel in your hands quickly.
Plastic exercise:
“I turn the steering wheel,
I spin, I spin,
Drive further
I want".
(“they are approaching the Lesnaya Polyanka”)
Musical director:
All guys, stop-
Let's rest a little now.
The stop is not easy -
And the forest clearing.
We sit comfortably so that no one disturbs anyone. I’ll play some music for you, and you’ll try to say: who’s in a hurry to come to us? Who does the music represent?
The children close their eyes,
Who is this - they call:

Listening: (music sounds like a bunny jumping)
Children's answers:
Bunny, bunny!
Musical director:
That's right, Bunny.
How did he come to us?
Will you show us all?
Movement exercise: “Bunny, bunny”
Jump and jump."
Musical director:
Children, music turns out to be magical! She told us with only musical sounds that it is the Bunny who is rushing to us, and not a wolf or a fox. And now the music will reveal to us the secret: who is Bunny’s friends with? Come closer to me so that everyone knows everything.
(the melody of the song “Merry Little Bears” sounds)

Children's answers:
Musical director:
Of course, these are funny bear cubs!
Attention! Attention!
I'll say a spell:
“You are not easy children now,
And the bears are funny" (we put on bear hats)
Who will I be now? -
I will be your mother.
Chanting, singing: “Happy Little Bears” (performed) (E. Poplyanova)
The little bear cubs got frisky
We fortified ourselves with delicious honey.
And they decided to play pranks:
Wake up daddy bear!
Game: “The little target is sitting in the den” (played 1-2 times)

Musical director:
Well it's time for us to return
And turn into kids.
(take off our hats)
We get on the bus, take our seats - it’s time to go back to kindergarten.
(“the driver” will be one of the children)

Singing with movement “Here we are sitting on the bus”
Musical director:
Ours is over magical journey. Did you like it?
Let's remember: who did we meet on Forest Clearing?
Children's answers
Musical director:
Fine. Yes, music is magic! Who did you turn into during your journey?
Children's answers
Musical director: Well done.
But it's time to say goodbye
Children should return to the group.

Program content:

  1. Maintain interest in musical and theatrical gaming activities.
  2. To develop in children attention, memory, and the ability to distinguish the dynamics, timbre and rhythm of music. Distinguish and independently perform movements in accordance with the nature of the music.


Musical instruments: drum, bell, tambourine, rattles - bells.

Toys: bunny, fox, bear.

On foreground There is a mansion in which there are animals. Children enter the music room and say hello.

Music hands In the clearing near the Christmas tree,

Where the bad wolves roam

There was a tower - a tower

He was short, not tall.

There lived a frog in the mansion,

Brown bear, little mouse,

Brave hare and fox.

What miracles!

Guys, now we will go into the forest to the tower.

(Children perform movements according to the lyrics)

Song: “This is how we can do it” E. Tilicheeva

Come on, more fun - stomp, stomp, stomp!

That's how we do it - top, top, top!

The legs began to walk - tramp, tramp, tramp!

Right along the path - top, top, top!

Boots stomp - stomp, stomp, stomp!

These are our legs - top, top, top!

"Legs and Feet" V. Agafonnikova

Big feet

Walked along the road

Top - top - top,

Top - top - top.

Little feet

We ran along the path

Top - top - top-top– top,

Top - top - top - top - top.

"Our legs are tired" T. Lomovoy

Our legs are tired

We ran along the path

Let's stroke our feet

And let's rest a little.

Exercise: “Horses”

Children, as shown by the teacher, perform the following movements: Horses “clack”, “Straight gallop”

Here we are in the forest.

What a miracle the tower is!

Smoke is coming from the chimney.

Animals live in the mansion

And they are probably expecting guests.

I wonder who lives there? Now we will find out, and our fingers will help us with this.

Feel free to tap your fingers,

Fists help them

We will knock together

Who will come out to meet us?

Song-game: “Fingers”

1. Let's clap our hands, clap a little,

Let's clap our hands, very good.

2. And the fingers will dance, and the fingers will dance,

And the little guys’ fingers will dance.

3. Knock-knock with a hammer we will build a house for the birds,

Knock-knock with a hammer we will build a house for the birds.

4. Boom-boom drum, what a noise and clutter,

Boom-boom drum, what a noise and commotion.

The window opens, the Fox “appears”, they say hello.

Our beauty is a fox

I brought the bell.

Bells are given to the children.

Our bells are magical, they can play quietly and loudly.

Game: "Silent and loud bells" R. Rustamova

You ring, bell, be quiet,

Let no one hear you - 2 times.

Ring the bell louder

So that everyone can hear - 2 times.

Children sit on chairs.

Come on guys, get your ears ready. Who is the music calling?

The music will tell you

Who will open the doors for us?

Play: “The Dancing Hare” E. Tilicheeva.

Did you find out? (Children answer)

Pavilion, music calls the bunny. It sounds high, easy, fast. (A bunny appears from the tower)

The bunny is a musician, and his favorite musical instrument is the drum. Our bunny is dexterous and fast, so he plays just as easily and quickly.

The rhythmic pattern of a bunny sounds.

Children repeat the rhythm.

Exercise: “Drummers” D. Kabalevsky

Song: “I have a bunny” V. Kachaeva

Listen, the music is playing again. Now let’s guess who the music is calling.

Play: "Bear" V. Vitlina

(Children answer)

That's right, guys, this music is about a bear. It sounds low, heavy, slow . (A bear appears from the tower). Mishka is also a musician - he plays the tambourine.

What kind of bear? (children answer)

The bear plays the tambourine hard and slowly.

The rhythmic pattern of a bear sounds. Children repeat the rhythm.

Song-game: “The bear is coming”

Mishka goes, goes,

The bear is clubfooted.

Mishka goes, goes,

Holds a barrel in his paws.

Here it comes, here it comes

The bear is clubfooted.

Here it comes, here it comes

Thick-fisted bear.

Mishka goes, goes,

Walking through the forest.

Mishka goes, goes,

Collects cones.

Children perform movements in accordance with the lyrics of the song.

The bear was walking through the forest,

Teddy bear collected pine cones

And a little tired.

Our little mansion is closing. While the animals are sleeping, we will bake a treat for them.

Finger game: "Pies"

I bake, bake, bake

A Pie for All Friends:

Pie for a mouse,

For the bunny - babies,

A pie for the frog,

Bear, eat it too, my friend!

Pie for you, fox.

Very tasty game!

Lesson summary:

What animals live in the musical chamber?

What instrument does the bunny like to play?

What instrument does the bear like to play?

What musical instrument did the fox bring us?

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

The children “leave” on a steam locomotive.

Tatyana Koval
Abstract music lesson for children of the second younger group

Summary of a music lesson for children of the second junior group.

Program content:

Continue learning children listen carefully to an adult singing, instrumental music. Answer questions based on content and nature music. Learn children sing in a loud voice. Perform movements as shown by the teacher and hear the end music. To develop the ability to convey basic emotions and feelings through facial expressions, posture, gestures, and movements. Cultivate a desire to perform in front of children and adults. Foster a sense of camaraderie.

Tasks: Teach speech, singing, motor skills.

Equipment: Box, rattles, bird toy, cat toy, dog toy.

Progress of the lesson:

Children and teacher go under music to musical hall and stand near their chairs.

Musical director:

Let's say hello guys.

Communication game "Hello" words and music M. Kartushina.

Hello, palms! - Extend your arms, turn your palms up.

Clap-clap-clap! - 3 claps.

Hello legs! - Spring.

Top-top-top! - They stomp their feet.

Hello cheeks! - They stroke their cheeks with their palms.

Chubby cheeks! - Circular movements with fists on the cheeks.

Plop-plop-plop! - Lightly pat the cheeks 3 times.

Hello sponges! - Shake their head left and right.

Smack-smack-smack! - Smack lips 3 times.

Hello, teeth! - Shake their head left and right.

Click-click-click! - Click their teeth 3 times.

Hello, my nose! - Stroke your nose with your palm.

Beep-beep-beep! - Press on the nose with your index finger.

Hello, guests! - Extend their arms forward, palms up.

Hello! - They wave their hand.

Musical director:

Today we have something unusual class, a guest will come to us. Who - we will find out now.

Sounds like a fun snippet music"Clowns" D. Kabalevsky.

Musical director:

Which music by nature? (answers children)

(There is an elegant, beautiful box on the table).

Guys, look how beautiful the box is? She must be magical. Let's take a look and see what's in it, shall we? Yes, there is Parsley in it! (bibabo toy). (The teacher puts the toy on his hand).


Hello friends!

Here I am! You recognized me correctly!

Sings a song "Parsley". Music I. Arsenyev, words by N. Frenkel.

I, Petrushka, well done -

That's what it is!

On the top of the head there is a bell -

Here it is!

I'll go out, I'll go out,

I'll have fun!

I came to you to play, sing, dance with you. Look what I brought you? (Takes rattles out of the box). I’ll give it to everyone now, I won’t forget anyone. (Hands out rattles).

Everyone stand in a circle.

Musical director.

"Dance with Rattles" Words and melody by V. Antonova. Arranged by I. Kishko.

1 Our rattles-

Sounding toys.

Children's rattles

They ring very cheerfully.

2 Let's have fun

The oar is spinning.

Children's rattles

They ring very cheerfully.

3 The children ran away

It became quiet in the hall.

Children's rattles

They fell silent and didn't ring.

4 Where are you guys?

Don't play hide and seek!

Go out for a walk

Let's dance together!

(A knock is heard).


Hear, something is happening in our box, there is something there. (Opens the box and takes out a bird).

Yes, it's a bird. Let's sing a song "Little Bird"

Musical director:

"Little Bird" Music A. Filippenko, Words by E. Makshantseva.

1 The bird is small.

Nice little bird.

I'll give the bird grains, -

Come and visit us soon.

2 Little bird,

Nice little bird,

The bird will peck the grain,

He will sing a song to the children.

3 Little bird,

Nice little bird.

Sang a song

And she flew off into the forest.


Well done! How well you sang.

(Meowing is heard, he takes out a cat toy).

Why are you meowing?

(The cat answers his ear).

She wants milk. Let's treat her with milk!

(Plays out, sings a song).

"Cat" Music A. Alexandrova, Words by N. Frenkel.

1 Pussy approached the children,

She asked for milk.

She asked for milk

"Meow" spoke.

Meow meow meow.

2 They treated me to milk-

Kitty ate.

Kitty ate

Sang a song:

“Purr. Murr... Murr..."


Guys, come and pet the cat.

Kitty, sit with us and watch the kids.

(Bark comes from the box).


What's happened? Let's go to our magic box and take a look. (takes out a toy dog).

Here the dog is barking: Woof woof woof!

She scares us: Woof woof woof!

You, little dog, don't bark -

Better play with us!


I'm funny, clumsy, I licked you right on the nose.

He made a puddle in the hallway and fell asleep on the rug.


I see, doggy, let’s play with you. We will now turn into little dogs and bark like little dogs.

And now we will turn into big dogs and bark like big dogs dogs: "Woof woof woof".


How great it is here, what great fellows you are! It's time for me to go guys. Thank you magic box.

The children say goodbye to Petrushka. Parsley leaves.

Arina Nilova
Summary of the open music lesson “Looking for Bobik” in the second younger group

Municipal preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten № 88 « Flower City» Petrozavodsk

Musical Head of the first qualification category Nilova A.M.

Open lesson summary"IN searching for Bobik» in second younger group

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" Chapter « Music»

April. Topic of the week: "Birds"


Creating a positive emotional background, development creativity children.

Program content:

Foster a culture of listening musical works.

Develop vocal and choral singing skills.

Develop the ability to move in accordance with your character music, learn to combine singing with movements in a round dance.

Develop a sense of rhythm in all forms musical activity.

Continue to instill communication skills in children.

Integration of educational regions:

- "Socialization"- instilling communication skills in society.

- "Communication"- activation of children's vocabulary.

- « Physical Culture» – accumulation and enrichment of children’s motor experience.

- "Cognition" (formation of a holistic picture of the world, FEMP)– introducing children to natural phenomena.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, educational.

Musical repertoire:

Source: program "Okay" Sat. "Holiday every day" junior group I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva, audio application: disc no. 1

- "March" E. Parlova No. 36 – consolidation stage

- № 21

- "Lullaby" T. Nazarova No. 12 – consolidation stage

- "Lady" (Russian dance) No. 15 – game at DMI (spoons and boxes)

- « Bobik» music T. Popatenko, lyrics. N. Naydenova, sheet music app 24 – stage repetition

- "Bird" music M. Rauchwerger, lyrics. A. Barto No. 24 – acquaintance stage

Round dance "Vesnyanka" M. Yu. Kartushina w/l "Bell" No. 36 page 17 - learning

A game "The Dog Barbos and the Birds" S. G. Nasaulenko w/l "Bell" No. 38 page 7 - repetition

Methods and techniques.

Individual approach (involvement in the selection of the appropriate character music emotions, to laying out birds, to playing the role of Barbos)

Use of pictures (emotions, faces, moods, plot illustrations

Expressive performance of songs (example of a teacher);

Bringing in a toy (dog);

Demonstration of movements by the teacher;

Using flannelgraph (birds)

Performing a song with dialogue, reciting the lyrics of the song;

Using a mask;

Introduction of the game at DMI

Encouraging children.

Attributes and equipment:

Magnetic board (pictures of emotions, faces, moods, illustrations "Children are dancing", "Mom rocks the baby" And « Early spring» ; toy (dog, flannelograph (birds, mask, rug; musical instruments : spoons, boxes

music Center.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall, m/r. Offers to stand in a circle.

Rhythmic greeting.

Music supervisor: Guys, I want to say hello to you, but not just like that, but with the help of rhythm. Listen to me with your ears and look with your eyes. First I'll say hello, and then you join me repeat exactly the same.

(We clap our hands twice and slap our knees once, saying "Hello")

But I had a problem, I came to the gym in the morning, and Bobby is gone. I searched and couldn't find it. Let's go to searching together?

I. Musically- rhythmic exercises.

We will not just walk along the path, but we will march. What does it mean? (step) It will sound for you musical composition "March", we will walk together with music energetically, rhythmic and cheerful.

1. "March" E. Parlova No. 36

Music supervisor: Well done boys! And now we will turn into birds. We will fly easily, we will run in all directions on our toes, and we will flap our arms like wings. When the music will repeat, the birds will be able to peck the grains.

2. "Birds fly and peck grains" (Swiss folk tune) № 21

II. Perception.

Now let's relax in this spring meadow. Sit down on the chairs. Guys, ah Bobik was never found. Maybe he'll hear music and will come to us.

Now we'll listen to two musical works, and you think which of the two emotions will suit the character music. What is the mood in this picture? (cheerful, joyful, friendly) Guys, what do you think is the mood in the next picture? Fun or calm? (calm, relaxed, thoughtful, sleepy)

What did the artist depict? (like someone sleeping, eyes closed)

Let's listen to the first one musical composition

1. "Lullaby" T. Nazarova No. 12

(guys answer) Thank you! Very attentive... The music is calm, with a bit of sadness, gentle, leisurely. What do we want to do to it: dance or relax? (rest) You can absolutely shake someone. What is the name of the melody that we want to fall asleep to? (lullaby) Repeat all together...(Next to the picture of the mood I post an illustration "Mom rocks the baby")

Let's listen second piece of music, and you think what music.

2. "Lady" (Russian dance) № 15

Please come... (name of the child, what mood do you think is appropriate, show me. Correct... showed? (guys answer) What a character music? (Cheerful, joyful, perky) What do we want to do? (dance, dance) This is a Russian folk dance "Lady" Let's say it together "dancing". (Next to the picture of the mood I post an illustration "Children are dancing")

Well done boys. You listened very carefully to the dance song music and we definitely felt her mood, and her movements helped us with this.

Oh, someone is sleeping in my basket, but it’s ours Bobik. How can you wake up Bobik?) Under your chairs musical instruments, they will help us. First all the instruments will play, then only the boxes (show me), then only the spoons (show me how, and for the last part music the whole orchestra, together.

III Game at DMI "Lady" (2nd time, game at DMI)

Educator "Woof". m/ R: Bye Bobik wakes up Let's collect the tools. Hello, Bobik.

m/r: We walked along the path looking for you, and they played different music so that you can hear us, but it turns out you were sleeping all this time. Tell me Bobik, what do you like?

m/r: we also know finger play "Two Grouse". Let's stand by the chairs and show.

IV. Finger game "Two Grouse"

And the dog also loves to sing. I will sing a song about Bobik, and you answer me with a song "Bow-wow"

1. « Bobik» music T. Popatenko, lyrics. N. Naydenova, sheet music supplement 24

And with whom does he love Bobby play, who remembered? (with birds)

m/r lays out birds on the flannelgraph, the children count. How many birds? (three) Do you want to play with the birds? Then watch carefully, how many birds I post, how many times we clap our hands. (A game of attention is played)

And I know a song about a bird. Listen and tell me, what is our bird doing?

2. "Bird" music M. Rauchwerger, lyrics. A. Barto No. 24

What did our bird do? (flew away and sat on the window) Did you like the song? On the next class we'll try to sing it.

Now tell me what time of year it is (show illustration "Early spring") Absolutely right, and our round dance is also called "Vesnyanka" What is a round dance? (dance performed in a circle). Get up in a round dance, we will perform a song "Vesnyanka" We sing loudly and cheerfully.

3. Round dance "Vesnyanka" M. Yu. Kartushina w/l "Bell" No. 36 page 17

VI. Game creativity.

And now it's time to play. Want to? Turn into birds again, occupy the nests.

A game "The Dog Barbos and the Birds" S. G. Nasaulenko w/l "Bell" No. 38 page 7

Guys, did you enjoy playing?

Children's answers.

On the next class we will play this game again. Now sit down on the chairs, we’ll rest a little and remind you Bobik what did we do today? What songs did you sing? Which one listened to music? What is the name of the dog who caught the birds in the game?

I really liked the way you practiced today, answered questions, sang, danced, played, and especially how you listened music. Well done! Our journey is over! Let's go with the guests and with Bobik let's say goodbye using rhythm (alternately clapping and slapping our feet for each syllable, sitting on chairs, saying "Goodbye")

The outline of a music lesson in kindergarten was compiled by Zoya Vladimirovna Sheshukova, music director highest qualification category MBDOU "Combined kindergarten No. 17", Glazov. The lesson is held for children of the first junior group.


1. Educational: (artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development)

  • introduce to melodious, drawn-out, expressive singing;
  • learn to move in accordance with bright pronounced character music, connect movements with music;
  • introduce children to the changes in the lives of animals in the spring season;
  • Encourage children to answer independently.

2. Developmental: (artistic and aesthetic development, speech development)

  • promote active manifestations of children in the process of listening and performing activities;
  • develop emotional responsiveness to music, its character and mood, to musical image, accessible to the child.

3. Educational: (socio-communicative development)

  • cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, towards Mishutka, careful attitude to toys;
  • encourage children to want to please each other;
  • fostering independence in actions with objects.


  • Dance “Ribbons”, music by G. Vikhareva.
  • “Dance with Flags”, music by G. Vikhareva.
  • "Playful dance with bears."
  • Song "Sun", music by A. Filippenko.
  • Playing with a bell, music by E. Grinina.
  • Communication game “Horse”, music by E. Makshantsev.

Equipment and aids:

  • laptop,
  • multimedia projector,
  • screen (interactive whiteboard);
  • bells,
  • checkboxes,
  • teddy bear toys,
  • ribbons,
  • Containers for attributes (for each child) are located under the chairs.


  • Vikhareva G.F. Song, ring! Toolkit. – St. Petersburg: “Childhood-press”, 1999. – 48 p.
  • “Bell” No. 54/2013 educational, methodological, literary and musical magazine - St. Petersburg.
  • Makshantseva E.D. Children's fun. – M.: Education, 1991. – 64 p.
  • Petrova V.A. Reader for the “Baby” program for children of the 3rd year of life. Part 1.: Moscow 2000.

Summary of a music lesson for children of the first junior group

Music sounds, children calmly enter the hall.

Musical director: - Hello, guys! Today the Sun came to visit us!

Musical director: — Guys, let’s say together “Hello, Sunny!”

Children say hello to Sunny.

Musical director: — The sun really likes the way you sing. What song can we sing for him?

Children's answers.

Song "Sun", music by A. Filippenko.

Musical director: - Sunny, did you like how the kids sang for you? Well done guys, you all worked really hard - Sunny really enjoyed it!

Educator: — Out of joy, the sun’s rays became multi-colored, like our ribbons. They invite us to dance.

Children take ribbons and stand in a circle.

“Dance with Ribbons”, music by G. Vikhareva.

Educator: - How fun we danced! Let's put the rays in baskets so they don't run away.

Children put ribbons in baskets - containers.

Musical director (pays attention to the screen): - Look, guys, who is sleeping so sweetly?

Children: - Bear!

Musical director: -Where does he sleep?

Children: - In the den.

Musical director: - And when will he wake up?

Educator: — It’s already spring! It's time to wake up Mishenka.

Musical director: - Let's take our ringing bells and wake up Mishka.

Playing with bells, music by E. Grinina.

Educator: - So Mishutka woke up! Let's say hello to Mishka.

Children greet Mishutka.

Educator: — Mishutka slept well, rested and is very glad that we came to visit him. Mishutka loves to play. Show me, Mishutka, what your favorite toys are.

Slides 5, 6, 7 depicting various toys.

Educator: — The bear asks us to guess which toys he likes to play with the most.

Further, the repertoire during the lesson will be performed in any order. Children choose “Mishutka’s favorite toy” if they wish. If they guess right, the toy remains on the screen and is enlarged. If the choice is incorrect, the toy disappears.

Educator: - Which beautiful balls! Where can you guys go with balloons?

Children's answers.

Educator: — Don’t we have balloons that we can take with us to the holiday?

Children's answers.

Educator: — That's right, flags. Look, Mishutka, how joyfully we walk with them!

“Dance with Flags”, music by G. Vikhareva.

Educator: - Come on, Mishutka, we’ll try to guess your favorite toy. Look, guys, Mishutka loves to play with the bear cub! Let's show Mishutka how to dance with the cubs.

"Playful dance with bears."

Educator: — Mishutka invites us to guess another favorite toy. Who is this, guys? That's right, Horse! Which interesting toys Mishutka has it! Thank you, Mishutka, for showing us your favorite toys, come and visit us. We will also show you our favorite toys. Goodbye!

The children say goodbye to Mishutka.

Educator: - And you and I will harness the horses and go back to kindergarten!

Communication game “Horse”, music by E. Makshantseva.

Musical director: — Guys, did you like visiting Mishutka? What are his favorite toys? What toys did you play with?

Educator: “Probably our toys in the group got bored without us.” Let's get back to them soon!

The children say goodbye and leave the hall to calm music.

Perhaps the last toy will not be a horse, in which case the teacher will, at his own discretion, sum up the lesson.