Where is the pearl of Muslim art. Taj Mahal

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Inside the mausoleum there are two tombs - the Shah and his wife. In fact, their burial place is located in the same place as the tombs, but underground. The construction time dates back to approximately 1630-1652. The Taj Mahal is a five-domed structure 74 m high on a platform, with 4 minarets in the corners (they are slightly tilted away from the tomb so as not to damage it in case of destruction), which is adjacent to a garden with fountains and a swimming pool. The walls are made of polished translucent marble (brought 300 km away for construction) with inlaid gems. Turquoise, agate, malachite, carnelian, etc. were used. More than 20,000 craftsmen from all over the empire were invited to build the complex. There was supposed to be a twin building on the other side of the river, but it was not completed.

The mausoleum has numerous symbols hidden in its architecture and layout. For example, on the gate through which visitors of the Taj Mahal enter the park complex surrounding the mausoleum, a quote from the Koran is carved, addressed to the righteous and ending with the words “enter my paradise.” Considering that in the Mughal language of that time the words “paradise” and “garden” are written the same way, one can understand Shah Jahan’s plan - to build a paradise and place his beloved within it.

A beautiful story about the history of the creation of the Taj Mahal

For 22 years (1630-1652) more than twenty thousand people, including the best architects of India, Persia, Turkey, Venice and Samarkand, built this airy lace marble monument the love of the Muslim Mughal king Shah Jahan (“ruler of the world”) for his wife Arjumand Bano Begum, who received the name Mumtaz Mahal during the coronation, which means “chosen one of the court.”

They got married when she was 19 years old. He loved only young Mumtaz and did not notice other women. She gave birth to 14 children to her ruler and died giving birth to the last child.

For a long time, the Taj Mahal was the tallest building in India; its height, together with the main dome, is 74 meters.

Unfortunately this recognized masterpiece world architecture is gradually falling into decay - there are no longer doors made of silver, parapets made of gold, fabric strewn with pearls on the tomb of the beautiful Mumtaz. Scientists believe that the towers of the minarets are dangerously tilted and may fall.

And yet, this miracle has existed for 355 years.

Taj Mahal is one of the greatest monuments India, built in the name of love and devotion to a woman of extraordinary beauty. Unparalleled in its grandeur, it reflects wealth an entire era in the history of the state. The white marble building was the last gift of the Mongol Emperor Shah Jahan to his late wife Mumtaz Mahal. The emperor ordered to find the most the best masters and instructed them to create a mausoleum, the beauty of which would have no analogues in the world. Today it is included in the list of the seven most majestic monuments in the world. Constructed of white marble and decorated with semi-precious stones and gold, the Taj Mahal has become one of the most magnificent buildings in the world of architecture. It is instantly recognizable and one of the most photographed structures in the world.

The Taj Mahal has become a pearl Muslim culture in India and one of the world's universally recognized masterpieces. For centuries it has inspired poets, artists and musicians who have tried to translate its invisible magic into words, paintings and music. Since the 17th century, people have traveled across continents to see and enjoy this amazing monument love. Centuries later, it still captivates visitors with the charm of its architecture, which tells the story of mysterious story love.

The Taj Mahal (translated as "Palace with a Dome") is today considered the most well-preserved and architecturally beautiful mausoleum in the world. Some call the Taj “elegy in marble”; for many it is an eternal symbol of unfading love. English poet Edwin Arnold called it "not a work of architecture, like other buildings, but the love pangs of an emperor embodied in living stones," and Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore considered him "a tear on the cheek of eternity."

Creator of the Taj Mahal

The fifth Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan left behind many remarkable architectural monuments associated with the image of India in the eyes modern world: Pearl Mosque in Agra, Shahjahanabad (now known as Old Delhi), Diwan-i-Am and Diwan-i-Khas in the Red Fort citadel of Delhi. The famous Peacock Throne of the Great Mughals, according to the descriptions of contemporaries, was considered the most luxurious throne in the world. But the most famous of all surviving monuments was the Taj Mahal, which forever immortalized his name.

Shah Jahan had several wives. In 1607 he was betrothed to Arjumanad Banu Begam. The young girl was only 14 years old at that time. 5 years after the engagement, the wedding took place. During wedding ceremony Shah Jahan's father, Jahangir, gave his daughter-in-law the name Mumtaz Mahal (translated as "Pearl of the Palace").

According to the official chronicler Qazwini, Jahan's relations with his other wives "were nothing more than the status of marriage. The intimacy, deep affection, attention and favor which His Majesty felt for Mumtaz was a thousand times greater than the feelings towards any other."

Shah Jahan, "Emperor of the Universe", was a great patron of trade and crafts, science and architecture, art and gardens. He took over the empire after his father's death in 1628 and earned a reputation as a merciless ruler. Through a series of successful military campaigns, Shah Jahan greatly expanded the Mughal Empire. The splendor and wealth of Jahan's court amazed European travelers. At the height of his reign, he was considered the most powerful man on Earth.

But the personal life of the powerful emperor was overshadowed by the loss of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal during childbirth in 1631. Legend has it that he promised his dying wife to build the most beautiful mausoleum, incomparable to anything in the world. Whether it really happened or not, Shah Jahan embodied his love and wealth in the creation of just such a monument.

Shah Jahan watched beautiful creation until the end of his days, but as a prisoner, not a ruler. His son Aurangzeb seized the throne in 1658 and imprisoned his own father in the Red Fort of Agra. The only consolation was the opportunity to look at the Taj Mahal from the window of my captivity. In 1666, before his death, Shah Jahan asked for one last wish: to be carried to a window overlooking the Taj Mahal, where he again whispered the name of his beloved.

Mumtaz Mahal

She married five years after the engagement, on May 10, 1612. The date was chosen by court astrologers as the most favorable day for happy marriage. The marriage of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan turned out to be happy for both newlyweds. Even during her lifetime, poets praised her beauty, harmony and mercy. Mumtaz became Shah Jahan's trusted companion, traveling with him throughout the Mughal Empire. Only the war served the only reason their separation. Later, even the war ceased to separate them. She became a support, love and consolation for the emperor, an inseparable companion of her husband until his death.

Over 19 years of marriage, Mumtaz gave birth to 14 children, but the last, fourteenth birth became fatal for her. Mumtaz dies and her body is temporarily buried in Burhanpur.

The chroniclers of the imperial court paid unusually much attention to Jahan's experiences in connection with the death of his wife. The emperor was inconsolable in his grief. After Mumtaz's death, Shah Jahan spent time in seclusion whole year. When he finally came to his senses, his hair had turned gray, his back was bent, and his face had aged. The Emperor stopped listening to music, wearing jewelry and ornate clothing, and wearing perfume for several years.

Shah Jahan died eight years after the accession of his son Aurangzeb to the throne. “My father had great affection for my mother, let his final resting place be with her,” Aurangzeb declared and ordered his father to be buried next to Mumtaz Mahal.

There is a legend according to which Shah Jahan planned to build exact copy made of black marble on the opposite side of the Yamuna River. But these plans are not destined to come to fruition.

Creation of the Taj Mahal

In December 1631, Shah Jahan began construction of the Taj Mahal. Its construction was the fulfillment of a promise made by Mumtaz Mahal in last minutes of her life: to build a monument that would match her beauty. The central mausoleum was completed in 1648, and construction of the entire complex was completed five years later, in 1653.

History hides who exactly owns the layout of the Taj Mahal. In the Islamic world at that time, the construction of buildings was attributed to the owner of the building, and not to its architect. Based on the sources, we can confidently say that a team of architects worked on the project. Like most great monuments, the Taj Mahal stands as a striking testament to the extreme wealth and excess of its creator. 20,000 workers toiled for 22 years to make Shah Jahan's fantasy come true. Sculptors arrived from Bukhara, calligraphers from Syria and Persia, inlay was done by craftsmen from southern India, and stonemasons came from Balochistan. Materials were brought from all over India and Central Asia.

Architecture of Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal consists of the following complex of buildings:

Darwaza ( main entrance)
Rauza (mausoleum)
Bageecha (gardens)
Masjid (mosque)
Naqqar Khana (guest house)

The mosque and the guest house, built for symmetry, surround the mausoleum on both sides. The marble building is surrounded by four minarets, tilted slightly outward, a design feature designed to prevent the central dome from being damaged if destroyed. The complex is located in a garden with a large swimming pool, which reflects what no architect in the world has been able to replicate - a copy of the beauty of the Taj Mahal.

The Taj Mahal is surrounded by a beautifully landscaped garden. An Islamic style garden is not just one of components complex. The followers of Muhammad lived in vast expanses of arid lands under the sultry sun, so the walled garden represented Heaven on Earth. It covers most complex: out of a total area of ​​580x300 m, the garden occupies 300x300 m.

Since the number “4” is considered a holy number in Islam, the layout of the Taj Mahal garden is based on the number four and its multiples. Canals and a central pond divide the garden into four parts. In each quarter there are 16 flower beds (64 in total), separated by pedestrian paths. The trees in the garden are either of the cypress family (meaning death) or fruit trees (meaning life), all arranged in a symmetrical arrangement.

The trees of the Taj Garden are either of the cypress family (meaning death) or fruit family (meaning life), all arranged in a symmetrical pattern. The Taj Mahal is located at the northern end of the garden, not in the center. In essence, in the center of the garden, between the Taj and its central gate, there is an artificial pond that reflects the mausoleum in its waters.

History of the Taj Mahal after construction

By the mid-19th century, the Taj Mahal had become a place of pleasure. Women danced on the terrace, and the mosque and guest house were rented out to newlyweds. The British, along with the Hindus, plundered the rich carpets, semiprecious stones, silver doors and tapestries that once decorated the mausoleum. Vacationers often came armed with a hammer and chisel to better extract pieces of agate and carnelian from the stone flowers.
For some time it seemed that the monument, like the Mughals themselves, might disappear. In 1830, Lord William Bentinck (Governor General of India at the time), planned to dismantle the Taj Mahal and sell its marble. They say that only the lack of potential buyers prevented the destruction of the mausoleum.

In 1857, during the Indian Rebellion, the Taj Mahal suffered even more damage. By the end of the 19th century it finally fell into disrepair. The area became overgrown without maintenance, and the graves were desecrated by vandals.

After many years of decline, the British Governor-General of India, Lord Curzon, organized a massive restoration project, completed in 1908. The building was renovated, the garden and canals were restored. Restoration of the monument helped restore its former glory.

It is customary to scold the British for disdain to the Taj Mahal, but the Indians did not treat their treasure much better. As the population of Agra increased, the monument began to suffer from pollution environment and acid rain that discolored its white marble. In the late 1990s, the future of the monument was under serious threat until the Supreme Court of India ordered that particularly hazardous industries be moved outside the city.
The Taj Mahal is considered the best example of Mughal architecture, combining elements of Persian, Indian, and Islamic architectural schools. In 1983, the monument was added to the list World Heritage UNESCO, calling it "a jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the masterpieces of world heritage, arousing universal admiration."

The Taj Mahal has become India's most identifiable symbol, attracting around 2.5 million tourists annually. It is one of the most recognizable monuments in the world. The history behind its construction makes it one of the greatest monuments of love ever built in the world.

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On July 7, 2007, in Lisbon (Portugal), the new seven wonders of the world were named and the Taj Mahal mausoleum-mosque was included in this list. It is located in Agra (India) near the Jamna River. The easiest way to get to the Taj Mahal Palace is to fly to Delhi by plane and from there take a bus, taxi or train to your destination. The journey by train takes up to 3 hours, by taxi 3-5 hours. It is considered a crime if you visit India and do not see the Taj Mahal Mosque.

It is simply impossible to describe the splendor and beauty of this mosque in words. This is truly fabulous and beautiful architectural structure, which combines elements of Islamic, Persian and Indian architectural styles.

The emergence of the Taj Mahal is the story of the tender love of Shah Jahan, the Mughal king, for his wife Mumtaz Mahal. While still a prince, Shah Jahan took a 19-year-old girl as his wife, and his love for her was boundless. Despite owning a large harem, he gave all his tenderness and attention to only one Mumtaz. She bore him 14 children, six girls and eight boys. But during the last birth, Jahan's wife died. Shah Jahan's grief was so great that he lost the meaning of life, turned gray, declared 2 years of mourning and even wanted to commit suicide.

It was built over the grave of his wife by order of Shah Jahan. beautiful palace The Taj Mahal in which he himself was buried a few years later near the grave of his wife. The Taj Mahal is not just a wonder of the world, it is a symbol eternal love two people. Shah Jahan promised before his wife's death to create a monument that would convey all the beauty of Mumtaz.

Construction and architecture of the Taj Mahal

History does not answer the question of who built this mosque. The fact is that in the Islamic world of that period all construction ideas were attributed not to the architect, but to the customer. A group of architects worked on the mosque, but the main idea belongs to Ustad Ahmad Lakhauri. Construction of the palace began in December 1631. The construction of the central mausoleum ended in 1648, and 5 years later the construction of the entire complex was completed. Over the course of 22 years, about 20 thousand people took part in the construction of the Taj Mahal. More than a thousand elephants were used to transport materials that were delivered from India and Asia. The blocks of marble were pulled by bulls along a specially built 15-kilometer ramp made of compacted earth. Sculptors from Bukhara, stonemasons from Balochistan, masters of inlay from southern India, calligraphers from Persia and Syria, as well as specialists and craftsmen in cutting marble ornaments and erecting towers worked at the construction site.

The Taj Mahal is considered the “pearl of Muslim art in India.” The most famous component of the palace is its white marble dome, which due to appearance also called onion dome. Its height is 35 meters. Its crown is made in the Islamic style (the moon's horns point upward) and was originally made of gold, but was replaced with a bronze copy in the 19th century.

The height of the mosque itself is 74 meters and is represented by a five-domed structure with four minarets in the corners. The minarets are slightly inclined in the direction opposite to the tomb, so as not to damage it during destruction. The building is adjacent to a garden with a swimming pool and fountains. Inside the mausoleum there are two tombs, which are located strictly above the burial place of the Shah and his wife. The walls of the palace are made of marble inlaid with gems (carnelian, agate, malachite, turquoise, etc.). And in the rays of light the walls are simply mesmerizing. In sunny weather, marble looks white, moonlit night it turns silver, and at dawn it turns pink.

The exterior of the Taj Mahal is attributed to the best examples architecture. Various plasters, paints, carvings and stone inlays were used to create decorative elements of the mosque. Also for decorative and decoration the complex used excerpts from the Koran. On the gate of the Taj Mahal is written: “O you, resting soul! Return to your Lord satisfied and having achieved contentment! Come in with My servants. Enter My Paradise!

The interior of the palace used great amount semi-precious and precious stones. The interior hall of the Taj Mahal is a perfect octagon. The height of the walls is 25 meters, and the ceiling is decorated in the shape of the sun and is represented by an internal dome.

The only asymmetrical element of the complex is the cenotaph of Shah Jahan, which is located near the grave of his wife. It was completed later and is larger in size than Mumtaz's cenotaph, but decorated with the same decorative elements. On Mumtaz's tombstone there are calligraphic inscriptions that praise her, and on Jahan's tomb it is written: "He set out on a journey from this world to the abode of Eternity on the night of the twenty-sixth day, the month of Rajab 1076."

TO architectural complex adjacent is a magnificent garden that extends 300 meters in length. In the center of the park there is a water channel, which is lined with marble and in the middle of it there is a pond. It reflects the image of the tomb. Initially, the garden amazed with its abundance of vegetation, but over time the landscaping of the garden changed.

Myths and legends

There is a legend that Shah Jahan wanted to build an exact copy of a palace made of black marble on the opposite bank of the river, but did not have time. There is also a myth that the emperor brutally killed the architects and craftsmen who took part in the construction of the palace, and all the builders signed an agreement in which they agreed not to take part in the construction of such a structure. But to date, such information has not been confirmed by anything and remains just fiction and legend.


Millions of tourists visit the Taj Mahal every year. different countries. Tourists are interested in the fact about its optical focus. If you move backwards towards the exit, respectively, facing the palace, you get the feeling that the mausoleum is simply huge against the backdrop of trees and the environment. And by the way, planes are prohibited from flying over the Taj Mahal. The mosque is open to the public from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays, except Fridays, when prayers are held there. The Taj Mahal is also open for night viewing on the day of the full moon, including two days before and after the full moon, except Friday and the month of Ramadan.

Taj Mahal- This mausoleum-mosque, which is in India in the city Agra. In the mosque you can see elements of both Indian and Persian styles. India's Taj Mahal has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1983.

The most famous component of the mosque is, of course, the white dome. Twenty thousand craftsmen and artisans worked on it. Construction lasted from 1632 to 1953. The Taj Mahal is a five-domed structure 74 meters high; there are four minarets on the platform in the corners of the mosque. The surrounding area also has swimming pools, fountains and a garden. The walls of the Taj Mahal are made of translucent polished marble inlaid with gems. During construction, stones such as agate, malachite, turquoise, carnelian and others were used. In bright sunlight marble appears white, at dawn - pink, and on a moonlit night - silver.

The history of the Taj Mahal romantic and sad, it tells about the love story of the padishah and his wife. The mosque became the last refuge of Mumtaz Mahal, the wife of the padishah Shah Jahan, who died at thirty-eight during childbirth, giving birth to her fourteenth child. At the age of nineteen she was married off, and she became the third and most beloved wife of the padishah. The Taj Mahal is a symbol of their eternal love. The grief of loss was very great for Jahan. He turned gray, lost the meaning of life and even thought about suicide. Before the death of his beloved wife, he promised to build a monument that would convey all the tenderness and beauty of Mumtaz. It was in honor of Mumtaz Mahal that the Taj Mahal was built.

The exterior of the Taj Mahal is no less amazing. Carvings, a variety of paints, stone inlays and plaster were used as decorative elements. An important decorative element is that passages from the Koran are used throughout the complex. Abstract forms are used in the pedestal, gates, tomb surfaces, minarets and mosque. There are also images grapevine and flowers.

There are two tombs inside the Taj Mahal: the tomb of Mumtaz Mahal and her husband. But they are not buried in them, but deep under the tombs. The cenotaph of Shah Jahan is located next to Mumtaz Mahal, it is taller and larger only because it was completed much later. But it is decorated in the same way as Mumtaz's coffin. The bodies of the spouses are not buried in them, since decorating the graves is prohibited. Their bodies lie in ordinary crypts, and their faces are turned towards Mecca. On the lid of Mumtaz's tomb is a triangular diamond that was designed to be written on. Calligraphic inscriptions on the tombstone praise the late wife of the padishah. Despite the large harem, all the love and tenderness of Jahan belonged only to her.

Shah Jahan had six wives and several concubines. The remaining wives are buried in separate mausoleums located outside the walls of the central room. Also, the beloved servant Mumtaz Mahal is buried in one of these mausoleums.

Over time and due to environmental pollution, the white walls of this magical building began to turn yellow. And due to the movement of the soil, cracks were even noticed on the walls. Despite all this, the Taj Mahal mosque-mausoleum in the city of Agra was and remains one of the most beloved tourist places in India and is rightfully considered one of the 7 wonders of the world!

Rabindranath Tagore described the Taj Mahal as “a tear on the cheek of immortality,” Rudyard Kipling as “the personification of all that is immaculate,” and its creator, Emperor Shah Jahan, said that “the sun and the moon shed tears from their eyes.” Every year, tourists twice the population of Agra pass through the gates of the city to see, at least once in their lives, the building rightly called by many the most beautiful in the world. Few people leave disappointed.

This is truly a monument, beautiful in all seasons. There are those who love the sight of the Taj Mahal on Sharad Purnima, the first full moon after the monsoons, on a cloudless evening in October when the light is clearest and most romantic. Others like to view it at the height of the heaviest rains, when the marble becomes translucent and its reflection in the canals of the gardens surrounding the mausoleum is washed out in the rippling water. But it makes a mesmerizing impression at any time of the year and at any moment of the day. At dawn, its color changes from milky to silver and pink, and at sunset it looks as if made of gold. Look at it also in the midday light, when it is blindingly white.

Dawn over the Taj Mahal


Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan

The Taj Mahal was built by Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died giving birth to his 14th child in 1631. Mumtaz's death broke the emperor's heart. They say he turned gray overnight. Construction of the Taj Mahal began on next year. It is believed that the main building was built in 8 years, but the entire complex was completed only in 1653. Shortly before the completion of construction, Shah Jahan was overthrown by his son Aurangzeb and imprisoned in the Agra fort, where he spent the remaining days looking at his creation through the window of the dungeon. After his death in 1666, Shah Jahan was buried here next to Mumtaz.

In total, about 20,000 people from India and Central Asia were employed in construction. Specialists were brought from Europe to make beautiful carved marble panels and decorate them in the Pietra Dura style (inlay using thousands of semi-precious stones).

In 1983, the Taj Mahal was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and today looks as immaculate as it did after construction, although large-scale restoration was carried out at the beginning of the 20th century. In 2002, as the building gradually lost its color due to the heavy pollution of the city, it was refreshed using an ancient recipe for a facial mask used by Indian women to maintain beautiful skin. This mask is called multani mitti - a mixture of earth, cereal grains, milk and lemon. Now, within a few hundred meters around the building, only environmentally friendly vehicles are allowed.

Panorama of the Taj Mahal


Persian calligraphy

It is not known exactly who the architect of the Taj Mahal was, but the credit for its creation is often attributed to an Indian architect of Persian origin named Ustad Ahmad Lahori. Construction began in 1630. From Persia Ottoman Empire and European countries, the best masons, artisans, sculptors and calligraphers were invited. The complex, located on the southwestern bank of the Yamuna River in Agra, consists of five main buildings: the darwaza, or main gate; bageecha, or garden; masjid, or mosque; the nakkar zana, or rest house, and the rauza, the mausoleum itself, where the tomb is located.

Flowers carved in marble

The unique style of the Taj Mahal combines elements of Persian, Central Asian and Islamic architecture. Among the attractions of the complex are a marble floor with a black and white checkerboard pattern, four 40-meter minarets at the corners of the mausoleum and a majestic dome in the center.

Arched vault

Qur'anic verses written around arched openings appear to be the same size no matter how far they are from the floor - an optical illusion created by larger fonts and letter spacing as the height of the inscription increases. There are others in the Taj Mahal mausoleum optical illusions. Impressive pietra dura decorations include geometric elements as well as plant and flower designs traditional to Islamic architecture. The level of skill and complexity of work on the monument become clear when you begin to examine small parts: for example, in some places on one decorative element measuring 3 cm, more than 50 precious inlays were used.

The gateway to the mausoleum gardens can be admired as a masterpiece in its own right, with graceful marble arches, domed chambers on the four corner towers and two rows of 11 small chattris (domes-umbrellas) right above the entrance. They provide the perfect frame for a first look at the entire ensemble.

Char Bagh (four gardens)- an integral part of the Taj Mahal, in spiritual sense symbolizing paradise, where Mumtaz Mahal ascended, and in artistic sense emphasizing the color and texture of the mausoleum. Dark cypress trees enhance the shine of the marble, and the channels (in those in rare cases when they are full), converging on a wide central viewing platform, not only provide a wonderful second image of the monument, but also, since they reflect the sky, add soft illumination from below at dawn and sunset.

Unfortunately, vandals stole all the treasures of the tomb, but the delicate beauty of roses and poppies was still preserved in richly inlaid slabs of onyx, green peridot, carnelian and agate of various colors.


On either side of the mausoleum are two almost identical buildings: to the west is a mosque, to the east is a building that may have served as a pavilion for guests, although its main purpose was to ensure complete symmetry throughout architectural ensemble. Each of them looks beautiful - try looking at the pavilion at sunrise, and the mosque at sunset. Also walk out to the back of the Taj Mahal, to a terrace overlooking the Jumna River all the way to the Agra Fort. At dawn the best (and cheap) the viewpoint is located on the opposite bank of the river, where, according to popular (but probably unreliable) According to legend, Shah Jahan planned to install a mirror made of completely black marble, reflecting the Taj Mahal. A line of boats lined up along the shore, ready to transport tourists across the river.

Top of the Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal itself stands on a raised marble platform at the northern end of the ornamental gardens, with its back facing the Yamuna River. The elevated position means that “only the sky is higher” - this is an elegant move by the designers. Decorative 40-meter white minarets adorn the building on all four corners of the platform. After more than three centuries, they tilted slightly, but perhaps this was intentional (installation at a slight angle from the building) so that in the event of an earthquake they would not fall on the Taj Mahal, but away from it. Red sandstone mosque with west side- an important temple for Muslims of Agra.

Cenotaph of Mumtaz Mahal

The Taj Mahal mausoleum was built from translucent white marble blocks, on which flowers are carved and a mosaic of thousands of semi-precious stones is laid out. It is a superb example of symmetry - the four identical sides of the Taj with magnificent arches decorated with scroll carvings in the Pietra Dura style and quotations from the Koran, carved in calligraphy and decorated with jasper. The entire structure is topped by four small domes surrounding the famous central onion dome.

Immediately below the main dome is the cenotaph of Mumtaz Mahal, a tomb (false) fine workmanship, surrounded by perforated marble slabs, decorated with dozens of different semi-precious stones. Here, breaking the symmetry, is the cenotaph of Shah Jahan, who was buried by his son Aurangzeb who overthrew him in 1666. Light penetrates into the central room through carved marble screens. The real tombs of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan are in a closed room on the ground floor below the main hall. They cannot be seen.

Requiem in Marble

Mahal means "palace", but in in this case Taj Mahal - diminutive name Mumtaz Mahal gem palace") which was given cousin Shah Jahan when she married him. The daughter of his mother's brother, she was his constant companion long before he received the throne, and later she was the first lady among hundreds of others in his harem. During 19 years of marriage, she bore him 14 children and died giving birth to her last child in 1631.

Legend has it that Shah Jahan's beard - he was 39 years old, just a year old older than wife, - turned white virtually overnight after her death, and he continued to mourn for several years, dressing in white on each anniversary of her death. The construction of the Taj Mahal required twelve years of his tireless work with a Persian architect and craftsmen brought from Baghdad, Italy and France - a period that can be considered the highest expression of his grief. “The Empire has no sweetness for me now,” he wrote. “Life itself has lost all taste for me.”

Myths about the Taj Mahal

Taj - Hindu temple

A popular theory is that the Taj was actually a Shiva temple built in the 12th century. and later was transformed into the well-known Mumtaz Mahal mausoleum, owned by Purushottam Nagesh Oak. He asked to open the sealed basement rooms of the Taj to prove his theory, but in 2000, the Supreme Court of India rejected his request. Purushottam Nagesh also states that the Kaaba, Stonehenge and the papacy are also of Hindu origin.

Black Taj Mahal

This is the story that Shah Jahan planned to build a black marble twin of the Taj Mahal on the opposite side of the river as his own mausoleum, and this work was started by his son Aurangzeb after imprisoning his father in the Agra fort. Intensive excavations in the Mehtab Bagh area have not confirmed this assumption. No traces of construction were found.

Dismemberment of the Masters

Legend says that after the construction of the Taj was completed, Shah Jahan ordered the hands to be cut off and the eyes of the craftsmen to be gouged out so that they could never repeat it. Fortunately, this story has not found any historical confirmation.

The sinking Taj Mahal

Some experts claim that, according to some sources, the Taj Mahal is slowly leaning towards the river bed and this is caused by changes in the soil due to the gradual drying of the Yamuna River. The Archaeological Survey of India declared the existing changes in the height of the building to be minor, adding that no structural changes or damage were found in the 70 years since the first scientific research Taj Mahal, held in 1941

Taj Mahal Museum

The Taj Mahal complex includes the small but wonderful Taj Museum (entrance 5 rupees; 10:00-17:00 Saturday-Thursday). It is located in the western part of the gardens. The museum houses original Mughal miniatures, a pair of ivory portraits of Shah Jahan and his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal (XVII century). There are also several well-preserved gold and silver coins from the same period, architectural drawings of the Taj, and several elegant celadon plates that are rumored to shatter into pieces or change color if there was poison in the food on the plate.

The best views of the Taj Mahal

On the territory of the Taj

You will have to pay 750 rupees for the pleasure, but only inside the complex around the Taj Mahal you can fully experience all the beauty and power of the Taj Mahal itself. beautiful building on the ground. Be sure to pay attention to the mosaic (Pietra Dura) inside niches with arches (pishtakov) on the four outer walls. Don't forget to take a flashlight with you to better see similar patterns inside the dark central hall mausoleum. Pay attention to the white marble and semi-precious stones interspersed with it.

The main thing is to “get in”

From Mehtab Bagh

Tourists are no longer allowed to walk freely along the embankment on the opposite bank of the Yamuna River, but it is still possible to admire the Taj Mahal from behind, from Mehtaba Bagh Park (XVI century) on the other side of the river. The path leading down to the river will lead you to a place where the same views can be enjoyed for free, albeit from a limited perspective.

View from the south bank of the river

This is a great place to watch the sunset. Follow the path that runs along the eastern wall of the Taj Mahal down to a small temple by the river. There you will find boats that you can ride on the river and enjoy even more romantic views. Expect to pay approximately 100 rupees per boat. For safety reasons, it is better not to go here alone at sunset.

From the roof of a cafe in Taj Ganj

A great option for photographing at dawn is the rooftops of a cafe in Taj Ganj. The pictures come out very beautiful. We think the rooftop cafe at Saniya Palace Hotel is the best place. The location is great, there is a lot of greenery around. But in principle such good places there are many, and they all offer as a bonus a view of the Taj Mahal, which you can admire while enjoying a cup of morning coffee.

Taj Mahal area

From Agra Fort

If you have a camera with a decent lens, you can take stunning photographs of the Taj Mahal from Agra Fort, especially if you are prepared to get up at dawn and catch the moment when the sun rises from behind its walls. Perhaps, best places for filming are the Musamman Burj and Khas Mahal, the octagonal tower and palace where Shah Jahan was imprisoned and where he spent the last eight years of his life.

Information for visitors

Taj Mahal opening hours

The mausoleum is open daily from 6 am to 7 pm, except Friday (On this day it is open only to those who come to the Friday service at the mosque on the territory of the Taj Mahal).

You can also admire the Taj Mahal at moonlight– two days before and two days after the full moon, the mausoleum is open in evening hours– from 20.30 to midnight.


Entrance to Taj Mahal costs 750 INR (about $12), children under 15 years old – free entry.

Best time to visit Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is magnificent at sunrise. This is definitely best time for visiting, and there are fewer people during these hours. Sunset - other magical time when you can enjoy wonderful views. You can view the Taj for five nights during the full moon period. The number of entries is limited. Tickets must be purchased a day before the visit from the Archaeological Survey of India Office (12227263; www.asi.nic.in; 22 Mall; Indians/foreigners 510/750 INR). Read more on their website. Please note that this office is known as Taj Mahal Office among rickshaw drivers.

Photo and video shooting

Photo and video shooting with professional equipment is prohibited (DSLR cameras, due to their great popularity among tourists, are usually not considered professional equipment, but there may be problems if you have a very large lens). Permission to shoot with a regular camera will cost an additional 25 INR.

Sunlit Taj Mahal

How to get there

The Taj Mahal is located in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh in the city of Agra - it is approximately 200 km away. from Delhi.

The following trains operate from Delhi to Agra:

  • Shatabdi Express - leaves New Delhi Station at 6:00 am, returns at 20:40 (travel time 2 hours).
  • “Taj-Express” - departs from Nizamuddin Station at 7:15, back at 18:50 (travel time 3 hours).
  • In addition to them, all trains to Kolkata, Mumbai and Gwalior go through Agra.

In addition, you can get to Agra by bus (express from 3 hours), taxi (2000 INR) or by ordering a group tour (from 1500 INR, including entrance tickets).

From Agra itself you can get to the Taj Mahal by rickshaw or taxi.