Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Semyonova: Office romance behind the scenes of KVN. Alexander Maslyakov - biography, illness, family, children, information, personal life Maslyakov Sr. with his wife

Alexander Maslyakov is a TV presenter, founder of the KVN comedy program, and producer. During the creation of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, no one imagined that this game would turn into a national movement and go beyond television studios.

Maslyakov’s brainchild today is a forge of qualified personnel in Russian show business, an alma mater of talented artists, parodists, producers and directors.

Childhood and youth

Maslyakov Alexander Vasilievich was born in the capital of the Urals in 1941. Father Vasily Maslyakov served as a military pilot, fought during the Great Patriotic War, and after that was on the General Staff of the Air Force. Sasha’s mother Zinaida Alekseevna was involved in raising Sasha. 4 generations of the Maslyakovs were called Vasily, and only Zinaida Alekseevna decided to break this family tradition by naming her son Alexander.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT), from which he graduated in 1966. In childhood and adolescence, the future star of Russian television did not even think about becoming famous.

After graduating from university, Maslyakov initially worked in his specialty, but later decided to retrain as a journalist. From 1969 to 1976, Maslyakov worked as a senior editor in the Main Editorial Office of Programs for Youth, and after that as a special correspondent.

Since 1981, Alexander Vasilievich worked as a commentator in the Experiment television studio.


Maslyakov came to television by accident, as a 4th year student. As Alexander Vasilyevich recalls, the captain of the institute’s KVN team asked him to become one of the 5 TV presenters of a humorous program, which was just filmed by the winning team of the last game. By chance it turned out to be the MIIT team.

The humorous television show “The Cheerful and Resourceful Club” appeared in 1961. Its prototype was Sergei Muratov’s program “Evening of Fun Questions” in 1957, which, in turn, was copied from the Czech analogue “Guess, Guess, Fortune Teller”. At the evening, questions were answered not by the teams, but by TV viewers. The creation of the program was carried out by the first television youth editorial office in the USSR, known as the “Festival edition of the Central Television”. On the 3rd episode of the TV show, due to an unfortunate mistake by the TV presenter, the program and the entire editorial office had to be closed.

4 years later, the creators of “Evening of Fun Questions” released a new humorous program called “KVN”. The decoding of this name was twofold: in addition to the traditional meaning of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, the name hinted at the brand of TV - KVN-49, which was produced in those years.

The first host of the game was Albert Axelrod. 3 years later he was replaced by Alexander Maslyakov. In his youth, Maslyakov did not broadcast the program alone; he was helped by the Soviet announcer Svetlana Zhiltsova. Subsequently, the man became the sole TV presenter, which he remains to this day.

For the first 7 years, KVN was broadcast exclusively live. But later, since the teams’ jokes sometimes touched on Soviet ideology and reality, the releases began to be recorded, having previously cut out from them all the points that were objectionable to the party leadership.

The then head of Central Television, Sergei Lapin, did not like the club for its unpredictability and courage, so the State Security Committee began closely censoring the program. The KGB directives were sometimes simply absurd: for example, participants in the program were forbidden to wear beards, since this was a mockery of. And at the end of 1971, KVN was closed completely.

The creative biography of Alexander Maslyakov at one time gave rise to many assumptions. Thus, the most widespread rumor was that at the same time as KVN was closed in 1971, Maslyakov was in prison for currency fraud for several months. The TV presenter himself refuses to comment on this fact, claiming that with a criminal record he would no longer be allowed on Soviet television.

The break after the closure of KVN lasted 15 years. But at the beginning of perestroika, in 1986, on the initiative of the captain of the MISI team of the 60s, Andrei Menshikov, KVN again appeared on the screens. Alexander Maslyakov remains the TV presenter.

In just a few episodes the program has gained the same popularity as in the 60s. A play movement arose, humorous competitions were held in schools, institutes and children's health camps. The geography of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful expanded noticeably: KVN began to be played in Western Europe and America, in 1992 the first international game between the CIS countries and Israel was held in Moscow, in which 2 years later a world championship was organized, where teams from the CIS, Israel, Germany and even the USA.

In 1990, Alexander Maslyakov founded the creative association “Alexander Maslyakov and Company” (abbreviated as “AMiK”). This company became the official organizer of KVN games, as well as a number of related programs (“First League”, “Outside the Game”, “Voting KiViN”, “Sense of Humor”, etc.). Alexander Vasilyevich is the presenter and director of a number of programs produced by the AMiK company.

In 2013, the only son of Alexander Maslyakov Sr. became the general director of TTO AMiK LLC, replacing Naum Iosifovich Barulya, who previously served as director of the KVN television program, in this position.

Unlike the Soviet years, when KVN went against party policy, today the program is broadcast on Channel One and does not allow attacks on the current government. Moreover, in 2012, the KVN presenter was part of the “People's Headquarters” of the presidential candidate.

Putin himself, it must be said, does not remain in debt and has already visited the anniversary games of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful several times in the status of prime minister and president. The last time this happened was in the fall of 2016, when the Club celebrated another anniversary in the Kremlin Palace - 55 years of the game. In the summer of the same year, the AMiK company submitted documents to the Federal Service for Intellectual Property with a request to register the trademark “Alexander Maslyakov”.

At the end of 2016, not only KVN celebrated its anniversary. Its permanent presenter turned 75 years old. In this regard, several heads of the Caucasian republics that are part of the Russian Federation awarded Maslyakov honorary titles. Thus, Alexander Vasilyevich became the People's Artist of Chechnya and received the Order of Merit for the Republic of Dagestan. The man also received the medal “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth” from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Today, the structure of KVN includes a number of divisions: 4 television leagues, 8 central, 10 interregional and 49 regional leagues. The Club has an official website, a YouTube channel, and also has a profile on Instagram. Photos of KVN participants and short humorous miniatures from different years are posted here.

A television

The confidence with which Alexander Vasilyevich carried himself in the frame, competent speech, innate tact and excellent sense of humor made him an indispensable TV presenter. In addition to KVN, he hosted other programs over the years. Among them were the talent show “Hello, we are looking for talents”, and sports and entertainment competitions “Come on, girls!” and “Come on, guys!”, talk show “12th Floor”, as well as humorous television programs “Alexander Show”, “Jolly Guys” and “Sense of Humor”.

Presenter "Come on, girls!" Alexander Maslyakov

By the way, several times Alexander Maslyakov appeared in programs that were unusual for himself. So, in 1976, he held the second edition of the intellectual game “What? Where? When?”, the author and creator of which was Vladimir Voroshilov (previously Maslyakov replaced him on the program “Come on, guys!” after the death of one participant). And in 1988, the famous TV presenter held the April Fool’s edition of the “Vzglyad” program.

Maslyakov also acted as the host of Sochi song festivals, in the late 70s he hosted the “Song of the Year” program, and reported from international youth and student festivals that took place in Havana, Berlin, Sofia, Moscow and Pyongyang.

Hosts of “Song of the Year” Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova

Recipient of a number of Orders of Merit received in Russia, Ukraine and the Chechen Republic, Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Maslyakov in 2002 received the prestigious Russian television award “TEFI” in the special nomination “For personal contribution to the development of domestic television.”

Maslyakov is considered a unique presenter who has worked on television for half a century and continues to do so to this day. In addition to KVN, which Maslyakov Sr. has been hosting for so many years, he is on the jury of the “Minute of Fame” show, where he has established himself as a tough judge.

In 2016, the TV presenter released the book “KVN is Alive! The most complete encyclopedia,” which includes descriptions of events from the history of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, funny incidents, behind-the-scenes stories, stories about jury members, and popular jokes. The publication, rich in illustrations, became a gift for fans of the game.

Personal life

The personal life of Alexander Vasilyevich is closely connected with the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. The TV presenter’s wife was Svetlana Maslyakova (nee Smirnova), who in 1966 got a job as an assistant director of KVN. 5 years later, Maslyakov and Smirnova got married, and the woman still holds the position of director of the TV show.

In 1980, the Maslyakov couple had a son, who continued the family tradition. After graduating from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, he acts as a TV presenter of the programs “Planet KVN”, “Outside the Game” and “KVN Premier League”, and since 2013 he has served as the general director of his father’s company “AMiK”.

Alexander Alexandrovich, or, as the Premier League players affectionately call him, San Sanych, is married to Angelina Marmeladova. The daughter-in-law of Maslyakov Sr. is a journalist and writer who has published a number of novels. Today she is the director of the KVN House. In 2006, the couple had a daughter, Taisiya.

Maslyakov’s granddaughter, it seems, will follow in the footsteps of her relatives. When the girl was 5 years old, she stated that she wanted to host KVN, like her grandfather and father. Already at the age of 9, she tried herself as a TV presenter of the charity concert “Adults and Children,” which took place in May 2015 at the Rossiya concert hall. At the celebration dedicated to Children's Day, students of the ensemble performed, where Taya has been studying since she was 3 years old. In addition to music, the girl draws a lot, skates, and attends gymnastics training.

Now Taisiya is one of the TV presenters of the “Children’s KVN” program, which is broadcast on the STS channel. Moreover, the granddaughter of Alexander Maslyakov is mastering not only the skill of hosting a popular program.

In 2016, she appeared on the stage of the “adult” KVN during the screening of “Homework” by the Major League team of the State University and MISiS teams. Taisiya participated in a parody skit on the show “The Voice. Children". The girl believes that one day children's KVN will become no less popular than Major League games. The performance of the Children's KVN team took place on Channel One at the Moscow Mayor's Cup. In addition to working on television, Taya is developing her own YouTube channel, where she uploads videos dedicated to travel.

Alexander Maslyakov now

In 2017, Alexander Maslyakov lost his position as director of the MMC Planet KVN. This happened after Transparency International published the results of an investigation into the center’s illegal transactions.

Building "MMC Planet KVN"

Later, the KVN press service clarified that the TV presenter was of his own free will. His departure from office coincided only in time with a request to the prosecutor's office.

Alexander Maslyakov Sr. still plays the role of TV presenter for the KVN Major League games. In 2018, the project was dedicated to the release of the “Tonight” program, where, in addition to the founder of the TV show, popular ex-KVN participants - and others were present.

The guests recalled funny incidents from the life of KVN, joked, and there were some oddities. With the light hand of Sergei Svetlakov, Maslyakov received the title of “Godfather”. The KVN graduate hinted that all the relatives of the TV presenter eventually became involved in the Club. Alexander Vasilyevich jokingly promised the comedian “retribution” for careless words.

An excellent family man, whose personal life has no complaints and no dirty stories associated with him, is Alexander Maslyakov, the permanent presenter and president of KVN. Who is that exceptional woman who managed to surround the master with home comfort and care, maintaining the fire of the family hearth for many years?

Alexander Maslyakov’s wife, Svetlana, is a native Muscovite, born in 1947, and has been incredibly active since childhood, the “ringleader” of any group. She is still remembered with love and respect at school and is remembered as one of the most creative and vibrant personalities for whom they managed to open the way to creativity.

She brilliantly graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute, combining study and work at the Central Television, in the Youth Editorial Office. She began her career as an assistant director at KVN, where she worked for over 20 years.

Alexander Maslyakov with his son

There is nothing surprising in the fact that Alexander Maslyakov met his wife on TV when they were working together on a common project - KVN. Alexander’s amazing charm and spontaneity could not help but attract Svetlana, they quickly found a common language.

The guys became married and a few years later a son was born, named after his father - Alexander. As Svetlana jokes today, when she calls “Sasha!”, her beloved men rush to her. Moreover, perhaps because of the name, the younger Maslyakov continued the tradition of his parents and also takes an active part in the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. And this is not surprising, since my mother, being an avid KVN player, sought to arrange the family’s life in such a way that everything revolves around the most important thing in their life.

Therefore, no one is surprised by the atmosphere of good jokes and harmless practical jokes that reigns in the house, bright personalities come here, new concepts of their favorite show were born in the throes of creativity, future stars lit up, who later became real legends, known far beyond the boundaries of the program.
Maslyakov’s wife never went “into the shadow” cast by her famous husband, becoming a real support and support for him, both in family life and professionally. Not just a wife and a loving mother, she is a true like-minded person and ally, whom the whole family can rely on in any situation. The grandmother and little granddaughter, who was given to the happy parents by their son and wife, are happy.

Alexander Maslyakov Jr. is a famous Russian TV presenter whose activities are closely connected with the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. This project for the first time revealed the name of our today's hero to a wide audience of viewers in the CIS countries. But is this the only thing we know about the extraordinary young TV presenter? What interesting events and facts can be found in his biography? More details about all this below.

Early years, childhood and family of Alexander Maslyakov Jr.

Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov was born on April 28, 1980 in Moscow. His parents were closely connected with the world of Soviet and Russian television. This fact, in fact, predetermined the entire course of the life of our today’s hero.

Developing the theme of family, we note that Maslyakov Jr.’s mother, Svetlana Anatolyevna, worked most of her life as a television director. The woman’s greatest popularity came from her participation in the creation of television episodes of the KVN program, hosted by her husband, Alexander Vasilyevich. In turn, Maslyakov Sr. worked on this aspect as his ideological inspirer.

The Cheerful and Resourceful Club was the main project in the life of Alexander Vasilyevich, and therefore all other programs (“Come on, girls!”, “Jolly Guys”) were, in their way, only preparation for a large-scale project called KVN. Maslyakov Sr. is still known today as the permanent leader of the international KVN union.

Thus, Alexander Alexandrovich was closely associated with his parents’ project from an early age. The activities of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club occupied an important place in the life of the Maslyakov family, and therefore our today’s hero could hardly really stay away from everything that was happening. He almost regularly attended KVN games, visited behind the scenes, and even helped his father with advice. However, Maslyakov Jr., of course, did not think about a career as a TV presenter at that moment. At first, the young boy dreamed of becoming a policeman (or rather, a traffic cop), and then decided to take up issues of politics and economics.

After graduating from secondary school, our today’s hero entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, but still did not begin a career as a diplomat. In 2006, he defended his dissertation on the topic “Forms and methods of managing subfederal non-residential real estate,” which allowed him to receive a PhD in economic sciences.

Career of Alexander Maslyakov Jr. on television

According to the Russian Channel One, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. began his television career at the age of twenty. During this period, the talented young man began to appear on screens as the host of the “Planet KVN” program. In addition, Alexander Alexandrovich became a frequent guest at the games of the major league of the Merry and Resourceful Club. His face often appeared in the frame. Thus, all fans of the KVN game learned about the existence of Maslyakov Jr.

Kamyzyaki and Alexander Maslyakov (junior)

At this moment, several prominent figures of Channel One began to often express the opinion that Alexander’s constant presence at the Club’s games indicates that his father, Alexander Vasilyevich, sees him as his successor as president of the International KVN Union. Over time, such rumors began to take on real shape.

Alexander Maslyakov Jr. in KVN

In 2003, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. headed the newly created KVN Premier League, which became the second most important division in the system of the Merry and Resourceful Club. The program was created in order to create the necessary rear support, as well as introduce the audience to a new generation of young KVN players. Over the years, the Club's Premier League has helped to reveal the talent of such bright comedians as Alexander Gudkov, Natalya Medvedeva, Dmitry Kolchin, Mikhail Bashkatov and many others.

M. Galkin omits Al. Maslyakov Jr. and "Big difference"

In some way, this was the merit of the permanent presenter and head of the Premier League, Alexander Aleksandrovich Maslyakov. Subsequently, our today's hero continued to work in the system of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Without interrupting his participation in the KVN Premier League, Maslyakov Jr. also took part in the creation of the KVN Planet, Outside the Game, and KVN First League programs. In addition, Alexander sometimes appeared at regional league games as a presenter. Thanks to this, the TV presenter was often called the most mobile member of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club.

Alexander Maslyakova Jr. today

In the second half of 2013, our today's hero also appeared for the first time in the KVN Major League, but this time not as a presenter, but as a participant. In the first semi-final of the season in the STEM competition, Alexander Alexandrovich played the role of a guest star in the number of the “Team of the Kamyzyak Region”. As a result, the performance received very high scores, and Alexander Maslyakov himself earned additional whists in the eyes of his colleagues.

Currently, the talented young TV presenter continues to work in the system of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. Today he leads the KVN Premier League, however, according to many acquaintances of the presenter, in the coming years Maslyakov Jr. should take his father’s place at the games of the KVN Major League.

Personal life of Alexander Maslyakov Jr., wife

Alexander Maslyakov is married. His wife’s name is Angelina Viktorovna Marmeladova (now Maslyakova). Currently, the woman is well known as a talented journalist and writer. By the time of writing this article, Angelina had managed to release three full-length novels, which were subsequently warmly received by readers.

The happy couple now live in Moscow, where they are raising their daughter Taisiya (born 2006). Currently, the girl is studying at the famous theater studio “Fidgets”.

His name is inextricably linked with the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, just as KVN is inextricably linked with Alexander Maslyakov. He hosted many programs on television, but it was KVN that played a fateful role not only in his career, but also in his personal life. Women idolized him, fans did not give him a pass. But he always remains faithful to the one he called his only one more than 45 years ago.

Love under the flag of KVN

Alexander Maslyakov wanted to become an actor, but decided to first become a transport engineer. It was all due to lack of self-confidence; the future star presenter was afraid that during competitive tests he would be declared mediocrity and sent to become an engineer. He graduated from MIIT in 1964, and already in 1968 he received a diploma from the Higher Courses for Television Workers.

But already in his fourth year at the Institute of Transport, Alexander Maslyakov becomes the host of the television Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. He replaced Albert Axelrod, who left the program.

He appeared on stage with Svetlana Zhiltsova, who had worked in KVN since 1961. And people’s rumors more than once made Maslyakov and Zhiltsova husband and wife. However, many girls worked in the KVN editorial office, so the appearance of a new employee, hired as an assistant director of KVN in 1966, was not surprising.

When 19-year-old Svetlana Semyonova was introduced to Alexander, he exclaimed: “Wonderful, another bride has come!” But Svetlana was discouraged and partly offended by such an exclamation. She considered herself the only one. And then she had to wait a long time for the moment when he himself realized her uniqueness. But the relationship between Svetlana and Alexander was quite friendly. They were friends for almost five years, but everyone understood that friendship was gradually turning into a romantic relationship.

They were in Leningrad when, during a walk together, Svetlana became offended by something. Alexander immediately knelt down in front of her on a small bridge and said: “Let's get married!” In front of everyone, among the crowded seething crowd. But the girl was not at a loss, but only pragmatically inquired about the date of the proposed marriage.

On October 2, 1971, Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Semyonova became husband and wife. At first, the newlyweds lived with Maslyakov’s mother, but later moved to their own apartment. The doors in their house were not closed: friends always came in, everyone was welcome and everyone felt quite comfortable in their house.

True, Svetlana had to immediately leave the youth editorial office, since nepotism was not welcomed on television at that time. And the program was soon closed as politically unreliable.

Family of cheerful and resourceful

But Maslyakov remained working on television, he hosted a variety of programs, and never sat idly by. With particular warmth, he remembers how he hosted the very first episode of the program “What? Where? When?". When the TV presenter disappeared from the screens for some time, rumors immediately spread about his arrest and serving time.

In 1980, a son, Alexander Maslyakov Jr., was born into the family. And already in 1986, Alexander Vasilyevich, together with his like-minded people, managed to achieve the restoration of KVN on television. At the same time, Svetlana Maslyakova returned to television, becoming the permanent director of the Club. Behind the scenes, the Maslyakovs’ son also grew up, accompanying his parents always and everywhere, since there was no one to leave him with.

Alexander Vasilyevich and Svetlana Anatolyevna do not hide: there are quarrels and very heated arguments in their family. But they only concern work. The couple have never quarreled in 45 years.

Guests still often gather in their house. And these guests are the same ones who were in their youth. New faces are added, but old ones do not disappear. And this, according to colleagues and friends of the Maslyakov family, is the main value of this family: the ability to love people, respect them and treat the personality of each person with great respect.

Since childhood, the Maslyakovs’ son has been called nothing less than San Sanych, although even in preschool age his name was at times transformed into Samych himself. He was a very independent child and categorically refused any help. He graduated from MGIMO, defended his PhD thesis in economics and became the host of the KVN Premier League.

Unlike his father, San Sanych married quite early, at 22 years old. Alexander Vasilyevich and Svetlana Anatolyevna immediately accepted their son’s wife into the family, loving her like their own daughter. In 2006, the younger Maslyakov couple had a daughter, Taisiya, who has also been leading KVN since 2017, only in a children’s league.

Of course, Alexander Vasilyevich always had a lot of fans. They came to his house, waited in the entrance, and called him on the phone. But Svetlana Anatolyevna always treated this with a fair amount of humor, seasoned with a bit of pride. After all, it was her husband who became the subject of dreams of thousands of women. And he is infinitely devoted to his family and faithful to the one he chose as his wife 45 years ago.

Alexander Maslyakov connected his life with KVN, but his former co-host doesn’t even watch this program.

Such a famous person as Alexander Maslyakov is known to all of us as the host of the KVN program. For many years now, he has been hosting his program and does not give up the pedestal. Over the years of his work, he has been awarded more than one award; television greatly values ​​his contribution to creativity and demonstrates this in every possible way.

Alexander adheres to a healthy lifestyle, so he does not drink alcohol at all. The popular presenter lives a measured life, enjoying his favorite job and a loving, strong family.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Maslyakov

Alexander is currently 75 years old. With a height of 170, he weighs 86 kg. He is not interested in any sports and lives like an ordinary average person. He has been the host of comedy programs for 50 years. This success is the envy of all his colleagues.

But he not only hosts programs, but also has a good sense of humor. You can often hear a sparkling joke from him that will delight others. Height, weight, age, how old is Alexander Maslyakov, now this topic is not a secret for fans of the TV presenter.

Biography of Alexander Maslyakov. Criminal record and prison

The now popular presenter was born at the height of the war, namely in 1941 in Sverdlovsk, which was later renamed Yekaterinburg. The boy's father, who was a military pilot, went on duty to defend his homeland. After the end of hostilities, his father continued his career and already worked as a pilot at the General Staff. And Sasha’s mother was a housewife. She devoted her whole life to caring for the house and raising her son. Since Sasha was the only child in the family, all the love of his parents went only to him, but despite this, the guy did not grow up to be an egoist and tried to raise his son in the necessary male traditions.

As soon as the training ended, the guy immediately went to work as an engineer. But after completing the courses, he decided to connect his life with journalism and already in 1969 he became the senior editor of the youth affairs program. Then for 6 years he worked as a correspondent. A little later he changed his activity to commentator.

In 1990, Maslyakov independently created the creative association “AMiK”. Initially, he was listed as the chief director there, and after 8 years he took over the post of president.

While studying at the institute, the guy often took part in local KVN competitions and was not bad at all. And after one of the competitions, the guy and 4 other finalists were invited as hosts to the just-launched project of the club of cheerful and resourceful people, he agreed, not knowing what he was getting into.

After the first program, they noticed Sasha’s potential and invited him to the role of permanent presenter. This lasted until 1972, and then the program was closed for some time.

And already being the president of AMiK, Maslyakov again launched the popular KVN program and independently thought out all the tournaments and the plot in general.

More than once Maslyakov’s work was recognized as successful and he was given awards. And when the KVN program turned 45 years old, Maslyakov was awarded a lot of awards, thus television showed how important Maslyakov’s contribution is.

But the idol of millions also had dark spots in his biography. A query such as “Alexander Maslyakov biography was in prison” will tell you about the incident of the presenter that made him face the law. In 1974, the TV presenter was convicted of fraud with money that was illegal. But the period was short and literally a couple of months later Alexander was already free. The period of his arrest coincided with the time when the KVN program was suspended, and many thought that his conviction was connected precisely with some incident in the program. But Alexander assured that this was not connected in any way, the program was closed quite abruptly and without explanation of any reasons, according to Alexander, perhaps this was due to the fact that young and sometimes overly ambitious students took part in the program, who could joke at political themes.

Personal life of Alexander Maslyakov

Alexander is not a ladies' man, but rather a monogamous man, and he proved this through the example of his marriage. They met their wife a long time ago and for 46 years they have shown the whole of Russia an example of strong relationships.

They have an heir, a son, who was also named Sasha and is currently engaged in the activities of a TV presenter. The personal life of Alexander Maslyakov is truly happy, because he did not have to go through divorces, the search for a worthy wife and a broken heart, because his dear and devoted wife is always there.

Family of Alexander Maslyakov

Alexander was the only child in the family, so all his mother’s love went only to him. And since my mother was a housewife, there was a lot of this love.

An interesting fact from his childhood is that for four generations all the boys who were born into the family were called Vasily and their father was called the same, but mother Zinaida decided that it was time to break the tradition and named her son Sasha. Alexander Maslyakov’s family was happy, and the guy spent his childhood in a loving family, even despite the war and constant worries about his father.

Son of Alexander Maslyakov - Alexander Maslyakov

The son of Alexander Maslyakov, Alexander Maslyakov, is currently pursuing a career as a TV presenter of comedy programs, like his whole family. At the moment, he hosts famous humorous programs and is also not a bad presenter.

Alexander is happily married to a beautiful girl, Angelina, who works as a journalist and, among other things, also defended her PhD in economics. They also have a little daughter, Taisiya, who is currently 10 years old. And although Maslyakov’s son works as a TV presenter, he was not left without an education and graduated from MGIMO in 2002, just like his wife, he is an economist by education.

Alexander Maslyakov’s wife – Svetlana Maslyakova

The wife of Alexander Maslyakov, Svetlana Maslyakova, is not only a good wife, but also a wise partner. As soon as the girl graduated from school and entered college, she immediately got a part-time job as an assistant in the KVN program. And since then, when she married Alexander Maslyakov in 1971, she received the green light for many prospects.

And after the creation of a creative association by her husband, she became its director. Although, it is worth noting that when she took the name Maslyakova, at that moment the club of cheerful and resourceful people was closed for a while, but after the creation of the association she again began to take part in the creation of humorous creativity.

Wikipedia Alexander Maslyakov

There were both bad and good moments in Alexander's life. Although it is worth noting that he achieved everything in his life on his own and became an example for many thanks to his efforts and serious willpower. His desire for success and career development can be the envy of many modern presenters.

Wikipedia of Alexander Maslyakov will tell his fans an interesting biography of a guy born in an ordinary family, who was able to achieve a successful career and an equally successful personal life on his own. He has been pleasing the public with his works for 50 years, and we hope that he will continue to delight.