How old is Gazmanov according to his horoscope? Individual birth horoscope

Svinushki are lamellar mushrooms that belong to the Svinushka family. People call them cowsheds, dunka, pigs, pigs. This family includes several species, not all of which can be used as food. Therefore, in order not to harm your health, you need to know their distinctive signs.

Svinushki are lamellar mushrooms that belong to the Svinushka family.

Svinushki are mushrooms with small fleshy and thick caps from 10 to 20 cm in diameter. IN early age they are convex, and as they grow, they usually become smooth and then funnel-shaped. The edges of adult mushrooms are often wavy and everted. Depending on the type, the color of the caps can vary from light green to grayish-brown, and the surface is velvety, rough or smooth. The dense pulp, from light yellow to brown in color, can be either soft or quite hard. When cut or simply pressed, it usually begins to darken. Pigs are characterized by rather small legs with a diameter of up to 5 cm and a height of up to 10 cm; they can be either smooth or pubescent; their color usually matches the cap. In some species they are completely absent.

Pigs most often grow in damp places of deciduous or coniferous forests, sometimes they can be found in meadows or marshy banks of water bodies. Most of all they like to settle near birch or oak trees. Pigs, as a rule, grow in groups; single specimens are rare. Fruiting begins in mid-summer and ends by the end of autumn. During particularly wet periods, these mushrooms produce very abundant harvests. Some species of pigs settle on dead trees and even on the walls of wooden houses, destroying them.

Features of pig mushrooms (video)

Description of types of pigs

Currently, 10 types of pigs are known, all of them contain substances harmful to the body, in varying quantities. Some of them are poisonous mushrooms.

Thick pig (felt)

Tapinella atrotomentosa has a fleshy, velvety cap of pistachio, reddish-brown or brown color. Over time, its convex shape changes to a concave one. The diameter of the cap ranges from 15 to 20 cm. This mushroom is characterized by thick, hard yellowish flesh and thin, frequently spaced cream-colored plates. The fleshy, dense leg is characterized by a pubescent surface of black-brown or brown color. Its diameter reaches 5 cm and its length is 10 cm. The fat pig has practically no smell and has a bitter taste. When pressed, all parts of the mushroom become brown in color. Today this species is considered conditionally edible.

Thick pig (felt)

Thin pig

Paxillus involutus is characterized by a slightly convex or flat cap from grayish-olive to reddish-brown in color. Its surface is velvety, and the shaggy edges are tightly curled. The yellowish, soft and loose pulp has no smell or taste. The lamellar layer consists of reddish-yellow wide and sparse plates. They can be connected by peculiar membranes, forming a mesh surface. Full legs have a diameter of 1 to 2 cm and a height of up to 9 cm. This type is poisonous.

Thin pig

Pig ear-shaped (panus-shaped)

Tapinella panuoides has a thick, rather hard cap that grows up to 12 cm in diameter. Its surface can be velvety or smooth, and its shape resembles a fan or shell. The edges are usually jagged, jagged, or wavy. The color of the mushroom ranges from yellowish-brown to dark red. The ear-shaped pig is characterized by pulp of a rubbery consistency of a yellowish-cream or light brown hue, which becomes brown when cut. The leg of this species is very short, and most often completely absent. This mushroom can be recognized by its pleasant pine aroma. It is classified as a conditionally edible species.

The benefits and harms of pigs

Although many mushroom pickers consider pig mushrooms to be very tasty and nutritious mushrooms, it is difficult to talk about their benefits. And they can cause significant harm to the body. They contain a large number of muscarine, a toxic substance that does not break down under any method of processing and is not removed from the body, gradually poisoning it. In addition, they contain antigens that force the human body to produce antibodies in the blood. As they accumulate, they lead to the development of serious diseases.

Also, pigs are characterized by active absorption of various chemical compounds, radioisotopes and heavy metals, including lead. Therefore, it is impossible to collect these mushrooms near roads, industrial enterprises and other polluted places.

In connection with the above, we can conclude that if you want to enjoy pigs, you should do this very rarely, while processing them carefully and, of course, choosing only conditionally edible and not poisonous species and environmentally friendly clean places collection

Although many mushroom pickers consider pig mushrooms to be very tasty and nutritious mushrooms, it is difficult to talk about their benefits

About the edibility of pig mushrooms

In order for eating pigs to cause as little harm to the body as possible, you need to know how to properly prepare them for consumption. The following processing method is recommended:

  • Mushrooms should be peeled immediately after picking;
  • peeled mushrooms should be soaked for a day in water with the addition of a small amount of salt and citric acid. This will help remove radioisotopes and heavy metal salts. The water needs to be changed several times;
  • Rinse the soaked mushrooms well and boil in salted water for 5 minutes, discard the water. Then boil them in clean water two more times for half an hour and wash again;
  • cooled mushrooms can be fried, stewed, salted, marinated, added to salads, fillings for pies and dumplings and other dishes.

Pigs are characterized by active absorption of various chemical compounds, radioisotopes and heavy metals, including lead

Marinated pigs

According to reviews from mushroom lovers, salted and pickled pigs are a very tasty preparation.


  • pork (boiled) – 2 kg;
  • water – 1 l;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l;
  • bay leaf – 5 pcs;
  • pepper (allspice) – 15 pcs;
  • garlic - 3 cloves.

How to cook:

Boil water, add salt, sugar, spices and mushrooms cut into small pieces, pour in vinegar. Cook for about 20 minutes;

  1. Wash and sterilize containers with a volume of 1 liter;
  2. Place the mushrooms in containers, pour marinade over them and add 2 tbsp to each. l olive oil;
  3. Sterilize jars with mushrooms for 20 minutes and can be closed with tin lids;
  4. Cooled pieces should be sent to the cellar for storage.

In order for eating pigs to cause as little harm to the body as possible, you need to know how to properly prepare them for consumption.

Salted pork in oil


  • pork (boiled) – 1 kg;
  • olive oil – 200 ml;
  • salt – 100 g;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • bay leaf – 5 pcs;
  • pepper (allspice) – 15 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the mushrooms into thick strips;
  • Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan;
  • Fry the mushrooms over low heat for an hour;
  • Sterilize the jars, place the prepared mushrooms in them, pour hot vegetable oil on top and close with plastic lids;
  • It is recommended to store cooled preparations in the refrigerator.

How to cook pig mushrooms (video)

Edible mushrooms that pigs are confused with

In appearance, a young plump mushroom can be confused with a Polish mushroom or a green flywheel, but they have a tubular layer. The eared pig sometimes resembles saffron milk caps or chanterelles.

As you can see, some types of pig mushrooms are quite tasty, but low-quality mushrooms. Therefore, you should be very careful when collecting and preparing them. Also, you should not get carried away with their use, as this can lead not only to poisoning, but also to the development of stroke, varicose veins and other serious ailments. And, of course, before you start collecting them, you should study which species are poisonous and which are conditionally edible.

Post Views: 489

Kira Stoletova

It is important to be able to distinguish edible fruits from inedible ones. On a person’s way, he may encounter a mushroom called svinushka (in common parlance - dunka). It is highly toxic and contains heavy metals.

Description of pigs

There are more than 30 varieties of Dunki. The description of the appearance of the fruiting bodies of representatives of the genus Paxillus has common features. The shape of the cap is wavy, under certain angle resembles a pig's snout.

The fruiting body looks like a milk mushroom. The cap is fleshy and spreading. The shape can be elongated or round. The average size of the cap is 10-15 cm. Some specimens grow up to 35 cm.

According to the description, young fruits have a convex cap shape. With age, it becomes flattened, becomes dry and cracks. A concavity is formed in the center. After rain, the dry and rough surface becomes sticky.

The color also varies. The pig is found in white, brown, olive, brown and black colors. The color of the leg is the same, only the shade changes.

Types of mushrooms and their distribution

There are a large number of varieties of pigs. All of them germinate in deciduous and coniferous forests, also love marshy areas. Dunki prefer a temperate climate, so they are often found in Europe, Asia and even North America.

Svinushka is a whole genus of mycelium. There are 35 species in total. The most common pigs are:

  • Thin. Such fruiting bodies are popularly known as Poddubniki. They sprout at the roots of fallen trees. Their cap is round and slightly wavy. The diameter often reaches 20 cm. The color is brown. As the cap ages, it becomes gray shade. The leg is creamy, short, up to 8 cm long.
  • Alder. Distributed in most European countries. It is distinguished by a funnel-shaped hat, with a diameter of 6-8 cm. Alder Pig has Brown color, scaly structure, there are cracks. The pulp is yellow, there is no smell.
  • Felt (black pig). Grows only in coniferous forests. This pig mushroom has a large rounded hat, the edges of which are curved towards the stem. The color is brown, brown. A black tint often appears. The leg is brown or brown, with a velvety surface.
  • Ear-shaped. It is distinguished by its small leg size (does not exceed 3 cm) and a large fan-shaped cap. Its dimensions reach 14 cm. The surface of the cap is rough, but becomes smooth with age. The color is light brown. The pulp is yellow and has a pine aroma.
  • Gigantic. This dunka has a huge cap size. Diameter - 25-30 cm. Wavy shape, white color. The species is widespread in Europe. It grows by mycelium in Russia, as well as the Caucasus.

Vernallis pig mushrooms (Paxillus Vernallis) are found in the forests of North America. This species is known for its symbiotic relationships with certain plants. It grows on birch and aspen.

Southern European countries suffer from the spread of another poisonous mycelium - Paxillus ammoniavirescens. It grows not only in the forest belt, but also in city parks and alleys. The appearance of the mushroom is similar to others. It has a spreading, fleshy cap of beige or olive color with a diameter of up to 15 cm. It is rough around the edges and smooth in the center. The leg is medium, 5-8 cm.

Is piggyback edible?

To beginning mushroom pickers, pig mushrooms often seem similar to other edible types of mycelium. This poisonous fruit grows in the same conditions as edible fruiting bodies.

Dunka was banned from collecting in 1993 due to a series of poisonings. The first one famous case death is dated 1944, when mycologist J. Sheffer tasted pig mushrooms. He had severe abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Schaeffer died 17 days after the meal.

The mushroom is inedible. Harm from its use:

  • Svinushka mushrooms contain a dangerous toxin, the concentration of which remains high even after prolonged heat treatment of the fruit. Some varieties of mycelium contain the poison muscarine, the toxicity of which is comparable to the poison of the red fly agaric.
  • The product contains antigens, which, when entering the body, destroy the cell membranes of the mucous membrane internal organs. The result of consuming such fruiting bodies is unpredictable. Anemia, nephropathy and renal failure may develop.
  • The pig mushroom contains chemical compounds based on heavy metals, as well as radioactive particles.

Svinushka is a poisonous mushroom; even its accidental consumption leads to allergic reactions, disruption of the functioning of internal organs and systems, severe poisoning and death. When you see a place where such mycelium grows, it is better to avoid it. If in doubt, it is better to show the find to an experienced mushroom picker, who will tell you whether these are false fruiting bodies or not.

Signs of poisoning

Pig mushrooms were previously considered edible, because signs of poisoning did not always appear. The reason is the different sensitivity of people to heavy metals and poisons contained in fruiting bodies.

People with health problems or children received the greatest harm. After consuming the mycelium for 1-3 hours, no symptoms appear. Later people worries:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • yellowness of the skin;
  • dizziness.

In case of poisoning, an increase in hemoglobin in the urine is observed. Kidney activity is also impaired. Urination becomes rare, and there is a risk of oligoanuria.

The benefits of pigs

The benefits and harms of pigs are often discussed. This type of mycelium is poisonous, but if used correctly it will not cause harm. The benefits of pork are the same as those from eating edible varieties of fruiting bodies. They are also rich in vitamins, amino acids and proteins, and contain a large number of microelements: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, etc.

Eating such fruits is not dangerous if they are prepared correctly. They will not lead to poisoning or other consequences if:

  • Clean them within the first hour after collection.
  • Soak the peeled fruits for 24 hours in a saline solution with citric acid (this is important for removing poisons and heavy metals from the product).

Svinushka mushrooms are valued for their suitability for cold salting for winter storage. This page contains photos and descriptions of pigweed as a widespread mushroom. You can find out which pig mushrooms can be eaten and which varieties are best avoided.

Basidiomas are gymnocarpous, mostly large, fleshy, rotting after ripening. The cap is lateral, sessile, spatulate, flat or funnel-shaped, often with a smooth edge turned down, felt-like or velvety-pubescent, dry or slightly mucous, yellow, brown, olive tones. The hymenophore is cellular or lamellar.

The leg is central or lateral, short or absent. The pulp is well developed, sometimes darkening when cut, with a neutral taste or slightly bitter. Spore powder is ocher-brown. The spores are small, from oval to spherical. Cystids are absent.

The photo shows pig mushrooms in various varieties of this genus:

Photo gallery

Which pig mushrooms are edible?

Pig mushrooms can be edible, of course, if they belong to the genus Tapinella. The remaining varieties are classified as conditionally edible. Next, you can find out which pig mushrooms can be eaten.

The cap of tapinella pigs is lateral, sessile, spatulate, flat or funnel-shaped, often with a downward-turned edge, olive-yellow, mustard, ocher-brown. The hymenophore is cellular or lamellar. The leg is central or lateral, short or absent. The spore powder is ocher-brown, the spores are small, up to 6 microns, there are no cystids.

Pig thick and thin

The pig is thick and thin, it would seem, “birds of a feather”. But it's not that simple. The fat pig is edible, but its thin sister can be hazardous to health.

The cap is 4-10 (20) cm in diameter, fleshy, spatulate, tongue-shaped, sometimes almost flat, often funnel-shaped and depressed in the center, sometimes eccentric or lateral, rusty-brown, ocher-brown, fluffy-velvety, naked with age, dry weather cracked, with a rolled edge. Hymenophore lamellar. The plates are descending, reticularly branched at the base, frequent, yellowish. Leg 2-4 (6) x 1.5-3.5 (4.5) cm, central, sometimes lateral or curved, weakly root-like, elongated, widened downward, deeply immersed in the substrate, thick, dense, felt-suede, black-brown, chocolate.

The pulp is spongy, strongly absorbs moisture in rainy weather, yellowish, darkening when cut. Spore powder is ocher-brown.

It also grows in forests, on stumps and mossy roots, and is found in July - October. Edible.

Family Svinushkovye

The Svinushkovy family is distinguished by the fact that their basidiomas are gymnocarpous, from small to large fleshy, rotting when ripe. The cap is convex, depressed, at a young age often with a tucked edge, smooth or hairy-pubescent, brownish-brown, yellowish tones and shades. The hymenophore is lamellar or tubular (the tubes are not separated from the pulp). The pulp is well developed, with a neutral or bitter taste. Spore powder is ocher to whitish. The spores are large (more than 6 µm), from round to ellipsoidal. Cystids are present.

Alder pig

The cap is 5-8 (15) cm in diameter, initially convex with a thin, rolled, felt edge, then flat-spread, depressed, weakly funnel-shaped, with a drooping or straight edge, dry, velvety, scaly-fissured, ocher-brown, yellow-brown or reddish-brown, with darker ingrown or lagging scales, less often with an olive tint, darkens slightly when pressed. Hymenophore lamellar. The plates are descending, frequent or medium frequency, narrow, forked, with anastomoses at the base, ocher-yellowish, lighter than the cap, slightly darkening when pressed. Leg 2-5 (8) x 0.5-1 (2.5) cm, central or slightly eccentric, solid, cylindrical, longitudinally fibrous, elastic, yellowish-brown, olive-brown.

The pulp is dense, soft, yellowish, yellowish-brownish, darkening when cut. The spore powder is reddish-brown.

Forms an association (Alnus Mill.). Alder pigweed grows in moist deciduous forests with obligatory participation, and is found in July - September. Edible.

Inedible pigs

Svinushka panus-shaped (svinushka ear-shaped, cellar house mushroom, mine mushroom, lamellar house mushroom).

The cap is 2-5 (8) cm in diameter, lateral, sessile, less often with a rudimentary stalk, fan-shaped (often the caps are fused together), initially thin-tomentose, then bare, smooth, in young basidiomas with a rolled edge, then with a lobed edge, yellow-ocher, ocher-brown. Hymenophore lamellar. The plates are descending, arranged radially or fan-shaped, branched, wavy, with anastomoses, form a mesh at the base, frequent, narrow, initially white, then yellowish, yellowish-brownish, brown. The stem is often absent or very short, underdeveloped, up to 1 cm long, the same color as the cap.

The pulp is soft, loose, spongy, whitish-cream. Spore powder is ocher-brown.

Inedible pigweeds grow on treated wood, stumps, and dead wood. It destroys the wood of cellars, mines, well log houses, bathhouses and the lower crowns of houses, causing enormous damage; it is found in nature in July - September. Inedible.

Is thin pig edible? No!

Many mushroom pickers think that thin pig mushrooms are edible and can be eaten quite safely. Actually this is not true. The cap is 6-10 (15) cm in diameter, initially convex, flat-convex, then flat-spread with a depressed middle or funnel-shaped, with a rolled felt edge, thin felt, sometimes weakly sticky, olive-brown, yellowish-brown with dark spots. Hymenophore lamellar. The plates are descending, forked, sparse, thick, with anastomoses, uniform in color with a cap, darkening when pressed.

Leg 2-5 (8) x 0.5-1 (2.5) cm, central or slightly eccentric, solid, cylindrical, longitudinally fibrous, elastic, yellowish-brown, olive-brown.

The pulp is spongy, yellowish, brownish, darkening when cut. Spore powder is brown.

Forms an association with deciduous and coniferous trees, saprotroph (Lep). Grows in various types forests, in bushes, near swamps, in gardens, parks, on the roots of uprooted trees, old anthills, in clearings, etc., forms basidiomas singly or in groups, found in July - October (November). Poisonous. (An antigen has been found that causes the formation of antibodies in human blood, which gradually accumulate, which leads to a change in the composition of the blood.)

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Biography, life story of Oleg Mikhailovich Gazmanov

Oleg Mikhailovich Gazmanov is a Soviet and Russian pop singer and composer.


Oleg Gazmanov was born on July 22, 1951 in Kaliningrad in the family of a military man. His parents were front-line soldiers who went through the war from beginning to end, but on different roads. My father fought in the navy, my mother was a doctor in a military hospital (she took part in the battles for the Baltic states and fought in the Far East).

Gazmanov spent his childhood in Kaliningrad, a city that even a decade later retained echoes of last war. The only thing local kids did was scour abandoned places and look for weapons and ammunition. Oleg was also involved in this, and quite soon managed to collect a whole warehouse of weapons. He even had a German heavy machine gun in his arsenal, although it was rusty. Oleg kept the machine gun at home and often, while his parents were at work, he would put it on the windowsill and hit an imaginary enemy. But one day these shootings ended in tears. That day, the trigger of the machine gun did not want to be pressed, and Oleg decided to swing it with a hammer. However, after the first blow, the machine gun fell from the window sill and hit Oleg on the little finger with all its might. Fortunately, at this time the mother returned home from work and, seeing her son’s bleeding finger, immediately took him to the military hospital (fortunately, the Gazmanov family lived on its territory).

It is worth noting that the injury to the little finger was not the worst payback for his passion for captured weapons. After all, many of Oleg’s peers died after inept handling of weapons and ammunition. Oleg could have died more than once, but fate turned out to be more favorable to him. For example, one day he found an anti-tank mine on the hospital grounds. At first he wanted to drag her home, but she turned out to be so heavy that the boy’s weak hands could not lift her off the ground. And then Oleg decided to open the mine right on the spot. To do this, he armed himself with a stone and began to diligently pound on its metal casing. A few blows would have been enough for a tragedy to happen, but luck was on Oleg’s side that day. Military men were passing by, who drew attention to the object that the young tracker was about to open, and immediately pulled him away from the mine.


Another time, death almost overtook Gazmanov within the walls of his apartment. Moreover, this time the cause of the tragedy was not a weapon, but an ordinary fire. Here is how it was.

That day Oleg was left at home alone and decided to build himself a hut from soft chairs. To do this, he turned them over back to back and climbed under them with a lit candle. But since he chose a place right next to the window, the flame from the candle hit the curtain. A fire started, which Oleg, naturally, could not extinguish on his own. Therefore, when the burning curtain fell on the chairs and they began to burn, he found nothing better than to run into another room and lock himself. Meanwhile, the fire continued to rage and threatened to spread to the second room when the parents suddenly returned home. According to Gazmanov, he doesn’t remember how they put out the fire, but he remembered the fact that his butt hurt very badly after that for the rest of his life.

Another unpleasant incident happened to Gazmanov on September 1, 1958, when he was supposed to cross the threshold of the school for the first time. He never got to his desk that day. What happened? He and his mother were walking down the street and were in a hurry, so they didn’t notice how a drunk woman on a bicycle appeared next to them. Not even observing at all elementary rules traffic, this cyclist suddenly pulled over to the side of the road and crashed into little Oleg. He fell face down on the asphalt and severely cut his eyebrow. And instead of going to school, he had to rush with his mother to a military hospital.

Oleg Gazmanov recalled:

“As a child, I was wildly freckled. I had such vigorous freckles that only the lazy would not say about me: "Flaked, freckled, killed grandfather with a shovel." At the same time, I had black hair. And then one day at the pharmacy I bought ointment for freckles. I smeared my face at night, and the next morning it looked like I had been driven face down on the asphalt. New skin has grown with even more vigorous freckles.

And I was never upset about growth. Of course, they bullied me at school; they thought I was small and wouldn’t fight back. I was small, but surprisingly desperate..."


After graduating from school, Gazmanov decided to become a sailor and entered the Kaliningrad Higher Marine Engineering School. He received the profession of a mine engineer and in 1973, with the rank of lieutenant, he served near Riga in mine-torpedo depots. At the base there were about 50 military personnel and 70 women from the VOKhRA, with whom Gazmanov was very popular. And all because of his love for music: at festive evenings, Oleg usually sang soulful songs with a guitar.

At one time, Gazmanov received the title of candidate master of sports in artistic gymnastics.

Music and life

Having served his required term, Gazmanov soon returned to his native Kaliningrad and worked for three years as a mechanic of refrigeration units at the department of the Naval Engineering School. Then he entered graduate school. Ahead was waiting for him PhD thesis, academic degree and scientific activity. However, Gazmanov suddenly decides to leave science and devote himself to music: in the late 70s he entered the Kaliningrad Music College to study guitar. In parallel with his studies, he works in different musical ensembles, sings mainly in restaurants. Then his personal life also changes - he marries a girl named Irina, a chemist by training. In 1981, their son Rodion was born.

Oleg Gazmanov first gained fame as a composer; his song “Lucy” (1988), performed by his son Rodion Gazmanov, gained great popularity and contributed to the opening of a new direction - modern children's popular music on national stage. Soon O. Gazmanov's songs became an integral part of the repertoire of other performers.

Gazmanov’s solo career as a singer began in 1989. In the annotation-presentation of Oleg Gazmanov at the annual The World Music Awards in Monte Carlo (1992) it was said: “With the first attack of his “Squadron” Oleg Gazmanov stormed the Russian charts, after which five of his songs alternately entered the top three hits, which allowed his first album to become platinum within a month.”. Invitation of the singer to Monte Carlo for the annual ceremony of The World Music Awards it was finally approved as the Best selling Russian artist of the year star status and opened up great opportunities for international recognition. His album "Squadron" was successfully sold in Europe and Canada.

Since 1989, Oleg Gazmanov has been a participant and constant winner of the popular television festival “Song of the Year”. The originality of the style of O. Gazmanov - a composer and singer - expresses an original combination of traditions of folklore and modern pop and rock music, which allows him to occupy a special place on the national stage.

For the first few years musical career O. Gazmanov recorded as many as six solo albums: "Squadron" (1991, Jeff -Records), "Sailor" (1993, SNC-Records), "Going on a Spree" (1994, RDM), "Tramp" (1996, RDM), " Moscow": a collection of the best compositions" (1996, Squadron Records), "The Red Book of Oleg Gazmanov" (1998, Squadron Records), as well as numerous early collections of songs and a unique author's collection "Squadron of my crazy songs" (1997 .), where Oleg Gazmanov’s hits are performed by the brightest stars of Russian pop music.

Each of the concert numbers is a mini-performance with its own dramaturgy and polished director's staging. Participation of choirs, military orchestra, show ballet, drummer ensemble, soloists classical ballet– a total of over 160 participants – makes solo concert O. Gazmanov with a bright, memorable show. In 1997, the solo program “Gentlemen Officers-96” was awarded the annual Moscow Government Prize in the field of literature and art.

The hits of the composer Gazmanov were performed by the group and many others. O. Gazmanov's poems were read by the People's Artist of Russia. This concert became a real celebration of Gazmanov the composer and, according to audience polls, was recognized as one of the best music programs of the year.

Gazmanov’s dramatic talent as an artist manifested itself in the popular film projects “Old Songs about the Main Thing-1” (1996) and “Old Songs about the Main Thing-2” (1997); the singer also repeatedly received offers from venerable domestic filmmakers - film scripts, written specifically “for Gazmanov,” Oleg did not rule out the possibility of making his film debut. And so it happened - in 2007, Gazmanov starred as himself in the television series "Taxi Driver-4", and in 2011 and 2014 he already shone on the screens as a full-fledged actor with an image, text and everything attached to it invented by the director .

In 2002, Oleg Gazmanov became Ambassador good will UN Children's Fund.

In 2003, after 8 years of single life, Oleg Gazmanov married for the second time. His chosen one was Marina Muravyova, an economist. Oleg happily accepted his wife's son Philip (born in 1997) as his own. And at the end of 2003, a girl, Marianna, appeared in the family.

Oleg Gazmanov is perhaps one of the most prolific domestic artists. Not only did he, with enviable regularity, compose magnificent compositions for his stage colleagues, but he also managed to release his own albums, give concerts and act in films.

In 2014, Gazmanov hosted the most Active participation in preparation for Olympic Games in Sochi.

Lives with his family in Moscow in the Serebryany Bor nature reserve on the shores of Bottomless Lake.

First person


“Unfortunately, I don’t often visit Kaliningrad, although I love it very much. This is the city where I spent my barefoot, reckless childhood. I remember well the house in which we lived - a beautiful German cottage for several families with a large orchard. I sat in the trees all day and learned to navigate them so deftly that I even received the nickname Mowgli. It so happened that I was the smallest in our yard company. Moreover, when I reached school age, I suddenly got freckles. Of course, they bullied me, teased me for being freckled, and thought that I was small and wouldn’t give back. I was very concerned about this, although I tried not to show it. Yes I was vertically challenged, but surprisingly desperate. One day, a high school student annoyed me so much with his barbs that I gave him a good beating in the face.

Since then they stopped bothering me, and some were even afraid of me. As children, we also had fun by scouring abandoned places in search of weapons and ammunition left after the war. I had a whole warehouse of this “good” at home. True, there were several cases when this hobby of mine could end very badly, even tragically. Once I managed to repair a machine gun using a hammer. During the first blow, the machine gun jumped off the window sill and hit me on the little finger with all its might. So I had to spend some time in the hospital. And next time it could be even worse. I found an anti-tank mine on the territory of a military hospital. It turned out to be so heavy that I decided not to drag it home, but to open it on the spot. If adults had not passed by and stopped me, I don’t know how my experiments would have ended.”


“Even at school, the guys and I played at dances. Then there were no discos, just ordinary dance floors. I clearly remember the moment when I first realized what an influence music can have on people. It was in the ninth grade. I’m on stage, and in front of I saw crowds of girls standing and watching. And this was happening in their eyes! It was then, probably, that I felt like an artist for the first time. And also, perhaps, when I received my first salary at the box office of the Palace of Culture. And this later influenced my choice in life. True, I didn’t start studying music seriously right away.

First, he received a higher technical education, graduated from the "seafaring" class, sailed on various ships, then taught, and was engaged in science. At the same time, he continued to compose songs and performed with an amateur ensemble at various venues. I probably would have hesitated to leave science for a long time if I had not seen that many people liked what I did. Yes, and chance helped. The guys from my group began to intensively call me to work with them in the restaurant. I agreed.

Firstly, I could now fully devote myself to a business that I really like, and secondly, I received more at the restaurant than several candidates of science combined. Alas, this is also important in our life. Then I graduated from the full-time department of the Kaliningrad Music College, immediately went on tour, and worked in different groups for several years. At first, I only composed music to the words of others, and did not dare to write poetry myself. And then I tried it and, as competent people said, I did it quite well. To develop further, it was necessary to show up in the capital. And I said to myself: “I must live in Moscow.”

About concerts

“I take the staging of my programs very seriously. Sometimes I am reproached for repeating myself, performing the same show (meaning my series of concerts “Gentlemen Officers,” which I have been giving for six years on the eve of the Day) Defender of the Fatherland and on May 9). This is not so. Firstly, these holidays are very close to me. Maybe because my father fought and reached Berlin. My mother was also at the front, first as a nurse, then as a doctor.

So this program is a kind of dedication to all those who gave their lives for their Motherland. By the way, at my last concerts, together with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, there were also very young guys who fought in Chechnya; special rows in the hall are always allocated for them. And secondly, the audience themselves always ask to repeat “Gentlemen Officers,” because what I sing about in my songs is in tune with the feelings and sensations of many Russians. In fact, I have a lot of new ones interesting compositions. But I believe that it is not at all necessary to “partialize”, i.e. release a new album every month with remixes of old songs. I take each of my new projects very seriously; it is important to me that everything is thought out to the smallest detail, correctly formatted, and presented with high quality. I have a dream - I want to make a show that no one has ever done before."

About videos and songs

"It came out not long ago new clip to my song "Springs". Although it’s quite difficult to call this project a video. It is rather a mini-film, half-documentary, half-fiction. In general, to determine its genre, you must first watch it. We filmed it together with Yuri Grymov. I would like to dedicate this new job to the guys who fought in Chechnya. Yes, probably not only them. This is a kind of general philosophical view of life: how, why does all this happen, why and who is to blame for the fact that today people shoot at each other? There are a lot of questions in life, the answer to which is very difficult to find.

How successful our work turned out is not for me to judge. I can only say one thing: we tried. 25 kilos of TNT were used for filming! I am a mineral engineer by profession, so I understand the excitement that visited Comrade Grymov. Why was it Grymov who filmed this video? I like the way he works, and he has the most beautiful and interesting videos in Russia. He works on the verge of shocking. I think that my external calm plus its inadequacy were able to generate a creative explosion equal to 25 kilograms of TNT. Another of his recent works was with, the president of the Stuntmen Association, in his new film “A Knight's Romance”. Sasha asked me to write and sing something suitable in meaning. Knights, swords, women... I immediately took the guitar and sang one song to him. He was shocked that it was so fast and to the point. In fact, I composed it a long time ago. This is one of the few songs I wrote based on someone else's words. In general, he liked it."

About fans

"My listeners are the most different ages, nationalities, political beliefs, philosophical views, social status, upbringing. Some people like my lyrics, songs “about love” - these are probably mostly women. Patriotic songs generally have an unlimited audience; they are close to every caring person. Thousands of Spartak fans are also my spectators. When I composed the anthem for Spartak, I even consulted with fan authorities about the text. And, by the way, they corrected me in two places. And when I recorded it, an improvised choir of seven thousand fans helped me. Can you imagine the sound, what power! You won't get this in any studio.".

About competition

“I have my own niche in pop music. 1/1 it is quite large - patriotic songs, lyrics, dance compositions... I work a lot, write new music, poetry. And I’m not afraid of losing my viewers. The fact is that Many people like my work, I am convinced by the warm letters I receive and the eyes of the listeners that I see from the stage during concerts.They say that people feel the same as I do, that what I sing about is close to them. This warms me up very much. And as for competition... I know how to rejoice in other people’s success and consider this one of my advantages. It’s nice when someone has good songs, interesting arrangements. I always call and congratulate you. When I have time, I try to attend concerts of those artists that I like, maybe learn something, gain something for myself.

I once managed to attend a Billy Joel concert. It's amazing what an amazing connection he has with the audience. Not a word in Russian, but the hall simply breathed with his music. I really like how it works. His shows surprise and delight with their clarity, smoothness, and powerful energy. The same can be said about and about. These artists are true professionals! As for the young people... I was at a concert. She is a very powerful girl, and her team is good and professional. It is clear that people understand each other perfectly. Overall, I really enjoyed it. I think this performer has a great future."

About the Burden of Fame

"Of course, there are such costs in our profession. An artist, if he is well known, has to put up with the fact that his private life arouses increased interest. When I just moved to Moscow, of course, I was already performing on stage, but I didn’t think that they would recognize me on the streets. And one day I decided to experiment. I put on glasses, a wig, glued on a mustache and went to the store. I’m standing in line, with a young couple behind me. And I hear something like this: “You see, Gazmanov has gone completely crazy. He thinks that if he puts on glasses with a mustache, no one will recognize him.”.

About age

“I am often asked how I manage to always be in such good shape. In this regard, I am really lucky. I have the opportunity to look exactly the way I look. This is not at all because I take very good care of myself and take care of myself. It's just how Mother Nature herself ordered it, and there's never any time for myself. I've never hidden my age, I'll soon be fifty. But at the same time, I don't even feel like I'm forty. I often perform with young teams. There's no difference! Moreover, , I can also give them a hundred points head start".

About vacation

“Unfortunately, I have a catastrophic lack of time for anything, especially for rest. Too much traveling, touring. Although after a busy schedule of concerts you just feel a physical need to relax, take your mind off everything. I really love my Vacation home in Serebryany Bor. There is such beauty and silence there! I can wander through the forest for hours. Here you truly feel one with nature. Of course, I love working out with my beloved dog Corby; he and I race in the yard. I try to spend as much time as possible communicating with my son and beloved wife. We often have romantic family evenings: I light the fireplace, we bake potatoes and have a meal right by the fireplace on a huge bear skin.

Then, of course, as an avid fan, I like to go to football matches, although I try not to do this often. Emotions are so overwhelming that I react very violently to what is happening, scream loudly and constantly break my ligaments. I really like relaxing at sea, sailing on a yacht, and diving. I still remember my first dive underwater. It was on Seychelles. The season had already ended by this time; only a group of Italians remained among the vacationers. There was a very strong current, one person was even carried out to sea (they spent quite a long time looking for him later), but I still took the risk. After I dived, the instructor asked for my book about diving. And when I explained to him that this happened for the first time and I didn’t have any book, he twirled his finger at his temple for a long time, then waved his hand and said: “Crazy Russian.” But I got applause from the Italians.

Another hobby of mine is alpine skiing. I taught my son to ride, so we always go to the mountains together."

Oleg Gazmanov - Soviet and Russian singer, musician and composer who gave the world immortal hits“Squadron”, “Esaul”, “Sailor”, “Officers” and dozens of other compositions full of genuine patriotism and heartfelt lyrics.

Childhood and family of Oleg Gazmanov

Oleg Gazmanov grew up in a family of front-line soldiers: Oleg’s father, Mikhail Gazmanov, was a professional military man (he fought in the navy during World War II), and his mother was a cardiologist in military hospitals in the Baltic states and Far East. By the way, Gazmanov has Jewish roots on his mother’s side.

Oleg Gazmanov spent his entire childhood in Kaliningrad. In a city that contains echoes of the Great Patriotic War, all the boys were keen on searching for weapons and ammunition in abandoned places. Young Gazmanov was also involved in this, and quite quickly he collected a whole warehouse of weapons at his home. He even had a German heavy machine gun in his arsenal. When his parents went to work, little Oleg would put it on the windowsill and “bomb” an imaginary enemy.

One day this game ended badly. The trigger could not be pressed, and Oleg decided to hit it with a hammer. After the first blow, the machine gun fell from the window sill directly onto the boy’s little finger. Fortunately, at that moment the singer’s mother returned home and provided first aid to her son.

It is worth noting that many of Oleg Gazmanov’s peers died after handling captured weapons. Such a fate could have awaited the singer himself, but trouble passed him by. One day Oleg stepped on an anti-tank mine, could not move it and began to open it right on the spot. Such curiosity could have ended in tragedy if the boy's father had not noticed his experiments in time.

“Alone with everyone”: Oleg Gazmanov

Oleg Gazmanov began singing as a child. However, at first the music did not evoke any pleasant emotions in the boy. At the age of five the boy was sent to music school(violin class). Over the next two years, an overly strict teacher instilled in Oleg a persistent dislike of music.

Then he started playing sports. It must be said that as a child Gazmanov was not distinguished by excellent health. Doctors diagnosed him with a congenital heart defect and forbade him physical exercise. But the stubborn young man decided to take life into his own hands. Despite his parents' prohibitions, he ran away from the house through a drainpipe and went to the gym.

At first, they didn’t even want to accept the 11-year-old frail boy into the section, but after a year of classes he was already the strongest in the group. Oleg’s mother initially resisted and even wanted to put the school coach on trial, but after a couple of years the murmurs in her son’s heart disappeared, and the woman changed her anger to mercy. In 1967, he became the first in the USSR to do a double somersault in the floor exercises of athletic gymnastics. But oh professional career the athlete had to be forgotten after an injury - in the ninth grade, Gazmanov crushed his legs on a crossbar and spent a long time in the hospital.

At school, Oleg Gazmanov studied averagely; by the way, he learned science in the same institution together with the future “First Lady of Russia” Lyudmila Putina (then still Shkrebneva) and Lada Dance. After graduation, Gazmanov entered the Kaliningrad Marine Engineering School (specialty in refrigeration and compressor machines and installations). After graduating in 1973, the future artist sailed for three more years on the Volzhanin freezer trawler.

Upon his return, he entered graduate school at his native university, and even taught for some time. However, music attracted him more and more, until one day the man decided to enter a music school, which he successfully graduated from in 1981.

The creative path of Oleg Gazmanov. Start

Oleg Gazmanov began his career as a musician in his youth, when he played the school dance. He forever remembered with what eyes the girls looked at him. It was then that he first felt like a real artist.

Having grown up, in parallel with his studies at the music school, he tried himself in various groups (“Blue Bird”, “Galaxy”), and also played for the amusement of the public in the Kaliningrad restaurant - these performances brought him his main income, which was very useful, because at this moment young man there was already a family: wife Irina and son Rodion.

Already at this time, Oleg Gazmanov showed himself to be an outstanding composer, but he did not yet dare to write words for his own music. Then he took a risk, and, according to many of his musically competent acquaintances, the debut turned out to be very successful.

In 1986, he wrote his first hit, a song about a girl named Lucy. But, alas, he was unable to perform it himself - his voice seriously broke. As the artist later recalled, the question was even being decided whether Gazmanov would be able to sing at all.

Therefore, Oleg Mikhailovich made a bet on his son and was right - “Lucy” performed by 5-year-old Rodion Gazmanov created a real sensation. But the lyrics of the song had to be redone, because it would be strange if a little boy started singing about a girl. Therefore, the song now sang about a missing dog named Lucy, the favorite of the whole yard. And Oleg Gazmanov himself restored his voice with the help of a six-month vacation at sea.

Rodion Gazmanov – “Lucy”

Realizing that Moscow would open up new prospects for their musical career, Gazmanov moved his son and wife to the capital. A video was quickly shot for “Lucy,” which was highly appreciated by Alla Pugacheva herself, who included it on the air of the “Morning Mail” program and made Rodion Gazmanov popular overnight. And with him his father. Together, with this one hit, they filled entire stadiums.

Group "Squadron" and solo projects of Oleg Gazmanov

In 1989, the singer created own group called “Squadron”, which also included Valentin Lyoza (bass guitar), Yuri Babichev (drums), Galina Romanova (keyboards, female vocals).

In 1991, Oleg Gazmanov’s first album, “Squadron,” was released. The title song of the album became, let’s not be afraid of this word, super-popular, staying for 18 months in first place on the most prestigious hit parade of that time - the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. A series of concerts began in Russia and abroad. The largest venues in the country were filled to capacity with fans. In 1991, 70 thousand people came to Oleg Gazmanov’s concert in the capital’s Luzhniki.

Gazmanov’s creativity did not go unnoticed by the organizers of popular awards and festivals: “Ovation”, “Hit of the Year”, “Song of the Year”. Oleg’s original style – a combination of traditional folklore and modern rock and pop music.

Song of the year-90: Oleg Gazmanov – “Exadron”

For my creative activity Oleg Gazmanov has released more than ten albums. In 1993, the disc “Sailors” was released, a year later the disc “Walk on a Spree” appeared, then more: “Tramp”, “Moscow. The best songs", "Squadron of my crazy songs", "The Red Book". At the turn of the century, Gazmanov released the album “From Century to Century. Favorites." Two years later, “First Round – 50” was released, then the album “My clear days" In 2004, “Gentlemen Officers - 10 Years” was presented to the public, and a year later the album “Made in the USSR” was released. The album, released in 2008, was called “Seven Feet Under the Keel.” In addition, in 1997, the album “Squadron of My Crazy Songs” was released, where greatest hits Oleg Gazmanov was sung by other domestic performers.

Interesting facts about Gazmanov's best songs

The song “Putana”, which was recorded in 1989, was liked so much by the capital’s “night butterflies” that they promised it to its author free service as a present. Is it true, an exemplary family man Oleg Gazmanov refused such an offer.

And the song “Moscow” became the unofficial anthem of the Russian capital. After this, Oleg Gazmanov was entrusted with writing the words to the anthem “ New wave- “I’ll go to Sochi!”

It is worth noting that the song “I was born in the Soviet Union, I was made in the USSR” is a kind of response to Bruce Springsteen and his composition “Born in the USA.”

Oleg Gazmanov is a constant participant concert programs dedicated to the military and men's holidays. There he sings his legendary song"Gentlemen Officers." And its text, by the way, was repeatedly criticized: “Gentlemen, officers!”... What kind of gentlemen? What gentlemen? Where did they come from?.. In the hall are sitting participants of the Great Patriotic War, officers of the Red Army, old people whom no one has ever addressed like that in their entire lives. Even now in the army they say “comrade.” And if “gentlemen” in connection with the Great Patriotic War, then this should be regarded only as an appeal to the Germans or to the Vlasovites,” the dissatisfied were indignant.

Oleg Gazmanov - “Nobody but us!” (2015)

Personal life of Oleg Gazmanov

Oleg Gazmanov was married twice. The artist’s first wife was Irina. A chemist by training, after marriage she gave birth to her husband’s son and began running the household. The couple lived in marriage for 20 years - from 1975 to 1995.

Oleg Gazmanov's son, Rodion Gazmanov, graduated from the Financial Academy under the Russian Government with honors and is now introducing nanotechnology into Agriculture. In addition, the young man was the founder music group"DNA".

In 2003, Oleg Gazmanov married for the second time. His chosen one was Marina Anatolyevna Muravyova, the ex-wife of Sergei Mavrodi’s brother. Their first meeting took place in 1998, when Gazmanov came on tour to her native Voronezh. She was 18, he was 47.

At first, the artist saw a long-legged blonde hurrying somewhere, but was unable to see her face. The next day he noticed her again not far from concert venue and sent his drummer to invite Marina to the concert. This offended the girl: “Tell your boss not to send a messenger again!” Gazmanov had to personally invite the beauty. She agreed, but only out of politeness, since she was not a fan of his work. But her opinion changed radically after the performance - such energy hovered over the hall, the audience reacted so emotionally to every chord!

Marianna. The girl enjoys dancing and drawing.

Oleg Gazmanov now

In 2015, Oleg Gazmanov released the album “Forward, Russia!” The musician continues to actively perform throughout the country and abroad. To all the accusations that Gazmanov’s new songs are presented to the public very rarely, the singer is offended: “It’s not like that! I have a lot of new interesting compositions. But I believe that it is not at all necessary to “partialize”. I take each of my new projects very seriously; it is important to me that everything is thought out to the smallest detail, correctly formatted, and presented with high quality.”

Oleg Gazmanov - Forward, Russia!