Were there any cases when a dead person came to life? Real stories: the dead man came to life - the most famous cases

1. Death- (Dream Interpretation Medium miss Xacce)
Long life
2. Death- (Modern dream book)
A dream in which you saw one of your loved ones or acquaintances dead warns of approaching trouble or sadness. Such a dream is usually followed by disappointment. If in a dream you learn about the death of a relative or friend, then in reality you will soon hear sad news about them. Dreams associated with death, unless they are sent from above, often mislead inexperienced dream interpreters trying to interpret them. A person who thinks intensely fills his aura with thoughts or subjective emotional images, which serve as the source of dreams. A variety of thoughts and actions can displace these images and replace them with others that have various shapes and nature. In their dreams, a person may see these images dying or dead and mistake them for friends or enemies. Thus, the dreamer may see himself or his relatives dying in a dream, while in fact such a dream is a warning that in reality some evil influence will force him to commit an unworthy act, and his thoughts will be unkind. For example, if a person sees in a dream his friend or relative in mortal agony, then such a dream warns him of unworthy thoughts or actions. But if death came to the enemies, then in reality the dreamer will be able to overcome the evil forces within himself and thus make himself and his friends happy.
3. Death- (Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov)
New acquaintance (for a woman). Also see Die, Kill, Fear.
4. Death- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
The death of one of your loved ones or acquaintances symbolizes your secret desire for this to happen. Most often, such dreams occur in childhood or in fairly infantile people. However, if death is not accompanied by crying and tears, then this masks your other desires, for example, the desire to meet.
5. Death- (Esoteric dream book)
Watch someone - this person will live a long time. If the moderator is unknown, then the dream speaks of your philosophical reflections and that the time has come to think about the meaning of life. Your own death is a period of rebirth. Most likely, you will have to completely change your life on all levels. If you do not take advantage of the opportunities provided, you will face decline: moral degradation.
6. Death- (Dream Book of Michel Nostradamus)
Seeing your own death in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will live for a long time. If you dreamed that your loved one was dying, then this is clear evidence that this person will have a long and happy life. Seeing the death of many people in a dream is a sign that humanity will live a long time. The end of the world, which is being talked about a lot now, will not come for several thousand years. If you dreamed that you were dying very important person in the world, then this dream prophesies turmoil and anxiety throughout the world. Most likely in the future, one very important person will indeed suddenly die, and immediately after his death a fierce struggle for political power will begin, which will develop into greater civil power, and maybe even world war. Seeing the death of a sick person in a Dream means that in not so distant times a cure for the plague of the 20th century will be found - SP AND Yes. Thanks to this medicine, a large number of infected people will be healed, and after some time this deadly disease will be eradicated from our planet. Seeing a person dying a painful death in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream means that in the future there will be a person who, like Chikatilo, will kill a large number of people before he is discovered. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with cruel person, maybe even a maniac. See a person who is in a state of clinical death, - means that in the future something will happen to you that will throw you out of balance for several years. You will absolutely not care what is happening in the world, in your country, city and even in your family.
7. Death- (Dream book of fortune teller Vanga)
Seeing your own death in a dream is a sign that a long, happy life awaits you with your loved one. Such a dream suggests that you are destined for the fate of God’s messenger on Earth. If you dreamed that a very important person in the world was dying, then this dream is a great prophecy. He says that he will soon come to power in one of the developed countries globe will come wise ruler who will be able to establish peace and harmony between residents different states. People will stop fighting and cursing each other. If a sick person dies in a dream, then in the future you will face monstrous injustice. You will be offered a lucrative deal, as a result of which people will suffer. The salvation of your soul will depend on the decision you make. Seeing death in a dream large quantity people - a bad omen. Such a dream prophesies a terrible epidemic, as a result of which millions of people around the world will die. A person whose opinion is not currently being listened to will find a cure for this disease. Seeing a person dying a painful death in a dream is a harbinger of a nuclear war, which will be started by the future ruler of one of the developed countries of Europe. As a result of this war, the great state will be wiped off the face of the earth, and the surviving people will sooner or later die a slow, painful death. If you dreamed of a person in a state of clinical death, then you for a long time You will be in the dark about the plans of your old acquaintances. Unfortunately, they will put their plans into action and you will suffer greatly as a result.

There is no need to worry about such dreams. This does not mean that the person or his family is in mortal danger. What the dream book says: death with a scythe in a dream is a symbol of the end of the old and the beginning of the new. That is, a new beginning begins for the sleeper. life stage, there is a great opportunity to correct your past mistakes and start living in a new way.

The appearance of this negative human understanding The image carries a motivating meaning for the dreamer. This means that the usual way of life of the one who is dreaming has become a routine or is destructive for him and something urgently needs to be changed.

Such visions also indicate spiritual death in a living body, that is depressive state. Most likely, the person sleeping in reality does not even realize the real state of affairs and considers his life quite bearable simply because he is already accustomed to living like this. You need to see a doctor and examine your hormonal levels: a lack of serotonin can lead to changes in chemical processes and cause dullness, anxiety and sadness. Still get out a psychologist will help you out of a vicious circle.

The general meaning of dream books: death with a scythe in a dream symbolizes a certain line, a barrier that must be crossed or jumped over, despite all fears and concerns. Colossal changes always disturb a person - the familiar swamp is always safer, although it stinks. The appearance of an old woman in a dream indicates that this is simply necessary. And then a person’s life will turn from dull to joyful and happy. Otherwise, death itself will come to a person, without waiting for his old age.

Remember what you once dreamed of, but put your desires on the back burner. What has ever inspired you? Maybe you wanted to write a book or go skydiving? Learn English or learn to sing? Lose 10 kg or confess your love to a person you have been interested in for a long time, but are afraid to approach? Find the meaning of life.

Interpretation depending on emotions

For interpretation, it is important what emotions and sensations the dreamer experienced while dozing and after waking up:

  • rejoicing at a meeting in a dream and feeling morale and energy after sleep is a good sign. This means that the sleeper realized his unenviable position and gained motivation to move on and grow spiritually. Freed from worries and doubts;
  • if the dreamer was frightened by such a dream, this indicates an increased level of tension and anxiety, internal conflicts and doubts, fears for your life.

Regardless emotional state For the dreamer, a dream about death is always a call and incentive for change.

Dream details

Most interpretations carry positive meaning, but there are also bad meanings. For example, if you dreamed that death was chasing you in a night story. This promises the dreamer a serious illness that will overtake him in the near future. If the villain comes for someone you know, this person will soon get sick. And if you yourself were her pursuer, this means that in real life you're taking too much risk. You should be less impulsive and more careful.

If the dreamer bothers to see a black mark - an emblem with a skull and crossbones, then this means that in his environment there are ill-wishers who are plotting evil deeds. Another similar dream can warn of the theft of your property.

If death is on the road- changes will occur just across the road:

Any trip will bring something new, qualitatively different.

But seeing this image in the mirror is a bad sign. Someone close to you will turn out to be a traitor: it is possible that your other half will cheat on you, your friend will turn out to be unreal and you will have a big quarrel. It is worth taking a closer look at your relationships with others.

I bothered to see death with a scythe on the threshold in a dream - sleeping in literally stands on the threshold of another life. Perhaps this is the birth of children, marriage, getting a high position, exciting events with close relatives that will affect you too.

Receive a gift from her - you can expect financial income: winnings, an unexpected inheritance or a salary increase.

Receive a scythe as a gift- in reality, a person has to make a difficult and responsible choice, on which everything will depend future life dreamer Take your time, carefully weigh the pros and cons.

If death was asleep in night dreams, the dreamer himself, through his actions, will positively influence the life of another person, will provide someone with all possible help and support.

What does it mean if a child appears in the role of the “villain” in a dream? A sleeping person finds himself in the same situation over and over again due to his childhood traumas. This problem can be solved at an appointment with a psychologist: it is necessary to let go of grievances and negative attitudes that a person acquired in early age, and start life anew from the position of an adult.

Clothes of death

I dreamed of death in black clothes - great! Big changes are coming that will turn the usual existence of the sleeper upside down: a joyful and carefree existence awaits him, completely new life. But this requires some effort. Everything will not happen by itself.

The white hoodie is also good sign. In reality, something surprisingly pleasant and unexpected will happen. Something that will give impetus to positive change.

Interpretation of popular dream books

In Tsvetkov’s dream book, an old woman with a scythe promises a woman happy marriage and pregnancy soon. Male gender such a vision promises that all his endeavors will give desired result. Death may also portend the receipt of a large inheritance.

Miller's Dream Book gives different interpretations depending on the nuances of night vision:

  • an old woman standing behind her warns of a possible danger - physical injury or an unpleasant event that will greatly affect you;
  • a child had a dream - the child has internal problems: strong fear of something, conflict or doubt. It is necessary to find out what is bothering the offspring and help him cope with it;
  • a girl’s dreams promise a romantic acquaintance;
  • it can be a symbol of the end and resolution of your internal tossing and struggle;
  • and also be a harbinger of news that will greatly surprise.

Miller also gives an interpretation of death without a scythe: in real life, the sleeper will have a romance that will end in a happy marriage.

According to the imperial dream book For the sleeping person, on the one hand, the dream promises positive changes: recovery, childbirth, acquaintance, increase in position or salary, receiving a win. On the other hand, if death behaved aggressively towards you, then this may mean exactly the opposite events: divorce, loss of work, serious illness.

The gypsies saw the old woman with a scythe as a sign of the end of an important life period - work or valuable relationships. And if something ends, then something else will begin.

Felomena interprets a deadly image as a call to a new life, taking into account old mistakes.

IN psychological collection According to interpretations, such an image symbolizes the joyful and harmonious life of the dreamer. Dying by the hand of an old woman promises good luck, financial well-being and luck in all matters. Receiving grandiose, good news is what it means if you dream of death with a scythe coming for one of your loved ones. To see her floating in the clouds means that in real life a person will have to move or change his professional field.

Any dream, including one about death, must be interpreted based on the life context of the dreamer, his character, lifestyle, aspirations and values.

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If in the usual form with a scythe on the shoulder, it is a sign of big changes in life. Incredible news. Birth of a child.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Death?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing/feeling your death in a dream, with indifference, without much fear: it means realizing all your negative emotions, main basis which fear, and realize your hatred for yourself for the existence of this fear, feel anger, hostility towards everything created by yourself for the sake of concealment...

Seeing Death in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing death with a scythe and other attributes in a dream, hearing or talking about death foreshadows big changes, new beginnings, the completion of protracted affairs, and making new acquaintances. In ancient times they used to say that death is the beginning and death is the end. This is an update. This is a symbol...

What does the dream mean - Death

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The traditional representation in the form of a skeleton in a black cloak with a scythe - associations to the archetype: fear, oblivion, epidemics, natural disasters, threat, danger, terrible news, death of oneself, of other people. Scull.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Death?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The traditional representation in the form of a skeleton in a black cloak with a scythe - associations to the archetype: fear, oblivion, epidemics, natural disasters, threat, danger, terrible news, death of oneself, of other people.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Death?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The traditional representation in the form of a skeleton in a black cloak with a scythe - associations to the archetype: fear, oblivion, epidemics, natural disasters, threat, danger, terrible news, one’s own death, other people’s. See Add. Scull.

Dreaming of Death - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

One dreams of one's own death to improve one's health, to finish some business, and for a woman - to a new important acquaintance. Death on the battlefield means longevity. The death of a child means an increase in the family. The death of another person means big trouble. Death like fairy tale character

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Death

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

One dreams of one's own death to improve one's health and to finish something. For a woman - to a new important acquaintance. Death on the battlefield means longevity. The death of a child means an increase in the family. The death of another person means big trouble. Death is like a fairy tale character...

Why do you dream about Death in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see a terminally ill person dying before your eyes, for whom no operation has helped - such a dream foreshadows in reality the loss of one of your good friends. If you are supposedly mortally wounded and say goodbye to life, whispering prayers and all that stuff - ...

Dream - Death

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Wedding, dating. With a scythe - danger. Hear about the day and time of your death - after so much time your enemies will die. To die is a long life.

Dream Interpretation: Why does Scythe dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you are with a scythe, it means you feel the need to end the current situation. Seeing death with a scythe, a skinny figure with a scythe, whether dressed or not, does not necessarily mean death. This image simply means the imminent end of a job, situation, relationship, etc....

What does it mean to dream about a Skull?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In a hood with a scythe, a symbol of death - major changes. The death of something old in the life and consciousness of the sleeper and the emergence of new perspectives, states, possibilities. Seeing a human skull is destructive, black magic knowledge. Sometimes the skull signifies wisdom (of the sleeper). "main dream book".

Dream - Skull

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In a hood with a scythe, a symbol of death - major changes. The death of something old in the life and consciousness of the sleeper and the emergence of new perspectives, states, possibilities. Seeing a human skull is destructive, black magic knowledge. Sometimes the skull signifies wisdom (of the sleeper). The main dream book.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Skull?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In a hood with a scythe, a symbol of death - major changes. The death of something old in the life and consciousness of the sleeper and the emergence of new perspectives, states, possibilities. Seeing a human skull is destructive, black magic knowledge. Sometimes the skull signifies wisdom (of the sleeper). See Add. "main dream book".

We don't always dream good dreams, sometimes we wake up in a cold sweat from a terrible night vision. Nobody wants to see their own death in a dream. Did you have this creepy dream? Don't worry, we'll try to figure out night vision.

Why do you dream about your own death - interpretation of dream books

Dream books decipher a terrible dream as follows:

  • Miller's Dream Book. Dreaming about your death makes you think about life. Pay close attention to your actions, whether you are doing everything correctly in reality.
  • Vanga's Dream Book. Dreaming of one's own death foretells a long and happy life. For a lonely person, night vision may be a sign of meeting a soulmate in the near future. But if you die for a long time and painfully, it means trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus. A happy life and excellent health await you.
  • Modern dream book. Night vision encourages you to reconsider your life position. Significant changes in your life may await you, and they will be good if you can take advantage of the situation correctly.
  • Islamic dream book. A dream is a sign of changes in life for the worse. But for a poor person, the dream foreshadows deliverance from poverty.
  • Loff's Dream Book. Your own death in a dream portends receiving new position in service and business success.
  • Dream Interpretation of Feodorovskaya. A scary night vision is a good sign and will bring positive events into your life. The dream may indicate an imminent wedding, successful career and a happy family life.

Why do you dream about your own death - remember where you died

Try to remember where you died in the dream, its decoding depends on this:

  • Die on the operating table. In reality, get rid of negative emotions and sadness, good changes will soon come into your life.
  • Die in a car accident. If you see that you are dying from wounds that are bleeding, get ready for difficulties in life in order to achieve everything you have planned. If there are no wounds on the body, all matters will be completed successfully.
  • Die at home from illness. You shouldn’t trust anyone in reality, someone wants to deceive or betray you.
  • Violent death. To danger, be careful.
  • Die in childhood. If you dream that you are dying as a child, in reality you lack patience and endurance. The dream may be a sign that it is too early for you to get married.
  • Die from an enemy bullet. Expect betrayal from loved one or a good friend.
  • Die from animal bites. If in a dream a wolf or other animal attacks you and gnaws you to death, beware of the aggression of other people.
  • Die from electric shock. In reality, you are under stress. It's time to rest.

Why do you dream about your own death - remember the reaction of loved ones

Remember how relatives and friends reacted to your death in a dream if they were present in the night vision:

  • Your family is crying over you. To the emergence of family quarrels and conflicts.
  • Your relatives are happy about your death. In reality, they love you very much.
  • Relatives do not react to your death in any way. To sadness and sadness.

Why do you dream about your own death - remember your feelings

  • If your feelings were heavy and gloomy or your dream was nightmare, this means illness or trouble.
  • If you saw your funeral, you will lose something significant in life.
  • If you were resurrected and left the grave in a dream with joy, all problems at work will end successfully.
  • In night vision, you look with fear at yourself dead in the grave - to a quick recovery.
  • If you don’t have any health complaints, go to active life and a cheerful state of mind.

You have no particular reason to worry if you had a dream about your own death. In reality you will not die soon; there is no such prediction in any dream book. Night vision encourages you to think about your life and the people around you. Philosophers believe that such night vision is a sign of personality renewal in reality and indicates a new path in life.

A dream in which you see Death with a Grim Reaper is often frightening. However, it does not foretell death or other tragic events. If in a dream an old woman with a scythe comes to you or your loved ones, it means that prosperity and prosperity await your family. If she comes to a person who is unfamiliar to you, be prepared for the good news that a stranger will bring you.

The Grim Reaper in your dream is a symbol of dramatic changes that will occur in your life in the foreseeable future. This could be either unusual news that will affect your destiny or the birth of a child. The dream also comes before an interesting trip. In addition, death with a scythe promises a long and prosperous life for the person who saw this dream.

Death with a scythe in a dream is a fairly common, but not particularly pleasant symbol in a person’s dreams. However, such a dream brings good news - seeing death with a scythe in a dream means that a person will not get sick and will live a long, happy life.

A dream in which a person sees himself dying promises him long life. If you see that death with a scythe has come to one of your loved ones or relatives, it means that everything will be fine in the family.

If you see that the Grim Reaper has come to to a stranger, this suggests that unexpected joyful news awaits you, coming from unfamiliar people. Seeing death with a scythe in the sky in a dream means traveling.

Dreams associated with death always leave an unpleasant aftertaste in our souls and are never empty. But they do not always portend trouble and illness; sometimes they simply warn us about something. If you want to know why dead people dream of being alive, then you should read full interpretation, taking into account all the details of the dream.

Seeing a deceased person in a cheerful mood in a dream is a warning that among your friends there are hypocrites or envious people. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should limit this communication to a minimum. Deception promises a dream in which you saw several dead people happy.

If you experienced great anxiety or fear during sleep, then such a dream warns you of impending troubles and troubles.
A dream in which a person who died in reality came to visit you shows that you have some kind of responsibility. You have to do something or help someone.

The advice and instructions that the dead gave you in a dream should definitely be taken into account. Often they help people make the right decision and take the right path.
Conversations with deceased people promise changes and new acquaintances.
Misfortune is brought by a dream in which the deceased called you with him, took you by the hand or gave you something. This portends an accident.
Very often our loved ones, deceased people come to us alive in a dream to remind us of themselves and show that they still love and protect you. After such a dream, it is advisable for you to go to church.

Completely calm deceased relatives in a dream symbolize happiness, peace and comfort in your home. Your life will be long and calm, there will always be those who love you very much nearby.
If someone asks you for something, then you will face disappointment, mental suffering and depression.

The dream in which you saw your deceased mother alive is a call for caution. You are in danger, so be careful. Sometimes such a dream is a harbinger of the birth of a daughter.
If she was in her house, then this promises you happy family, in which there will be no problems. Your husband will be faithful and loving, and your children will be obedient.
A quarrel with your mother is a harbinger of great trouble. It could be a divorce, an accident. Problems at work and a significant deterioration in financial situation are also likely.
Talking to your mother in a dream encourages you to think about your lifestyle and change something. In addition, such a dream often promises illness.

A dream in which your father comes to you alive is most often favorable. It shows that you have become an adult a free man who is now responsible for his actions and decisions made. In addition, it tells you that you are not alone, there are reliable people next to you who can support you at the right time.
If he repeatedly comes to you in your dreams, then you just need to listen to what he is trying to say. He may be trying to help you avoid trouble. A conversation with your father foreshadows the onset of favorable times, but at the same time, warns that you have envious people.
However, if your father calls you with him, you need to be prepared for troubles and grief. This is a very alarming sign that can lead to the most unexpected consequences.

We usually dream of grandma alive when she wants to tell us that we did something wrong, perhaps we made a mistake. After such a dream, you simply need to analyze your actions in order to figure out what’s wrong. Try to remember what she tried to tell you in a dream, do not neglect her advice.
A sad crying grandmother warns you of deteriorating family relationships, quarrels and troubles. A dream in which she gave you money speaks about financial difficulties.
A revived grandfather in a dream is a harbinger of difficulties and new things to do. You will have to devote a lot of time to work; other people’s problems may suddenly fall upon you. An overly cheerful grandfather predicts unpleasant news and difficulties for you.
If you dreamed of your grandfather and grandmother in their house, then illness awaits you, which can lead to other difficulties.

A deceased brother in a dream warns you that soon someone will need your help. Don’t refuse people, you will get it all back later. A fight with a deceased brother promises profit.
If a deceased friend came to you alive in a dream, then this portends you an imminent meeting with a good man. Subsequently, he will become a loyal and reliable friend for you. The voice of a deceased friend promises you bad news, quarrels and a showdown.
A deceased sister in a dream speaks of uncertainty and the unknown.
Dreams with deceased people are very ambiguous. They cannot be called definitely bad or good; rather, they are fateful, and changes can only be judged in the long term.