Why do you dream of a baby: crying or smiling? The main interpretations of different dream books are what a baby dreams about. Why do you dream of a baby in your arms: interpretation of a dream about a baby

Despite tender feelings and love, a baby requires a lot of time, attention and effort. Here is a baby in a dream - it means that hard days lie ahead of you, it will take a lot of time to resolve your worries and troubles, you will be exhausted mentally and physically.

It is necessary not only to correctly decipher the meanings of dreams, but also to take into account your internal state of the dream. For example: to see a baby in tears in a dream, you wake up and feel at ease - this portends a solution to minor problems; if sleep is disturbing, you feel heaviness in your soul - your small problems will turn into big ones.

Why do babies dream?

The Gypsy dream book knows why babies dream; if a baby cries in a dream, it means minor problems will soon arise; if you dreamed of a sleeping child, then you need to think about your gullibility; you may be deceived. If the baby is crawling, you need to quickly finish all the things you started.

A baby in a dream gives you a smile - promises the dreamer a solution to difficult problems, but if you dreamed of a baby with a distorted smile - it reveals your inner and mental state - reconsider your positions in life.

The family dream book says if you dreamed of a baby wrapped in a diaper, then your child may get sick. A girl is in a position to have such a dream - to give birth prematurely. A naked baby means anxiety, misfortune.

Why do you dream of a baby in your arms according to Miller’s dream book? Such a dream will force you to make a lot of effort to achieve your goal, all stubbornness needs to be thrown away and then there will be a result. Vanga believes that such a dream promises new events and news.

A very favorable dream when a nurse is breastfeeding a baby - all your cherished desires will come true. Happiness, joy and peace are brought by a dream in which you lull a baby to sleep. Why dream of a babbling baby - it will attract an empty-tongued person to you. Being a baby yourself in a dream means taking a long time to reach your goal.

Newborn miracle

Why dream about a newborn baby? A dream associated with the image of a newborn represents the desire for new discoveries, the search for a new beginning, quite possibly a new spiritual path. But dreams with a newborn can also mean other meanings...

Why dream about newborn girls - you will soon be very surprised, whether the surprise will be pleasant or not, you can understand by the mood after sleep, or by the events that happened during the dream.

But to see a newborn boy in a dream means that something has been bothering you for a long time, depressing you, and you will have to get out of the current situation on your own; there is no need to rely on outside help.

Also, if you are holding your newborn baby in your arms, all plans will most likely fall apart, not be implemented, but holding someone else’s child in your arms, beware of offers from old acquaintances.

Why should boys and girls take pictures?

A dream about a little boy symbolizes the dreamer’s inner child, it opens before you all the curtains of innermost experiences, but this is only a short meaning, dreams are usually more intense.

Why do you dream about a baby boy? For a young girl, this is a pleasant surprise, a gift from a fan. If you dreamed about your own son, this is a sign of family well-being, harmony, family idyll, and good health. But for men - a sign that you need to pay more attention to your children; if there are no children, the dream may have a different meaning - like-minded colleagues will appear at work.

If the dreamer kisses a little boy in a dream, everything will soon get better at work, and in his personal life everything will go as it should. If you kiss and console an upset baby, problems and obstacles will arise in business.

For a girl, holding a child in her arms means that in the near future there will be pleasant news about a long-awaited pregnancy, according to Vanga’s dream book. But for a man such a dream will bring minor financial difficulties.

Why do you dream about a baby girl? Seeing a baby girl in a dream means hope for something. The dreamer sees a baby girl - this will lead to a state of anxiety, excitement, surprise; if you lull a baby girl to sleep - expect problems in family matters.

Various children

It is a great happiness to have children, and when there are many of them it is even better.
And dreams bring the same feeling of happiness...

Why do babies dream? If you see many babies at the same time, you will experience great discomfort among your colleagues. But if the kids are playing and having fun, you will be happy with your life and those around you will give you a good mood.

Watching twins in a dream is considered a harbinger of a financial revolution; if the dreamer is a twin, then such a dream describes his relationship with people. Being pregnant with twins means you are living a full life, in harmony with the world.

Opposite-sex twins, boys and girls, symbolize complete harmony between good and evil; positive developments await you, receiving good news. If the dreamer dreams of twins, where both children are girls, expect huge disappointment. If they are boys, then professional affairs will go uphill and you will make a huge profit.

The dreamer dreamed of triplets - you will get very hard and unpleasant work, but having completed it you will gain recognition and success. Hearing triplets cry in a dream means a disagreement or quarrel with loved ones that will finally be resolved and things will get better. But if in a dream a girl gave birth to triplets, then her life will be prosperous, but she will be disappointed in love.

Child care

Caring for babies is a pleasant, but very sensitive task. Delicate skin requires daily care, bathing with aromatic soothing herbs, timely feeding and walks in the fresh air.

If the dreamer bathes his child, charity will soon await him; he will provide help to a good person who needs support; only you can solve his life problems. Seeing a baby being bathed foretells a good outcome from difficult situations.

If you dream of a baby at your mother's breast, prosperity and vocation await you. If an unmarried girl is breastfeeding, she is ready to begin the journey to motherhood. For a woman, breastfeeding an adult child means peace and a happy life. A man feeding a child from a bottle will in the near future defend his interests, the outcome of which will bring a positive result. If a guy sees his beloved as a wet nurse, this means creating a strong and reliable family.

If in a dream the dreamer rocks a baby in a beautiful and comfortable stroller, a carefree, happy life awaits you; if it is dirty, torn, there is a black stripe ahead, expect trouble. Rolling a baby in a stroller means you will soon go on a long-awaited trip. Seeing a newborn in a stroller in a dream means a faithful friend will come to the rescue soon.

Unpleasant dreams with a baby

It is very difficult for parents to look at their beloved child during illness or if he is crying. It is quite natural that a dream about dead babies frightens the dreamer, because there is nothing more terrible than seeing a dead child, even in a dream.

Miller's dream book suggests remembering all the details of the dream so that you can unravel the meaning. For example, if you dreamed about your own child or the child of someone you know, it portends misfortune. Often, a dead baby in a dream warns of a danger that in reality threatens the dreamer’s children.

In the modern dream book, if parents dreamed of their dead baby, this means injury or serious illness to the child. If you see your adult child in a dream in the form of a dead baby, expect to meet old, not very pleasant acquaintances.

Losing your newborn child in a dream speaks of a loss of the meaning of life, happiness and harmony; such a dream is a harbinger of depression. If a child is drowning and you save him, then in real life someone close to you needs your help and support.

To see a dirty, unkempt, howling baby in your arms in a dream means that the dreamer’s family will soon collapse, serious scandals and quarrels will arise due to one’s own rash actions.

For many centuries, humanity has believed in dreams. A dream is considered a kind of transition from real life to the otherworldly, the so-called spiritual. It is dreams that are a certain element that connects the soul and body of a person.

Dream interpretation

The relationship to dreams is unambiguous; they have the ability to predict the future. It is dreams that can carry information that speaks of the prevention of danger, troubles, the onset of a happy period of life, answering all questions that arise in the real dimension.

Who dreams most often?

Many researchers note that women are more likely to have prophetic dreams, because they have a very developed spiritual intuitive sense. Those who very strongly believe in dreams, compose their transcripts, are interested in the dreams of other people and, comparing the picture of the vision and subsequent events in a person’s life, can claim that they were right. Dream books that contain information from ancient folk interpretations help modern people understand incoming dreams.

Why do you dream about a newborn baby?

A very common symbol of people's dreams is the image of a baby. He can be affectionate and attentive, he can smile, or he can cry a lot, he can point to something or ask for something. Most often, women see babies in dreams, since they are mothers in labor, harbingers of happiness in the home, which is accompanied by children's laughter.

So, why do you dream about a newborn baby? What can it portend - joy or misfortune? A dream about a newborn child is a dream that often speaks of significant changes in life, future joys, pleasant chores, and the successful completion of a previously started task. A child is a symbol of goodness and happiness.

For a sick person to see a newborn child in a dream, it means a speedy recovery, the return of lost energy and the return of life to normal.

The baby's attire is very important. In a dream, seeing a newborn baby naked promises gossip, swearing, and discussions from not very friendly people. Be careful.

It is very simple to decipher what a newborn baby dreams about by assessing the actions that are performed with the baby. Bathing a baby or watching someone else do it from the side means achieving your life goal, winning an important and difficult task, in which your closest and beloved people can become your assistants.

Feeding a child means investing too much of your strength and patience into the business you have started, which will ultimately turn out to be useless. So, having seen such a dream, you should think about whether you are on the right path or whether it is better to postpone your endeavors to a later period in your life.

Breastfeeding your baby means future well-being, stable income, and long-awaited profit.

Kissing a baby and enjoying it means a long and happy life.

Being close to a baby in a dream and holding his hands, playing with him is a successful completion of all the work started.

Nursing other people's babies in a dream is a warning that your kindness is limitless, and bad friends can take advantage of it, so you need to be on guard in anticipation of trouble.

If a woman sees in a dream her concern for a child, she can expect deception and bitter disappointment in his true feelings on the part of her husband.

But if a man dreams of his wife nursing a child, it means success in all endeavors and affairs.

If you accidentally drop a baby in a dream, then in life you will have to experience an unplanned failure of business, a change in plans due to unfavorable circumstances.

If a baby cries in a dream, then this promises unkind rumors; the soul is tormented by complete stupidity and demands forgiveness from the one who had to offend.

Sleeping with twins is very favorable. If you dreamed of twin girls, then the dream promises only family happiness, an addition, and twin boys are one hundred percent success, supported by stable material wealth.

If you see yourself in the image of a newborn, it means in real life you will descend to debauchery, drunkenness, discussions from people, and become an object for gossip and teachings.

If a woman is not yet a mother, a dream with a newborn can promise her quick joy - pregnancy, and the gender of the child can indicate who she might have.

What does a newborn girl portend in a dream?

An important point in the interpretation of dreams is the gender of the child. If you dream of a girl, then you should expect the most pleasant surprises and changes from life, for example, the arrival of friends or relatives, receiving an unexpected gift, unexpected joy, a great mood and a surge of strength and desire to create and create something, the successful start of some planned business.

What does a newborn boy portend in a dream?

The dream (a newborn baby is a boy) promises more serious changes in life. Since masculine nature is more striving for results, therefore, in order for a prediction that came in a dream to come true in reality, a lot of effort has to be made.

To believe or not in dreams with babies

Most interpretations on the question of what a newborn baby dreams about have positive interpretations. After all, a child is a holy symbol. His appearance means joy and prosperity, his loss or insult means decline, troubles. Whether or not to believe dreams is everyone’s business. But if you are constantly looking for a dream book at hand, dreams visit you often, then you believe in the interpretation of dreams. A newborn child often does not appear in dreams, but only at the most important moments, so it is necessary to pay attention to him in order not to miss the main clue from the other world.

To correctly determine what a baby is dreaming about, consider the details:

  • state – crying, cheerful, capricious;
  • location – in a stroller, in your arms.

Interpretation of sleep

Look at the meaning of the dream in different dream books.

Miller's Dream Book

A crying child means disappointment in business. Perhaps the long-awaited result will not please you. A dream in which the baby cries and is capricious foreshadows health problems.

If the baby walks in a dream, the sign symbolizes the desire for independence from other people. However, by neglecting other people's advice and opinions, you risk getting into an awkward position.

If you dreamed about someone else's newborn whom you are babysitting, it means the betrayal of a loved one whom you are used to trusting.

If you dream of a girl, it means great happiness and family well-being. Boy - to minor troubles and worries.

If you hold a child with signs of fever in a dream, it means emotional distress, suffering and sadness.

Freud's Dream Book

According to Freud's dream book, the dream represents prosperity and family joys. But if he cries in a dream, problems and worries await.

Baby in your arms - the person you are helping takes advantage of your kindness. Many cheerful and healthy babies in a dream - to great joy, happiness and family well-being. If children cry in a dream, you will be overcome by worries and small troubles.

Rolling a baby in a stroller means a long and happy trip. A baby sleeping in a crib or stroller means peace, comfort and quiet joys in life.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Crying children dream of bad events in the country, causing panic. The dream foretells concern for the family, destruction in society, rallies and strikes.

If a child laughs in a dream, it is a favorable sign for humanity; happiness will come to every home. The dream symbolizes the end of the war, a time of quiet life, and the restoration of balance in the country.

Vanga's Dream Book

A man or woman dreaming of children is a favorable sign, signifying the appearance of a miracle in the family. The dream also predicts the gender of the unborn baby. If you dreamed of a baby in the arms of a man, then a boy will be born; if the woman has a girl.

Perhaps there is not a single woman in the world who has not seen a newborn child in a dream. And each of them thinks about why a baby is dreaming, what it can mean, and what it can portend. In order not to guess, let's see what dream books say about the baby girls or boys we saw in our dreams.

Dream interpretation of infant

If you dreamed of a baby, then most likely something pleasant will happen in your life. In general, a baby, according to the dream books of famous dream interpreters, means a good omen. So, if you dreamed of a newborn child, and you already have children, then expect joy from them. Seeing a newborn baby in a dream for a pregnant woman means a favorable outcome of childbirth. If the expectant mother saw in a dream the gender of the baby, then most likely the newborn baby will be of that gender. A dream book about a newborn baby, which was dreamed of by a nulliparous girl, portends an imminent pregnancy. For a man to see a baby boy or girl in a dream - to new successes in work.

Why do you dream of a newborn child whom you are caring for in a dream? To some challenges, to difficult work that will bring you good results. According to the dream book, a newborn child who cries in a dream means that soon there will be joy in your home. But a laughing baby in a dream, on the contrary, portends sadness. If a married woman breastfeeds her baby in a dream, it means that she is missing something in her life. If a young girl had such a dream, it means that she will have a happy marriage and healthy children.

If you want to know what a sick infant dreams about, then this is not good. Unhealthy babies dream of difficulties and sadness. It is an unfavorable sign to see a dead baby in a dream. Such a dream means the unsuccessful completion of some business or relationship. If in a dream you saw yourself as a newborn child, this means that regression is taking place in your life. Perhaps you are too withdrawn into yourself and do not see changes in the world around you. If you saw your adult children as newborns in a dream, it means you should pay attention to them. Perhaps they have some problems that they are embarrassed to tell you about.

Why do you dream about a newborn boy?

Let's now take a separate look at why a baby boy and a newborn girl dream. According to the dream book, a boy who dreams of a baby means changes in life, and most likely for the better, especially if you dreamed of a healthy and strong baby. A dream book about a boy crying or sick foreshadows vanity, problems in business, family.

For a girl, a newborn boy in a dream can portend an acquaintance with a guy. But what a man dreams of about a newborn boy is good luck in financial matters. If you dreamed of a baby boy whom you are holding in your arms, it means that you will soon achieve your goal. Losing a newborn boy in a dream, on the contrary, is a sign of failure.

You know why a boy dreams of a baby, now we’ll tell you why a girl dreams of a baby. A dream book about a baby girl foretells a lot of good things. Seeing a newborn girl in a dream means a creative endeavor and new acquaintances. If a woman dreams of a baby girl, this may mean that feminine happiness awaits her. A man seeing a baby girl in a dream means the successful completion of a long-term project. According to the dream book, a newborn girl who smiles at you in a dream portends happiness in her personal life.

Do you want to know what the newborn girl you adopted in your dream means? Such a dream foreshadows global changes in life. But what dreams of a baby girl whom you left in the maternity hospital or gave to someone else’s family means, on the contrary, it means big problems.

Dream books from famous interpreters

According to Gustav Miller’s dream book, a newborn child seen in a dream is a pleasant surprise. If a young unmarried girl dreams of a baby in her arms, it means that she will soon be convicted of pimping. If in a dream you are bathing a newborn baby, then your problems, which you have not been able to solve for a long time, will soon leave you. A baby on a walk in a dream means the road, travel, and possibly moving. If a mature man dreams of a newborn boy or girl, this may portend great difficulties associated with work. However, this dream is favorable, because... the problem will soon be solved. If you dream that someone else's baby is lying in your arms, then perhaps someone wants to take advantage of you. A crying child in a dream, whom you are trying to calm down, but cannot, is a sign of minor life trials. If a woman rocks a child in her arms in a dream, then this may portend meanness on the part of those people whom she trusted.

According to Evgeniy Tsvetkov’s dream book, a newborn child is dreamed of, to great surprise. If someone dreams of a naked baby, then most likely he will not avoid trouble.

Miss Hasse's dream book says that babies dream of prosperity, and in order for it not to leave you, you just need to believe in your strength. If in a dream you kiss your newborn baby, it means that you will remain youthful and fresh until you are very old.

As you can see, in most cases, dreams about newborn children foretell a good future and also warn you of danger. Therefore, do not ignore such dreams, and be more attentive to yourself and your loved ones. And we wish you to dream only bright and good dreams.


Why do you dream about a newborn baby?

The birth of a child is not only a happy event in a person’s life, but also dramatic changes that affect not only the daily schedule, but also the inner world. Such dreams almost never foretell a new addition to the family in real life; they are most often a harbinger of changes, both positive and negative.

Why do you dream about a newborn baby?

In most cases, such a dream promises a pleasant and unexpected surprise. This can also be interpreted as an omen of a stable life in abundance, and most importantly, you will achieve this on your own. A dream in which newborn children were naked is a symbol of approaching trouble. The newborn behaves calmly - this is an omen that you will be able to safely solve existing problems. A night vision in which you are sitting near the crib with your baby promises family troubles.

A dream in which a newborn baby boy appeared is a harbinger of various troubles, which most often relate to the material sphere. If you saw a girl, then you should expect changes that will be positive. Feeding a child in a dream is a good sign that promises good health. This dream also indicates that good luck will accompany you in business, and you will be able to make everything previously planned into reality. It is worth preparing for difficulties, this is what a sick newborn child dreams of. If a baby smiles in a dream, it means that there will be a serious breakdown in family relationships. Seeing yourself in a dream as a newborn child means that in reality you are often afraid to take responsibility and shift it to another person. Another dream like this can symbolize your degradation in reality. The dream book recommends reconsidering your behavior and starting to live like an adult. For a young girl, a dream where she sees herself as a newborn child warns that she may be accused of dissolute behavior.

Seeing a newborn baby in a dream and bathing it means that in reality you will easily cope with a difficult situation. The dream book promises that you will be able to successfully turn your plans into reality. This dream will also tell you that the people around you will forgive you for a minor offense. If you have lost and cannot find your baby, this is a warning that you should prepare for situations that will make you think about global things.

Holding your newborn baby in a dream means that in reality your plans will be disrupted. If the baby was a stranger, this is a sign that someone is trying to use you for their own purposes. A dream in which you kiss a newborn baby is a symbol that you will be able to maintain your youth for a long time.

Why dream of babysitting a newborn baby?

In this case, the dream can be considered a harbinger of numerous troubles and worries. The dream book says that you will have to work hard to realize your plans. You should be motivated by the fact that the reward you receive will exceed all expectations. Another dream in which you were babysitting a child may represent your desire to have children in real life.

Why do you dream of a crying newborn baby?

Such a dream is often associated with happy events that will happen soon. Another dream book contains information that such night vision foretells the onset of a difficult period, but do not worry, as everything will end well. If the baby is crying and you can’t calm him down, this is a sign that you are afraid of existing problems, but you should calm down, because “the devil is not as scary as he is painted.”


Why do you dream about a newborn girl?

It is a good sign if the child in the dream is healthy and beautiful. Most often this means positive changes and pleasant surprises. A dream about the birth of a child is generally interpreted as a sign of the onset of happy changes, good luck that will accompany all endeavors.

What if you dream about a newborn girl?

First of all, what a newborn girl dreams of is the successful completion of an unpleasant matter, success in business and career.

In a dream, being present at the birth of a girl promises happiness and fun.

For a girl, such a dream means fun, partying, dancing, or her mother’s worries about her. Therefore, you should limit yourself in your desires.

Holding a child in your arms, cradling him - you will need strength for some task. Usually this is an important matter that has long been postponed “for later” and subsequently forgotten. However, there is a possibility that the strength may still not be enough.

Feeding a newborn girl promises troubles that will end positively for the dreamer.

Bathing a newborn girl means finding the best solution to some problem. It will be better if in the dream the girl is also healthy - this is a good sign.

Walking with a newborn is an unexpected surprise or meeting related to the road.

If you lost a newborn in a dream, you will have to search for the meaning of life in reality.

When you dream of someone else's child in your arms, someone is using the dreamer, taking advantage of his gullibility, for his own selfish purposes.

Dropping a child in a dream means waiting for failure in business.

For a married woman, such a dream predicts the birth of a daughter, as well as a possible illness of herself or a family member.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a newborn girl, premature birth is possible. In this case, it would be better to seek help from a qualified doctor who will quickly resolve the problem. After all, it is in this way that the subconscious strives to tell us that something is wrong in the body and at the level of ultra-subtle matters, during sleep, a person can feel everything.

For a woman to nurse a newborn girl, deception from the closest person is possible.

To see the birth of an ugly child in a dream means you need to beware of some kind of misfortune.

A bad signal is to see yourself in a dream, taking a sick child in your arms. Such a dream foreshadows sadness, mental suffering, and anxiety.

A newborn girl cries in a dream - most likely, worries about something will end in vain.

What does it portend?

When does a dream about a newborn girl warn?

A dream in which a newborn girl cries is a sign of deterioration or, perhaps unfortunately, disappointment.

If you dream of a newborn girl in diapers sucking a woman’s breast, then in reality you will be threatened with illness.

A newborn girl dreamed of being dirty - to family scandals and showdowns.

A child in a dream is often a sign of the future, anxiety, impermanence, and anxiety. This can be seen in real life - a young child will never let you rest!

It follows from this that if a newborn child dreams, that a person is worried about something, worried. Anxiety is often associated with the environment and problems in your personal life. A dream about receiving news of the birth of a girl can be favorable. It foretells a profitable deal, the successful completion of some business.

For an unmarried woman, such a dream is a prophecy of future prosperity and the possible creation of a family.

A dream about a newborn girl may mean the need to show attention or care for someone. For many women, such a dream often becomes a harbinger of pregnancy. But for a man, a dream about a newborn child speaks of strong anxiety, fear or, on the contrary, a desire for fatherhood.

The dream may be associated with an unexpected journey or trip. A child crying in a dream means trouble, annoying interference. A newborn girl will be very surprised; if she is healthy and beautiful, there will be joy; dirty or sick - expect unexpected worries, litigation. When did you dream about a newborn girl? Today


Why do you dream about a newborn baby? Dream Interpretation

Why does a child dream of a newborn boy?- in general, a boy and a child in a woman’s dream means that she will soon have a lover.

Why do you dream of a newborn baby in your arms?- such a dream means that you will have to make considerable efforts in life.

Why do you dream of a newborn child in a stroller?- when you dream of pushing newborn children in a stroller, the dream means that everything will be fine in the family

Why do you dream about a child, a newborn child, a girl?- a newborn girl in a dream means the presence of good friends in your life.

Why do you dream about a newborn?

Quite often, women dream of small or newborn children. Here you will find out why a newborn baby dreams. There are several basic meanings, which I will tell you about in this article.

The most common interpretation of such a dream is as follows: if in real life you have children, they will bring you great joy. For a young woman, this means that she may soon become pregnant, and the pregnancy will be desired. If you are caring for a newborn baby in a dream, this may mean that you have some rather hard and complex work ahead of you, but in the end you will get such a stunning result that you could not even dream of. A dream in which a person sees a newborn baby crying also promises good prospects. This means that you will be able to implement all your plans in reality. But smiling newborn children mean, oddly enough, scandals and quarrels in the family.

Why do you dream of a newborn girl?

Having a new baby girl often means having good friends in your life. If she is looking at you, then you can safely rely on these people in any situation. If a woman gives birth to a newborn girl in a dream, this may mean that in reality there will be a solution to some problem that has been tormenting her for a long time, and often in the most unexpected and surprising way.

In general, why do you dream about a newborn? Most often, this is a very good, kind sign. For example, if in a dream you are sitting by the crib of a newborn child, then pleasant changes will occur in the family. If an adult man dreams of an infant, this means some difficulties in his work, through which he will still be guaranteed success. But if you have someone else’s child in your arms, you need to be careful, because someone wants to take advantage of your kindness. And finally, if you lost your child in a dream and cannot find him, this means that in the near future you will have to think about global, one might even say, philosophical questions.

Did you dream of a Baby in your arms, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Baby in your arms in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!


I dreamed of someone else’s child in my arms and whom I dropped and he went under the water, the child then surfaced and was saved


The baby was a boy in my arms, the baby was very cheerful and joyful, I was pleased to hold him in my arms. The child was dressed.


I dreamed of a child whom I was holding in my arms, my little boy, he was about a month old, then I breastfed him, walked with him along the school stairs, then went out into the street and there was a football field... what could this mean... thanks in advance

I dreamed of a baby boy (2-3 months) in my arms. It's like he's my son. And suddenly he dies right in my arms. I am in fear, panic and for some reason I hide it in the closet. Then I come to my senses, take him out of the closet, and he opens his eyes and starts crying. I wake up terrified.


I dreamed of a very clean, well-dressed infant boy, I tried to save him from someone and give him to his parents

unexpectedly the child appeared in my arms. strong, healthy and sleeping. For some reason I was sure that it was a boy. but then a voice from outside said that it was a girl and that he was mine. For the first second I was simply shocked. But the shock gave way to a huge misunderstanding - why wasn’t I prepared? to birth. Because I have absolutely nothing


In general, the dream was quite positive. But suddenly a woman, not sober, brought the baby in her arms; she was bleeding. I took the baby in my arms and saw that he was also bleeding, then I gave him to her.

I’m in a house where I no longer live. There are a lot of people in the room - neighbors, relatives of my ex-husband. He is not visible. Next to me is my beloved man and in his arms my little daughter is sucking my breast. Everyone sees us together, but they don’t react at all. My beloved has another seed. It was very good for me to be close to him. He kisses me and hugs me. We are not hiding from anyone.


It’s not my child in my arms, a granddaughter, although I have a grandson, and I understand that the girl has grown up very quickly. Realizing that a month ago she was a month old, and now she looks like a one-year-old. Strange. She was dressed in bright colors.


A woman I don’t know gave birth, she lies in the ward and there are people next to her, and one of them gives me this child, swaddled, and I am so happy. holding it in your hands


I was in the bathroom, they gave me a baby. I started bathing him, but for some reason I couldn’t keep him in the bath and he constantly went under the water, and I got him out. But he smiled


At first I dreamed of a fish, a whole slide, then I remember that I was holding a small baby in my arms and I had very warm feelings.


Hello! a man and a girl passing by my house, the girl gave me a newborn baby to hold in her arms, I held the child in my arms, began to give it to the girl, but she said that I should keep it for myself. She took the child and they began to leave, then the girl returned and threw the child under the gate and ran away.


I remember that it was as if I was walking with a baby in my arms (not anyone’s child), and I had to protect him. And several times he peed (I don’t remember whether it was a girl or a boy) and I changed the diapers. It was summer, everything was in bloom, and I was walking somewhere among the dachas. We went to a woman's house to stay with her


At first I dreamed that I and another person were walking through the hospital, then we went into the ward and saw a bunch of people there, a little girl gave birth there and somehow I ended up in another ward and realized that I gave birth myself. I started feeding the baby, then everyone went away and the other pregnant woman and I were left alone. it became cold and I started looking for something to cover the child, in the end I found a pink blanket and the dream ended


I dreamed that I was in an orphanage, there was no one to feed a child wrapped in diapers, they gave it to me, I put it to my chest but there was no milk, I cooked him baby porridge, but some woman ate it

I dreamed that I was in the apartment, took the child in my arms and said mom, you put him on the potty, she said no, I’m like that, he’s now criticizing me, and he really started to pee, I went to wash him, and then I woke up, the boy was .

In the present, my daughter died in July. I seemed to have already accepted everything and calmed down. Tonight I dreamed that I was holding a baby in my arms and he was dying. I clearly see that he is dying, but after a while the doctors bring the baby and he is alive.


the late husband came in cheerfully, and my child was lying there, a boy, a baby, and suddenly he stretched out his hands to my husband and said... dad, dad wrote... out of confusion, I repeated dad wrote, and the husband smiled and took the baby in his arms


It was as if I had another child, in the dream we were in the 3rd, I was holding the baby boy, he smiled, stuck out his tongue, tried to do something with his hands, and I kissed him, kissed him on the neck, he was happy, then his mother took him and he also smiled, then I took him back. The third person stood simply and talked to us to the side - this is my cousin. Then I didn’t see the boy anymore, there was music, I sang it, I danced a little, I was going to go to the other sister, but they told me that it was time it’s already a lot to go somewhere now. But the most impressions in the dream were when I was holding the child and I was joyful and he


I dreamed of a small child in my arms, this child was mine. Age 3 months. He was dressed all in white, with a white cap. sliders, etc. My boyfriend handed it to me.


I dreamed that I was holding my newborn baby in my arms, healthy, pretty, I physically felt his warmth even when I woke up. And I knew for sure that this was my child. 3 years ago I lost a child, and have not yet been able to have children


Hello. The dream was long, but I remember only the most important thing, without details. The dream showed about 13 months of our life. In general, the girl and I wanted to make a baby, they did it, then she was pregnant, and then the birth, I went into the room, there were many relatives there, and my son was lying on the bed, I took him carefully holding his head, and it felt somehow pleasant. I remember that on the first day he was already laughing. Next comes 4 months of the child’s life, and then suddenly our wedding, because we are not married yet.

Why do you dream about a baby?

For a person, a dream is a reflection of his internal, emotional and sometimes secret state. In dreams we can find answers to many questions. Dreams often warn us of possible danger or minor troubles. Seeing a baby in a dream often portends surprises and surprises. If a childless person dreams of a baby, this may mean good news or a gift in the near future. If a childless woman saw the same dream, then she will have to worry about a stranger.

Why do you dream of a baby in your arms?

If a baby is held in your arms in a dream, it means that you will soon find a way out of a difficult situation. A baby girl in your arms can warn against problems that could prevent you from moving forward. If you have a baby boy in your arms, then your health will soon improve significantly. To see such a dream for a young woman means that people around her are condemning her for her dissolute behavior, and you should definitely think about it. If you yourself are holding a baby in your arms and he falls asleep, then soon get ready for trouble.

Why do children dream?

Dreams in which you see children may not always be prophetic. You should pay attention to the context of the dream, which is important. Interpretations in various dream books will help you understand why children dream.

What did the children dream about according to Vanga’s dream book?

If you dreamed of a lot of children, this means that you have to spend a lot of effort and time on small problems, of which you will have a large number. Such a dream can also predict an increase in the world birth rate. Seeing yourself as a small child in a dream means that your childish behavior and antics are not only completely inappropriate, but also offend the people around you.

If children were crying in your dream, then the planet is in danger. The time must come when men will go to war, women will do unwomanly things, and children will actually start crying a lot. For the dreamer, such a vision can prophesy grief coming from his own children or descendants of his closest relatives. A dream in which you saw disabled children indicates that your bad habits harm not only your health, but also the well-being of the people around you. In some cases, this dream predicts an environmental disaster on a planetary scale.

Your own children appearing in your dream is a warning for you to become more attentive when building relationships with your family. Most likely, your words or actions offend them greatly. Looking for children is considered a bad dream - this means that a stream of small problems will complicate or make it impossible to get out of the difficult situation that has arisen. Playing with children in a dream means that you are looking for a job you like. However, you will have to spend a little more time at your unloved job.


Why does a newborn baby dream? |

Sometimes we see newly born babies in our dreams. We dream of them in different ways, sometimes the dream is good and cheerful, sometimes it’s difficult and sad. And of course, we want to know why a newborn child dreams. There are several interpretations and we will look at each situation.

We have already written about why small children dream. Today the topic is about newborns.

Why does a newborn baby dream? First about the problems...

All dream books are unanimous in the interpretation of dreams with newborn children - this is good. True, there is only one small exception, which, as you know, is another confirmation of the rule: if you dreamed of a smiling newborn child, an empty quarrel may arise in your family or an unexpected scandal may break out. But even if you dreamed of a smiling newborn baby, you should not take it to heart. After all, whether there will be a quarrel or not depends on you, and a dream is just a dream, not a guide to action. You just have to control your emotions, and then it will be possible to avoid an unfavorable prediction.

You dreamed of a newborn boy

If in your dream you saw a beautiful and clean newborn boy, happy changes await you in your personal life. This especially applies to women. After all, if she saw such a dream, it means that she will soon find happiness, for example, she will have a new lover. Some dream books interpret a newborn boy in a dream as flailing around in life and minor problems, but they will soon be resolved in the most prosperous way. Sometimes a dream about a newborn boy predicts an unexpected but pleasant surprise for you in the near future.

You dreamed of a newborn girl

If in your dream you saw a pretty and clean newborn girl, this is a good omen. You are lucky, and good and faithful friends accompany you in your life. If a newborn girl looks at you carefully, it means that your friends will help you in the next unpleasant life situation. If a woman dreams that she is giving birth to a girl, this marks the solution to some long-standing problem, and it will be resolved not only favorably, but also somewhat unexpectedly. If you see a newborn daughter in a dream, it means that life keeps pace with happiness.

Global response

Question - Why does a newborn child dream? – sometimes implies a very broad answer. This is the case if you dreamed that you were looking for your lost child and could not find him. Such a dream foreshadows future problems in life, and you may even have to think about the philosophical questions of existence. For example, trying to find out the meaning of life and choose between good and evil. Sometimes searching for a newborn baby in a dream is interpreted as a difficult situation from which you cannot find a decent way out.

What if it's twins?

And if you dreamed of newborn twins, you can be absolutely sure of success in all your affairs and endeavors. But if such a dream comes to a pregnant woman, it is quite likely that she will have twins.

General considerations

In any case, a dream of a newborn child is a favorable sign. If you dream that you are sitting by the crib of a newborn baby, happy changes await your family. Beautiful children, shining with health, portend prosperity and well-being for you and your family. They also predict changes for the better if you are currently experiencing a bad streak.

If a girl recently got married and dreamed of a newborn child, it means that perhaps she herself will soon become pregnant, and this event will be very desirable for her family.

If you are cradling a newborn baby in a dream, it means that a joyful event awaits you soon, and playing with your newborn promises future fun and pleasure.

In short, rest assured that if you dream of a newborn child, this is very good.

Dream interpretation of a newborn baby, why do you dream of a newborn baby in a dream?

A newborn baby is a symbol of new life, great hopes and beginnings. The meaning of what a little man dreams of is not always directly related to direct predictions about the future.

In general, if you saw a newly born child in a dream, you will be in for a pleasant surprise. However, it is worth taking into account the following details: whether the baby in the dream was healthy or sick, what gender it was, as well as what you did with it in the dream. This is what can tell you more about your dream.

So, a newborn baby is a good prognosis only if he is completely healthy in your dream. A sick baby is a symbol of sadness and failure both in the dreams of women and in the dreams of men. If the baby is healthy and strong, success awaits you in all your affairs and endeavors. Also, a dream with a newborn may portend a pleasant surprise, which you will soon learn about.

Much of the interpretation of what a baby dreams about depends on its gender, so try to remember whether it was a boy or a girl.

If in a dream a newborn child is a boy, according to the dream book, material well-being and success in financial projects await you. The boy symbolizes more mundane feelings, while the girl symbolizes the sublime.

So, a newborn baby girl in a dream is a sign that very soon you will develop new strong feelings with a representative of the opposite sex, and they will bring you pleasant sensations. Also, a little young lady in a dream, according to many dream books, is a creative beginning, an idea that will soon visit you.

There is also a more prosaic interpretation of sleeping with a baby. Dream books claim that when a pregnant woman dreams of a child of a certain gender, it is most likely that she is carrying a baby of that particular gender under her heart. In this way, the body warns and prepares a woman for an upcoming event in her life, the dream book explains.

Why else do you dream of a newborn baby in a dream?

If you saw yourself as a newborn child in a dream, you are afraid of responsibility and want to shift it onto the shoulders of another person, dream books warn. In a moral sense, such a dream is a sign of personality degradation.

Also, to explain why you dream of a newborn child, remember what you did with him in your dream.

Babysitting a small baby, according to dream books, means in reality immersing yourself in troubles and worries. In order to achieve everything you have planned, you will need to make a lot of effort.

For a woman, such a dream can also mean an internal desire to have children, and for a man, either the same desire or fear of it.

Holding a newborn baby in your arms in a dream is a sign that in order to achieve something, you will need to try very hard. If you bathe your baby in a dream, you will be forgiven for the offense you committed, dream books say.

Breastfeeding a baby in a dream or seeing someone feeding him - all conditions in life are favorable for you to realize your plans. In the near future, your dreams will become reality.

In general, a baby means hopes and new beginnings, an excellent prediction for all dreamers, regardless of gender and age, dream books assure us.

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Little children, especially newborns, evoke feelings of tenderness and joy not only in reality, but also in dreams. Such a dream simply cannot carry negativity or warn of danger. On the contrary, seeing a baby in a dream is a favorable sign that gives hope and opens up new and interesting opportunities for the dreamer.

Why do you dream about a baby?

  • If one of the spouses who does not have children dreams of a baby, the dream means an imminent addition to the family. If the family already has children, expect joy from them.
  • If a parent sees his already adult children as babies, the dream warns that there is overprotection in the upbringing of children, which will only harm them in the future.
  • Seeing yourself as a baby means difficulties in raising your own children.
  • Seeing a beautiful, well-groomed toddler in a dream means an easy solution to problems in reality. If the baby is sloppy and capricious, you will face obstacles and some difficulties on the way to your goal.
  • Dreaming about an unhealthy child means health problems, troubles and bad news. Seeing a dead newborn is a bad sign; the dream speaks of unsuccessful resolution of cases.
  • A newborn lying in a stroller promises joy and happiness.
  • If a baby cries, fortunately, the opposite meaning is carried by a dream in which the baby laughs loudly in a dream - to tears in reality.
  • A dream in which the dreamer feeds a baby has a favorable meaning and promises success in all endeavors. Feeding a baby with breast milk is a quick fulfillment of desires. In some cases, a dream in which a newborn sucks at the breast means you need the support of loved ones.

Why do you dream about a baby - a boy?

  • Seeing a strong, handsome male baby in a dream means material well-being in the family; if the baby is seen as frail and sick, it means financial difficulties.
  • Seeing an adult son as a baby means you will have to help him in a difficult life situation in reality.
  • If a baby “craps his pants” in a dream, it means good profit and money.

Why do you dream about a baby - a girl?

Dreams in which we see a newborn girl carry favorable news, promise pleasant surprise and joyful moments in life.

  • If an unmarried girl dreams of a newborn, she will have a bright, unforgettable meeting with her lover. The guy will have to choose a partner for his future life.
  • A man who sees a little girl in a dream will experience success in business and promise achievement of his intended goal.
  • If an elderly man dreams of a girl, he will recover from a serious illness and soon improve his health.

Why does a woman dream about a baby?

  • A dream in which a woman sees a little boy promises success, good luck, and the solution to difficult life problems. If it’s a girl – to surprise, joy in your personal life.
  • Losing and looking for a baby in a dream means difficulties in solving life problems and troubles at work.
  • A pregnant woman dreams of a baby boy - foretells a quick, successful birth. If she hits or scolds a baby in a dream, the dream means troubles in the family.
  • If a woman planning a pregnancy had a dream, expect good news, your dream will soon come true.
  • If you dreamed about the baby of a married woman who already has children, children will bring you joy.
  • Playing with a toddler means successful work and improved financial affairs.

Why does a man dream about a baby?

For a man, dreams involving a baby promise success and predict overcoming possible difficulties in running a business.

  • For a man, a girl seen in a dream means unexpected help from loved ones or a solution to a difficult problem is possible. It also means new profitable acquaintances that will bring success in the future.
  • Walking with your baby in a dream means you are moving in the right direction towards achieving your goal.
  • Holding a newborn in your arms means waiting for a new event in your life, perhaps you will become a dad.
  • To see in a dream how a baby is being fed is a sign of career growth.

Why do infants dream - interpretation of famous dream books

According to Miller's dream book, baby in a dream - expect pleasant surprises in reality.

  • A newborn boy seen in a dream means rely on your own strength, a girl means a successful marriage.
  • Twin babies dream of prosperity and stability in your personal life.
  • A foundling baby in a dream predicts profit and financial success in the future.
  • Bathing your baby means getting rid of troubles and finally finding the right solution to complex issues.
  • Walking with a toddler means travel and the road.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation indicates that babies dream of an amazing and unexpected event in life. But a baby seen naked promises trouble or trouble.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse interprets such a dream as a successful solution to problems, signifies the fortitude of the seer. Kissing a baby means a long and happy life.