Pictures with meaning about single life. Positive pictures with deep meaning

But not all theories about the meaning of works are obviously so crazy. Some manage to be both very convincing and completely mind-blowing.

1. Satyr Mourning a Nymph Actually Shows a Brutal Murder

The painting was painted by Piero di Cosimo in 1495 and purports to depict a scene from Ovid's Metamorphoses. In this story, Procris was accidentally killed in the forest by her husband, the hunter Cephalus, who mistakenly mistook his wife for a wild animal and pierced her with a spear.

This is a typical choice of scene for a Renaissance artist, but there is one problem. A careful study shows that the Procris depicted in Cosimo’s painting could not have been killed by accident.

According to British professor Michael Baum, all signs point to the painting depicting a brutal murder. Procris has deep lacerations on her arm, as if she was trying to fend off knife attacks. Finally, there is also a wound on the neck.

Instead of depicting a scene from a novel, Cosimo's painting shows us the aftermath of a violent knife attack. This was probably not done intentionally. Professor Baum suspects that Cosimo asked the local morgue to lend him a corpse in order to sketch a murder victim.

2. Diego Rivera testified that J.D. Rockefeller Jr. had syphilis

Diego Rivera's work “The Man Who Controls the Universe” is one of the notable creations in Mexican art of painting. The mural was originally commissioned for Rockefeller Center, but was later reconstructed in Mexico City after Nelson Rockefeller destroyed the mural.

He didn't like the fact that Lenin was depicted on it. Restoring the image was also a monumental act of revenge. The mural claims that Nelson Rockefeller's father had syphilis.

One of the key elements of the painting were episodes of the latest scientific discoveries. Galaxies, exploding stars, lots of bacteria floating above the heads of men and women...

After Nelson Rockefeller destroyed the original version, Rivera painted his father, J.D. Rockefeller Jr., surrounded by the bacteria that causes syphilis.

That's not all. Despite the fact that J.D. Rockefeller Jr. was a teetotaler throughout his life, Rivera painted him with a martini in his hand and women who looked like prostitutes. To enhance the effect, he placed Lenin in the foreground.

3. In the painting “Isabella,” the man hides his erection

One of the luminaries of the Pre-Raphaelite movement, John Everett Millais, is probably best known today for his painting Ophelia. At least that was the case until 2012, when researchers discovered something unexpected in his painting Isabella. It depicts a scene from Boccaccio's Decameron, and the shadow of an erect penis is clearly visible on the banquet table.

"The Decameron" is one of the most erotic books ever painted, and the painting is full of references to sexuality. The character's outstretched leg represents a phallic symbol, and the pile of spilled salt near the shadow of the penis probably symbolizes semen. It looks obscene, but at the same time it is not at all like ordinary pornography.

4. La Primavera expresses the love of gardening

This is one of Botticelli's most famous works in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. La Primavera is also one of Botticelli's most mysterious paintings. Because it depicts a group of women walking through the sky as if in a meadow, experts still argue that the painting has an allegorical meaning.

But there is one theory that stands out from all the others for its evidence and strangeness, which claims that the picture is about gardening.

This version looks plausible because of the breathtaking meticulousness with which the author writes out each plant. According to official estimates, the painting depicts at least 500 carefully rendered different plants from almost 200 different species.

Some believe that these were all plants that grew in 15th century Florence and bloomed from March to May. Others claim that Botticelli invented these plants himself, especially for this painting.

5. “Music Lesson” is filled with sexuality.

Painted by Johannes Vermeer in the 1660s, The Music Lesson is considered one of the greatest paintings of 17th-century Dutch life. A young girl is taught to play the harpsichord by a handsome tutor.

This is a photorealistic depiction of a typical high society day in Vermeer's time. At least that's the standard explanation. Some believe that the picture is permeated with sex and hidden passion.

According to this theory, the picture is filled with small clues to understanding the sexual tension between the girl and her mentor. It is not surprising that the image of the girl is associated with virginity, but the mirror above the harpsichord shows that the girl is actually looking at the teacher while playing.

The wine jug is an aphrodisiac, while the instrument on the floor is interpreted as a huge phallic symbol. If we consider the picture from this point of view, it is even possible to assume that the viewer is a voyeur.

And this is not only the case with this picture. Some art historians argue that the presence of music in Vermeer's paintings always symbolizes sexuality, which makes his work very strange.

6. "Cafe Terrace at Night" is reminiscent of "The Last Supper"

Painted in 1888, Café Terrace at Night is one of Van Gogh's most important works, fully revealing the artist's distinctive style. She is also one of his favorites. But some argue that there is a much deeper meaning to it. A recent theory is that "Cafe Terrace at Night" references The Last Supper.

From an early age, Van Gogh was extremely religious. His father was a Protestant minister, and influential art critics argue that the artist's paintings are filled with Christian imagery.

In the case of "Café Terrace at Night" this imagery appears in the form of Jesus coming to eat with his disciples. If you look closely at the diners, you can see that there are twelve of them and they are sitting around a central figure with long hair.

Tellingly, there are even a number of crosses hidden in the picture, including one directly above the figure of Christ. There is other evidence to support this theory.

When Van Gogh wrote to his brother about painting, he argued that the world had a “great need” for religion. He was also deeply fascinated by Rembrandt and expressed a desire to enliven his style with subtle Christian symbolism. "Cafe Terrace at Night" may well be proof that he ultimately succeeded.

7. “Allegory with Venus and Cupid” warns of syphilis

A picture that shows Venus and Cupid about to have sex in front of a bald man always stirs the imagination. Even by the standards of its time, Agnolo Bronzino's Allegory with Venus and Cupid is a bit dark.

Despite rave reviews about the work as an erotic painting of “special beauty”, there is a lot of evidence that this is really a warning about syphilis. This is evidenced by the screaming figure on the left side of the picture.

Although the classic description of the painting says that it is a metaphor for jealousy or despair, a closer examination reveals that she is actually very bad. The figure's fingers are swollen, like those of patients with syphilis, their nails are missing, and the hair shows signs of syphilitic alopecia. Toothless gums suggest mercury poisoning, which was used to treat syphilis in Renaissance Italy.

One of the characters has a rose thorn embedded in his leg, but he does not notice it. This lack of sensation will be a direct result of syphilitic myelopathy. In other words, the picture depicts the suffering that awaits in the future those who follow the lead of their passions.

8. El Autobus talks about a terrible accident

Mexican artist Frida Kahlo's 1929 painting El Autobus depicts life in a Mexican community. A housewife, a worker, an Indian mother and a wealthy gringo businessman, despite social differences, wait for the bus next to a girl who probably means Frida herself. All the characters in this picture do not know that a terrible accident awaits them.

In 1925, Kahlo was riding a bus that crashed into a tram. The collision was so strong that Kahlo's body was pierced through by a metal handrail.

Her later works often reference this accident, implying that it was a miracle that she survived the crash. El Autobus is also no exception. There is an assumption that the worker in the picture is exactly the man who saved Kahlo’s life by pulling the broken handrail out of her body.

9. Paintings of the Dutch school of painting - paintings in paintings

The Dutch Golden Age of painting is second perhaps only to the Italian Renaissance. Like other eras, this time also had its own fads in fashion and painting, one of which was that artists painted “pictures within paintings.”

These “pictures within paintings” were painted not only by Vermeer and his comrades with a brush. Some believe that such paintings contain a special symbolic code. One example of this style is the painting “Slippers” by Samuel van Hoogstraten.

At first glance, the painting shows an empty hall with two pairs of slippers lying in the middle of it. On the wall of the hall hangs a painting by Kaspar Netscher “A Father Scolds His Daughter.”

At first glance, nothing unusual. But modern connoisseurs of Dutch art know that Netscher's painting was painted in a brothel. Apparently, these slippers belong to a man and a woman, but since the room is empty, perhaps they went off to have sex.

In other cases the code was more subtle. In the paintings “Man Writing a Letter” and “Woman Reading a Letter” (pictured), Gabriel Metsu depicted a young man writing a letter to his beloved and reading it.

In the second painting, the image of a ship in a stormy sea symbolizes the stormy nature of their subsequent relationship. In Vermeer's Love Letter, a ship under ominous clouds suggests the possibility of bad news.

You can find hundreds of examples of these Dutch "within a painting" paintings that subtly change the meaning of the main image.

10. L. S. Lowry's works are full of hidden suffering

This mid-20th century artist is known for his paintings of the north-west of England. L. Lowry often painted huge city scenes with crowds of “swindlers”. Although he was popular, the art world for a long time did not recognize his paintings, considering them trivial. In fact, Lowry's paintings are filled with hidden human suffering.

On the 1926 canvas “Accident” a crowd of people is drawn who have gathered near the lake and are looking at it. In fact, the artist was inspired by the suicide scene in this place, and the crowd gathered to look at the corpse of the drowned man.

Other Lowry paintings depict characters watching fist fights, unfortunate people being evicted from their homes, or simply people looking out of windows in a depressed mood.

In no picture is tragedy ever emphasized. All other people continue to live their daily lives, unaware of the suffering of their neighbors. In this world we are completely alone, and our pain means nothing to others. And this is probably the most terrible hidden message.

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wind eggs

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Do you know examples of dark paintings? I can name a couple of such paintings that personally gave me a depressing feeling. But do we know, looking at the picture, what the author of this painting was thinking about when he created it?

The following 5 paintings by famous artists that we invite you to look at Fabiosa, at first glance do not display anything frightening. But if you take a closer look or read interesting facts about them, you feel a bit uneasy.

Hendrik van Antonissen "Scene on the Shore"

What are so many people doing on the shore? It would seem a simple seascape.

"Scene on the Shore" / Hendrik van Antonissen (1630s)

In fact, after X-raying the painting, experts determined that the painting depicted people's curiosity about a dead whale washed up on the beach. However, the author considered that no one would want to see the carcass of a dead animal on their wall. And redrawn the canvas...

"Angel", Jean-Francois Millet

The peasants bent over a basket of potatoes. Hard times, little harvest, the sorrow on their faces is justified.

"Angel" / Jean-François Millet (1857-1859)

What horror gripped me when I learned that, according to research and x-ray examination, there was originally a coffin with a newborn in the place of the basket? That is, according to the author’s idea, it was originally a picture of parents burying their child...

"Preparing the Bride"

This unfinished painting is widely believed to depict a bride preparing for her wedding.

"Dressing the Bride" / Gustave Courbet (1855)

However, an X-ray from 1960 showed that this actually depicts the process of dressing a girl in a bride’s outfit. Only they are preparing her not for a wedding, but for a funeral.

Pablo Picasso "The Old Guitarist"

Many people know the work of this famous artist, which depicts a guitarist. But not many people know that in fact the author of the painting experienced difficult times, and when his paintings did not sell, he painted new ones on the most unsuccessful ones, in his opinion.

X-rays showed that the “Old Guitar Player” was hiding a mother and child in the countryside among domestic animals.

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres "Portrait of Jacques-Marc de Montbreton de Norvin"

Times change, as do ideals, social principles and orders. This artist painted a portrait of Rome's police chief after Napoleon conquered the city. In the background, according to research, stood a plaster bust of Napoleon's son.

"Monsieur de Norvin" / Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1811-1812)

However, after the defeat of Napoleon, the artist chose to hide this element, since it could be unsafe for the life of the author.

Amazing, right? These interesting facts once again confirm that before purchasing a thing, it is worth knowing its history and meaning. Perhaps the vase on your table is an urn for ashes? Is there someone's funeral hidden in the picture? Why bring extra negativity into your home?

Sometimes it happens that one short phrase spoken at the right time in the right place can change your whole life. It’s especially great when this phrase also remains a positive picture in our imagination.

We invite you to enjoy viewing and reading phrases in positive pictures that have already changed the lives of hundreds of people throughout their history. Perhaps some of them will help you start your day in a new way!

In the lives of each of us, from time to time there come periods when we need inspiration and joy. At such a time, any little thing that touches something deep inside - for example, phrases about life - can lead us to something truly important. These could be catchphrases or just funny pictures, philosophical thoughts or wise sayings of famous people, be that as it may - worthwhile phrases about life can even lift you out of depression.

Do you like to motivate yourself? Then deep and interesting phrases about life are what you will surely like. When you need motivation for some truly important action, you just need to find it - why not in a picture from the Internet?

Don't know how to support a friend? This is where good images with meaning come in handy - they can remind you of how wonderful life is and how much interesting and exciting things are around. Sometimes short phrases or pictures with captions are much more effective than thousands of words.

Why are thoughtful phrases and sayings needed: they help lift your mood; motivate us to be better; allow you to look at problems from a new perspective.

And those who like to change statuses frequently cannot do without pictures that contain phrases about life and love. Cheerful and serious, they are the ones who attract subscribers and help to receive numerous likes, shares and reposts, which any ambitious person secretly enjoys (don’t you really enjoy other people’s attention?).

By the way, the wisest phrases about life (and the most beautiful, by the way) most often come from the pen of writers and poets - creative people easily come up with such elegant verbal structures, which we then take away and make statuses out of them (or sign an ava). What do writers write about? Let us leave smart and philosophical books to those who love them, and it will become clear that even the wisest writers write about love, about how amazing and beautiful life is, and about the inner strength of man.

Now many people love beautiful pictures with all kinds of plots, but it’s best when there are beautiful pictures with inscriptions - scientists say that the more emotions certain words evoke in us, the better we remember them. Of course, there seems to be no need to remember statuses and simple catchphrases, but it’s better to remember wise and serious phrases about life and with meaning - this way you can assimilate them, becoming smarter over and over again.

Speaking of statuses, you must admit that you don’t always want to come up with them yourself; sometimes it’s nice to use clever phrases with meaning. Winged words and quotes are just perfect for this - everyone has favorite pictures with inscriptions - cool and funny, interesting and unusual, in a word, those that lift your spirits.

Life is a very complicated and strange thing. Today you can rejoice at this day, and tomorrow you can cry because of what happened yesterday. But no matter what, you always need to find strength within yourself and move forward! Today we want to show our visitors motivating pictures with meaning: about life.

Pictures about life with meaning...

Regardless of age, our status, our beliefs, a person should listen to advice, learn from the mistakes of others and wisely plan his future based on the experience gained. The pictures with meaning about life that we have selected for you will show and tell you about some moments of life, will help you think and perhaps rethink something.

For some reason, most of us are confident that without making certain mistakes, you will not understand the whole essence of what is happening and in order to understand the situation, you need to be in it. But many great writers who never saw war wrote piercing works on this topic, artists paint amazing pictures, but never met what was depicted in their lives, etc. Therefore, you should not tempt fate sometimes, but it is better to use some tips and tricks, but at the same time think with your own head.

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Now we will show you interesting and instructive pictures with meaning that will simply tell you about some moments in life, perhaps someone will see something familiar that they have encountered in life, for some these images with inscriptions will be a good incentive, and for third, simply interesting material.

With meaning: