Do you know what it is? Dickens' sad childhood

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Frogs do not drink water, but absorb it through their skin.

The giraffe's tongue is completely black, and its length can reach 50 cm. Giraffes use their tongue to clean their ears.

A dragonfly lives 24 hours.

The elephant is the only animal that cannot jump.

A slug has four noses.

There are more cars in Los Angeles than people.

To make a kilogram of honey, a bee must fly around 2 million flowers.

Lightning kills 1,000 people every year.

People with blue eyes more sensitive to pain than everyone else.

did you know that a dog’s nose print is individual, just like a person’s papillary lines? Simply put, you can find a dog by its nose print.

Mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of people who have recently eaten bananas.

Peanuts are used in the production of dynamite.

A person can perceive only four tastes: salty, bitter, sour, sweet. All a picturesque picture taste is drawn solely by the sense of smell.

Did you know that a goat has square pupils?

The heart of a human fetus begins beating on the 18th day after conception and does not stop throughout its life.

Sloths spend almost their entire lives hanging with their backs down.

Did you know that there are rivers without water? They are found mainly in deserts and are called “wadis”. Water appears in the riverbeds only during rains; the rest of the time they are dry depressions.

Did you know that the best pretender among mammals is the possum? There is even an expression in English that translates as “play possum,” and is used to mean “pretend,” “deceive.”

In 1998, miracle tights were invented - with three legs - the third leg was supposed to be used if one of those the girl was wearing broke

Butterflies have taste buds on their legs.

Did you know that Napoleon could have become a great Russian commander? In 1785, Bonaparte graduated from the Paris Military School with the rank of lieutenant, and in 1788 he tried to enlist in the Russian army!

The only animal whose upper jaw is movable is the crocodile. Other animals have a mobile lower jaw. Crocodiles are the only animals on Earth that do not naturally have a tongue.

Do you know that gorillas sleep in nests? These large, muscular primates every evening (and even after hearty lunch) build a new nest for themselves - on the ground or on the lower branches of trees.

The rarest colloquial on our planet it is the Bikya language. It is spoken only by one 87-year-old woman from a village on the border between Cameroon and Nigeria. And she has no one to talk to.

Was it Peter I who invented the original way to combat drunkenness? Alcoholics were given... a medal. Medal for drunkenness. Its weight was approximately 7 kg, and this was without chains, because it was made of pure cast iron. The medal was “presented” at the police station, and the structure was attached to the neck so that the “awardee” could not remove it. You had to wear the insignia for a week.

Not only people use the services of nannies, but also, for example, owls? North American owls use... narrow-mouthed snakes as these nannies.

There are so many interesting and unknown things in our lives that we don’t even know about, living next to the simplest things in our opinion.

Live, enjoy life and learn more and more new things! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

Facts you may not have known. I read it and was surprised!

According to studies conducted in several countries around the world, in particular in the USA and EU countries, the level of education and erudition of the population is steadily falling from year to year. The exception is Asian countries. Statistics compiled by sociologists at Beloit College show that a significant portion of young Americans struggle with capital letters. Let us recall that the ability to write is one of the manifestations fine motor skills, which, in turn, is associated with the development of the speech center of the brain. Similar degradation is observed among European teenagers: every fifth of them has difficulty reading and writing!

As is known, only elephants, humans and Neanderthals have burial rituals. Typically, an elephant's lifespan is 60–80 years.
If an elephant is sick, members of the herd bring him food and support him while he stands. If the elephant is dead, they will try to revive it with water and food for some time. When it becomes clear that the elephant is dead, the herd falls silent. They will often dig a shallow grave and cover the dead elephant with mud and branches, and will then remain near the grave for several days. If the elephant had a very close relationship with the deceased, then it may be depressed. A herd that accidentally encounters an unknown, lonely, dead elephant will exhibit a similar attitude. In addition, there have been cases where elephants were buried dead people in the same way that they found.

Ronald Reagan (before his political career, former popular actor) did not get a role in the Broadway production of “Most Worthy” because the playwright decided that he would not be convincing enough in the role of the President of the United States.

Waste disposal in Germany is so difficult that the city administration has to send residents a magazine with detailed instructions every year.

German scientists recently published interesting data: over the past 50 years, Germans have become 400% richer on average, and the number of unhappy people suffering from depression has increased by 38%.

In 1972, a Spanish postman was sentenced to 384,912 years in prison for failing to deliver more than 40,000 letters. He was just too lazy to carry them around.

The first athlete to die during modern times Olympic Games, became the Portuguese marathon runner Francisco Lazara. Before the competition, he covered his entire body with wax to protect against sunburn. But the wax clogged the pores, preventing sweat from evaporating from the surface of the skin. This led to an imbalance of fluid in the athlete’s body and, ultimately, to death.

Researchers working in Antarctica have a tradition: run out naked into the cold after the sauna, run to the ceremonial South Pole and back. This means a temperature difference from +90 to -70 degrees Celsius. Polar explorers have to run very quickly so as not to freeze their dignity and not lose the opportunity to procreate. Not everyone can do this.

1. An oyster's eye is larger than its brain.

2. 97% of people who will be offered new pen, first of all they will write their name.

3. Before World War II, there were 22 Hitlers in the New York telephone book... and none after..

4. Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian.

5. Your stomach produces a new layer of lining every two weeks, otherwise it will digest itself.

6. Currently living in China are: Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon, and Elvis Presley.

7. To avoid the danger of being crushed in the mouth of a crocodile, experts advise piercing thumbs his eyes, and he will immediately let you out.

8. In the Czech Republic, Margaret Thatcher is called Malgorzata Thatcherova.

9. If the statue of a horse rider has both front legs raised, this means that the person died in battle. If the horse has only one leg raised, it means the person died from wounds received in battle. If a horse has all 4 legs on the ground, then the person died of natural causes.

10. Everyone knows that English language very poor. It is especially difficult for poets. It turns out that not a single word rhymes with the words "month", "orange", "silver", and "purple".

11. Men commit suicide three times more than women. However, women attempt suicide three times more often than men.

12. As you know, people are animals too. However, we are the only ones among them who can copulate face to face.

13. The most common name in the world is Muhammad.

14. Catholic priests who died during sex: Leo VII (936-9) died of a heart attack, John VII (955-64) - beaten to death by the husband of the woman he was with at the time, John XIII (965-72) ) was also killed jealous husband, Paul II (1467-71) died during a rampage with a page boy.

15. The first bomb dropped on Berlin during World War II only killed an elephant in the Berlin Zoo.

16. Approximately 10% of people in the world are left-handed.

17. Sherlock Holmes never said: “It’s elementary, Watson.”

18. Soldiers in the First World War were the first to use the prototype of the modern flush toilet. Unbelievable but true!

19. Beware of riding donkeys. Every year people die because of this more people than in plane crashes. You are much more likely to break your neck if you fall off a donkey than if you fall off a horse.

20. In Israel it is forbidden to talk on cell phone while driving.

21. It takes an average person 7 minutes to fall asleep.

22. In 1880, cocaine was freely sold to treat colds, neuralgia, headaches and insomnia.

23. Every time you lick a postage stamp, you gain 1/10 calories.

24. A chameleon's tongue is twice as long as itself.

25. Ants never sleep.

26. In psychiatry, a syndrome accompanied by depersonalization, impaired perception of time and space, own body And environment, officially (!) called "Alice in Wonderland".
Small intestine During life, a person has a length of about 2.5 meters. After his death, when the muscles of the intestinal wall relax, its length reaches 6 meters.

27. Man is the only representative of the animal world capable of drawing straight lines.

28.The shortest war in history was the war between Great Britain and Zanzibar on August 27, 1896. It lasted exactly 38 minutes.
Under Peter I, a special agency was created in Russia to receive petitions and complaints, which was called... racketeering.

On June 4, 1888, the New York State Congress passed a bill abolishing hanging. The reason for this “humane” act was the introduction of a new method death penalty- electric chair.

30. Only in 1947 in England was the position of the person who was supposed to fire a cannon upon entering England was abolished.

31. One of the American planes in Vietnam hit itself with a missile fired.

32. Abdul Kassim Ismail - the great vizier of Persia (10th century) was always near his library. If he went somewhere, the library “followed” him. 117 thousand book volumes were transported by four hundred camels. Moreover, the books (i.e. camels) were located in alphabetical order.

33.Thai National anthem was written in 1902 by the Russian (!) composer Pyotr Shchurovsky.

34. Before 1703 Chistye Prudy in Moscow they were called... Nasty ponds.

35. World population in 5000 BC. was 5 million people.

36.B Ancient China people have committed suicide by eating a pound of salt.

37.In 213 BC Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi gave the order to burn all the books in the country.

38.Until 1361 in England, legal proceedings were carried out exclusively on French.

39.The inscription “Allah Akbar” is repeated 22 times on the flag of Iran.

40.Japan includes more than 3,900 islands.

41.Less than 1 percent Caribbean Islands inhabited.

42.The first capital of the Russian state was Ladoga.

43. The center of Europe is located on the territory of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region between the cities of Tyachev and Rakhiv, near the village of Delovoye, and the center of Asia is in the city of Kizyl, Tuva Republic.

44. Several buildings in Manhattan have their own zip code. And at the World Shopping Center there are even several of them.

45.7 most numerous peoples world: Chinese (Han), Hindustani, US Americans, Bengalis, Russians, Brazilians and Japanese.

46.The inhabitants of the island of Lesvos are called lesboians and lesbosians, not lesbians and lesbians.

47. In Moscow there is a river called Los, and the largest of the streams flowing into it is called... Losenok.

48.Unlike most African nations, Ethiopia was never a European colony.

49.In France, Italy and Chile, the existence of UFOs is officially recognized.

50.Apple vodka is called Calvados.

51. In Ukraine it’s called varenukha alcoholic drink from vodka, honey, dried apples, pears, and cherries boiled together.

52. The Hungarian artist M. Munkacsi has a painting “Desert Storm”, painted in... 1867.

53.Leonardo da Vinci spent almost 12 years painting the lips of the Mona Lisa.

54.Impressionism got its name from Claude Monet’s painting “Impression”.

55. Just one drop of oil makes 25 liters of water undrinkable.

56. In addition to fingerprints, the tongue print of each person is also unique.

57.In the Roman Catholic Church, the highest bishops are called... primates. It is for this reason that the first classification of the animal world, created by Carl Linnaeus, was anathema.

58.Chinese sages claimed that saints sleep on their backs, sinners sleep on their stomachs, kings sleep on their right sides, and sages sleep on their left.

59.The # symbol, often called the hash sign, number sign, or pound sign, actually has an official name: octothorpe.

60. The Greek philosopher Anacharsis divided all people into three kinds: those who died, those who are alive, and those ... who swim in the sea.

62. The usual “bow” on which boots are tied is called by sailors nothing more than a “reef knot”.

63. The most popular in the world female name- Anna. Almost 100 million women wear it.

64.The millionth resident of Moscow was born in 1897.

65.Two of the highest IQ scores ever recorded on Earth belong to women.

66. Every second, over 200 lightning flashes on Earth.

67.Over the past 500 years, the mass of the Earth has increased by a billion tons due to cosmic matter.

68.The world's largest planetarium is located in Moscow.

69.The most big number, which has a name - centillion. This is a one followed by 600 zeros. It was recorded in 1852.

70. Baghdad University awarded the eldest son of Saddam Hussein Uday, who did not even have a secondary education, a doctorate political sciences. His dissertation was entitled "The Decline of American Power by 2016."

From the moment of birth, there are already 14 billion cells in the human brain, and this number does not increase until death. On the contrary, after 25 years it decreases by 100 thousand per day. In the minute you spend reading a page, about 70 cells die. After 40 years, brain degradation accelerates sharply, and after 50, neurons (nerve cells) dry out and brain volume decreases.

1. Over the past 50 years, humanity has destroyed 70% of the world's forests.

2. More than half the population globe never seen snow.

3. The heart of a white whale is the size of a Volkswagen Beetle.

4. If you collect all the iron contained in the human body, you will only get a small screw for a women's watch.

5. Everyone abroad is sure that Cheburashka is SHE

6. In the town of Creskill, New Jersey, all cats must wear 3 bells so that the birds are always aware of their location.

7. If you fill a teaspoon with the substance that neutron stars are made of, then its weight will be = approximately 110 million tons.

8. Pipidastras are furry multi-colored things that are beautifully waved by girls from sports team support groups.

9. Only women and horses have a hymen.

10. Female pigeons cannot lay eggs alone. They definitely need to see a dove for this. In captivity they can be deceived with the help of a mirror.

11. The rubber armrest of the escalator in the subway moves at a different speed so that the passenger does not fall asleep on the escalator.

12. Sharks can be dangerous even before they are born. Thus, scientist Stuart Springer was bitten by an embryo while he was examining the insides of a pregnant shark.

13. To free yourself from the crocodile's jaws, press down on the crocodile with your thumbs. eyeballs. He will release you immediately.

14. A chameleon's tongue is twice as long as its body.

15. Michael Jordan wasn’t accepted into college as a sophomore. basketball team due to short stature.
By the way, he celebrated his 50th birthday yesterday!

16. In Kenya, bribes account for one third of the household budget.

17. A runner is able to get ahead from the start racing car in the first 10 meters.

18. Acne can be removed with a mixture of crushed tablets of any antibiotic, aspirin and suprastin (one at a time), with the addition of a drop of water.

19. Hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards.

20. Giant Komodo lizards even attack deer and wild boar.

21. One in four Americans has been seen on television.

22. Half of men do not wash their hands after visiting the toilet.

23. If you feed a yellow canary red pepper, the color of its feathers will turn bright orange.

24. To accurately maintain balance and aerodynamic properties, when an eagle loses a feather from one wing, it loses the same feather from the other wing.

25. In the 18th century. soldiers who fought against Frederick's armies brought cockroaches to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Before this there were no cockroaches.

26. To crack a nut, just put it in hot water for 48 hours.

27. It is impossible to insert a blade between the plates of the Cheops pyramid.

28. In Finland there is a championship in dragging wives. The winner receives a quantity of beer equivalent to the weight of his wife.

29. Eagles mate in flight.

30. Drivers kill more deer than hunters.

31. Some types of tapeworms eat themselves when there is no food. However, they can eat up to 95% of their body.

32. There are no penguins at the North Pole, contrary to popular stereotype.

33. No one has yet been able to tame the African elephant. Only the Indian elephant can be trained.

34. A rat can fall from a five-story building without any damage.

35. Even a small drop of alcohol placed on a scorpio drives him crazy. Scorpio stings himself to death.

36. The most common language is Chinese. And the second most common is Spanish. The English team gets an honorary bronze.

37. Average duration the life expectancy of Japanese women is 84 years; while the life expectancy of women in Botswana is only 39 years.

38. Same-sex sexual relations prohibited by law in more than 70 countries. In nine, including Afghanistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia, they are punishable by death.

39. More than 70 percent of the world's population has never heard a telephone ring. In Africa, only one in 40 people has a telephone.

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“Did you know that...” - selection amazing facts within the framework of the project “Educational about Russia!”

"Swan Lake"

« Swan Lake" - the first outstanding example of the ballet genre in Russian musical art and one of best works the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. The ballet was commissioned from Tchaikovsky in the spring of 1875 by the management of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater. The premiere of the play took place on February 20, 1877 on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.

At first, the production was received rather coldly by both spectators and critics. Both the first and second found Tchaikovsky's music too boring and difficult to understand.

For residents former USSR the ballet has a rather sinister meaning, because during the August putsch in 1991, everything TV channels countries demonstrated exactly this. Why “Swan Lake” and not “The Nutcracker”, for example, is difficult to say, but the fact remains that long years Tchaikovsky's creation has become for many citizens a symbol of anticipation of something alarming and significant.

Any resident of Russia, young and old, will recognize one of the parts of the work - of course, this is the legendary “Dance of the Little Swans”, for which there is great amount parodies - in particular, one of them is shown in the 15th issue of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”

"Soyuz" and "Apollo"

On July 17, 1975, the Soviet Union docked spaceship"Soyuz" and the American "Apollo". It was planned that at the moment of docking the ships were supposed to fly over Moscow, but the calculations turned out to be not entirely correct, and the astronauts shook hands while flying over the Elbe River. It is symbolic that 30 years earlier, a meeting between Soviet and American soldiers, allies in World War II.

"Cruiser Aurora"

It would seem that we have known everything about Aurora since childhood. However, it turns out there are many interesting little-known facts.

Despite its loud historical destiny, the cruiser was not built on its own the best project that time. It was inferior to its foreign counterparts in both the power of its vehicles and the strength of its artillery. At that time, there was a joke in the Navy that the Aurora differed from an ordinary steamship only in its low speed and a certain number of low-power guns.

BUT: Over 45 years of service, the legendary cruiser managed to take part in four wars and three revolutions. And despite all these historical events, every day the St. Andrew's flag is raised on the ship-museum Aurora.

The cruiser "Aurora" was not distinguished by its fighting qualities. There were only eight main caliber guns, the ship developed a speed of 19 knots (miles) per hour, and the engine reached a power of 11 thousand horsepower. For comparison, the power of the Titanic was five times greater. Then it was impossible to imagine that “Aurora” would become a real legend. The cruiser made her first voyage in 1903, from Kronstadt to Far East to strengthen the Port Arthur squadron. The ship's crew consisted of six hundred people.

The baptism of fire took place on May 14, 1905 in Battle of Tsushima. During the battle, the Aurora received ten hits from enemy guns. Several compartments were completely flooded, the guns were out of action, and fire was blazing on the ship. Despite this, the cruiser survived the battle.

However, the cruiser is no longer known as a warship, but as a symbol October revolution 1917. On October 25, 1917, a blank shot from a ship served as the signal to begin the assault on the Winter Palace.

The service life of military cruisers is 25 years. Aurora served almost twice as long - 45 years. The ship managed to take part in the defense of Kronstadt from fascist shelling. In 1948, the cruiser was sent to eternal parking, and a museum was opened on its premises. Over the years, Yuri Gagarin, Margaret Thatcher and the Princess of Monaco visited the cruiser. In the 80s, the ship underwent a major overhaul. The underwater part had to be completely replaced - it was not subject to reconstruction.

"The first capital of Rus'"

There are constant disputes about which city has the right and status to be named. But most historians agree that it was Ladoga, which arose in the middle of the 8th century, that was the residence of Rurik and they all refer to the main source: “The Tale of Bygone Years.”

According to this version, Rurik sat in Ladoga until 864, and only after that he founded Veliky Novgorod.

Popularization of Ladoga (now the village of Staraya Ladoga in Leningrad region) as the “first capital of Rus'” received a strong boost during the celebration of its 1250th anniversary in 2003. However, not all historians recognize this status for her.

Now Staraya Ladoga is a village located twelve kilometers above the mouth of the Volkhov River. Even before 1704 it retained its status and name - Ladoga. Staraya Ladoga is included in the list of the oldest Russian cities.

"Trans-Siberian Railway"

The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest Railway in the world. The length of the Trans-Siberian Railway is 9,300 kilometers, being an absolute record that has no analogues throughout the world.

According to scientists, the highway has a history of approximately a century, connecting Southern Siberia, Far East, Urals and Western part Russia. Although the highway was built so long ago, its full electrification took place only at the beginning of 2002. You can overcome it all in 7 days and 6 nights, that is, in 146 hours of continuous movement. The main line consists of 40 stations located on the section between Moscow and Vladivostok.

Traveling along the Trans-Siberian Railway - The best way see Russia in all its diversity. The Trans-Siberian Railway crosses exactly 3901 bridges.

Even more amazing facts.

"Lena Pillars, Yakutia, Russia"

The Lena Pillars are a forty-kilometer-long series of steep cliffs stretching along the right bank of the Lena River. The city of Yakutsk is located two hundred kilometers downstream of the river, and the city of Pokrovsk is about a hundred kilometers away.

Today it is nature reserve Yakutia - cliffs from 40 to 100 meters high are becoming more beautiful and mysterious every year due to local climatic conditions. The view of the Pillars is especially beautiful at sunrise.

It is interesting that on the slopes of the rocks of the Lena Pillars, many caves were discovered, on the walls of which drawings of ancient people who lived in this area were painted in yellow paint, and tools were also found. In the territory national park The remains of mammoths, rhinoceroses, bison were discovered, and in rock fragments - fossils of trilobites, an extinct class of marine arthropods that lived more than 200 million years ago.

For the Yakuts, these rocks are a monument to love, loyalty and courage, since the Lena Pillars are actually nothing more than a pair of lovers who were bewitched by a dragon: the young man won in a mortal duel evil snake, who wanted to marry his beloved, but he managed to take revenge.

In 2012, the Lena Pillars were included in the list of World Heritage Sites.

"Clock on the Spasskaya Tower"

Initially, the clock on the Spasskaya Tower was English. They were made in 1625 under the direction of the English mechanic Christopher Galovey. But in 1705, by decree of Peter I, the clock was remade in accordance with German traditions- with dial at 12 o'clock.

Modern clocks weigh 25 tons and are driven by three weights weighing from 160 to 224 kg. The watch has four dials with a diameter of 6.12 m, the height of the numbers is 72 cm, the length of the hour hand is 2.97 m, the length of the minute hand is 3.28 m. They are wound 2 times a day.

That's all for today. I hope you liked the first portion of impressions. Develop curiosity in yourself, and as old Einstein used to say: “It is important not to stop asking questions... Do not lose your holy curiosity over the years.”

To be continued…