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Marathon is a sports discipline from the category of athletics. Simply put, this is a race over a distance of 42.195 kilometers. Today, the noun “marathon” has become a common noun; it is often used to describe any long runs that take place on rough terrain or in difficult conditions, including extreme ones.

Marathon history

Today, hundreds of thousands of people run marathons. Where the name “marathon running” came from is not known for certain. But there is a legend about Greek warrior Philippides, who covered the distance from the Marathon plain to Athens to inform the Athenians of the victory over the Persian troops. He had to run 23 miles, but, having announced the good news to the elders, the messenger fell dead. This event dates back to 490 BC. However, this race did not impress sports fans, so the program of the Olympic Games held in Ancient Greece, marathon running was not included. This is not surprising, since the hot climate and difficult terrain created additional difficulties for the athletes.

The history of marathon running began in Athens in 1869 - simultaneously with the revival Olympic Games. The marathon distance is the longest running distance, which is included in the programs of the largest international sports competitions: World and European Championships, Olympic Games.

Marathon as an Olympic sport

The program of the first Olympic Games, held in Greece (1896), included a marathon. Since then, this marathon running has been a mandatory discipline at any Olympics. Over the history of the Olympic Games, the distance has changed several times. At the first games, the length of the marathon distance was forty kilometers. Victory in this race was fundamental for the Greeks, so they tried to do everything possible (and impossible) to get it. The winner of the first marathon was an athlete from Greece, Louis. He covered a distance of forty kilometers in 2:58:50 and immediately became a hero of the nation. True, the first triumphant marathon was the last for Louis, because after the Olympics he no longer participated in such races.

However, it was Louis’ record that spurred interest in this type of competition. The popularity of marathon running in America and Europe has grown rapidly. The duration of the distance increased several times. A constant distance of 42.195 km was introduced in 1924.

Marathon running as an Olympic sport has become more deep meaning. It was a test of endurance, a fight against one’s own body. The main disadvantage for runners was wearing thick equipment to keep the body warm. After decades of experimentation, long-distance runners began to wear lightweight clothing to the starting line.

The organization often failed. In the 1900 Olympic marathon, only eight athletes reached the finish line. At the next Olympic Games there were many scandals surrounding the marathon race. However, difficulties did not become an obstacle to the marathon and new records.

Marathon records

For almost twenty years, the Olympians failed to break the record set by the Australian Clayton at the Olympic Games in Antwerp (1969). He covered a distance of 42 kilometers in 2:08:33.

At the Beijing Games, Olympic champion Sammy Wanjiru improved this result by two seconds, setting a new record of 2:06:32. The athlete admitted that this result is the limit of his physical capabilities.

Today, the best world achievement is considered to be the record of Haile Gebrselassie, who completed the marathon distance in Berlin in 2008 in 2:03:59.

But records are meant to be broken. It is likely that marathon runners will be able to overcome the time limit of 2 hours with tremendous effort.

Text: Bogdan Zorin

The marathon, a discipline of athletics, is a race over a distance of 42 km 195 meters (26 miles 385 yards). The largest and most respected competitions are held on the road, but marathon starts on rough terrain and in extreme conditions are also known.
The road marathon has been an Olympic track and field discipline for men since 1896 and for women since 1984.
Half marathon distance, half marathon - 21 km 97.5 m is also a popular distance in road running, where individual races are held and world records are recorded.


The length of the run was not initially fixed, since all that mattered was that all athletes ran along the same route. The exact length of the Olympic marathon depended on the route chosen at the respective Games.
The length was chosen quite arbitrarily. At the first Olympic Games it was equal to 40 km. The starting point for the 1908 London Olympics was moved from 25 miles to The Royal Family could comfortably watch the run from the windows of Windsor Castle to the mark of 26 miles 385 yards (42 km 195 meters). At the next Olympics in 1912, the length was changed to 40.2 km, in 1920 a new change to 42.75 km. In total, at the first seven Olympics there were 6 different marathon distances from 40 to 42.75 km (40 km was used twice).
The final length of 42.195 km was established in 1921 International Federation Athletics (IAAF) as the official length of the marathon.
Since the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, the men's marathon has been the final event of the athletics program, finishing in the main Olympic stadium, often hours before closing time or even as part of the Closing program. Fidelity to this tradition was emphasized in 2004, when the marathon from Marathon to Athens ended at the Panathinaiko Stadium, where the very first Olympic marathon finished in 1896.

Nowadays it is very popular to run marathons, we recommend that you buy a hoodie - this universal item of clothing will help you in any weather. Comfortable sweaters will help you feel as comfortable as possible in any situation.

Competition rules

The rules for holding marathons are subject to general rules IAAF for road running. World records and others highest achievements recorded down to the second. The recommended elevation difference on a distance certified by the IAAF should not exceed 1/1000, that is, one meter per kilometer run. The distance must be measured with an accuracy of 0.1% (42 meters).
Marathon races in commercial marathons are usually run using a mass simultaneous start system. However, in fact, it is impossible for all participants to cross the starting line at the same time. Therefore, at AIMS-certified races, the organizers supply participants with special electronic chips that record the time they crossed the start line. For each finisher, not only the fact of finishing is taken into account, but also intermediate results, etc. “gross” and “net” time: from the moment of start and from the moment of crossing the starting line, respectively. The official time is “gross”.

World records

World records were not officially recognized by the IAAF until January 1, 2004; before that, statistics were kept on the “best marathon results.” The marathon distance must meet IAAF standards for the best performance to be recognized as a world record. However, marathon routes still differ greatly in profile, altitude and quality of surface, which makes the comparison insufficiently objective. As a rule, marathons that take place on flat terrain, low above sea level, in comfortable weather and with the participation of pacemakers (runners who set the pace of movement) are the fastest.
The world record for men - 2 hours 3 minutes 59 seconds - was set during the Berlin Marathon by Ethiopian runner Haile Gebrselassie on September 28, 2008.
The world's best result among women was shown by Paula Radcliffe from Great Britain at the London Marathon on April 13, 2003 - 2 hours 15 minutes 25 seconds; this time is shown with the help of male pacemakers. The world's fastest time for a woman without a man - 2 hours 17 minutes 42 seconds - was also achieved by Paula Radcliffe at the London Marathon on 17 April 2005.
The marathon places serious demands on the physical condition of participants. In order to achieve high results, the organizers choose best time start and distance profile.
It is believed that the optimal temperature for a marathon is about +12°. Temperatures above +18° are already considered dangerous for some categories of runners, and at temperatures above +28° it is recommended to cancel the start. However, some competitions (for example, the Omsk Christmas Half Marathon) are held at significantly lower air temperatures (down to -39° in 2001).
Most of the world's prestigious marathons are held within large cities that suffer from air pollution problems. It is not advisable to start early in the morning, since it is in the morning that the concentration of smog at the surface of the earth is high and only with an increase in temperature it gradually rises with air currents during the day. Regular time start of commercial marathons in the first half of the day at approximately 8:30-11:00 am.
When conducting marathons in the program of non-commercial competitions, the start time is tied to the general competition grid and the opening and closing ceremonies. In this case, the start can be given in the afternoon.
Famous marathon races
About 800 marathon races are held annually in many countries around the world.
The most popular and prestigious Boston Marathon, New York Marathon, Chicago, London and Berlin are included in the World Marathon Majors series; they host World Cup stages for professional marathon runners. The number of participants at the start reaches 30 thousand or more people. Other famous marathons take place in Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Washington, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Rome and Paris.
The world's largest marathon races pay high, by athletics standards, prize money to the winners. For example, the total prize fund for the Boston Marathon in 2008 was 796,000 USD, of which the winner is paid 150,000 USD.
Commercial marathons are open to almost everyone and all you need to do is go through a simple registration procedure. For amateurs, it is considered an honor to simply take part in such a prestigious start, together with leading athletes, joining the world athletics movement.

Marathon running is the most complex type sports activities, since the runner will need to cover a huge distance of 42 kilometers 195 meters. In this case, the body receives very heavy loads, and the entire body performs difficult work, which must undergo hard training, and willpower. How to prepare yourself for a marathon, what you need to correct execution marathon running techniques, and what problems await those who decide to run this distance? We will answer this in this material.

How modern marathon running began

This is the very personification of the spirit of the Olympics. The marathon became part of the Olympic competitions at the debut games in 1896, which took place in Greece. Although race sizes have changed periodically, marathons always entered into competitions. The marathon was fully approved in 1924. At the same moment, it was established that 42 km and 195 are the marathon distance.

Such long races are actively practiced all over the world. For example, one of the most famous record holders is an Australian, Clayton, who set the world record for marathon running in 1969, running the distance in 2 hours and 8 minutes.

How do you run a marathon?

In order to participate, you need to undergo extensive training. Moreover, they must be comprehensive and also concern your mind. The athlete needs to cover at least 12 kilometers in each training session, which will last 3 months. By exercising at this rhythm, you will always be able to maintain the necessary muscle tone, doing yourself more resilient and strong, and also train your strong-willed qualities. He must also be ready to run a marathon, so such training can gradually accustom him to heavy loads. Except physical exercise You must also follow by choosing only nutritious and healthy foods.

The rules of the marathon race state that admission to the race is granted only to those athletes who have the appropriate doctor's certificate about your health, which must be provided 30 days before the start. As a rule, running takes place along a road, pedestrian or bicycle road. However, the beginning and end of the distance must take place at a sports stadium. should be ideally suited to these conditions for more comfortable functioning of the body.

Specialists who are responsible for planning a route, they develop it so that athletes can run as comfortably and safely as possible. The area where running competitions will take place must be restricted from the movement of cars and have no obstructing objects.

Violation of the rules may result in disqualification from the race. Marathon running competitions are held in cities around the world, separately for different genders.

What's so special about the marathon?

During a marathon, your body works in extreme mode. So it's very important to be in excellent physical shape, including a trained musculoskeletal system and strengthened heart muscle.

Also significant is the state of your mental system. During a long race, our psyche is also overstrained, which is why not everyone can run a marathon. However, all this is what distinguishes an athlete who runs marathons - running such long distances, he significantly develops his speed, becomes more balanced and confident in his abilities, and also acquires the ability to relax during such stress.

During the passage you need to consider the following:

  1. You need to develop your cardiovascular system, because it will take on huge loads. As a result, the heart will learn to adapt to work more successfully during high-speed marathon running. However, it is worth preparing gradually so that the body has time to get used to it.
  2. During long runs, you lose a significant amount of fluid, which will come out through sweat. Therefore, the body temperature rises significantly, and this will lead to overheating.

How to properly prepare for a marathon

Athletes must prepare for marathon distances under the guidance of trainers, whose task will be to coordinate tasks to show more successful results. So, in order to complete the marathon distance you need:

  • train, and also gradually increase the distance when running long distances. You also need to learn to run for high climbs. It is believed that to successfully complete a marathon, during training you need to run 20 to 30 kilometers once. After this, longer distances will be much easier to run.
  • the next step will be to overcome daily 12 kilometers. According to experts, following this type of training for three months will mean the end of preparation for the marathon competition.

Although load distribution must be taken into account individual characteristics each athlete, as well as his own wish to improve your abilities. However, it is equally important for everyone to follow a systematic training routine, strengthen their body and mentally prepare for the competition.

Video. First competition in your life? Then marathon!

In 490 BC. After the battle near the city of Marathon, the ancient Greek warrior Pheidippides (or Phillippides, it is not known exactly) ran from the battle site to Athens to talk about the victory. After one sentence he died. It is not known for certain whether this event actually happened or not, since there are no documentary sources.

What is a marathon now? This is a long distance race included in athletics.

The world's first marathon

The world's first Olympics took place in Greece in 1896. The program of the Olympic Games included a marathon. Before the race there were 17 participants. On the eve of the competition, due to the heat, several athletes refused to run. As a result of a fierce struggle between athletes from Australia, France and Greece, the Greek Spyros Louis won, who managed to complete his first and only marathon. Its distance was 40 kilometers. He managed to run this distance in 2 hours 58 m and 50 seconds.

Spyros Louis became national hero. A stadium in Athens is named in his honor.

The distance of the race changed several times. The London Olympics in 1908 was notable for the fact that the start was shifted to the Queen's wish. She decided to watch the start of the race in person. The athletes ran a marathon, the distance of which was increased by 2 km 195 m.

Later, in 1921, the final distance was approved. It was 42 km 195 m and has remained unchanged to this day.

The marathon became popular in the United States in 1970. Over 700 runners covered the distance in less than 3 hours.

In 1966, in Boston, a woman learned what a marathon was from her own experience and managed to complete the distance in 3 hours 20 meters, despite the ban from the organizers. Since 1984, representatives of the fair sex have been allowed to participate in the marathon race at the Olympics.

The popularity of this sport is growing every year. Among the participants there are people over 70 years old.

Until 2004, records were not recognized. This is due to the fact that the competitions take place on different tracks. If in Athens the roads are covered with cobblestones, then in Boston they are asphalt. Different elevations, different climates. Such a difference does not guarantee the same conditions for setting a record.

Modern marathon rules more precisely define what the course should be like.

What is a marathon? How does the race happen?

Everyone chooses the mileage, distance, pre-registers on the website, and pays the registration fee.

The marathon usually begins with a mass start. Participants are given equipment with the symbols of the race. Throughout the entire distance (at certain kilometers) there are points with water and wet sponges.

Each competition determines in advance control time, for which you need to cover the distance. On average it is 6 hours.

Persons over 18 years of age are allowed to participate. Those under 18 may compete at shorter distances.

A doctor's note is required for all participants to be admitted.

How to run a marathon?

A marathon is not only a distance of 42 km 195 m, it is also the many kilometers that an athlete runs before the competition.

Any healthy man can prepare and learn on personal experience What is a marathon? First you need to learn correct technique running. You also need to train endurance in order to cover long distances. You can take part in competitions over shorter distances - 5 km, 10 km, half marathon 21 km 97.5 m.

Afterwards you can try a full marathon. Preparation time may take approximately 17 weeks.

Where can I participate?

In Russia, large mass races are held throughout the country. The largest of them: Siberian, “Konjak”, Moscow, “White Nights”, Omsk Half Marathon Handicap, Rozhdestvensky.

Participants in the competition are given equipment with the symbols of the marathon, and those who reach the finish line are given memorable souvenirs and a certificate indicating their personal result.

The largest marathons in the world are included in the World Marathon Majors league. This is a commercial competition with a large prize fund. There are 6 such marathons in total, they are held in Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago, New York and Tokyo. Registration for participation begins long before the competition date and usually ends in a matter of days. These are the most prestigious marathons in the world. Both professional athletes and amateur runners take part in them.

The essence of the marathon is overcoming long distance. Not everyone makes it to the finish line, but those who do are a true hero.