The history of the creation of Vrubel's Snow Maiden painting. Mythologized image of frozen winter waters

Main character painting - a young girl, called by the author Snegurochka. This takes place in winter; the picture shows that it is very cold outside. The snow seems loose and creaky, the snowdrifts look very deep. Dark night, it’s time when everyone is sleeping, but only the Snow Maiden has conceived something that she cannot do during the day - most likely she is running away from home, from the forest, from Santa Claus.

On foreground in the painting there are three small young fir trees, animal tracks are visible in the snow. The color of the snow changes from white to dark blue. And the shadows cast by the trees seem almost black. It can be seen that the forest is located on a hillock. From this elevation in the distance you can see the lights of another world unknown to the Snow Maiden. In the night fog, in the frosty haze, the lights of the village where they live are visible ordinary people, but for some reason the village looks scarier than the forest, from which the Snow Maiden emerges.

The picture shows a clear, starry sky, and from the color of the snow and shadows you can guess that the moon is also shining brightly, illuminating the way for the Snow Maiden. From the tracks of the Snow Maiden one can see that she is hesitating, one can understand that she is undecided - she wanted to return, but then she changed her mind and went further, to where the heavy life awaits her. unknown life, and maybe even death. Her face is pale, her eyes are worried and full of tears. You can understand that she is confused, her pose speaks of this - her arms are outstretched, the girl is turned half towards the forest, half towards the village, but the difficult choice has already been made, there is no turning back.

The forest in this picture takes on a living shape, as if in fear, like a concerned parent, it releases its child into an unknown world. Somewhere the forest looks like Santa Claus with long beard. He stands with his hands outstretched to the Snow Maiden, asking her to stay, warning her about the dangers in human world, but the Snow Maiden tries not to look at him, tries not to listen to his persuasion. What awaits her in the future is unknown; a fairy tale will tell about it. The painting depicts the farewell of a young girl, unusual, magical, to her home, to those who were dear to her heart for many years.

Brief essay on the painting Snow Maiden by Vasnetsov

The canvas “Snow Maiden” was painted by one of the most outstanding artists of the 19th century. This painting is based on Russian folk tale"Snow Maiden".

As you can see, the canvas is painted in cold tones. On the canvas, the viewer sees a young girl dressed in a rich, luxurious long fur coat embroidered with frosty patterns and furs. On her head, complementing her fur coat, is the same chic hat, and on her hands, completing her entire precious set, are mittens. A snow-white face without the blush inherent in every young girl, beautiful eyebrows, light scarlet lips give the viewer the unearthly beauty of this mysterious girl. Her eyes, although filled with sadness, remain very beautiful. The viewer can compare her beauty only to fairy-tale beauty. This girl is in a snowy clearing in the forest among the same young spruce trees in the foreground of the picture and a slender birch tree in the background. The whole clearing is filled with cold moonlight, which allows the viewer to consider the chic frosty pattern on the clothes of a young beauty.

Looking at the picture, one gets the impression that the Snow Maiden is alive, now she will turn back and with her smooth gait will walk towards the distant, barely noticeable lights visible in the distance. All the movements of the young girl seem indecisive, but at the same time it is clear how she strives to understand the world that is known to ordinary people.

The artist chose the color scheme of the painting very well. The dark background and the combination of bluish and green give the canvas an indescribable fabulousness. With the help of these color schemes, the fabulous, one might say unearthly, beauty of a sweet young girl is very well emphasized. Standing in front of the painting, it seems that the Snow Maiden herself is illuminating the canvas. All this sets off the fabulous atmosphere.

The viewer himself, just like the Snow Maiden, stands in front of the picture and listens to every rustle and just like she waits fabulous miracle. I want to believe that further fate The Snow Maiden will turn out very well.

Description of the painting by Vasnetsov Snow Maiden

At the end of the nineteenth century, famous playwright Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky, inspired by Russian folklore, wrote the play "The Snow Maiden". The work is based on deep research of Russian historical material.

No less famous, composer Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov, for staging the opera of the same name, attracted hereditary Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov to work on sketches of costumes and scenery.

"The Snow Maiden" made an indelible impression on literally everyone, not excluding Vasnetsov himself. So in 1899 one of the artist’s great paintings was painted, again with same name"Snow Maiden".

On his canvas, Viktor Mikhailovich devotes Special attention to the details. In the foreground, well-drawn shadows are visible, with which the artist vividly expressed the radiance of the full moon, in the light of which a view of the clearing opens and standing in the middle main character works. Snow is depicted very realistically. Noticeable are not only the shallow, clearly defined footprints of the Snow Maiden, who entered the clearing, but also the traces of a hare’s paws near a small Christmas tree, which found their place on the artist’s canvas.

Vasnetsov paid special attention to the details on the Snow Maiden’s clothes. The hat and fur coat with fur trim are literally entwined with ornate patterns. There was golden embroidery characteristic feature wealth in those days. The mittens, on which skillful embroidery is clearly visible, were not left without due attention.

Even in the background, Viktor Mikhailovich displayed the smallest details. Among the stars of the night sky one can discern the constellation Ursa Minor. Light is visible in the windows of wooden huts with snow-covered roofs.

But best of all, the great master managed to convey the mood of the Snow Maiden. The expression on the girl’s face in the pale moonlight clearly speaks of her determination to go to people, despite her fear. The sadness of saying goodbye to home, forest, mother - spring and father - frost is visible in the eyes.

Today, the great artist’s painting “The Snow Maiden” can be seen in the Tretyakov Gallery, along with other great works of art, such as “Bogatyrs”, “Alyonushka”, “Ivan Tsarevich on a Gray Horse”, “Ilya Muromets” and others.

Option 4

In the work of Viktor Vasnetsov, a significant place is devoted to Russian fairy tales and epics. His hand belongs to such painting masterpieces as “Bogatyrs”, “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “Alyonushka”, “Three Princesses of the Underground Kingdom”.

In 1899, another masterpiece of folklore themes, “The Snow Maiden,” came out of the artist’s brush. The idea of ​​​​creating this canvas originated with Viktor Vasnetsov after, first in 1881, at the request of the philanthropist Savva Mamontov, he designed the scenery for the production of N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Snow Maiden”, and then in 1885 he acted as a designer opera of the same name Rimsky-Korsakov. The model for painting the Snow Maiden was Mamontov’s daughter Sashenka.

Snow Maiden Vasnetsova stands on a snowy edge winter forest. She is not located in the center of the picture, but a little to the side, it seems that she has just left her home, and still looks back at it with some sadness and anxiety, as if afraid to take that decisive step that will lead her to the village, the lights of whose houses can be seen on the horizon. The village and its inhabitants attract and frighten the girl at the same time. She really wants to step forward, but something is holding her back near her native trees. The Snow Maiden's brocade clothes are luxurious, every home will welcome her as a dear guest, because, as they say, you are greeted by your clothes. And at the same time, she is a shy person, not yet familiar with the outside world, and does not understand at all what awaits her in the village. Perhaps that is why the moment of farewell to her native forest is delayed.

The Snow Maiden from the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov is a real Russian beauty. On the one hand, she is cold, like her father, the harsh Frost. On the other hand, all the warmth conveyed to her by her mother, Spring, is clearly visible. This warmth is in everything: in tender features faces, in smooth lines body, even her step seems light, light: the ground is covered with a thick layer of snow, and the Snow Maiden’s footprints are very shallow.

The picture does not answer the question of whether the Snow Maiden will still take that step towards the village now, or whether this time she will not dare to leave the forest. Here the author left room for the viewer’s imagination, endowing his masterpiece with mystery and enigma.

Now the canvas of Viktor Vasnetsov adorns Tretyakov Gallery, you can stand by it for hours, looking at more and more new details every minute.

Description of the mood of the painting Snow Maiden

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Vasnetsov managed to reveal this image. The scenery said one thing, but the artist’s painting was inspired by many details. He re-read the play several times, collected and carefully preserved in his memory the patriarchal morals that existed in Russia of his time, the most vivid images folk tales and, of course, the surrounding nature.

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Description of the painting “Snow Maiden” by V. Vasnetsov

Each of us knows the story of the Snow Maiden since childhood. We have no idea New Year's parties without the granddaughter of Santa Claus, who is most often either a mischievous girl or a young girl. True, as children, we did not focus our attention on the fact that the Snow Maiden is nothing more than a relic of pagan beliefs that are identical to angels in Christianity or demons in Ancient Greece.

Stories about the granddaughter of Santa Claus have appeared since the time of Afanasyev's fairy tales, published in 1869. His volume was collected throughout Russia, where Snezhevinochka (one of the names of the Snow Maiden) was loved and spoiled. As you know, they made this girl out of snow, and bring her to life. The daughter brought joy to her foster parent, and then, with the onset of spring, she melted away.

The artist V. Vasnetsov saw the folklore Snow Maiden somewhat differently. True, he was always attracted by the theme of Russian fairy tales, but the master of the brush did not even plan a picture with a snow girl as the main character. He could not even think that of all the scenery and costume designs, Savva Mamontov, who decided to stage A. Ostrovsky's play "The Snow Maiden", would choose his work!

So, Vasnetsov, designed the play "The Snow Maiden", the performance opened a new direction in Russian art scenery and was so fond of the public at first Abramtsevo, and then other cities, that a new work was born. It was N. Rimsky-Korsakov's opera The Snow Maiden, the scenery and costumes for which Vasnetsov traditionally performed.

Only he was able to combine amazing details of architectural art in a small canvas (only 116 by 80 cm). Ancient Rus', folk embroidery, wood carving and the image of a fairy tale. Choosing homespun canvas for the costumes of the characters in the play, the artist introduced notes of this into the clothes of the Snow Maiden herself. Her fur coat and hat not only create a unique decor, but are also one of the girl’s main characteristics.

It was after the painting, painted in 1899, that the public became convinced that a fairy tale and Vasnetsov are two inseparable concepts. After all, only this person could find the image of an icy beauty that an ordinary Russian person would accept and love. The Snow Maiden by Vasnetsov is rightly considered the ideal of a Russian woman, an example of Russian beauty and a stunning unity of heavenly and earthly things. Moreover, not only art critics, but also Russian beauties themselves think so.

If you take a close look at this canvas, painted in pale blue and white tones, you will certainly realize that the artist is not just presenting the image of a beauty from fairy tales. He tells us a story filled with drama.

The central object in the picture is the Snow Maiden walking through the winter forest. Take a closer look at the girl’s facial expression – it’s not just beautiful. Her eyes, hands spread in a questioning gesture, slightly hesitant gait are a single ingot of real human experiences. You can read absolutely everything in the eyes: inexplicable fear, self-doubt, impulses to move forward and incredible, not fantastic, but human sadness. Many who have ever seen the picture say that Vasnetsov forgot to write tears to the Snow Maiden. However, she cannot cry - tears will melt her snowy heart.

The mysterious, gloomy atmosphere of the picture itself matches the fairy-tale girl. Either Ostrovsky inspired it, or Rimsky-Korsakov inspired it, or Russian fairy tales... We will never know. The only thing we know for sure is that on a small-sized canvas we will see a unique night in a snowy forest. A country road flooded with moonlight and the starry sky above the head of the Snow Maiden, ready to take the first step towards people, create an aura of mystery and enigma.

Now she is no longer fairy-tale heroine, but the most ordinary frightened girl who became deathly pale from worries. The lights of the village in the distance simultaneously attract the Snow Maiden and at the same time plant doubts in her soul - is it worth leaving her home?

A trap is visible in the snow, and the glow from the trees creates the effect of open eyes and mouths, as if warning the girl of danger. Behind the Snow Maiden’s back we can see the silhouette of a person, but we don’t understand who: either the mother, or Santa Claus. This vague outline seems to carry a question of choice: whether to stand in safety, in the familiar forest, or take a few steps towards the bright, but so unkind lights of the village.

The picture is shrouded not only in present anxiety, but also in anticipation of trouble in the future. According to A. Ostrovsky's play, the Snow Maiden will bypass the trap, but will fall into a more terrible trap. The sun, the ancient Slavic god, will kill this fragile beauty because she dared to know love without having a human soul.

However, she is the daughter of the forest, of virgin nature. Even this girl’s sheepskin coat, hat and mittens are strikingly combined with the dazzling white snow, blue-green night and young fir trees in the foreground. It is worth noting that the figure of the Snow Maiden itself is surrounded by a special, Stephen-King mystical radiance. It’s not without reason: such an iridescent shade does not attract, but, on the contrary, repels. Strange, but this hostility somewhere in the depths of the soul attracts every person to itself. She makes you perceive the Snow Maiden not as a character in a play, fairy tale, painting or opera, but as a very real girl who will go towards her goal against all odds.

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The fragile figure of a young girl froze on the edge of the winter forest. Above her head - a dark night sky, in some places sparkling with stars, in the distance, on the horizon, the lights of village windows are barely visible. Light drifting snow with smoky muslin hides the outlines of trees and huts in the background, deep footprints coming from the forest are imprinted on a thick snow layer. Before us " Snow Maiden» - famous picture Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, written in 1899.

This canvas owes its appearance to the friendship of the great artist with Savva Mamontov, a Russian entrepreneur and patron of the arts. In 1881, Mamontov had the idea to present to the general public theatrical production play "The Snow Maiden", written by Ostrovsky. He invites Vasnetsov to work on the scenery of the future performance, and the artist gives his consent - after all, for him this was an opportunity to get a new artistic experience.

A few years later, Vasnetsov had the opportunity to design a stage for Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera, and after that he decided to create his own canvas on this topic. This is how Viktor Vasnetsov’s painting “The Snow Maiden” appeared.

Ostrovsky's play is a literary presentation of the famous folk tale about Moroz's daughter, who disobeyed her father's ban and came out to the people. In Vasnetsov’s painting “The Snow Maiden” we see a young girl whose face reflects an internal struggle: she really wants to go there, to people, but she is afraid of the unknown - of what awaits her among strangers and strangers. She seemed to freeze in a half turn, deciding complex issue: Isn't it too late to go home to your father?

In Viktor Vasnetsov's painting "The Snow Maiden", the forest edge with small Christmas trees along the edge is brightly lit by moonlight, which allows you to see the bizarre patterns on warm clothes, a chain of hare footprints and girlish eyebrows slightly shifted in anxious thought. Which way to go - whether to continue the dangerous path, whether to turn back? The girl who grew up among the forest dwellers has long been attracted by cheerful songs and laughter, often coming from the direction of the village, she wants to get to know these people, to become like them. However, her father warned her against such a step, convincing her that she would be safe in the forest. What if he's wrong?

For Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, his painting “The Snow Maiden” became one of important works: he worked on this canvas for several years, trying to transfer to the canvas the knowledge of the depth of the Russian soul, which he learned from folklore and their trips around the country. The public reaction was positive: the artist’s contemporaries admired the skill with which the artist managed to combine the heavenly and earthly. According to critics, none of the artists could convey all the beauty of a Russian woman as accurately as Vasnetsov did.

Today you can admire Vasnetsov’s painting “The Snow Maiden” in one of the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery.

Snow Maiden

The painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov depicts a girl in winter clothes. She stands in deep forest in the meadow. The forest clearing is covered with a thick layer of snow, as evidenced by the deep footprints left by the girl. There are beautiful, green fir trees and some bare trunks scattered around; probably, in the warm season, these bare trunks turn into lush birch trees.

Judging by the title of the picture, this is not just a girl walking or lost in the forest, but a real Snow Maiden.

She is dressed in a rich outfit of a fur coat and hat, decorated with beautiful patterns. The Snow Maiden was traveling through the winter forest and suddenly noticed something and froze in place. What did she see? Not the artist Vasnetsov? We won't know. Whatever it was, but the picture is magical, New Year's atmosphere bringing fragments of fairy tales into our world.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, inspired by the character of Russian folk tales, the Snow Maiden, painted a painting of the same name.

In the center of the picture is a snow maiden. She is dressed in a luxurious, light brocade fur coat embroidered with an interesting ornament, a cute hat with fur trim and warm mittens. Only the rich can wear this outfit. She walks through the winter evening forest. But it's not dark in the forest, Moonlight illuminates the Snow Maiden. She looks into the distance, trying to see something. She is very beautiful. She is young and fresh. And against the background of a clean white snow The Snow Maiden looks even brighter. Thus, the author emphasizes her beauty. She glows with tenderness, femininity and innocence. But her arms spread out to the sides and her cautious gait speak of her excitement, perhaps for the first time she found this clearing. The question arises how such a fragile girl ended up in the middle of this mysterious forest. Her eyes are filled with fear. The picture creates the impression of anxiety, impending trouble with the heroine.

Worth paying attention color scheme. Vasnetsov chooses cold tones typical of winter. Snow-white snowdrifts in the foreground and a dark frightening forest, the night sky decorated with several stars, the lights of the village in the background are visible in the distance. The village and people frighten, but interest the Snow Maiden, which is probably why she leaves the thicket so cautiously. She skillfully avoids traps, not suspecting what misfortune will happen to her.

The image of the Snow Maiden symbolizes not only the true beauty of a Russian woman, but also the beauty of the Russian soul. Vasnetsov creates the impression of a defenseless, but brave and fearless girl who is attracted by the unknown. The Snow Maiden demonstrates Russian fortitude.

IN this moment Vasnetsov’s famous painting “The Snow Maiden” is exhibited in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Full essay description of Vasnetsov's painting Snow Maiden, 3rd grade.

Vasnetsov’s painting “The Snow Maiden” may not be as famous as his other paintings: “The Knight at the Crossroads”, “The Heroes”, “Bayan”, but it truly is the pearl of the Tretyakov Gallery.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was a truly Russian painter. He grew up in a large family of a rural priest in the Vyatka province. His father Mikhail Vasilyevich was a very educated, well-read man who managed to instill in his children a love of art, science and Russian folklore. WITH young nails the future painter absorbed the charm of Russian nature, the grandeur of epics, and the mystery of fairy tales and legends.

“The Snow Maiden” was created as a sketch for the design of the scenery and costumes of the characters in Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera of the same name, but the beauty and touching nature of the Snow Maiden amazed those who saw her and the canvas became an artistic masterpiece.

Even with a superficial glance at the picture, you are involuntarily imbued with sympathy for the heroine. timidly stepping in the night snowy forest the girl immediately puts her at ease and makes her want to help her, to protect her from the sorrows and troubles that threaten her in a world unknown to her. She has already left her native frost-bound forest and is taking her first steps on the crisp snow in new life. Overcoming anxiety and fear, the Snow Maiden says goodbye to her past forever. She still doesn’t know how tragic her fate will be, that she, an ice girl, will dare to cross the line separating her from people and fall in love. She doesn’t know that this human act will destroy her. But all this will happen later, and now, struggling with timidity and doubts, the Snow Maiden goes to the edge of the forest.

In the distance, yellowish lights glow dimly and frighteningly village huts. The Snow Maiden herself and everything that surrounds her was made by the artist in white and blue tones radiating purity. Only the trees behind her and the darkness of the night in the field contrast with the foreground, but they are also penetrated by the gentle glow emanating from the icy girl.

Everything in this canvas is fused together by the artist’s brush: light and darkness, hope and anxiety, beauty and horror. The picture fascinates and awakens the brightest and warmest feelings in the soul.

Essay based on the painting Snow Maiden by Vasnetsov

Fabulous, beautiful picture. I saw a girl in the forest in winter. I thought it was the Snow Maiden. She is so beautiful, confused, pale and beautifully dressed. But, most likely, I called this girl that as a joke. And in this picture the artist really painted the Snow Maiden.

The Snow Maiden is dressed warmly enough: beautiful outerwear(something like a coat with patterns), a hat, mittens... Everything is white with golden patterns. She's probably wearing felt boots.

This girl is walking through the snow. She looks somewhere to the side. Behind her I see the lights of the windows. It's the outskirts of the village.

There is snow and darkness all around. It's night - there are stars in the sky. It turns out that there is a bright moon in the sky, but we don’t see it. There are just such shadows in the snow that it’s clear that the moon is shining brightly. Probably, now the Snow Maiden is looking right at her. The frost is shining. If it were the Sun, then, of course, everything would sparkle, the sky would be blue, we would clearly see the village, but here a miracle happens at night. Perhaps this is all happening under New Year. It's time for miracles! It seems that the whole Snow Maiden is glowing.

By the way, there are beautiful small Christmas trees in the foreground. There are also traces of some mice or hares. In theory, all these living creatures, as in cartoons, should help the Snow Maiden.

Behind the Snow Maiden (a little to the side) is a forest. She probably came out of the magic thicket and is now looking for people. It is like a fairy tale. The Snow Maiden was too bored to live in the forest, she always wanted to be with people, although heat is dangerous for her - she can melt. So in the picture the girl’s skin is pale, like snow. Traces stretch behind her, that is, she is already quite like a person (made of flesh and blood), she does not soar above the snow. Like a little mermaid, she is ready to give up her magic, her gift, in order to find her love among people.

There is both a film and a fairy tale about the Snow Maiden. There was also Lel - spring, grandparents, the king ... In the finale, the Snow Maiden melted. But she continues to come to the New Year with her Santa Claus. This means that she was revived, but she has no family. That is, she tried to find love among people, but she realized that they were too hot - prone to feelings, mood swings. I think she got married in the month of December, and they had a son, January, just like in another fairy tale. In general, the Snow Maiden did not despair. And she didn’t remain an eternal ice girl. Everyone knows that she has a good heart!

This picture is good at any time of the year. It reminds you of a holiday, a fairy tale. I like her very much. I'm even going to put it on my phone screensaver closer to the New Year holidays.

The fragile figure of a young girl froze on the edge of the winter forest. Above her head - a dark night sky, in some places sparkling with stars, in the distance, on the horizon, the lights of village windows are barely visible. Light drifting snow with smoky muslin hides the outlines of trees and huts in the background, deep footprints coming from the forest are imprinted on a thick snow layer. Before us " Snow Maiden" - a famous painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, painted in 1899.

This canvas owes its appearance to the friendship of the great artist with Savva Mamontov, a Russian entrepreneur and patron of the arts. In 1881, Mamontov came up with the idea of ​​presenting to the general public a theatrical production of the play “The Snow Maiden,” written by Ostrovsky. He invites Vasnetsov to work on the decorations for the future performance, and the artist gives his consent - after all, for him this was an opportunity to gain a new artistic experience.

A few years later, Vasnetsov had the opportunity to design a stage for Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera, and after that he decided to create his own canvas on this topic. This is how Viktor Vasnetsov’s painting “The Snow Maiden” appeared.

Ostrovsky's play is a literary presentation of the famous folk tale about Moroz's daughter, who disobeyed her father's ban and came out to the people. In Vasnetsov’s painting “The Snow Maiden” we see a young girl whose face reflects an internal struggle: she really wants to go there, to people, but she is afraid of the unknown - of what awaits her among strangers and strangers. She seemed frozen in a half-turn, deciding a difficult question: should she return home to her father before it’s too late?

In Viktor Vasnetsov’s painting “The Snow Maiden,” a forest edge with small fir trees along the edge is brightly illuminated by moonlight, which allows you to see fancy patterns on warm clothes, a chain of hare tracks and a girl’s eyebrows slightly knitted in anxious thought. Which way to go - whether to continue the dangerous path, whether to turn back? The girl who grew up among the forest dwellers has long been attracted by cheerful songs and laughter, often coming from the direction of the village, she wants to get to know these people, to become like them. However, her father warned her against such a step, convincing her that she would be safe in the forest. What if he's wrong?

For Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, his painting “The Snow Maiden” became one of the important works: he worked on this canvas for several years, trying to transfer onto the canvas the knowledge of the depth of the Russian soul that he gleaned from folklore and his trips around the country. The public reaction was positive: the artist’s contemporaries admired the skill with which the artist managed to combine the heavenly and earthly. According to critics, none of the artists could convey all the beauty of a Russian woman as accurately as Vasnetsov did.

Today you can admire Vasnetsov’s painting “The Snow Maiden” in one of the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery.