The fairy tale is an ordinary miracle. Fairytale convention in Evgeniy Schwartz’s play “An Ordinary Miracle”

A play and two films: one was shot in the 60s by Garin Erast, the second by Mark Zakharov in 82. In the first - an exalted enthusiastic Master, caricatured characters, fairy-tale main characters - a princess and a bear - brought to the point of cloying. The director took the word “fairy tale” too literally.

And a bomb-like film from 1982. With the Owner - a wizard, writer, author, creator. With what sadness and disappointment he says: “I won’t help you anymore. I'm not interested in you." Yes... There is no greater sin than fear, cowardice... so the Master understood the hesitation... what? Weak? If you haven't kissed me, it means you don't love me... The bear has become too human in 7 years. A person can refuse love, worrying about his beloved...

Schwartz is a genius, but why did his genius seem to be veiled in the 60s, why did the wizard Garin and the Wizard Zakharov say the same words in completely different ways: “Sleep, my dear... I just took people, mixed them up and they became live in such a way that you laugh and cry. Some played better, others worse... well, shouldn’t we cross them out for that? Not words - people! (sorry about the bills). The whole play is imbued with love. Out of love for his wife, the owner stirred up this whole story; out of love, the bear remained human.

This is a wonderful discovery: people will be born from love...

Rating: 10

Rating: 9

I recently watched Zakharov’s movie. And I didn't like it. Of course, there are wonderful actors and Simonova, Vasilyeva and Solomin get into character, but it seemed to me that the “authorship” overpowered the text. The static nature of the scenery and the image created by Yankovsky create a heavy atmosphere. At one point, it seemed to me that the Owner was simply communicating with his dead wife, and there was no one else around at all, just an octopus-wizard with his house.

However, already while watching, I got the impression that Zakharov was putting pressure, so I wanted to touch the original source. The result was exactly as I expected: stuntedness and isolation disappeared from the words. In general, it’s surprising, but the play seemed much less theatrical than the director’s vision. The owner does seem like a bit of a sad, funny guy. The hostess is really a hostess. Although, perhaps, I’m being a little disingenuous here: at the same time, I watched “An Ordinary Miracle” in Garin’s version. The film 1964 is much more traditional and does not have cult status, but IMHO there are much more hits in the characters. For example, Mironov flashed the phrase: “You are attractive, I am damn attractive,” but I believed Georgiou with his impetuosity and hysteria much more.

The play itself is a beautiful, kind tale about the power of love and the responsibility of the creator. It seems to me that it makes no sense to tear it apart into its simplest elements, especially since everyone can form their own vision from reading and viewing. For example, when reading, I simply heard the voices of the actors who fell into the role for me. Most often these were actors selected by Garin and that’s it.

Overall: In my opinion, this is a case where a well-known production did not benefit the play. The play itself is sweet and kind, devoid of the desolation and dust of the old theater, although Zakharov’s heavy atmosphere intensified the conflict. That's my opinion.

Rating: 8

It’s a miracle that this play is easy to read and understand. Because it's a fairy tale. So the miracle is an ordinary one: who bothered with fairy tales? Ordinary - ordinary, everyday, often, ubiquitous (according to the explanatory dictionary); a miracle in one of the meanings is something unprecedented, unusual, amazing. And a miracle that is widespread everywhere is the love of a woman and a man. No one knows how it arises and why it may disappear. It is unknown why dissimilar people, who sometimes do not know each other, fall in love. But the power of love usually does not surprise anyone, but delights them like magic. Even a wizard does not have such power as love: he quietly hopes that his feeling for his wife will defeat death.

Evgeny Schwartz felt subtly that his love was tender, faithful, strong. Insensitive characters disappear in the finale, others simply melt away. And life goes on as usual, full of new expectations and hopes.

P.S. Now I’ll be happy to watch Mark Zakharov’s film adaptation. I never had any interest in it, I saw a little in films about the actors and the director himself.

Rating: 10

First I saw M. Zakharov’s version with Abdulov and Simonova in the lead roles, a very romantic couple: a courageous, cowboy-like Bear and a fragile, gentle, vulnerable, but strong Princess. But, to be honest, I remember most of all the King performed by E. Leonov. The film impressed me so much that I also reviewed the old version with the amazing, perhaps truly Hollywood-beautiful actor O. Vidov.

And then it was time to read. Well? The play is wonderful, beautiful and correct: Love conquers all obstacles, drives away death and reigns forever, even if our earthly life is short.

I really liked the way the heroes of the fairy tale invented by the Wizard (all writers are a little bit wizards) break out of the framework of the work and begin to live in their own way. So, don’t be afraid: “everything will be right, the world is built on this”!

Rating: 10

Unlike many, I first read the play, and then only found out about the film - this was a long time ago, back in the time of my not quite youth, but no longer childhood. I remember that I didn’t like the Wizard at all - who and what right gave him control over the life of even a bear, but this is a living creature! - I thought... The Minister-Administrator was completely irritating - how can such a rare bastard live in the world... And the Hunter did not evoke anything positive in me at all. Then I watched the film - thoroughly and carefully, and my attitude towards the different characters became completely different. I fell in love with the Wizard, I hated the Administrator even more, and the rest of the characters became simply noticeable to me - in the play they were somehow lost for me... In general, I’m glad that the film and the book have now become inseparable, this only helps to understand and accept many the things described in them.

Rating: 10

I’ve watched Mark Zakharov’s film I can’t count how many times, I remember all the lines by heart for a long time. The film is simply brilliant. Even simple sets and costumes do not spoil it. The wonderful script and wonderful performances of our favorite actors outshine everything. Having learned that one of my favorite films has a printed source, I decided to read it. While reading, of course, I imagined the faces of the characters from the film, but in the play the characters’ personalities are better revealed. The motives for the characters’ actions become clearer.

The play is wonderful. I received great pleasure from immersing myself in the author's vision of this amazing story.

Rating: 10

Evgeny Schwartz

An ordinary miracle

Ekaterina Ivanovna Schwartz








First Minister.

Court lady.





Hunter's Apprentice.


Appears before the curtain Human, who tells the audience quietly and thoughtfully:

– “An Ordinary Miracle” – what a strange name! If a miracle means something extraordinary! And if it’s ordinary, then it’s not a miracle.

The answer is that we are talking about love. A boy and a girl fall in love with each other - which is common. They quarrel – which is also not uncommon. They almost die of love. And finally, the strength of their feeling reaches such a height that it begins to work real miracles - which is both surprising and ordinary.

You can talk about love and sing songs, but we will tell a fairy tale about it.

In a fairy tale, the ordinary and the miraculous are very conveniently placed side by side and are easily understood if you look at the fairy tale as a fairy tale. As in childhood. Don't look for hidden meaning in it. A fairy tale is told not in order to hide, but in order to reveal, to say with all your might, out loud what you think.

Among the characters in our fairy tale, who are closer to the “ordinary” ones, you will recognize people whom you meet quite often. For example, the king. You can easily recognize in him an ordinary apartment despot, a frail tyrant who deftly knows how to explain his outrages by considerations of principle. Or dystrophy of the heart muscle. Or psychasthenia. Or even heredity. In the fairy tale, he is made a king so that his character traits reach their natural limit. You will also recognize the minister-administrator, the dashing supplier. And an honored figure in hunting. And some others.

But the heroes of the fairy tale, who are closer to the “miracle”, are deprived household damn today. Such are the wizard, and his wife, and the princess, and the bear.

How do such different people get along in one fairy tale? And it's very simple. Just like in life.

And our fairy tale begins simply. One wizard got married, settled down and started farming. But no matter how you feed the wizard, he is always drawn to miracles, transformations and amazing adventures. And so he got involved in the love story of those very young people I spoke about at the beginning. And everything got confused, mixed up - and finally unraveled so unexpectedly that the wizard himself, accustomed to miracles, clasped his hands in surprise.

It all ended in grief or happiness for the lovers - you will find out at the very end of the fairy tale. (Disappears.)

Act one

Estate in the Carpathian Mountains. Large room, sparkling clean. On the hearth is a dazzlingly sparkling copper coffee pot. A bearded man, huge in height, broad-shouldered, sweeps the room and talks to himself at the top of his voice. This owner of the estate.

Master. Like this! That's great! I work and work, as befits an owner, everyone will look and praise, everything with me is like that of other people. I don’t sing, I don’t dance, I don’t tumble like a wild animal. The owner of an excellent estate in the mountains cannot roar like a bison, no, no! I work without any liberties... Ah! (Listens, covers his face with his hands.) She goes! She! She! Her steps... I’ve been married for fifteen years, and I’m still in love with my wife, like a boy, honestly! It's coming! She! (Giggles shyly.) What a nonsense, my heart is beating so much that it even hurts... Hello, wife!

Included mistress, still a young, very attractive woman.

Hello wife, hello! It’s been a long time since we parted, just an hour ago, but I’m happy for you, as if we haven’t seen each other for a year, that’s how I love you... (Getting scared.) What happened to you? Who dared to offend you?

Mistress. You.

Master. Are you kidding! Oh, I'm rude! Poor woman, standing there so sad, shaking her head... What a disaster! What have I, damned one, done?

Mistress. Think about it.

Master. Well, where is there to think... Speak, don’t be tormented...

Mistress. What did you do this morning in the chicken coop?

Master (laughs). So it’s me who loves!

Mistress. Thank you for such love. I open the chicken coop, and suddenly - hello! All my chickens have four legs...

Master. Well, what's offensive about that?

Mistress. And the chicken has a mustache like a soldier.

Master. Ha ha ha!

Mistress. Who promised to improve? Who promised to live like everyone else?

Master. Well, dear, well, dear, well, forgive me! What can you do... After all, I’m a wizard!

Mistress. You never know!

Master. The morning was cheerful, the sky was clear, there was nowhere to put any energy, it was so good. I wanted to fool around...

Mistress. Well, I would do something useful for the economy. They brought sand over there to sprinkle the paths. I would take it and turn it into sugar.

Master. Well, what a prank this is!

Mistress. Or he would turn those stones that were piled near the barn into cheese.

Master. Not funny!

Mistress. Well, what should I do with you? I fight, I fight, and you are still the same wild hunter, mountain wizard, crazy bearded man!

Master. I'm trying!

Mistress. Everything is going well, just like people do, and suddenly - bang! - thunder, lightning, miracles, transformations, fairy tales, all sorts of legends... Poor thing... (Kisses him.) Well, go, dear!

Master. Where?

Mistress. To the chicken coop.

Master. For what?

Mistress. Fix what you did there.

Master. I can not!

Mistress. Oh please!

Master. I can not. You yourself know how things are in the world. Sometimes you mess around, and then you’ll fix everything. And sometimes there’s a click and there’s no turning back! I already beat these chickens with a magic wand, and curled them with a whirlwind, and struck them with lightning seven times - all in vain! This means that what has been done here cannot be corrected.

Mistress. Well, nothing can be done... I will shave the chicken every day, and turn away from chickens. Well, now let's move on to the most important thing. Who are you waiting for?

Master. No one.

Mistress. Look into my eyes.

Master. I'm watching.

Mistress. Tell the truth, what will happen? What kind of guests should we receive today? Of people? Or will ghosts come and play dice with you? Don't be afraid, speak up. If we have the ghost of a young nun, I will even be glad. She promised to bring back from the other world a pattern for a blouse with wide sleeves, such as was worn three hundred years ago. This style is back in fashion. Will the nun come?

Evgeny Schwartz

An ordinary miracle




First Minister

Court lady


Hunter's Apprentice

a man appears in front of the curtain and speaks quietly and thoughtfully to the audience:

– “An Ordinary Miracle” – what a strange name! If a miracle means something extraordinary! And if it’s ordinary, then it’s not a miracle.

The answer is that we are talking about love. A boy and a girl fall in love with each other - which is common. They quarrel – which is also not uncommon. They almost die of love. And finally the strength of their feeling reaches such a height that it begins to work real miracles - which is both surprising and ordinary.

You can talk about love and sing songs, but we will tell a fairy tale about it.

In a fairy tale, the ordinary and the miraculous are very conveniently placed side by side and are easily understood if you look at the fairy tale as a fairy tale. As in childhood. Don't look for hidden meaning in it. A fairy tale is told not in order to hide, but in order to reveal, to say with all your might, out loud what you think.

Among the characters in our fairy tale, who are closer to the “ordinary” ones, you will recognize people whom you meet quite often. For example, the king. You can easily recognize in him an ordinary apartment despot, a frail tyrant who deftly knows how to explain his outrages by considerations of principle. Or dystrophy of the heart muscle. Or psychasthenia. Or even heredity. In the fairy tale, he is made a king so that his character traits reach their natural limit. You will also recognize the minister-administrator, the dashing supplier. And an honored figure in hunting. And some others.

But the heroes of the fairy tale, who are closer to the “miracle”, are devoid of the everyday features of today. Such are the wizard, and his wife, and the princess, and the bear.

How do such different people get along in one fairy tale? And it's very simple. Just like in life.

And our fairy tale begins simply. One wizard got married, settled down and started farming. But no matter how you feed the wizard, he is always drawn to miracles, transformations and amazing adventures. And so he got involved in the love story of those very young people I spoke about at the beginning. And everything got confused, mixed up - and finally unraveled so unexpectedly that the wizard himself, accustomed to miracles, clasped his hands in surprise.

It all ended in grief or happiness for the lovers - you will find out at the very end of the fairy tale.


Act one

estate in the Carpathian Mountains | large room, sparkling clean | on the hearth there is a dazzlingly sparkling copper coffee pot | a bearded man, huge in height, broad-shouldered, sweeps the room and talks to himself at the top of his voice | this is the owner of the estate


Like this! That's great! I work and work, as befits an owner, everyone will look and praise, everything with me is like that of other people. I don’t sing, I don’t dance, I don’t tumble like a wild animal. The owner of an excellent estate in the mountains cannot roar like a bison, no, no! I work without any liberties... Ah!

listens, covers his face with his hands

She goes! She! She! Her steps... I’ve been married for fifteen years, and I’m still in love with my wife, like a boy, honestly! It's coming! She!

giggles shyly

What a nonsense, my heart is beating so much that it even hurts... Hello, wife!

the hostess enters, still a young, very attractive woman

Hello wife, hello! It’s been a long time since we parted, just an hour ago, but I’m happy for you, as if we haven’t seen each other for a year, that’s how I love you...

gets scared

What happened to you? Who dared to offend you?



Are you kidding! Oh, I'm rude! Poor woman, standing there so sad, shaking her head... What a disaster! What have I, damned one, done?



Well, where is there to think... Speak, don’t be tormented...


What did you do this morning in the chicken coop?

Master (laughs)

So it’s me who loves!


Thank you for such love. I open the chicken coop, and suddenly - hello! All my chickens have four legs...


Well, what's offensive about that?


And the chicken has a mustache like a soldier.



Who promised to improve? Who promised to live like everyone else?


Well, dear, well, dear, well, forgive me! What can you do... After all, I’m a wizard!


You never know!


The morning was cheerful, the sky was clear, there was nowhere to put any energy, it was so good. I wanted to fool around...


Well, I would do something useful for the economy. They brought sand over there to sprinkle the paths. I would take it and turn it into sugar.


Well, what a prank this is!


Or he would turn those stones that were piled near the barn into cheese.


Not funny!


Well, what should I do with you? I fight, I fight, and you are still the same wild hunter, mountain wizard, crazy bearded man!


I'm trying!


So everything is going nicely, like with people, and suddenly there’s a bang - thunder, lightning, miracles, transformations, fairy tales, all sorts of legends... Poor thing...

kisses him

Well, go, dear!



To the chicken coop.



Fix what you did there.



Oh please!


I can not. You yourself know how things are in the world. Sometimes you mess up, and then you fix everything. And sometimes there’s a click and there’s no turning back! I already beat these chickens with a magic wand, and curled them with a whirlwind, and struck them with lightning seven times - all in vain! This means that what has been done here cannot be corrected.