Learn to draw princesses and fairies. Online lessons for drawing a fairy fairy

Cars are one of the favorite topics for drawing by children, especially boys. They often organize an unspoken competition to see who can create the coolest and most believable image of a car. Not everyone has the artistic talent to perform such a task, but these skills are trained. If a person shows enough persistence in mastering artistic intricacies, such a task as drawing a car will lose its complexity for him and will turn into something completely feasible and giving pleasure from anticipation. great result the efforts made. Our tips are intended to help in the implementation of such plans.

How to draw a car step by step with a pencil: some subtleties of the process

Before you try to draw a car step by step, you should decide on its appearance. If you like a specific model, you need to get images of it, study it in detail, mentally divide it into separate elements: this way it’s easier to distribute the work into separate stages. In the case when a car looks too complicated to draw, it is advisable to resort to stylization or simplification, leaving only the key components, the main lines. To those whose artistic skill While it is not high enough, it is preferable to avoid excessive detailing of the product. Conducted along the way creative process auxiliary lines and the strokes are necessarily erased when the need for them disappears.

How to draw a car step by step for children

Difficulties with how to draw a car for children arise precisely because of the lack of simplicity of the form. They don’t have to try to repeat a certain model - they should depict a certain conventional car, like this one. First, an arbitrary rectangle is outlined with a smaller trapezoid above it - this will be the body part. Windows are drawn in it, wheels are added, preferably with rims. Approximately in the middle of the rectangle with a pair of parallel vertical lines the edges of the doors are indicated. Smaller details are added: the edge of the steering wheel looking out of the window, bumpers, headlights.

How to draw a racing car

If the task is how to draw a racing or sports car, it is permissible to act as follows. A basic form of this type is created, consisting of a projection of a parallelepiped and a volumetric trapezoid in the desired angle. The contours are specified using it. First of all, the lower part is outlined, with the recesses for the wheels, and then they themselves are drawn, slightly oval due to the features of the projection. Now the bottom of the front is indicated, slightly rounded and with a low rise, and in a similar way- rear. The top is slightly rounded, the boundaries of the glass are drawn, side mirrors are added, then several pairs of headlights are added. The edges of the doors, hood, and space for the license plate are marked. A spoiler and other details are added. Detailed step by step instructions- on this page.

How to draw a cool car: Dodge Viper

Many guys rush to learn how to draw a car with a pencil in order to further create images of cool cars. We will now consider one of the options, detailed instructions for which can be found. First, a blank is created, like this one, with two perpendicular lines drawn inside it, one of which will turn into the bottom edge windshield. Now it itself is drawn, then the lower edge of the car, the outline of the body shape, the top of the headlights, the hood, and the seats for the wheels. A lot of details are added: a pattern running along the body, fog lights, radiator grilles, tires with rims, ventilation holes, mirrors, headlights. Hints on their location can be found in the link to the instructions.

How to draw a police car

Not everyone can cope with such a task of how to easily draw a car of this type. But it will be an easy job if you find the right instructions. It is permissible to follow the instructions given in this video clip. Text version A step-by-step description of the process of creating an image of a similar company car is provided on this website. In fact, the image of any car, with the possible exception of sports cars, can serve as the basis for a police officer. All that remains is to apply some distinctive marks to the simple body. A block of flashing lights is drawn on the roof, located parallel to the bumpers. Side stripes, digital designations 02, and a small inscription “police” in a simple font are applied to the body.

How to draw a fire truck

Such a problem is not easy, but the following will allow you to solve it successfully: Video instruction. It is intended for older people, and if a preschooler wants to depict a police car, it is advisable for him to turn to another video. There are fewer intricate lines, the image itself is a little angular. For a detailed text explanation, accompanied by pictures of each stage of drawing, you need to go here. There, the creation of such a service car proceeds from the formation of a simple blank form to the gradual drawing of contours and the addition of small elements.

You can easily draw a car. After all, she has simple shapes, which can be designated simple lines. The first step is to create the “outer box” of the machine, or its overall silhouette. From the next stage, the main components of any passenger car– wheels, windows, doors. Can also be supplemented step by step drawing cars with colored pencils with small details that will only embellish. And only then you can outline the image with a marker and apply color to it. Created as a result beautiful car. The lesson has average level difficulties.

Necessary materials:

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • eraser;
  • marker;
  • colour pencils.

Drawing steps:

1. Using a simple pencil, outline the shape of a passenger car. For beauty and accuracy, you can use a ruler.

2. Despite the fact that a passenger car has 4 wheels, we will draw only two. Why two? Because in profile only one pair of front ones is visible.

3. Draw arcs around the wheels.

4. Now let's draw the windows. They depend on the brand and type of car. We will also draw a small detail near the front window, with the help of which the driver will be able to see the transport behind his car. We will make a small partition between the windows.

5. Draw small details: headlights in the background and in the foreground, doors, partitions in the form of simple lines.

6. We outline the drawing with a marker. Can be used with thick or thin rod. Let's not forget about small details, located in the middle of the picture.

7. Use a light green pencil to decorate the entire car, except for the windows, wheels and headlights. More dark color using a pencil we will give the drawing a three-dimensional look.

8. Using a blue pencil, we will create reflections on the glass of the car windows, reflecting the clouds in the sky and good weather.

9. Gray pencil, which was used to draw a sketch of the drawing, we paint the wheels. But let's make the headlights red.

10. With this our drawn car is ready. Using this diagram you can learn to draw other types of machines. After all, each one has wheels, headlights, and windows.

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Fairies have become characters of many fairy tales and legends. In the old days, many people truly believed that little ones were mischievous and cheerful, and sometimes even evil fairies actually exist. Of course, learning how to draw a fairy is not so easy, because there are no photographs of these fantastic creatures. Therefore, to understand how to draw a fairy, it will be useful to consider illustrations of the most different artists.
Before drawing a fairy, you should prepare all the tools that you will need for this:
1). Pencil;
2). Liner;
3). Paper;
4). Colour pencils;
5). Eraser.

After this, you can move on to studying the question of how to draw a fairy step by step:
1. Make a light sketch of the fairy figure;
2. Draw the arms and shoulders of this fairy tale character. Draw in the hands of a fairy magic wand;
3. Draw top part fairy dresses;
4. Draw voluminous hair and draw in more detail the fairy’s facial features;
5. Draw the wings that are located behind the fairy’s back;
6. Draw her skirt. Draw her legs in striped socks and shoes with sharp noses;
7. Draw a small crown on the fairy’s head;
8. Draw a flower with a fairy standing on it;
9. Now, knowing how to draw a fairy with a pencil, you can move on to the next stage of working on the image - coloring it. But before that, you need to outline the pencil sketch with a liner;
10. Erase the pencil lines with an eraser;
11. Make the fairy's hair fiery red. Color her eyes with a blue pencil and her skin with nude, pink and brown tones. Shade the fairy's mouth with a red pencil;
12. Color the wand and crown yellow pencil, and shade the wings with yellow, lilac and blue tones;
13. Pencils bright colors color the fairy dress;
14. Paint the socks and shoes of this fairy-tale character;

15. Using yellow and brown pencils color range, color the flower.
The drawing of a small and mischievous fairy is completely ready! Now you understand how to draw a fairy step by step with a pencil. By the way, the finished pencil sketch can also be colored with paints, for example, watercolors. Thanks to this, the image of the fairy will be more gentle and charming. And to make the drawing bright and very colorful, you can use gouache. Also, children will certainly enjoy coloring such a drawing with felt-tip pens, which always have unusually rich shades. Having learned to draw fairies, you can create very interesting illustrations, for example, for the fairy tale about Thumbelina or other famous works for children.

Now you will study an online lesson in drawing another fairy-tale fairy character. This time she will look the part. Start with the shape of the head and then draw the neck.

Start from the left side and begin sketching out the structure of the face, which then turns into her cheek and chin. Next, draw out the shapes of her eyes and the eyelashes of her left eye. Once this is done, you can draw her nose, mouth and lips like here and finally draw out the eyebrows, pupils and the rest of the eyelashes.

Now we can start sketching out her arms. Notice how her left hand rests on her right shoulder. The right arm will be wrapped around her legs when you draw her legs in the next step.

Okay, now draw the hips on the right and continue drawing her legs. Don't forget the sketch of her fingers.

This is a very simple step because all you need to do is sketch out her torso under her breasts and along her waist.

Now you will draw her hair and as you can see, she has long shiny locks.

This is where you can start adding texture to the hair. When everything is determined with her hair, you can draw lilies in her hair, or a simple flower of your choice.

Finally you have come to the last step. All you need to do now is draw her fairy wings. Of course, you can draw any style of wings you want, but I thought a simple wing would suit her best. Add patterns to the wings, and then start erasing your mistakes.

So your fantasy of a fairy girl came true in the drawing when you did everything right.

I will be happy to help you place this charming beauty in your album!

Watch the video and learn how to draw the Disney fairy Tinkerbell in flight.

Now in step by step instructions learn how to create a fairy portrait or a life-size drawing of her.

How to Draw a Tinker Bell Portrait Step by Step

1. First, on blank paper we draw an oval of the head and mark two auxiliary lines: the central line of the face and the line of the eyes.

It is important to know!At the first stages of drawing, do not press hard on the pencil, so that later it will be easier to erase the auxiliary lines.

The oval of the head should look like an inverted egg, because usually in a person’s face the chin is narrowed and the forehead is widened.

The center line is shifted due to Tinker Bell turning her head to the right side. The eye line is always in the middle of the oval of the head.

2. At this stage, we draw the characteristic features of Tinkerbell’s face: the depression at the eyes, a convex forehead, a pointed chin, plump cheeks and ears, like an elf.

We also schematically draw the fairy’s hairstyle, but for now we’ll skip the details.

3. Before you start drawing the eyes, lips and nose, you should use light movements to mark the places where they will be located with auxiliary lines.

4. Draw the eyes and eyebrows of Tinkerbell.

Clue. The fairy's eyes are shaped like sunflower seeds. So draw them big and expressive.

5. Now let's move on to drawing the nose and lips.

It is important to know! The upper lip is usually thinner than the lower lip.

6. Once you've drawn the face, you can move on to the hairstyle. Some strands of hair fall onto Tinkerbell's face, it's worth depicting. A characteristic feature of her hairstyle is a fluffy bun tied with a ribbon.

7. Face and hair are ready! Now let’s draw the fairy’s thin neck, arms and just a little bit of her torso. You don’t need to draw a lot of the body, because this is a portrait, and the main thing in a portrait is the face.

8. Congratulations! The portrait is ready! Now you can safely erase the auxiliary lines.

Can you finish the portrait? with a simple pencil, shading some parts of the body, or you can paint with colored pencils or watercolors.

How to draw the Tinker Bell fairy in full height step by step

1. First we outline the oval of the head, reference points and fairy body lines. The result will be something like a human skeleton.

It is important to know! At this stage, you should trace the position of Tinkerbell's arms and legs. Correctly drawn reference lines will later help you depict the entire body.

2. Let's build the fairy's body using various geometric shapes.

Interesting! Every artist knows that any object, plant, or animal can be drawn in the form geometric shapes. This method is very important for the development of your imagination. Practice at home! All you have to do is take any object from your desktop and try to depict it only with the help of geometric shapes (no curves or smooth lines!). Such training will help you draw complex objects easier.

In the meantime, let's try to depict the body of Tinker Bell using geometric shapes.

3. Now we have a body design for Tinker Bell, somewhat similar to a wooden doll. Using it we can easily draw the entire body of the fairy. To do this, first draw a smooth face with plump cheeks, a convex forehead and a sharp chin.

Then we draw the torso and arms using smooth lines, as shown in the diagram.

Now let’s move on to the legs, and with light pencil movements we outline the wings.

It is important to know! At this stage, we draw the body without details, rather than drawing out fingers, hair and clothes.

4. When the fairy silhouette is ready, move on to the details. Let's start with the head: draw the eyes, nose and lips of Tinkerbell. Then move on to the hairstyle.

5. After this, draw the fairy’s fingers, clothes and shoes, and also draw the wings clearly and in detail. After all, what kind of fairy is she if she doesn’t have beautiful wings?

6. Congratulations! The Tinker Bell drawing is ready! Now you can safely wipe out all the auxiliary lines.

If desired, finish the portrait with shading using a simple pencil, colored pencils, or paint with watercolors.