Scandinavian names for girls. List of options in Russian and their meanings


Sports plays important role in maintaining the health of the body. Exercise is beneficial if it is regular, moderate in intensity and combined with adequate rest and a balanced diet. Introduction to physical development begins with school age. The holiday is dedicated to people who engage in physical education and sports.

On this day, sporting events take place under the auspices of the authorities and local government. Teams at the venues demonstrate their achievements. Social movements install sports equipment in designated areas. Anyone can try their hand at doing pull-ups on horizontal bars or doing push-ups on parallel bars.

Collective sports competitions are held: tug of war, weight pushing. Long and short distance races are organized. The winners are awarded cups, certificates of honor and medals.

IN big cities public lectures are held on healthy image life, training and nutrition. Sports broadcasts, recordings from the Olympics, biographies and stories are broadcast on television and radio stations famous athletes about the path to victory.

On this day, physical education teachers accept congratulations. According to tradition, they go out into nature with friends, relatives, acquaintances, and loved ones. They cook over an open fire and fish in ponds.

This holiday became widespread in the 20-30s of the 20th century, in the first decades Soviet power, when communist propagandists introduced the slogan: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

In sports, health is the main secret.
Happy Athlete's Day, we congratulate you,
More luck and fair victories
We wish you well in your career!

To achieve success, only with blood and sweat,
Elevate yourself to the sports springboard,
Only through hard work and a lot of work
It is possible to reach the top in this matter!

An athlete is the best person
Loves sports and respects health.
Athletes, your bright day has come,
We congratulate you on this holiday.

May you have enough strength for everything,
So that sport gives you only joy.
Every day to bring happiness,
Don't be sad and don't give up.

May there be global health
And luck follows you.
Congratulations on the big holiday
The best words for you today.

Happy Cultural Workers Day -
Not simple, physical,
Your strong figures
I am a lyrical verse

Congratulations and best wishes
Strength, happiness, joy,
Life will be like heaven
If there is no weakness!

Only those who are rich in health are
Who is close to physical education and sports,
Who never gets tired
And strength accepts the challenge.

And on this day I wish
More sports achievements!
To make the whole family proud -
Be an example for generations!

The whole world looks up to you,
You are strong and healthy,
We wish you personal victories,
Awards, new successes!

We congratulate you with all our hearts,
We don't forget about sports
We want to become like you,
To celebrate this holiday!

New records for you in your career,
So that your nerves don't give up,
So that things can be argued in the hands,
We were healthy, as always!

Barbells, balls, ropes,
You've known me since childhood,
We wish you achievements,
And new records!

I'm very proud of you
My dear athlete,
Celebrate this holiday
Don't forget about me!

Strong, brave and courageous,
Not everyone can be like this
Hurray for athletes!
Their country loves them very much!

Achievements, new, major,
Only gold awards
So that you succeed in everything,
So that there are no obstacles!

You are champion athletes,
Strong like Apollos
Be happy always
Sports are not nonsense for you!

It's good that there are people
Who is friends with sports,
Salute to athletes,
Let them not bother!

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Celebrated in Russia annually on the second Saturday of August. In 2018, the date falls on August 11.

The holiday is celebrated on the basis of the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On holidays and memorable days" dated October 1, 1980.

The history of this holiday began with the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, adopted in the summer of 1939, on the establishment of the All-Union Sportsman's Day. The date for Sportsman's Day was set annually. Since 1961, the holiday began to be celebrated in the USSR on the second Saturday of August.

The first Sportsman's Day took place on July 18, 1939. In those years, the country was experiencing an unprecedented rise in physical culture and sports - numerous voluntary physical culture and sports societies were founded (Spartak, Dynamo, Wings of the Soviets, Lokomotiv and others), the All-Union physical education complex“Ready for labor and defense of the USSR,” the sports and athletics movement developed.

Sportsman's Day was intended to promote mass propaganda of physical culture and sports in the country. It became the day of the traditional national review of the achievements of the Soviet physical education movement and the skills of Soviet athletes. On this day, demonstration performances by athletes and competitions of various levels were held throughout the country.

Among the most bright events, with which the celebration of Athlete's Day was associated, included colorful All-Union parades of athletes and mass sports and gymnastic performances.

So, in the first post-war months, on August 12, 1945, 25 thousand participants from all the union republics took part in the parade of athletes in Moscow.

Currently, physical culture and sports are recognized as the most important areas social policy states.

In 2009, the Strategy for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports in Russian Federation for the period until 2020, which determined performance indicators and main directions public policy in the field of physical culture and sports.

As part of the updated GTO, starting from six years.

In Russia, 34.2% of the population regularly engages in physical education and sports. About 75% of schoolchildren and students of higher educational institutions are involved in sports. Moreover, more than three million of them are in the stages of sports training. The adult and economically active population also began to pay more attention to a healthy lifestyle. About 23% of this group (16.5 million people) exercise regularly.

The promotion of sports is facilitated by mass sport events. Among them are multi-stage competitions: "All-Russian sports competitions for schoolchildren" Presidential competitions ", Spartakiad of Russian pensioners, All-Russian winter rural sport games, as well as all-Russian mass starts: “Ski Track of Russia”, “Cross of Nations”, “Orange Ball”, “Russian Azimuth”, “All-Russian Running Day” and others.

Every year, the country hosts over 700 mass physical education and sports events, which provide the opportunity to attract up to 80 million people to competitive activities. All this helps to popularize physical education and a healthy lifestyle.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Every second Saturday in August, Physical Education Day is celebrated in Russia. Every year the holiday brings together thousands of people whose profession is physical education. By the way, in order not to get confused with the dates, Athlete’s Day 2019 will be celebrated on August 10.

history of the holiday

This holiday began to be celebrated immediately after the end of the 1980 Moscow Olympics. On October 1, a corresponding decree was signed, according to which Physical Education Day received the status of an annual event. professional holiday. The holiday was officially approved only at the end of the twentieth century, but it has been known since the 20-30s, when playing sports in the USSR was considered everyone’s business. It was then that the famous Soviet slogan was born: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”

Dynamo is running? Everyone is running!

When Sportsman's Day was not yet celebrated in Russia, various sports societies were being created throughout the country. For example, Moscow society"Dynamo", created in 1923 on the basis of law enforcement officers and military personnel. After 12 years, Spartak was born, which in the first years was called “Pishchevik” and attracted trade workers to its banner. It was with Spartak that the popularization of sports began in the USSR; thousands of Soviet citizens joined the society and had the opportunity to engage in various sports sections completely free of charge.

The role of sport

All-Russian Athlete's Day was always held in the USSR on a grand scale. Athletes, teachers and coaches have always become participants in large-scale parades. A healthy lifestyle was held in high esteem, therefore, along with technical and humanitarian universities, sports and physical education departments were opened in the country. Both before, when Athlete’s Day did not have official status, and now, the country’s leadership understands how important it is to have a healthy society. Moreover, healthy in every sense, again you can remember the Soviet proverb about a healthy mind. Soviet Union They scold a lot, and it seems that there is a reason for it, but with all this, it is worth adopting from that state all the good things that were in it. For example, attitudes towards sports, a healthy lifestyle, physical training schoolchildren and students. You can have different attitudes towards this holiday, but you shouldn’t forget that Sportsman’s Day is an important date.

Sports and physical culture useful at any age. People of any weight, height, appearance and even disabilities can devote their lives to exercise and training! The main thing is desire and willpower. After all, sometimes even professional athletes have periods of calm and laziness. A ordinary people It is even more difficult to overcome this barrier. To attract the masses to sports, there is a wonderful holiday - Athlete's Day in Russia.

Excursion into history

In 1939, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the holiday was introduced as Athlete's Day. The slogan “A healthy mind in a healthy body!” even a baby in swaddling clothes knew. In those years, athletes were the most revered and famous people in the country. But the solemn day is dedicated not only to them, but to everyone who loves sports and plays it, regardless of age, gender and profession.

The first physical education in Russia took place on July 18, 1939. The ceremonial demonstrations included crowds of people holding placards, flowers and banners. They greeted famous football players, gymnasts, athletes of other disciplines. Sports departments and additional sections began to open at institutes. The authorities introduced people to physical culture in all ways. After all, it is so important for the body and inner world person. This is the story in Russia. This holiday is still celebrated with pomp in the country every year on the second Saturday of August.

Toughen up, get busy

Today this holiday is no less relevant than many decades ago. Modern youth are actively involved in sports, the only pity is that visiting special sections is mostly paid. Lessons take place in educational institutions without fail. Children are explained how important it is to keep their body in good shape and be able to achieve their goals. After all, sport is not just about swinging your legs and arms, but also the most important physical development. Therefore, it is necessary to hold a Physical Education Day for children. Fun competitions and team relay races are held in kindergartens, camps and schools. Attentive organizers will definitely take care of incentive prizes and medals for young champions.

Important item

On Physical Education Day in Russia, teachers of this wonderful subject are the first to receive congratulations. After all, discipline is no less important than mathematics and the Russian language, which children study at school. Being strong and healthy is no less necessary than reading quickly and writing correctly. According to statistics, physical education is a favorite subject among schoolchildren. After all, there you can combine business with pleasure. Long jumps and timed running are very entertaining and fun activities. In addition, they give strength and vigor for the rest of the day. Do not forget to present your congratulations on Physical Education Day to the teacher in this subject, because he makes a huge contribution to the development of your child.

Good words

People who have connected their lives with sports are strong personalities who have a lot to learn from. After all, you need to have enormous power willpower to train daily and improve your body. And those who decide to teach this subject in an educational institution bear enormous responsibility for the health and lives of their students. Don’t forget to present your congratulations on Physical Education Day to the teacher. You can write kind words in beautiful postcard or say them while looking into your eyes.

The holiday today is cheerful, healthy,

And you, what a daring one!

We want to be like you

After all, your work is invaluable!

You train us hard

We repeat everything quietly.

After all, we want to be healthy,

Break all records in sports!

Now you know when Physical Education Day is celebrated in Russia, be sure to congratulate all your friends and relatives related to this profession. Prepare a small gift related to your profession. You can order a beautiful cake in the shape of a ball or a sports field, and write wishes directly on it with cream.

Sports day

Since Physical Education Day in Russia takes place in the summer, the main events take place in kindergartens and summer health camps. You can spend this holiday cheerfully and cheerfully. First, the guys, led by the leader, congratulate the physical education teachers. The most artistic children read poetry.

The main holiday of the whole country,

New suits have been purchased.

We wait all year for Sportsman's Day,

Now we’ll dance and sing,

Let's run a hundred meters

Let's pull the rope,

Let's pump up the muscles, abs,

There will be progress.

Everyone will straighten their shoulders and pull themselves up,

And the teachers will be satisfied.

Happy holiday, dear ones,

Dear athletes!

Health to you, long life,

Every kind of victory in life!

Well, what would it be like to celebrate Physical Education Day without sports competitions? Organize fun races and relay races for the kids, and give prizes to the winners.

Who is faster?

Children need to be instilled with a love of sports from the very beginning. early age. Do simple exercises in the morning with your baby, let it become a habit. Show your child simple moves, jumping, running in place. And tell your child when Physical Education Day is celebrated in Russia. Lay the foundation for victories in the future!

In a children's institution or just among the neighboring children, it would not be a bad idea to divide the group into two teams and go ahead!

Jump and jump

To carry out a fun start called “Swamp” you will need twenty circles cut out of thick cardboard with a diameter of thirty centimeters. These will be stones and hummocks in the swamp. The guys stand one after another in a row, the first player is given ten cardboard circles. He must reach the finish line and back along them, throwing in front of him and taking a step. At the start, he passes the “stones” to the next participant. The winning team is the one that completes the task first.

On the eve of the holiday Apple Spas Apples can be used as attributes for the relay race. At the finish line there are two baskets filled with apples; the players’ task is to bring the team as many ripe fruits as possible! But you need to do this without using your hands. The kids will really like this fun challenge. And then you can all taste the juicy apples together!

For the next competition you will need two jump ropes and two hoops. On the jump rope you need to jump to the finish line, spin the hoop ten times and come back as quickly as possible. This is such a fun way to celebrate sports festival Sportsman's Day.

Coach and mentor

On the second Saturday of August, all professional coaches celebrate their day. Mentors accept congratulations and words of gratitude from young athletes. After all, the work of a coach is as great as that of the athlete himself. He bears a huge responsibility for his ward. Therefore it must be sincere and sincere.

“Dear and dear, Ivan Ivanovich! Congratulations on this wonderful holiday and wish you the best health! It will be needed in order to raise and educate many more generations of champions! You are an example and support, a friend and mentor, the most close person for me. You teach me to always achieve my goal, to go to the end in spite of fate! Remain the same kind, understanding, but sometimes strict mentor!”

Anyone involved in the profession will be pleased to receive such a congratulation on Physical Education Day in Russia.


A healthy lifestyle is now in high esteem. Everything is there to play sports and improve in this direction. On a beautiful day in August on Physical Education Day in all populated areas countries hold parades, demonstrations, folk festivals. Be sure to check out these exciting events, or even better, take part in them!

Family competitions are often organized for this holiday. Several families led by dads undergo tests, relay races, receive prizes and gain fans. After all, many instill in children a love of sports from the very cradle!

Celebrate the holidays so that only pleasant emotions remain in your soul. You should not drink alcohol on this day, because this is definitely not for athletes!

The professional holiday of coaches, athletes, physical education teachers and all lovers of physical education is celebrated in our country on the second Saturday of the third summer month. The basis is the decree of the PVS of the USSR “On holidays» with the changes made. What date is the holiday of lovers celebrated? physical activities? Physical Education Day 2018 falls on August 11th.

How it all began

Even at the dawn of Soviet power, the motto “A healthy mind in a healthy body” became fashionable, and with it the popularization of physical education. Mass exercises, industrial gymnastics, physical education classes in schools and universities were aimed at strengthening the health of Soviet people and developing their physical abilities.

When the Dynamo society was organized in 1923, which gave law enforcement officials the opportunity to regularly engage in sports, and later the Spartak sports society, sports became much more popular. Festive demonstrations took place with the participation of athletes: gymnasts, football players, acrobats, wrestlers and others. Departments of physical education appeared in technical schools and institutes, faculties were opened, and then separate educational establishments for training coaches, teachers and physical education instructors.

The young country needed a healthy nation, and therefore introducing people to physical education became one of the state tasks. There were sports sections in schools, and sports clubs were created in cities and villages.

Sports Day today

Congratulations on this day are accepted by those involved in the physical education and sports movement. And this is many, because physical education is aimed at strengthening health, developing the body, nurturing perseverance, discipline, and willpower. Therefore, all lovers of physical education and sports consider Athlete’s Day their holiday, and the event is widely celebrated in many cities.

Sports events planned for this day:

  • mass ascents;
  • races;
  • relay races;
  • demonstration performances by athletes;
  • competitions.

In Russia, physical culture is the most important area in the field of social policy. The country's physical education development strategy stipulates that the number of people involved in physical education on a regular basis should approach 40 percent of the population. total number citizens. Government programs are aimed at further improving policy in this area and modernizing the entire system of physical education. The GTO complex was practically revived. Standards are provided for 11 age groups.

Lesgaft: basics of physical education

The great scientist introduced the concept of “functional anatomy”. Lesgaft considered it possible to use targeted exercises to influence individual organs and the entire body. This system is based on the idea of ​​the unity of physical and spiritual development, according to which physical (sports) exercises are a means of both physical, moral and intellectual improvement of a person. The scientist insisted on the importance of a proportional combination of mental and physical education. Lesgaft noted that physical exercise contributes to the development of cognitive skills of schoolchildren, and therefore physical education classes should be daily.

The scientist argued that the ability to control one's movements consciously is the most important goal of physical education. He scientifically substantiated the need to perform exercises consciously and the use of games and activities as a method of cognition.

Classification physical exercise by groups (according to Lesgaft):

Simple movements of the torso, limbs, head
With increasing tension with weights, when jumping, climbing, wrestling
Related to the awareness of temporal and spatial concepts when jumping, running, throwing
Systematic during simple and/or complex games cross-country skiing, swimming, martial arts