We draw wheels in caterpillar tracks. Let's draw the basis for the tracks and body

How to draw carnations step by step for children

Flowers to the Defender of the Fatherland. We draw carnations step by step.

Job title:"Flowers to the Defender of the Fatherland"
Ryashentseva Liliya Vasilievna, teacher of group 3 TOGBOU
« Zavoronezhsky Orphanage", Tambov region, Michurinsky district.
The master class is intended for educators, teachers, pupils of primary, secondary and senior school age.
Target: acquaintance with mixed media drawing
Appointment of the master class: creating a picture to decorate the hall for an event, dedicated to the holiday February 23rd or as a DIY gift.
1. Introduce multi-layer painting, study the technique of painting without a preliminary pencil sketch.
2.Develop a sense of harmony and balance.
3. Foster a desire for creative exploration.


Stage 1. For work we will need:
2.a set of brushes (or a thin brush and a medium size)
3.sheet of paper
Stage 2. Making the background of the picture. Apply blue gouache with bold strokes. You can add a little white tint using white.

Stage 3. On the right side of the sheet, draw several random lines with green gouache, forming stems of carnations. There is no need to be afraid that they will not turn out quite even. After all, this is not a math lesson. And in nature we don’t find perfectly straight flower stems! Subsequently, we will correct everything, but for now let it be as shown in the photo. And then we apply small arcs on the stems - petals.

Stage 4. Draw a small oval at the tip of the stem. We add side semi-ovals to it and add two petals at the bottom.

Stage 5. Paint it with green paint and add the “crown”. Don't worry if there are some buds left unpainted. This is necessary in order to give them volume. Later, I will explain how to do this. Stages 4 and 5 will be the same for all colors.

Stage 6. Now let's start drawing flowers. Moreover, I will show different ways drawing carnations. Method 1. Apply scarlet paint with thick, pasty strokes. The result was an unopened carnation bud. You can make it small. And you can fix it later if you want to make it larger. The first flower is ready.

Stage 7. Draw the second carnation. Method 2. We connect several straight lines together in a zigzag manner. Paint over with scarlet paint. You can apply a little white to the tips of the petals.

Stage 8. Draw the second row of the flower in the same way. In the photo I showed how to add shades. You can use scarlet or ruby ​​paint.

Stage 9. Let's draw another carnation. Method 3. We apply several ovals and give them “fluffiness”, as shown in the photo. Second row - draw on the petals and paint thickly. We use scarlet and ruby ​​paints. You can add some other elements yourself.

Stage 10. We draw the next (small bud) carnation in the same way as the first. Let's make this flower Pink colour. Apply whitewash thickly and lightly touch it with a brush with scarlet paint.

Stage 11. The next carnation is a repeat of the second. Only she will also be pink. I also drew two buds on top of the picture. But this is in my opinion.

Stage 12. We draw the next carnation the same way.

Stage 13. Draw a bud with one more 4 way as shown in the photo. Apply strokes with white paint. Between them we add scarlet paint. Then we apply white again.

Stage 14. I felt like I didn't have enough flowers, so I decided to add a few stems. I painted it in 1 way.

Stage 15. But now we will remove all the imperfections on our flowers and give them volume. I did this using a contour. If you don't have it, you can just use dark green paint (or add a drop brown paint in green gouache). Brush with more dark paint(or with an outline) paint over all the irregularities and all unpainted areas on the stems, petals, and flower buds. Look, I painted the second flower stem from the top with darker paint, and the rest with an outline. I didn't notice much difference.

Nina Stroganova

Materials for work: white cardboard, oilcloth, glue - pencil, scissors, green and black gouache paint, brushes, jars of water, felt-tip pen or marker, stencil with an image tank, verse - congratulations on the 23rd February for dad any of your choice, you can take it from the Internet (photoxer by quantity postcards) .

1. Draw tank on cardboard, cut along the contour - this will be our stencil tank.

2. Take white cardboard, fold it in half, write on the top center with a marker or felt-tip pen “C 23 FEBRUARY".

2. Take our stencil and place it under our inscription in the center. We trace the stencil tank by using a simple pencil.

3. Opening the postcard and glue the congratulation text using glue - a pencil.

4. Sign cards with children's names.

5. We sit the children down for a lesson with a toy in front of their eyes. tank. Children paint over tank green paint with a brush. Draw a straight line with black gouache - a cannon tank. How the paint dries the postcard is ready.

Publications on the topic:

We will draw it on our palm with green paint, and put an imprint on a piece of paper. Dip your finger into the yellow one and draw dots, Dear Mommy.

Dad, like mom, is the most important and beloved person in the life of every child. On any holiday you want to please and surprise your daddy.

It so happens that I work in a family kindergarten, which is located in the house where I live. So I have the opportunity to show.

Me with my second group children early age(2-3 years old) I lead the “Talking” club once a week. Tasks of the circle: activate the dictionary.

The use of folklore in working with children of the second group of early age (from work experience) The use of folklore in working with children of the second group of early age (from work experience) The value of folklore lies in the fact that it is easy.

Children love to paint with paints, but for this card we will need finger paints, applying them to the child’s palm you touch.

Materials for work: white cardboard, scissors, green gouache paint, a jar of water, brushes, markers, a simple pencil, finger paint.

The competition held at school on February 23rd is usually based on competition between students. During the lesson, schoolchildren must visual arts draw the proposed drawing step by step by February 23 and add any supporting details to it. Using a simple blank allows you to easily take it as a basis, which will then be detailed and become brighter and more original. As a template for school, you can use a drawing for February 23, which depicts a tank in a simplified manner.

Materials for drawing for the school competition on February 23

  • white paper A4;
  • simple and colored pencils;
  • ruler (optional).

Master class on creating a drawing by February 23rd for a competition with step-by-step photos

  1. Half of an oval is depicted, divided into three equal vertical parts. Inside the blank, another small uneven oval is depicted, which will become the basis for the tank caterpillar.

  2. Inside, the oval is duplicated by another, smaller one. In the side parts highlighted earlier, wheels are depicted from one large and one small circle(guide and drive wheel).

  3. In the central part another pair of wheels is drawn (the tank's road wheels). The distance between all 4 circles should be the same. The base of the cabin is added on top.

  4. The tank turret itself is drawn towards the base of the cabin. A cannon is added to it.

  5. The last step will be the image of the exhaust pipe. Additionally, you can depict a soldier looking out of a tank or detail the equipment. Next, all that remains is to paint the tank and the background.

Examples and ideas of drawings for February 23 for school competitions

As one of the options, you can use the considered drawing for February 23 for the competition. But try your hand at creating beautiful image It is possible with other works. The most attractive and simple examples include the following:

Beautiful pencil drawing for February 23rd - step by step for children in school and kindergarten

For kindergarten kids and students junior school It is difficult to draw technology with numerous small details. Therefore, they can draw a drawing on the theme of February 23rd with simplified shapes. For example, a small helicopter is perfect for this purpose. It can be drawn either by hand or using a ruler. This will help make the lines clear and even. This drawing is suitable for February 23rd for children 4-8 years old.

Materials for children's drawings for February 23 at school and kindergarten

  • simple colored pencils;
  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • ruler (optional).

Step-by-step instructions for drawing by February 23 with a pencil for children

A simple drawing with paints for February 23rd in kindergarten - with step-by-step videos

It is quite difficult for children to draw a picture for February 23rd beautifully and accurately with paints. younger age. But with simple and understandable images, step by step instructions do original gift dad or draw a picture for the competition is not difficult. Among the proposed video master classes you can see beautiful drawing on February 23rd in kindergarten and school. All of them do not include small parts and are quickly created. For the youngest children, a simple drawing for dad on February 23rd, which will depict a portrait of the head of the family, will be ideal. This option is optimal for painting with both watercolors and gouache.

A beautiful and cute drawing for February 23rd is perfect for congratulating dad. The picture can depict a portrait of daddy, a tank, and an airplane. Such images are perfect for creating a holiday card. You can draw a picture by February 23 with both paints and pencils: despite the types of materials used, the finished image will be bright and original. Among the considered ideas and examples, you can find many options with step by step photos and videos that are suitable for drawing at home and for preparing a drawing for a competition at school or kindergarten. All of them correspond to the theme of Defender of the Fatherland Day and will help you quickly and easily create a festive picture.

My son turned 18 last week. He is in 11th grade. I hope he gets a scholarship and studies well. BM no longer wants to pay alimony. I paid 30-35t. It had long been agreed that he would not reduce payments, since in his second marriage he also had a child. And I will save my son’s education from alimony. But a couple of years ago, my new husband and I bought an apartment with a mortgage and we pay part of the payments from alimony. I also have a child of kindergarten age. That's why I don't work, I get sick often. My son wants to go to enroll in the city where BM lives. And bm is against it. Have you been able to negotiate with the bankers so that they help with money after 18 years?



Good morning, my inquisitive and insightful friends, Vangas and Sherlock Holmes! I present to your attention a guessing game for a poetry competition that is festive in all respects. I suggest you use your brains and bring it to clean water our cunning cryptographers.
The field for scattering brains is here:

List of authors:
To live well
Sucker Punch
Quokka Smiley
Lena Tokareva
Brother Organization
Anonymous 1
Anonymous 2
Anonymous 3
Anonymous 4

So, let's go!


Irina Krasavina

Girls. Help my sick brain. I am currently in the process of depriving my brother of parental rights. I applied for guardianship, collected papers from the hospital, the police, references from the school and kindergarten where my youngest niece used to go, with last place brother's work. There is evidence from neighbors and his friend that he drinks and does not work. The guardianship authorities assessed the living conditions of us and our brother. He is against deprivation of rights, he said that he would stop drinking and take the children for himself. But... one nuance became clear. My brother now lives with the same lady, I knew this for a long time, they drink together, they both don’t work. And this lady is now pregnant, and as I understand it, they want to sign.
Putting aside my shock at the situation and the lack of brains of both, I am interested in the question. If he suddenly stops drinking (which I highly doubt) they may refuse to deprive me of his rights? Will he be able to take the children?

P.S. and one more question. Is it possible to do something about this madam? Well, I don’t know, maybe forced treatment or something else. She's pregnant and drinks((((how is that possible?
In short, I will be glad to receive any advice and examples from life.


Daria S

Hello everybody. We're having a bad day today. The child fell ill on Monday, a strong cough to the point of vomiting and so Ra. Yesterday I had a very high temperature of Ra.
Grandma came to help us and shouted to me from the kitchen that she was dizzy, then she fell. I called an ambulance. They told me to put me on the bed, measure the pressure, (it was 150) and give me a capoten. And they said the call would be forwarded to emergency services. Okay, I'm sitting and waiting. Mom’s blood pressure is rising, it’s already 180, she’s red, 40 minutes have passed, I’m calling again, and as I understand it, emergency help is a doctor from the regiment. I called the regiment, they said wait for two hours. What is this? What needs to happen for the ambulance to arrive? As a result, the regiment called me back and said that after my call they transferred the call back to the ambulance. The brigade arrived in another half hour. They gave me an ECG, an injection, pills and told me to wait for the doctor.
But. The regiment told me that the call to us was cancelled. I asked if I should wait for a doctor with a high fever? They said he would come to me.
Question. Mom is lying there, dizzy, when will she be able to get to the doctor? The holidays are ahead, will she be left without help? This is fine? The neurologist comes on Tuesdays. They diagnosed a crisis and cerebrovascular accident. The neurologist is treating us, they did the UBD in January, they gave us Cerepro, then they injected us with Picamelon and that’s it. I should prescribe pills.
Has anyone gone to a paid ambulance? Phone number, if I can find anything. Does it make sense?
What should we do anyway?


And this grandmother comments - and I am outraged that it is my granddaughter who will put on this cap after others. Let everyone sew individually, we'll hand over the money. what if someone has a scab on their head (). or lice. I say - well, in general, sick people should not be allowed into the garden, but if they are the same lice - then children come into close contact and without caps, they are instantly re-infected. but this is just me, purely abstractly, and she has her own granddaughter. maybe she's right? Would you allow your children to wear a shared hat?


Every year in Russia and a number of other countries, Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated on February 23, a beloved and long-awaited holiday by many. According to historical data, the original idea of ​​the Soviet government was to establish Red Army and Navy Day on this date. However, over time, February 23 lost its original meaning and from a “military holiday” turned into a generally recognized holiday for all men. On this February day, the strongest half of humanity receives the most sincere congratulations with wishes of good luck, health and happiness. Women prepare delicious treats and gifts for their courageous “other” halves, and children learn beautiful poems and songs in military theme. In addition, many fathers and grandfathers receive a drawing as a gift for February 23 from their beloved child or grandson. As a rule, these drawings depict the symbolic attributes of the holiday in different variations - whatever a child’s imagination suggests! How to draw a beautiful picture for February 23? Today we will conduct several step-by-step master classes with photos and videos on creating a drawing for February 23 with a pencil or paints. Having shown patience and perseverance, with the help of our step by step lessons you will be able to master the drawing technique. Ready-made children's drawings can be sent to a kindergarten or school - to a competition or exhibition in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. So let's get started!

Beautiful pencil drawing for February 23rd in kindergarten, step-by-step master class with photos

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an excellent occasion to please your dad or grandfather with a symbolic gift. In kindergarten, on the eve of the holiday, children draw beautiful drawings on a military theme, carefully drawing on paper all kinds of tanks with stars, airplanes, ships and brave soldiers in “protective” uniforms. We suggest you go step-by-step master class take a photo and draw a tank with a pencil - even a beginner painter of kindergarten age can easily cope with the lesson. By carefully following our recommendations, you can create original drawing on February 23rd for a gift to dad, older brother or grandfather.

Materials and tools for drawing in kindergarten by February 23:

  • A4 paper - sheet
  • simple pencil
  • set of colored pencils for drawing
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on drawing for February 23 in pencil, with photos:

  1. Place the paper on the work surface in horizontal position and visually determine the center of the sheet. Stepping back a little, we draw the tank tracks - for this you can use a ruler or try to draw the lines more evenly.

  2. Above the tank tracks we draw an armored hull in the form of a trapezoid, and crown our “structure” with a turret.

  3. That's it, the base of our combat vehicle is ready, now we need to finish drawing the remaining small details. First, we add the barrel to the body, and the track wheels at the bottom.

  4. We decorate the tank hull with a star, and also add different small elements. That's it, now you can start coloring with colored pencils.

  5. We select a dark green pencil and carefully, trying not to go beyond the main line, begin to sketch the tower. To add volume, you can trace the part along the contour several times, over a simple pencil. In some places we make darker “shadows” - such a tower looks extremely realistic.

  6. Using a pencil of the same color, paint over the rest of the tank - apply a second layer on top of the first layer to make it more saturated.

  7. To give small details For clarity and expressiveness, you need to outline them with a black pencil, shading individual places.

  8. We paint over individual elements on the tracks of our car with a yellow pencil, and with a red pencil we paint over the star on the tower.

That's it, our beautiful drawing for February 23 is ready! You can put it up for a themed children’s drawing competition in kindergarten or “hide” it for dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

How to draw a drawing for a school competition by February 23, step-by-step description, photo

As February 23 approaches, many schools are beginning to prepare for this significant event. Concerts with patriotic songs, dances and poems, solemn congratulatory speeches, sports competitions, meetings with veterans - festive program for Defender of the Fatherland Day is extremely extensive. In addition, competitions are being held on February 23 children's drawing in which they take part best works students of different classes. How to draw a drawing on a military theme for February 23? With the help of our step-by-step description With a photo, the drawing process will become simple and clear - we are sure that school competition such a masterpiece of fine art will take its rightful place.

List of materials for children's drawings for the school competition on February 23:

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • compass
  • ruler
  • colored pencils for coloring

Step-by-step description of a drawing on the theme “Defender of the Fatherland Day” for a competition at school:

  1. To begin with, on a piece of paper we make sketches of the main elements of the design - a star, a wreath, a banner and a ribbon. Using a compass, draw a circle and divide it into 10 “slices”. Behind the circle, draw two long straight lines parallel to each other, and then add several short transverse ones. It turns out to be such a schematic “ladder” with “rungs”.

  2. In the center of the circle, divided into “slices,” we draw a star along the contours - a symbolic drawing for February 23. Thanks to the “breaking” base, the star’s rays will turn out beautiful and even.

  3. At this stage we start drawing St. George's ribbon, using schematic sketches - parallel lines with transverse dashes (they indicate the places where the ribbons bend). We outline the contours of the ribbon, drawing out its folds and waves. We draw horizontal stripes along the entire length of the tape, making sure that the bends are repeated.

  4. The laurel wreath is the third element of our patriotic design, consisting of two branches. First we draw the base of the wreath, and then we “attach” small laurel leaves to the branch.