How to draw a snow leopard: step by step lesson. How to draw a snow leopard: step-by-step lesson Drawing a leopard in different poses

The snow leopard is one of the most unique animals on our planet. The snow leopard population is falling every year. This animal is not yet at the stage of extinction, but is already listed in the Red Book. Few people manage to see the snow leopard not only in the wild, but also in the zoo. Therefore, the question of how to draw a snow leopard is quite relevant.


How to draw a snow leopard? Any artistic creation begins with a sketch. The snow leopard is a representative of the cat breed, so it is depicted with smooth lines.

The first step is to outline an oval with thin lines. Next, break the sketch into smaller circles and outline the paws, head and tail.
After all parts of the animal have been outlined, proceed to drawing. To make the work go faster, find an image of a snow leopard on the Internet.

Drawing with soft material

Soft material is:

  • pastel;
  • coal;
  • soft pencils;
  • sepia;

How to draw a snow leopard? Any of the materials listed above is suitable for depicting this noble representative of the feline.

The first stage is to outline the main tone of the snow leopard, and then add halftones. There are no clear boundaries of chiaroscuro visible on the animal's fur, so in the drawing they need to be rubbed with a cotton swab or a finger.

The next stage is working out the details. You need to draw the eyes, claws and fur of the animal.

The last step is to add characteristic spots to the snow color.

Painting with paints

How to draw a snow leopard step by step:

  • We choose the colors with which we will paint the animal. It can be watercolor, gouache, acrylic, tempera, etc.
  • How to draw a snow leopard with paints? Let's start again with a sketch. It is advisable that it be done with watercolor pencils.
  • Next, apply the lightest tone of paint to the entire sheet, excluding only the whites of the animal’s eyes.
  • We cover the penumbra with a darker color.
  • Adding shades. Snow leopards are mostly sandy in color, but in the shade it turns blue and in the sun it turns reddish-orange.
  • The final stage is working out the details.

In this lesson we will study in detail how to draw a cat, wild!

Start with a circle.

Now add an oval extending from the circle. This will be the muzzle.

Let's start adding details. Lions have flat noses and simple, oval eyes.

We draw dots on the cheeks and pupils in the eyes. In lions, the “whites of the eyes” are completely invisible. Add a bend in the center of the head. We begin to shape the edges of the head, using the circle as a base.

Add ears and mane. You can visit my other tutorials on how to draw a mane.

NOTE: the mane is fluffy around the ears.

Add a few more small details, such as antennae.
Great, we've finished the sketch!

Here we can already see that all the shapes have been drawn, and when painting, you can use a range of colors from beige-white to dark brown!


Add a nose and mouth, as well as a base for the eyes.

Relying on the round base, connect the lines and create the shape of the head. Add pupils and details to the eyes.

Let's draw the ears. Panthers, again, have rounded ears.

Adding the final details and antennae. The antennae of panthers are very thin and long.

Panthers are not pure black! They can take on different shades depending on the lighting.

Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.


We start with a round base.

Add a muzzle. Very round in shape, like a panther (after all, both of these cats are jaguars, which is why they are similar).

Based on the base lines, add the eyes, nose and mouth.

Draw the ears, round, slightly “cut off” at the ends.

Jaguars have much bushier antennae than leopards.


This time, instead of a circle, we will use a square with rounded corners as a basis.

The shape of the muzzle is also angular.

Add eyes, mouth and nose. The chin has a pronounced square shape. Don't forget, leopards have black corners of their mouths.

Outline the shape of the head based on the base lines. Add pupils and other details to the eyes.

Add very rounded ears with fluff inside.

Add the remaining details and antennae.

Unlike the “round” jaguars, leopards have a more square shape. And they have fewer stains.
Jaguars have larger rosettes of spots with dots inside, while leopards have smaller, simpler rosettes that are empty inside.

Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.


The base is a square with rounded corners.

Add the base for the muzzle.

Add eyes, mouth and nose.

Then the pupils. We outline the general shape of the head based on the leading lines.

We draw in the ears, a little more pointed than those of a regular leopard.

Add the finishing touches and mustache (very thin and long).

Snow leopards have very angular, boxy shapes, much like leopards. They have longer hair on the sides of their faces and on their bellies.

The snow leopard is one of the most unique animals on our planet. The snow leopard population is falling every year. This animal is not yet at the stage of extinction, but is already listed in the Red Book. Few people manage to see the snow leopard not only in the wild, but also in the zoo. Therefore, the question of how to draw a snow leopard is quite relevant.


How's the leopard? Any artistic creation begins with a sketch. The snow leopard is a representative of the cat breed, so it is depicted with smooth lines.

The first step is to outline an oval with thin lines. Next, break the sketch into smaller circles and outline the paws, head and tail.

After all parts of the animal have been outlined, proceed to drawing. To make the work go faster, find an image of a snow leopard on the Internet.

Drawing with soft material

Soft material is:

  • pastel;
  • coal;
  • soft pencils;
  • sepia;

Barça? Any of the materials listed above is suitable for depicting this noble representative of the feline.

The first stage is to outline the main tone of the snow leopard, and then add halftones. There are no clear boundaries of chiaroscuro visible on the animal's fur, so in the drawing they need to be rubbed with a cotton swab or a finger.

The next stage is working out the details. You need to draw the eyes, claws and fur of the animal.

The last step is to add characteristic spots to the snow color.

Painting with paints

How to draw a snow leopard step by step:

  • We choose the colors with which we will paint the animal. It can be watercolor, gouache, acrylic, tempera, etc.
  • How to draw a snow leopard with paints? Let's start again with a sketch. It is advisable that it be done with watercolor pencils.
  • Next, apply the lightest tone of paint to the entire sheet, excluding only the whites of the animal’s eyes.
  • We cover the penumbra with a darker color.
  • Adding shades. Snow leopards are mostly sandy in color, but in the shade it turns blue and in the sun it turns reddish-orange.
  • The final stage is working out the details.

    You can draw a snow leopard (snow leopard) with a pencil step by step as follows, based on this drawing:

    Stages of drawing a snow leopard:

    1) We begin to outline the body and head of the leopard using geometric shapes like this:

    2) We begin to draw our leopard’s face like this:

    3) Draw the back and tail of the animal like this:

    4) Draw the bottom and paws:

    5) Apply coloring:

    And here is our result:

    Snow leopard/irbis an unusually graceful and beautiful animal from the cat family.

    We will draw an individual who is hunting, she is hiding, walking at a very slow pace, bending down a little.

    Step by step drawing process:

    • Let's first draw a general sketch:
    • then we'll start drawing out the details,
    • use pencils of varying degrees of softness to create contrast,
    • emphasize the light and shadow,
    • Let's draw out the little things more clearly.

    How to draw a snow leopard in five steps?

    The snow leopard is an incredibly beautiful animal of the cat family.

    First we draw the head and the blank body and tail, as shown in Figure 1.

    Now we draw his face, ears, tail. You can even paint something from the landscape, such as rocks.

    Then we add details to the drawing and remove the excess with an eraser.

    Adding spots. Can be done in watercolor. And if you color it in yellow or brown tones, then you will get either a puma or a leopard.

    *Also, especially for you, I found on the Internet an interesting lesson in painting on canvas from a professional artist.*

    To draw a snow leopard, start with the head, first draw a circle, and then inside it start drawing details such as a nose, antennae, mouth and eyes. After the details of the face, the shape of the head and ears is drawn. After that, draw the body and begin to outline the resulting drawing. And when you’re done, move on to the most interesting part, namely painting a beautiful leopard, and more visual information is in this video:

    In order to depict a snow leopard in a drawing, you can start with a sketch consisting of three circles (the head and two for the body), then connect them with smooth lines, draw the outline of the paws and tail, and then draw in more detail.

    Start drawing with two ovals. The first oval will look more like a circle - this is the face of a snow leopard. The second oval is oblong - this is his body. Next, it remains to emphasize the details; to do this, find any photograph of a snow leopard and imitate it. Don't rush, do everything step by step. The face can cause a lot of difficulties; there are a lot of details on it. You can use this picture to draw the face of a snow leopard with all the details:

    The subsequent coloring of the snow leopard is of great importance, because it is a spotted animal. At this stage, try to draw the snow leopard's spots as accurately as possible:

    Draw snow leopard in pencil there are a lot of options. The simplest one is to draw a base for yourself, and then draw a leopard based on it. First we need to make a symbolic sketch. Let's make an oval in the center of the sheet - this will be the body, then make a small circle - the head. Then we need to sketch out the chest and paws. We also draw ovals. And then we draw the paws, giving them a slight bend. Let's create a movement effect. On the head we draw two triangles, eyes, nose. To create the effect of wool, you need to make strokes with a pencil. First, you can make generous, sweeping strokes, and then we’ll make thin strokes. This will make the fur more realistic. We draw the nose to be quite massive, the eyes to be serious, the look to be intelligent and even hard. You can create all this with a pencil without difficulty. By the way, you can take the picture as an example:

    Next comes the hardest part. We need to draw spots on the fur of the snow leopard. But the spots must be well designed to create the impression of a shaggy animal. It is important to apply shadows and make strokes correctly. And this is what might end up happening:

How to draw a Snow Leopard step by step with a pencil. Cats in the wild are some of the most beautiful and fascinating creatures to ever walk the earth. I have all kinds of drawing lessons such as lions, tigers, panthers, pumas and some others.

However, there is one cat that I am not yet, and that is what you will find out today. This species of animal is one of the most beautiful of all wild cats in their existence. They are best known for their beautiful thick white coat, which has spots scattered throughout their body. Sometimes the fur of a snow leopard can be yellowish or light gray depending on the species. These animals have a thick layer of beautiful fur.

Start by drawing an egg shape for the body, and then a shape for the neck, legs and head. Draw the curled line of the tail and move on to the next step.

We begin to sketch out the shape of the muzzle.

Draw a line for the cat's back and then outline the thick tail like you see here. Add spots to the tail and then move on.

Draw big paws. The belly should be slightly hairy and the hind legs should look large and fleshy.

For your last step, you need to mark out each spot that is on the snow leopard's body, as you see here. Since no leopard is alike, you can choose where you want your spots to be located.

And here is the finished pencil drawing of the Snow Leopard.