Summary of literary readings by Prishvin guys and ducklings. B) a field left unseeded

Lesson topic: M.M. Prishvin "Guys and Ducklings"


introduce children with the creativity of M.M. Prishvin; organize emotional and aesthetic perception; learn to form the idea of ​​a work; introduce artistic features produced and I;

develop students' speech; develop the skill of conscious and correct reading; develop the ability to answer questions about the content of the text; find in sentences in the text confirming the oral statement;

bring up the ability to notice the beauty of nature, the need for a moral and aesthetic attitude towards the world around us, interest and respect for the writer as a creator

Planned learning outcomes:

Personal: the ability to evaluate your emotional reactions to the beauty of the world around you; moral consciousness and a sense of empathy; a friendly attitude towards the environment.


Cognitive: the ability to analyze the means of expression of a read work, independently use dictionaries, reference books, and encyclopedias.

Regulatory: the ability to plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, independently evaluate the actions performed and make adjustments taking into account the nature of the mistakes made.

Communication: the ability to construct a monologue statement based on given topic, adequately use the appropriate vocabulary in the process of composing a continuation of the read work.

Lesson equipment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Education: computer and projector, multimedia presentation, portrait of the writer.

During the classes

1.Organizing time.

.Greetings Music sounds "In the world of animals"

Invented by someone

Simple and wise

When meeting, say hello: - Good morning!

2. Updating knowledge

– Why do you like literary reading lessons?

– What do you expect from today’s lesson? Start with:

Today in class I would like...

– What is necessary for everything to work out in the lesson?

– We have set ourselves up for business, let everything work out for us! Every literary reading lesson is new meeting. Who or what can you meet in class?

– And this lesson is no exception, we will meet again. However, now you will find out everything yourself.


3. Introduction to the topic

– Do you recognize this writer? What do you know about his work?

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin was born on February 4 in the Oryol province. Mikhail's father died when the boy was 7 years old. His mother raised 5 children alone.

Now you will get acquainted with the biography of the writer yourself. There are yellow pieces of paper on your desks - read what is written on them.

1. Life was difficult for the family.

2. M. Prishvin helped people and nature.

3. He was a caring person.

4. Traveled a lot.

5. We love hunting.

6. Observed the life of animals.

7. At the age of 30 he became a writer.

8. Wrote stories about nature.

Look how kind his eyes are. The writer has not been with us for many years, but his books continue to live. These are “Fox Bread”, “Forest Drops”, “Butterfly Hunt” and many others.


How it flies to the river

Gets right into the water

“Quack” - dived for a minute

Did you find out? This is…..(duck)

What do you know about ducks?

And this is a teal duck. The teal is the smallest duck. It weighs less than 600 grams. This is a very dexterous duck. She swims and flies well. This is the kind of duck we will talk about today.

Read the title of the work.

SLIDE – Guys and ducklings

As you can guess from the title of the story. What will we talk about?

What could happen to them?

Let's look carefully at the illustration for the story.


What can you clarify by looking at the drawing?

How does this illustration make you feel?

And so we found out that the heroes of the work will be guys and ducklings.

We suggested what events might happen to them. Where can I check this?

After reading this story we must answer main question lesson:

“What did M. Prishvin make each of you think about?”

4. Vocabulary work.

In the text you will encounter unfamiliar words and expressions, the meaning of which we need to clarify.








If you need the meaning of any word, it will help you Dictionary Ozhegova.


5. Physical exercise.

Dance of little ducks

6. Work on the topic.

Reading text with stops

Questions for the story

Do you think this is a close path or not?

What does freedom mean?

Why was there a strong place for a nest on the hummock?

A little more than 3 km is a lot or a little for a person, but for little ducklings?

Who was the duck afraid of, and why?

Why did you let me go ahead?

Why did they do this?

How will the mother duck behave?

Let's read how Prishvin described mom's behavior.

How does the duck feel at this moment?

If ducklings could talk, what would they scream?

What word do you say when you are afraid?

To whom in in this case do ducklings look like?

Were the children able to explain their actions?

How did you feel at that moment?

How would you behave if you were in the guys' shoes?

How will the mother duck behave?

What could the duck say?

Remember how the duck walked at the beginning of the story. Why did it run ahead now?

How will the story end?

This is how the story ended. This story has a happy ending.

7. Consolidation.

Who are the main characters of the work?

What were the ducklings like in the story?

8. Work in pairs. (cards)

What were the guys like?

Row 1 – at the beginning of the story

Row 3 – at the end of the story.

9.Work with proverbs.




Which character(s) is the proverb suitable for and why?



What would you change in this illustration now after reading the story?

2) M. Prishvin loves nature very much. And in his works he gives lessons to attentive readers.

Do you understand what lesson Prishvin gave us all? What should each of us think about?

Respect our little brothers

Don't do thoughtless things

Love nature, take care of it

Protect animals and help them.

To do good.

3) For several decades now, M.M. has not been with us. Prishvina. But he left a message for you and me:

“My young friends! We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with great treasures of life. It’s not enough to preserve these treasures, they need to be opened and shown. Needed for fish pure water- We will protect our water bodies. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppe, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. AND protect nature“means to protect the Motherland.”


Guys, we have now discussed the heroes, their actions, but you understood something about yourself after reading this story. Start your answer with


I understand …

I wanted…

I will try...


12 Homework

You have circles with tasks on your table, I suggest you choose one more task yourself:

Red – draw a picture for the work

Green – make an outline for the story

Yellow – retell.

13. Lesson summary

SLIDE music

- I wish you to look at nature as a writer looks - with his eyes kind person.

Thank you for the lesson!

MBOU "Tengushevskaya secondary comprehensive school»

Public lesson

according to the textbook “Literary reading” 2nd grade

L.F. Klimanova, V. G. Goretsky and others.

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

Topic: M. Prishvin “Guys and ducklings.”

Conducted by: Chubukova G.V.-

teacher primary classes

State Institution "Kyzylzharskaya high school»

Astrakhan region

Akmola region

Open lesson on the topic:

M. Prishvin “Guys and Ducklings”

primary school teacher

Gomanyuk I.G.

TOPIC: M.M. Prishvin “Guys and Ducklings” Slide No. 1-3

Target: acquaintance with the work and biography of M. Prishvin

Lesson objectives:

    Introduce children to the works of M.M. Prishvina; organize emotional and aesthetic perception; learn to form the idea of ​​a work; introduce the artistic features of the work;

    Develop students' speech; develop the skill of conscious and correct reading; develop the ability to answer questions about the content of the text; find sentences in the text that confirm the oral statement;

    To cultivate the ability to notice the beauty of nature, the need for a moral and aesthetic attitude towards the world around us, interest and respect for the writer as the creator of a work of art.

Lesson type: a lesson in communicating and learning new knowledge.

Forms of lesson organization: collective, individual.

Equipment: presentation for the lesson, “test yourself” card, sun with palms

During the classes.

    Organizing time. Slide number 4.

The sun rose, stretched,

He smiled at us through the window!

We will smile back

And then our smile will spread all over White light,

Our good world will become more beautiful,

Hello inhabitants of the Earth! (Waving hands).

Give it to everyone

A piece of sunshine

The way to be filled with goodness

Their souls are completely drained.

I see that you are ready for the lesson. So be healthy, attentive, and active in class.Slide No. 5

Let's remember the rules of cooperation (reading in a chain).

    Understand the task;

    Listen to everyone's thoughts;

    Defend, prove your point of view;

    Don't interrupt each other;

    Follow the raised hand rules;

    Checking d/z.

- What is the name of our section that we finished studying?

Working on tests based on the material covered.

1. Remember which story contains the lines:

“The wind picked up the boat and drove it away from the shore.

The mouse grabbed the dry bark tightly and

didn't move. The guys waved to him from the shore”:

A) “Kid and Carlson”;

B) “Mouse Peak”;

Q) “Hedgehog’s violin”?

A) A. Lindgren;

B) M. Prishvin;

Q) V. Bianchi?

3.Find a line from the poem

F. Tyutcheva “Winter is angry for a reason...”

A) “The trees made a pitiful noise when the cold came...”;

B) “A dry leaf falls, at night the wind gets angry and knocks on the window...”;

C) “Winter is still busy and grumbling about Spring. She laughs in her eyes...”

4. In F. Tyutchev’s poem “Winter is not angry for nothing...” it says to the struggle:

A) winter with spring;

B) spring and summer;

B) spring and autumn.

5. Choose the ending of the proverb “April is full of water, but...”

A) May with grass;

B) spring with earth;

B) rain and heat.

ExaminationSlide No. 6-8

    Setting lesson objectives.

Teacher: Slide number 9

Today in class we move on to a new section. Decipher the name of our section. AUCHAN ATENALP – YALMEZ.

We live on our planet and sometimes we don’t notice the unique world in it, and often we don’t see very much. And our smaller brothers live next to us. They are neighbors and fellow countrymen. And we are connected with them by a common thing - life.

In nature, everything is interconnected. The loss of at least one “instrument” leads to a disruption of harmony in the well-coordinated “orchestra” of living organisms.

Students:Slide No. 10

Everyone in the world is needed!
And midges are no less necessary than elephants.
You can’t do without absurd monsters,
And even without evil and ferocious predators.
We need everything in the world! We need everything!
Who makes honey and who makes poison.

Things are bad for a cat without a mouse,
A mouse without a cat can do no better.
It's bad when we're not very friendly,
But we all really need each other.


We will learn the ability to see beauty and admire the beauty of nature from a wonderful writer, amazing person, M.M. Prishvina. - Let's get acquainted with his work, we will read, observe, remember, think. Let's get to know the writer better.

4. A story about M. Prishvin. Slide No. 11

M.M. Prishvin traveled a lot and accumulated a lot of impressions. This man, traveling through the unexplored northern forests and the Asian steppes, observed nature. I admired her beauty. He was not just an observant person, but a person who was not indifferent to someone else’s problem or misfortune.

What kind of person can be called caring?

So man has always tried to help not only people, but also nature in general. Even when I was walking along winter forest, he could not pass indifferently past the birches bending under the weight of snow. He took a stick and knocked off the snow, freeing the birch trees. His concern was evident in all his deeds and actions. Prishvin viewed nature and the Motherland as a single whole and said: “To protect nature means to protect the Motherland.” With his works, Prishvin cultivated a love for nature in people. In the story that we will meet today, you yourself will understand what kind of person he was.

Read what K. Paustovsky wrote about him:slide number 12

“If nature could feel gratitude to man for penetrating into her life and singing her praises, then, first of all, this gratitude would fall to ....”

To whom would this gratitude fall?

M. Prishvin.Slide No. 13

5.Learning something new.

1. Psychological attitude on the perception of a new work.

Read the title of the story.

- « Guys and ducklings »

Who do you think are the main characters of this work? What will this work be about?

Who has seen the little ducklings?


Ducks are not only domestic, but also wild. M. Prishvin wrote his story about one of the wild ducks, the teal.Slide number 14

Teal is a whistler.

Teal is the smallest duck. It weighs less than 600 grams. This is a very clever duck. She swims and flies well. It rises and lands almost the same as a helicopter - vertically.

TEALE WHISTLE is one of the smallest ducks, its weight is only 200-450 g. It differs from all other ducks, in addition to its size, in its bright green mirror on the wing. It has the narrowest and sharpest wings among all river ducks and, accordingly, the fastest flight. It flies almost silently, with frequent body turns.

The teal is one of the most numerous species of ducks.

Whistling nests are made near the outskirts of reservoirs in places where there are good shelters - bushes, piles of dead wood, etc., under which they hide their nests. The nest is in the form of a hole lined with stems of dry thin cereals. The first broods of puffballs can be noted at the end of May. The chicks grow quite quickly and already take wing at the age of one month.

The teal feeds on both plant and animal food.

2. Vocabulary work.

Today we will read a story in which one of the heroines will be such a cute teal duck. In this story we will encounter words that are not entirely clear (unfamiliar).Let's try to explain their meaning.

    Hill - small sloping hill . A rounded hill with gentle slopes.Slide No. 15

    Teal-whistle – bird of the duck family. These birds live in small bodies of water. WITHlead No. 16

    Versta – old Russian measure of length. A little more than 1 km. WITHlead No. 17

    Steam field – a field resting from crops. WITHlead #18

    The water has subsided - With the onset of summer, the water level in the reservoir decreased.Slide No. 19

    Forge – a room where blacksmiths work.Slide number 20

3 . Reading text with stops.

Slide No. 21

1 stop. This is where the guys saw them...

Why did the duck make its nest far from the lake?

Why did the duck decide to move her ducklings out of the swamp forest?

- To freedom.

What does freedom mean to ducklings?

How long did the duck think before moving her ducklings?

Prove it with lines from the work.

How long did it take to get to the lake?

- 3 versts

How many kilometers is this?

- A little more than 3 kilometers.

Is this a lot or a little for a person?

And for a little duck?

Read how the mother duck walked with her ducklings.

Why did the mother duck walk behind the ducklings?

What enemies did ducks have?

Prove it with lines from the work.

Who's scarier?


Slide number 22

2nd stop. – What will you do with the ducklings? – I asked the guys sternly...

How did the boys behave when they saw the ducklings?

Prove it with lines from the work.

Why did the guys do this?

- Just for fun.

How did the duck behave when the ducklings caught it?

Prove it with lines from the work.

Could a duck scream?

Prove it with lines from the work.

Her muteness, defenselessness, despair - everything is in these movements.

How did the ducklings feel?

What do you think if ducklings could talk, what would they scream?

What word do you shout when you are afraid?

- Mother

Is your mother worried about you?

How does she behave about this?

What is the most common name for the duck in the story?

- Mother.

What kind of mother is she?

- Thoughtful.

Do you feel sorry for her?

For a mother, there is no one dearer or closer than her children. There's nothing stronger mother's love. Very often the mother is valuable own life, own well-being saves children from death. This applies equally to both people and animals. You are still small and it is difficult for you to imagine the aching pain and horror that the mother duck experienced. But you can imagine how your mother will behave when you are in danger or someone offends you.

- The ducklings are caught, what are the guys going to do?

Slide No. 23

3 stop ...and ran up the hill with the ducklings.

Who stopped the boys?

Were they able to explain their actions?

What order did the adult give them?

Prove it with lines from the work.

Name words that show the author's severity.

What would you do if you were nearby?

What can you say about the guys?

- What will the mother duck do when she sees that her children have been released?

Slide number 24

4 stop. The guys laughed at me.

What did the mother duck do when her babies were released?

Prove it with lines from the work.

How was the mother duck walking at the beginning of the story?

Why did she run forward now?

- I wanted to quickly get the children away from their enemies.

How did Prishvin say goodbye to the ducklings?

What did he do about it?

Prove it with lines from the work.

What does this gesture mean: taking off your hat to someone?

- A sign of respect.

To whom is this sign of respect?


How did the boys react to this?

Suggest what M.M. should do. Prishvin next?

Read to the end.

What can you say about the guys? (Irresponsible, frivolous)

What did the narrator call them? (Foolish)

How can you call them differently?

Can we say that the guys were cruel?

What did people wish for the duck?

Did the duck need people's wishes?


Prove it with lines from the work.


Slide number 25. Selection of proverbs for the work.

Let's try to continue the proverbs written on the board. Read them to yourself.

Know how to make a mistake, know how to... (correct.)

Good example better than a hundred...(words)

Think first - then... do.

Sow good, send….., bestow….(good, good)

The child is crying, but the mother is heartbroken... (hurts.)

To which of the characters do these proverbs apply? Why?

5. Fastening.

Now we will check how carefully you read and how you understood this work

Slide number 26. Working on test cards



Answer +/-


The works "Guys and Ducklings" are a fairy tale


The main characters were children and the duck family


When meeting the ducklings, the guys let them go ahead


The duck tried to save the ducklings by running after the boys and ducklings


Prishvin spoke to the guys affectionately


The guys were able to explain their actions


The duck abandoned her ducklings


The story teaches us not to offend the defenseless, not to pass by trouble

Slide number 27. MUTUAL CHECK IN PAIRS AND ON Slides

    Determining the main idea of ​​the story.


What did M. Prishvin teach the boys and us with his story?

Don't do thoughtless things. To love nature, to take care of it, to treat our smaller brothers with sensitivity and care, to know their lives and to cultivate a readiness to protect animals and provide them with help.

What can you say about M. Prishvin?Slide number 28

Prove that M. Prishvin is a person:




6. Lesson summary

Slide number 29. In one of his stories M.M. Prishvin said: “Everything good in nature comes from the sun; and all the best in life comes from man.”

Write on your palms the quality that a person who loves and understands nature should have. (Care, love, kindness, courage, compassion, empathy, pity, empathy)

Children stick their palms on the sun.

- For several decades now, M.M. has not been with us. Prishvina. But he left a message for you and me:Slide number 30

Well done my friends!

We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with great treasures of life. Not only are these treasures preserved, they must be opened and shown.

Fish need clean water - we will protect our water bodies. In forests, steppes, mountains there are different colored animals. We will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains.

For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppe, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the homeland.

Slide number 31

Without nature in the world for people

You can't even live a day

So let's go to her

Treated like friends

And with everything honest people

We then add:

We need to help nature

But with knowledge and intelligence!

D/z retelling.



Teacher: A.N. Savinova

Klimanova, L. F., Goretsky, V. G., Golovanova, M. V. Literary reading: a textbook for grade 2 in 2 hours. Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G. Workbook at 2 o'clock
  • Lesson topic: MM. Prishvin "Guys and Ducklings"

    Lesson objectives in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Education: create conditions for developing the ability to retell a text according to plan and reference words; learn to analyze a work; bring up careful attitude to nature, to animals.
Planned learning outcomes:

Subject: the ability to read a work expressively; the ability to divide a work into parts and title them, to draw up a picture plan.

Personal: the ability to evaluate your emotional reactions to the beauty of the world around you; moral consciousness and sense of empathy; a friendly attitude towards the environment.


Cognitive: the ability to analyze the means of expression of a read work, independently use dictionaries, reference books, and encyclopedias.

Regulatory: the ability to plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, independently evaluate the actions performed and make adjustments taking into account the nature of the mistakes made.

Communicative: the ability to construct a monologue statement on a given topic, to adequately use the appropriate vocabulary in the process of composing a continuation of the read work.

  • Lesson type: lesson of learning and primary consolidation of new things


  • Lesson equipment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Education:computer and projector, multimedia presentation, portrait of a writer, lesson “route sheet” (multi-level cards), explanatory dictionary I.S. Ozhegova,exhibition of works by M.M. Prishvina, picture of a duck with ducklings

    During the classes
1.Organization of positive motivation for students’ activities in the classroom.
Invented by someone

Simple and wise

When meeting, say hello: - Good morning!

Good morning to the sun and birds,

Good morning to smiling faces.

And everyone becomes

Kind, trusting...

Good morning lasts until evening.

In November, the world “Kindness Day” is celebrated. After all, kindness is the sun that warms a person’s soul. But all your thoughts and feelings, even the highest ones, will be empty if they are not translated into good deeds. It is not enough to dream about goodness, you must create it. Which good deeds are you committing?

2. Speech warm-up: We will reprimand We will talk Correct and clear To make it clear to everyone.

Shi-shi-shi, shi-shi-shi,

The reeds are whispering something.

She-she-she, she-she-she,

It's a duck in the reeds.

Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha,

Come out of the reeds.

She-she-she, she-she-she,

There's no duck in the reeds.

Shi-shi-shi, shi-shi-shi.

What are the reeds whispering?

And also

Think, reflect,

On answer questions,

II. Checking homework.

    Expressive reading poem by Valentin Berestov “Cat Puppy”. Discussion of drawings and stories.

III. Updating previously acquired knowledge and skills.

- We continue to travel through the pages of the textbook.
    Matching Game
-We work in pairs (cards) (Indicate the correspondence between the passage and the author of the work)-Who is the author of these excerpts from poems? Connect with a line Pussy crying in the hallway. She has great grief: Evil people poor pussy They don't let you steal sausages A. Shibaev Once upon a time there was a dog,She was bigAnd that dog had itHuge red tail I. Pivovarov Poor mom can't do it Wash the shaggy big guy. On huge sides Language is missing B.Zakhoder Foal - every dayHe grew up and became a horse.Bull, mighty giant, V. Berestov As a child I was a calf. IV.

Today we will get acquainted with the work of the author, who became a writer, having first tried himself in several professions. This man, traveling through the unexplored northern forests, across the Asian steppes with a travel bag and a hunting rifle, observed nature. I admired her beauty. He was not just an observant person, but a person who was not indifferent to someone else’s problem or misfortune.

What kind of person can be called caring?

So this man always tried to help not only people, but also nature in general. Even when walking through the winter forest, he could not pass indifferently past the birches bending under the weight of the snow. He took a stick and knocked off the snow, freeing the birch trees. His concern was evident in all his deeds and actions. In the story that we will meet today, you yourself will understand what kind of person he was..

- So, who are we going to visit today?(Children’s reading of the writer’s first name, patronymic, last name)- Let's set ourselves tasks, what would you like to find out after visiting the writer? (on the board there are helper words: find out, get acquainted, determine)* Learn about the life and work of the writer* Get acquainted with a new work* Determine the theme of the work that we will study in class

    Here's how about M.M. K.G.Paustovsky told Prishvina.

“If nature could feel gratitude to a person for penetrating her life and singing her praises, then, first of all, this gratitude would fall to Mikhail Prishvin.” -So, the topic of our lesson: the work of Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin.
    Exhibition of books.
- MM. Prishvin wrote many books for both adults and children. Here is a small exhibition of his works. They can be obtained from our school library and read, or exchange with each other.
    Biography of the writer.
- You will better understand the writer’s work by reading excerpts from his biography.Work in groups (Reading time – 1 minute, read silently)Text for group 1:Prishvin was born on the Khrushchevo estate, Yelets district, Oryol province (now Oryol Region), spent his childhood here. Among a huge garden with poplar, ash, birch, spruce and linden alleys stood an old wooden house. It was real Noble Nest. Life in the family was difficult - the mother was left a widow with 5 children. The family was forced to leave for Germany. There he graduated from university and became an agronomist. He intended to study science, but by the age of 30 he decided to become a writer. - What did you learn about the life of M.M. Prishvin?Text for group 2Very often in Prishvin’s works, readers encounter dogs. All the dogs that the writer talks about were “personally known” to the author - they belonged to himself or his friends. He loved these animals very much and was even a little envious of their “sniffing apparatus”: “If only I had such a device, I would run into the breeze through the flowering red clearing and catch and catch odors that are interesting to me.” - Which animals did the author especially love, and what did Prishvin envy?Text for group 3A tireless traveler, he traveled to many places in our vast country, knew its north very well, Far East, Central Asia, Siberia. With the coming early spring the writer went to the forests, rivers and lakes. He carefully observed everything that happened around him, and not only observed, but also examined. Mikhail Mikhailovich loved hunting since childhood, but his hunt was special: not for a bird or an animal, but for discoveries.This is how he remembered it. “My hunt was both then and now - in finds. I had to find something in nature that I had not seen before, and perhaps no one had ever encountered this in their life.” Where has Prishvin M. been? What did Prishvin like to do? VI. Primary assimilation of new knowledge.-Today we will read one of the works of this author.

Read the title of the story.

– “Guys and ducklings"

Who do you think are the main characters of this work?

Who has seen the little ducklings?


Ducks are not only domestic, but also wild. M. Prishvin wrote his story about one of the wild ducks - the teal.

VII. Initial check of understanding

Now get your pencil ready. The announcer will read this story, and you will mark unclear words. (Audio supplement to the textbook)(Children follow the textbook and mark unclear words)

Did you like the story?

What kind of story is this: entertaining, educational or instructive? Why do you think so? What does he teach?

Vocabulary work:

When reading this work you will come across “cunning words”. Let's read and explain the meaning of these words. (Independent work with dictionary)
    Verst - an ancient Russian measure of length. A little more than 1 km. Steam field - a field resting from crops. oat field - a field sown with oats. The water has subsided – with the onset of summer, the water level in the reservoir decreased. Forge - a room where blacksmiths work.
(We read the words in chorus, paying attention to the emphasis) VIII. Physical education minute "Dance of little ducks"

IX. Primary consolidation of the studied material

Analysis and selective reading of the work.

Why did the duck make its nest far from the lake?

– Why did the duck decide to move her ducklings from the swamp forest?
To freedom.
What does freedom mean to ducklings?
– How long did the duck think before moving her ducklings?
- Prove it with lines from the work.
– How long did it take to get to the lake?
3 miles.
How many kilometers is this?
A little over 3 kilometers.
Is this a lot or a little for a person?
- And for the little duck?
– Read how the mother duck walked with her ducklings.
– Why did the mother duck walk behind the ducklings?
– What enemies did the ducks have?
- Prove it with lines from the work.
- Who is scarier?
- Why?
– How did the boys behave when they saw the ducklings?
- Prove it with lines from the work.
- Why did the guys do this?
Just for fun.
How did the duck behave when its ducklings caught it?
- Prove it with lines from the work.
– Could a duck scream?
- Prove it with lines from the work.
– Her muteness, defenselessness, despair – everything is in these movements.
– What feeling did the ducklings experience?
– What do you think, if ducklings could talk, what would they scream?
– What word do you shout when you are afraid?
Is your mother worried about you?
– How does she behave?
– What is the most common name for the duck in the story?
What kind of mother is she?
- Do you feel sorry for her?

Conclusion: For a mother, there is no one dearer or closer than her children. There is nothing stronger than a mother's love. Very often, a mother, at the cost of her own life, her own well-being, saves her children from death. This applies equally to both people and animals. You are still small and it is difficult for you to imagine the aching pain and horror that the mother duck experienced. But you can imagine how your mother will behave when you are in danger or someone offends you. X. Generalization - We visited the writer.- Let us remember what tasks were set for our journey?
    Biography of Prishvin. Work. Theme and genre of the work
- Have we achieved their implementation?XI. Lesson summary-Which writer’s work did we meet?-What is the name of the work? -Why did the author call the story “Guys and Ducklings”?-What is it calling us to?XII. Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

Retelling the text

-retelling from the writer's point of view - retelling from the boys' point of view

XIII. Reflection

- Evaluate your actions in the lesson using “clouds” and “suns”.-If anyone felt uncomfortable in class today, please pick up a card with a picture of a cloud.-Whoever felt good in the lesson, please pick up a card withimage of the sun.

For those whose mood changed during the lesson, please raise the cards with

image of the sun and clouds.


Explanatory note

Item primary classes, literary reading

Level of education of schoolchildren – 2nd grade.

Purpose – for group and frontal work.

The lesson is built using technology critical thinking And psychological characteristics children of this age. Throughout the entire lesson, one of the basic principles of the didactic system was observed - work on the development of all students, including the weakest.

Lesson more in-depth analysis literary work, it is closely related to previous lessons and works for subsequent ones, as it is aimed at developing the skills to analyze a work at the linguistic, ideological levels, to analyze one’s own activities and the activities of classmates. Planned volume educational material, and the complexity of information is taken into account with age characteristics 8-year-old schoolchildren and the educational capabilities of students in this class.

TOPIC: M.M. Prishvin “Guys and Ducklings”

Goals: acquaintance with the work and biography of M. Prishvin

Lesson objectives:

    Introduce children to the works of M.M. Prishvina; organize emotional and aesthetic perception; learn to form the idea of ​​a work; introduce the artistic features of the work;

    Develop students' speech; develop the skill of conscious and correct reading; develop the ability to answer questions about the content of the text; find sentences in the text that confirm the oral statement;

    To cultivate the ability to notice the beauty of nature, the need for a moral and aesthetic attitude towards the world around us, interest and respect for the writer as the creator of a work of art.

Lesson type: a lesson in communicating and learning new knowledge.

Forms of lesson organization: general class, individual.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.


The call gave us a signal:

The time has come to work.

So let's not waste time

And we begin to work.

I see that you are ready for the lesson. So be attentive and active in class.


We continue to travel through the pages of our textbook.

What is the name of the section that we are learning now?


- “My nearest and dearest or my family”


Who are the closest people on earth to you? For a mother, there is no one dearer or closer than her children. There is nothing stronger than a mother's love. Very often, a mother saves her children from death with the value of her own life, her own well-being.

    Updating knowledge.

    A story about M. Prishvin.

Today we will get acquainted with the work of the author, who became a writer, having first tried himself in several professions. This man, traveling through the unexplored northern forests, across the Asian steppes with a travel bag and a hunting rifle, observed nature. I admired her beauty. He was not just an observant person, but a person who was not indifferent to someone else’s problem or misfortune.

What kind of person can be called caring?

So man has always tried to help not only people, but also nature in general. Even when walking through the winter forest, he could not pass indifferently past the birches bending under the weight of the snow. He took a stick and knocked off the snow, freeing the birch trees. His concern was evident in all his deeds and actions. In the story that we will get acquainted with today, you yourself will understand what kind of person he was

(Children’s reading of the writer’s first name, patronymic, last name)

MM. Prishvin wrote many books for both adults and children.

M. Prishvin was born on February 4, 1873 in the Oryol province near the city of Yelets. Life was difficult for his family, as his mother was left alone with five children. In Germany he graduated from university and became an agronomist. He intended to go into science, but became a writer. At the age of 30 he began writing about nature. Prishvin was in love with his homeland, with its beauty, with forests, fields, rivers and lakes, with its birds and animals. All the writer's works are imbued with great love to nature. These are “Pantry of the Sun”, “Forest Drops”, “Butterfly Hunt”, etc.

The world around us is huge, beautiful, amazing. And M. Prishvin tried to convey the beauty of the world in words, so that people, after reading his stories, would also begin to see and feel this beauty. Then they become better.

Today we will get acquainted with one of the stories of M.M. Prishvina. And we will find out who the main characters will be by guessing the riddle (slide)

Ducks are not only domestic, but also wild. M. Prishvin wrote his story about one of the wild ducks - the teal.

Read its title "Guys and Ducklings."

Who has seen the little ducklings?


Student answers. Answer options

    The story is about guys and ducklings

    The guys and ducklings are small, they need to grow up.

    It talks about the relationship between humans and animals.

    The guys did the wrong thing towards the ducklings.

    The guys realized that little ones should not be offended, they must be taken care of.


How can you check your assumptions?


- So, what is the main goal of our lesson?

Let's set ourselves tasks, what would you like to know after visiting the writer?

(on the board there are helper words: find out, get acquainted, determine)

* Learn about the life and work of the writer

* Get acquainted with the new work

* Determine the topic of the work that we will study in class

Working with text before reading

    Vocabulary work

You come across unfamiliar words in the text. Let's try to explain their meaning.

    Hill - small bump. Slide 11

    Teal-whistle – bird of the duck family. These birds live in small bodies of water. (slide 12)

    Versta – old Russian measure of length. A little more than 1 km. (slide13)

    Steam field – a field resting from crops. (slide 14)

    The water has subsided - With the onset of summer, the water level in the reservoir decreased. (slide 15)

    Kuznets - a room where blacksmiths work. (slide 16)

B) the teacher reads the work

B) primary perception of the text


What feelings did you have?

What mistake did the children make?

Have they corrected their mistake?

Who helped them fix it?

What can you say about this person?

What would you do if you were the children when you saw a duck and ducklings outside the village?

Would you like to catch some ducklings? Why?

Student answers.

Physical pause

The ducks came out into the meadow

Quack-quack-quack! (We walk.)

A green beetle flew by

Wow! (We wave our arms like wings.)

Ducks arch their necks. (Circular rotations of the neck.)

The beak straightens the feathers . (Turns the body left and right.)

The reeds rustled in the pond (torso bends)


And again there was silence. (Sat down)

Reading the text in parts to words

1 stop. This is where the guys saw them...

Why did the duck make its nest far from the lake?

Why did the duck decide to move her ducklings out of the swamp forest?

- To freedom.

What does freedom mean to ducklings?

How long did the duck think before moving her ducklings?

Prove it with lines from the work.

How long did it take to get to the lake?

- 3 versts

How many kilometers is this?

- A little more than 3 kilometers.

Is this a lot or a little for a person?

And for a little duck?

Read how the mother duck walked with her ducklings.

Why did the mother duck walk behind the ducklings?

What enemies did ducks have?

Prove it with lines from the work.

Who's scarier?


Work in pairs and give this part a title.

2nd stop. – What will you do with the ducklings? – I asked the guys sternly...

How did the boys behave when they saw the ducklings?

Prove it with lines from the work.

Why did the guys do this?

- Just for fun.

How did the duck behave when the ducklings caught it?

Prove it with lines from the work.

Could a duck scream?

Prove it with lines from the work.

Her muteness, defenselessness, despair - everything is in these movements.

How did the ducklings feel?

What do you think if ducklings could talk, what would they scream?

What word do you shout when you are afraid?

- Mother

Is your mother worried about you?

How does she behave about this?

What is the most common name for the duck in the story?

- Mother.

What kind of mother is she?

- Thoughtful.

Do you feel sorry for her?

For a mother, there is no one dearer or closer than her children. There is nothing stronger than a mother's love. Very often, a mother saves her children from death with the value of her own life, her own well-being. This applies equally to both people and animals. You are still small and it is difficult for you to imagine the aching pain and horror that the mother duck experienced. But you can imagine how your mother will behave when you are in danger or someone offends you.

- The ducklings are caught, what are the guys going to do?

Stop 3...and the ducklings ran up the hill.

Who stopped the boys?

Were they able to explain their actions?

What order did the adult give them?

Prove it with lines from the work.

Name words that show the author's severity.

What would you do if you were nearby?

- What will the mother duck do when she sees that her children have been released?

4 stop. The guys laughed at me.

What did the mother duck do when her babies were released?

Prove it with lines from the work.

How was the mother duck walking at the beginning of the story?

Why did she run forward now?

- I wanted to quickly get the children away from their enemies.

How did Prishvin say goodbye to the ducklings?

What did he do about it?

Prove it with lines from the work.

What does this gesture mean: taking off your hat to someone?

- A sign of respect.

To whom is this sign of respect?


How did the boys react to this?

Suggest what M.M. should do. Prishvin next?

Read to the end.

What can you say about the guys?

What did the narrator call them?

How can you call them differently?

Can we say that the guys were cruel?

What did people wish for the duck?

Did the duck need people's wishes?


Prove it with lines from the work.


Slide 20. Selection of proverbs for the work.

Let's try to continue the proverbs written on the board. Read them to yourself.

Know how to make mistakes, know how to... get better.

A good example is better than a hundred... words.

Think first - then... do.

Sow goodness, send….., distribute….

The child is crying, but the mother is heartbroken... hurts.

To which of the characters do these proverbs apply? Why?

5. Fastening.

Now we will check how carefully you read and how you understood this work

Slide 21. Working on test cards



Answer +/-


The works "Guys and Ducklings" are a fairy tale


The main characters were children and the duck family


When meeting the ducklings, the guys let them go ahead


The duck tried to save the ducklings by running after the boys and ducklings


Prishvin spoke to the guys affectionately


The guys were able to explain their actions


The duck abandoned her ducklings


The story teaches us not to offend the defenseless, not to pass by trouble


    Determining the main idea of ​​the story.


What did M. Prishvin teach the boys and us with his story?

Don't do thoughtless things. To love nature, to take care of it, to treat our smaller brothers with sensitivity and care, to know their lives and to cultivate a readiness to protect animals and provide them with help.

6. Lesson summary

Slide 24. In one of his stories M.M. Prishvin said: “Everything good in nature comes from the sun; and all the best in life comes from man.”

Write on your palms the quality that a person who loves and understands nature should have. (Care, love, kindness, courage, compassion, sympathy, pity, empathy. In other words, a person experiences the same feelings as for his family.

- For several decades now, M.M. has not been with us. Prishvina. But he left a message for you and me: (slide 25)

Well done my friends!

We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with great treasures of life. Not only are these treasures preserved, they must be opened and shown.

Fish need clean water - we will protect our water bodies. In forests, steppes, mountains there are different colored animals. We will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains.

For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppe, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the homeland.

Without nature in the world for people

You can't even live a day

So let's go to her

Treated like friends

And with all the honest people

We then add:

We need to help nature

But with knowledge and intelligence!

Prepared by:

primary school teacher

MAOU secondary school No. 51, Lipetsk

Tatyanina Svetlana Alexandrovna


Lesson topic: M.M. Prishvin "Guys and Ducklings"


introduce children with the creativity of M.M. Prishvin; organize emotional and aesthetic perception; learn to form the idea of ​​a work; introduce the artistic features produced and I;

develop student speech; develop the skill of conscious and correct reading; develop the ability to answer questions about the content of the text; find in sentences in the text confirming the oral statement;

bring up the ability to notice the beauty of nature, the need for a moral and aesthetic attitude towards the world around us, interest and respect for the writer as a creator.

Planned learning outcomes:

Personal: the ability to evaluate your emotional reactions to the beauty of the world around you; moral consciousness and sense of empathy; a friendly attitude towards the environment.


Cognitive : the ability to analyze the means of expression of a read work, independently use dictionaries, reference books, and encyclopedias.

Regulatory : the ability to plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, independently evaluate the actions performed and make adjustments taking into account the nature of the mistakes made.

Communication : the ability to construct a monologue statement on a given topic, to adequately use the appropriate vocabulary in the process of composing a continuation of the read work.

Lesson equipment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Education: computer and projector, multimedia presentation, portrait of the writer, exhibition of works by M.M. Prishvina.

During the classes

I.Organization of positive motivation for students’ activities in the classroom.

1.Greeting : video intro for the program: “In the animal world”

( I read the text to the music)

Invented by someone

Simple and wise

When meeting, say hello: - Good morning!

Good morning to the sun and birds,

Good morning to smiling faces.

And everyone becomes

Kind, trusting...

Good morning lasts until evening.

In November, the world “Kindness Day” is celebrated. After all, kindness is the sun that warms a person’s soul. But all your thoughts and feelings, even the highest ones, will be empty if they are not translated into good deeds. It is not enough to dream about goodness, you must create it.

- What good deeds do you do?

We will reprimand

We will talk

Correct and clear

To make it clear to everyone

Think, reflect,

To answer questions,

The duck is suffering terribly:

“Well, what will come of them?”

II. Updating previously acquired knowledge and skills.

Let's remember the works we studied.

Matching Game

-We work in pairs (cards)

There are white pieces of paper on the tables, turn them over and with your desk neighbor, indicate the correspondence between the passage and the author of the work -2 min.

Pussy crying in the hallway.

She has great grief:

Evil people poor pussy

They don't let you steal sausages

Once upon a time there was a dog,

She was big

And that dog had it

Huge red tail

I. Pivovarov

Poor mom can't do it

Wash the shaggy big guy.

On huge sides

Language is missing


Foal - every day

He grew up and became a horse.

Bull, mighty giant,

As a child I was a calf

V. Berestov

Examination: poems on slides put plus signs on pieces of paper

Who has 4+? 3+? - Amazing.

What theme are these works united by?

Sh. Lesson topic message

- We continue to travel through the pages of the section textbook "About our little brothers."

Today we will get acquainted with the work of the author, who became a writer, having first tried himself in several professions. This man, traveling through the unexplored northern forests, across the Asian steppes with a travel bag and a hunting rifle, observed nature. I admired her beauty. He was not just an observant person, but a person partial to someone else's problem, trouble.

– So this man always tried to help not only people, but also nature in general. Even when walking through the winter forest, he could not pass indifferently past the birches bending under the weight of the snow. He took a stick and knocked off the snow, freeing the birch trees. His concern was evident in all his deeds and actions. In the story that we will meet today, you yourself will understand what kind of person he was.

During the lesson, a person will talk to us who is in love with his land, with his Motherland, with its meadows and forests, with its birds and animals. .

- So, who are we going to visit today?

(Children reading the writer’s first name, patronymic, last name)

- Let's set ourselves tasks, what would you like to find out after visiting the writer? (on the board there are helper words:find out, get acquainted, determine)

- To know about life and the writer's work

- Познакомиться with a new piece

- Define

The topic of our lesson: the work of Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin.

VI. Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

1.Book exhibition.

MM. Prishvin wrote many books for both adults and children. Here is a small exhibition of his works. They can be borrowed from our school library and rural library and read.

2.Biography of the writer.

You will learn about the writer’s work by reading information from his biography.

Each group prepares its own information.

Group work (Reading time: 2 minutes, read silently)

- What did you learn about the life of M.M. Prishvin?

Text for group 2 on paper Pink colour

"snuffing apparatus"

Text for group 3 on red paper


– Let us try to see the beauty of nature and try to become better by getting acquainted with the new work of M. Prishvin.

V. Introducing a new work.

1. Read the title of the story. Look at the illustration.

- Is it possible to determine from them who the heroes of the story will be?(Guys and ducklings)

2. Ducks are not only domestic, but also wild. About one of the wild ones ducks - teal-whistle and M. Prishvin wrote his story.

3. After reading the story, we must answer the questions:

- Why did M. Prishvin give such a title to the story?

- What did this story make each of you think about?

VI. Vocabulary work

-On the desk words that will appear in the story are written down.

- Why did I write down these words? (Explain lexical meaning these words in order to understand this story).

Teal-whistle - a bird of the duck family. These birds live in small bodies of water. (board)

Verst - an ancient Russian measure of length. A little more than 1 km.

Steam field - a field resting from crops.

oat field - a field sown with oats. (board)

The water has subsided – with the onset of summer, the water level in the reservoir decreased. (board)

Forge - a room where blacksmiths work. (board)

(We read the words in chorus, paying attention to the emphasis)

VII. Working on the content of the story.

1. Listening to an audio recording.

- Let's listen to the audio recording of this story, and you follow along in the textbook, and then try to prove that M. Prishvin was a caring person.

- Did you like the story? (Yes)

- What kind of story is this? entertaining, educational, scientific, fantastic or instructive?

(I leave answers without comment, return to this question at the end of the lesson)

2) Exchange impressions on what you read
– What excited the author?
(Worried by the behavior of the guys).
– Do the characters evoke your sympathy? - Who exactly? (Duck and ducklings evoke sympathy)
– Who doesn’t? (Guys)
- Why?(They committed a rash act. You cannot offend those who are weaker than you. The children’s stupid fun scared the duck and ducklings.)

Physical education minute "Dance of little ducks"

3) Reading the story and analyzing

Part 1 “Buzzing Reading”

Why did the duck make its nest far from the lake? Prove it with lines from the work. ( in the spring this lake overflowed far...)
– Why did the duck decide to move her ducklings from the swamp forest? (the water has subsided and the duck returns to the lake, to freedom)

How long did it take to get to the lake? (3 versts.)
- How many kilometers is this? (A little more than 3 kilometers.)
– Is this a lot or a little for a person? (A little)
- And for the little duck? (A lot, since her steps are much smaller than those of a person).
– Read how the mother duck walked with her ducklings.(In open areas the mother walked behind the ducklings. ...)
– Why did the mother duck walk behind the ducklings? (So ​​as not to let the ducklings out of sight for a minute)
– What enemies did the ducks have? (Foxes and hawks, as well as people, are dangerous for ducklings.)

Part 2 “Reading in pairs, by roles”
– How did the boys behave when they saw the ducklings?
(Throwing hats)

Why did the guys do this?Just for fun

How did the duck behave when its ducklings caught it? Prove it with lines from the work. (……, the mother ran after them with an open beak or flew several steps in different directions in the greatest excitement.)
Teacher. Her muteness, defenselessness, despair - everything is in these movements.

– What feeling did the ducklings experience?
(fright, fear, excitement)
– What do you think, if ducklings could talk, what would they scream? (they called mom for help)
– What word do you shout when you are afraid? (Mother!)
Is your mother worried about you?
– What is the most common name for the duck in the story? (Mother, duck).
What kind of mother is she? (The duck is brave, caring, responsible. She is responsible for everyone).

Conclusion: For a mother, there is no one dearer or closer than her children. There is nothing stronger than a mother's love. Very often, a mother, at the cost of her own life, her own well-being, saves her children from death. This applies equally to both people and animals. You are still small and it is difficult for you to imagine the aching pain and horror that the mother duck experienced. But you can imagine how your mother will behave when you are in danger or someone offends you.

The ducklings are caught, what are the guys going to do? Prove it with lines from the work.(They were going to throw hats at the mother and catch her like ducklings, but then I came up)

- How can this be seen? How did he talk to them?(He spoke to them very angrily.)

- How did the guys behave?(They chickened out.)

Part 3 “Reading paragraph by paragraph”
– What can you say about the guys?
What are they: funny, cruel,stupid, foolish , carefree?
-What did the narrator call them? (foolies)

How was the mother duck walking at the beginning of the story? (mother walked behind)
- Why did she run ahead now? (I wanted to quickly get the children away from their enemies)
– How did Prishvin say goodbye to the ducklings? What did he do about it? Prove it with lines from the work. (He joyfully took off his hat and, waving it, shouted:

- Happy journey, ducklings!)
– What does this gesture mean: taking off your hat in front of someone? (A sign of respect).
To whom is this sign of respect? (in front of the duck)
- Why? (The author is very respectful of the duck precisely because she is a mother. This treatment applies to humans. The author wants to show that the duck is worried and cares about its children. Every mother does this.)

How did the boys react to this? (They laughed)
- Why?
– What did people wish for the duck? (Bon Voyage!)
– Did the duck need people’s wishes? (Yes need)
- Why? (there may be more dangers ahead)

4) Work on the illustration.

Look at the illustration.
– Who is pictured? foreground? (In the foreground there is a duck with ducklings)
- What are they doing? (Run to the oat field)
– Who is shown in the background? (The author and the guys are shown in the background)
- What are they doing? (They wave to the ducklings, saying goodbye to them)
– Find words in the story that can be signed under this illustration.(And the same hats, dusty on the road while catching ducklings, rose into the air; the guys all shouted at once:

Goodbye ducklings!)

5) Work with proverbs. (slide)

If you know how to make a mistake, you know how to get better.
– Which of the characters in the story does this proverb apply to?
(to the guys)
- Why? (realized their guilt and corrected it.)
- A good deed is worth a hundred words. - How do you understand this proverb?

6) Determining the main idea of ​​the story.

We answer the question posed at the beginning of the lesson, why did the author call his story that? (The author makes the guys and ducklings the main actors, emphasizing joint coexistence, that we all live together, side by side).

What did M. Prishvin make the guys and us think about with his story?
(Do not commit thoughtless acts. Love nature, take care of it, treat our smaller brothers with sensitivity and care, know their lives and cultivate a willingness to protect animals and help them).
– What can you say about M. Prishvin?( This is a kind, strict, caring person. His motto is not to harm nature).

7) Final word.

– For several decades now, M. Prishvin has been gone. But he left a message for you and me:

My young friends!
Fish need clean water - we will protect our water bodies. There are various valuable animals in forests, steppes, and mountains. We will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains.

For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppe, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the homeland."

VII. Generalization

- We visited the writer M. Prishvin.

Let's remember what goals were set for our trip?

To know about the life and work of the writer.

Get acquainted with a new work.

Define topic and main idea work that we will study in class.

- Have we achieved their implementation? (All tasks completed)

Back to the question again:

- What kind of story is it: entertaining, educational, scientific, fantastic orinstructive ? Why do you think so? (We must protect nature and animals, do not offend them, and do not disturb them thoughtlessly. M. Prishvin taught us to love and take care of nature with his story.)

IX. Knowledge quality control and monitoring system

Test on the story "Guys and Ducklings".

INChoose the correct answer.

    Explain the meaning of the word “bump”.

A) a piece of solid ground

B) rotten stump

B) a hillock in a damp meadow, swamp

    Explain the meaning of the word “forge”

A) workshop for hand forged metal

B) a building where grain is ground

B) a shed where tools are stored

    Explain the meaning of the word "verst"

A) a measure of length - a little less than a kilometer

B) a measure of length - a little more than a kilometer

B) a large field

D) a small grove

    Explain the meaning of the expression “steam field”

A) a field sown with oats

B) a field left unseeded

B) a field surrounded by forest

    What was the name of the little wild duck in the story? answer.

A) Mallard

B) Teal - whistle

B) Bolotnaya

    Why did she build a nest far from the lake?

A) there was more food there

B) in the spring the lake overflowed far

C) it was safer there

    What did the guys do when they saw the ducklings?

A) threw them with hats

B) threw lumps of clay at them

B) dispersed them

Self-test with the board. (if there is time)

Who answered the test questions correctly?

Who made the mistakes?

If time is short .

Put the completed tests on the edge of the table, after the lesson I will collect and evaluate your work myself.

IX. Grading.

X. Homework:

1. Guys, while reading the work, you noticed that there are very few illustrations for it. I suggest you draw an illustration at home for your favorite part of the story.

2. Prepare a retelling of pp. 132-134

- Thank you for the lesson.

- I wish you to look at nature as a writer looks - through the eyes of a kind person

2. Speech warm-up: work on diction.

We will reprimand

We will talk

Correct and clear

To make it clear to everyone

Think, reflect,

To answer questions,

Read the poem in a patter (slowly, quickly, angrily, cheerfully, with surprise)

The duck on the pond began to teach her ducklings,

Ducklings do not want to swim in front of their mother.

The duck is suffering terribly:

“Well, what will come of them?”

What kind of person can be called caring? (children's answers)

2. Speech warm-up: work on diction.

We will reprimand

We will talk

Correct and clear

To make it clear to everyone

Think, reflect,

To answer questions,

Read the poem in a patter (slowly, quickly, angrily, cheerfully, with surprise)

The duck on the pond began to teach her ducklings,

Ducklings do not want to swim in front of their mother.

The duck is suffering terribly:

“Well, what will come of them?”

What kind of person can be called caring? (children's answers)

2. Speech warm-up: work on diction.

We will reprimand

We will talk

Correct and clear

To make it clear to everyone

Think, reflect,

To answer questions,

Read the poem in a patter (slowly, quickly, angrily, cheerfully, with surprise)

The duck on the pond began to teach her ducklings,

Ducklings do not want to swim in front of their mother.

The duck is suffering terribly:

“Well, what will come of them?”

What kind of person can be called caring? (children's answers)

Text for group 1: on paper yellow color

Prishvin was born on an estate in the Oryol province and spent his childhood here. Life in the family was difficult - the mother was left a widow with 5 children. The family was forced to leave for Germany. There he graduated from university and became an agronomist. He intended to study science, but by the age of 30 he decided to become a writer.

Very often in Prishvin’s works, readers encounter dogs. All the dogs that the writer talks about were “personally known” to the author - they belonged to himself or his friends. He loved these animals very much and even envied them a little "snuffing apparatus"“: “If only I had such a device, I would run into the breeze through the flowering red clearing and catch and catch the smells that interest me.”

Text for group 3 on red paper

A tireless traveler, he traveled to many places in our vast country, knew its north, the Far East, Central Asia, and Siberia very well. With the onset of early spring, the writer went to the forests, rivers and lakes. He carefully observed everything that happened around him, and not only observed, but also examined. Mikhail Mikhailovich loved hunting since childhood, but his hunt was special: not for a bird or an animal, but for discoveries.

- Where has Prishvin M. been? What did Prishvin like to do?

Text for group 1: on yellow paper

Prishvin was born on an estate in the Oryol province and spent his childhood here. Life in the family was difficult - the mother was left a widow with 5 children. The family was forced to leave for Germany. There he graduated from university and became an agronomist. He intended to study science, but by the age of 30 he decided to become a writer.

- What did you learn about the life of M. M. Prishvin?

Text for group 2 on paper Green colour

Very often in Prishvin’s works, readers encounter dogs. All the dogs that the writer talks about were “personally known” to the author - they belonged to himself or his friends. He loved these animals very much and even envied them a little "snuffing apparatus"“: “If only I had such a device, I would run into the breeze through the flowering red clearing and catch and catch the smells that interest me.”

Text for group 3 on red paper

A tireless traveler, he traveled to many places in our vast country, knew its north, the Far East, Central Asia, and Siberia very well. With the onset of early spring, the writer went to the forests, rivers and lakes. He carefully observed everything that happened around him, and not only observed, but also examined. Mikhail Mikhailovich loved hunting since childhood, but his hunt was special: not for a bird or an animal, but for discoveries.

- Where has Prishvin M. been? What did Prishvin like to do?

Text for group 1: on yellow paper

Prishvin was born on an estate in the Oryol province and spent his childhood here. Life in the family was difficult - the mother was left a widow with 5 children. The family was forced to leave for Germany. There he graduated from university and became an agronomist. He intended to study science, but by the age of 30 he decided to become a writer.

- What did you learn about the life of M. M. Prishvin?

Text for group 2 on green paper

Very often in Prishvin’s works, readers encounter dogs. All the dogs that the writer talks about were “personally known” to the author - they belonged to himself or his friends. He loved these animals very much and even envied them a little "snuffing apparatus"“: “If only I had such a device, I would run into the breeze through the flowering red clearing and catch and catch the smells that interest me.”

Text for group 3 on red paper

A tireless traveler, he traveled to many places in our vast country, knew its north, the Far East, Central Asia, and Siberia very well. With the onset of early spring, the writer went to the forests, rivers and lakes. He carefully observed everything that happened around him, and not only observed, but also examined. Mikhail Mikhailovich loved hunting since childhood, but his hunt was special: not for a bird or an animal, but for discoveries.

- Where has Prishvin M. been? What did Prishvin like to do?