When is Music Day in Russia? International Music Day

Music... it's hard to imagine the existence of humanity without it. Ancient people thought the same thing; this conclusion can be drawn on the basis of rock paintings of people with musical instruments in their hands found in ancient caves in Africa. Even in those distant times musical sounds brightened up human existence. At archaeological excavations The most ancient musical instruments created two thousand years ago have been found. And now music helps a person live, it has magical power affecting the most thin strings human soul. Many works of modern authors have entered the treasury of world culture and will live forever. The initiator of the creation International Day music was created by the composer D. Shostakovich, and officially it began to be celebrated throughout the world on October 1, 1975 by decision of UNESCO.

Let music flow like a river into your hearts,
There will be no end to the tender melody
Let him give smiles and bring joy,
And it only helps you to move forward!

Happy Music Day! Let happiness live in the soul,
And the music gives you flight into the sky,
Will help you overcome all difficulties,
Achieve everything, regret nothing!

On international music day
I wish you major notes,
Let the melodies of success
You are protected from adversity.

Let the chords of happiness thunder,
And the sounds of joy are heard,
Beautiful music today
We will shout from the bottom of our hearts: “Vivat!”

Congratulations on International Day music and I want to wish that a joyful and kind melody always sounds in the soul, that the heart sings and does not lose the rhythm of happiness, that music gives unforgettable sensations and wonderful emotions.

Happy International Music Day!
Of course, I wish you great inspiration.
Great happiness, sincere love,
May all your dreams come true.

So that life flows as if according to notes,
And only under the bright, peaceful sky.
So that grace surrounds you everywhere,
There was no need to grieve.

Music is our soul strings,
They always sing different songs to us,
In holiday and sadness, in noise, in silence -
The music is nearby and it's wonderful!

I wish you many good melodies,
And go through life together with music,
Believe me, the road is always more fun,
If there is music with you on the way!

Music is just seven notes
But they can work wonders:
Music is poison, it's salt, it's honey,
Eyes full of happiness and grief!

It combines different feelings,
She gives bright colors flow!
Music is the best art in the world,
Every day is more beautiful with her!

Lives since birth
Music is with us
It contains songs of rain,
Mother's lullaby.

Sounds of melodies
And their overflows
Make the world ours
Kinder and more beautiful.

7 wonderful notes
Walking around the world
Happy Music Day
Congratulations to the planet.

With a solemn chord
We are celebrating the holiday
I'm the whole world happy music day
Congratulations today.

Rule the world
7 beautiful notes.
In our hearts and souls
The music lives on.

She knows no boundaries
And flies around the world,
May happy music
Will make a planet.

Including music for yourself,
Everyone understands exactly
That she takes everyone into the world -
He has no equal.

Music is flight!
Let her live in your soul,
And the magic 7 notes
They give a sunrise.

Play of bright sounds
Or love can be heard in her torment.
We wish - he will deliver you
Music is always out of boredom.

Beautiful music is pleasant to the soul,
Hurry up to plunge into its idyll.
Enjoy its greatness and wonder,
Its sound is like emeralds!

Let the ringing flow through the years and centuries,
After all, music is like a “fast river”...
Carries us into a “fairy tale” of crystal notes,
Among the sounds of “main”...

It contains magical properties,
Capable of healing us from disorder.
Can teach luxury values:
How to live, love, and appreciate loyalty!

Listen to the sounds
Open your heart to them.
Behind the music - torment
Yes, a little pepper...
Thoughts lead
Which means the soul
Finds in those sounds
The answer is not in a hurry.
How beautiful everything is about her!
...music day, do you hear?
Romance. Cool.
Know how to fly higher!

International Music Day is celebrated annually on different countries ah peace. The date of its celebration falls on October 1.

How is International Music Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? The program of events includes concerts, creative evenings, meetings with musicians, composers, singers and musicologists, thematic exhibitions and various educational events. On this day, compositions included in the treasury of world culture are heard.

The opening of monuments and other monuments is timed to coincide with the International Day of Music cultural sites. This day also features exhibitions of musical instruments and works of art related to music.

The history of the emergence of International Music Day

Let's talk about the history and traditions of the holiday. The decision to establish International Music Day was taken in 1973 at the 15th General Assembly of the International Music Council (IMC) at UNESCO in Lausanne.

Letters were sent to members of the International Music Council with a proposal to create this holiday. The authors of the letter were the chairman of the council, I. Menukhin, and his deputy, B. Yarustovsky. The holiday was established in 1975.

In Russia, International Music Day has been celebrated since 1996. One of the initiators of its holding was the composer D. D. Shostakovich.

International Music Day is a holiday not only for professional musicians, artists, teachers, student vocalists, but also for all music lovers. The main goals of the holiday are the exchange of experiences between cultures of different countries and the dissemination musical art.

The word “music” translated from Greek means “the art of the muses.” Music has always been and will be greatest art worthy of admiration and admiration. Scientists believe that after originating in Africa, music has existed for at least 50 thousand years.

And the most ancient musical instrument is perhaps the flute. This tool was discovered next to sculptures that were erected 35-40 thousand years BC. e.

The music was playing important role in the life of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Chinese. Wall reliefs of the ancients have been preserved Egyptian temples and tombs, ancient Greek vases depicting musicians and musical instruments.

Contemporary musical art is diverse, it includes various musical genres and styles. There are folk (folklore), choral, chamber and symphonic music. It is also customary to divide it into secular and spiritual. It is often combined with choreography, theatrical art, movie.

International Music Day is celebrated around the world on October 1 every year. Its creation was initiated by the International Music Council (IMC) at UNESCO. Our country is no exception; this holiday is celebrated in Russia too.

history of the holiday

It must be recalled that The decision to establish International Music Day was made in 1973. This event took place within the framework of the 15th General Assembly of the IMC, held in Lausanne. On November 30, 1974, members of the International Music Council received a letter proposing the creation of this holiday. Its authors were Sir Yehudi Menuhin (Chairman of the International Music Council) and his deputy Boris Yarustovsky.

On October 1, 1975, International Music Day was held for the first time. The main goals that the creators of this holiday set for themselves were: the exchange of experience between cultures of different countries and the dissemination of musical art. This letter also contained a list musical events, which may be dedicated to this day. It included creative meetings with musicians, composers, singers and musicologists, accent concerts. It was also proposed to hold exhibitions of musical instruments, photographs and various works of art related to the musical theme.

Soon this holiday has become traditional. Musicians perform worldwide famous works which are world cultural heritage.

International Music Day in Russia

It has been celebrated in our country since 1996. One of the initiators of its establishment in Russia was Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich. He was famous Soviet composer, pianist, teacher and public figure. Shostakovich's works are known all over the world. He became the author of many symphonies, several operas and ballets, romances, oratorios, cantatas, etc. We can say that Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich was one of greatest composers XX century. He was very helpful big influence for the development of global musical culture. Shostakovich addressed the international community with a letter; he wanted to draw public attention to the enormous role of music in our lives. He believed that music has the ability to open new worlds to people and unite them. 1996 marked the 90th anniversary of the birth of this great composer. Then it was decided to start celebrating International Music Day.

Music and man

This is a holiday for singers and musicians, for composers, music teachers and conservatory teachers, students and music students educational institutions, but it can also be celebrated by all music lovers.

Students of music schools usually organize funny skits on this day. Professional musicians and singers devote various concerts to this event.

Music has accompanied man since ancient times. Evidence of this can be cave drawings, discovered in caves in Africa. On them, ancient people depicted people holding in their hands something very reminiscent of musical instruments. Currently, such tools, of course, no longer exist. Therefore, we will never hear those melodies. The word “music” itself can be translated from Greek as a form of art for which art material is in a special way sound organized in time.

There is no doubt about the fact that music has interested people since ancient times. Even then she influenced people and aroused feelings in them. And in 2000, archaeologists from China found a museum musical instrument, which was created 2 thousand years ago and dates back to the Han Dynasty.

The meaning of music

And today music can excite our feelings and have a strong influence on our emotions. We need music and it never gets old. Today there is a large number of various musical genres. The main ones include: folk music, blues, sacred music, jazz, country, rock, pop, chanson, Electonic music, reggae, rap, romance, etc.

Perhaps there are very few people who are absolutely indifferent to music. Talented composers manage to express the state of their souls with the help of music. Their names are forever inscribed in history.

Music has very powerful energy. It helps a person to know himself.

Music is a miraculous means of attracting goodness and beauty. It awakens in us the idea of ​​the sublime and majestic, and is an excellent background for the emergence of spiritual community.

Music helps people cope with pain and sadness, it can improve mood, stimulate sadness or joy. According to scientists, music can give a person a feeling of happiness. Studies of the brain in people while listening to touching and beautiful music have proven that the same areas of the brain are activated that cause a state of euphoria during sex and food. Moreover, on different people This is how different melodies have an effect. It should also be noted that the perception of music also depends on a number of factors such as place, time, psychological condition person, etc. Music is part of culture and is influenced by all other aspects of it.

Each of us has our favorite melodies that make us cry and rejoice, allowing us to think about the meaning of life. Greek philosophers even believed that music could shape a person's character.

Scientists have found that under the influence of music in humans, as well as some animals, blood pressure changes, heart rate increases, and the rhythm and depth of respiratory contractions decreases. Since ancient times, medicine has learned to use the neurophysiological effects of music.

In Japan, a special experiment was conducted with nursing mothers. It turned out that while listening to classical music, their milk supply increased by 20-100%. Classical music can reduce aggressiveness in bees.

If you want to know what date Music Day is and everything about this holiday, read this article.

All people on our planet, one way or another, have some favorite songs. Many people don’t just love a couple of songs, but devote their years to their lives. Music clubs, minibuses, discos, at home, at work - all these are places where we often or usually listen to music. October 1st is considered music day.

There are a great many different songs and thousands, maybe even millions of people have worked on them. Can't we make one day a holiday for music lovers?

And the UNESCO organization took the initiative in this matter. But few people know when this day is and why it is so important in modern society.

History of Music Day

International Music Day is the name of the day dedicated to this beautiful view art.

When is Music Day celebrated in Russia? It is celebrated on October 1st. But perhaps the most interesting is yet to come. We decided on this day in Lausanne in 1973.

In 1974, Yehudi Menuhin and Boris Yarustovsky asked the Music Council to celebrate Music Day in 1975. In the letter, they indicated the goals that should be realized with the help of this day.

Objectives of International Music Day

¨ It is necessary to familiarize all segments of the population with music. Many people in those days had little idea what music was. Some heard nothing more than tribal songs. This goal, we can say, today has been realized almost 100%

¨ Mutual attitude towards each other’s values. I can't say for sure, but people don't care much about each other these days. They only care about personal happiness, and sometimes even the closest people can betray us. Through this goal, the International Music Council wanted to see people become more friendly and caring.

We must respect other people and not infringe on their culture, in no way offend their honor and dignity, we must not reproach them for being different. This is all spelled out even in the constitutions of countries.

¨ Development of cultures and exchange of experience. This is very correct and good goal. She's up to today achieved by many international competitions, festivals and concerts. It's not only important point in the life of our country, but this important fact in the lives of all people, because music unites everyone, regardless of gender, age and nationality.

Music is not only a part of people's lives. Today music is a part of our life. Do you know that music saved 63% of potential suicides and they continued to live, but new life. Music is a powerful instrument in the hands of the performer, and it must be managed correctly with the best intentions in mind.

On October 1, International Music Day, events and activities will be held in museums, theaters, art schools and cultural centers of the capital’s Department of Culture open concerts.

In the gallery "On Shabolovka" you can visit the exhibition "Bulgakov vs Mayakovsky" for free, and in the children's gallery "Izopark" there will be a musical lesson for preschoolers “Music and color”.

Concert of the State String Quartet named after P.I. Tchaikovsky will take place in the evening in the Belyaevo gallery, where works by I. Haydn, L. Beethoven, A. Piazzolla, I. Schwartz, I. Strauss, I. Brahms will be performed.

On a holiday, the association " Exhibition halls Moscow" in its galleries will hold free master classes on DJing by leading musicians of the capital's club culture. Students will receive basic knowledge and skills.

Musical programms await city residents in the capital's museums and theaters.

Concert chamber music V Memorial Museum A.N. Scriabin, a jazz concert at the Theater of Music and Poetry under the direction of E. Kamburova, fragments of concerts, studio recordings and television interviews of Vladimir Vysotsky, filmed in 1967-1980 in Moscow, Zelenograd, Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Italy, will be shown at the Vysotsky House on Taganka .

At the Taganka Theater musical director Tatyana Zhanova, the Kapellmeister Band ensemble, as well as leading artists will present the program “There is a whole world in your soul.” This ball-performance on small stage will devote two international holidays— Music Day and Elderly Persons Day.

Center named after Vs. Meyerhold will tell the story of the 20th century without uttering a word. Spectators will see a symphony performance from the world's most iconic musical hits.

In the gallery of Ilya Glazunov, people of the older generation will be able to take part in a musical master class - perform folk songs, romances, military songs and post-war years.

The Dolce Vita concert will take place at the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve. Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Maykapar will perform works for organ and harpsichord written by the most famous European composers of the 18th century. The performance will be accompanied a fascinating story about instruments, era and authors.

From October 1, in honor of the celebration of Music Day, concerts will be held in art schools in all districts of the capital with the participation of teachers, students and graduates. The entrance is free.

So, in State school(college) of wind arts, guests will hear solo and ensemble numbers young musicians. In the program of works different eras and styles, stories about the history of music, the appearance of the first instruments, the development musical styles and genres.

Children's School of Music No. 62 N.A. Petrova prepared a festive musical and literary evening. School musicians will perform compositions outstanding composers, including Dmitry Shostakovich, one of the initiators of the establishment of International Music Day. And the students secondary school No. 1252 named after Cervantes, poems by great poets will be read.

Students and teachers of the College of Musical and Theater Arts named after G.P. Vishnevskaya will present performances of classical opera repertoire, musical and theatrical compositions, solo vocal and ballet numbers. Fragments from operas by J. Bizet, P.I. Tchaikovsky, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, S.S. Prokofiev.

International Music Day was established on the initiative of the International Music Council of UNESCO and has been celebrated annually around the world since 1975. Traditionally, on this day works of domestic and foreign composers, performances are held, meetings with musicians are organized.