Uma Thurman actress personal life. Uma Thurman's style

Cosmetologists and surgeons help the actress look younger than her age.

The star, with a height of 183 cm, consistently maintains a weight of 65 kilograms. 46-year-old Uma does yoga, follows a diet and is happy with her shape. But the actress’s face did undergo “polishing”: earlier changes are noticeable only to professionals, but the recent results of the operations are visible to the naked eye. How a sex symbol for intellectuals (as fans called and still call Thurman) changed her appearance, TV Program magazine (Channel One), the founder of the clinic, helped figure it out plastic surgery Fray Klinik professor Sergey Blokhin.


Popularity overtook the actress in 1990. 20-year-old Uma played the wife of writer Henry Miller in the film Henry and June. The picture was considered pornographic, and Uma was awarded the title “sex symbol for intellectuals.” Photo: Keith BUTLER/REX/


Photo: Charles SYKES/REX/

— It’s not for nothing that rhinoplasty is one of the most popular among foreign and domestic stars. Changing the shape and size of the nose by a professional surgeon allows you to achieve high-quality results. Our task is to make a new nose while preserving individual character traits faces. Uma Thurman's doctor succeeded. If you compare photographs of the actress in her youth and later photographs, you will notice that the nose has acquired a more elegant shape: its size and wings have decreased, the septum has become much thinner and neater ( 1 ), but the surgeon decided to leave the tip unchanged, which allowed the actress to preserve her individuality.

On early photographs We can notice a child's swelling in the cheek-zygomatic area ( 2 ). These are the so-called Bisha lumps (fat formations on the cheeks; many people have them in infancy, but most quickly disappear). Subsequently, the Pulp Fiction star made plastic surgery for their removal. As a result, the face began to look thinner, and the cheekbones became more pronounced, due to which it was possible to emphasize the chin and visually elongate the oval of the face ( 3 ).


After 7 years of relationship, the actress broke up with French businessman Arpad Busson, with whom she gave birth to a daughter (this is Uma’s third child). Through the court, Busson achieved joint custody of his daughter. After all the trials and experiences, the star decided to start new life with a renewed face. Photo: Mireya ACIERTO/Getty Images

— In 2015, at the premiere of the film “The Slap” in New York, the star shocked fans. Everyone noticed the changes in appearance that occurred with Quentin Tarantino's favorite. We see swelling on Uma’s face, this is especially noticeable in the upper eyelid area ( 1 ). This may indicate eyelid surgery. The operation to rejuvenate them was done quite recently, since the signs characteristic of the rehabilitation period had not yet disappeared. The swelling usually goes away within a month after surgical intervention. The actress first appeared in public without makeup on her eyes. And one of the main recommendations during the postoperative recovery period is refusal decorative cosmetics. Makeup can contribute to the development of complications and allergic swelling. Blepharoplasty, most likely, was carried out in (restores the ideal contours of the face and neck) and a lipofilling procedure (injection of one’s own adipose tissue into areas with missing volume). This is how the actress corrected the shape of her cheekbones and cheeks ( 2 ).


Uma Thurman is active social life, does charity work, spends a lot of time with children. Now the actress rarely acts in films, as she carefully selects scripts. Photo: Sonia MOSKOWITZ/

— A year after the operation, the actress looks very good for her age. This became possible thanks to timely and professionally performed facelift and blepharoplasty. Most likely, Thurman maintains the results of plastic surgery with the help of cosmetic anti-aging procedures. The actress injected fillers (gel-like preparations) into the nasolabial folds ( 1 ). There were also chemical peels. Absence of facial wrinkles on the forehead ( 2 ) is possible due to the introduction of botulinum toxin. This is what makes it possible to have such a perfectly smooth forehead at the age of 46.

Injections of the drug smooth out pain caused by prolonged muscle spasm. With regular administration of Botox, the muscles are maintained in a state of relaxation, which prevents the formation of new wrinkles.

"(Kill Bill: Vol. 1, 2003), " Les Miserables"(Les Misérables, 1998).

Uma Thurman / Uma Thurman. Biography

Uma Karuna Thurman born April 29, 1970 in Boston, Massachusetts. The actress's father is a professor at Columbia University Robert Thurman, specialist in eastern religions, formerly a Buddhist monk. Mother - Nena Schleebrugge, was a popular Swedish model in the 70s and then became a successful psychotherapist.

Uma and her family spent several years in India, in the city of Almora, Uttarakhand. After returning to the USA, the girl studied at the prestigious Northfield Mount Hermon School. Uma then entered Boston University, but soon decided to move to New York.

The full name of the actress is Uma Karuna Metta Umekha Madita Thurman.

Uma Thurman / Uma Thurman. Creative path

In New York, Uma began working as a model: high growth and the girl’s thin figure fully met the standards of the fashion world. In 1987, Thurman began attending acting classes and soon appeared on screen for the first time. In 1988, she played a small role in Terry Gilliam's film " The Adventures of Baron Munchausen» ( The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, 1988).

The film received four Oscar nominations, and the aspiring actress, who appeared in the frame for just a few minutes, was noticed by producers.

Same year Uma Thurman starred in three more films, and real glory came to her in 1990. In a scandalous tape Philip Kaufman "Henry and June" the actress played main role, and the picture itself shocked the audience with its explicit scenes and received an NC-17 rating. Then Uma received the nickname “sex symbol for intellectuals.”

In 1994, Uma starred in the drama Pulp Fiction, which became the most famous film Quentin Tarantino. The role brought the actress an Oscar nomination (the only one in her career so far) and world fame. Tarantino himself compared Uma to Marlene Dietrich and called him “his Clint Eastwood.”

IN next years Uma Thurman starred in a number of successful films, among which it is worth noting the films “Gattaca” (gattaca, 1997), “ Les Miserables"(Les misérables, 1998) and "Sweet and nasty” (Sweet and Lowdown, 1999). However, some of the actress’s works failed at the box office, for example, action adventure films “ Avengers"(The Avengers, 1998) and "Batman & Robin" (Batman & Robin, 1997), which received many Golden Raspberry nominations.

One of the most memorable projects involving Minds Thurman the new decade has become a crime thriller Quentin Tarantino Kill Bill, released in two parts in 2003 and 2004. Uma not only played the main role, but also hosted Active participation in creating the script for these films. Later actress starred in the films “My Super Ex-Girlfriend” (2006), “ Motherhood"(Motherhood, 2009), "" (Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thie, 2010), drama based on novel of the same name Guy de Maupassant“Dear Friend” (Bel Ami, 2011), where Uma’s partner is film set became the British actor Robert Pattinson, the first season of the series about the behind the scenes of the New York theatrical way “Life is like a show” (2012), in which Thurman appeared in the image of Rebecca Duvall, the comedy “A Man Like Hot Deposits” with Gerard Butler and Jessica Biel.

In 2013, the actress appeared in the comedy almanac with 25 Hollywood stars first magnitude, filmed by eminent directors, “Movie 43”, as well as two parts of the melodrama “Nymphomaniac”, which brought Uma a number of awards and nominations for film awards. In 2014, Thurman starred in a short film Russian director Ivana Petukhova « Present", produced by Kevin Spacey.

In 2015, the actress starred in the American adaptation of the Australian series of the same name based on the novel. Christos Tsiolkas“The Slap”, as well as the melodramatic story with Bradley Cooper “Chief Adam Jones”. Then Thurman joined the cast of the first season of the detective project “ Like my wife", where she had the opportunity to play the role of Lenny Cohen. In 2017, Uma was busy in the films “ War with Grandpa"with Robert De Niro, " Down the hall"with AnnaSophia Robb, "The British are coming! "with Tim Roth and other projects.

Uma Thurman / Uma Thurman. Personal life

In 1990, Uma married the popular English actor Gary Oldman (“Hannibal”, “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”, “The Hitman’s Bodyguard”), whom she met on the set of the film “State of Frenzy”. Their marriage lasted only 18 months and ended in divorce. The reason for this, according to the actress, was “constant drunkenness and infidelity of the spouse.”

Uma's second legal husband became American actor and writer Ethan Hawke (“Time Patrol,” “Training Day,” “The Magnificent Seven”). Thurman began an affair with him on the set of the film “Gattaca” (gattaca, 1997). The wedding took place on May 1, 1998 at St. John's Cathedral in Manhattan. This marriage produced two children: a daughter Maya Ray Thurman Hawke- July 8, 1998 and son Levon Rohan Thurman Hawk- January 15, 2002.

In 2003, the family began serious problems, and the couple announced the beginning of divorce proceedings, which were completed in 2005. The former spouses did not hide the fact that the breakup was caused by Ethan’s infidelities, who had affairs with the nanny of their children with Uma and other women. Later on her show, Oprah Winfrey asked Thurman if Hawke had been unfaithful main reason rupture. The actress noted that there were several aspects to the end of this relationship: “We had hard time. You know how people behave when the ax falls, how they show their dissatisfaction.”

In 2004, the press circulated rumors about romantic relationships Minds with Quentin Tarantino, who once told reporters: "I'm not saying there was anything between us, but I'm not saying there is anything between us either." Ten years later, when the actress appeared with the director at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival, these rumors were revived. Media representatives suggested that the long-standing friendship of Uma and Quentin had grown into something more, since they then rented one villa for two, appeared together at all events, held hands, etc. However, both of them did not comment on this.

In 2005 - 2007, Uma was pursued by a mentally unstable fan Jack Jordan, who was madly in love with the actress. The man was arrested in October 2007 and released in 2008. But in 2010, he was detained again and imprisoned for several months for trying to return to Thurman. Jack was released in 2011.

In 2007, the artist began dating a French financier from London. Arpad Busson. In this union, Uma’s third child was born - a daughter Moon, full name which - Rosalind Arusha Arkadina Altalun Florence Thurman Busson(born July 15, 2012). The couple announced and called off their engagement several times, in 2008 and 2014. But ultimately, Arpad and Uma did not enter into an official marriage; moreover, they began a legal battle with each other over custody of Luna. During the debate, Busson questioned Thurman's mental performance and accused her of mixing drugs, including anti-epileptic and sleeping pills, with alcohol. Refuting these allegations, Uma won the trial and in January 2017 received full custody of her daughter Luna.

Uma Thurman / Uma Thurman. Interesting Facts

The actress was named in honor of the Hindu goddess; her father, an expert in Eastern religions, decided to name the girl that way. Up to 9 years Uma Thurman I was very embarrassed about my unusual name and preferred to introduce herself as Diana, then she resigned herself and even began to be proud of him. The incident occurred in Japan: local journalists and producers did not dare to address the actress by name. It soon became clear that “uma” means “horse” in Japanese.

U Minds Thurman there are three younger brother, as well as half-older sister, daughter Robert Thurman from his first marriage.

Uma Thurman / Uma Thurman. Filmography

  • Actress
  • Eloise in Paris / Eloise in Paris
  • The Bay of Silence
  • Girl Soldier
  • Serenity
  • The House That Jack Built (2018)
  • The British are coming! / The Brits Are Coming (2017), Harriet Fox
  • Down a Dark Hall (2017)
  • War with Grandpa (2017), Sally
  • Like My Wife / Imposters (TV series 2017), Lenny Cohen
  • Chief Adam Jones / Burnt (2015), Simone Forth
  • The Slap (mini-series, 2015), Anouk
  • The Gift (2014, short film), Miss Anderson
  • Jump (2014, short film)
  • The Mundane Goddess (2014, short film), Hera
  • Nymphomaniac: Part 2 / Nymphomaniac: Vol. II (2013), Mrs. H
  • Nymphomaniac: Vol. I (2013), Mrs. H
  • Movie 43 (2013), Fake Lois Lane
  • A man in great demand / Playing for Keeps (2012), Patti
  • Life is like a show / Smash (TV series, 2012-2013), Rebecca Duvall
  • Dear Friend / Bel Ami (2012), Madeleine Forestier
  • Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair (2011), The Bride
  • Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010), Medusa
  • Wedding / Ceremony (2010)
  • Motherhood (2009), Eliza
  • The Accidental Husband (2008), Emma
  • My Zinc Bed (2008), Elsa Quinn
  • A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa (2008), Joy
  • Moments of life / The Life Before Her Eyes (2007), Diana

The name of this Scandinavian beauty may seem unfamiliar to you, but in the features of this graceful lady you will certainly recognize her daughter, Uma Thurman. Nena von Schlebrugge was very famous model in the 60s, and her pretty face appeared more than once in Vogue and Harper's Bazaar magazines.

In 1941, in Mexico City, a daughter, Brigitte Carolin, was born to the Swedish family Birgit Holmqvist and the German aristocrat Colonel Baron Friedrich Karl von Schlebrugge.

The daughter inherited her extraordinary appearance from her mother, and her aristocratic charm from her father.

Nena's mother, Birgit Holmqvist, in her youth posed in nude style for the famous sculptor Axel Ebbe for the statue "Embrace", depicting a naked diva. This reverent statue from 1930 still meets ships in the port of a small cape on the very southern point Scandinavian Peninsula.

In 1955 famous photographer Norman Parkinson, who worked at Vogue, traveled to Stockholm on official business. It was there that he saw 14-year-old Nena. This meeting was the beginning modeling career young beauty. Just two years later, Nena moved to London, where she began working seriously in the world of high fashion.

In her new career, the girl experienced stunning success - the young Swede was immediately offered a contract with the Ford modeling agency, located in New York.

Nena gladly accepted the offer and went to another continent. There she was expected to collaborate with Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar magazines, she was filmed best photographers of that time - Richard Avedon, William Klein, Bert Stern and the already mentioned Norman Parkinson.

Photographers cultivated her aristocracy, sophistication, charm and trusted her to pose in the most breathtaking outfits and palace interiors, in which Nena looked organic and natural, as befits a real aristocrat by birth.

Nena's refined beauty has inspired many contemporary photographers and artists. Rumor has it that the girl became a muse for the great Salvador Dali, who in 1963 introduced the already famous beauty to psychiatrist Timothy Leary, famous for his work in the field of the effects of psychedelics on nervous system.

Just a year later, Timothy and Nena were married at billionaire William Hitchcock's mansion in Millbrook. This rather unusual wedding ceremony was captured on film by documentarian Donn Pennebaker.

The marriage to Timothy Leary lasted only a year; in 1965, Nena filed for divorce. Two years later she married an even more extravagant man - Robert Thurman. Nena's husband became the first American to be ordained as a Buddhist monk personally by the Dalai Lama.

In total, Nena has four children from Robert Thurman, among them - famous actress Uma Thurman, who looks a lot like her mother.

Uma was born in 1970. Her name means "bliss giver." Then Nena decided to end her modeling career and devote herself to her family. In addition, she was so imbued with her husband’s ideas that she also became interested in actively popularizing Buddhism in the States and even became a certified psychologist.

Today Nena is the executive director of the Menla Mountain Retreat center for Tibetan medicine and is proud of her talented and successful children with unique names, associated with ancient Buddhist philosophy - Ganden, Uma, Dechen, Mipham. And she remains the same aristocratic beauty and just a happy woman.

You know how this usually happens in Hollywood? At 20 they tell you: you are a one-day star, at 25 - that you won’t make it to 30. I’m over 40, and for some reason they still won’t leave me alone!

Uma Thurman said these words at 41, and today she turns 46. And indeed, the years fly by, and Uma becomes more and more refined, like good wine. The constant muse of the legendary Quentin Tarantino, one of the most popular actresses in the world, “a sex symbol for intellectuals” - it’s all about her. On her birthday we decided to remember Interesting Facts from the biography of Uma Thurman and the rules she follows, adding this best photos and personal quotes.

Extraordinary: Uma Thurman's family

Did you know that Uma's father is the first American citizen to be ordained as a Buddhist monk, and her mother is a Swedish fashion model, a follower of hippie culture, and now a respected psychotherapist? It is not surprising that Uma, having been born into such an extraordinary family, also became a unique person.

Her name is the oldest, it is mentioned in Sanskrit, and means “blessing giver”; it was Uma who was the name of the wife of the god Shiva in Indian mythology. Thanks to my father, Robert Thurman, for this unusual choice, because he is one of the world's largest experts on Eastern religions.

I spent the first eleven years of my life convinced that I looked simply disgusting. I just couldn't wait to finally grow up

Looking at the actress today, it’s hard to believe that Uma Thurman was ugly duckling, is not it? However, until now, all those who see the actress live for the first time are amazed at her high model height (182 cm) and... foot size - 42!

Uma Thurman's career

However, despite her height, Uma was not hired as a model, although she tried to get on the catwalk. But instead, upon arriving in New York, she had to work as a dishwasher and waitress. Dreaming of breaking into the highest circles, she did not give up her acting tests. And she was finally noticed, giving a tiny episode in “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen.”

Uma Thurman became famous after her leading role in the film “Henry and June” (1990) - at that time very frank and even provocative. It was after this film that the actress, sophisticated and extremely alluring, was called a “sexy intellectual.”

Sexuality cannot be discounted. Never! If you are an actor, she must invariably be in any of your images, otherwise who will like you?

And then it went on and on: roles fell on the actress one after another, Uma Thurman’s biography took a sharp turn. And in 1994, in the cult film by Quentin Tarantino “ Pulp Fiction“Uma Thurman played the main role. Films with her participation have always been highly regarded, but this one broke all records: it received an Oscar, a Golden Globe, a Palme d'Or and many other awards and prizes, and after it Uma Thurman became Quentin's muse.

I have never had such a relationship with anyone as I did with Quentin. I mean creative relationships

On the actress’s 30th birthday, Quentin Tarantino gave her an unprecedented gift: the lead role in his film “Kill Bill,” and a year later the second part was released. For both parts, Uma was nominated for a Golden Globe, but in the end the award went to other actresses.

Uma Thurman: personal life

Love carried Uma like a ship in a storm - from shore to shore. In 1990 (19 years old) she married famous actor Gary Oldman, who was 12 years older than her. The marriage did not last, and they divorced two years later.

Later, in 1998, Uma Thurman married again - and this time also to an actor, colleague on the set and her same age, Ethan Hawke. In this marriage, the couple had two children - daughter Maya Ray and son Levon Rohan. The actors lived together for 7 years, but this marriage also ended in divorce, which Uma took seriously.

Realizing that people of art are not a very reliable refuge, for the third time Uma decided to associate herself with a more down-to-earth person. Her chosen one was the financier Arpad Busson, ex-husband supermodel Elle Macpherson. At 42, Uma gave birth to his third child - daughter Luna. But this couple also broke up in 2014, and today Uma Thurman is again free as the wind.

My dream now is to go to trip around the world. For about a year. Of course, I will take the children with me. And I’ll find a husband somewhere along the way!

Uma Thurman's style

Uma Thurman's style is very difficult to characterize. It cannot be called casual, business or sporty - there is nothing radical and unambiguous in the images that she creates. Of course, Uma gives preference natural fabrics, light colors and simple cut- and this suits the tall blonde perfectly, only emphasizing her incredible charisma, which does not need unnecessary decoration.

Uma Thurman always chooses very carefully, and every image shows her excellent taste and a sense of style. Whatever shade she chooses, it always suits her. But for a long time, Uma still chooses the lion’s share of dresses in white.

Tatiana Maltseva

Uma Thurman was named after a Hindu goddess and inherited her refined grace from her female ancestors. Her grandmother Birgit Holmqvist in her youth posed in nude style for the eminent sculptor Axel Ebbe for the statue “Embrace,” depicting a naked diva." This reverent sculpture from 1930 still meets ships in the port of a small cape on the southernmost point of the Scandinavian Peninsula. But special admiration and the aristocratic beauty of Uma’s mother, the supermodel and actress of the 50s and 60s of the last century, Nena von Schlebrugge, is worthy of admiration.

Venus Botticelli

In 1941, a daughter, Brigitte Caroline, was born in Mexico to the family of the Swedish beauty Birgit Holmqvist and the German aristocrat Friedrich Karl von Schlebrugge. Her relatives simply called her Nena. The daughter inherited her extraordinary appearance from her mother, and her aristocratic charm from her father. In the mid-fifties famous photographer edition of Vogue went on business to the capital of Sweden, where he accidentally saw Nena. Then the young beauty was only 14 years old. This meeting marked the beginning of the girl’s modeling career.

A couple of years later, Nena was invited to London, where she became one of the stars in the world of high fashion. Her success was deafening, and her popularity soared very quickly - the American modeling agency Ford signed a contract with the Swedish beauty, and soon Nena decided to conquer the United States. On another continent, she was expected to work with Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar magazines, and the best photography pros collaborated with her: Norman Parkinson, Richard Avedon, Bert Stern and William Klein.

Nena's refined beauty has inspired many contemporary photographers and artists. Rumor has it that the girl became a muse for the great Salvador Dali, who in 1963 introduced the already famous beauty to the psychiatrist Timothy Leary, who became famous for his work in the field of the effects of psychedelics on the nervous system. The wedding of Timothy and Nena took place in the cottage of billionaire William Hitchcock, who kindly provided his apartment to a psychiatrist friend.

wedding ceremony was quite eccentric - she was captured on black and white film by documentarian Pennebaker. But even here Nena appears to the viewer as Venus, straight out of Botticelli’s paintings - fragile, tender and feminine. This union was short-lived, it lasted only a year. It was assumed that the reason for its collapse was the “great experimenter’s” use of the psychotropic drug LSD, banned in the States.

Under the sign of Buddha

In 1965, Nena filed for divorce, and two years later she remarried. Her chosen one was Robert Thurman, the first American to be tonsured a Buddhist monk personally by the Dalai Lama. It was a marriage consecrated by someone above - two harmonious souls merged, who to this day live in peace and harmony and bring the divine light of kindness to people. Soon the couple had their first child, Handen.

Despite the difficult time of motherhood, Nena continued to climb career ladder and even managed to star in Eddie Sedgwick’s film “Ciao Manhattan.” The picture was published only four years after its creation, but the episodes with Nena from the final version, unfortunately, were cut out.

In 1970 happy couple a daughter, Uma, appeared, whose name means “blessing giver.” Then Nena decided to leave her modeling career and devote herself to her family. In addition, she was so captivated by her husband’s ideas that she also became interested in actively promoting Buddhism in the States and even became a certified psychologist. In the late 1980s, von Schlebrugge was director of the New York Open Center, and in subsequent years became head of the Tibet House's US branch.

Today Nena is the executive director of the Menla Mountain Retreat center for Tibetan medicine and is proud of her talented and successful children with unique names associated with ancient Buddhist philosophy - Handen, Uma, Dechen, Mipham. And she remains the same aristocratic beauty and, simply, a happy woman...


It's time to remember Soviet actress, who raised a Hollywood star: .