Taste, father, excellent manner, monologue about what. Analysis of Famusov’s monologue (“Woe from Wit”) “Taste, father, excellent manner:” According to the plan: What caused it, What topics are touched upon in it, What views of the hero are revealed, What mental

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Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov. Portrait.

In order for us to correctly understand this monologue, we must first understand who this Famusov himself is and what role he plays in the entire comedy of A.S. Griboedova? He characterizes himself as follows: that he is “vigorous and fresh, and lived to see his gray hairs, Free, widowed, I am my master...” And he also added, “Known for monastic behavior!..” It cannot be said that this is exactly the case... But , in any case, that’s how he would like to present himself. However, his daughter Sophia has a different opinion about him: “Grumpy, restless, quick.” However, he is accepted in society and his opinion is valued. And even more likely, it is he who values ​​​​the opinion of society. And what’s more, it’s very valuable!

Being a nobleman mediocre, he serves in some unnamed government place. The author of the comedy deliberately does not talk about many details concerning the lives of his characters. The reason for this is the following: the purpose of the work is to show the general condition of the noble nobility, on which the fate of Russia at that time depended. In the person of Pavel Afanasyevich, the writer showed every representative of the nobility of those days. And he was taken not from the very “top” and not from the very “bottom,” but, as it were, “in the middle.” A widower with an only daughter, whom he did not bother raising, entrusting her to a French nanny, walked with one concern: as long as there was a good opinion about him, and especially “at the top”! Therefore, his attitude towards affairs was as follows: “I’m afraid, sir, that I alone is deadly, so that many of them do not accumulate.”

And this is the attitude towards relatives: “No! I crawl in front of my relatives, where I meet; I will find her at the bottom of the sea. When I have employees, strangers are very rare; More and more sisters, sisters-in-law and children.” And this was considered normal and correct and praiseworthy.

The thing is that Famusov’s daughter Sophia, as it seems to him, is a girl of marriageable age. And her daddy creates such an atmosphere in his house that suitors began to hover around Sofiushka like moths around a candle... And then Pavel Afanasyevich decided to hook one “moth”. He does this by choice and based on his interests.

He is not at all interested in whether such a groom is needed only daughter or not. And one more thing: right there, somewhat further away, is Chatsky, who is completely inconvenient and completely unsuitable for Pavel Afanasyevich. The whole complexity of the situation lies in giving the green light and full profit to the rich colonel, who will be a general today or tomorrow, and former friend childhood, at the same time gently point to the door (since if this is done rudely, then the “moths” will all fly away!) You can expect everything from this hot Chatsky.

Praise to the Moscow nobility

The beginning of Famusov’s speech is completely unsuccessful: true to himself, he begins to praise Moscow nobility.

What exactly does he highlight in this praise? Transfer of noble nobility from family to family! And on what basis? According to the principle of security.

If you have a sufficient number of workers who work for you - or rather, instead of you - then you are worthy to continue the noble family... Regardless of all your other advantages, or rather, shortcomings...

Moscow hospitality

To encourage Skalozub to make a match, Famusov makes a clever move: he removes all possible and impossible rivals with one blow, talking about Moscow hospitality, where the door is open to everyone. In fact, in order to get into some noble house, don’t think so, but you have to somehow justify to Skalozub the stay here of this dapper young man, who under certain circumstances can undoubtedly take the place of the groom in a rich house.

Moscow girls are preferable to all others!

Meanwhile, Famusov, carried away by pleasing both interlocutors, went far from the goal of his journey through human souls and their passions.

Here are well-known names, as you can see!:

Imagine for yourself what it was like for a contemporary of Griboyedov to hear about himself or a lady about whom they knew that she would fight back anyone! Here you truly don’t know whether to cry or laugh.

In order to finally win over the warrior Skalozub, he orders the Moscow ladies to command in front of the front...

Anthem of Moscow

Finally tired of his cunning maneuvering, Famusov bursts out with a final chord that turns his inspired speech into a hymn to Moscow!

Before starting his ambivalent speech, a passionate admirer of the capital and everything metropolitan, Pavel Afanasyevich had already begun to admire Moscow.

Now to put bold point in this matter of crafty luring of one suitor and decisive non-recognition of another, he lowers his hammer on the indisputable authority of the Capital!

Famusov.21st century

When they say about someone that he is alive, this in any case means that he either never lived or died. And about this wonderful character Griboyedov's comedy we can say that he is not only alive, but also does not seem to be going to die. Famusov means a person who is looking for a reason to be famous. “Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good.” These are not his words. But this is about him. It is rumor and the essence of his soul that is one word! From the beginning of the comedy to the very end, he cares only about people's opinions. And the richest in this century!

"Oh! My God! what will he say
Princess Marya Aleksevna!” - this is not a superficial experience, this, gentlemen, his whole inside is screaming!

This is the biggest driving force and the most hidden motive of all human actions on earth. What will people say about me?..” Tastes, manners, laws.

These values ​​are hidden not in the air that surrounds us, but inside the human heart (“famous” (English) famous, renowned, notorious).

If all over the world all people had one surname, derived from this word, then the passport services of all countries would simply break their heads from such confusion... That’s why our surnames are different! But they sometimes do not reflect the essence and purpose of life for each of us. And it’s not for nothing that Alexander Griboyedov, from the very beginning of this inspired monologue, puts words into Famusov’s mouth about starting a family. And this is the first law for those with whom every society begins: husband and wife.

This law is so literal that it even lists the statistics required for marriage.

“Be bad, but if there are two thousand family souls, that’s the groom.”

It's simple! Count how many “birthmarks” you have, and you will find out whether you are suitable or not. Well, if you’re at least quicker, puffed up with all sorts of arrogance, Let yourself be known as a wise person, But they won’t include you in the family...” That’s it! “Don't look at us. After all, only here they still value the nobility.”

I would like to stay for a while literary feature writer's syllable. Famusov’s assurance “Don’t marvel at us” means nothing more than that it is impossible to surprise him. Neither him nor the circle of people he represents and protects here. The fact is that in Griboyedov’s time, as well as in our time, people were not afraid to play with words - and in literary purposes, and at least out of a desire to seem original. But in in this case The author risks being completely misunderstood! He reached, so to speak, the border that can no longer be crossed... And he didn’t cross it! Having performed such a verbal somersault, Griboyedov managed to remain within the framework of the style, style and meaning of the comedy. And it must be said that he did this more than once throughout his entire work. So, for example, it gives the narrow-minded Skalozub the opportunity to say the unusual word “irritation”, but does not give him the opportunity to seem sophisticated, leaving him nevertheless a fool.

Or maybe such words were in use then among such people?.. And maybe they were not at all a sign of sophistication then, but just the opposite? As I would say today: an actual event,” which would undoubtedly mean that it, this event, is important. But if the same word is applied, for example, to a goose, which can also be very important, will this make it really relevant?

But Skalozub is Skalozub, and today we are interested in a completely different person, whose surname comes from the word rumor, fame, popularity. Our venerable hero does not stop at the first law, the law of creating a family, as the only one. He brings to light the second most important law: the law of hospitality. This is exactly what this law does not sound like. There is no law under that name. But Famus’s inspired speech gives it the significance that basic human faith has, faith in humanism!

In general, the problem of concentration on oneself, which the writer concentrated in Famusov, must be sought not in him alone, but in the depths human soul at all! And, thus, before us is not even a comedy at all, but even a real tragedy... In all these exciting events, who interests Famusov the most? Yes who! So he is himself! Have you decided to kill me? Isn't my fate still sad? These words are directed not only to the daughter, but to the entire world around... What is more boring than life for ourselves?!.. And how many people understand this?.. We walk around ourselves as if around inaccessible mountain! And even if we do something good, it will only be to continue this walk. With each generation, Famusism takes over human heart getting stronger! Is this the only problem?

The breadth of the Russian soul in a most amazing way coexists with unbridled egoism! Maybe there is an exception for foreign guests, as our speech says? Yes, there is!.. In order to further establish oneself in one’s selfishness! A.S. Griboyedov managed to show in his hero all the subtleties and intricacies of Russian egoism. And especially vividly in this monologue! Can selfishness be worn purely? national character? Yes! This Famusov in certain situations can be any person.

Famusov’s monologue “Taste, father, excellent manner...” in the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

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Analysis of Famusov’s monologue (“Woe from Wit”) “Taste, father, excellent manner:” According to the plan: What caused it, What topics are touched upon in it, What views of the hero are revealed, What is the mental state of the character in at the moment, C What was the playwright's purpose for introducing this monologue?


F a m u s o Taste, father, excellent manner, Everything has its own laws: For example, we have had it since ancient times, That there is honor according to father and son; Be bad, but if there are two thousand family souls, He will be the groom. . . I will say decisively: there is hardly another capital like Moscow. Based on the erroneous thesis: ““Woe from Wit” is a satire, not a comedy,” V. G. Belinsky wrote, evaluating this monologue: “Famusov spreads about Moscow in a monologue of 54 verses, where, in places expressing himself in a very original way, in others For Chatsky, he does acts against society that could only have occurred to Chatsky” (III, 476). This assessment is partly due to the stage practice of that time, when monologues were “recited” with appropriate pressure in those places that could cause laughter from the audience. However, the bizarre change of topics in Famusov’s monologue, surveying all layers of the Moscow nobility, and the comic ambiguity of his praises - everything is in close connection with that dramatic situation, in which this monologue is pronounced. Famusov’s main goal is to make Skalozub think about marriage, but Chatsky is present in the room (he is located somewhat further away and therefore Famusov is in no hurry to introduce him to Skalozub); Chatsky hears everything, can intervene in the conversation at any moment, and Skalozub noticed, of course, the stranger young man. Famusov needs to be made clear in some indirect way that this guest is random and is not a rival to the colonel. However, Famusov begins his speech not entirely successfully: true to himself, he praises the Moscow family nobility. There is a meaning to this, of course: thereby Skalozub is made to understand that the Famusovs are not in Moscow last people. However, having said: “honor according to father and son,” Famusov comes to his senses, remembering that his interlocutor cannot boast of ancestors at all, and immediately stipulates that the main thing is not nobility, but wealth. He is annoyed that the word “bad” came out of his mouth (it was no accident, of course, that it came out: no matter how much Famusov fawns over Skalozub, he talks about himself better opinion!), - and Famusov changes the topic, attacks the “reasonable ones” who “will not be included in the family,” almost nodding at Chatsky. Here it is necessary to somehow explain why this young man enters the house where there is a bride, and Famusov refers to the well-known Moscow hospitality. Here, however, he lies in wait new danger: he offended the “wise men” and Chatsky can enter into a conversation and ruin the whole thing - this is how a compliment to the “young men” is born. But Famusov simply cannot leave this praise without a reminder of the “fathers of the fatherland”; True, he now speaks about them also with an eye on Chatsky - if only he would remain silent! - Chatsky’s “carbonara speech” about Maxim Petrovich is still fresh in his memory, and Famusov gives Chatsky a break: “sometimes they talk about the government in such a way that if someone overheard them... trouble! " - but then he realizes that it will be a disaster if Skalozub concludes something from his words, and reduces this topic to nothing: “they will argue, make some noise and disperse”, at the same time - for Chatsky, first of all - emphasizing their significance and necessity (“without they won't get by." Meanwhile, Famusov - in his cunning hints - has gone far from the main topic, and he forces it, remembering the ladies and praising them in Skalozubov’s expressions (“Tell them to command before the front!”), and here it’s not far from the daughters, after all, Moscow ( precisely the Moscow ones!) even the Prussian king “marveled in a different way” (that is, unusually) at the girls - this is a trump card for Skalozub, for whom the Prussian school is the best in military affairs

A.S. Griboyedov worked on “Woe from Wit” during a difficult period Russian history- under Emperor Alexander I. The awakening liberal thoughts of the progressive aristocracy and intelligentsia in those years inevitably ran into the conservatism of the older generation.

The idea of ​​the play was the conflict different eras, which Griboyedov reflected in the image of Chatsky and Famusov. The first is a progressive representative of the “present century”, the second is typical hero"the century of the past."

The views of generations differ in many aspects of life, they different attitude to marriage, education, military affairs, serfdom, etc. When Famusov advises Chatsky to go into service, he defiantly retorts: “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to be served.” The young man reproaches his elders for hypocrisy, veneration and idleness. He is disgusted by the thought of servility, he bitterly asks:

Where, show us, Fatherland fathers,

Which ones should we take as models?

The metropolitan nobleman sets as an example a worthy, in his opinion, candidate for emulation - his own uncle Maxim Petrovich. However, it is known about the mentioned character that he curried favor with high ranks, stepping on pride, honor and dignity.

Each of the opponents is confident that they are right, so they ardently defend their position.

Griboyedov introduced a lot of characters into the dialogues rhetorical questions and exclamatory sentences. For example, the famous monologue of the progressive Chatsky “Who are the judges?.. or Famusov’s reasoning “Taste, father, excellent manner...”.

IN famous work the author shows the dreams of young people about reorganization social thought and at the same time – the regrets of elders about the “golden age of the nobility”, to the foundations of which a lazy society gravitates. In the monologues of the main characters Griboyedov clearly shows the polarity of their opinions on the most different topics. That is why the speeches of Chatsky and Famusov are the longest and most meaningful, thought-provoking.

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Updated: 2017-01-14

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