Dmitry Komarov and his personal life. Dmitry Komarov spoke about the danger in the new expedition

By today's standards, Dmitry grew up in a large family. He has a brother Nikolai and a sister Angelina, and he is the eldest. The biography of Dmitry Komarov began in Kyiv (1983). Despite the crisis of the nineties, the family was friendly, and the childhood was happy, and this is entirely the merit of the parents, Dmitry is sure. His parents got married late by Soviet standards. The groom was well over thirty, and the bride was 27. In addition, they were actively “searching for themselves” and tried many professions.

My father was interested in photography in his youth. Perhaps this influenced Dmitry’s hobby; at twelve he was already taking high-quality photographs, which eventually led him to journalism. The love of travel also arose thanks to my father, or rather, his stories about his travels and hikes in the mountains. Dmitry is sure that thanks to his rich youth, his parents were able to create a happy family, having come to this consciously in adulthood.

In one of the interviews, the journalist said that in his free time he travels around the country with his “young ones.” He also enjoys family gatherings around the fire in the country. My sister works as a stylist in a prestigious beauty salon, my brother creates computer games. Dmitry jokes that he became a “dad” at the age of six, when twins were born, which made him more responsible and mature than his peers. At first it was difficult, since his parents worked and his grandmothers were not there, upbringing fell on his shoulders. But when the twins grew up, the whole trio became best friends.

Career development

Many people are interested not only in the latest news about Dmitry Komarov, but also in his past. Komarov’s passion for journalism manifested itself early; he collaborated with the press at the age of twelve, and at seventeen he was already employed at Telenedel. However, post-secondary education had nothing to do with journalism (National Transport University). He combined his studies with work, collaborating with several publications, including gloss (EGO, Playboy).

Then there was the experience of a special correspondent in Komsomolskaya Pravda and Izvestia in Ukraine. By the third year of study, he decided that he was still not ready to say goodbye to journalism, so he entered the University of Culture and Arts.

As a journalist and photographer, he collaborated with dozens of print publications, while still managing to travel. He was always interested in unconventional, unpopular, unexplored places where there are no crowds of tourists, but where there is the originality of local residents and local flavor. He traveled alone, which, according to him, allowed him to better understand an unfamiliar country and completely immerse himself in new experiences. During his trips, he took a lot of photographs, which later resulted in several photo exhibitions.

One day he realized that publications and photo reports could not convey the volume of what he saw, which prompted him to take amateur photography. Later, the idea came to broadcast an entertaining and educational format, where there would be not already boring “traditional” tourist places, but an exclusive “without cuts”, not a glossy presentation of hard-to-reach places, people living there, animals, interesting customs and features. By the time the program “The World Inside Out” appeared, Dmitry had visited twenty countries. According to the presenter, since the beginning of his author’s project, he has never been on vacation. At the end of 2010, the first episode was released on one of the Ukrainian channels. The debut season became popular, the bet on non-standardity turned out to be successful. This made Dmitry Komarov’s career growth rapid. Over five years, more than a hundred issues were published, which became a local record.

The world inside out

Previously, Komarov traveled with a camera and a voice recorder. And this was enough for reports and photo exhibitions, but the desire to convey the three-dimensionality of what he saw, and not just freeze the moment, he began to shoot amateur videos, which he also published periodically. Then he clearly decided for himself that he wanted to create a program. He developed a detailed plan regarding its various aspects, theoretical preparation was carried out until the sponsors became interested.

After this, funds were found for the first trip, intended specifically for “The World Inside Out,” and a pilot episode was made, which the audience saw. This was the first television experience. The cost of the trips can be called modest, since the group does not live in expensive hotels. Most of the expenses relate to flights, transportation, payment for guides, and various “thank yous” for filming (especially in Africa).

Few people are involved in the project. In addition to Dmitry and the cameraman, there are two editing directors, one editor, and one or more local guides are connected at the destination. The harmonious combination of music and plots lies on the shoulders of the chief editing director, sometimes after a joint critical viewing something changes. Most of the music used is licensed, the rest is pure exclusive, brought from expeditions. Its authors do not gather large venues, but their unique music is talented and therefore valuable.

A small team has its disadvantages, but there are more advantages, Dmitry believes. This is an opportunity to show life “as it is” unnoticed, which is impossible if this is done by a film crew, to which in one way or another others pay attention, which changes their behavior towards less naturalness. This is mobility when you can get into real jungles or dangerous areas. Two guys with cameras and a guide are perceived completely differently.

The distribution of roles is such that the main responsibility for filming lies on the shoulders of the operator (Sasha Dmitriev), and Dmitry decides organizational and administrative issues. You have to take with you the necessary things, the quantity of which is hard to call a minimum. This is dictated by the task of going through the country from beginning to end, often requiring special equipment.

The decision to shoot with cameras is a deliberate one, and although this has its own difficulties, especially with regard to dynamics, there are other advantages that do not relate to shooting. For example, for legality in some countries you will have to pay a lot of money (sometimes it’s two hundred dollars per day, and filming takes two months). Another disadvantage of legal filming is the mandatory accompaniment of a representative of official structures, who monitors that what cannot be shown is not filmed. Each trip brings a lot of photos, they can be seen in reports and at photo exhibitions that will be held in the future.

Before any trip, Dmitry studies all possible sources of information about the places where he is going. This is how two lists arise, one of which includes where to go, and the other, on the contrary, and outlines of what needs to be talked about. If these are tourist places, then they are shown from an angle that is unusual for the viewer, and a lot of things appear impromptu. At least half of the unplanned subjects are already located directly in the country.

Communication with guides, of which there can be dozens, allows you to adjust the initial route on the spot and find topics about which information is not widely available. From one trip, approximately three hundred hours of video material are brought back. Filming duration per day can reach two dozen hours per day. In hot countries you have to get up early, at about five in the morning, and from ten on it’s already difficult to be outside, a forced break is taken until four o’clock in the evening, and from this time the shooting gives a brighter picture.

Before the project appeared on television, Dmitry had a lot of experience and already knew exactly which country was worth returning to. Today's programs are often produced based on past developments and conclusions. He is interested in “following his own footsteps,” and even visiting the heroes of past stories again. Half of the topics on India and Africa were researched while working as a special correspondent. The author and presenter of the program are interested in its ratings. He periodically orders details to know what the viewer liked more and what prompted him to stop watching.

Of all that was in the programs, the audience was especially impressed by the tribes. According to Dmitry, it was so dangerous to stay in some of them that even local guides refused, leaving travelers alone with an unfamiliar hostile reality. But since much depends on the person himself, on his perception of people, the ability to find a common language with anyone, the team always “came out unscathed.”

Komarov believes that constant travel trains intuition, which accurately suggests where you can work and where it is better not to interfere. Vietnamese ethnic settlements, unlike African countries, are much more modern, they know how to make money from tourists, but the team still found the most unspoiled place by civilization, where they almost got married, having also put forward a number of conditions.

Personal life

The journalist and TV presenter is still not married; children, accordingly, are only in the plans. And although there were novels in his life, rarely anyone is ready to put up with Dmitry’s excessive busyness. But he is not ready to give up his passion for exploring the downside of exotic countries and constant long trips. According to him, he is amorous, but he takes relationships seriously, and short affairs are not for him.

He has met many beautiful foreign women, but he is skeptical about marriage with them, because when the love subsides, the relationship is based on common interests, mutual understanding, and this is facilitated by a common mentality, similar values ​​absorbed from childhood. Even a high level of knowledge of a foreign language, communication with a foreigner will not be as deep as with a girl from her native country. Dmitry’s wife must be understanding of his lifestyle, the specifics of his work, and be able to wait a long time from expeditions.

Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Komarov became known to the widest public quite recently, after his author’s travel program “The World Inside Out” was shown first on the Ukrainian channel 1+1, and then in Russia on the “Friday” channel.

Dmitry was born in Kyiv in 1983 and was interested in journalism from a young age. At the age of 17, he already worked full-time as a column editor in a Kiev weekly. In addition, he was a correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper and wrote for such publications as Playboy and Izvestia in Ukraine. In addition, Dmitry is a professional photographer and works for printed publications not only as an author, but also as a photographer. Dmitry also had his own photo exhibitions - in 2005 he exhibited photographs from an expedition in Africa, in 2007 in Nepal, in 2009 in India, in 2012 in Southeast Asia.

However, the key to his career was the idea of ​​creating a program about his expeditions. He has always been an avid tourist, and he loved to visit places where no ordinary traveler has ever set foot - in the very heart of Asia or Africa, in villages and hamlets, in small towns, in the houses of ordinary people, where excursions are not conducted, where no one speaks English. Russian or English and practically no one saw Europeans. At first, Dmitry wrote essays about his trips and took photographs, but he lacked a three-dimensional, live image. That’s how the idea came to make a travel program that would show the non-tourist part of the country. This is how the “World Inside Out” project was born.

The first series of programs aired on the Ukrainian channel 1+1 and was dedicated to Cambodia, a country about which little was known in Ukraine and Russia, especially about what it had beyond the only known landmark of Angkor Wat. The budget for the program was minimal, as was the film crew - only two went to Cambodia - Dmitry himself and his cameraman. However, the program became so popular that other parts followed.

On his next expedition, Komarov went to India, then to Africa, visiting Tanzania, Ethiopia, Zanzibar, and Kenya. The fourth cycle was a series of programs about Vietnam, then there was an expedition to Indonesia, and now the latest series about a trip to Latin America is being broadcast on TV channels in Ukraine and Russia - Dmitry and his cameraman have been traveling around Cuba, Bolivia and Mexico for several months. The main difference between the program and other similar tourism programs is to show the life, habits, and culture of local residents without tourist embellishments, as it really is.

As it appears - wife of Dmitry Komarov does not exist yet, since Dmitry is completely devoted to his project. Many months of expeditions, serious diseases and infections that can be brought from there, subsequent work on programs - apparently, Dmitry has not yet met a girl who will be able to share such a passion for the underbelly of exotic countries.

15:55 23.05.2017

Girls love to analyze men and their actions, they are ready to break everyone down into atoms and immediately name all their fears and complexes. But do they really know men?

Together with Philips, we decided to tell some amazing men's stories, in which there will be tears, loneliness, crazy love, sex, and betrayal. Each story is an opportunity to get to know men even more, their desires and motives. We will not make any judgments about their behavior and thoughts.

The first hero of our project is adored, if not by all Ukrainian girls, then by at least half. Dmitry Komarov, author and host of the program “The World Inside Out,” is able to take away his beloved’s passport in order to arrange a surprise trip for her. But more often he travels alone - and finds solitude useful. And Dima, like many men, is afraid of the pain that a loved one can cause.

A loved one should be like-minded. But this does not mean at all that if I organize extreme races on sports tracks, then she should love it too. She may be a completely calm person who would never board a plane to go skydiving or drive 240 kilometers per hour on a race track in Germany. But at the same time, she and I must have common interests. We can go skiing together, for example, or kayaking. We may have an extensive list of ideas on how to spend time together - and this list is transformed and constantly updated.

It is important that tastes in cinema and music are similar. It is clear that they cannot completely coincide. But if you have finally met your person, then you a priori have common interests. Otherwise, you simply would not have ended up together. And you will immediately feel interest in your person.

Relationships need to end when you understand that it didn’t work out, that it’s impossible to continue and there’s no point in deceiving each other. If the wording “you must” appears, then the relationship will soon end.

You need to part ways in a civilized manner and through dialogue. It was different in my life: I became the initiator of the breakup, and the girl left first. It was also by mutual consent. And every time it’s not easy.

It's incredibly painful when the girl you love decides to leave you. It's a small disaster. At this moment it may seem that life is over. I had this situation. But I continued to live on, do what I love, develop, move forward. When life is as full as possible with some events, meetings, interesting projects - in my case, also filming a program - there is simply no time for depression. It really helps to get through the pain. The Nepalese have a good theory about this: in this life, everything is temporary - both good and bad.

Can love really be explained? This is what comes from above. You can't control it. You can imagine hundreds of times what kind of person you would like to see next to you, but when you are in love, some parameters and criteria that you have imagined for yourself are unimportant. You are indifferent to the opinions of others, who may seem from the outside that this person is not suitable for you, and they warn about it. You are no longer in control of the situation. This is the feeling that gives strength, energy and generally drives our lives.

I never asked the shamans I talked to to tell me what kind of family I would have. But I have no doubt that mystical phenomena exist. I believe in things that science cannot explain.

In different countries, love is shown in exactly the same way. Everyone has the same problems and troubles - people fall in love, quarrel, have a showdown, make up. Only the details differ. For example, in the Maasai tribe, girls had their clitoris cut off during their initiation rites so that they would not receive pleasure, but would concentrate on the family. In Ethiopia, women are beaten until they bleed so that they have scars and they think it’s beautiful. And in the Karavaev tribe, former cannibals, there is such an expression of love - “go to the forest.” It means "to make love." When cameraman Sasha Dmitriev and I lived with them, one aboriginal woman “called me into the forest.” I didn’t go, of course.

In exotic countries I met incredibly beautiful girls. But to really like a foreigner and want to have some kind of relationship with her... that didn’t happen. Their beauty and exoticism may be alluring, but this is only the outer side. And when you start communicating, you understand that you are from different planets, “programmed” differently. I have seen a lot of mixed families and after talking it was clear that the likelihood that the family will fall apart is very high. Such unions are created under the influence of attraction and love. But all this passes after a year, then everyday life begins. And for it to be bright and emotional, there must be something that fuels your relationship.

This fuel can be common interests and spending time together. But when you were brought up on different cartoons, films, fairy tales, you have completely different values, it is difficult to understand each other’s interests.

Even in mixed families, I am struck by the language barrier. No matter how well a person learns the language of another country, communication will still not be as deep as it could be with his compatriot. And one evening the moment will come when you want to hug, sit near the fireplace or TV and just start talking about something relaxed. At this very moment, topics will certainly arise for which there is not enough vocabulary to discuss. And this, in my opinion, is a disaster. When it is difficult to convey your thoughts and feelings clearly and accurately.

I can understand what motivates men who travel to Asian, African and Latin American countries and have affairs. It's exotic. In addition, girls from these countries consider any white-skinned man to be a rich man from Europe. There are no poor “whites”, otherwise it is the wrong “white”. And all girls, including prostitutes, dream of marrying a white-skinned man. Guys often use this to just hang out and have fun.

Pattaya in Thailand is considered the sex capital of the world. This industry arose when there was a need to serve American soldiers. Girls from all the surrounding villages came to Pattaya - this is how the remote province turned into the center of world debauchery. I filmed a report there when I was still a newspaper journalist. And I felt sincerely sorry for those men who come there. Essentially, these are unhappy men. It's obvious that things are bad at home. Or they have difficulties communicating with women: shy, modest, perhaps not particularly attractive in appearance. And such a not very confident man walks along the street of Pattaya, and beautiful women rush at him and shout: “Sexy man, come to me, let’s talk!” The man sees this colossal interest and understands that he is in demand.

Some may even believe that they have finally received the attention from women that was missing in their home country. And this is all absolute theater, a game, a show for the sake of money.

In Pattaya, couples often meet - an 80-year-old grandfather and a 19-year-old girl, and on the doors of every pharmacy there are advertisements - “Viagra is on sale.” So guys, don’t go to Africa and Asia for a walk. There are beautiful girls in Ukraine; it is not for nothing that they are considered the most beautiful in the world. It’s a sin to fly somewhere to the left when we have such girls.

I love traveling alone. Because this way you can feel the country, feel its life. Sometimes you need to travel with your parents because it is an opportunity to be with them and communicate. And these are the emotions that will be remembered. You won’t remember how you communicated with friends and parents five years ago, just sitting in a cafe. But you will definitely always remember about the trip.

I can't say that I like loneliness. But there are times when being alone is necessary and important. In this state I feel great. I can concentrate as much as possible on a hundred of my thoughts without being distracted by anything. I can sit alone at my dacha - and I will feel good, cozy, and not bored. If a person is uncomfortable with himself, then how will anyone else be comfortable with him?

The best gift for your girlfriend is to take her passport and tell her that there will be a trip this weekend. But don’t say where until the last moment. That's what I did. It's very fun and emotional! You are going to the airport, the whole way she is trying to find out where we are flying. And only at customs control do you quietly whisper that if they ask, you are flying there... And immediately such a shock! This is very cool, this is something that is remembered forever, it adds bright colors, emotions, and experiences to life.

I made the most unusual jewelry myself when I brought precious stones from abroad. My sister wears a ruby ​​from the “Ruby King of India,” the man with the largest reserves of jewelry, a Brahmin, who gave me the stone. And I’m going to use the gold that I mined in Indonesia for an engagement ring. But so far it has not been useful.

I am 33 years old, I was in a deep, serious relationship. Now I could be a family man, but it didn’t happen. What makes everything even more complicated is the peculiarity of my work, when I have to maintain a relationship at a distance for several months. On the other hand, this is also a test of the truth of feelings. We haven’t passed the test yet... It’s also not easy for me to maintain relationships at a distance. And I understand girls: waiting for me for several months is hard. Probably, it is so arranged by nature that a woman needs the support of her beloved man. It’s not for nothing that this hackneyed phrase exists - “like behind a stone wall.” Girls want to feel the support of a person with whom they can talk and consult at any time. And then again! - and the man disappeared. It seems to be there, but it seems to be not. It's easy to be apart for the first month. And then it gets more complicated.

Now I no longer meet girls in public places like I did when I was a student. There's just no time. And the public profession has made adjustments. On the contrary, I have to try to delicately refuse to start a close relationship; there are many such offers. Recently, after my master class, a girl came up and almost in tears said that she wanted to be friends with me and asked for my phone number. I ask: why? He answers that he wants to call and talk with me about life at least once a month. We agreed that we would become friends on Facebook. I just warned you: if you are intrusive, I won’t answer. That same day I saw a long message from her.

Just recently I took a box of letters to the dacha. Honestly, I haven't read even half of it. But in those that I read, there were declarations of love, gratitude for the program, and offers to meet. I think I’ll keep them and re-read them all in my old age.

I've never used dating sites. After all, you see there not a person, but a mask, an image. On these sites, it is easiest to show yourself as someone other than who you really are. You can create any image behind your avatar, present yourself as a beggar or a millionaire, a handsome man or a cool businessman. When I was a student, I once played a prank on my friend, who became interested in dating sites. I sat there the whole time! It was a few days before his birthday.

I created a female account and started corresponding with him. Since I knew what kind of girls he liked, it was clear what to write to him in order to captivate him.

On the same day, after our active correspondence, we meet with him, and he tells me what an amazing girl he met on the site, that this is the girl of his dreams. We corresponded for several days. And on behalf of this girl from the dating site, I propose to meet. I ask him to take a bouquet of lilies of the valley so that he can be easily recognized. On the day of the date, I arrive at the agreed upon place and see: my friend standing near the metro with a bouquet of lilies of the valley. He, of course, got angry when he realized everything. And it was very funny to me. My friends and I remembered this story for a long time.

It happens that hundreds of Facebook messages from girls come in a day. One young lady wrote 4.5 thousand messages in about a year. I found this thread by accident. She scribbled every day, analyzed my profile on a social network, wrote something like: let’s meet, you won’t regret how long you can run after this girl... And she calls the name of a girl from my Facebook friends. She literally demanded our meeting. Fortunately, there are few such crazy fans, and if anything happens, I will always be able to protect my beloved and family from persecution.

I don’t have the fear, like some men, of “that I might accidentally become a father.” If it so happened that I had children, I would be glad. And if it doesn’t work out, then it’s not time yet.

I now have a lot of children whom I help. It all started when my friends contacted me and told me about the girl Katya Rychkova. She had her intestines completely removed, she was in the hospital and asked to find me because she really loves the program and dreams of meeting me. No one asked for financial help - only for me to come to her. We met, and I wanted to raise money for an operation in Italy, because in Ukraine she would simply die. I told the girl’s story on my Facebook and other social networks. The process was very active. Nowadays they don’t trust charitable foundations, but here I acted as a guarantor, responding with my reputation. The amount was collected, but not all. Then I put my expensive camera up for auction. And they managed to take the girl to Italy. Then I thought: there are so many scams around, people don’t know who they give money to, and I can be a link between children who need help and people who want to help.

I am often asked why I don’t create my own charitable foundation. I will create it. Necessarily. But I don’t want part of the money that people donate to go to maintaining an office and buying, excuse me, toilet paper. And employee salaries. And this is, unfortunately, how 99% of funds work. My fund will be different. I will either cover current expenses myself when there is enough income for this, or I will find an investor. But everything is just extremely transparent and honest. So that people can check and make sure that this is not another “undercover gravy train.”

Every time I get very tired after expeditions, after working on editing the program until 4 am, I think: that’s it, I need to finish the project. Take a break for at least six months or a year. But I understand that my viewers are waiting. This is my life's work. I do not rule out that in the future I may have my own business. But, of course, it won’t be a grocery store, but something related to television and travel.

I want to climb Everest simply because it exists. I want to see with my own eyes the panorama from the highest point on the planet.

Happiness loves silence, so I don’t like to advertise my relationships with girls. You need to be careful about making your personal life public. You can tell something when you are 300% sure: your person! When you realize: “This is for life.”


Age: 33 years

Education: engineer; public relations specialist

What quality do you like in girls? inner beauty

What qualities don't you like in girls: aggression

Do you forgive betrayal?“I’m jealous, so I think it would be difficult to forgive”

What are you afraid of: " Every man is afraid of the pain that a loved one can cause. The ideal is to find your person for life. This is a guarantee that there will be no pain."

When was the last time you cried:“When we realized the dream of Sherpa from the Everest first climb team. He is 88 years old, he has not seen Everest for 25 years and admitted that before he died he would like to see it. But he definitely won’t get there on his own. We hired a helicopter to take him to Everest. There he cried - and I cried with him.”

the site publishes 10 little-known facts about the country's main traveler. Dmitry Komarov admitted at what age he had a girlfriend, why he trusts his hair exclusively to his sister, and also how he earned his first big money.

1. Tried about 100 professions.“During the filming of the program “The World Inside Out” in different countries, I have already tried almost a hundred professions. I mined gold and diamonds, made snakeskin wallets, worked as a tuk-tuk driver in Delhi, collected rice in the fields of Cambodia, caught wild tarantulas, hunted elephants, and did many other amazing things.”

2. Listens to reggae, Vakarchuk and Vysotsky.“I can listen to different music. When I feel nostalgic when traveling, I turn on Vakarchuk. When I’m in a more cheerful mood, I listen to reggae, and sometimes I can put on “The Beatles.” I love Vysotsky."

3. I first fell in love seriously at the age of 12.“This girl and I spent almost all our time together. She was from a parallel class. I met her at the bus stop in the morning, we went to school together, got almost to school and then walked separately. We were from different classes and were hiding from prying eyes. After classes we waited for each other and went to my house together to study homework. And in the evening I accompanied her to the bus. It was that first true love.”

4. Does not tolerate hypocrisy and does not forgive betrayal.“The thing I can’t stand most in people is hypocrisy and deception. And I never forgive meanness and betrayal.”

5. She trusts her hair only to her sister.“I only get my hair cut by my sister. Angelina is a leading hair stylist in one of the best salons in Kyiv, and according to some ratings - in Europe. It’s very difficult to get a haircut from her; you need to make an appointment a month in advance. But I take advantage of family connections, and Linka usually cuts my hair at home: at her place, at my place, or at our parents’ place when we meet as a family. She really loves her job and is a true professional, so I don’t trust anyone else with my hair.”

6. Favorite book “Shantaram”, Gregory Roberts.“Of all the books I have read over the past few years, I like the first part of Shantaram the most. She amazed me with her very realistic description of India. This is 100% immersion. And I liked the first part. The second one “didn’t work.”

7. Admires Edmund Hillary, the first climber of Everest.“For me, Edmund Hillary is a role model. When he first climbed Everest with Norgay Tenzing in 1953, it was like flying into space. Hillary received worldwide fame, popularity, money, unlimited opportunities. But he invested almost all his earnings in the development of the Everest region. Thanks to Hillary, the first school and hospital appeared there, which we talked about in one of the episodes of “The World Inside Out” about Nepal. They still work to this day at the expense of Hillary's charitable foundation. Before Hillary helped, the Sherpas were illiterate and were treated by shamans.”

8. Performed at piano concerts.“I graduated from 6 classes of music school in piano. He performed serious compositions, took part in concerts, and played works for 4 hands. I remember getting ready for classes late at night and keeping my neighbors awake. Now, of course, I can hardly remember anything more complex than “Chizhik-Pyzhik”. But I have a dream. When my schedule is freer, I will buy myself a piano or synthesizer and take lessons from the same teacher with whom I studied at music school.”

9. Came up with “The World Inside Out” while traveling in Thailand.“Once in the north of Thailand I was crossing some ford in waist-deep mud. I walked, took pictures and thought it would be great to film all this. Because words and photographs cannot convey all these emotions. Then I had the idea to create a program about extreme travel. A little later I began to think about the name. There were more than 70 options on my list, but when I settled on “The World Inside Out,” I immediately realized that this was what I needed.”

10. Earned his first money by selling a book by Alexandre Dumas.“This was in the harsh 90s, when there was a racket in the markets, and salaries were brought in bags (coupons), but you could buy very little with it. I really wanted to help my parents and have free pocket money. One day at a kiosk I saw the book “Sea Tales” by Alexandre Dumas. It was sold for a penny price even at that time. My friend and I collected our stash and bought all the copies at this kiosk, about 70 of them. Over the weekend we went to a flea market and sold them at a price several times higher than the original price. Since we were still children, racketeering did not touch us. I was amazed by the amount I earned - at that time it was considerable.”

Dmitry Komarov is not just the host of the World Inside Out program. He is known as a person who helps raise money for the treatment of children. Dancing in the show “Dancing with the Stars. Return of the Legend" and of course as an eligible bachelor.

Facebook. In this photo Dima is 4 years old.

Dmitry Komarov listens to Vakarchuk during expeditions

Finished 6 classes at a music school in piano. He even took part in concerts. When he has more free time, he dreams of buying a piano or synthesizer and taking lessons from his teacher again.

In the 2017 version.


Dima has a brother Nikolai, who creates computer games, and a sister Angelina, a hair stylist.

Prefers to listen to completely different music. But during expeditions, when he begins to miss home, he listens to Vakarchuk.

She only gets her hair done by her sister Angelina, since she is a hair stylist and trusts her hairstyle exclusively to her.

Of all the books he's read recently, he liked the first part of Shantars the most, by Gregory Roberts. Which describes India. Download the book for free on our website.

He does not accept hypocrisy and never forgives betrayal.

Read also: Alina Grosu got married, photo from the wedding

The idea to create the program “The World Inside Out” appeared while traveling in Thailand. Then Dima realized that photographs could not convey and tell what he saw with his own eyes.
The sponsors did not want to allocate money for the filming, since Komarov was then unknown and they were afraid that the program might not achieve the desired success. Therefore, Dima and Alexander Dmitriev went on their first expedition to Cambodia at their own expense.

He is engaged. He says that it is really very difficult.

Regularly helps children who need treatment. Now Nadya Dorofeeva has joined him. In the future he wants to create his own charitable foundation.


The first and, as he claims, true love happened to him at the age of 12. It was a girl from a parallel class. He accompanied her home, they did homework together at his house.