Drummer without a hand band. Thunder and lightning: Def Leppard's one-armed drummer paints unusual pictures

In addition to music, the artist has long been interested in photography. And the fruits of this passion are works of art that are popular among collectors.

Rick Allen's art is created while he plays the drums: LEDs are attached to the ends of the sticks, and a camera captures their movements at a long shutter speed while shooting. The result is abstract works that capture the intensity of Allen's beats combined with the rhythm of the music.

Also on the canvases there is often an imprint of Rick's palm, which is recognizable individual sign in his paintings.

"Music and photography have been my passion since childhood. My life is a path of constant change, and my art is a reflection of my dreams, actions that made me who I am now. Each painting or photograph has its own story and is connected with my life ",- says the artist.

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Rick and his wife founded charity project Raven Drum Foundation, which uses music, including drumming, as therapy. After a visit to a military hospital in 2006, the musician decided to help veterans suffering from post-traumatic syndrome.

And the beginning of all this was one of the most frightening tragedies that happened to drummer Rick Allen: in December 1984, he was in a car accident and lost his left arm.

It's amazing that after almost dying and becoming disabled, Rick was not going to give up. With encouragement from his bandmates, Allen relearned how to play a drum kit specially designed for him.

"I didn't know how my life would turn out after that terrible day. It was the most scary time in my life... I want to inspire, share stories and offer alternative ways for those suffering to return to a fulfilling life."– the musician admitted in an interview.

In less than a month, Rick Allen, or as his friends and fans call him Thundergod (which means “god of thunder”), will visit Minsk as part of the Def Leppard group. The famous rock band will perform for the first time in Belarus at the capital's Sports Palace on May 15.

History of the group Def Leppard(distorted “deaf leopard”) dates back to 1977, when Joe Elliott (vocals) and Pete Willis (guitar), then minors, met in Sheffield, England. Common musical views, common idols ( LZ, Queen, T.Rex, David Bowie) – as often happens, they soon found like-minded people, and after a couple of years the young group Def Leppard announced itself with a demo EP with three songs; future NWBH stars ( new wave British heavy) were noticed on the "Vertigo" label and offered to release the single "Wasted" first. The successful single was followed by the first “giant” “On Through The Night”, which entered the British top 20. The second album, which appeared on sale on next year, was also a success on both sides of the Atlantic; Around the same time, one of the founders, Pete Willis, left the band, and Phil Collen, who had previously played in the group, was invited to take his place. Girl.

Real success awaited the Leppards a little later. In 1983, the disc "Pyromania" was released - one of the strongest albums in the history of rock, selling more than seven million copies. A bright, spectacular work, containing several hits ("Photograph", "Fooling"), marked form style Def Leppard: double lead guitars, a rhythm section perfected with a metronome, memorable vocals... It seemed that this was luck - the most prestigious halls and stadiums were now ready to host the group on tour, but... December 30, 1984 drummer Rick Allen gets into a car accident. His left arm is so shattered that doctors are forced to amputate it.

You may not like music too much Def Leppard, unique in its softness of sound, but at the same time fairly reminiscent of pop metal, but one cannot help but respect the musicians of the group for their human qualities. The remaining participants unanimously decided not to look for a new drummer, wait until Rick was discharged from the hospital and continue playing together - for this, a unique drum kit was ordered for Allen. All these 19 years the only one in major league In rock (and perhaps in music in general), the one-armed drummer does not lose faith in himself thanks to the help of friends.

The sad event delayed the release of the next album, "Hysteria", for two years; it was released only in 1987. Some softening of the sound did not prevent the album from becoming one of the best-selling in the history of rock - it soared to the first places of sales in the Old and New Worlds and stayed in the charts for almost a year... Unfortunately, the troubles for the group did not end: in early 1991, the guitarist Steve Clark went to another world, thus finally resolving his problems with alcohol.

However, the group did not break up and even continues to release albums, although not as often as in their youth - about once every four years. Latest release Def Leppard, released a year ago and entitled "X", received four out of five points according to one of the authoritative music publications. The group continues to actively tour – six months ago they brought the crowded hall of London Brixton Academy to their ears. Now they will come to us.

Preliminary plans Def Leppard in the Russian capital are as follows: musicians arrive in Moscow on November 23; on the same day, after checking into the hotel, they expect to give a small press conference. Then legendary group will go to the popular show "Star Factory". Negotiations are already underway about the performance of “Leppards” on Channel One. Def Leppard plan to perform "Four Letter Word" and "Pour Sugar On Me." Vyacheslav Dobrynin became extremely interested in the performance of the second song. According to rumors, he wrote his hit “Don’t rub salt on my wound” precisely under the influence of Defleppard’s “Pour Sugar On Me”, only in the poetics of Russian reality. Perhaps a new Russian-British version of this hit will appear for the concert.

The organizers of the concert are the group of companies "SAV Entertainment" and "Russian Show Center".

(Def Leppard and Joe Elliot band History)

Major events in the career of Def Leppard 1984 - 1989 - Part 2

Def Leppard - the era of Hysteria. The Tragedy and Triumph of a Band Drummer - Rick Allen

Following their breakthrough, Def Leppard moved to Dublin in February 1984, solely to reduce taxation on sales of the album Def Leppard - Pyromania (1983). Robert John "Mutt" Lange initially joined Def Leppard during the songwriting process for the new album, but then suddenly refused to work with them as a producer, explaining his departure by saying that he needed a break. Jim Steinman was invited instead.

Rick Allen was given a special private studio where he could play his new electronic drums. A few months later, Rick Allen brought the band together and played the drum intro to the song. Led Zeppelin"When the Levee Breaks" to demonstrate his capabilities to the group. Joe Elliot said it was a "very emotional moment." During this period, producer Robert John "Mutt" Lange decided to work with Def Leppard again. Def Leppard recruited Jeff Rich in August 1986 to play alongside Rick Allen during Def Leppard's warm-up mini-tour of Ireland, but after Jeff Rich accidentally missed the gig , he and the whole band realized that Rick Allen could drum on his own. Rick Allen returned to the stage at Monsters festival of Rock in 1986 in England, at the end of the concert Joe Elliott said two words to the audience “Rick Allen”, the audience instantly exploded and did not subside for a long time.

Def Leppard - Hysteria took the leading positions in all prestigious charts in just a month

After more than three years of recording Def Leppard's fourth album, Hysteria was released on August 3, 1987. The first single from Hysteria, Animal, became the song's first Top 10 hit in Def Leppard's native UK, peaking at number six on the UK Singles Chart. The album Hysteria immediately topped the charts best albums UK in the first week of release. However, sales of Def Leppard's Hysteria album in the United States were relatively slow (compared to Pyromania) until the release of the fourth single, Pour Some Sugar on Me. and finally, the hysteria reached the top of the US Billboard 200 chart in July 1988. The video for the song Pour Some Sugar on Me took first place on MTV for a record 73 days (from May 26 to September 5, 1988). Pour Some Sugar on Me ranked second on VH1's 100 greatest songs 80s" in 2006.

Rick Allen is a member of Def Leppard. This man is an example of courage, dedication and boundless love for the profession. Rick Allen is famous for being the only one-armed drummer in the world. Why didn't Rick graduate? high school and what tragedy happened in his life, read in this article.

Musician's childhood

The biography of Rick Allen began on November 1, 1963. Our hero was born in British city Dronfield.

Boy with early childhood I became interested in drums. He compensated for the lack of professional tools with the help of kitchen utensils. Iron spoons, pots, lids and other utensils were used. When their son was 4 years old, his parents already understood that a future musician was growing in their family.

At the age of ten, Rick Allen persuaded his mom and dad to buy him drum set. Realizing the high cost of the purchase, the boy promised his parents to reimburse the cost of the instrument as soon as he became a famous musician.

Having received such a desired gift, Rick Allen began playing drums professionally. The whole house shook when the boy learned to play. But the parents were patient with their son’s passion, supported him and encouraged his love for art. Very quickly, Rick mastered the instrument at a decent level and began playing in the youth group Smokey Blue.

Before joining the famous rock band, he had experience working in bands such as Rampant and Johnny Kalendar Band.

Choosing between music and school

Rick Allen became seriously interested in music and devoted all his time to it. The 15-year-old boy had no strength left to study, nor, indeed, any desire.

Just at this time he was invited to the young rock band Def Leppard. Our hero could not have dreamed of anything more.

Rick Allen devoted himself entirely to rehearsals and his new rock family. Then he was faced with a serious choice: either continue his studies at school or study music professionally. boring life our hero chose the fate of a popular British drummer over a simple schoolboy. In 1979, he finally dropped out of school. The parents were not delighted with their son’s decision, but they did not dissuade him.

The history of the creation of Def Leppard

British rock band was founded in 1977. They started playing in the style of hard rock. Over the years, they gave preference to glam metal.

The band was originally called Atomic Mass and consisted of guitarist Pete Willis, bassist Rick Savage, and drummer Tony Kenning.

Vocalist Joe Elliott soon joined the team. At the same time, the group became known as Def Leppard. Then guitarist and songwriter Steve Clark became a member of the band. The most pressing issue was with the drummer. Tony Kenning left the group and was replaced by ex-Next-Band drummer Frank Noon. But he also did not work in the group for long, having decided to return to his previous team. It was then that the musicians met the young talent Rick Allen, who became permanent participant groups. It was at this time that the band began to gain popularity, and the number of performances and tours increased.

On March 14, 1980, Def Leppard recorded their debut album and began touring around the country.

Terrible accident

It seemed like this was the life Rick Allen dreamed of. But on December 31, 1984, a fatal event occurred in the life of the 21-year-old musician. The rock musician and his girlfriend Miriam went to a party. On the way, they met a noisy company that provoked Allen Rick to race. Our hero succumbed to temptation and increased the gas. At high speed he flew into a wall on a turn. The guy was not wearing a seat belt and was thrown out of the car during the collision. Left hand the drummer was torn off. A nurse who lived nearby did everything possible to save the musician’s limb. But after several operations, Allen’s hand was amputated. We don't know if Rick Allen filed a lawsuit after this accident. But his rehabilitation was very difficult.

Return to the stage

After the accident, our hero found himself in severe depression. He no longer saw himself in the profession, and, accordingly, in life. His comrades from the team helped him get out of this state, who in every possible way restored his faith in his own strength.

Allen didn't expect the support he received from the band's fans. Returning to his apartment after the accident, he found a mountain of letters and cards wishing him a speedy recovery. The musician admitted that such love and faith in him did not allow him to give up and forced him to fight. However, coping with physical pain was much easier than emotional pain.

In the end, our hero not only recovered, but also began to play with new strength. He adapted the drum set to suit himself, and in 1986 the triumphant return Rick Allen on stage.

Today at concerts this virtuoso plays not only with one hand, but also bare feet, hitting the pedals. Photos of Ricky Allen with one hand are presented above. He became a celebrity not only due to his talent, but also due to life-affirming force which it emits.

After Allen returned to the group, the band has already released 8 albums. Despite their age, their popularity is only growing.

Hobbies of a musician

Few people know, but Rick Allen is not only interested in music. Drawing helps him express himself. In his paintings, Allen shares his feelings and experiences with the audience.

He is also into photography and never leaves his camera. Everyday life, nor while on tour.

In 2001, after suffering a trauma, Rick and his wife founded the Raven Drum Foundation. One of the areas of her activity is assistance in the treatment and post-traumatic rehabilitation of patients through music and art.