Educational methodology "good fairy tales". Information about Lopatina and Skrebtsova

Maria Skrebtsova - songwriter, writer, artist, poet, translator and performer

A teacher and translator by profession, Maria Skrebtsova is known as an artist, the author of numerous collections of poems and children's books, and she is also known as a musician, composer and bard.

Mary's songs, poems and paintings are an attempt to reflect inner world person and remember all the brightest moments in life. Maria's work is imbued with aching love for the beauty of nature, tells about the most happy moments childhood, about mother, love, faith and hope.

Songs by Maria Skrabtsova can be found on the author’s personal website:

Alesya Lopatina - children's writer and storyteller

In a cozy wooden house in Vidnoye lives the storyteller Alesya (Alexandra Lopatina), the author of 80 children's books and more than 3 thousand fairy tales about everything in the world: about colors and music, about nature and professions, about mathematics and letters, and of course about kindness and love.

Alesya believes that a fairy tale is unique way, to express what is hidden in our souls: our dreams, aspirations and hopes for happiness! She believes that a wise fairy tale sinks into a child’s soul so much that he cannot part with it. The image of a fairy tale can lead a person and influence the events of life.

“The wizard will wave his hand and everything will come true,” says storyteller Alesya. - We are all wizards, and we ourselves can fulfill our wishes. In life, what our spiritual forces are directed towards is fulfilled. It’s worth believing that a fairy tale is true.”

Storyteller Alesya often helps children without parental care and leads the Fairytale Therapy project as part of the Olga Budina Foundation

Creative union of talented people

These are more than 80 new educational books for children on the creative and moral education of children.

  • These are seminars and classes on Fairy Tale Therapy with children.
  • This puppet shows and holidays for children.

Wise and good fairy tales, poems and educational tasks, stories and funny Games help children show their creativity in any subject: music and mathematics, Russian language and fine arts. The “Good Tales” project is an immersion in creativity, the development of a creative and moral attitude to life.

Many teachers, when faced with the books of these authors, admit that there have never been such books in Russia. The authors themselves explain that the secret of the books’ success lies in the concentration of good and wise texts based on moral principles humanity.

Presentation of the project “Good Tales”, “Young Guard”, Moscow

The most important thing in the series of books by A.A. Lopatina and M.V. Skrebtsova – their focus on developing in the child the desire and ability to think creatively and analyze the world, study yourself from the standpoint of goodness, justice, love. Parents and teachers will find in the proposed texts and assignments for them material that will help their students become more confident, patient, learn to listen and hear others, and accept the inconsistency and diversity of the world.

The authors see the main meaning of educating children in spiritual and moral education. Are books and activities for children dedicated to such traditional school subjects, such as mathematics, Russian language, labor, drawing, etc., or relatively new in the post-Soviet space - ethics, aesthetics, valeology, human studies, world artistic culture, you will meet in it many kind and wise tales and poems written by the authors or found by them among the treasures of world literature.

Unusual tasks, group and individual, help children develop creatively, grow spiritually, and establish harmonious relationships with parents and peers.

Maria Skrebtsova and Alexandra Lopatina offer readers their stories, fairy tales, poems with tasks and questions as a reason for thinking about the meaning of life, honesty, and goodwill. The authors also use works of Russian and foreign classics, folklore of more than 100 countries of the world. These are not textbook works, included in many anthologies, but fairy tales, parables of classics unknown to a wide range of readers, original works of the authors themselves, which require joint reading by an adult and a child. The authors have written more than 30 books over the course of 15 years.

What is unique about the book authors’ methodology? If the traditional domestic school involves “scientific teaching”, the development of skills logical thinking child, literary criticism in analysis work of art, then A.A. Lopatina, M.V. Skrebtsova, in line with the humanistic pedagogy of cooperation, turns to the personal understanding of what each reader read. Assignments, questions for fairy tales, parables encourage a child and an adult to jointly reflect on their life experiences, their relationships with others, help children solve their pressing problems of communication with peers, understanding in the family, and the formation of positive self-esteem.

The authors invite young readers to reflect on their own life experience, feelings in a conversation about the problems of a work, its “living-experience” in creative tasks. Working from books involves a dialogue between parent and child, teacher and student, their emotional and spiritual intimacy. Interaction between children and adults will help build trusting relationships in the family and stimulate children's interest in learning.

The most important thing in the series of books by A.A. Lopatina and M.V. Skrabtsova – their focus on developing in the child the desire and ability to think creatively, analyze the world around him, and study himself from the standpoint of goodness, justice, and love. Parents and teachers will find in the proposed texts and assignments for them material that will help their students become more confident, patient, learn to listen and hear others, and accept the inconsistency and diversity of the world.

The authors see the main meaning of educating children in spiritual and moral education. Whether the book is dedicated to such traditional school subjects as mathematics, Russian language, labor, drawing, etc., or relatively new ones in the post-Soviet space - ethics, aesthetics, valeology, human studies, world artistic culture, you will meet in it many kind and wise fairy tales and poems written by authors or found by them among the treasures of world literature. Unusual tasks, group and individual, help children develop creatively, grow spiritually, and establish harmonious relationships with parents and peers.

About the authors

Maria Skrabtsova and Alexandra Lopatina are the authors of a series of books for classes on moral and creative education.

Maria Skrebtsova, born in 1968, graduated from the institute foreign languages named after Maurice Thorez in 1990. Teacher French, author of two poetry collections, published in 1993 and 1994.

Lopatina Alexandra, born in 1951, teacher of world artistic culture and history of religion, graduated from the institute in 1976.

From the authors:

We are storytellers and authors of 50 books. We collect and write kind, wise, educational and educational fairy tales. We have now collected more than 200 similar tales and written more than 1000 different topics. We are in love with fairy tales and it seems to us that this unique type of creativity is closest to the child’s soul. A fairy tale makes a child cry and laugh, worry and hope, in a word, feel. But a sensitive person is himself capable of creativity.

Feedback from teachers

Teachers sometimes from the most remote cities and towns write about how books help them rethink their lessons with children and structure them in a new way, placing the main emphasis on the development of the child’s spiritual qualities. Books are used by teachers of the most various items, educators and parents, in schools, clubs, orphanages and even in institutions such as social shelters.

From the letter: “In Irkutsk, books are used in 68 schools, kindergartens and clubs. In a auxiliary school, teachers were amazed when spiritual education The most difficult children, who were impossible to involve in the learning process, began to participate in the discussion. The children began to speak better. Even the teachers’ language has changed, which the inspectors noticed and became interested in what books are used for such interesting lessons.”

“Lessons in moral health inspire with the opportunity to sow goodness and confront the children, and us teachers, with a choice of where to go: towards the light or wander in the darkness.”

Additional Information

Books by A. Lopatina and M. Skrebtsova have been tested in many schools and kindergartens in Russia and the CIS. To date, over 50 children's books have been published with a total circulation of over 600,000 copies.

The books of A. Lopatina and M. Skrebtsova were awarded an honorary diploma of the competition “Best Books of the Year” in 1998. Author's programs were compiled based on the children's books of Lopatina and Skrebtsova and seminars were held in many cities of Russia and the CIS. Many of the books have been translated into English language- details on English version Moral Education: Kind Book website. This foreign project, Kind Tales - Kind Book, is in great demand in the West. Kind Book books have gained popularity in Canada, the USA, England, South Africa and India. Some books have even already been translated into Dutch and Persian. Positive reviews teachers, parents and students confirm the need for the moral and creative development of children in school.

A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova

Good Child

The boy asked the sun:

- No,- answered the sun, - never seen.

- If you want, I'll show it to you,- said the boy. - I know one basement where it is always very dark.

- Want, - answered the sun, - this is interesting.

The boy and the sun went to the basement.

The boy opened the door, the sun illuminated the basement and asked:
-Where is the darkness?


One day a girl found a red sweet berry in the grass, ate it and said:
- Thank you, berry, for treating me.

Why don't you thank me? - a thin voice was heard.

- Oh, who is this? - the girl was scared.

- I am water, I gave your berry water so that it grows big and big.

And they forgot to say thank you,” boomed a thick voice.

- Who is talking in such a thick voice? - the girl was surprised.

I am the earth, I fed your berry so that it becomes sweet and sweet.

“Nobody said thank you to me either,” a ringing voice rang out.

- And who are you?- the girl asked in response.

I am the sun, I warmed your berry so that it would be beautiful red.

- Thank you all: and you, water, and you, earth, and you, sunshine, for growing a red, big and sweet berry for me, - said the girl and ran home cheerfully.

And the water, the earth and the sun began to work again and grew many new berries, apples and nuts. Guess what else they grew?!


Mom planted a small twig in the garden at the dacha. The boy saw a twig and asked:
- Why are you growing up here?

“To grow apples for you,” the twig answers.

You can't grow apples. They grow on an apple tree, on big tree, - the boy didn’t believe it.

On next year The boy came into the garden again, but the twig was nowhere to be found. A small tree, taller than him, grows in its place. The boy asks him:
- Tree, have you seen a small branch here?

This is me,” answers the tree. - You didn’t recognize me because I grew up.

Why are you growing faster than me? - the boy was surprised.

“I want to treat you to apples as soon as possible,” the tree answers.

“You have become taller than me, but still you don’t look like a big apple tree,” the boy again didn’t believe it.

Another year has passed. The boy came to the garden with his mother again, and small tree nowhere. A young tree grows in its place, taller than its mother. The boy asks him:
- Tree, have you seen a small tree here?

This is me,” the young tree answers, “look, I have a gift for you - three pink flowers.”

Can I pick them? - the boy asked.

If you pick them, you won’t receive another wonderful gift,” answered the young tree.

The boy really wanted to receive a new wonderful gift, and he did not touch the flowers.

When the flower petals fell off, hard green balls appeared in their place. The boy did not like them, and he stopped coming to visit the young tree.

One day, at the end of summer, the mother called the boy into the garden and said:
- Look, son, what our young tree gave us.

The boy looks and sees: instead of solid green balls, there are three large red apples.

Where did they come from, mom? - the boy was surprised.

“Guess for yourself, son, who raised this wonderful gift for you,” my mother answered.


The sun woke up in the morning, washed itself in the rain and looked at the city from above. Is everything okay there? Everything was fine in the city. Houses were standing, cars were driving, adults were hurrying about business, children were playing.

The sun looked at the forest. Everything was fine in the forest too. The trees grew, the birds sang songs, the animals ran through the forest.

The sun looked at the meadow and saw a mess. The little hares in the meadow were happily nibbling the grass, and one was sitting in the grass and crying.

Why are you crying? - the sun asks the little bunny.

I was born blind, my eyes are always closed and do not see the light. That’s why I’m very sad,” the bunny answers.

The sun caressed the sad little bunny with its rays and warmed him with its warmth. He calmed down and told the sun his story.

One day I got to people. They lived in big house and they often said: “We need to turn on the light.” I asked my grandfather what light is. He gave me a cold long object and said it was a candle. There was a hot flame at the top of the candle, and I burned my paw.

Then I asked my dad what light is. He gave me a round hot object and said it was a lamp, but I only burned my nose.

I asked the boy what light is. He made a fire in the yard. The sticks and twigs became so hot that they burned my ears.

Do you want me to turn you into a sunny bunny? - asked the sun.

Of course I want to,” the little bunny was delighted.

The sun extended its beam to the little bunny, he jumped on it and became the light himself.

Since then sunny bunny helps everyone who needs light.

The boy cannot find a mushroom in the forest: it is dark under the bush, nothing is visible. A sunbeam will jump under a bush, and the mushroom will immediately be found.

The girl sleeps for a long time and never wakes up. They don't want to open their eyes. The sunbeam will warm the girl’s eyes, and they will immediately open.

The sunny bunny will help you if you call him.


In the morning the mother said to the boy:
- Get dressed quickly. Today the sun is shining and we will go for a walk.

But then a cloud appeared in the sky, and mom decided:
- No, we’d better stay at home, in case it rains.

The boy was offended by the cloud and said angrily:
- Get out of the sky. You're stopping me from walking.

The cloud descended lower, looked into the boy’s window and suggested:
- Do you want to take a walk in the sky? I'll take you for a ride.

The boy was very happy, opened the window and jumped straight onto the cloud.
A boy floated on a cloud over the roofs of houses, over the streets, over the cars.

He hears them all asking:
- Wash us quickly, cloud. We are covered in dust, but there is still no rain.

“Okay,” said the cloud, “and it poured a little rain on everyone.”

The roofs of houses, streets and cars sparkled. They became clean.

There was a field outside the city. A cloud floated over the field, and the boy saw many, many yellow spikelets.

Give us something to drink quickly, cloud,” the ears rustled. Without rain we cannot grow grains. Without grains, people will not have bread and porridge.

“Okay,” the cloud agreed, “and it poured moderate rain on the ears of corn.”

The golden heads of the spikelets lifted upward, and the grains in them immediately became stronger and grew.

Pour me some water quickly, cloud,” the pond asked. - I'm completely dry. My fish cannot breathe or swim without water.

“Okay,” the cloud agreed.

Then it began to rain so heavily that the pond was filled to the brim. The fish were happy and began to spin, and the frogs croaked cheerful songs. Only the cloud became small. It says to the boy:
- It's time to go back before I completely melt.

The boy returned home, and his mother said to him:
- The rain has stopped, the sun is shining again, and you can go for a walk.

“I know, I flew on a cloud and saw how the rain helped everyone,” the boy answered.

Is it possible to fly on a cloud? “It’s fluffy and looks like smoke,” Mom didn’t believe it.

What do you think, is it possible to fly on a cloud?


Meet the Sunbeam

Early in the morning, the mouse Redback crawled out of a hole under an old pine tree, climbed up its rough trunk and sat down on a wide thick branch, waiting for the sun to appear over the edge of the mountain.

“If you sit quietly,” thought Red Back, “you can hear the first ray of sunshine and understand the most important thing.”

Red Back wanted to understand the most important thing: where did the forest, the sun, the stars come from - all wonderful world around. No one was interested in this except him.

Why do I need to know this? - the hare snorted when the mouse asked him where everything came from. - I need to know: what kind of grass is tasty and how to hide from enemies.

Even the mouse's older brother, Quick Paws, did not know the answer to the main question.

You better study useful secrets nature: which roots are the most delicious and which leaves heal wounds, he taught Red Back. Mouse Quick Paws often went on long trips to the lake; That's why he was nicknamed Quick Paws.

If Red Back asked about the most important thing younger brother, a mouse named Homebody, he grumpily answered:

This is nonsense, better help me clean the mink.

The Homebody Mouse believed that the most important thing in life was to have more supplies, and did not bother himself with stupid questions.

One day Redback was waiting, as usual, for the sun to rise. He was lost in thought and did not notice how the first ray touched his ears. The mouse seemed to be numb and woke up only when Quick Paws called him from below:

Hey, Redback, get down. Come on, I'll show you the strawberry meadow.

Red Spinka got down with a thoughtful look, rubbed his muzzle with his paws and said:

A miracle happened to me today! A ray of sunshine came to me.

What a miracle,” laughed Quick Paws. - The sun's rays come every morning to you, and to me, and to all animals, birds and flowers.

No,” answered Redback, “you don’t understand.” Sunbeam went straight into me. He fell into my heart and I became as light as a golden cloud.

Who are you? - I asked him:

What do you think? - he answered.

You are a gentle sunny string.

That’s right, I’m always the way you see me,” he beamed in response.

Why didn't you come to me before?

Every morning I came to you. You knew this and always rushed to meet me.

You are amazing! “You shine from the outside, but it’s as if you are inside me, in my heart,” I whispered.

- Remember your words and I will never leave you... a ray of sunshine began to shine.

- Then you called me, and I stopped hearing him.

Yes,” Quick Paws thought, “you probably swallowed a ray of sunshine.”

No,” answered Red Back, “I didn’t swallow anything, and I even talked to him without words.” I think it's a magical ray of sunshine. Tomorrow I'll ask him about himself the main thing, and now we need to refresh ourselves.

And the little mice ran for strawberries.


(tale 2)

Is it possible to divide the light into parts

The next morning, the mouse Redback jumped out of its hole and saw that it was drizzling. Quick Paws, who wanted to see Redback talking to the sunbeam, stuck his muzzle out after him, but immediately hid back.

Red Back, climb back, you see it’s raining; “Today your magic ray will not come,” he called, but the mouse Redback did not listen to his brother and carefully climbed up the wet trunk. As soon as he perched on a green, fluffy branch, a drop of rain fell right on his nose.

“Because of you, the sun’s ray is not visible,” the mouse reproached the drop and suddenly heard:

A ray of sunshine sent me to earth. He gives the earth light and warmth, and I sing it.

Do you know him? - Red-back asked in surprise.

Of course,” the drop rang, “we are friends.”

Then you probably know where everything came from: our forest, and the whole earth?

It all started, little mouse, from the very first ray of sunshine and from the very first drop. They became friends and together they warmed and watered the earth. Since then, the sun's rays and water droplets have always been friends. I was born in a large transparent lake, and the sun's rays played with us in glare and bunnies. Then one hot ray took me to heaven. There I grew in a cloud along with other droplets and now I flew in to water the earth.

You're so small that you can't even give a mouse something to drink! - Red Back exclaimed.

But there are many of us, little mouse! Each blade of grass, each leaf will get its own drop. The sun's ray is also small, but the sun sends myriads of its rays to the earth, and everyone has enough warmth and light.

“You’re right, little one,” answered the mouse, “but it seems to me that you shouldn’t warm and water everyone indiscriminately.” I would not give water or warmth to evil animals.

- Is it possible to separate light and water into parts? , little mouse? It is you who divided the world into good and evil parts, but light and water are for everyone.

“Thank you, droplet,” Red-back thanked, “although you’re small, you’re very wise.”

I'm glad, little mouse, that I helped you. Lick me and I’ll give you a drink,” the drop rang.

Red Spinka licked a drop with his tongue and went to warm up in the hole. He wanted to think about the words of the droplet, but he fell asleep and had an amazing dream.


(tale 3)

Why did the raindrops fly away?

Red Back dreamed that he became a small cloud with droplets living inside of it. He flew high into the sky and met other clouds. They all affectionately greeted the mouse. and Redback invited the clouds to play tag with some cloud, It was nice to float on blue sky, but the droplets called him:

Red Spinka, you forgot about business, we need to get someone drunk. Get down to the ground.

The mouse still wanted to fly in the heights, but suddenly he felt that he could not object to the droplets, and flew down to the forest.

On the edge of a forest clearing, in the bushes, a she-wolf was lying. The sun was blazing, and she was breathing heavily, sticking out her red tongue. At night she fell into a trap, but managed to escape from it. However, her hind leg was broken. The she-wolf was licking her wound and was very worried about her little wolf cubs, who were left alone in the hole. The she-wolf looked longingly at the approaching small cloud. Maybe it will rain? Then she will quench her thirst and get to her hole.

The droplets were already preparing to rush down, but Red Back shouted:

- No! I don't want to give water to the she-wolf. She is scary and catches various animals for dinner.

And the cloud flew past. In a neighboring clearing, someone was lighting a fire, and a large black spot appeared in the middle of it. The flowers and herbs around the fireplace withered, were broken and trampled.

Let’s give them something to drink, little mouse, so that they come to life faster and straighten up,” the droplets suggested.

No, the droplets, please, fly further,” asked Red Back, “I have a very good idea. Brother Domosed planted a large vegetable garden near our hole. When it’s hot, Homebody carries water for irrigation all day long. So I came up with the idea of ​​watering the garden. The Homebody will be surprised.

The droplets did not answer, and Red Back felt uneasy. At that moment, the droplets suddenly left him and rushed to the ground.

Farewell, Red Back, - they rang as they flew away, - you did not understand the most important thing.


Vitaly Bianki

Whose legs are these?

Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi

Whose legs are these?

The Lark flew high above the ground, under the very clouds. He looks down from above, he can see far away - and sings:

I'm running under the clouds

Over the fields and meadows,

I see everyone below me

Everyone under the sun and moon.

Tired of singing, he went down and sat down on a mound to rest.

Medyanka crawled out from under the tree and said to him:

You see everything from above, it’s true. But you won’t recognize anyone from below.

How can it be? - Lark was surprised. - I’ll definitely find out.

But come and lie down next to me. I’ll show you everyone from below, and you guess who’s coming.

Wow! - says Lark. - I’ll come up to you, and you’ll sting me. I'm afraid of snakes.

So it’s clear that you don’t know anything earthly,” said Medyanka. First, I am not a snake, but just a lizard; and secondly, snakes do not sting, but bite. I’m also afraid of snakes, their teeth are so long, and there’s poison in their teeth. And look, I have tiny teeth. Not only can I fight off a snake with them, but I can’t fight you off either.

Where are your legs if you are a lizard?

Why do I need legs if I crawl on the ground no worse than a snake?

Well, if you really are a legless lizard,” said the Lark, “then I have nothing to fear.”

He jumped off the hummock, tucked his paws under himself and lay down next to Medyanka.

Here they are lying side by side. The copperhead asks:

Come on, you, superlative, find out who is coming and why did he come here?

The Lark looked in front of him and froze: his tall legs were walking on the ground, walking over large hummocks as if through small lumps of earth, pressing a footprint into the ground with his fingers.

They stepped over the Lark and disappeared: never to be seen again.

The copperhead looked at the Lark and smiled from ear to ear.

She licked her dry lips with a thin tongue and said:

Well, friend, apparently you haven’t solved my riddle. If you knew who stepped through us, you wouldn’t be so scared. I’m lying there and realizing: two tall legs, three big toes on each, one small. And I already know: the bird is big, tall, loves to walk on the ground - stilts are good for walking. So it is: the Crane got through it.

Here the Lark perked up with joy: the Crane was familiar to him. A calm, kind bird - it won’t offend you.

Lie down, don't dance! - Medyanka hissed at him. - Look: the legs are moving again.

And that’s right: bare legs are hobbling along the ground, no one knows whose.

The fingers look like they are covered with flaps of oilcloth.

Guess! - says Medyanka.

The lark thought and thought, but he couldn’t remember having seen such legs before.

Oh you! - Medyanka laughed. - Yes, it’s quite easy to guess. You see: the toes are wide, the legs are flat, they walk on the ground and stumble. It’s comfortable with them in the water; if you turn your leg sideways, it cuts the water like a knife; spread your fingers, and the oar is ready. This is a Great Grebe - a water bird - that crawled out of the lake.

Suddenly a black ball of fur fell from a tree, rose from the ground and crawled on its elbows.

The Lark took a closer look, and these were not elbows at all, but folded wings.

The lump turned sideways - behind it were tenacious animal paws and a tail, and the skin was stretched between the tail and paws.

What miracles! - said the Lark. “It seems like a winged creature, just like me, but I can’t recognize it on earth.”

Yeah! - Medyanka was delighted, - you can’t find out. He boasted that he knew everyone under the sun, but he didn’t even recognize the Bat.

Here Bat climbed onto a hummock, spread her wings and flew away to her tree.

And other legs are crawling out of the ground.

Terrible paws: short, hairy, blunt claws on the fingers, hard palms turned in different directions.

The Lark trembled, and the Medyanka said:

I lie there, look and realize: the paws are covered in fur, which means they are from an animal. They are short, like stumps, and their palms are apart, and the thick fingers have healthy claws. It is difficult to walk on the ground on such legs. But living underground, digging the earth with your paws and throwing it back behind you, is very convenient. This is what I came up with: an underground beast. It's called a mole. Look, look, otherwise he’ll go underground again.

The Mole buried himself in the ground - and again there was no one. Before the Lark had time to come to his senses, he saw hands running along the ground.

What kind of acrobat is this? - Lark was surprised. - Why does he need four arms?

“And jump on branches in the forest,” said Medyanka. - After all, this is Belka-Veksha.

Well,” says the Lark, “yours took it: I didn’t recognize anyone on earth.” Now let me tell you a riddle.

Make a wish, says Medyanka.

Do you see a dark dot in the sky?

“I see,” says Medyanka.

Guess what kind of legs she has?

You're kidding! - says Medyanka. - Where can I see my legs so high?

What a joke! - Lark got angry. - Get away with your tail as quickly as possible, before these clawed paws grab you.

He nodded goodbye to Medyanka, jumped up on his paws and flew away.




Skrebtsova Maria Vladimirovna
Lopatina Alexandra Alexandrovna

Website "GOOD CHILD"

Moral and Creative Development Personalities

We have now collected more than 200 more similar tales have been written 700 according to different
Tales of the Deciduous Forest
Tales of a coniferous forest
Tales about indoor flowers
Tales of the field and forest flowers
ABOUT healing herbs for children
Natural history in fairy tales
Nature - through the eyes of the soul
Tales of the golden bee (honey and health)
About bread and cereals (tales about cereals)
Vegetable healers (tales about vegetables)
Tales of fruit fairies (about fruits)
Berry Academy (tales about berries)
Tales of the good samovar (about tea)
About nuts and chocolate.
Tales about letters and words
Good mathematics in fairy tales
Tales about professions and masters
Paints Tell Tales (published twice)
Musical tales (in preparation)
Secrets of creativity (about paintings and artists)
600 Creative games for big and small
Conversations and tales about family
150 tales about good qualities (in three volumes)

We are in love with fairy tales and it seems to us that this unique type of creativity
closest to a child's soul. A fairy tale makes a child cry and laugh,
worry and hope, in a word, feel. But sensitive
man himself is capable of creativity.



Somehow a birch tree was born under an alder tree. The alder was happy. She was a kind tree. All the trees were friends with her. It grew well near the alder tree: it enriched the soil amazing substance- nitrogen. So the birch tree was lucky with its nanny. The alder protected her from the severe frost (she is not afraid of frost), and sheltered her from the cold wind.
The birch tree grew and turned into a slender, white-trunked beauty. She no longer needed the alder nanny. The birch tree flaunts its outfits in front of the alder: now a spring dress, now its snow-white bark. Alder never wore such outfits, and she didn’t have time to dress up: nursing a birch tree is not an easy task.

One autumn, a birch tree began to show off its golden-yellow leaves in front of the alder tree:
- Look, alder, what a dress autumn has given me. Apparently, I deserved such an outfit with my beauty. And you, alder, autumn has forgotten. As green as you were, you remain so.
The alder was upset. Moreover, the birch tree told the truth: the leaves on the alder last until late autumn and fall green. They never turn golden like birch trees. And she would really like to try on, at least once, a multi-colored autumn dress!
Autumn took pity on the alder and said:
- Don't cry, alder. It’s not my fault that your leaves are not painted with my paints. Mother Nature ordered it this way. I'll talk to her. Maybe she will console you.

Autumn flew to Mother Nature and told her about the alder misfortune. Mother Nature says:
- I, autumn, will console the alder. She is a kind, affectionate tree, and helps many in the forest. I will appoint her as the keeper of waters: rivers, clear streams and crystal springs. The earth's moisture is precious, no one can live without it: neither people, nor animals, nor plants. There is no higher destiny than to store this moisture for everyone.
Mother Nature kept her word. Since then, alder has been growing along the banks of rivers, streams and forest springs. Its strong roots, like living pumps, pump and pump water from underground and do not allow it to go to great depths. And the water comes out in springs, sometimes in streams. And one more amazing property was given to alder by Mother Nature. Its wood began to change from one color to another. Once cut down, it is white, after a few minutes it begins to turn red, dries a little, and becomes a soft pink color. Furniture made from this wood is amazing.

The alder is no longer sad about autumn outfits and is not offended by the birch tree. She has no time to be offended, she has a lot of worries: giving everyone water, growing tall grass. People say: “Where there is alder, there is heaps of hay.”
Autumn, when it dresses up the birch tree, always smiles welcomingly at the alder and says:
- Beauty, alder, comes in different forms. For some it is external, and for others it is internal.



Alexandra Lopatina

In a high-rise building, right under the roof, in the attic, an artist lived. His dwelling was so spacious and so high that the wind freely flew to visit him. The artist loved his attic; it seemed to him that he was floating above the city. One thing upset him - from such a height he could not see flowers, but he loved them. Sometimes there was a bouquet of wild or forest flowers in a jar by the window, but more often it was empty, the artist worked a lot and rarely went out for walks. He missed flowers and, maybe that’s why, he often saw them in his dreams, and even talked to them.
One day he dreamed of an amazing flower of unprecedented beauty. This flower did not grow in a meadow or in a forest under a bush, but hovered in the heavenly heights and its head shone like a small sun with radiant petals, and transparent drops fell down from the blue leaves.

The artist opened the window, extended his hands to the flower and exclaimed:
“Magic flower, who filled you with such wonderful light?!”
And I heard in response: “The Radiance of Blessed Beauty!”
- Why are your leaves crying?
- My heart flows with tears of pity for sleeping souls.

The artist woke up, jumped up, opened the window and peered into the brightening sky for a long time, and then found a blank canvas and began to paint until the magical vision left his memory. He worked and worked, forgetting about food and the stove, and it was winter. But he never managed to catch the wonderful image. In despair, he threw down his brushes and went to bed, but in the morning he could not get up. His head was aching, his throat was sore, the artist was getting more expensive from the cold, but he did not have the strength to light the stove.

Suddenly the bell rang, with difficulty the artist got up and opened the door. A little girl stood on the threshold with a large cello.
“Excuse me,” she said politely, “I came to a music lesson, but it seems I got into the wrong place?”
“The musician’s apartment is downstairs,” the artist wheezed, remembering how often the sounds of the cello woke him up at dawn. Then he returned to the room and fell into bed unconscious. The artist woke up to someone gently trying to lift his head and give him fragrant and warm tea.

The firewood crackled merrily in the stove, and a warm scarf was wrapped around my throat. There was a cello in the corner, and the eyes of a little unfamiliar girl looked at him with anxiety. “Well, please drink it, this is a very healthy decoction, my mother always gives it to me when I have a sore throat,” she asked. The artist drank three whole cups and immediately fell asleep. All night he dreamed of the eyes of an unfamiliar girl, he felt warm and good from their radiant light, but he could not remember where he had seen them before. The artist was sick for a whole week, and the girl looked after him. She appeared after dinner, lit the stove, gave the artist tea with herbs and sometimes played the cello a little. “You know,” she apologized, “I haven’t really learned to play yet, I’m still playing in my own way.”

But to the artist, her music, she herself and everything that happened to him seemed like a magical dream. On the seventh day, he woke up and felt completely healthy. I saw an abandoned canvas in the corner and decided to paint a portrait of my little savior. He was so engrossed in work that he did not notice how lunch came and the girl came to him again. Seeing that the artist was busy, she quietly approached. A flower with a head like a small sun with radiant petals looked at her from the canvas, and transparent drops of tears fell down from the blue leaves. “What a magical flower,” the girl whispered.
“This is your portrait,” the artist replied, “I remembered where I saw you before.”

  • Why do you think the magic flower the artist saw cried, although it was so beautiful?
  • Have there been times in your life when you cried and worried about others, although everything was fine with you?
  • Have there been moments in your life when it was from happiness and joy that you wanted to cry, as if something was shrinking inside you?
  • Why did the artist recognize the magic flower he saw in a dream in the little girl?
  • What was the little girl like?
  • The artist painted the girl's soul in the form of a magical flower. Draw your friend's soul in the form of a flower too.
  • Do you agree that the soul of every person is the most beautiful flower in the world, and if you see it in every person, you can become the most happy man in the world?

Selected tales in the file below:

  • Tales for kids, 748 KB

Amrita-Rus, 2008

We have already read one of the books in this series here: As it turns out, the idea of ​​good fairy tales does not end with this book, but is just beginning. It’s somehow unfashionable these days to talk and write loudly about moral values, about patriotism and even the beauty of the world around us. More other books and other programs. For parents, the more valuable publications were and remain those that teach understanding eternal values: friendship, respect for parents, respect for one’s history, wisdom of ancestors. Nothing can be done about it - not even television.

The “Good Tales” project consists of several books dedicated to the above topics. They are intended for reading to children from 2 to 6 years old, or older. The books contain thematic cycles of fairy tales and poems on certain topics. It is known that children better comprehend any knowledge through a fairy tale. The books by teachers Lopatina and Skrebtsova contain fairy tales, assignments for them, and questions on the topic. The titles of the books speak for themselves: “About the most important things” ( Psychological tales for children), "Wisdom for every day" (365 wise advice for children and parents), “Secrets of Mastery” (100 lessons about professions and masters), “The Beginnings of Wisdom” (50 lessons about good qualities), “Fairytale Health Guide in three volumes,” and so on.

In 1998 Russian Association publishers awarded these books an honorary diploma, calling them " The best books of the year".


One morning in a hot desert, where morning and day are equally hot, a flower was born. It was a cactus. He became the tenth child in big family. All children in this family received a strict education. They were entitled to only a drop of moisture per week. This upbringing bore fruit. The cacti grew hardy and silent. They knew how to endure without asking unnecessary questions. The tenth child was different. He asked questions. First to his mother and brothers, and then, without waiting for their answer, to everyone he saw around. “I wonder if it’s possible to drown in the sand? - thought the cactus. “Is the sky also sand? But why is it a different color? Why does it cry so rarely, because its tears give us so much freshness!? His mother was angry and grumbled: “You ask too much... for a cactus. You must be silent and endure... like the rest of us!” But the cactus did not want to endure it. The unbearable coldness emanating from his proudly silent, so invulnerable brothers tormented and burned his heart. And he spoke with the sun and sands, the wind and rare rain, and at night - with distant stars. They all sang to him their songs about the earthly and heavenly worlds, about the lives of others...

"Other! I wish I could see them!” - the cactus dreamed.

The sands told him about people. They knew an infinite amount about people! These were fascinating stories: funny and sad, alarming and even scary. "People! How do they look? If only I could touch them with needles,” sighed the dreamer. “Ha ha ha,” the stars laughed. “People don’t like prickly ones. They run away from the one who hurts them... They need to shine, then they also glow and stay with you... forever,” the stars said. “The sands tell us that people know everything in the world. They are not silent like us...,” the cactus thought. “Yes, they are not silent... If their tongue is silent, then their eyes, heart and soul speak,” the stars said to the cactus. "Soul! What is this? Do we, cacti, have this?!” - asked the cactus. And then one day a miracle happened. The cactus saw the people and heard their words: “What a creature, desert! A harsh kingdom of monotony and silence! She greets only with the thorns of plants, and only if this is regarded as a greeting. Are the fragrant flowers of the meadows comparable to these ugly ones...” The cactus realized that they were talking about him. For the first time he learned that he was ugly and ugly. He wanted to cry. And drops of tears actually appeared on him, seeping through the thin needles. “Look, a crying cactus! - one of the people noticed and touched him. - Its needles don’t prick at all, it’s probably some kind of the new kind non-thorny cacti. I wonder if there are many of them here?” - and people looked around them. Other cacti grew to the side. People approached them, bent down and immediately pulled their hands back - the sharp needles hurt their fingers painfully! “Yes, apparently he’s the only one here, so gentle!” - people said, returning to the amazing cactus. The cactus almost died of happiness when he saw people approaching him again. As they approached, their faces lit up with indescribable delight: “Look! Miracle of beauty! Snow-white miracle! Treasure! The fragrance of all the flowers of the earth cannot be compared with its enchanting aroma. God, aren’t we dreaming about this!” - and people froze in front of the cactus in silent admiration. “What are they talking about? Yes, people are very strange: sometimes they call me a freak, sometimes they freeze in admiration before something in me,” the cactus was surprised. A beautiful flower- a miracle of beauty, inexorably grew and grew from it. The whole space around was fragrant. And a wondrous light emanated from the snow-white miracle born of the cactus. It was night. The sky, strewn with stars, seemed to open its arms to a magical cactus flower. Under the twinkling stars, he looked divinely beautiful. The stars said to the cactus: “Now you have seen the soul... Your flower has revealed it in people... You are happy.”

(excerpt from the book "BEGINNINGS OF WISDOM")

It turns out that you can also teach drawing through a fairy tale. For any type of creativity, attitude is very important. Mothers know how difficult it is to seat a child who is actively running around the apartment at the table for modeling or drawing - or, in principle, is not inclined towards any creative activity. Restless, as teachers say. But this is not a diagnosis. And it’s never too late to introduce drawing – you can do it through a fairy tale. It is easy for young children to come up with fairy tales on the go; parents use their imagination. And to help older children, please, a book.


Creative task “Look carefully”

For ten seconds, the teacher shows the children a still life, and then asks them to describe it from memory. Then the children look at the same still life for five minutes. During the second viewing, the teacher turns on the music and asks the children to imagine that they are picking up certain objects depicted in the still life, talking to them and using them.

Together with the teacher, the children discuss how they perceived the still life during the first and second viewings.


Questions and tasks for conversation:

- What can a still life tell about the artist’s character?

- If you had to draw a still life for your mother (father, grandmother, grandfather), what would you depict in it?

- Can a still life be more interesting than a portrait or landscape? What should be depicted in a still life so that it cannot be forgotten?

- What still life would you paint for a person who is seriously ill?

(excerpt from the book “COINTS TELL STORIES. How to teach everyone to draw”).

Attitude is important for any activity, even if it is a holiday. Here's what amazing story invented by the authors of “good fairy tales” about birthdays.

Sasha woke up with a feeling of celebration. There was a brand new scooter next to the bed and a soccer ball on the chair. "Today is my birthday!" - the boy remembered. He quickly jumped up and ran out of the room. Everyone congratulated and kissed the birthday boy. Friends came to visit with gifts. Best friend Sashi - Vadik, brought a homemade machine as a gift and said:

- This machine has a secret. If you turn the steering wheel to the right, you will return to your birthday and get another holiday. You've always dreamed about this.

Everyone laughed at Vadik's joke. Sasha liked the book about racing cars. Friends looked at this book for a long time, and then staged a scooter racing competition in the yard. After tea and cake everyone got ready to leave.

- Sasha, do you want to turn the steering wheel of the car? – Vadik suddenly asked.

Sasha laughed and turned the steering wheel.

He woke up again in his bed and was amazed to see two completely identical scooters in his room. Only one was dusty, and the other was new and shiny. Two soccer balls lay next to the scooters. Two identical new suits hung on a chair. Sasha chose one that was slightly wrinkled and had a stain on the elbow. Still doubtful, he left the room. Congratulations and exclamations rang out again. Friends came to visit again. When Zhenya handed Sasha a book about racing cars, Sasha shuddered and whispered:

- I already have one.

“So what, give the extra book to someone,” Zhenya suggested.

“Everyone at the table,” my mother called cheerfully.

Sasha was so full that he couldn’t even eat a portion of his favorite salad. And the other guests hardly touched the food. Mom got upset and began to clear the untouched dishes from the table.

“Let’s look at your book about racing cars,” Vadim suggested.

- I don’t want to, we’ve already looked. Give it all back. It’s not at all interesting to celebrate the same birthday twice,” Sasha shouted.

“Well, then turn the steering wheel of the car in the other direction,” Vadim answered calmly.

Sasha grabbed the car and quickly turned the steering wheel. Friends have disappeared. Sasha stood alone with a typewriter in his hands in the middle of the room.

“Sasha, help me clear everything off the table, and then you can play with the car,” mom asked.

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale "TWO BIRTHDAYS":

Would you like to have two birthdays a year or even more?

If you had a time machine, how would you use it? Make up a story about it.

Why did the boy from the fairy tale refuse his second birthday if he had twice as many gifts?

Make up a fairy tale about how one wizard took away birthdays from harmful children, and how the children got their birthdays back.

(excerpt from the book “Visiting the Holiday”).

Teaching letters and numbers through play is generally a sacred thing. Especially if you want to educate your child before school, and this desire has already become a widespread trend. Nowadays there is a lot of debate about whether it is worth loading a child with knowledge before school, whether this will be an overload. Experts are sure – no, it won’t. Children love to learn more than anything else, no matter how strange it may sound. It depends on how you teach them. Studying with the help of parents through game uniform– you can’t think of a better way to spend your time.

Letter G

We met a gosling and a puppy on the road.

“Rrrr,” the puppy growled, “I’ll bite you!”

“Shhh,” the gosling hissed, “I’ll pinch you.”

“You can’t talk so rudely,” said the letter G sternly.

She gave the puppy “woof-woof” and the gosling “ha-ha-ga.”

“Ga-ha-ha,” cried the gosling, “let’s play.”

“Woof-woof,” answered the puppy, “let’s run a race.”

In the evening the gosling said to the puppy:

- Ha-ga-ga, - let's go visit me, I'll treat you to peas.

“Woof-woof,” answered the puppy, “you are very hospitable.”

What treat will the letter G prepare for you?

(excerpt from the book “The Good ABC”).

Parents clearly know that children cannot play with water, spilling it on the floor, they cannot take matches and cannot eat soil, bring home dirty stones, and so on. But they don’t always understand what to explain to children natural phenomena It’s possible not only through “you can’t.” When a child early childhood knows what water is and why it is needed, he himself will not try to pour it on the head of his closest parent. And he will persistently look for matches later - in school age, when everyone plays with them, one way or another. Despite the fatality (it will still spill, it will still set fire, it will still dig in the ground) - no one has canceled the need for correct settings. They will still get stuck in your head and someday give you the necessary guidelines.

Who needs some water?

A girl was running in the yard and accidentally stepped on a puddle. She shouted angrily:

- You, the water, wet my shoes. Go away!

The large puddle instantly evaporated.

- Meow, girl. Have you seen a puddle here? “I’m thirsty,” the kitten asked the girl.

The girl didn’t answer him and went to the other end of the yard. Flowers grew there. Their heads drooped and plaintively asked: “Drink, drink!”

The girl also felt hot, and she ran home. In the room, she saw with horror that there was little water in the aquarium. Her favorite fish were floundering among the algae.

“Mom,” the girl screamed. - I urgently need water for the fish.

- What a problem! There is no water in the taps. You can't wash your face. “You can’t cook dinner,” Mom answered.

- Mom, can some water disappear if someone offends it? - the girl asked quietly.

“Maybe, but she will definitely return if she asks for forgiveness,” my mother answered seriously.

The girl closed her eyes and whispered: “Vodichka, excuse me and come back soon. Everyone feels bad without you.”

- Daughter, water is running from the tap again! - Mom was happy.

The girl poured fresh water for the fish and looked out the window. In the yard, a kitten was drinking from a puddle.

Questions and tasks:

Turn on the music. All children are trickles of water. If the music is quiet, the streams swirl smoothly and slowly. If the music is loud, the streams spin quickly, colliding and rolling away from each other.

What does water look like when it's smiling or angry?

Draw a portrait of water.

(excerpt from the book “Tales of Mother Earth”).

This review uses information from the website