I don’t know how to joke what to do. How to learn to make funny jokes in any situation: useful tips

If you think you lack a sense of humor, it doesn’t matter! Amuse your friends, come up with funny jokes, be witty and interesting person Absolutely anyone can. The ability to joke is developing perfectly, all you need is your desire. Funny expressions, successful phrases and well-spoken jokes will make you the life of any company. It will be easier for you to solve your affairs, and people will strive to communicate with you.

How to learn to joke - techniques for constructing jokes

There are special techniques for constructing jokes that are used by screenwriters and humorists. If using them allows you to make thousands of people laugh, then they will be useful to you too.

How to learn to joke

Understanding the nature of humor and knowing how to create jokes will allow you to create your own humor. Moreover, not using hackneyed jokes and expressions, but creating your own! We recommend you easy exercise, which will not take more than 3 minutes and will definitely make you smile.

  • Choose any 1 letter of the alphabet and make up a 10-word sentence in which all words begin with that letter.
  • Do this sentence several times with different letters.
  • Smile and re-read.

For many people, this exercise causes the brain to creak. This is a good indicator - it means that some changes are taking place in you, which allows you to open a new perspective on long-familiar things.

Any joke must be told on time and if you cannot yet quickly create humorous sayings, use ready-made ones. Find jokes and quotes on the Internet and tell them when the opportunity arises. This will allow you to become the life of the party and the main cheerleader, so do not ignore this method, it is also very good.

Not everyone has a great sense of humor, but the good thing is that it can be learned. Wit is classified according to several principles, described below.

False Contradiction

A popular principle is considered pseudo-contrast or whatever they call it false opposition. Its meaning is that the end of the joke seems to contradict its beginning, but in fact it strengthens and puts an end to it. It is worth considering one example of this principle. Charles Dickens, in one of his novels, gave the following description of the heroine: “She had a yellowish-pale complexion, which was offset by a bright blush on her nose.” At first, the author emphasized the girl’s completely inconspicuous appearance, although he presented it in such a way that the reader seemed to hope for some kind of compensation.

The mention of a bright blush somewhat smoothes out the image, but the clarification that the blush is on the nose does not leave the heroine the slightest chance. Having read the sentence to the end, many will probably appreciate the author’s attempt to joke. Ostap Bender in his catchphrases often used precisely false opposition. The satirist Zhvanetsky, the Russian writer Mikhail Zoshchenko and many others also mastered pseudo-contrast. prominent figures.

False gain

In this situation, the principle works exactly the opposite. It seems that the ending confirms the beginning, but in fact refutes it. For clarity, it is worth considering an example of false amplification. When Heine was asked to express his opinion about a certain lady, he compared her to the Venus de Milo, adding at the end that the lady was just as old and toothless. Last words radically change the intended meaning, although they are also a continuation of this sentence.

Every person can learn to joke, even without the inclinations.

Reduction to the Absurd

This principle consists of witty answers that literally bring one or another thought of the interlocutor to the point of absurdity. This means that at first they agree with her, and then literally in a nutshell change the whole meaning of all of the above. This method is used both in literary genres, and in various disputes. The principle of reduction to absurdity is widely used by critics and reviewers, often using hyperbole or exaggeration. To learn how to joke this principle, you need to master funny techniques of exaggeration or understatement. You can train on absolutely anything; the multifaceted world around us contributes to this. Even in such a matter, practice is needed, which contributes to the development of quick reactions and wit.

The wit of the absurd

This technique is similar to the previous principle. It is widely used in jokes and literary parodies. Its structure is complex, since it includes various modifications. Absurdities happen everywhere, and a good joker definitely notices it. An example of the wit of absurdity is when Mark Twain said, “Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” A variation of this technique is chaotic statements. Variety performances, for example, by Yevgeny Petrosyan, also testify to the wit of absurdity in pure form. “Citizen with a briefcase, where are you going on a pedalo? The sea ended long ago. This is the embankment!

Mixing styles

This principle used by professional jokers and comedians, although it can also be used by beginners. It can be used everywhere: at a holiday, among friends, in congratulations to your family and friends. The meaning of mixing styles is as follows: what is important should be spoken casually, and what is unimportant, on the contrary, should be emphasized. The mixture of speech styles can be seen in the phrase of Ilf and Petrov: “food of the gods.”

Rules for constructing a joke

  • You should not joke about loved ones; there is a risk of hurting their feelings, although they may not show it.
  • There is no need to joke about sensitive or serious topics relating to death, illness and tragedy; not everything in this world can be turned into a joke.
  • Real-life examples are a good source of jokes.
  • Don't overwhelm people with too many jokes. Everything is good, but in moderation - this rule is appropriate in any situation.
  • The joke should be subtle, intelligent, but not vulgar.
  • Humor should be understood by everyone present, and not separate group of people.
  • You should not repeat a joke a second time if you see that it was not appreciated.
  • It’s better to say nothing than to voice something that can ruin the mood of those around you, and subsequently the speaker himself.

A sense of humor develops through constant practice. It is worth noting that the joker must have a positive attitude, otherwise the face will reveal the insincerity of the intention to joke, and will be perceived ambiguously by others. You can become the life of the party only if you joke at the right moment.

A successful joke is born by itself; it cannot be forced, memorized or invented in advance. An individual sense of humor can be adjusted if you adopt some rules:

  • reading books by talented comedians will allow you to generate jokes yourself;
  • by observing life, you can create many original jokes;
  • Comedy show programs will help you hone your sense of humor and borrow some ideas.

Comedians are positive people who in almost any situation try to joke, defuse tense situations, and minimize problems. Such people are conducive to communication; they are like batteries, charging everyone around them.

  • You should be positive. A person who cannot laugh at himself will never become a good joker.
  • You need to constantly enrich your own lexicon.
  • Associative thinking contributes to the development of a sense of humor. The main thing is to devote a few minutes a day to training and after a while the first results will appear.
  • It turns out that you need to learn how to present a joke correctly. In this matter, intonation, facial expressions, and style of presentation play a role.
  • Working on your diction will make your speech clear and measured.
  • Relevance in this matter plays main role. A joke said out of place can ruin the impression of a person for a long time.
  • Improvisation is encouraged, but it is better not to joke about topics related to religion, nationality and racial characteristics.
  • A person who constantly communicates with positive-minded people is, willy-nilly, charged with good emotions.
  • You shouldn’t laugh in anticipation of your own joke; perhaps not everyone will appreciate it.
  • Vulgar and vulgar jokes can make not many people laugh; it is best to avoid the topic of “below the belt”.

Being witty is an art that anyone can master if they want. People who are sure that they do not know how to joke deceive themselves and those around them. Self-training will help you overcome shyness, give you confidence, and soon your friends and loved ones will be able to appreciate the talents that were hidden from others. Over time, a person should develop his own author’s style, although he may not be limited by boundaries. It is important that you always have a notebook at hand, in which the aspiring joker writes down all his ideas and thoughts that arise in his creative head.

Using all forms of wit, you can turn into a kind and cheerful person who will be considered the life of the party.

How to develop a sense of humor is one problem, but how to constantly write killer jokes is another problem. Yes Yes Yes. One of the biggest challenges professional comedians face is the need to produce a steady stream of material. A comedian must always be in a state of search for the funny, although potential humor is found at almost every turn. I offer you ideas for jokes that will help you learn how to make funny jokes in any situation.

Humor is everywhere!

Here are a few joke topics that have come up many times in humor articles over the past 10 years:

  • a piece of glass in the leg;
  • parenting;
  • diets;
  • flight cancellations;
  • TV;
  • animal sounds in Africa;
  • coffee;
  • painting the living room;
  • stolen bubonic plague pathogens;
  • upgrading service on international flights;
  • staying at a closed airport due to the threat of mining;
  • jet lag syndrome;
  • snobbery, cat, duck, rat and... Paul McCartney's left nipple.

Some of these joke topics, such as the threat of bombing an airport, the theft of a deadly virus, or African animals, do not fall into the category of daily events (at least for me). Other humorous topics for KVN or jokes in a group: splinters, painting, babysitting, coffee, TV - are quite everyday, and some even have a built-in “something is wrong” component.

There are topics for writing jokes that don't sound funny on their own, but you can learn highlight the funny part in a not funny topic. This is what I teach on my own. In the meantime, you haven’t been to them yet, now it’s important for you to understand that every day we potentially meet funny situations. It is among these situations that one can take interesting ideas for jokes.

How to Write Jokes: Start Looking for Ideas Everywhere

When you start looking for joke ideas, you'll find them everywhere. If you don't write them down right away, you'll likely forget some of them (unless you're a prodigy). Therefore, if you want to constantly write funny and interesting jokes, you need to do one very important thing: always carry a pocket notebook with you.

You can also use a recording app on your smartphone; some people prefer a voice recorder. This will do too. I like old-fashioned paper notepads because they allow me to quickly write things down without needing to be recharged. However, I increasingly use my iPhone for this, since it freed me from dozens of notepads that were lying on my desk.

Decide what works for you personally, but the main thing is that you always have somewhere to write down your ideas, as long as it is safe and appropriate (if you drive a motorcycle, have a romantic dinner, are having a baby, or are Nobel Prize then it might be better to make notes a little later).

How to write jokes: keep a list of observations, stories, other people's jokes

My notebooks contain lists of potential topics, sometimes even partially completed articles. I've come across wonderful ideas, like sitting at a bar and not being able to start typing. I, in principle, could have left everything and quickly ran home, but instead I immediately wrote down a sentence or two or simply quickly jotted down rough outlines of jokes that I would use later.

How to come up with a joke - write down all your ideas

It's important to write down joke ideas immediately. At least a few key phrases, which will remind you of history the moment you start writing humorous stories.

Where to get setups that attract attention

Ideas for funny jokes can be taken from the headlines

Why are they so effective? First of all, they are relevant. The news giants know what people care about today, and now you will too. Secondly, the most professional copywriters work there, and in these headlines there is hidden power that should capture a person’s attention.

For example, here is the headline of one news story that I just found on one site:

"In China, 8,000 cars are stuck in traffic jams due to fog."

Joke idea: traffic jam in China due to fog

Let's make a joke out of this idea. I would be hooked on the word fog. It 100% painted a picture of real fog for everyone. This is the picture we will resolve with the setup. We paint a second story: artificial fog. Now we’re creating a setup that will picture this in the heads of our listeners.

Wang Ji, the director of the fog production plant, suffered colossal losses.

The result is a joke:

In China, 8,000 cars are stuck in a traffic jam due to fog. Wang Ji, the director of the fog production plant, suffered colossal losses.

Not funny, you say. Maybe a killer joke is rarely born in 60 seconds; more often you need to develop an idea for a hit to be born. But do you know what the difference is between those who have developed their sense of humor and those who have not? The first ones are not afraid to make mistakes and look funny. That's why…

One final note: if you want to learn how to write hit jokes for KVN or just like that, you not only need to work, but also... you need to take risks.

Trial and error is a big part of the joke writing process.

Sometimes your jokes will not have the intended effect on the reader or audience. If this happens, congratulate yourself. You brought your information to society and tried to do it the best way. You will be much more successful in the future than those who are afraid to publish their opinions because someone will not like it.

Take risks! Be brave!

So, as you develop your sense of humor, don't be afraid to take risks when writing jokes, be bold. If you feel like something should be funny but you can't quite pull it off, shoot me an e-mail. I'll be happy to give you a couple of little tips.

Better yet, sign up for my free webinar to learn how to enhance your jokes and how to develop your individual sense of humor. Collaborating on humor writing is a lot of fun. We all gain experience and learn when we do it together. So go ahead, fill out the form and see you at the webinar.

Have a great mood everyone!

It is important for any girl to be the center of attention. Firstly, it increases her self-esteem, and secondly, it helps her meet more people. Well, who knows, her future husband might also be among her new acquaintances.

Girls get what they want different ways. Some people want to look bright compared to their friends. Bright clothes and makeup make her stand out from the crowd. But this approach will not make it central figure a team.

Others chatter incessantly, telling everyone about everything. Such girls quickly become boring. Well, think for yourself, you came to talk, but instead you are waiting for an hour-long monologue about how a girl had chickenpox as a child. Boring.

Who I would prefer is a girl with a sense of humor. And that doesn't mean she has to tell jokes around the clock. It is important that she is able to joke or even laugh at the situation or her shortcomings in any situation. It is with such girls that I, as a man, feel very easy and comfortable.

Often I met girls who were completely devoid of a sense of humor or carefully hid it. Honestly, you feel tense and uncomfortable with them. Every second you think about what to say or do so as not to offend her.

Surely girls are already wondering what a sense of humor is and what to do if they don’t have it. I answer. A sense of humor is an acquired property. Do you think that all comedians and KVN-ki are born joking? Not at all. They learned this. And if they learned it, then you can do it too. So go ahead!

Before you start learning to joke in any situation, you need to analyze what set of qualities you need to have. I will state my point of view.

  1. Girls who know how to joke about themselves and about the current situation are, first of all, smart. Yes, yes, smart. Can't see the connection? Well, the silly ones have appropriate jokes. Forgive me, please.
  2. Girls should be sincere. Why? Yes, because their thinking is not clouded by any prejudices and this helps them joke kindly.
  3. A girl with a sense of humor is independent and amazes with the courage of her statements. Well, how could it be otherwise? If a girl is afraid to say something unnecessary and depends on the opinions of others, then there is no time for jokes. It is impossible to relax in such an environment. For words with humor for men, see the link.
  4. The fair sex is all right with self-esteem. She will not be offended by a joke in her direction, moreover, she will respond in kind.

Like I said, you need to be able to joke. This can be learned based on certain rules:

  • dear girls, do not make people’s feelings the subject of your jokes;
  • do not joke about death, illness, etc., even if we're talking about about the death of a guy's beloved hamster. Believe me, during his lifetime he was his friend. Personally verified;
  • your jokes can be based on real life situations;
  • You don’t always need to joke, it gets boring;
  • do not allow vulgarity in jokes;
  • joke in a way that makes sense to everyone, not just you;
  • It doesn’t matter if your joke was not understood, this is not a reason to repeat it several times and try to explain what you meant;
  • If you are not confident in your successful joke, don’t joke, otherwise you will spoil the mood for yourself and others.

The most important stage is the beginning. So in wit, the main thing is to start with yourself. Learn to laugh at yourself, then others will appreciate your wit.

Laugh at yourself

Girls, no matter how sad it may sound, but no. ideal people. This means that shortcomings are a reason to joke about yourself. It's even useful. Firstly, you will learn to accept yourself as you are and will not fall into prolonged depression when someone points them out to you. Secondly, if you accept this joke and appreciate it, then this is the first step towards success.

Don't know where to start? Start simple. Compare yourself, for example, with any item or furniture in the apartment. Imagine that you are soul mates, find a flaw and describe it in a humorous way. And do it until you succeed. Don't be discouraged if it takes a while.

Is it annoying to take the subway to work, but don’t want to visit someone in the rain? Very in vain. This can be put to good use. Think about what makes you happy on your commute to work. There may be music in the subway and bus, or a cheerful driver or fellow traveler. What is the color of your umbrella? It is bright and rich. You walk under it and imagine that it’s like the sun is above you.

Learn to draw parallels between events and look for some associations in what is happening. This will stick firmly in your memory. And if suddenly a situation occurs that is associated with something pleasant, then the girl will be able to joke without hesitation.

Thought must be quick

For girls to make a joke successful and appropriate, they need to learn to think quickly. Agree, joking about the situation ten minutes later will be at least strange and inappropriate. With such an approach, you are unlikely to earn the reputation of a girl with a sense of humor.

Develop yourself

You will learn more about how to become smart here.

Jokes shouldn't be monotonous. I am not calling for making the ability to joke in any situation an end in itself and attending trainings and seminars on this topic. Surprised they exist? Yes, such events are held and quite successfully.

Charisma comes first

Probably everyone has seen a scene where a girl made a seemingly relevant and funny joke, but the audience turned a deaf ear to her joke. What's the matter? The problem is that the girl is not confident in herself and is not perceived as an individual. Often, female leaders can joke at the wrong time, but the joke is accepted and this relaxes the atmosphere. Develop as a person and you will succeed too.

Make jokes in a pleasant atmosphere

In order to learn how to joke in any environment, first learn to joke in a friendly company. These could be classmates, department employees, or close friends. With them, the girl feels relaxed, and therefore the jokes come out more original and funnier.

Smart magazines and websites on psychology advise finding yourself a role model and trying to copy him. I'm skeptical about this. Every person is an individual. What a comedian does funny is not a fact that he can convey it to another person. And if this does not work, then the joke will look like an antics and a parody.

When constructing a joke, I would advise girls to use comparisons that no one expects. For example, she is so similar to the Venus de Milo: old, without arms and without teeth. Be ironic. A colleague received a promotion. Everyone around is congratulating. And a girl can come up, sympathetically put her hand on her shoulder and look devotedly into her eyes and quietly ask: “Well, did you jump?” Believe me, it will be simply impossible not to smile.

Wit is actually an art. But if the ability to sing or draw is not accessible to everyone, then there are no barriers to jokes. There are no girls who don’t know how to joke, they’re just embarrassed to do it. And wit develops. And this is exactly what you need to be the center of attention in any society and company.