The world of my hobbies class hour presentation. Class hour on the topic "hobby"

Class hour: "The world of my hobbies"

Target : 1. expand children’s horizons, create positive motivation for self-development;

2. Encourage participation in various circles and sections. To develop your abilities and talents;

3. To develop an understanding of human value;

4. Be able to listen to each other and interact in a group.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, projector.

Classroom plan.


    Teacher's opening speech.

    Main part:

messages about hobbies great people,

introducing students to some types of hobbies,

children's story about their hobby,

hobbies – positive, hobbies – negative,

work in groups.

    Summing up (reflection).

Progress of the class hour.

    Org moment.

Hello guys, our class hour is called “The World of My Hobbies. How do others feel about this? Today we will learn about ways to spend leisure time, how you can spend your time interestingly and usefully. free time. And we learn about each other's hobbies. The goal of our class is to get to know each other better through our hobbies. Find yourself, find your passions and find out how others feel about it.


Every person has hobbies in their life. Guys, what hobbies do you know?

(People draw, sing, collect stamps, breed fish or listen to music, read or grow cacti, sit for hours at computers, smoke or drink beer).

Main part.

Guys, let us think and define what a “hobby” is?

"Enthusiasm, favorite hobby for oneself, at one’s leisure,” the dictionary gives this definition.(slide )

Teacher : Many believe that this word comes from in English, however, his roots are German. This is what peasants called a children's toy horse in the 18th century.

Guys, how does a hobby help us? (Find the meaning of life, brighten up your leisure time, find something to do in your free time.)

Teacher : it helps us get closer to the world of science, art, nature, the world of people, helps us find the meaning of life. Hobby brings neither money nor fame. This is an activity for the soul.

Hobbies of great people.

Many great people had hobbies, for example, the famous surgeon Nikolai Vasilyevich Sklifosovsky was fond of gardening, and even developed new varieties of apple and pear trees. (slide )

And the doctor Sergei Petrovich Botkin was fond of playing the cello and took music lessons until he was 50 years old.(slide )

Some great people became famous precisely for their hobbies. The wonderful doctor Vladimir Ivanovich Dal loved to collect Russian words, proverbs, and fairy tales. And he became famous for his explanatory dictionary, which is now known to everyone as Dahl's dictionary. (slide )

The great Russian composer Alexander Porfirievich Borodin, author of the opera “Prince Igor,” was a chemist by profession. (slide)

And the Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was also a doctor by profession.(slide)

King Gustav of SwedenVI was fond of embroidery.(slide )

And for some great people, their hobby has become a profession. The great Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was in love with music from the age of 3. (sly d)

Famous woman Mathematician Sofya Kovalevskaya has been interested in formulas and numbers since childhood.(slide)

Peter 1 was a passionate numismatist. Guys, do you know what this word means? (slide)

What do these people collect?

Words written on the slide

Numismatists - coin collectors (pictures)

Philatelists – stamp collectors

Philumenists – collectors of match labels

Philotimers – calendar collectors

Philocartists – postcard collectors

Second-hand book dealers are book collectors.


Group work

Teacher: I suggest you try yourself as a poet and join such hobbies as poetry and writing.

Guys, do you know what the word “Burime” means (slide)

“Burime” is a poem written in predetermined rhymes.

Football basketball,. friends, family

Example for the teacher :

(I love football, my friend basketball,

We are great friends, together we are one family!)

Philately, cooking, gymnastics, science fiction

Example for the teacher

Interesting hobby– philately,

And a very useful one is cooking.

Well, and gymnastics -

For me it's just fantastic

Fishing, gardening, tourism, second-hand booksellers

Example for the teacher

Some people like tourism

For some - gardening,

My hobby is second-hand books,

And also fishing.

Teacher: guys, did you like composing? Well done! You are real poets!

Teacher : one of the latest hobbies of modern children is the computer and computer games. Do you think they are useful or harmful?

Teacher : Group 1 – give arguments in favor of a computer, Group 2 – arguments against, Group 3 – derive rules for working with a computer.

Should be printed on cards and cut into phrases


Material in preparation for lessons:

Composing music, poetry,

Mail, Internet communication,


Library at home,

Online shopping.


Deterioration of vision,

Posture distortion

Lack of live communication

Harmful radiation

Lots of aggressive games

Computer addiction

"Computer rules"

Time limit

Correct posture

Maintaining distance from eyes to monitor

Comfortable armchair

Frequent eye exercises

Work breaks for 15-20 minutes

Discussion of harmful hobbies .

Teacher : Guys, the world of hobbies is so large and diverse that you can travel in it for a very long time and find a lot of interesting and useful things. Guys, can hobbies be harmful? Give examples.

Sample answers from children

Some are addicted to smoking, alcoholism, and drugs.

Teacher: How do others feel about these hobbies? And how do you feel about people who have become victims of such hobbies?

Sample answers from children

The victims of these hobbies evoke pity and sympathy; they ruin their lives and poison the lives of those around them.

Teacher : I hope you never indulge in negative hobbies.

Teacher : Indeed, every person is interested in something. If this hobby does not interfere with other people and does not harm the person himself, then it is worthy of respect.


Teacher : Which hobbies did you find interesting or unexpected?

What new words did you learn today?

What hobbies can distract you and interfere with your schoolwork?

What can help you do what you love and not fall behind in your studies?

Teacher: Right. Daily regime. Anyone who manages their time skillfully will be on time all around.

So, today we learned about how important it is to have something you love and to value time.

Thanks to all the guys who took part Active participation in this class hour.


Teacher: What mood did this class leave you in? Your mood will be reflected by the emoticons lying on your desk.

On the slide: Thank you everyone for participating.

KSU "Terektinskaya" high school with a preschool mini-center"

Class hour

My hobbies

Conducted by Kunanbaeva A.B.

Terects 2015

The purpose of the class hour : rallying a great team

Classroom plan.


    A journey into the world of hobbies. Children's story about their hobby.

    Country of collectors

    Country of nature lovers.

    A country of very skillful hands.

    Country of music.

    Country of sports.

    Game "Guess the hobby"

    Summing up (reflection)

Progress of the conversation

Good afternoon guys!

There is sun in nature. It loves and warms us all. So let every ray of it look into our classroom and not only warm you with its warmth, but also add a good mood. And to do this, you need to sit up straight, smile at your neighbor at your desk, smile at the teacher and start the class hour with a smile. You have chosen a topic for conversation"The world of my hobbies"

Let's start the conversation with the words“I love what I do, and I do what I love...”

    Introduction. Every person has a passion in their life. People draw, sing, collect stamps, sit for hours at the computer, raise fish or listen to music, read or grow cacti.

Everyone has their own hobby. The word "hobby" translated from English means "passion."

Hobby brings neither money nor fame. This is an activity for the soul. It helps brighten up difficult moments life, brings a person closer to the world of nature, science, art, and the world of people, helps to find the meaning of life.

Many great people have had hobbies. For example, the famous surgeon Nikolai VasilievichSklifosovsky He was fond of gardening and even developed new varieties of apple and pear trees. Another doctor, Sergei PetrovichBotkin , was fond of playing the cello and took music lessons until he was 50 years old.

Some people became famous precisely for their hobbies. For example, the wonderful doctor Vladimir IvanovichDahl loved to collect Russian words, proverbs, sayings, and fairy tales. And he became famous for his explanatory dictionary, which is now known to everyone as Dahl’s dictionary.

The great Russian composer Alexander PorfirievichBorodin , author of the opera “Prince Igor”, was a chemist by profession.

And for some great people, their hobby has become a profession. Famous Russian poetAlexander Blok With early years wrote poetry, and the greatWolfgang Amadeus Mozart From the age of 3 I was already in love with music. Famous female mathematicianSofia Kovalevskaya Since childhood I have been interested in formulas and numbers.

-What do you like to do in your free time from studying?

Children's story about their hobby

2. A journey into the world of hobbies.

- It's human nature to get carried away. After all, there are so many interesting things in life!

- So, let's begin our journey into the World of Hobbies.

First page -Country of collectors . What do you guys think, what can a person collect? (stamps, coins, Stuffed Toys, match labels, badges, models of cars, airplanes, weapons, candy wrappers, books, music CDs, etc.)

What does collecting give people? (A person learns about countries, about the history of things, fills his free time, communicates with similar collectors.)

Guys, are there anyone among you who collects anything?

(Children come to the board and talk about their collections)

Country of nature lovers.

Ahead new country - Country of nature lovers.

These are the people who love to take care of plants and animals. They have a special hobby because they deal with living beings. All living things require special attention and worries like little children. (Fish, breeding indoor plants, floriculture) Who has an aquarium at home? Who takes care of the fish?

Country of Music

P I invite you to the Land of Music. We ask everyone who loves to sing, dance, compose and just listen to music to tell us about their hobby. (Dance club, music school...)

Country of Sports

Thanks to everyone who opened a window into the world of music and dance for us. And on our way -Country of Sports . This is a country of clever people. Brave, strong. I invite you to the technical board. who is interested in sports.

A country of very skillful hands.

Another country awaits us -A country of very skillful hands. This country is inhabited by those who love to sew, knit, and make things. Show yourself. Dear craftsmen, tell us about your hobby!

(Knitting, drawing, ...airplane models)

Now both adults and children are very interested in the origami technique. Let's try to make a heart. Suddenly someone will like this hobby.

Children, under the guidance of a teacher, perform a craft.

- Guys, the world of hobbies is so large and diverse that you can travel in it for a very long time and find a lot of interesting and useful things. What do you think is there in this world? harmful hobbies? And how do you feel about people who have become victims of such hobbies? (smoking, alcoholism, drugs. They evoke pity and sympathy because they ruin their lives)

- Every person is interested in something. If this hobby does not interfere with other people and does not harm the person himself, then it is worthy of respect. In order to find your passion, you need to look deeper into yourself and not be afraid to take the first step: buy the first stamp, compose the first line, throw a loop on a knitting needle, make the first brush stroke. Try to understand what you would like to do, listen patiently to yourself.


- Now we'll play a game"Guess the hobby"

I say a word or sentence that denotes some hobby. Whoever answers faster gets this hobby. For each correct answer I give a flag. The winner is the one who has collected more flags, which means more different interesting hobbies.

    Team game, in which players use a stick to score a puck into the opponent's goal. (Hockey)

    The type of sport is group hikes aimed at physical training of the body. (Tourism)

    Searching, tracking animals, birds with a gun or camera. (Hunting)

    Fishing rod. (Fishing)

    A team game in which players kick the ball into the opponent's goal. (Football)

    A person who collects stamps (philatelist)

    Coin Collecting (Numismatics)

    Glass room for keeping lizards and snakes. (Terrarium)

    Singing art. (Vocals)

Now pick it upcheckboxes , and we'll see. Who acquired how many hobbies for themselves?

4. Summing up. (Reflection)

Do you guys think today's conversation was useful for you? How did you feel when you learned about the hobbies of your comrades?

Complete the sentence:
- To my surprise…..

I learned that it is useful......

It was interesting...

Instructive for me...

Bottom line. Class hour is over, let's smile at each other and our guests, give good mood Use the knowledge you have gained today for yourself and those around you. I hope some new ideas emerged today. And your life will become interesting, bright and beautiful.

The class hour "The World of My Hobbies" is aimed at students in grades 7-8. The main goals of the event: to introduce children to different in interesting ways spending leisure time, broadening your horizons, creating positive motivation for self-development, encouraging participation in various clubs and sections, helping to get to know your comrades from an unusual perspective, and being able to listen to each other.



Class hour “The world of my hobbies”

Prepared and conducted by the class teacher of the 8th “b” class of MAOU Secondary School No. 26 in Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Tatyana Vladimirovna Balinskaya.

2012-2013 academic year


  1. Introduce children to a variety of interesting ways to spend their leisure time;

2. broaden children’s horizons, create positive motivation for self-development;

3. encourage participation in various circles, sections, to develop their abilities and talents;

  1. help you get to know your comrades from an unusual perspective and, through this recognition, make friends with the guys;
  2. be able to listen to each other;
  3. develop in children the ability to talk with inspiration about their hobbies.

Decor : on the board - name, drawings, photographs, certificates, etc.

Equipment: computer, projector.

Class progress

1. The teacher's word. Our lesson is called “The World of Our Hobbies.” Today we will learn about ways to spend leisure time, about how you can spend your free time interestingly and usefully. On the eve of the meeting, I conducted a survey from which I found out what you like to do in your free time and what your hobbies are. It turns out that your hobbies are very diverse.

2. What do students in grade 8 “b” do:

Sports -18 (skating, swimming, basketball, boxing, taekwondo, football, snowskate, Gym), music - 6, drawing -5, dancing - 2, reading - 2, poetry, shooting, aquarium art, collecting posters, rolls, rap, English, coin collecting, futurism, cooking, life in foreign countries, gothic art, black magic, afterworld, studying abroad, films, ship modeling, electronics, technology, sawing. Three people are not interested in anything.

Every person has a passion in their life. People draw, sing, collect stamps, sit for hours at the computer, raise fish or listen to music, read or grow cacti. Everyone has their own hobby. By the way, the word “hobby” has a rather interesting history. Many believe that it comes from the English language, but its roots are German. This is what peasants called a children's toy horse in the 18th century. But to yours modern meaning the word "hobby" must English writer Laurence Sterne, who published his novel The Life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy at the end of the 18th century. It was there that the word “hobby” was used in the meaning of “passion.” In the life of every person there is a hobby that helps brighten up the difficult moments of life, brings closer to the world of science, art, nature, the world of people, helps to find the meaning of life. Hobby brings neither money nor fame. This is an activity for the soul. Now I will tell you what great people were passionate about.

3. A message about the hobbies of great people.

Many great people have had hobbies. For example, the famous surgeon Nikolai Vasilyevich Sklifosovsky was fond of gardening and even developed new varieties of apple and pear trees. Another doctor, Sergei Petrovich Botkin, was fond of playing the cello and took music lessons until he was 50 years old.

Some great people became famous precisely for their hobbies. For example, the excellent doctor Vladimir Ivanovich Dal loved to collect Russian words, proverbs, and fairy tales. And he became famous for his explanatory dictionary, which is now known to everyone as the Dahl Dictionary. The great Russian composer Alexander Porfirievich Borodin, author of the opera “Prince Igor,” was a chemist by profession.

And for some great people, their hobby has become a profession. The famous Russian poet Alexander Blok wrote poetry from an early age, and the great Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was already in love with music from the age of three. The famous female mathematician Sofya Kovalevskaya has been fascinated by formulas and numbers since childhood. Peter I was a passionate numismatist. He collected a large number of coins King Gustav V of Sweden was fond of embroidery. Queen Margaret of Denmark was fond of drawing. Arnold Schwarzenegger collects Hammer cars. The famous academician Fersman and scientist Albert Bokovikov collected stones.

4. What interests our guys and why?(children's stories) Students talk about their hobbies, show certificates, medals, videos, collections, photographs, etc.

5. Discussion of harmful hobbies.

Guys, the world of hobbies is so large and diverse that you can travel in it for a very long time and find a lot of interesting and useful things. Do you think there are harmful hobbies in the world? And how do you feel about people who have become victims of such hobbies?

Sample answers from children:

Some are addicted to smoking, alcoholism, and drugs.

The victims of these hobbies evoke pity and sympathy because they are ruining their lives.

Teacher: Indeed, every person is interested in something. If this hobby does not interfere with other people and does not harm the person himself, then it is worthy of respect.

6. Did you know? So, you and I visited our exhibition and found out that some famous and well-known people have the same hobbies as you and me. What are collectors called? (You can make a match on the board)

Philatelists and stamp collectors

Philumenists – collectors of match labels

Philocartists - postcard collectors

Numismatists - coin collectors

Philotimers – calendar collectors

Second-hand booksellers - book collectors

7. Game – exercise “Let’s get to know each other” (done in a circle)

Each participant, starting with the curator, says his name and adds an adjective to it that reflects positive features his character. The adjective must begin with the first letter of the name, for example, Tamara - patient, etc.

8. Summing up (reflection)

Teacher: Do you think today’s conversation was useful for you? How did you feel when you learned about your comrades’ hobbies?

Sample answers:

We learned more about each other.

It will be more interesting for us to communicate

There will be something to talk about with each other

We rejoiced at the success of our friends.

I also wanted to do something interesting.

9. Final word teachers.

Our event has come to an end. Thanks to all the guys who talked about their hobbies, brought their crafts, collections, who showed their abilities in cooking, vocals, acting. Thanks to those who prepared drawings and wrote essays for our class hour. I am very glad that your activities are so diverse, and most importantly, that you are truly passionate about it. It says you're rich spiritual world. There were also those at our event who did not say anything about themselves. To them I want to say the following. In order to find your hobby, you need to look deeper into yourself and not be afraid to take the first step:

  • Buy your first coin
  • Write the first line
  • Cast on the first stitch on the knitting needles.

Try to understand what you would like to do, listen patiently to yourself. After all, the life of a passionate person is much richer, more interesting and colorful.

A class hour helps to see each student from a new perspective, learn about the children’s hobbies outside of school, and create a situation of success for each participant in the event. Such a class hour requires class teacher and pre-training students.






Class hour


Made up

Esipova Evgeniya Georgievna primary school teacher

4th grade



1. Team building.

2. Expanding the range of interests of students, getting to know the activities and hobbies of children outside of school.

3. Development of cognitive interest junior schoolchildren To various areas culture, art, sports.

4. Fostering friendly feelings, mutual understanding, and interest in children

To each other.

6.Creating a situation of success for each child who took part in the class.

Explanatory note.

  1. It is first necessary to identify the range of interests of the children.

2. Divide students into interest groups.

3. During breaks during the month, hold competitions in checkers and chess.

4. During the preparatory period, organize an exhibition “Skillful Hands”, where you can present the work of class students - embroidery, appliqué, knitting, drawings, crafts made from beads and fabric, etc.

Progress of the lesson.

Introductory conversation.

- Today, guys, we’ll talk about what interests you outside of school, what you like to do and what interests you.

We have identified a range of interests. This

Gathering or collecting;

Board games;



Watching films;


Computer games.

If everything in the world were

Same color

It would make you angry

Or did it make you happy?

Who would decide from now on

Coming home tired

Sleep on a green feather bed

Under a green blanket?

To admire how above you,

Turning green, the birds are flying,

Above the green houses

Is the sun bright and green?

People are used to seeing the world

White, yellow, blue, red...

Let everything around us be

Amazing and different

Why do we start our class hour with this poem by E. Ruzhentseva “The Tale of Colors”?

That's right, each of us is individual and this is very good, because... We are all different, but together we represent a very interesting team. For example, a rainbow consists of different colors, which complement each other and this is a very beautiful sight.


Collecting is an activity based on collecting a collection, that is, collecting something (usually homogeneous objects) that has a certain value.

These can be works of art, for example, books, paintings, musical works, movies, video games; historical, cultural and technical values ​​and objects, such as coins, badges, postage stamps, models; objects of nature - insects, minerals, mollusk shells, flowers, etc.

Collecting involves identifying, collecting, studying, and systematizing materials, which is how it fundamentally differs from simple collecting.

A collection is a systematized collection of something, united according to some specific characteristic, having internal integrity and belonging to a specific owner - a private individual, organization, state.

A person who collects is called a collector.

So, let’s repeat, what is the difference between collecting and collecting?

Can the presented items be called collections? Explain your answer.

Let's get acquainted with the collections that the children of our class have collected.

(Examination of collections, discussion).


Many people brought board games today. Among them there are those that are hundreds of years old, and there are very young ones, invented specifically for modern children.

One of the most ancient games is chess.

A tournament is organized between the children who reach the finals for the title of class champion in chess and checkers. The rest of the guys either support their friends participating in the tournament or play board games themselves.

What is the difference between modern board games from the ancients?

That's right - in chess and checkers, the one who thinks better wins, not the one who is lucky.


Now let’s sum up the results of the “Skillful Hands” competition. Within a month, your works were presented at the exhibition. This various crafts, knitting, embroidery, appliques and drawings, crafts from beads and fabric.

Which of your works did you like best?

Which of them can be classified as handicraft? Why?

Guess riddles about objects that help handicrafts create miracles.

Thin Marfushka
Pierced my ear

I put in an earring

Easily and skillfully

Long earring

Fell on the path.

(Needle and thread)

Generous fatty-

round barrel,

Tirelessly spinning

Dresses others -
And he himself is losing weight.

(Ball of thread)

Stooped old man -

Skinny barrel

Long as a stick

Yes, the nose is crocheted,

Plays his game

Weaves intrigues.

(Crochet hook)

They are easily from one big

They will make two small ones.



Now let's talk about those who love to read.

Let's open familiar books,

And again let's go from page to page.

It's always nice to be with your favorite hero

Meet again, become stronger friends.

It doesn’t matter that we’ve known the book for a long time,

Even if you know the hero very well,

And we also know how it will end.

Good books are always interesting.

Examination of books and encyclopedias that the children brought to class.

Discussion interesting articles and stories.


Guys, I see that many of you are fond of cartoons, you brought a lot of discs with a wide variety of modern, old, Russian and foreign films.

We will hold a competition for the best cartoon expert.

Now we will play “Guess the melody”. A song will sound, and you

Determine which cartoon it is from.

(Melodies from various cartoons are played, and the guys guess their names).

After the game, the winner determines which cartoon all the kids will watch. (View).


I see that some of you have brought photos of your favorite pets. But you guys will only be able to look at the photos when you solve the riddles.

She's all soft and pleasant

And he purrs amusingly,

Catches mice at night.

Don't look, baby,

Who is this?...(Cat)

Sly Antipka

Sitting in the house

Looking out the window.

Shaggy fur coat,

Sharp teeth,

Who will he bark at?

He will tremble.


Thrifty Ivan

Puts the grain in his pocket,

Cheek pocket

Cheek at hand

The grain spends the night on your cheek,

Then it will move to the barn.


Crochet nose,

Yes, the forelock is upright,

Bright outfit,

Everything is chattering.


There is a head, but no hair,

There are eyes, but no eyebrows,

It has wings, but it doesn't fly.


What other animals would you like to talk about?


Many children in our class go in for sports. This hobby brings not only joy, but also health.

Among the children in our class there are football players, track and field athletes, wrestlers, basketball players, and trampoline experts. Each of them is ready to talk about the sport in which he plays.

Let's look at the exhibition of certificates and medals awarded to our children for success in sports and victories in competitions.


One of the latest hobbies of modern children is the computer and computer games.


Which hobbies did you find interesting, unexpected and exciting?

What hobbies can help you in life and be useful in the future?

What hobbies can distract you and interfere with your schoolwork? Is it worth giving them up?

What can help you do what you love and not fall behind in your studies?

Right. Daily regime. Anyone who manages their time skillfully will be on time all around.

So, today we learned a lot more about each other and learned about how important it is to have something you love and to value time.

I thank all the children who took an active part in this class hour.


1. 1000 funny riddles for children. – M.: AST Publishing House LLC, 2002.

2. Grigoryan L.T. My tongue is my friend: Materials for extracurricular activities in Russian: A manual for teachers.-2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Education, 1988.

This is a kind of presentation of hobbies. Its task is not so much to introduce children to the world of hobbies, but to discover each other. Each child’s passion not only reveals a part of him inner world, but also gives a reason to communicate with peers, and this ultimately leads to the unity of the class team.

When preparing children for class, the teacher asks them to briefly introduce their hobby, tell about positive impact your hobbies, your character, your achievements.

Subsequently, depending on the interests of the children, the conversation about hobbies can be continued on other classroom hours. This conversation can be organized in the form of a press conference dedicated to any one hobby, when children can talk in more detail about their activities and answer questions from their friends.

Target: broaden children's horizons, create positive motivation for self-development; encourage participation in various circles, sections, to develop their abilities and talents.

Form: a journey into the world of hobbies.

Preparatory work with children

2-3 days before class time, you need to warn the children so that they prepare short story about their hobby and be sure to say how this hobby enriches them (outlook, communication, entertainment, etc.). You can invite children to bring crafts, collections, photographs of pets, or prepare a musical or dance number.


Prepare 10 small multi-colored flags (without a shaft, like a Christmas tree) to reward the quiz participants.

Class decoration

You can invite the children to make a photo exhibition from the photographs they bring. Children will attach these photographs to the board or stand so that after class time their classmates can look at them.

Class plan

1. Opening remarks.

2. Journey into the world of hobbies. Children's story about their hobby.

a) Country of collectors;

b) Country of nature lovers;

c) A country of very skillful hands;

d) Land of Music;

e) Country of sports.

3. Game “Guess the hobby”.

4. Summing up (reflection).

Class progress

I. Opening remarks

Classroom teacher. Every person has a passion in their life. People draw, sing, collect stamps, sit for hours at the computer, raise fish or listen to music, read or grow cacti. Everyone has their own hobby. The word "hobby" translated from English means "passion."

Hobby brings neither money nor fame. This is an activity for the soul. It helps brighten up the difficult moments of life, brings a person closer to the world of nature, science, art, and the world of people, and helps to find the meaning of life.

Many great people have had hobbies. For example, the famous surgeon Nikolai Vasilyevich Sklifosovsky was fond of gardening and even developed new varieties of apple and pear trees. Another doctor, Sergei Petrovich Botkin, was fond of playing the cello and took music lessons until he was 50 years old.

Some great people became famous precisely for their hobbies. For example, the excellent doctor Vladimir Ivanovich Dal loved to collect Russian words, proverbs, and fairy tales. And he became famous for his explanatory dictionary, which is now known to everyone as the Dahl Dictionary.

The great Russian composer Alexander Porfirievich Borodin, author of the opera “Prince Igor,” was a chemist by profession.

And for some great people, their hobby has become a profession. The famous Russian poet Alexander Blok wrote poetry from an early age, and the great Wolfrang Amadeus Mozart was already in love with music from the age of three. The famous female mathematician Sofya Kovalevskaya has been fascinated by formulas and numbers since childhood.

II. A journey into the world of hobbies. Children's story about their hobby

Country of collectors

Classroom teacher. It's human nature to get carried away. After all, there are so many interesting things in life!

So, let's begin our journey into the World of Hobbies. The first country is the Country of collectors. What do you guys think, what can a person collect? (Stamps, coins, soft toys, match labels, badges, models of cars, airplanes, weapons, candy wrappers, books, music CDs, etc.)

What does collecting give people? (A person knows about countries, about the history of things, fills his free time, communicates with similar collectors.)

I invite everyone who collects any items to the board. They will tell us about their wealth and what their passion gives them.

Children come to the board and take turns talking about their collections.

Sample speech text

I have been collecting stamps for 5 years now. This type of collecting is called philately. I have Russian stamps and foreign ones - from Poland, Germany, Czechoslovakia, there are old stamps - my grandfather collected them. He simply cut them off from letters. And now some of them have become rarities, which means they are rare. I already have 700 stamps. I like to look at them, put them in albums, and show them to friends. It seems to me that stamps greatly develop a person, because stamps contain nature, science, technology, history, and geography.

Country of nature lovers

Classroom teacher. Thanks to our collectors. And ahead is a new country - the Country of Nature Lovers.

Anyone who likes to take care of plants and animals, please tell us about your hobby.

Children come to the board and take turns talking about their pets.

Sample speech texts

1. I breed fish. I have 2 aquariums: one is common, and the other is “ kindergarten" I move the fish there when they start to spawn. Then I watch how small fish emerge from the eggs. It’s so interesting to watch them frolic and hide in the algae. They chase each other. Need for fish good care: you need to clean the aquarium, change the water, feed the fish. But then you can spend hours watching their lives. My mom says it calms her down. Many fish came to us from hot countries. I try to find out something about these countries, read books, ask friends and parents. I also have a cat who can also sit near the aquarium for hours. He seems to have the same hobby as me.

2. I am interested in growing indoor plants. My grandmother introduced me to this. Plants are living. They need to be fed, watered, and treated. I like to plant flowers and take care of them. But most of all I like it when they bloom. When a cactus or lily blooms, all day long festive mood as if she had received a gift from her favorite plant. We also managed to grow a lemon on the windowsill! With flowers, the apartment is cozy, beautiful, and just makes your soul happy! My hobby is not only for the soul, but also for the mind: I get to know botany and geography better, because you need to find out in which countries, in what climate this flower grew, what kind of soil it likes.

A country of very skillful hands

Classroom teacher. thanks for interesting story. Another country awaits us - the Country of very skillful hands. This country is inhabited by those who love to sew, knit, and make things. Show yourself, dear craftsmen, tell us about your hobby!

Children come to the board, take turns talking about their hobbies, and showing their crafts.

Sample speech texts

1. I am fond of knitting. My grandmother taught me to crochet. I have a lot of magazines at home. From there I take beautiful patterns and models. I have already knitted a hat, a scarf, and now I am knitting a sweater for myself. I like to choose thread colors and knitting patterns. It seems to me that knitting develops artistic taste, and every girl needs this.

2. My hobby is model airplanes. I buy blanks at the store. There are diagrams and instructions there. I use them to build my models. I already have fifteen different models airplanes and helicopters. They are on the shelf in my room and I show them to my friends. How can I like my hobby? Firstly, you learn to understand diagrams, secondly, you get used to accuracy, accuracy, thirdly, you learn the name of aircraft parts, you begin to understand technology.

Country of Music

Classroom teacher. I thank our craftsmen for interesting excursion through the Land of very skillful hands and I invite you to the Land of Music. We ask everyone who loves to sing, dance, compose and just listen to music to tell us about their hobby.

Children come to the board and talk one by one about their musical activities.

Sample speech texts

1. I have been studying for 5 years now music school, I'm learning to play the piano. To learn to play some musical instrument, you need to study for at least an hour every day. Sometimes you really don’t want to sit down at the piano when you’re just learning a piece and your fingers don’t obey you at all. But then it’s so nice to play and perform at concerts. It seems to me that every person needs music. She gives joy and pleasure. I believe that studying at a music school will help me better understand music and people.

2. And I study in dance club. We have a dance ensemble (name). We are learning different dances- both folk and modern. I really like to move to music. I also like to communicate with friends. We often perform at various concerts and participate in competitions. Recently, our ensemble became a laureate of a competition for young talents and we were awarded a prize - sound equipment. It seems to me that dancing greatly develops a person. We learn to listen to music, learn to move beautifully, and watch our posture. And every person needs this!

Country of Sports

Classroom teacher. Thanks to everyone who opened a window into the world of music and dance for us. And on our way is the Land of Sports. This is a country of dexterous, strong, brave people. I invite those who are interested in sports to join the board.

Athletes come to the board and talk about the different sections.

Sample speech texts

1. I am in the swimming section. I like to go to training and participate in competitions. I already have my second level in swimming. My dream is to become a master of sports, like our coach. He is very strict, monitors our studies, instills in us a sports character and the will to win. Maybe I won’t become a champion, but sport gives me strength, health, and self-confidence. You can look at the photos - this is our training, and this is the award ceremony.

2. And I play football. This is a team game, in the section we learn not only to play football, but also to act in a team, where everyone has their own task. Our team is very friendly, we always help each other. We participated in various competitions (lists). The photos show our team together with their coach. This photo was taken in (insert city), where we went to the regional championship. I really like playing football. Both at school and in the yard I can show my skills.

Classroom teacher. Guys, the world of hobbies is so large and diverse that you can travel in it for a very long time and find a lot of interesting and useful things. What do you think/

Are there any harmful hobbies in this world? And how do you feel about people who have become victims of such hobbies?

Sample answers from children:

Some are addicted to smoking, alcoholism, and drugs.

The victims of these hobbies evoke pity and sympathy because they are ruining their lives.

Classroom teacher. Indeed, every person is passionate about something. If this hobby does not interfere with other people and does not harm the person himself, then it is worthy of respect. In order to find your passion, you need to look deeper into yourself and not be afraid to take the first step: buy the first stamp, compose the first line, throw a loop on a knitting needle, make the first brush stroke. Try to understand what you would like to do, listen patiently to yourself.

III. Game "Guess the hobby"

Classroom teacher. Now we will play a game. Those guys who have not yet found their passion will participate in it. I ask you to come to the board.

Several students who did not participate in the hobby presentation come to the board. The teacher divides them into two teams.

So, we have two teams (team names: “Chamomile”, “Cornflower”, “Rainbow”, “Thunderstorm”, “Friendship”, “Rocket”, etc.).

I think of a word that means some kind of hobby. Whoever answers faster gets this hobby. For each correct answer, I give the team a flag. The team that collects the most flags, which means more different interesting hobbies, wins.

One, two, three - start of the game!

1. A team game in which players use a stick to score a puck into the opponent’s goal. (Hockey.)

2. Type of sport - group hikes aimed at physically training the body. (Tourism.)

3. Searching, tracking animals, birds with a gun or camera. (Hunting.)

4. Fishing. (Fishing.)

5. A team game in which players kick the ball into the opponent’s goal. (Football.)

6. A person who collects stamps. (Philatelist.)

7. Collecting coins. (Numismatics.)

8. Glass room for keeping lizards and snakes. (Terrarium.)

9. What do philocartists collect? (Postcards.)

10. Singing art. (Vocals.)

Classroom teacher. Now raise the flags and we will see who has acquired how many hobbies for themselves.

Children raise flags. The teacher marks the most successful participant.

Classroom teacher. Well, I hope that new citizens have appeared in the Land of Hobbies today. And their life will become interesting, bright and beautiful.

IV. Summing up (reflection)

Classroom teacher. Do you guys think today's conversation was useful for you? How did you feel when you learned about the hobbies of your comrades?

Sample answers from children:

We learned more about each other.

It will be more interesting for us to communicate.

There will be something to talk about with each other.

I was happy for the success of my friends.

I also wanted to do something interesting.

To my surprise: it turns out there are so many interesting things around!