Signs of computer game addiction. How to get rid of computer addiction in teenagers and children: advice from a psychologist

What is computer addiction and how does it occur? Signs of such obsession and its main types. How to cope with it and who to turn to for help.

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Computer addiction is a pathological connection between a person and a computer, the scale of which is growing every day. This side effect of technological progress is no less dangerous than other types of addiction - drug addiction, gambling addiction, alcoholism. It can also “knock you out” of society and affect your physical health.

Description and mechanism of development of computer addiction

The concept of “computer addiction” appeared in the 80s of the last century in America. Psychiatric scientists have noticed that a computer, created to help a person in various areas of his life, can become truly irreplaceable. That is, to fill the entire living space of its owner, displacing loved ones, work and other hobbies from it, reducing basic hygiene and social skills to a minimum.

Today it is indeed very difficult to imagine life without computers and the Internet - they help at work, at home and in school. Thanks to them, we find the necessary information and share it, develop and communicate, learn and teach. And with the help of all kinds of computer games, within safe limits, you can well develop logic, thinking and attention. But clear safe limits for “communication” with a computer have not yet been established. Therefore, the line between a normal attitude towards your gadget and addiction to it is very thin, and everyone has their own.

The core of the formation of such mania is a failure in the mental mechanisms of perceiving the world and processing incoming information. This is facilitated by the level of development of modern computer technology, which can successfully replace objective reality with virtual reality.

The social qualities of a computer “slave” suffer the most from such dependence: empathy, openness, sociability, friendliness, desire to communicate. Deeply rooted addiction to computer games displaces the listed qualities, causing social maladjustment. Children and adolescents are most susceptible to it.

The result of such a life in illusion can be increased aggressiveness, antisocial behavior, ignoring responsibilities (domestic, professional, family, etc.), external and internal degradation. Over time, the addict’s body also reacts to going into virtual reality. Chronic fatigue, problems with the stomach and spine, hemorrhoids, and visual impairment appear.

Important! Dependence on a computer develops faster than all other addictions - from 6 months to 1 year of “communication” with your gadget.

The main causes of computer addiction

There are many reasons for moving to the virtual world. They can be inside a person and drag him into addiction without resistance. Or they can be around him and gradually pull him into the abyss of virtuality. The main “bait” of any gadget connected to the Internet is the satisfaction of three important human needs:

  • Information hunger. Of all the living creatures on our planet, it is to us, humans, that information is very important and constantly needed. The computer is capable of processing, systematizing and storing it, and the Internet is capable of providing it in any quantity and on any issue.
  • Exercise for the brain. The nature of our brain is such that it cannot be calm. He simply “adores” simple logic puzzles and actions, the results of which are immediately visible. Working with a computer fully satisfies these requirements, since it is precisely a sequence of logical operations and actions.
  • Need for communication. Another human feature is the need for communication. The World Wide Web makes it possible for absolutely everyone to communicate: from those who in reality cannot imagine life without communication, to those who in this same reality find it very difficult to meet people and find friends.
However, such “baits” themselves will not work if the person does not have any psychological problems.

The main psychological causes of computer addiction:

  • Personal qualities. Such as vulnerability, anxiety, low self-esteem, touchiness. This can also include a tendency to depression, isolation, inability to solve problems, resolve conflicts, experience stressful situations, and build relationships, including with the opposite sex. The virtual world gives such people the opportunity to become ideal, drawing them more and more into this illusion.
  • Escaping reality. That is, from problems with loved ones, peers, and employees. The computer here becomes a refuge from discomfort, pain, humiliation, conflicts and the need to change something. It improves your mood, creates the illusion that everything is fine - but only here, in virtuality. Thus, leading away from solving the situation in reality.
  • Loneliness. Due to the inability to communicate, complexes, misunderstanding of others. A lonely person finds such necessary support in games or networks - there he relieves his emotional tension and anxiety, having never learned to solve his life situations on his own and ask for help from real people nearby.
  • Side effects of parenting. Namely, overprotection, inflated demands on the child. Communication problems and lack of mutual understanding in the family can also incline people to communicate with a computer.
  • Forced reduction in social activity. As a result of health problems (severe or long-term illness, disability), lack of work, including due to maternity leave.

Serious diagnoses - schizophrenia, depression - can also contribute to the development of computer and Internet addiction.

Signs of an addicted person

Despite the fact that computer addiction does not yet have generally accepted recognition, the main diagnostic criteria for this mania have nevertheless been developed. They are divided into two large groups: mental and physical.

Mental symptoms

Mental signs of computer addiction:
  1. Dependence of mood on being at the computer. Behind him - a great mood, euphoria mixed with a feeling of guilt; without it - irritability, depression, aggressiveness, a feeling of emptiness and not knowing what to do with yourself.
  2. Losing control of time. Internet addiction erases the boundaries of time and the concepts of day and night for its captive. At the same time, communication with one’s gadget is steadily increasing, unnoticed by the addict.
  3. Inability to stop. Often it is almost impossible to tear a computer prisoner away from the “occupier”. The need to interrupt the game (communication, browsing, etc.) causes resistance, indignation, and aggressiveness in the addicted person. Gamers are often obsessed with a goal: to reach a certain level, get all the bonuses, complete the entire game, and then all similar games. At the same time, it does not have a final goal (thanks to game developers), since the game world is constantly replenished with new versions of virtual reality. Even if for some reason he doesn’t like the game, he won’t leave his computer. He'll find another game.
  4. Ignoring the world around you. Internet addiction, like a jealous soulmate, over time displaces from the environment of its “slave” everyone who can interfere with their “relationship”. That is, family, work, study, personal relationships, interests and hobbies. A dependent person will prefer a computer to any other activity, even his once most favorite one.
  5. Denial of the problem. Like any other mania, computer gaming addiction is not recognized by the person who has fallen into its “embraces.” At best, he realizes that he spends too much time on virtual reality and promises to improve (both to himself and to those around him). But he does not keep these promises, even resorting to lies. In the worst case, he simply denies any dependence and harm from it.
  6. Irritability. It is observed due to the inability to access the Internet (damage to the gadget, lack of Wi-Fi, unpaid traffic), as well as its low speed.
  7. Minimizing needs. A person caught in a computer network stops taking care of himself, eating well, and getting enough sleep. Relegates basic hygiene procedures to the background.

Physical signs

Physical signs of computer addiction:
  • Vision problems. Namely, myopia, dry eye syndrome, display syndrome, which arise due to overload of the visual apparatus, which, in turn, occurs as a result of prolonged work at the monitor.
  • Pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system. Thus, a forced posture at the computer with a bent back can over time lead not only to pain in the back and neck, but also to curvature of the spine, the development of osteochondrosis and even intervertebral hernias. Tensions in the muscles of the hand and fingers on the mouse can result in muscle pain at best, and in the worst case, pinched nerves and tendons (carpal syndrome).
  • Digestive system disorders. Irregular and poor nutrition can result in gastritis, peptic ulcers, and chronic constipation for a gamer or social media lover. And in combination with a long stay in a sitting position - and hemorrhoids.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. A sedentary lifestyle and prolonged sitting posture contribute to blood stagnation and, as a consequence, the development of varicose veins. The same sedentary lifestyle, supported by high-calorie snacks, can also contribute to the appearance of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, that is, atherosclerosis.
  • Exhaustion of the nervous system. Due to the need for constant attention and processing large amounts of information, and in the case of games, quick decision-making, the nervous system is exhausted. Fatigue sets in. As a result of lack of sleep, lack of fresh air, and poor nutrition, the brain simply does not have time to rest and the nervous system does not have time to recover. Therefore, fatigue gradually increases and turns into chronic fatigue. In addition, the nerves are constantly “undermined” by negative emotions - from scandals with relatives, problems at work or in school, one’s own bad decisions or the wrong moves of other players, low-rated photos or deletion from friends on social networks.

Types of computer addiction

Experts who deal with this problem identify several types of it. This division was based on certain psychological prerequisites of the addict.

The most common types of computer addiction:

  1. . Constant “hanging out” on social networks eventually replaces real communication, friendship, and personal relationships. Risk group: people who are unsure of themselves, as well as those who have not realized themselves in life (at work, in the family, in their personal lives, in communication).
  2. Computer games. The most dangerous in this regard are online multiplayer games. They provide the most optimal illusion of power, significance, participation, a feeling of victory, success, good luck. They give titles, titles, records and even love. In this case, any mistake or wrong decision is not a problem. In the virtual world, you can fix everything, start over. That is, it has something that is not in the real world. Risk group: people who do not want to solve real problems, overcome real life obstacles.
  3. Passion for porn sites. A person suffering from such addiction prefers sexual release in front of a monitor screen rather than with a live partner. To do this, he uses porn sites and porn films, replacing real sex with virtual sex. Risk group: people who do not have a real partner, with dissatisfaction from their existing relationships.
  4. Obsessive surfing. Internet surfers can spend hours surfing the web searching for information. However, they are not necessarily looking for something specific. Often such people simply follow interesting links from one site to another. As a result, the brain, overfed with a huge volume of diverse information, over time loses the ability to think deeply and critically. Risk group: curious people who have a lot of free time at their disposal, shopaholics, as well as those who want to compensate for their external shortcomings or lack of self-confidence with knowledge.
  5. Passion for gambling and betting money online. Today, almost every Internet site is full of advertisements promising huge winnings and earnings. Such virtual casinos, exchanges and bookmakers successfully play on the passions of gambling people. Especially those who do not have the opportunity to visit a real casino. Risk group: gambling people, as well as those who strive for easy money.
To summarize, in any case, a person is pushed into virtual reality by dissatisfaction with his real life and reluctance (fear) to change this life.

Ways to combat computer addiction

Again, drawing a parallel with other addictions, treatment for computer addiction will only be successful in one case. If the addict admits his problem and truly sincerely wants to get rid of it. Otherwise, the pathological addiction will only worsen. The main role in the treatment of such addiction is played by psychologists and psychotherapists, with the obligatory assistance of relatives of the addict, and in the presence of physical consequences, by doctors of the appropriate profile.

Preparing for computer addiction treatment

Almost always, excessive passion for the computer is first noticed by those around the addicted person - his relatives, friends, colleagues. But not himself. Therefore, they are the ones who begin to look for a solution to this problem.

Most often, those interested in returning the virtual “tramp” to reality try to do it themselves. First, persuasion is used (sometimes even in the form of an ultimatum) on an intuitive basis, then on the basis of relevant literature, articles and forums on the Internet. And only after realizing the futility of such a campaign, those who have not yet given up, seek help from specialists.

Thus, the first consultation with a psychologist or psychotherapist occurs not with the addict himself, but with those people who want to help him. During it, a specialist helps relatives (friends) with advice on how to behave with an addict so that he admits his addiction and wants to cure it.

Psychological correction of computer addiction

The main goal of a specialist in treating computer addiction is to find the reason for the patient’s departure to the virtual world, and then determine a way to return him to reality and help him get used to it. Thus, at the first stage, the causes of addiction are diagnosed and depression and psychiatric problems are excluded.

Only after this can you choose the main vector of psychological correction: improving relationships with family, peers, the opposite sex, developing self-regulation skills and the ability to cope with difficulties, nurturing strong-willed qualities and increasing self-esteem.

One of the important directions of such treatment is to involve a computer-dependent person in the real world. Show that he can also be interesting and exciting even without the Internet and a gadget. To do this, you can use different types of entertainment, sports, art. For example, bowling, paintball, football, hiking, picnics, dancing, music, family rituals (pizza nights, walks with children, etc.) or parties with friends.

Since even at this stage the specialist cannot do without the help of the addict’s relatives, he continues to work with them. He helps not only create the necessary atmosphere at home, but also advises how not to lose faith in the success of treatment. Because this is also an addiction. This means that it will not be easy to get rid of it.

If psychotherapy methods are ineffective, a specialist can use a more complex way to overcome addiction - hypnosis.

Important! Today there is no universal guaranteed way to get rid of computer addiction. Treatment is selected individually and largely depends on the patient himself and his environment. Moreover, this particular addiction is considered one of the most difficult to cure.

Drug treatment for computer addiction

Medications are not the primary treatment for this type of addiction. They help solve physiological problems that arise as a result of computer addiction.

Based on what disorders computer addiction has caused in the body, the following groups of drugs can be prescribed:

  • Antidepressants (in case of depressive conditions).
  • Sedatives (to relieve irritability, excessive nervousness). Including herbal origin (preparations of oregano, Rhodiola rosea, ginseng). The latter not only have a calming effect, they can improve brain function, normalize sleep, and stimulate the immune system.
  • Vitamins, or rather vitamin-mineral complexes (to compensate for deficiencies resulting from nutritional disorders). The main emphasis is on vitamins A and E, selenium, which have a positive effect on the target organs of computer addiction - the brain and eyes.
  • Symptomatic medications for the treatment of problems with the eyes, spine, gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular system.
Any medications used in the treatment of addiction should only be prescribed by a doctor. In the same way, the effectiveness of their use should be under the supervision of a specialist.

How to get rid of computer addiction - watch the video:

Today it is impossible to completely isolate a person from a computer, but it is very easy to become dependent on it. And in order not to waste your strength and the strength of your family on healing, it is better to learn to find the right emotions and solve problems in reality.

Several decades ago, a computer was a breakthrough in technology for people. It was very rare to meet him in the apartment. Today probably everyone has one. It is used for work, searching for necessary information, and relaxing.

There is not a single person on the planet who has not played or at least heard about computer games. The first simulators were invented back in the 50s. Often such programs are created based on the plots of books and films.

The production of computer games has acquired a global scale. A couple of hours a week of such pastime, of course, will not harm anyone. However, excessive passion provokes the formation of cravings.

The game is present in everyone’s life: football, entertainment in kindergarten, checkers and others. But computer simulators are different from them: they force you to immerse yourself in a fictional world, far from reality.

Gaming addiction to computer games is an escape from reality into cyberspace. The psychological state of the addict changes. The patient confuses reality with an imaginary world. In advanced cases, imagination becomes the only habitat.

There are many types of computer games.

The most dangerous for the psychological state are online ones.

The addict is immersed in the life of a fictional hero: he falls in love, makes friends, and fights. In cyberspace, emotions are brighter and more intense.

The psychology of gambling addiction is characterized by:

  • disorientation in time;
  • an endless feeling of something new;
  • distorted understanding of one’s “I”;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • antisocial characteristics;
  • a feeling of virtual power;
  • violation of the volitional aspect.

Schoolchildren and students are more susceptible to addiction. This is due to immaturity of mental development and suggestibility due to young age.

The disease is also observed in adults. A person leaves the real world for cyberspace during crises, difficulties, or in the presence of serious illnesses.

When depending on simulators, changes are observed:

  • increased feelings of anxiety;
  • severe fear, panic attacks;
  • excessive aggressiveness, irritability;
  • deviant behavioral model, sociopathy;
  • the emergence of a tendency towards violence;
  • increased risk of mental disorders.

According to statistics, teenage boys are more susceptible to gambling addiction. 80% of them spend more than seven hours a day in virtual reality. 50% of girls play a maximum of five hours a day.

Computer gaming addiction causes serious harm to the human psyche. Dependent people “fall out” from society, become aggressive and irritated. They are almost impossible to control.

The concept of computer gaming addiction

Computer gaming addiction is defined as a disorder of the brain, motivation, memory and systems interconnected with them. These problems cause certain psychological, physiological, social and spiritual manifestations.

The addict loses the ability to abstain and control behavior. He has strong cravings and an abnormal emotional reaction. He does not realize and does not see his problem. The disease is characterized by remissions and relapses. If measures are not taken, the pathology will lead to disability and death.

Computer gaming addiction is a type of relationship between man and machine. This is an excessive emotional addiction not to technology, but to what it gives. The patient wants to fill all his time with games, but this is impossible for objective reasons.

The school and parents interfere with the child. For an adult - family, work. If these factors are not present, then the addict will completely immerse himself in a fantasy world. It is extremely difficult to get him out of there.

The final stage in the development of addiction will be complete immersion in cyberspace. It sounds scary, but it must be accepted as inevitable. However, this can be avoided if treatment is started.

Pathogenesis of formation

A common reason for the formation of pathological attraction is personality traits and character traits. Touchy people who are prone to chronic depression and have low self-esteem tend to avoid the “cruel” reality.

In reality, they cannot establish interpersonal relationships and become a kind of “outcast.” In cyberspace, no one bothers them or torments them with questions. There they can be whoever they want. This creates an addiction that is difficult to overcome without professional help.

Pathology can develop due to a lack of perception of yourself as you are, from loneliness and misunderstanding of loved ones. The patient is constantly in a tense state and emotionally exhausted.

Dependence is a consequence of upbringing in childhood and is caused by overprotection or high demands of parents.

In the first case, the child grows up to be dependent. He is used to his relatives deciding everything for him and in his adult life he is not able to do anything himself. Everything is simpler in the game: it is simple to operate and everything is decided in advance.

In the second situation, the child develops very low self-esteem. In a computer you can constantly be a leader, assert yourself through virtual reality.

Often people are not interested in their real life, so they plunge into cyberspace. They simply don’t understand that you can find a passion, a hobby. Play sports, start traveling, and not escape from reality into games.

Stages and consequences

The development of pathological cravings occurs in stages:

  • Mild interest: the patient is undergoing adaptation.
  • Infatuation: Strong cravings appear. Each session is longer and the stakes increase. At this stage, a person can still resist his attraction.
  • Addiction: craving for simulators reaches its highest level. A person constantly struggles with the desire to play. Giving up a “hobby” becomes almost impossible. The time spent at the computer increases dramatically.
  • Attachment: the previous stage lasts for a long time. After this, the craving subsides and gains momentum with greater force. The game becomes the meaning of life for the patient; money is only a symbol. A person is not able to overcome his addiction on his own. The addict is distracted from the computer only under duress.

Consequences of gaming mania:

  • regular conflicts with relatives, disintegration of the social unit;
  • loss of friends;
  • lowering social status;
  • large financial debts;
  • degradation.

To avoid all of these problems, the pathological condition must be promptly identified and treated.

Signs and symptoms

It is not difficult to identify pathological cravings. Signs of computer gaming addiction:

  • Before the game, a person is in a good mood, in ecstasy before the action begins. He strives to finish all his work as quickly as possible in order to immerse himself in the virtual world.
  • During the game, the addict is overexcited and his emotional state is elevated. All senses are heightened.
  • If for some reason you need to break away from the computer, a person becomes irritated and anxious.
  • It becomes impossible to reduce the time spent using equipment.
  • Craving initially manifests itself in episodes, then becomes systematic.
  • The patient constantly promises to stop gambling and start spending time with loved ones. His words lead nowhere.
  • Play is a way to escape from difficulties, loneliness, bad mood, etc.

All of the above signs indicate the formation of addiction. It must be dealt with to avoid adverse consequences.

  • You need to carefully monitor the time spent at the computer. It is advisable to write down on paper what time the game started and when it ended. At the end of the week, calculate the number of hours spent on a questionable activity. The number will make you think seriously.
  • It is necessary to set a limited time in the game. For convenience, you can set a timer. If even after his signal the activity on the computer does not stop, at least the exact time spent on the “hobby” will be known. If the addiction is not completely advanced, you can choose certain days or hours dedicated to virtual reality. It is recommended to set a money limit that will be spent monthly in the game.
  • It is advisable to choose simulators that do not take much time to complete. Some games are difficult to complete, and they draw you into the virtual world even more.
  • The simulator should not be perceived as some kind of competition. This is just a game and there is no need to be afraid to quit before reaching the end. This is a virtual world, no one will blame you for not finishing the job.
  • You need to earn time on the computer. You cannot sit down to play games until all tasks are completed. You don't have to give up your hobby completely. You just need to understand the diversity of the world around you.
  • It is recommended to replace computer games with broadcasts. It is not necessary to be behind the monitor at this time. You can do useful things. For example, clean the apartment or cook dinner.
  • If you realize that it’s time to return to reality, it is recommended to abruptly give up computer games. This is difficult to do, but necessary. You can remove all simulators from your equipment and give the disks to friends for a certain time. After this, more time will be spent with loved ones and the realization will come that cyberspace cannot replace the real world.
  • To get rid of addiction forever, you need to determine the reason why it formed. By eliminating it, you will be able to free yourself from pathological attraction.

If you can’t overcome your addiction on your own, you need to consult a specialist.

To determine the presence of a dependency, you must agree or refute the following statements:

  • Staying at the computer lasts for hours. You can refuse to consume food, hygiene procedures, and other things in order to prolong your session in the game.
  • There are regular delays in the game longer than planned.
  • A person thinks of himself as a virtual character with a reputation in the game, and not as a real person.
  • Cyberspace is more important than interacting with people in the real world (even sometimes).
  • After completing the game you feel pleasure. I want to experience euphoria, adrenaline, and satisfaction again.
  • It’s hard to tear yourself away from the simulator, even at someone’s request.
  • It is difficult to stop the game during important events (battles, battles, etc.).
  • I have to hide my passion for computer games because I’m embarrassed to admit how much time it takes.
  • Relatives notice a pathological addiction.
  • Because of simulations, there is not enough time for studying, household chores, work, etc.
  • If you can't sit down at the computer, your mood worsens.
  • Immersion in a fictional world occurs even at the workplace or in an educational institution.
  • Games caused absences from work and school.
  • It is much easier to relieve stress using a computer than using other methods.
  • Because of the games, relationships with friends and family have deteriorated.
  • Money needed for other purposes is invested in simulators.

The more positive answers, the higher the risk of developing gambling addiction.

If there are more than 50%, then you need to seek advice from a specialist. Pathology began to develop.

Preventive actions

There is no specific prevention. Following the recommendations will help reduce the likelihood of developing a craving for computer games:

  • if a person spends a lot of time on virtual reality, he needs to be shown to a doctor;
  • you need to try to understand the meaning of the simulators that your loved one is playing: this will help you find common ground and build trusting relationships;
  • You cannot criticize games in front of a person who is passionate about computers: you need to gently express your thoughts on this matter;
  • it is necessary to understand what exactly attracts people in cyberspace and what is missing in reality;
  • limit access to books, films, and violent games: this will suppress aggressiveness.

The above will reduce the risk of addiction. However, if a person spends a lot of time at the computer and the first symptoms of pathological attraction appear, he needs to be persuaded to visit the doctor.

There is an addiction to virtual communication or types of addiction typical for adults: online shopping, auctions, online casinos, studying information pages, watching movies. All this, no less than games, takes people away from reality into the virtual world. Computer addiction develops in 58% of cases within a year, in 25% - within six months, in 17% - after a year of active computer use.

Computer addiction is an obsessive need to use a computer and the Internet, accompanied by social maladaptation of the individual and psychological symptoms. A dependent person is characterized by an inadequate perception of himself and the world around him.

American psychiatrist Ivan Goldberg introduced the concept of “Internet addiction”, but preferred to use another term – “pathological computer use”. This is a broader term and is still used today. This concept includes all possible situations of using a computer, and not just online games.

There are three stages of development of computer addiction:

  1. Familiarity with the Internet and interest in its possibilities. Their application in relation to your life.
  2. The computer is gradually replacing the main areas of life: working online (some people even know how to make money from games), buying and selling things, ordering food, virtual excursions, etc.
  3. Almost complete or complete escape from reality into the world of the Internet and computer.

Regardless of the expressed signs of addiction or behavioral characteristics of the individual, it is customary to focus on losses in real life, and not on the time spent at the computer. And losses usually occur in the areas of family relationships, daily responsibilities, sleep and rest, playing sports, communicating and walking with friends, reading printed publications, hobbies, and sex life.


Gaming or computer addiction in adults threatens, among other things, divorce. Financial problems often arise, such as unreasonable spending on a computer and the Internet (computer upgrades and fees for Internet services), due to taking out loans and going into debt (especially relevant for casino games).

Loss of access to the Internet or failure in a game can cause a condition in an individual, leading to nervous breakdowns and emotional disorders. There have been cases of death due to chronic lack of sleep.

In the course of real communication and social interaction, a person learns and gains experience and knowledge. With computer addiction and the accompanying social isolation, the individual loses the ability to interact with people. A person can communicate and assert himself in a circle of similar addicts, but in other respects he becomes untenable. For him, categories such as reflection and self-identification disappear, the ability to put oneself in the place of other people and imagine how others see the individual himself is lost.

For those people whose profession involves working on a computer (programming, writing articles, creating videos and photos, etc.), addiction borders on workaholism, that is, one addiction turns into another and vice versa. You don't have to just play on the computer to feel disconnected from reality. In terms of health consequences, all types of computer addiction are equally harmful.

Features of computer games

Most games are built in such a way that a person looks at the virtual space through the eyes of the hero, that is, maximum identification with the character occurs. It is this entry into the role that causes the loss of connection with reality and with one’s true “I”. A conflict gradually develops between the virtual self and the real self.

Signs of addiction

Signs of pathological computer use in adults include:

  • feeling good or euphoric while spending time at the computer;
  • inability or unwillingness to stop working or communicating on the Internet (in the real world there is nothing more interesting, more valuable or important);
  • a systematic increase in time spent at the computer (increasing tolerance), the inability to plan a session at the computer, and, accordingly, other elements of life;
  • unsuccessful attempts or unrealized desire to control spending time at the computer;
  • a lot of time is spent not only on work or play itself, but also on computer-related activities (searching for programs and browsers on the Internet, increasing computer power, distributing information into folders, communicating on thematic forums);
  • neglect of family, friends and work;
  • , feeling empty and out of work at the computer;
  • lying or concealing real activities (computer activity);
  • ignoring physiological needs, skipping meals or eating irregularly;
  • sleep disorders;
  • neglect of personal hygiene;
  • using a computer despite a pronounced deterioration in health, problems in the family or professional sphere, or the care of loved ones.

In addition, they will hint about Internet addiction:

  • the urge to check your email or web page or game profile every minute;
  • anxious anticipation of a new access to the Internet, which happens, for example, immediately after work and against the backdrop of ignoring the individual’s everyday responsibilities and physical needs;
  • complaints from others that a person spends too much time on the Internet;
  • complaints from others (family members) that a person spends a lot of money on the Internet (many modern games require investment).

Physiological symptoms include dry and red eyes, blurred vision, muscle spasms and pain, joint problems, headaches, and back pain.

The diagnostic criteria are two: computer use causes distress; causes physical, psychological, familial, economic, social and interpersonal harm.

The fact that we are talking specifically about the problem of addiction is also evidenced by the withdrawal syndrome, which is observed from a couple of days to a month after the individual has stopped “communicating” with the computer. Manifestations of withdrawal syndrome include:

  • psychomotor agitation and anxiety;
  • obsessive thoughts about what happened during this time on the Internet;
  • finger movements simulating computer activity (voluntary or involuntary);
  • fantasies about what is happening on the Internet or what awaits a person when he returns.

Symptoms disappear as soon as the person returns to their previous computer activities.

Personal characteristics of addicts

It has not yet been established exactly what comes first: personal characteristics or computer addiction, that is, the question remains open as to whether the computer causes the following personal changes or whether these characteristics are prerequisites for the development of computer addiction:

  • perseverance and perseverance in achieving goals;
  • high ;
  • disregard for social norms;
  • developed abstract and creative and a penchant for;
  • focus on the process of activity, not on the result;
  • coldness and unemotionality in communication;
  • lack of empathy;
  • conflict;
  • lack of responsibility.

It should be noted that these traits are considered not only in the context of gaming or network addiction, but also in conditions of dependence on a computer for the sake of self-realization and self-development. If we assume that these traits are primary, then it is not surprising that computer addiction arises - in real life, it is difficult for an individual to fully socialize with such a very contradictory set. Then a person finds work online, friends online, educational courses online, etc.

Often the development of addiction is preceded by the opportunity and ability discovered by the individual to regularly replenish knowledge and master new ones, which serves as a source of self-esteem. Along with this, an unexpected awareness of the individual’s own intellectual potential, new interests and hidden abilities or forgotten talents occurs.

Causes of addiction

There are several prerequisites for pathological computer use:

  • low, tendency to depression;
  • inability to independently plan free time and life;
  • dependence on the opinions of others;
  • feeling of insecurity and incomprehensibility;
  • the hardships of work, study, family, that is, dissatisfaction with one’s life;
  • search for new sensations and feelings, something new;
  • the desire to receive support, to be understood and accepted, the opportunity to speak out, the desire to get rid of real troubles;
  • the desire to stand out from the crowd and improve your computer skills, to become a “guru” in the world of technology and the Internet.

How to fight

Whatever activity a person does at the computer, if we are talking about addiction, then the purpose of such activity is the same - escaping reality, creating the illusion of safety and security, restoring balance and inner harmony. The more a person gets bogged down in the computer world, the weaker his ability to exercise volitional regulation becomes.

Thus, getting rid of computer addiction involves complex work, starting with identifying the specific reasons for leaving reality. These problems are individual, but all addicts are united by a weak ability to adapt, impaired ability, and a low desire to avoid decisions and avoid problems.

To cope with the problem, you need to remove the roots of computer addiction:

  1. Eliminate the discomfort experienced by a person in everyday life, that is, increase resistance to stress.
  2. Work to increase responsibility and determination. As a rule, computer-dependent people are endowed with increased sensitivity to life's difficulties, do not know how to withstand the blows of fate, and deny their own importance in the development of life.
  3. Achieve a change in mental state and mood from negative to positive. That is, find interesting activities for the individual in the real world and form.
  4. Work on overcoming.

It is impossible to cope with the problem of addiction on your own - the patient himself has an altered consciousness, those around him rarely have the appropriate competencies. To determine the true reasons for the desire to escape from reality and work through them, I recommend seeking a personal consultation with a psychologist.


The goal of prevention is to help a person realize responsibility for his own health and life, to make the individual informed in matters of decision-making and their consequences, as well as in matters of risk in the computer world. It is easier to prevent computer addiction; every person can do it. Prevention of gaming and computer addiction involves:

  1. Formation of media culture and development of personal resistance to the aggressive influence of the computer environment (more about this in the article).
  2. To hone practical skills, they are suitable for increasing psychological stability, reducing anxiety levels, increasing self-confidence, correcting self-esteem, and overcoming difficult life situations.
  3. Self-realization and satisfaction in the real world, respecting yourself as a person, following your interests.
  4. The ability to express and regulate your emotions, relieve tension.
  5. Improving self-organization skills. Start small - making a plan for the day and sticking to it.
  6. Ability to rest and turn off the computer on time. At first the computer becomes a means to an end, but gradually it becomes the end itself. Set your daily computer limit and turn it into something meaningful for you. If the work involves a computer, then indicate your daily earnings, which will be sufficient. If you are addicted to networks and games, then translate this into the damage they cause - you missed dinner with your family, you don’t have time to read a book. At the prevention stage, you can still cling to this; at the addiction stage, no “translations” will help.

The main rule for preventing gaming and computer addiction is to live the life you want. Of course, there are generally accepted social norms that must be observed. But where you have the right to choose and vote (work, relationships, hobbies, self-realization), you need to use it.

And, of course, it’s important. People run away from themselves much more often than from reality. Actually, this is why reality does not turn out the way we would like - there is no self-love and understanding of oneself.

And dictative behavior (from the English addiction - inclination, addiction; lat. addictus - slavishly devoted) is a special type of forms of destructive behavior that are expressed in the desire to escape from reality through a special change in one’s mental state. Synonym: addiction.

There are main types of addictions:

  • abuse of one or more substances that alter mental state, for example, alcohol, drugs, medications, various poisons;
  • participation in gambling, including computer games;
  • sexual addictive behavior;
  • binge eating;
  • workaholism (workaholism);
  • prolonged listening to music, mainly based on rhythms.

When addiction is formed, reduction occurs, i.e. simplification, smoothing of interpersonal emotional relationships.

The complex of symptoms of mental disorders caused by excessive use of computers or the Internet is described by psychiatrists under the name computer and Internet addiction or computer syndrome.

Pathological attraction to computer games and the Internet refers to non-chemical or behavioral addictions, that is, addictions that are not based on specific biochemical substrates (unlike alcoholism, drug addiction, nicotine addiction).


Scientists have made attempts to study the consequences of computer addiction at the psychophysical level and discovered the following.

Physical changes in the body are caused by the influence of several factors:

  • prolonged sitting in a monotonous position, often distorting a person’s posture and internal organs;
  • flickering of the monitor;
  • electronic radiation.

Doctors include the consequences of exposure to the above factors:

  1. Decreased immunity (the body’s protective properties) – predisposition to infections and cancer.
  2. Neurological disorders - there are a number of observations by pediatric neurologists about the development of convulsive attacks, provoked by the flickering effect of the monitor and frequent changes of the image during the game (photostimulation of convulsive activity of the brain occurs).
  3. Neurovegetative changes - these include fluctuations in blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, increased body temperature, and headaches.
  4. Vascular disorders. Due to monotonous posture, congestion in the vessels of organs, swelling, and varicose veins develop.
  5. Change in posture.
  6. Reproductive dysfunction.
  7. Deterioration of vision.
  8. Endocrine disorders.

Thus, in Japan, studies have found that computer games, for example, stimulate only a limited part of the brain in children, so they need to read, write and count more. In addition, to stimulate brain function and normal development, it is important for children to play outside with their peers and interact more with others.

According to American scientists, excessive involvement in violent computer games leads to disruption of the transmission of impulses between nerve cells and slows down brain function (which was confirmed by the results of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies conducted on adolescents participating in the study). This inhibition is especially pronounced in teenagers with behavioral disorders, in whom activity in the frontal lobe cortex (responsible, among other things, for emotions and impulsivity) is already significantly reduced.

According to statistics obtained in the USA, on average a sixth grader watches TV 4 hours a day - and this does not include the time he spends playing various games in front of a computer or TV screen. Children admit that they often play longer than they intended. It is not uncommon for them to neglect their studies because of this.

By some estimates, about 40% of American children ages 5 to 8 are obese. This, obviously, is caused by insufficient physical activity - a consequence of long hours spent watching TV or computer. One company has even developed special simulators that you can use while playing computer games. But wouldn’t it be better to devote not so much time to these games so that there is enough time for other activities necessary for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality?

And here’s another danger that electronic games pose: sitting in front of a screen for a long time can damage your eyes. Evidence suggests that at least one in four computer users have vision problems. One of the reasons lies in the reduction in the frequency of blinking, which causes dryness and irritation of the eyes. When a person blinks, it stimulates the release of tear fluid, which washes the eyeball, protecting it from contamination. Children, carried away, forget about everything in the world, and therefore can play at the computer for hours, almost without breaks. This leads to excessive eye strain and difficulty focusing. Experts recommend taking a break for a few minutes after every hour of working with a computer.


Today's pace of computerization exceeds the pace of development of all other industries. A modern person begins to interact with a computer constantly - at work, at home, in the car and even on an airplane. Computers are rapidly introducing themselves into human life, taking their place in our consciousness, and we often do not realize that we are beginning to largely depend on their performance.

Along with the advent of computers, computer games appeared, which immediately found a lot of fans. As computers improved, games also improved, attracting more and more people. The electronic gaming market is expected to expand steadily in the coming years. A whole class of people who are fans of computer games is being formed in society; gaming becomes their main activity. Their circle of social contacts is very narrow, all other activities are aimed only at survival, at satisfying physiological needs; The main thing is to satisfy the need to play on the computer. Experience shows that for many of them this hobby is not at all beneficial, and some seriously need help. Most of them are people with well-known psychological problems: an unsettled personal life, dissatisfaction with themselves, and, as a result, loss of the meaning of life and normal human values. The only value for them is the computer and everything connected with it.

For mental health, the biggest danger of computer games is addiction. A person is most susceptible to addiction to computer games, since events in computer games are not repeated and occur quite dynamically, and the game process itself is continuous. Before the end of any game, there are certain logical stages, which, for the most part, are quite tightly tied to each other, which forces the subject not to be distracted, but to perceive the passage of the entire game from beginning to end as a single process.

Computer games, especially role-playing games, are one of the methods of so-called addictive implementation, i.e. escape from reality.

By completely immersing himself in the game and achieving certain success in it, a person thus realizes (virtually) most of his existing needs and ignores the rest. In any society there are people who prefer to run away from problems. Those who choose alcohol as this method are called alcoholics, drugs - drug addicts, work - workaholics, gambling - pathological gamblers. Internet addicts, computer games – cyberaddicts, etc. In the latter case, instead of solving problems here and now, a person immerses himself in a computer game. There, in the game, he feels good: he is strong, brave, armed, successful... Time spent playing the game does not make him stronger and more successful in real life. Therefore, emerging from the virtual world into the real one, a person experiences discomfort, feels small, weak and defenseless in an aggressive environment. And he wants to return to where he is a winner as soon as possible.

Complete immersion in the game creates the effect of the player participating in some kind of virtual reality, in some complex and moving process that exists only for him. It is this property of computer games that does not allow a gameaholic to interrupt the process to fulfill any social obligations in real life. Some of them sit at the computer all night long, falling out of real life. People around you are worried, but often don’t know what to do. One young computer gamer said: When I talk to people online, I seem smart and elegant to them. And when they see me in life, they advise me to lose weight.

In this way, a person escapes reality into a fictional world. Here's an apt description one observer gives to fans of computer games: For an online player, the fictional world is much more attractive than the real one. His life outside the game comes down to only earning the minimum amount of money necessary to continue playing.

Of course, the developers of such software products are interested in making the game as captivating as possible. The task of gaming software manufacturers is to create the maximum immersion effect, so that when the next series is released, a person addicted to computer games will buy their product without hesitation.

Computer developments are aimed at improving the transmission of multimedia effects, which is directly related to gaming processes. Today, there are many ways to create the effect of player participation in the process, ranging from game logic (first-person, team play, etc.) and graphic design (3D graphics, isometric view) to musical accompaniment (digitized voice, psychologically intriguing or intense music) and natural sound effects.

Computer gaming addiction is not an addiction to any one computer game, as it is more of a psychological chain reaction. Having completed one game in any genre that he liked the most, the gameaholic looks for other games of the same genre, made in an identical style and not inferior in psychological tension, and then - the desire to complete all (at least known) games of this type, of which there are a huge number on the market at the moment.

Many games have combined game genres, which pushes the addict to move on to other types of games. It should be noted that completing a new computer game takes from 5-6 hours to several days, sometimes even weeks. In order for a gameaholic to play this or that game for as long as possible, the developers introduce additional small sublevels into them, the so-called secrets, the search for which takes a lot of time. A person obsessed with a computer game does not finally say goodbye to it until he finds all the secret levels, rooms, and collects all the bonuses. By creating secret sublevels, the producers seem to push the player towards a certain competitive feeling of who will win? , which is one of the many reasons for addiction to computer games.

Games in which events depend directly on the player, i.e. developing independently together with the player, focusing on his weak and strong points, or having many random parameters that the player sets, forcing the addict to go through them again and again. Each time, in each new situation, the player checks what will happen if events develop differently. Such games are even more absorbing than those built on scenarios, since they provide even greater freedom of action to the player, giving him the opportunity to feel like the developers of a particular level or scenario of a computer game.

Another way to put a subject on a computer needle is to provide a software package included with the game for developing your own scenario levels of the game, and sometimes even for creating your own characters and replacing voice and sound effects, i.e. providing extensive multimedia capabilities. Such programs temporarily give a popular game a certain cult character. In virtual conferences and on fan sites, levels for a particular computer game appear, made directly by the players and made available for everyone to play and evaluate. If the game supports multiplayer systems (simultaneous play of two or more players), this further strengthens the psychological dependence of subjects on the game. Several players can compete with each other to see who has found the most effective game tactics, and a game against a computer is much less interesting than the same game, but against a living person. Moreover, playing against a person in a level developed by the player himself really excites his consciousness; at the moment of the game it seems to him that he is in his own virtual world, where he needs to prove his power, strength and gaming skills.

Thus, the negative consequences of computer addictions are addiction, expressed in psychopathological symptoms (such as the inability to switch to other entertainment, a feeling of superiority over other people, impoverishment of the emotional sphere), and a narrowing of the range of interests, and difficulties in communicating with peers, and somatic disorders (decreased vision, fatigue).

Risk factors for developing computer addiction can be grouped into three groups:

1) Social

Insufficient preventive and explanatory work in the family, weakening control over occupational hygiene at the computer.

Massive enthusiasm among peers and adults (parents) around the child for computer games and the Internet.

Financial incentive – the opportunity to win money by playing betting, on-line casino.

Lack of alternative leisure time - reluctance or lack of opportunity to do anything other than the computer.

2) Hereditary-biological

Hereditary predisposition to the development of a certain type of higher nervous activity. In the human genome, 31 genes have been deciphered that are responsible for the production of mood hormones - neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, GABA). Individual mental characteristics largely depend on the rate of production and transmission of these substances in the human central nervous system.

Pre-, peri- and postnatal hazards (harmfulness of the neonatal period), neuroinfections, traumatic brain injuries, intoxications, and serious illnesses contribute to the development of organic inferiority of the brain and form certain characterological properties of the individual.

3) Psycho-characterological

Young people with low self-esteem, insecure, emotionally unstable, having difficulty communicating, immersed in the world of their own experiences (introverts), and feeling a lack of attention and support from family and friends are more susceptible to addiction to computer games and the Internet. He feels good in the game: he is strong, brave, armed, successful... Emerging from the virtual world into the real world, a person experiences discomfort, feels small, weak and defenseless in an aggressive environment, and wants to return to where he is the winner as soon as possible.

The young man gets so used to the realistic computer game that it becomes much more interesting for him than in real life. There are very specific tasks set, failure to complete which will not lead to any losses, bad grades, or scolding from parents. The mistake made can be corrected by replaying this or that moment of the game many times.

The future addict is attracted to the game by:

  • the presence of his own (intimate) world, to which no one except himself has access;
  • lack of responsibility;
  • realistic processes and complete abstraction from the surrounding world;
  • the ability to correct any error through repeated attempts;
  • the ability to independently make any (within the game) decisions, regardless of what they may lead to.

It should be noted that since in childhood a person’s mental abilities develop in the process of interaction and adaptation to the environment, and, unlike an adult - a mature personality with formed psychological defense mechanisms, the child accepts without criticism what is offered to him, then he becomes dependent faster than an adult. Therefore, issues of early prevention of computer addiction lie within the competence, first of all, of parents.

In general, the mechanism of a person’s addiction and the formation of gambling addiction is based on partially unconscious aspirations and needs: escape from reality and acceptance of a role. These mechanisms are activated immediately after a person becomes familiar with role-playing computer games and plays them more or less regularly and work regardless of the person’s consciousness and the nature of the motivation for gaming activity.


All computer games can be divided into role-playing and non-role-playing games.

Role-playing computer games are games in which the player takes on the role of a computer character, i.e. the game itself obliges the player to act as a specific or imaginary computer hero. Role-playing computer games generate a qualitatively new level of psychological dependence on the computer than non-role-playing games or any types of non-game computer activities. It is obvious that psychological dependence on role-playing computer games is the most powerful in terms of the degree of its influence on the personality of the player.

Let us highlight the criteria for a computer game to belong to the class of role-playing games:

A role-playing game should encourage the player to enter into the role of a computer character and the atmosphere of the game through its plot and multimedia (graphic and sound design) features.

A role-playing game should be structured in such a way as not to cause motivation in the player based on excitement - to accumulate more points, thereby breaking someone else's record, move to the next level, etc.

Although there is an element of excitement in any computer game, in a role-playing game this factor should not be of paramount importance.

The classification proposed below is not all-encompassing, complete or complete. It looks like this:

I. Role-playing computer games.

  • Games with a view from the eyes of your computer hero.
  • Games with an outside view of your computer hero.
  • Leadership games.

II. Non-role-playing computer games.

  • Arcade.
  • Puzzles.
  • Games for speed of reaction.
  • Traditional gambling.


I. Role-playing computer games

The main feature is the greatest influence on the psyche of the player, the greatest depth of entry into the game, as well as the motivation of gaming activity, based on the needs of accepting a role and escaping reality. Here, three subtypes are distinguished mainly by the nature of their influence on the player, the strength of their involvement in the game, and the degree of depth of psychological dependence.

1) Games with a view from the eyes of your computer hero. This type of game is characterized by the greatest force of tightening or entering the game. The specificity here is that the view from the eyes provokes the player to fully identify with the computer character, to fully enter into the role. After a few minutes of play (the time varies depending on the individual psychological characteristics and gaming experience of the player), a person begins to lose touch with real life, completely concentrating on the game, transferring himself to the virtual world.

The player can take the virtual world completely seriously and considers the actions of his hero to be his own. A person becomes motivated to be involved in the plot of the game.

2) Games with an outside view of your computer hero. This type of games is characterized by less strength in entering the role compared to the previous one. The player sees himself from the outside, controlling the actions of this hero.

Identifying oneself with a computer character is less pronounced, as a result of which motivational involvement and emotional manifestations are also less pronounced compared to games with a view from the eyes. If in the case of the latter, in the critical seconds of the life of his hero, a person may turn pale and fidget in his chair, trying to dodge blows or shots from computer enemies, then in the case of an external view, external manifestations are more moderate, however, failures or death of oneself in the guise of a computer hero are not experienced by the player less strong.

3) Leadership games. The type is so named because in these games the player is given the right to direct the activities of the computer characters subordinate to him. In this case, the player can act as a leader of various specifications: the commander of a special forces detachment, the commander-in-chief of armies, the head of state, even a god who leads the historical process. In this case, the person does not see his computer hero on the screen, but invents a role for himself. This is the only class of role-playing games where the role is not given specifically, but is imagined by the player. As a result, the depth of immersion in the game and your role will be significant only for people with a good imagination. However, motivational involvement in the game process and the mechanism of formation of psychological dependence on the game are no less strong than in the case of other role-playing games.

II. Non-role-playing computer games

The basis for distinguishing this type is that the player does not take on the role of a computer character, as a result of which the psychological mechanisms of addiction formation and the influence of games on a person’s personality are less strong. The motivation for gaming activity is based on the excitement of passing and (or) scoring points. There are several subtypes:

1) Arcade games. Such games are also called console games, because, due to their low demands on computer resources, they are widespread on game consoles. The plot is usually weak and linear. All the player needs to do is move quickly, shoot and collect various prizes while driving a computer character or vehicle. In most cases, these games are very harmless in terms of influencing the personality of the player, because Psychological dependence on them is most often short-term.

2) Puzzles. This type of games includes computer versions of various board games (chess, checkers, backgammon, etc.), as well as various kinds of puzzles implemented in the form of computer programs.

Motivation based on passion is associated here with the desire to beat the computer, to prove one’s superiority over the machine.

3) Games for speed of reaction. This includes all games in which the player needs to show dexterity and quick reaction. The difference from arcade games is that they have no plot at all and, as a rule, are completely abstract and have no connection with real life. Motivation based on passion, the need to complete the game, to score more points, can form a completely stable psychological dependence of a person on this type of game.

4) Traditional gambling. This includes computer versions of card games, roulettes, slot machine simulators, in a word - computer versions of the casino gaming repertoire. The psychological aspects of the formation of addiction to these computer games and their real analogues are very similar and, therefore, we will not focus on this.

So, role-playing computer games to the greatest extent allow a person to enter virtuality, detach (at least for the duration of the game) from reality and get into the virtual world. As a result, role-playing computer games have a significant impact on a person’s personality.


Manifestations of computer addiction syndrome increase gradually and do not immediately become noticeable to others. At the same time, addiction to computer games is realized primarily by the friends, relatives, and acquaintances around the subject, but not by him himself, which is very similar to any other type of addiction.

The main symptoms defining this disease are the following:

  1. absorption, preoccupation with the game (memories of past games, planning for future ones, thoughts about how to find money for the game);
  2. feeling of emotional uplift while working with a computer, nervousness and excitement while playing;
  3. reluctance to be distracted from playing with the computer;
  4. worries, anxiety or irritation when it is necessary to stop the game;
  5. using games as a means to get rid of unpleasant experiences;
  6. attempts to win back after a loss, to correct the situation;
  7. lies and attempts to rationally justify one’s behavior in order to hide the true degree of one’s involvement in the game;
  8. forgetting about household chores, responsibilities, studies, meetings while playing on the computer, deterioration of relationships at school, with parents, with friends;
  9. borrowing money from others to purchase a new game.
  10. neglecting one’s own health, hygiene and sleep in favor of spending more time at the computer;

If a person has four or more symptoms, it is already a disease...


Currently, scientists cannot say unambiguously whether there is a need to strictly solve the problems of computer addiction among young people. On the one hand, such addiction consumes a person, taking up a lot of time for development and education, excluding the subject from the active social process, on the other hand, addiction to computer games is a passing, temporary phenomenon.

Computer addiction differs from smoking, alcohol, drugs and gambling in that at some point in time saturation with the computer occurs. Then the subject either engages in it professionally, or the computer ceases to have such a significant place in his life. This question remains open primarily for the reason that it is never clear at what point a computer addict, in particular a gaming addict, will reach the point of satiety. Will it be too late to study and catch up? Will he lose his social status while in the euphoria of computer games? In this case, this means expulsion from school or college, dismissal from work, loss of title or position.

It is possible that an oversaturation of computer games in early childhood will require much less time than, for example, a university student. It is possible that the child will quickly get tired of the monotony of the screen, compared to the infinity of possibilities and undiscovered moments of the real world. But, unfortunately, there are no guarantees that the child’s psyche will not be damaged by such an unjustified experiment.

A proven way to prevent a person from becoming dependent on computer games is to attract him into real life so that he realizes himself in it. There are a lot of interesting activities (communication with nature, yoga practices, reading educational literature, etc.) that not only allow you to explore your own world, develop vigilance and awareness, but also train the body and normalize the psychological state. Virtual reality is the intangibility of influence, the conventionality of parameters and ephemerality - it is not life, it is only its secondary part, a parallel, but not the main process. There is no point in ignoring computer capabilities; it is necessary to use them as needed, and combine entertainment in the form of computer games with real active actions in the real world.

We all feel especially strongly attached to something. Some simply cannot live without coffee, others cannot imagine a weekend without mountaineering training. What is computer game addiction? This is one of the forms of painful addictions. There are more dangerous hobbies. A huge number of people turn to addiction specialists because of alcohol or drug addiction. Computer gaming without restrictions and control is not as dangerous as alcohol or psychoactive substances. And yet this is a real threat, sometimes deadly.

Computer games: a form of leisure or a dangerous phenomenon?

If we take into account the very first experiments, computer games have a history of approximately half a century. Gaming addiction to any computer games is a relatively new phenomenon, although gambling addiction as a disease has been known for a long time. At all times, there have been people who literally lost their heads when playing cards, dice, or roulette, especially for money. The current variety of computer entertainment has created a significant aggravation of the situation.

Where does a person have a chance to get behind the wheel of a Lamborghini, single-handedly defeat an army of God knows who, found a monster corporation, or even head his own state? Mainly in the virtual world. To do this, you just need to deftly move the mouse or joystick, react relatively quickly to virtual events, or master just a few buttons on the keyboard.

Computer games can be divided into two large groups. There are programs that are installed directly on the computer using disks or distributions downloaded on the Internet. Such programs are local, have a relatively limited playing space, the number of levels, they are finite. Some of them allow you to boast of high results in the online leaderboard.

Another significant group is online games. Some of them are extremely simple: the same tic-tac-toe, catching a cat in a small field (by closing the space with dots), solving simple puzzles. But there are others. On the Internet, even basic shooting with balls, making “three in a row” or “Mineweeper” combinations can turn into a whole virtual world. Realistic and fantasy, mystical and horror - the plots of online games are numerous, attractive, and therefore often dangerous.

Gambling addiction in adults, adolescents and children

There are childhood diseases and old age diseases. Computer gaming addiction in this regard is indiscriminate and affects all susceptible individuals, regardless of age. Many children, having barely learned to press buttons, already suffer from an irresistible urge to constantly “play cartoons.” And adults, respectable people, enthusiastically discuss “crafts,” the results of battles, prospects for the harvest of rejuvenating apples, as well as all kinds of upgrades for characters and game equipment.

To some, such conversations seem to be commonplace. Just think, people get carried away by something, who is bothered by it? However, people are often so distracted by thoughts about the game that they begin to cope with their job responsibilities worse. Some even lose their jobs. Moreover, addiction to computer games in adults is often accompanied by exorbitant expenses. And we’re not just talking about virtual casinos here. Many online games offer their customers special accounts, as well as in-game currency, which provides additional features. Sometimes for tens and even hundreds (!) of thousands of rubles.

Teenagers susceptible to computer gambling begin to study worse. They are almost or completely out of the control of adults. The virtual world absorbs recent children and leaves them no time for real life. As for children of preschool and primary school age, they are more dependent on adults. This saves them from real gambling addiction. However, the first symptoms of an unhealthy hobby are found even in toddlers who have barely learned to speak properly.

Psychological dependence on computer games

Alcoholism, drug addiction - these addictions are characterized by the presence of both mental and physical dependence. First, the body strives again and again for the feeling of satisfaction that alcohol, nicotine or psychoactive substances bring. Then addiction occurs at the cellular level.

Computer games do not create physical addiction. After all, the virtual world is before your eyes, on the monitor. However, this is the case when psychological dependence alone is enough. Years of research have shown that most often people with the following character/psychic traits suffer from an unhealthy craving for computer games:

  • unsure of themselves;
  • deprived of the attention of parents, loved ones, peers, colleagues;
  • having various complexes;
  • having a limited outlook;
  • those who have failed to fully realize their plans, intentions, and potential in real life;
  • aggressive;
  • with excessively high self-esteem.

For your information:

Most often, psychological dependence on computer games is provoked by failures in life, physical/emotional immaturity, and social maladjustment.

Various signs of computer game addiction

How can you determine that your significant other, boyfriend/girlfriend, or child is developing (or already has) a pathological addiction to computer games? It is necessary to pay attention to the following manifestations:

Despite the fact that gaming addiction is primarily a psychological problem, there are also physical signs. The key ones are dry eye syndrome (from intensely looking at the monitor, gamers begin to blink rarely, and the mucous membranes of the eyes dry out), carpal tunnel syndrome (pain, limited mobility), migraine-like pain, sleep disturbances, back pain.