Jean Claude Van Damme has cancer. “If you fall seven times, try to get up eight” - Van Damme

Jean-Claude Van Damme was born in Belgium, in the suburbs of Brussels. His father was a bookseller, his mother also traded, but in a clothing store. In childhood future hero militants was a frail, bespectacled man who was constantly teased and beaten by his peers. His father insisted that Jean-Claude start practicing martial arts. At the same time, but at the insistence of his mother, the guy was studying ballroom dancing. One did not interfere with the other, but on the contrary, complemented it. By the way, it was many years of dancing that forever instilled in Jean-Claude a love for classical music, which doesn’t really fit with his on-screen image.

Van Damme's sports career in Europe couldn't have gone better. However, this was not enough for him. At one point, he decides to start life from scratch and, leaving everything behind, set off to conquer Hollywood. Naturally, no one was waiting for him there or offering him roles. In addition, in America, Van Damme faced a problem that he had not even thought about before moving: English language. For some reason, he was sure that every second person in the States spoke his native French fluently. Jean-Claude decided to master an unfamiliar language on his own: from cartoons and TV shows. Self-study English greatly affected his accent, which over the years became the same as his business card, like muscles.

Fighting on drugs

Before getting his first roles, Van Damme worked as a pizza delivery boy, a bouncer in a club, and a waiter. The path to fame turned out to be much more difficult than he expected. The actor received his first notable role - the Russian fighter Ivan Krashinsky in the film “No Retreat and No Surrender” - only in 1986. She didn’t bring him much success, but she gave him self-confidence. A couple of years after the release of this picture, Van Damme literally words broke into the office of one of the major Hollywood producers and spent almost two hours “aggressively advertising campaign", describing his merits as an actor. The producer gave in and agreed to give him the lead role in the film Bloodsport, the script of which had been collecting dust on the shelf for several years. To everyone's surprise, the film took off. Vann Damme is finally being talked about as rising star, which will “squeeze from Olympus” Arnold Schwarzenegger And Sylvester Stallone. Of course, it was not possible to completely overthrow the idols of millions, but the Belgian was able to capture some of the glory. Van Damme's career peaked in the nineties. Only years later, the actor admitted that this period was not as cloudless for him as it seemed to fans and journalists. For several years, Jean-Claude regularly used drugs. He admitted that while starring in his most successful films, he took up to 10 grams of cocaine a day.

Fights against drugs

All this could not be hidden for long: Van Damme was arrested for driving a car “under the influence of drugs.” At first, a traditional “slow” rehabilitation program with replacement drugs followed, which, however, did not give reliable results. And then the actor decided to take extreme measures. He decided to break away from drugs using a technique strangely called “cold turkey” in English. Behind these words lies the most “tough” possible way to “get off” drugs: abruptly stopping their use. This is a painful and rather risky process; its use often causes Negative consequences for good health. But since the option of not treating the addiction was even worse, Van Damme went into treatment cold turkey. With great difficulty, but it paid off, the addiction was overcome.

But the misadventures of “that same fighter with a stretch mark and a French accent” did not end there. In 1998, Van Damme was diagnosed with bipolar mental disorder. Later in the interview, he admits that even as a child he suffered from sudden mood swings. The actor said that, going to school, he believed that the sky was black, while it was blue, so bad in morally he felt. Treatment for this disease required a new - already under the supervision of doctors - constant use of medications. But the main thing is that, having overcome his own addiction to drugs, he won, perhaps, the main fight of his life.

Fights for personal happiness

Van Damme has repeatedly been awarded the title “The Most desirable man America." The actor does not hide the fact that he has always had success with women and often took advantage of it. The actor never counted the number of his novels and simply fleeting hobbies. Honestly admits that there were a lot of them, and this despite the fact that most in life he was in a legal relationship. But even in these respects, Van Damme managed to confuse everything.

He has five marriages and four wives. The most famous was, of course, bodybuilder, American bodybuilding champion Gladys Portugues. Being Van Damme's third wife, she bore him two children - son Christopher And daughter Bianca. But at the peak of his fame, the actor leaves Gladys and goes to models Darcy LaPierre. She starred with Van Damme in the film “Street Fighter”; her role there was episodic, but the Belgian “had enough.” LaPierre wasn't very good at all famous actress, she became famous for marrying millionaires. Before Van Damme - for the founder of a company that produced cosmetics. Afterwards - for the founder of a company that produces weight loss products. But this was still the time of “Van Damme with drugs”: when LaPierre was pregnant, the Belgian had an affair with singer and actress Kylie Minogue. All this could not last long, the couple broke up. After which Van Damme marries again... to Gladys Portugues. Then, when the peak of the actor's fame was long past, Gladys and Jean Claude... filed for divorce again. And then... they come together again. True, this time they did not have time to officially divorce, so Portugues remains Van Damme’s wife. His third and fifth wife. Their two children have long since grown up; the couple now has nine dogs, which Jean-Claude loves madly.

0 12 September 2017, 17:00

Jean-Claude Van Damme

Not all star children please their parents, like the son of rapper Snoop Dogg. Yes, the other day younger son 56-year-old actor Jean-Claude Van Damme was arrested. 21-year-old Nicholas Van Varenberg was charged with several charges: for threatening a neighbor with a knife and for illegal possession of drugs. Western sources report this with reference to law enforcement agencies.

The incident occurred in Tempe, Arizona. Law enforcement officers arrived at the scene after a call from Nicholas's neighbors, who reported that he was destroying an elevator. Reportedly Western media, the police found a trail of blood near the apartment of the son of the famous actor. It turned out that Varenberg had injured his hand.

After talking with the rowdy, the police got ready to leave, but Nicholas’s roommate caught up with them at the house, who said that the young man had threatened him with a knife. According to the man, the actor’s son did not like the fact that he opened the door to law enforcement officers who came to the call. The second time, the police decided to search the apartment, during which a knife and marijuana were found. Nicholas was detained, but for how long is unknown.

In total, Jean-Claude Van Damme has three children. Nicholas was born in the second marriage of a Belgian actor with American actress and model Darcy Lapierre. The young man leads a fairly closed life from the public, so there is practically no information about him. One thing is clear to netizens for sure: the actor’s son is clearly laying claim to the title of the new “most handsome criminal”...

U famous actor Jean-Claude Van Damme's mental problems began in adolescence, when he completely plunged into juvenile depression. Get out with this state he was able to thanks to regular exercises physical exercise, but this was only the beginning of mental disorders in his life.

After the premiere of the film “ Sudden death” with the death of the main character, played by the actor himself, he became so imbued with this action that he began to be haunted by a feeling of fear of his own death, as a result of which he began to use drugs.

In 1996, Van Damme decided to end this addiction and even voluntarily enrolled in one of the rehabilitation programs, but the attempt was unsuccessful.

Jean-Claude did not deny himself anything for several years. He became the main guest in expensive nightclubs, where he indulged in excessive drinking and drugs, but he soon had to pay for it all.

There were days when the actor was in such an unconscious state that he could not even put on a shirt, there was complete incoordination of movements.

Drug addiction provoked more frequent nervous breakdowns which were accompanied by aggression, and then depressive state. All this ultimately led to a suicide attempt, which failed and the actor was registered in a psychiatric clinic.

So as not to spend best years his life in a mental hospital, Van Damme turned to the best narcologists for help, after which the actor’s condition began to improve.

But the addiction to alcohol still remained. Real fans sadly note the idol’s excessive addiction to alcoholic beverages and fear that this star is about to fall from the Hollywood firmament. It feels like his life is rapidly going downhill. It is very sad to see a person in this position who has worked so hard for his success. He almost reached the top and suddenly there was such a fall.

But in any case, many of his films such as “Kickboxer”, “Hard Target”, “Bloodsport”, “AWOL”, “Universal Soldier”, “Double Impact” - became cult classics that retain their popularity decades later.

Who knows if he will be able to rise again to his former heights of glory?

On October 18, Hollywood actor Jean-Claude Van Damme will turn 55 years old. "Bloody Sport", "Kickboxer", "Death Warrant", "Universal Soldier", "Street Fighter" - we know him as fearless, unwavering, courageous man, seriously involved in martial arts. In this material, the site will tell you what weaknesses the legend of famous action films has.


As a child, Jean-Claude Van Damme stood out among his peers. The boy had a frail build and wore thick-framed glasses - an ideal target for ridicule, especially in the company of teenagers. On top of that, young Van Dam showed interest in classical ballet, which he has been doing for five years.

His passion for martial arts appeared later: as a teenager, he began to attend karate and bodybuilding sections at the same time as a ballet studio.

Video: YouTube/ User: OLYMPIA TV

Fans of the actor are still wondering whether their favorite could achieve success in the dance field? Be that as it may, Jean-Claude Van Damme today is a favorite of women and a role model for men, largely due to his athletic figure and love of sports. But the passion for ballet was not in vain - it instilled a love for classical music, and when asked who his favorite composer is, Van Damme answers without hesitation: “Beethoven!”

The film "Kickboxer" reflected both of the artist's hobbies. Jean-Claude played the role of Kurt Sloan, a guy who studies Muay Thai in order to defeat the world champion Tong Po, who crippled his older brother. There is a scene in the film where the hero dances (though not ballet) in a bar. The actor was able to easily repeat these movements 26 years later on the air of the American show Conan.


Jean-Claude, who grew up in Berquem-Sainte-Agathe, Brussels-Capital Region, learned English from the animated series "The Flintstones." Before that, he spoke only one native language - French.

According to the actor himself, when he came to America in 1981, he was very surprised to learn how few people in this country spoke his language. To study English, he chose an American comedy cartoon about Fred Flintstone and his friends living in the Stone Age. By the way, a little later the actor spoke German and Spanish.

But the story with cartoons did not end there for Van Damme. In 2011, he took part in the dubbing of Kung Fu Panda 2. The Chinese alligator, Master Croc, spoke in the voice of Jean-Claude Van Damme. Angelina Jolie, Dustin Hoffman, Gary Oldman and Jackie Chan also participated in the work on the animated film.

The second part, like the first, gained great popularity among viewers, so it was decided to create a third story about a cute panda - a kung fu master. Then Glenn Berger, one of the screenwriters of the film, invited Jean-Claude to participate in the project again, but due to his busy schedule, the actor was forced to refuse this offer.


Jean-Claude Van Damme loves Russia. He admitted this more than once both in our country and at home. The actor is unusually friendly towards Russian journalists– several years ago he came to Sochi for the Kinotavr festival, and when the organizers of the press conference tried to limit the time of the meeting, Jean-Claude did not like it. He stated that he would not leave the hall until all the questions were asked to him. “I love you all very much,” he admitted sentimentally then.

In addition, he had to play Russians twice - in the films "Maximum Risk" and "Black Eagle". Van Damme agrees that his heroes can hardly be called positive, but he himself is inspired by completely different Russians - for example, director Andrei Konchalovsky.

Van Damme also has a special relationship with Russian cuisine. He once promised that when he retired, he would come here constantly - in order to enjoy our food. And he is not at all afraid of losing his ideal physical shape because of this!

Also Hollywood actor was able to make friends with President Vladimir Putin. Jean-Claude loves to talk about how many interesting things Vladimir Vladimirovich told him about the history of Russia. Van Damme emphasizes that Putin loves sports, and they agreed on this topic.


Alas, even athletes can succumb to addictions. After divorcing his fourth wife, Darcy Lapierre, Jean-Claude began using drugs. In order to overcome his addiction, he had to undergo treatment in a specialized clinic - not only for himself, but also for the sake of his fans, to whom he did not want to set a bad example.

“Everyone is used to considering me “Mr. Karate”, “Mr. Perfection”... Therefore, in fact, I agreed to star in the autobiographical film “J.K.V.D.”, gave the world a surprise, openly showed the world my real life", he said in an interview. He also claims that it was not treatment that helped to completely solve the problem, but... sport.

Van Damme assures that there is very little in Hollywood famous people, in whose life there were no drugs, no alcohol, no depression.


Van Damme cannot imagine his life without dogs. Nine dogs, picked up on the street, live with him and his family. Despite his busy schedule, the actor walks his pets on the beach every morning.

When Jean-Claude was in Thailand, he picked up seven dogs - one of the dogs was very lame, and the actor purchased a special device on wheels for him. And in order to take them out of the country, they had to hire a private plane. Later, the actor admitted that he simply could not leave these animals on the street to die of hunger.

One morning he saw that his dog Scarface was not feeling well, so he did not go to the filming of the show in which he was supposed to take part. Instead, I took my pet to the clinic. It turned out that the dog had a heart attack, but thanks to the care of its owner, it survived.

Robert De Niro and Johnny Depp

Van Damme bows down to acting Robert De Niro and Johnny Depp - he is ready to watch films with them countless times! Jack Sparrow from Pirates Caribbean Sea" is one of his favorite movie characters, which, according to Jean-Claude, no one could play as well as Depp.

And with regard to De Niro, Van Damme is convinced that the master does not have to look at the script - he lives the role, and therefore looks incredibly harmonious on the screen.

Irina Levkovich


When Jean-Claude turned eleven, his father took him to a karate club. “Make a man out of this wimp,” the parent asked coach Claude Goetz. “It won’t rust behind me.” Goetz immediately recognized the talent in the boy and from the first day began to inspire in his ward that he should become a champion. From time to time, the trainer arranged fights for his pet... with a shepherd dog: he forced him to put on protective equipment and repel the attacks of a huge dog.

Jean-Claude quickly got the hang of it. He didn't limit himself to just karate. To build muscle, I took up bodybuilding, and in order to gain self-confidence, I mastered auto-training. In his free time from training, he and his friend Michel Kisei ran to the cinema to once again watch his idol Bruce Lee. Soon his signature move became a jump kick with a 360-degree turn. His finest hour came when in 1980 he became the European karate champion.

It was then, at the zenith of fame, that Jean-Claude decided to get married. His chosen one, Maria Rodriguez, was seven years older, but very rich. With her money, Van Damme opened sport Club, which has become the most popular in Brussels. Things went very well, and two years later the handsome karateka acquired a luxurious house, sports car and your own solid bank account. However, this was not enough for him - he also wanted the laurels of a movie star. Soon his track record included several episodic roles, but this was not what he dreamed of. Realizing that without patronage he was unlikely to be able to make a film career, the enterprising guy began to wander around parties and make the necessary acquaintances.

At one of the parties she smiled at him Hollywood star Jacqueline Bisset. “My name is Jean-Claude,” the impudent 21-year-old introduced himself, seizing the moment. - I love your films. You are so pretty!" The 32-year-old actress looked at the guy carnivorously... History is silent about how this evening ended.
But soon, inspired by Jacqueline’s promises, Van Damme sold the club, distributed the money to his wife and parents and bought a ticket to America. The hero had only $2 thousand in his pocket.
Why more if in a month he will earn millions?!

The first days of Jean-Claude's residence in America.
As soon as Jean-Claude stepped off the plane with his friend Kisei in Los Angeles, he realized that he was in trouble: here, it turns out, no one speaks French, and he himself only knows “Hello!” in English. and “How are you?” Mentally cheering himself up, the handsome man bought a huge bouquet of roses and headed to Jacqueline’s villa. Another bummer awaited him there: the actress was not at home... And she knew the date of his arrival in advance! The old gardener, looking at the guy, realized that in front of him was another whim of a lustful mistress. Actually, it’s none of his business, but I feel sorry for the poor fellow... “Miss Bisset flew to Hawaii,” he said quietly. “She’s having an affair with a Russian dancer.”

Jai-Claude was shocked. His hopes were dashed. Attempts to get a job in the cinema were in vain - they didn’t even want to listen to him! The guys had to deliver pizza in order to somehow stay afloat. The last $300 was spent on a damaged car, which served as both a means of transportation and overnight accommodation for friends. They lived on pasture. They got food wherever they could - in the most difficult times they simply stole buns and chocolates from the supermarket.

The couple was literally saved from hunger by a millionaire from Hong Kong named Van Damme, who heeded Kisei’s pleas and took Jean-Claude to work as a model. In gratitude, the young Belgian promised to glorify the benefactor’s name. So Varenberg became Van Damme.

Soon Jean-Claude was able to rent an apartment near Hollywood. But money was still tight, so I had to earn extra money as a taxi driver. And later he found something to suit his profile, he began performing in the underground ring in fights without rules.

Despite the crazy situation, Van Damme continued to train and studied English intensively. To improve his financial situation, he resorted to a proven method: he married Cynthia Derderian, the daughter of the owner of a construction company, where he worked as a parquet layer. But as soon as things started to improve, he divorced her right there.

Real luck smiled on Dammu when Chuck Norris himself took him on as a bouncer in his club. On his first day of work, the young, handsome Belgian met there the two-time American bodybuilding champion Gladys Portugues, who became his third wife.

For a long time, Van Damme was supported by his wife. He later admitted: "Gladys made me a star - she believed in me and constantly supported me."

But one day the situation changed. Jean-Claude accidentally met Menahem Golan himself at the entrance to the restaurant - one of the leaders of the Cannon Pictures studio, who had the imprudence several years ago to give Van Damme a business card in Milan. Golan did not recognize him, and Jean-Claude, unexpectedly even for himself, was mortally offended and showed those around him his signature blow. Right over the oblivious celebrity. And... the next day he had an appointment.

In Golan's office, Jean-Claude first pulled apart two chairs and sat down between them on the splits. Golan did not react. Then Gladys got involved and persuaded Menachem to take her husband as a stunt consultant. The faithful began to turn his nose: he wanted to film himself! And then in my head future star a brilliant idea came to him: he hired three tramps, persuaded them to attack Golan at the exit of the restaurant, and at that moment he himself “passed by” and effectively scattered the “villains” like puppies. The plan worked: soon he already had the main role in the action movie “No Retreat, No Surrender.” The creepy accent was played right into the credits, where Jean-Claude’s character was listed as “Ivan from Russia.” After some time, Meiachem invited the persistent Belgian to star in Bloodsport.

And even Golan himself did not believe the success of the film. But Van Damme clung to it with a death grip and sat in the editing room for days, personally remaking the somehow concocted action movie. As a result, it became a hit and brought the creators $15 million in profit! Even the films starring Stallone that were launched at the same time were not so successful! The world is talking about a new hero...

After Bloodsport, several killer films followed, which made him the idol of millions. Now Jean-Claude himself chose where, with whom and for how long to film. The result of success was... the most severe form of star fever. He allowed himself to publicly declare: “The audience adore me! Soon I will be the most famous actor in Hollywood. Everyone will forget about Schwarzenegger and Nicholson and will only talk about me - Jean-Claude Van Damme the Magnificent!” Meanwhile, critics agreed that acting skills There is no smell in his works, and the fighting technique is too decorative. Since the actor had too much time to work on himself, his popularity began to fall sharply. However, he did not notice anything: he simply had no time for constant parties, drinking and going to the left.

One day, a neighbor, millionaire Ron Rais, invited him and his wife to dinner. Among the guests, Jean-Claude immediately singled out one very attractive person - the winner of a beauty contest in Hawaii, Darcy Lapierre. Of course, she had been making eyes at him all evening! When the next morning the beauty called Van Damme and asked to come over “on business,” he was not surprised. But when he crossed the threshold of the house, he was stunned: the hostess met him in a transparent peignoir with nothing on. He did not expect such pressure and surrendered without a fight.

Six years of happiness life together Gladys and I were on the side. Even two children did not become an obstacle to divorce. “If a woman interests me, I will marry. I’m not one of those who lives with his wife just to sleep with her,” Jean-Claude heroically told reporters.

But the new “mad woman” did not extinguish the celebrity’s addiction to drinking and brawling. His antics were increasingly relished in the tabloids, and police reports were full of the words “drugs” and “alcohol.” As a result, in 1996, Jean-Claude ended up in a clinic for drug addicts. “I lived on cocaine and “wheels,” he later admitted. “Almost all the fight scenes in films from that period were filmed while I was high.”

On that February day in 1998, when Van Damme, along with his friend and drinking companion Mickey Rourke, looked into one of the New York strip clubs, he was also completely drunk. Seeing his former bodyguard Chuck Zito, Jean-Claude began to loudly vilify him. “Let's go out and talk!” - Chuck said quietly to the ex-client. The fight was short: the “universal soldier” barely had time to take off his glasses...
The scandal received wide publicity and overwhelmed Darcy's patience. She began to seek a divorce. Van Damme immediately accused her of cheating, saying that their two-year-old son Nicholas was not his child at all! The offended woman filed a counterclaim alleging assault (there were many witnesses to this scene in the Parisian hotel). As a result, in addition to the divorce, she received $1 million for the maintenance of her son (the test confirmed Jean-Claude's paternity) and everything that was due to her under the marriage contract.


During that difficult period for him, Van Damme was supported by Gladys. She not only forgave the prodigal husband, but also agreed to become his wife again. In June 1999, Jean-Claude Van Damme married Gladys Portugues for the second time in his homeland. "She is mine only love, - admitted the actor. - Reliable, like a harbor in which you can find peace after life’s hurricanes. I knew Gladys would wait for me. The second one is so soulful and faithful woman not in the world!”

After the wedding, the couple settled in California and lived a quiet life. family life. Jean-Claude taught French to the children (they must know it) native language!), took them to figure skating classes. Watching the children’s successes, he remembered his sports and acting past every time. One fine day, Van Damme could not stand it and... No, he didn’t drink out of grief - he decided to resume training again and prove to everyone that there was still gunpowder in the flasks.

Now his life is in full swing. He went into business - he invested money in large European and Latin American companies that produce jeans. In addition, he resumed the work of his film company “777 FilmsCorp”, created several years ago. But most importantly, started again

filming: two films with his participation are about to be released, filming of another is in full swing. As usual, Van Damme makes unimaginable plans. “In the near future I will receive $10 million per painting,” the star promises. True, no one takes his statements seriously. But once this braggart already did the impossible...

- Born on October 18, 1960 in Berchem-Sainte-Agathe. Belgium
- Height - 178 cm
- The nickname “Muscles from Brussels” appeared after Jean-Claude said in an interview that he loved mussels Brussels style. Because of the Belgian accent, the reporters heard not mussels (“mussels”), but muscles (“muscles”), and the nickname stuck instantly. In 1997, Van Damme was awarded the title “Hollywood’s Sexiest Legs.”
- Doesn't like American food. In restaurants he usually orders parrot stew or stewed horse meat with seafood salad
- Bad habits: waves hands when talking
- The most famous films: Bloodsport (1988), Kickboxer (1989), AWOL (1990), Double Impact (1991), Universal Soldier (1992)