Coloring pages on the theme of traffic lights are my best friend. Children about traffic lights and traffic rules

Of course, only a true master can paint complex oil paintings. However, even the most young artist in the first drawing lesson he will be able to understand how to draw a traffic light. After all, for many guys it is he who is the main assistant on the road.

Every child will be interested in the opportunity to learn to draw. You need to start drawing with the simplest things. What could be easier than knowing how to draw a traffic light with a pencil?

You need to start with pencil sketches, after which you can master more complex skills.

After all, the most complex technology in drawing is the use of paints. Entertaining lessons will be able to captivate children and introduce them to fascinating world various figures and images.

How to draw a traffic light step by step

Stage 1. Draw auxiliary lines traffic light. Then use a ruler to draw straight lines. Then you need to draw a vertical rectangle at the top of the sheet. From it to the bottom end of the sheet, draw a very narrow and long rectangle with a pencil.

Then place three identical squares inside the top rectangle so that they fit in size without protruding beyond the borders of the sheet. After this, inside these squares you need to outline three circles of the same diameter. These will subsequently be the light windows of your traffic light.

Stage 2. Now draw the side edges. They should be located on the sides and have a slightly rounded shape. You will need to draw in all three parts of the traffic light. Many traffic lights are located at intersections, which is why the lights must shine in all four directions. You should get just such a four-way traffic light.

It is designed to regulate traffic at intersections. After that, from these edges, draw a visor on each side. From above, it will be like a traffic light wearing a hat with a round visor. Thanks to them, the traffic lights are well protected from bad weather: rain and wind. Then erase the auxiliary lines and outline the main lines.

Stage 3. Now all that remains is to color the main assistant traffic. The traffic light itself can be painted black, gray or brown.

Naturally, you should paint the lights with standard colors: red, yellow and, of course, green. Now you know how to draw a traffic light. It's simple and interesting.

Required Tools

To work you will need:

Simple White paper or special for beginning artists;
. several or markers;
. eraser;
. any hard surface: table, folder, book.

Fun traffic light for children

Many children do not know how to draw a traffic light. It is not difficult. Be sure to involve your child in this entertaining activity.

For example, to simplify the work, take a cap from a hairspray or from a bottle of shampoo.

Then attach it to clean slate paper. Then circle it with a simple pencil. This will be your topmost signal - red.

A little lower, in the same way, draw a blank for the yellow signal so that the circles touch each other. All that remains is to draw the green circle below. Under the green signal, do not forget to draw a “leg” - like a tree trunk. Give your traffic light a cheerful look by adding eyes and a smile. You can also draw his hands and a police cap. For coloring, use gouache or watercolor paints corresponding colors.

The main thing is not to confuse the colors. First red, then yellow and, of course, green.

That's it, now you know how to draw a funny traffic light.

Decorating the traffic light

A traffic light cannot just hang in the air. He regulates traffic. So, in the problem of how to draw a traffic light, additional elements. Try sketching a simple composition.

It looks like this:

● there is a traffic light at the intersection;

● the sun is shining from above;

● white clouds are running across the sky;

● transport is traveling along the road;

● bushes and trees grow on the side of the road.

It’s not difficult to depict all this, even Small child will cope with this task.

And now it is advisable to do all this in color. Color with colored pencils or paints. Really, it turned out beautiful?

From this article you learned how to draw a traffic light beautifully and correctly. This is one of the most simple drawings, which can be handled even by yourself little artist. Your baby will definitely like this drawing.

In every city, at every intersection there is a three-eyed device that regulates the movement of traffic and the flow of people. If you look deeper into its design, you will find out that it is an optical device that produces different light signals after a certain period of time. All traffic lights are interconnected to prevent chaos on the road.

To learn how to draw a traffic light, you should familiarize yourself with their varieties, because devices on the side of the road, a pedestrian crossing or on lines railway look different. A regular street traffic light has three round windows with red, yellow and green. They are located one above the other. And the pedestrian variation consists of two windows, red and green. In the middle they draw a standing or walking man. Now let's move on to the drawing technique.

Kind children's traffic light

The correctness and evenness of the lines is not so important here, because we are learning how to draw a traffic light for children. Kids do not yet have the precise technique of drawing lines or circles, so they come up with unique drawings. So, we don’t scold for unevenness and draw a rectangular, elongated body of the device. On the upper side in the middle we make an oval, onto which we attach top part caps. In the center of this cap we make an icon, and on the sides we add small circles.

Now we draw three round balls located on top of each other, but leave space on top for the face of the device. In this area we draw two small and round eyes, add short eyebrow threads on top, and draw a small triangle of the nose below. Now we add a wide smile, and insert a policeman’s whistle under the lip.

This will be a three-way traffic light that will be installed at intersections. big cities, so we draw three on the sides right triangle the remaining faces. At the level of the upper ball, we extend long and thin arms with gloves.

The drawing is almost ready. Final stage consists of painting. We make the body of the traffic light yellow, the colors from top to bottom are red, yellow and green. We paint the cap, gloves and whistle blue. We also make the hands and badge yellow. The side areas will be pink.

Step-by-step instruction

Now you can move on to more serious technology. Let's figure out how to draw a traffic light step by step. Let's start again with the body. We make a perfectly even rectangle located vertically.

On the sides we draw three right triangles with a rounded hypotenuse. Under the rectangle we make a round thin stick of the holder.

In the center of the device we make three round balls.

Let's decorate gray body, more dark shade side zones. We make the balls red, yellow and green alternately from top to bottom.

Another option

Let's master a slightly different technology and variation of the pattern. So, how to draw a traffic light with a pencil. Draw the device body in the form of a vertical rectangle. We make a triangular cap on top, but the top line should be smooth. Below the center we place a horizontal, small rectangle. Under this figure we draw an elongated narrow rectangle, which is located vertically.

On the sides we make three convex balls, above which we draw a metal protection in the form of a visor.

In the central part we place three balls with the same protection.

Let's move on to decorating: make the central part of the body orange, the visors dark orange, and the cap on top brown, as well as the lower rectangle of the leg. We design the bottom row of balls in green color, the middle one is yellow, and the top one is red.

cartoon hero

Now let's move on to something more complex, but interesting drawing. Let's figure out how to draw a traffic light beautifully. Let's make a rectangular body, but draw it as if it bends to the left. We place three balls one above the other. Above the top one we draw two round eyes with black pupils.

Since the traffic light is not flat, but three-dimensional, we draw a side face on the left. In its center we draw a circle from which you need to release your outstretched gloved hand.

Add another one on the right side, and make one below long leg, which ends with a stand pancake. We create a smile under the first ball. We attach a large policeman's cap to the top of the device.

Add colors: hands - blue, body - gray, leg - brown, and the pancake will be painted in Blue colour. The traffic light cap will be blue, the bottom circle will be blue, the stripe and badge will be yellow, and the visor will be lilac. Color the balls in order from bottom to top: green, yellow and red. A mischievous and cheerful law enforcement officer came out. Such a traffic light can take part in any fairy tale or film.

    Drawing a traffic light is quite simple. It is important for the child to maintain certain proportions and the order of the three colors. Drawing will even be useful for consolidating a correct understanding of how a traffic light works on the road.

    You can select the desired size, outline a rectangle with the main lines and draw circles.

    In general, a traffic light can look different, the main thing is the alternation of red/yellow/green.

    For example, you can draw it like this, or as shown in the picture above.

    First, draw a stick, an ordinary one, then a rectangle should come out of it.

    The rectangle should stand vertically, and there should be 3 circles of the same size.

    One is red, top, next yellow, middle and last green is bottom.

    Drawing a traffic light is not difficult. I would advise you to take some picture on the Internet and, looking at it, draw a traffic light.

    For example, this picture is just right; even a small child can draw such a device.

    So, first draw a rectangle vertically (determine its size by eye), then under it draw another rectangle in the middle, the width of which is 3 times narrower than the top one. This will be the leg of the traffic light).

    Now in the upper rectangle draw 3 identical circles at the same distance from each other.

    Now the traffic light has been drawn, all that remains is to color it correctly.

    Top circle - red

    Middle circle - yellow

    The bottom circle is green.

    The traffic light itself is best painted either gray, or black, or brown.

    And I came up with another simple way to draw a traffic light for a child.


    We take an empty matchbox, naturally, and place it on the sheet. Then we outline this box on all sides with a simple pencil and we get a rectangle.

    Then we draw his leg - these are two straight lines.

    To draw circles evenly, you can take a compass. Then you will need to take watercolors and paint the traffic light in the required colors. Another interesting option for you))

    At its core, a traffic light is a set geometric shapes, so it’s not difficult to draw; even a child can do it. The main thing is to let him understand what to draw and of course learn what colors should be in what place and at the same time what they mean for the pedestrian and the driver.

    In my opinion, there is nothing easier to draw a traffic light. In order to draw a traffic light, you first need to draw three identical circles, and then circle (place) these circles in a rectangle. We paint the circles in three colors.

    Traffic light painted with paints in children's version, might look something like this. The drawing itself is a diagram because it is incredibly simple. If the child does not use a pencil at all when drawing with paints, then he needs:

    1. Using a thin brush, draw the outline of a vertical rectangle. This is the traffic light itself.
    2. Then you need to draw the contours of the three eyes with the same brush.
    3. And now - the most important thing that distinguishes real traffic lights from fake ones. Color these three eyes red-yellow-green.

    And now - the stages of drawing with a pencil. They are presented below. I like this funny drawing, and I did it on purpose more stages to it so that the drawing process is extremely accessible:

    In order to draw a traffic light First you need to draw an elongated rectangle, something like this:

    Now let's give this rectangle thickness:

    Now let’s draw a leg with a semicircular stand:

    Add a semicircular cap with a pipe to the very top of the traffic light:

    Now let’s draw three identical circles inside the rectangle and paint them red, yellow and green:

    The traffic light is ready.

    You can also offer the child a ready-made picture so that the child can draw the picture himself, but only be sure to draw a picture, and not computer graphics, for example, like this:

    Take with your child, for example, a cap from a bottle of shampoo or from mom’s hairspray.

    Attach it to a piece of paper, where you will have the top, red traffic light, and trace it with a simple pencil.

    A little lower, in the same way, draw (so that the circles touch each other) a blank for the yellow signal, and even lower - for the green one.

    Take watercolor paints (or gouache) of appropriate colors and carefully paint over all the signals. The main thing is not to confuse (from top to bottom):

    • Red (Stop!)
    • Yellow (Attention! Get ready!)
    • Green (Go!)

    Then, below, under the green one, draw a leg - like a tree trunk.

    That's it, the simplest traffic light is ready!

    For a child, the drawing should not be complicated. We must understand that complex drawings the child may simply not understand or be interested.

    Therefore, to create an image, we will select the simplest shapes).

    So, I propose to draw a traffic light in the form of a rectangle on a leg). The child will like this drawing and he will be able to draw it himself with a simple pencil. And if the child has a desire, he can decorate it. For example, like this:

    You see, everything is simple, accessible and no complicated lines.

    You can also draw a rectangle. In it, using a coin or even by hand, we draw circles in the amount of three pieces. Next we draw the leg on which our traffic light stands.

    If you draw everything arbitrarily, then the size of the traffic light can be large, covering the entire landscape sheet. Then you simply give the child paints and he will happily paint the drawing in the colors that he thinks are suitable.

    If you draw a traffic light more correctly, you can create it using a ruler, pencil and compass. Good luck in your creativity)!

Knowing the rules of the road is very important for children, and the colors of traffic lights play a big role in this. When crossing the road from kindergarten Always pay attention to this sign. When the baby grows up, he will be able to cross the road on his own without difficulty.

How can you study traffic lights?

Coloring books, pictures, photos and children's presentations will help children learn the colors of traffic lights.

The pictures represent a traffic light and people crossing the road. When talking to your child, focus on the fact that people cross the road when it is green, and when it is red they stand and wait for cars to pass. When studying a traffic light, pay attention to the yellow color. It is designed to warn pedestrians and drivers.

Pictures and photos of “Traffic Light” can be used in lessons on learning traffic rules in primary school school or kindergarten. Coloring pages and children's presentations will help reinforce your knowledge. You can download them on our website.

Selection of materials

Coloring pages

Using pictures or photos of a traffic light, you can arrange practical lessons according to traffic rules for children. To do this, print out the traffic light and stick pictures or photos onto thick cardboard. The traffic light can be hung or held in hands, and children will cross the “road”. The exercise is very useful for kindergarten children. This fun sign can be hung at the entrance to indicate the correct color and encourage children to make the appropriate transition decisions.

Coloring will also be useful for the children. Young children will be able to learn the primary colors, while older children will remember their meaning and location on a traffic light. Coloring book trains fine motor skills hands, which has a beneficial effect on speech development. The coloring book can be used in kindergarten and primary school during traffic lessons. It is very convenient to paint a traffic light with paints if children have not yet mastered this material.

On our website you will find useful presentations for children on the topic of traffic, which include photos of traffic lights and other signs. If you prepare your presentations yourself, be sure to emphasize that there are traffic lights not only for pedestrians, but also for cars. They are directed in the other direction, so that drivers can see them. They also have green, red and yellow colors, but only machines focus on them. Children must remember that they should only pay attention to traffic lights for pedestrians. Presentations are perceived more vividly by children, since they are brighter and sometimes moving, unlike pictures.

A traffic light sign should be studied in conjunction with other signs, for example, a zebra crossing. The child must understand that if there is no traffic light sign at the point of crossing the road, then he must cross the road along a zebra crossing - white stripes painted on the roadway.

If the traffic light sign does not work, the child must remember that he needs to cross the road at a zebra crossing or pedestrian crossing. If neither one nor the other can be found, then at the traffic light site you need to wait until there are no cars, or they will let the pedestrian pass.

Pictures, photos and coloring pages of traffic lights for children can become your faithful assistants if you need to introduce children to the rules of the road. All the necessary manuals are on our website. They will allow you to have interesting and exciting activities and learn the traffic light sign and its colors. They will certainly be remembered by the children for a long time!

People have long understood that the process of learning any of the sciences is a painstaking and time-consuming process. And the more time devoted to this process, the more thorough the student’s knowledge. Let's not touch basic sciences, let's talk about traffic rules.

Looking back half a century, we can state that the traffic rules were known and followed by almost all adult citizens at that time. Soviet Union, and the culture of behavior on the road was fundamentally observed by both pedestrians and drivers. In addition to a serious fine for violating traffic rules, other sanctions were applied. For drivers - from film lectures to an exam on knowledge of traffic rules right at the scene of the violation, for pedestrians - from a conversation in the work team to the deprivation of bonuses. Well, to yours personal example adults taught the younger generation how to behave on the road.

Everything is changing, and today we have widespread non-compliance by all road users with the same norms and rules of conduct on the road (by the way, they have hardly changed in 50 years), rudeness and rudeness on the roadway, and even the use of ourselves with self-defense weapons against another driver whose behavior seemed to us to be beyond the bounds of decency. And all that remains of the measures of influence are penalties, and sometimes a conscience that calls for responsibility. But what can she do to counter us against the fact that we are late for a very important meeting, or are simply in a hurry to the store?.. Therefore, drivers, in the absence of a traffic police inspector, drive as they want, and pedestrians walk where they please or are more convenient. And by our personal example, we still teach the younger generation to “comply” with the norms of behavior on the road.

Today, the problem of road traffic injuries is given great attention, and the process of teaching traffic rules begins much earlier than half a century ago - right from kindergarten. Attending preschool educational institutions cities or gathering their pupils for public events dedicated knowledge of traffic rules, we can say that 100% of children know what traffic light signal and in what place they need to cross the roadway. Students primary school can tell you exactly at what age you can ride a bicycle on the roadway and how and where they should sit in a car. Well, high school students are already helping us teach kids the rules of the road.

But why is it still there? Isn’t it because, rushing to kindergarten in the morning, we run across the road where it is closer, and do not cross it at a pedestrian crossing? Not because, when transporting a child in a car, you didn’t bother to purchase a child restraint? Is it not because the teenager in the passenger seat, like you, is driving with his seat belt unfastened and watching you, absorbing your behavior on the road? Endless rushing from row to row, the desire to get past the “flashing” intersection in time, “a pedestrian is not a tram - it will wait”...

And today, summing up the results of the annual municipal children's competition"Traffic Light - 2012", looking at children's drawings, you are convinced that children have a photographic memory. Many of the drawings are the realities of our lives. There are pictures here about tinting and Cell Phones, both about drivers and about pedestrians. Don’t judge too harshly, of course adults also helped in making them. And it’s great to stop for a second and sit next to your child and think - are we doing everything right? Remember about existing rules traffic and secure them with the child. We present a number of the most successful works, selected on various topics.

It's a shame that we won't be able to encourage all the children who took part in this competition. Despite the fact that the competition is municipal, no one needs it except its organizers - the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Angarsk and the TsRTDIYu "Harmony". And those two works that win in their nomination and will be placed on the banners of our city, as social advertising, will be produced and placed by Angara residents who are not indifferent to this problem.

Traffic police of Angarsk