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Evgenia Medvedeva has about seven hundred photos on Instagram, with more than two hundred thousand subscribers - the young figure skater arouses genuine interest among the public.


The girl's full name is Evgenia Armanovna Medvedeva, on Instagram there is a link to her official website In addition to photographs and news, the resource presents official biography girls.

She was born in 1999 into a family of athletes and began ice training at the age of three. The first skates my mother bought from a children's store were not suitable for professional occupations, and within a year Evgenia could boast of “correct” skates - well sharpened and notched. Even before entering the big sport, the figure skater managed to change several coaches, until in 2007 she began training with Eteri Tutberidze; it was in her group that Medvedeva realized that she wanted to devote herself entirely to figure skating.

In 2011, she became a member of the Russian national team and began performing at national level. In the 2013/2014 season, she entered international junior competitions and won gold medals at the Grand Prix Stages in Poland and Latvia, gaining the right to compete in the finals, from which she took away a bronze award.
The next season for Medvedeva is even more successful - she becomes the winner of the junior “Grand Prix” and the “World Championship” among juniors.
In the fall of 2015, she moved to the adult category in figure skating as an already eminent athlete. The girl twice became world champion and twice European champion in figure skating, she was awarded the “Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation” award. In 2017, the figure skater was included in the list of the most successful young people in Europe according to Forbes magazine.

News on Instagram

Anime, her bulldog Jerry and sports are the main topics of Evgenia Medvedeva’s posts on Instagram; the figure skater shares pictures from rehearsals and rare moments of rest, and posts photos with friends and athletes. She does not hide her interest in Korean and Japanese culture, she is interested in music and animation, and she herself draws well. In an interview, she admitted that if figure skating had not worked out for her, she would have chosen the profession of a makeup artist.

Evgenia Medvedeva on Instagram on the official website @jmedvedevaj has not updated the news feed for a long time. The last post available to subscribers is a photo from the prom, and this only fuels their interest in the figure skater. In September, an official message about Yulia Lipnitskaya’s retirement from big-time sports appeared in news feeds. Immediately after, rumors began to appear about the end of Adelina Sotnikova’s career, which, fortunately, turned out to be ordinary gossip.

In the wake of all these conversations, followers began to worry about the sporting fate of Zhenya Medvedeva; on Instagram, the figure skater is often asked questions about the girl’s plans, both immediate and long-term. But her enchanting performance in Slovakia at the end of September dotted all the i's - the skater is in excellent shape and continues to delight fans with her victories.

Evgenia Medvedeva is one of the brightest figure skaters of the Russian national team. She started figure skating at the age of three and a half, and by the age of 18, Evgenia already had an impressive list of achievements, a set of medals and regalia. On Winter Olympic Games in Korea, Medvedeva was tipped for first place. Evgenia set another record, but received a silver medal: both in the team and single competitions, losing to her colleague Alina Zagitova. Figure skating fans, ordinary fans and eminent fans regarded second place on the podium as a defeat for Medvedeva. And rumors appeared in the press that Medvedeva had quarreled with coach Eteri Tutberidze and was planning to leave Russia and play for another country.

But even after Medvedeva denied the rumors about the move and announced her intention to fight for Olympic gold again in four years, the questions for the athlete did not diminish. Fans are interested in absolutely everything: what she likes, how she spends her time, what shampoo she uses to wash her long hair and why he loves anime so much. Evgenia answers some of them in interviews, others leaves without comment. For example, the Olympic medalist was asked about another outstanding figure skater, Yulia Lipnitskaya. Let us recall that after an incredible triumph at the Olympics in Sochi - then the 15-year-old figure skater created a real sensation - Lipnitskaya unexpectedly left the big sport and admitted that she was suffering from anorexia.

Since many fans of this sport agree with Yulia that an eating disorder is disease XXI century, they are worried about young and talented athletes. But Medvedeva reacted sharply to the question of how common this disease is among figure skaters.

“I can’t comment on Yulia’s situation in any way. “Everyone has their own path,” Zhenya snapped.

However, she was sincerely happy for her opponent, who beat her at the Olympics, answering the question why she is always compared to Alina Zagitova.

“We have the same coach and this only brings Alina and I closer. I’m very happy for her, she’s a great fellow,” said Evgenia Medvedeva.

In addition, it turned out that Zhenya is quite active on social networks, she follows Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner: “My favorite blogger to laugh at is Jenna Marbles translated into Russian as “Crazy Girl.” And if I want to get information or entertain my mind, there is blogger Katya Clapp. A person who expresses her thoughts very clearly,” she added in an interview with

By the way, among the brightest figure skaters of the generation, Evgenia Medvedeva is the most popular on Instagram, she has about 700 thousand subscribers, while Olympic champion Alina Zagitova - only 16 and a half thousand.

Account: jmedvedevaj

Occupation: professional figure skater

Evgenia Medvedeva Instagram in a very short time becomes the most popular page of the entire network.

Account Evgenia Medvedeva on Instagram

Like other peers, Evgenia Medvedeva’s Instagram appeared a long time ago and is often updated with new photos. Of course, with this active life What is Zhenya’s way of communicating with family and friends? social network is the most convenient. For this reason, the skater does not regret or be lazy, flooding her page with many photographs; sometimes it happens that she posts 5-6 photos a day at once.

Evgeniy Medvedeva photos from Instagram can be seen during training, in the company best friends, as well as on the ice during warm-ups, in the dressing room and many others. Also on her Instagram page, Zhenya posted a video of her wonderful performance in the championship final. With this, Medvedeva’s page turns into a fascinating and interesting story about her past and real life. The figure skater's fans simply watch her entire life.

In the blog feed itself, Evgeniya constantly writes comments on her photos, tags her friends, shares her thoughts and tells fascinating stories.

Evgenia Medvedeva biography

The biography of Evgenia Medvedeva began with hometown Moscow November 19, 1999. Zhenya’s mother was also a figure skater, and it was she who brought her to the skating rink when she was 3 years old. But although the future figure skater did not have a simple childhood with toys and games with other children, she did not even dream of giving up hard training on the ice. Even in the second grade, Zhenya understood that her future was in sports, figure skating. She only had in her mind the profession of a figure skater and no other. From that moment on, Evgeniy Medvedev’s biography began to grow sharply and reach new heights of popularity:

  • At the age of 12 she was accepted into the Russian figure skating team.
  • And in the 2013-2014 season, she was nominated as a participant in junior competitions.
  • In the 2014-2015 season, she became the winner in figure skating in Barcelona among youth and received the Grand Prix Cup.
  • In September 2015, she was transferred to the adult figure skating team.
  • In the winter of 2016, at the European Championships in Bratislava, she won and took 1st place.
  • In the same year, at the World Championships, she won the title of world champion. Here she won in all starts, including the final Grand Prix competition and the European Championship.