Vitaly Gibert is official. Vitaly Gibert (psychic) ​​- biography, personal life, “Battle of psychics”

When polling on VKontakte, users sometimes cast their votes just to see the results of the poll. There are also cases when I inadvertently voted for the wrong option. In this case, it will be useful to know how to remove a vote from a poll in VK.

  1. Open the page with the poll in which you voted incorrectly.
  2. Now touch the survey area and hold for a while. Done, your vote has been cancelled.
  3. You can cast your vote for the desired option or not vote at all.

Removing a vote in a VK poll using a computer

There are many special Internet services that allow you to correct the code of pages and applications for those who understand this. In our case, they are all useless, this has already been checked. The following instructions must be followed.

  • Open the page with the survey in which you took part in VK.
  • Find the “Get Code” link at the bottom of the survey. Click on it.

    "Get code" button

  • The survey code will open, which you need to copy.

    VK survey code

  • Open notepad on your computer. Paste the copied survey code.

    Paste the survey code into notepad

  • In the survey code, you need to find the VK link and add “http:” to it, as shown in the screenshot. Be careful when pasting. Don’t make mistakes; you need to repeat everything from the example exactly.

  • Now let's save the file in "html" format. This means that the notepad file name must end with ".html" - a period and the format of the web page. Save the file to your desktop or any other folder so you can easily find it. The file icon should change. Now run the file.
  • A window will open showing your survey.

    The only difference will be the re-vote button at the top of the page. Click on it and re-vote. If you don’t want to vote, click the “Revote” button (it’s similar to the “Reload” button in your browser) and don’t select anything, just close the page. Now open the page with the poll in VK and make sure that your answer is not in the poll, as if you had not voted at all.

How to cancel a vote using the Repoll application in VK

There is an even easier way to remove your vote from a poll in social network VKontakte. There is a special page for this with a window for inserting code. After voting in the poll, you can change the option by copying its code, as we did in the previous method. Then go to the page and paste the code into the field instead of notepad. Next, click the button at the bottom of the “Code Entered” field.

After that, your survey will appear instead of the code in the same window. Here again, click the button above to cancel your vote or vote for another option.

Below on this page are all the surveys that apply to the groups you are a member of. The windows already have buttons for canceling voting in advance, so there is no need to perform such procedures with code and insertion here. If you are interested in any poll and want to know its results, then you can easily vote in it. When you see the voting results, you can cancel your vote with just one button at the top.

How to create your own poll in VK

If you are interested in a survey, but you see that it is missing some important points. Or you don’t agree with the existing options at all, you can easily create your own and make it ideal. For this:

  1. If you need to create a poll on your page, click in the empty message box (it usually says "What's new?"). Select the “More” option with the arrow at the bottom.
  2. A window will open with options from which select “Poll”.
  3. You will see a expanded window with empty lines to fill.
  4. The first line is the topic of the future survey. Enter the name of the survey, it will act as a voting question.
  5. Next, enter your answer options. By default there are only 2 of them, but if you need more, just select the third window “Add item” with your mouse. This way you can add a large number of options.
  6. At the bottom of the questionnaire there is an “Anonymous voting” item; if you select it, participants will not be able to view the choices of other participants.
  7. Also at the bottom you can select icons for adding various media files. If you need to attach a picture or video to the survey, click on the appropriate icon below. The added files appear at the top of the survey.
  8. To ensure that only yours can take part in the survey, click the lock icon next to the “Submit” button.
  9. When the survey is ready and all files have been added to it, check the spelling of the items and the question itself, then click on the “Submit” button. To avoid questions about how to remove or change your poll vote on VKontakte, select the answer items carefully.

In contact with

The mystic and esotericist Vitaly Gibert became known to the general public just a few years ago, when he appeared on the silver screen in the 11th season of the “Battle of Psychics.” It was thanks to this project that the handsome red-haired guy became a star, making the hearts of many young TV viewers beat a little faster than usual when they sat down in front of the TV and turned on the TNT channel. This guy became a real discovery of a program about people with supernatural abilities. Throughout the season, the opinion of experts remained unshakable: Vitaly Gibert is the most strong psychic of everyone who took part in this project.

Childhood and youth

Vitalik was born in the very ordinary family in the city of Elista in March 1988. Before him, none of his relatives had it; he was the only one born “strange.”

Even in the maternity hospital, the doctors and nannies were surprised at how beautiful the baby was, not like the other toddlers. Often, women in labor and medical staff came to admire him.

Vitaly Gibert grew up in an ordinary, but very caring and loving family, in a very ordinary house. In addition to him, his parents had two daughters, one of whom is older than Vitalik, the second is younger.

From childhood, he felt the manifestation of a certain gift in himself, he understood that he quite keenly perceived everything that surrounded him, reacted to injustice, aggression, and cruelty of this world. Therefore, with all his strength, he tried to do everything in his power to make this world better than it was before. Vitalik studied at a comprehensive school, but the class was with a legal bias.

Mother! Mother! Mother!

Despite the fact that Vitalik is very young, a tragedy occurred in his life: he lost the person most dear to him - his mother. Future psychic Vitaly Gibert was still young when his mother died of cancer. Doctors found she had a simple inflammation and ordered her to be treated with heating. Such procedures led to a sad outcome, because due to such treatment, the cancer began to progress very quickly. So that the little sister would not see her mother in a terrible state, which was constantly shortening her life, Vitalik took the baby to relatives.

During the funeral, the young psychic (being still a teenager at that time) really wanted to bring his mother back to life, he was simply consumed by the grief that had befallen him. Later the guy said that it was at this time that in some incomprehensible way he managed to see the ghost of his mother. Only at that moment did he realize that he was able to see what others could not see. But at the same time, the guy understood that he should not talk about his abilities, because not everyone could understand him and accept him for who he is.

With time young man began to study esotericism. His dad was sure that his son’s incomprehensible hobby was just a temporary quirk, but Vitalik did not stop his activities.

Forward to the “Battle of Psychics”!

Often, turning on the TV while the program “Battle of Psychics” was broadcast, Vitaly Gibert caught himself thinking that he really wanted to try his hand at it, to test his abilities. But at the same time, he wondered whether it was worth doing it or not. And so, when the TNT channel announced the casting for the next season, the young clairvoyant and healer received three signs - three hands. He came to the realization that this was a symbol of the main prize of the broadcast show.

As it turned out later, the decision made by Vitaly Gibert (reviews about him with expressions of gratitude and admiration can be read on the pages printed publications), turned out to be correct. It was this tender young man who turned out to be the undisputed winner, receiving 90 percent of the votes.

Seeing his only son on the screen, Vitaly’s dad was shocked. He, who previously did not like this program, now did not miss a single episode, often reviewing them again. Having seen what his son, the father, is capable of, Once again talking to him on the phone, told him that he was proud of him. For Vitaly, this was the highest recognition of his abilities, capabilities and skills.

Is the young magician's heart free?

Fans of Vitaly Gibert have been trying in vain to get an answer to this question from the very moment when they first saw him competing with other psychics. After the first release of the program, girls (and even older ladies) flooded the Internet day and night with confessions of their very warm feelings for him.

So, Vitaly Gibert. The photo reflects a handsome red-haired boy with cunning and intelligent eyes. Now he is the idol of thousands of representatives of the fairer sex, who sacredly believe everything that comes from his lips. It is unlikely that he himself would have believed in such worship of women if someone had told him about it twelve or fifteen years ago, because in childhood he considered himself a rather ugly boy. Every freckle was his enemy. It was because of his freckles that people once made fun of him.

Vitaly does not let anyone into his personal life, only slightly lifting the veil. At the age of eighteen, he was in love with a girl who very much reminded him of his mother. At first, it was she who sought the guy’s attention, and when he was captivated by her, she turned away from him as if from a boring toy. Vitalik tried many times to renew their relationship, but he failed. Now he lives in the hope of meeting the one and only.

In any interview, Vitaly talks about how he is unable to cure a person from a fatal disease; he will not promise people incredible wealth or business success. Gibert is confident that a person can solve any problem on his own. It is important to guide him along the right path.

Vitaly Gibert


Family status:
it's Complicated

Vladimir Gibert

Masha Gibert

Saint Petersburg

Mobile telephone:
I will only give you my phone number in person.

House. telephone:
there too

Polit. views:

Relig. views:

personal information
kundalini reiki master, reiki master yggdrasil, hypnologist, psychologist, parapsychologist, magician healer, clairvoyant

communication with God... unconditional love! hypnosis, tantra, reiki, holotropic breathing, rebirthing, magic, parapsychology, psychology, esotericism, spiritual practices of Buddhists, Sufis and other faiths

Favorite music:
from mantras to basta...everything that sounds beautiful...and to your heart

Favorite films:
about love, tender, pure, unconditional... films that make you think about yourself and about eternity

Favorite TV show: Battle of Psychics

Favorite books:
books by Carlos Castaneda, Osho, Robert Monroe, Coelier, Veremeev, books on magic and psychology, the Akashic Chronicles - there is everything and everyone’s favorites)))

Favorite games:
into life, with fate and reality

Favorite quotes:
there is no fate except the one we create ourselves...
reality exists independently of you, as long as you agree with it... the intention of war is stronger than any obstacles... unconditional love is the highest goal...

About myself: a piece of God on earth...a part of all that exists...

School: No. 3

House: St. Petersburg
Art. m. Dybenko Street

Club:St. Petersburg
Vasileostrovsky district, st. m. Baltiyskaya
Well, I found out what it is

Kundalini is the force contained within the human brain that activates the chakras. It is usually felt at the base of the spine, in the first chakra. Kundalini is not a mystical snake, it is a basic psychobiological force. Kundalini is the energy that revitalizes, inhales vitality and motivates our body and mind. Kundalini is always present. It nourishes the entire human energy system, causing vital energy to constantly circulate. For most people, the level of Kundalini activity remains low, but we always have at least some of it. If we compare Kundalini to a stream of water, we can say that most people only have a small garden sprinkler working at half capacity, although full strength Kundalini is equal to the titanic power of Niagara Falls. The full potential of Kundalini is incomprehensibly enormous.

The Reiki system of natural healing is one of the oldest and best known today. It is based on the transmission of universal vital energy, which generates and supports all life in the Universe.

Reiki is effective method holistic healing, which operates on all levels of being: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

Reiki can guide, support and guide every person.

Reiki supports everything we take on and gently guides us forward along our path; we are given only those tasks that we are able to complete.

Reiki is Japanese word, composed of two syllables “rei” and “ki”. Rei means universal, ki means vital force. Therefore, Reiki means universal life force.

Reiki is the name given to the healing energy that exists in nature. We all have access to this energy. When we accidentally hit something or our body experiences pain, we do not think twice about putting our hand on that spot and holding it there - this is an example age-old wisdom our body. In fact, by doing this, we direct healing energy into sore spot. We have access to it, but we can only transfer 5-10% of the energy. The initiation procedure that takes place in Reiki opens the channel for transmission optimal quantity energy, thereby we can have access to 90-100% of energy and achieve significant success in healing.

The conduction of energy through channels should not be regarded as something mystical. Just as oxygen exists naturally and our body has the ability to absorb it, we have the ability to absorb healing energy. In other words, attunement does not give us the ability to channel energy, it only optimally enhances our ability to do so.

Reiki is an ancient energy system that came to us from Tibet, and from there spread to Egypt, Ancient Greece, Rome, India and further east to China and Japan. Reiki was available to a few initiates and was kept strictly secret. This ancient knowledge over time it was almost lost and rediscovered in late XIX century by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan.

Reiki-Yggdrasil – new system spiritual development Human, developed by Nikolai Zhuravlev, an honored expert in the field of esoteric sciences.

In today's dynamically developing world, it is important to have a system suitable for these rhythms, therefore Reiki-Yggdrasil is successfully integrated into the structures of our world, both spiritual and material. Beginners and experienced practitioners will find their passion in the Reiki-Yggdrasil system.

Working in the Yggdrasil Reiki system involves initiation from master to student of Standard energies. The standard in this system is the energies of the universe in the structure of the Yggdrasil Tree.

The basic Reiki-Yggdrasil course contains 5 steps, you can complete it in 5 weeks
(one level per week). Upon completion of work with the 5th level, a diploma of a Master of the Reiki-Yggdrasil system is issued.

Further, the system provides thematic blocks for Masters: healing (u-sin, meridians, chakras, hypnosis), Golden Calf (working with cash flow), fireball, sephirotic block (4 levels of TAROT), everyone’s favorite block Man and Woman, which consists of settings that are important in interactions, such as: “Archetypes”, “Tantra” (harmonious interaction of a couple), “with settings” and “easy communication."

For lovers of astral travel and lucid dreams, there is a “Teleport” block, where practice is carried out with controlled astral exits, displacements in the elements (earth, fire, air, water), the creation of hyperspaces and travel in time and space.

The “Vitality” master block will help you accumulate energy and strengthen your connection with the totem animal, our representative in nature. The block also has a “Fountain of Life” setting, which starts the regeneration process in the body at the cellular level.

Levels 6,7,8 of Reiki-Yggdrasil prepare the practitioner for the Master's block. At this stage, on the basis of runic art, techniques for working with various levels of Consciousness are mastered, the action of which can be reflected in situations and healing.

We are working with the structures of the Worlds of the Yggdrasil Tree, where you can work on the birth canal, the ability to make amulets, earn money, the ability to be creative and manage emotions, manage a Business, and also practice the skill of materializing your desires and fantasies. In general, at the 6th and 7th stages you can develop any necessary quality associated with any manifestation of a Person.

But the 8th level of Reiki-Yggdrasil teaches the practitioner how to build and manage Protection High level, both Runic and elemental (earth, water, fire, air).

There is a lot going on in the world that cannot be explained. logical conclusions and science cannot. This probably belongs to the realm of mysticism. Or humanity has not yet reached a new level of understanding of what is happening. However, we will try to objectively evaluate the psychic Vitaly Gibert.


There really are many in the world unexplained phenomena, but they are not a consequence of connections with the “otherworldly” or “parallel” world. On this moment Science cannot explain much, but you should not blindly believe in dogmatism. On problems ordinary person charlatans or, as they are also called, psychics, make money. They are supposedly able to foresee the future, but in reality they tell people obvious things.

Independent studies have been repeatedly conducted in which the “talent” of psychics is shattered to smithereens. But some part of the population continues to believe in mysticism, because it is easier to explain the events that are taking place.

Never trust someone who will convince you that he sees the future and can change your life without reforming your inner state. This is nothing more than idle talk, such statements are simply an attempt to extract money from you.

Biography of Vitaly Gibert

The boy was born on March 21, 1988 in an ordinary Russian family. Two more sisters lived with him, one was older than him, and the other was younger. He spent some of his life in the city of Elista, the capital of Kalmykia.

It is worth noting that he grew up as a completely normal child and did not show any supernatural abilities. Vitaly's parents did not have any special talents and did not go “beyond the bounds of the possible.”

The boy was born unusually pretty and pleasing to the eye, he was very different from other babies. In the maternity hospital where he was born, rumors quickly spread about a handsome young man with an outstanding appearance. AND most of medical staff ran to his crib to look at small miracle.


Vitaly Gibert spent some part of his life in the most ordinary apartment of a five-story building. He, like all boys, loved toys and played ordinary games.

The guy had an unusually developed sense of justice, he reacted sharply to aggression. I tried to show empathy towards other people. In general, I did everything that could help the world become a better place.


The boy's parents decide to send him to study at secondary school. He gets into a class with a legal bias, which will help him in the future.

During his studies, Vitaly began to notice strange things about himself, which he decided to hide from everyone else. Either he saw and felt something indescribable, then he imagined some kind of figure.

But the boy’s psychic gift did not reveal itself immediately; some time and a series of certain events passed. And only after that Vitaly understood for sure that he was special, that he should help people.


In his early youth, Vitaly experienced a monstrous loss; a tragic situation occurred with the closest person. One day his mother felt bad and went to the clinic. The doctor listened to the woman and sent her for examination. She was diagnosed with inflammation and it was decided to send her to warm up the area where the inflammatory process was occurring.

However, Vitaly’s mother began to feel even worse; the procedures did not have a positive effect on her well-being. Subsequently, it turned out that the woman’s cancer had progressed, and doctors prescribed treatment that only worsened the situation.

But it turned out to be impossible to send her to chemotherapy; she died before the doctors could do anything to help. Vitaly painfully experienced the course of his mother’s illness, but found strength in himself and did not show weakness in front of younger sister. Later, he took her to relatives so that she would not see her mother’s torment.


As Gibert himself states, during the burial of the body, he saw the ghost of his mother, but he was not at all surprised by this and was not even afraid. Vitaly had known about his abilities for a long time, so the unexpected appearance did not become a sensation for him.

About our supernatural abilities he did not blow his trumpet on every corner, but preferred to remain in the shadows. The boy understood perfectly well that society was not ready to understand him. And the rest of the children will simply make fun of him, saying that he is somehow different.

Passion for mysticism

The young man took up the study of esoteric treatises quite seriously. He worked hard and achieved some heights in his psychic activities. The boy's father was somewhat skeptical about his son's activities; he thought that this was a temporary hobby and that the boy would soon stop “seeing the invisible.”

However, the boy did not stop engaging in spiritual practices. On the contrary, he began to study everything new that related to mysticism and esotericism with even greater enthusiasm.

"The fight of extrasensories"

The young man loved everything connected with his passion for mysticism. And I often watched the popular program “Battle of Psychics,” which was broadcast on the TNT channel. Often he caught himself thinking that he wanted to take part in it and compete with other “special ones”.

However, he constantly doubted and wondered whether he should go there. Everything changed with the announcement of a new casting for the “Battle of Psychics”. Vitaly receives a vision in which there are three signs, symbolizing three hands. He decides that this is a symbol of the main prize.

He still came to the casting, but before the broadcast he called his family and asked them to turn on the TNT channel. My father was very surprised by Vitaly Gibert’s participation in the “Battle of Psychics”; he did not like such programs. And my sister, on the contrary, was very happy for her “special” brother.

Overcoming himself, the father nevertheless began to watch the broadcasts and watch his son. He finally notices Vitaly’s extraordinary talent, which he had never suspected before. And in a state of emotional excitement, he calls his son and tells him that he is very happy about his success and is incredibly proud of him.

Without any effort, Vitaly Gibert talks about other people, but is silent about himself. With the beginning of his participation in the “Battle of Psychics,” he gained a whole army of fans. But the guy’s good appearance failed to charm the skeptics who spoke unflatteringly about his activities.


Vitaly does not consider himself someone unearthly, a sorcerer, or a magician. He claims that he is between worlds and is an ordinary conductor between them. He directly says that he cannot heal or help return lost love.

Vitaly Gibert's practices help you realize yourself, feel internal energy. It does not have a direct magical influence on a person’s fate, but only directs the person (for a certain amount) to the true path. Reviews about Vitaly Gibert are very contradictory, we will explain why below.

However, skeptics are not asleep and are ready to smash Guibert to smithereens. They have reasonable suspicions that he is an ordinary charlatan and also a skilled actor and psychologist. The psychic is only amused by such statements, because he passed a kind of quality test, winning the “Battle of Psychics” and gaining more than 42 thousand votes.

Vitaly Gibert and the book "Modeling the Future"

On his official website, the young man began distributing an electronic version of the work for free. He timed this to coincide with his birthday; on this topic, he recorded a video message to fans and posted it on the VKontakte social network.

There he appears against the backdrop of a Buddhist monastery, birds can be heard singing (most likely just added sound), and his voice sounds as if he had been cleansed of all earthly sins and received God's blessing. But in fact, he speaks artificially, uses typical epithets of a “spiritual” practitioner and does not look entirely convincing. Draw your own conclusions.

Quotes from the book:

Five years ago I had a lot of problems. At that time I was a deceitful manipulator, confidently playing on the feelings of other people. Especially the people who loved me.

Vitaly describes the achievement of a mythical “epiphany”, talks about spiritual practices and God. If you're really bored, you can read it. Although, despite psychic abilities, the writer's talent seems to have passed him by. The author's thoughts are not presented objectively, and the narration comes from the first person. But you can find something worthwhile for yourself, and also learn from the mistakes of others.