A message about the Olmecs. Olmec calendar and other lost knowledge of the ancient state

  • OK. 1200 BC e. - construction of temples in San Lorenzo.
  • OK. 900 BC e. - destruction of San Lorenzo.
  • OK. 400 BC e. - La Vente is abandoned.

End of the Olmecs

Around 400 BC. e. the temples at La Venta were abandoned. The Olmecs became extinct. However, their way of life influenced many of the peoples who replaced them.

The Olmecs did not have livestock, so growing grain crops was of particular importance to them. They ate mainly corn, but also knew how to grow beans, pumpkins, capsicums and avocados.

Olmec religion

Around 1200 BC. e. The Olmecs began building temples to their gods in the town of San Lorenzo. Later, San Lorenzo was destroyed and a new sanctuary was erected in La Venta for the worship of the gods.

Olmec heads

The Olmecs were most famous for the massive heads they carved from stone. Some heads reach a height of almost three meters. Scholars believe the heads likely belong to various Olmec rulers.

Scientists suggest that the Olmec civilization is the first civilization that appeared in Mexico. It is even called the “mother” civilization of Mexico. Like other ancient civilizations, this one also appeared with its own hieroglyphic writing and quite developed, and the Olmecs were also good at art and architecture and they had their own accurate calendar.
Researchers say that the Olmec civilization appeared around the middle of the 2nd millennium BC, existed for about a thousand years, and then seemed to dissolve. Civilization simply disappeared without any traces.
Their name is Olmec - rubber people, they received from modern scientists. As researchers say, they still do not know where the Olmecs came from, what language they spoke and for what reason they disappeared. One Indian legend says that they came to these lands from afar and were accompanied by sages. Afterwards, the sages left them and left, and the common population remained to live in Mexico. Olmec settlements were primarily located in the coastal areas of the Gulf of Mexico. But the influence of the Olmec culture can be seen throughout Central Mexico.
This mysterious ancient civilization left behind large ceremonial complexes with earthen pyramids. Moreover, they are all branched out by a system of irrigation canals and even city blocks. And the jade products created by the Olmecs are considered masterpieces of ancient American art. And their monumental sculpture is simply amazing. It includes altars made of multi-ton basalt and granite. They created human-sized sculptures. But the biggest mystery of the Olmec culture is still considered to be the huge stone heads. The first of them was discovered in 1862 in La Venta and today there are already 17 of them. All heads are carved from solid basalt blocks. Their height reaches from 1.5 meters to 3.4 meters. But most often the height of such giant heads reaches two meters, and they weigh from 10 to 35 tons.
All stone heads depict the same person and are made in the same style. They all have hats on their heads, but they are all different. Most of the giant heads have earrings in their ears. The person depicted on all heads has characteristically pronounced features of the Negroid race (plump lips, large eyes, wide and flattened noses with large nostrils). And this in no way suits the inhabitants of ancient America. Some believe that the Olmecs came from Africa.
It is also mysterious that not a single complete Olmec skeleton has yet been found. They have not survived. Science explains this by the fact that the climate here is very humid. The Olmec civilization left us many mysteries. This is also a vessel in the shape of an elephant that sits. Although these animals became extinct in America with the end of the last ice age. This happened about 12 thousand years ago. And this is contrary to science. Elephants could not live under the Olmecs, or they saw them in Africa, which also contradicts all scientific research. Most scientists believe that the Olmecs have roots much deeper than we imagine.
The Olmec culture contains another interesting mystery - toys in the form of dogs on wheels. But America did not know what a wheel was until the era of Columbus.
But let's return to the mysterious giant heads. Researchers found that the basalt used to make them was taken from quarries located in the Tuxtla Mountains. And this is 90 kilometers (if you count in a straight line) from the location of the stone heads. And no one understands how the basalt blocks were delivered across such a distance. There is an assumption that the stone was melted using rafts along the rivers of the Gulf of Mexico, and only then by land. But this is also unlikely.

Other researchers claim that the Olmecs got these heads from a previous civilization of giants, which was destroyed by aliens, according to Indian legend.
There is a version that says that giants ruled the Olmecs in their cities. And the giant stone heads are their portraits. And it was these giants who represented the Negroid race.

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What does the history of mankind hide? The question may seem rather strange, because everyone is well aware of the official theory of the development of humanity and individual nations of the world, which is taught in various educational institutions. There is no doubt that all the statements put forward by science have a real evidence base, however, what about what does not fit into this very official theory of the development of the world? After all, more and more artifacts are found in the world that cast doubt on the official version of the origin of the world and humanity.

It is enough to recall various strange finds around the world: figurines of airplanes found in the pyramids of the Indians of South America, rock paintings detailing man's presence in space and many others, to ask the question, how is it possible for such artifacts to exist? There is no answer to this question; official science simply throws up its hands or simply pretends that such things do not exist. In this article we will look at another amazing mystery that takes place on our planet.

Civilizations of South America

The most famous civilizations of South America are the Incas and Mayans; it was the descendants of these nations who were so mercilessly converted to Christianity by the brave conquistadors, taking away countless treasures along the way, destroying the most valuable artifacts that could shed light on the history of all mankind.

Thus, few people know that the ancestors of these cultures were not pioneers, but built their empires on the remains of an older civilization, which, according to the few surviving references, is called the Olmeca. Most architectural monuments became the property of the Incas or Mayans precisely after the Olmecs disappeared from the continent for inexplicable reasons. In 1862, the Mexican Melgar Jose sketched an interesting discovery that he made by chance during his travels. Not far from the village of Tres Zapotes, he discovered a stone head of a man; the facial features of the statue were very reminiscent of the appearance of an African American. The find aroused interest in society, which soon disappeared and everyone forgot about the find.

In 1925, archaeologists Blom and La Farge undertook an expedition to a remote island surrounded by swamps. It was there that the second head and the giant pyramid were discovered. This find allowed the whole world to learn about the Olmec civilization.

Ancient people

Over the next few years, various interesting discoveries occurred, confirming the theory of the existence of a civilization that lived in South America before the emergence of the Inca and Mayan settlements. So, in 1939, near the town of Tres Zapotes, archaeologist Matthew Stirling discovered several interesting artifacts. In addition to the huge head carved from stone, various clay tablets with inscriptions on them were discovered, as well as a cone-shaped pyramid. On one of the clay tablets found there were images related to the life story of the Jaguar god. After lengthy research, it became clear that this story formed the basis of Mayan mythology and was subsequently developed by them.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that before the appearance of the Mayans, a nation already lived in this territory. The civilization was distinguished by a high degree of development, was able to process solid materials, had its own written language and a developed system of myths. The new culture was called "Olmec". Subsequently, more stone heads were found, thanks to which this culture became widely known.

Over time, even more interesting artifacts were discovered, which indicated that a thousand years BC, the Olmec people already had running water and small artificial lagoons where crocodiles were bred. An entire city was also discovered, where archaeologists discovered many sculptures made at a high technological level. Michael Ko, a famous historian, believes that this culture arose 3,000 BC. To date, 17 heads have been discovered, but the appearance of these stone sculptures is of particular interest.

Who posed for the sculptor?

Of course, the heads themselves are important artifacts, because they depict the faces of the rulers of the people, but what really causes bewilderment in the scientific community is the appearance of these very portraits. The appearance of all the sculptures has special characteristic features - a flattened nose, plump lips, in general, these images look like the inhabitants of Africa. In the scientific world, a theory immediately arose according to which there was a sea connection between the shores of Africa and South America. During the experiment, it was proven that it was possible to cross the Atlantic on the papyrus boat "Ra", which was used by the ancient Egyptians.

There are many versions regarding the origin of this people, some, as mentioned above, believe that they are immigrants from Egypt, some historians have generally suggested that this culture has Asian roots, due to the fact that a painted dragon predominates in the images on various found objects, which is very similar to its relative from China.

Some suggest that the Olmecs are a small people who lived high in the mountains, but then descended to the plain and quickly subjugated the scattered tribes of Indians who lived in this territory.

Due to the lack of facts that could confirm one of the above theories, the heated scientific debate soon ceased, and the long-awaited peace came. Scientists came to the only conclusion that was neutral and satisfied the majority - the Olmecs, the very first established culture in South America. Everything would have been fine if in 1991, Professor Lara had not received a photograph dating back to 1951, it depicted a stone head that was completely different from all similar artifacts found before.

Strange head

As mentioned above, the first report regarding the discovery of the artifact was made in 1991, but by this time a series of civil wars had occurred in Guatemala, where the item was located. In 1992, an expedition into the jungle took place, when Professor Lara got to the supposed place of discovery of this item, more than 40 years passed and what was his disappointment when, having found this stone head, he discovered that it was completely damaged. There were many marks on it from bullets of various calibers. The nose, mouth, eyes - everything was destroyed, leaving only one photograph of the statue and the hope of someday finding a similar artifact. What was so amazing about this find that it became the subject of debate that continues to this day? Stone heads are often found in South America; even the facial features of ancient rulers, who are very similar to the inhabitants of Africa, do not greatly disturb researchers. It was the stone head from the Guatemalan jungle that forced us to reconsider the entire history of the peoples inhabiting South America. The facial features of this stone sculpture have nothing in common with the appearance of modern inhabitants of South America, but they also do not resemble the Olmecs.

So, in the photograph, the stone head has large eyes, narrow thin lips and a large, straight nose. It turns out that this image represents a completely different nation that lived here, completely different from the Olmecs, Mayans, Incas and Aztecs. But the question arises, what kind of people are they who left behind practically no material artifacts and simply disappeared? Scientists who examined the remains of the stone head came to the conclusion that the stone was processed more than 7000 BC. Unlike later Olmec forgeries, which used soft rocks to create sculptures, this sculpture is made from a single piece of hard rock. Despite all the millennia, scientists discovered that the head was made using tools that could cut stone quite easily. The perfect lines and the absence of chips suggest that the people who made this figure used technology that was inaccessible to subsequent civilizations. In addition, scientists came to the conclusion that the stone itself was brought here from the Andes, which is completely impossible.

The Olmecs appeared in the southern Gulf of Mexico 3 thousand years ago. They were a numerous and highly educated people. Where he came from to the fertile lands of Southern Mexico, where his roots were, is unknown. Over time, the mysterious civilization sank into oblivion, and other Indian tribes settled on its lands. The period of their existence dates back to the XI-XIV centuries. It was these people that the Aztecs called Olmecs, which translated meant “people from the land of rubber.” Subsequently, the ancient civilization was called Olmec, although there was nothing in common between the ancient inhabitants and the contemporaries of the Aztecs.

The Olmec civilization disappeared from the face of the earth at the very beginning of our era. And its culture is considered basic in the lands of Central America. In terms of its status, it corresponds to the culture of Ancient Egypt, that is, it is considered the “mother” of other cultures of the American continent.

It may seem strange, but no traces of the origin and evolution of the mysterious civilization have been found. It seems that its representatives appeared on the lands of the Gulf of Mexico out of nowhere, and were already bearers of highly cultural values. In addition, they did not leave any information about themselves. Nothing is known about their social structure, religion, or religious rituals. Their language and ethnicity are also unknown, and not a single human skeleton from that distant era will be found.

Only the ruins of pyramids, the remains of platforms and huge statues have survived to this day. Ancient people cut stone blocks from rocks, and majestic sculptures were carved from them. For the most part, these are heads. They are known as the "Olmec heads" and are one of the main mysteries of the mysterious civilization.

What do the heads represent? These are sculptures whose weight reaches 30 tons. Human features carved from stone are an exact copy of representatives of the Negroid race. That is, this real Africans, whose place is in Africa, not in America. But how could the inhabitants of Africa end up on the American continent 3 thousand years ago?

Olmec stone head discovered by archaeologists

The first stone head was discovered by American archaeologist Matthew Stirling in 1939. In his report, he wrote: “The head is carved from a basalt block. Installed on a foundation of poorly processed stone blocks. Cleared of earth, it has a majestic and even frightening appearance. It is processed extremely carefully, and the proportions of the face are completely respected, so they look very realistic. It is possible with a high have some confidence in asserting that this type of person is Negro.”

The Stirling expedition made another amazing discovery. Children's toys were found. They depicted dogs mounted on platforms with wheels. This was amazing, since before Columbus there were no wheels in America. However, the findings refuted the established opinion. However, it later turned out that the Mayan civilization also made similar toys on wheels. That is, the Indians knew about the wheel, but for some reason did not use it in economic activities.

In addition to monumental heads, the Olmecs also made steles with images carved on them. Steles were made mainly from basalt. They clearly show images of people belonging to different races. Some of them are Africans, and others are Indians. From this we can conclude that in ancient times there was a well-established connection between America and Africa.

But what kind of connection was this, and how could the inhabitants of Africa end up on the Gulf Coast 3 thousand years ago? Maybe they were the indigenous inhabitants of the New World. It is quite possible that such a migration could have occurred during the Ice Age, and the Negroid race lived on the American continent for a long time, but then, for some unknown reasons, died out.

It is believed that in ancient times there was regular communication across the ocean between America and Africa. This was stated by both Thor Heyerdahl and Tim Severin. By the way, the latter is alive to this day and is actively published. Consequently, Europeans look like dense ignoramuses if they still do not want to agree with obvious facts.

Olmec civilization on the map

As for the Olmec civilization, it lasted about 1000 years and disappeared. It was located on the lands of the modern Mexican state of Veracruz. Countless archaeological treasures are still hidden in its jungles. These are pyramidal temples, tombs, basalt sculptures, elegant figurines made of jade, caves with unique paintings.

At first glance, it may seem that all this was abandoned and forgotten 2 thousand years ago. But that's not true. The ancient culture did not die, but found its continuation in the culture of the Mayans and Aztecs. Nowadays it has been proven that the famous Mayan calendar was borrowed from the Olmec civilization. But first of all, this mysterious ancient people is associated with huge stone heads. Moreover, the heads are not of Indians, but of Africans, which once again indicates that modern people know negligibly little about the distant past.

As a civilization, the Olmecs began about three thousand years ago. Archaeological finds certainly provide confirmation of their existence, however, scientists have not yet unraveled the secrets of either their origin or death. The Olmecs lived on the modern Gulf Coast. This Indian empire is believed to have been the earliest culture of Central America. Legends confirm that the Olmecs were the ancestors of other Meso-American civilizations.

Culture of ancient civilization

Translated from the Mayan language, from whose historical chronicles the name “Olmec” was taken, literally means “inhabitants of the land of rubber.”

Over the course of several hundred years, this civilization developed scientific knowledge. Having existed for quite a short time, they were able to develop science to unprecedented heights. Her inventions included the Olmec calendar, based on unique ideas about mathematics and astronomy. It was built based on the cyclical nature of the universe, including long epochs of 5000 years, as well as knowledge about the cycles of other planets, the length of the day and year. It was the prototype of the famous Mayan calendar, which also interpreted astronomical phenomena. Unfortunately, the rich cultural and mythological heritage, the crown of which is considered to be the crown, has practically not been preserved: the Olmecs moved from the worship of various totemic animals to the veneration of gods - humanoid images that are the embodiment of the forces of nature.

Giant stone heads of people with Negroid features and weighing 30 tons each have been discovered since 1930. Carved from monolithic basalt, they have ideal proportions, are processed with the highest precision and have carefully drawn facial features. The sculptures rest on a platform made of untreated stone layers. Scientists in the process of research came to the conclusion that the heads were carved around 1500 BC, and possibly earlier. Experts say that these are images of idols, the memory of the great masters of that time, which was created by the Olmec civilization. The Olmecs looked up to and followed the established orders of other Indian tribes.

However, as already mentioned, there is no evidence left of the evolution of this mysterious civilization: any drawings, records or just things. The conclusion suggests itself is that this civilization appeared out of nowhere fully formed. Scientists are literally searching bit by bit and trying to structure information about their social organization, mythology, and rituals. Still, it was possible to discover that the Olmecs were an agricultural civilization, like all later cultures of Ancient America. Their areas of activity also included fishing and farming, which allowed them to prosper. Time and history have mercilessly destroyed the Indian heritage. Neither the linguistic nor ethnic affiliation of the Olmecs is known, only hypotheses. The architectural structures found and studied indicate that the Olmecs were remarkable engineers.

Cult of the Jaguar

It is believed that it was the representatives of this civilization who were the first to worship the jaguar. Later, this cult is also found among other ancient civilizations of both Central and North and South America. The jaguar was revered as the patron of agriculture, believing that he unwittingly contributed to the preservation of crops by scaring away other animals that preferred a plant diet. Among ancient peoples, this predator was considered the master of the Universe, and accordingly, it was deified. The cult dedicated to this supreme deity became a completely new mythological system. The Olmecs represented all their gods in the form of a jaguar. This animal personified strength, royalty and independence, became a symbol of fertility and natural phenomena and, importantly, was a guide to the world, since it led a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle.

The Olmecs themselves equated themselves with the jaguar, according to the legend of the union of the jaguar-deity with an earthly woman. The giant sculptures depicted an image that contained both the features of a ferocious jaguar and the features of a crying child.

There is a legend that has survived to this day about the appearance of the first jaguars. In one village there lived a woman and she had two sons. One of them was a good hunter, the other was cunning and enterprising. So he made a mask of a ferocious animal, painted it and began to hunt in it. Then, bringing the prey to the hut, he took off his mask and stuck an arrow into the carcass. Another brother decided to find out what was going on. I followed and did everything the same, and then decided to go through the village, instilling fear in its inhabitants. And then the incredible happened - the mask fused to him. The brother-hunter flew into a rage and tore to pieces all the inhabitants of the village, except his mother. She persuaded him to go and live in the forest. This son became the ancestor of other jaguars, which could sometimes turn into people and back. The gods who ruled over people and jaguars were also common.

Also, the were-jaguar was represented as a rain deity, one of the most famous gods of that time. Shamans used the image of a jaguar in totems. The totem was believed to symbolize forests. Not all shamans obeyed such a totem. Only a strong and powerful shaman could transform into an animal in a ritual dance and had the ability to control it. Shamans also knew how to cure diseases, bring good luck in hunting, and even predict the future. Since those ancient times, jaguar people have simply been terribly afraid. A mysterious cult appeared, associated with possible reincarnation, whose followers were cruelly branded with a special needle, the marks from it were similar to the marks from the claws of an animal.

Another legend was somehow connected with the jaguar. In one of the tribes, a young unmarried girl miraculously became pregnant. The elders of the tribe did not believe in the miracle and were looking for someone who should be punished for seduction. However, the oldest and wisest elder confirmed a miraculous conception from heaven itself - a lightning strike. Everyone began to look forward to the birth of the sacred children. But one day trouble happened, a jaguar attacked the girl and tore her apart, but the children managed to be born, they fell into the river. The Jaguars' grandmother, and it was she, found the babies and raised them as atonement for killing their mother. She named those extraordinary babies the Sun and. The children grew up and became the founders of a new tribe - the Olmecs appeared.

The civilization disappeared over time, its mythological images were absorbed by the Mayans - the next great civilization. Their jaguar deity also became the patron of war and hunting. The royal Mayan dynasties considered this animal a sacred ancestor. Their most popular names were Jaguar-Cedar, Jaguar-Night, Dark Jaguar. The leaders wore the skins of jaguars, as the supreme power, and helmets in the shape of the heads of this beast. Representatives of another powerful civilization, the Aztecs, believed that the first of the four eras of the Universe was the era of jaguars, who exterminated the giants inhabiting the earth at that time. There were also temples dedicated to the Jaguar god, whose spotted skin resembled the celestial star pattern.

In Olmec mythology there were also other motives - the acquisition of maize, here God is the benefactor of humanity, obtaining maize grains hidden in the mountains. A motif develops about the confrontation between the old god and the deity of maize.

Unfortunately, the theory that the Olmecs are a structural civilization has not been factually confirmed, but is a statement of the guesses of specialists. But even from the few data that have reached us thousands of years later, we can assume that this civilization did not disappear without a trace - its legacy was assimilated and absorbed by the subsequent great civilizations of the Mayans and Aztecs.

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    Legendary civilization. Olmec


    As a civilization, the Olmecs began about three thousand years ago. Archaeological finds certainly provide confirmation of their existence, however, scientists have not yet unraveled the secrets of either their origin or death. The Olmecs lived on the modern Gulf Coast. This Indian empire is believed to have been the earliest culture of Central America. Legends confirm that the Olmecs were the ancestors of other...