Reading stories about flowers for preschoolers. Tales about flowers and plants for children

Spring has come. In a dark dense forest, on the ground covered with dry spruce and pine needles, a very beautiful and delicate Flower grew. It was yellow and bright, like the spring sun that it had never seen. But the flower did not lose heart. He smiled and sang funny songs. It’s a pity, but no one in the dark and dense forest saw him or heard him sing.
The Flower became bored, and he went through the forest to look for friends. He goes and hums his song. Worm heard his ringing voice. He crawled out of the ground into the light to look at the singer. And the Flower, seeing the Worm, was delighted and said to him:
- Worm, worm! Let's be friends with you!
“No, that’s impossible,” answered the Worm. “You don’t want to follow me into the ground.” And I live there, and that’s where my home is.
- How do you crawl there, Worm?
- Yes, very simple. I make passages underground. They look like tunnels.
- No. I don't want to crawl underground with you. “I’d better look for a friend on earth,” Flower decided and moved on.
He goes on and hums his song. The Caterpillar, who was sitting on the trunk of a pine tree, saw him. She crawled closer and listened.
– You sing beautifully, Flower! - speaks.
– If you like it, then maybe you’ll want to be friends with me?
“No,” answered the Caterpillar. “I won’t be able to keep up with you.” Look how fast you are. You run like you fly!
“Well, as you know,” said the Flower and moved on.
He walked and walked all day, but still couldn’t find any friends. IN dark forest It got even darker and night fell. The Flower fell asleep, and in the morning he again went in search of friends. He goes and sings his song.
And then he finally got lucky. A Crow flew next to him. She heard the Flower's song and said:
“You won’t find a friend in this dark forest, Flower.” Come on, I'll take you to the clearing. Sunny loves to go there. And the Sun is loved by bees, butterflies and dragonflies, grasshoppers and bugs. They all gather there in the clearing.
- Tell me, Vorona, will they want to be friends with me?
- Of course they will! After all, you are so joyful!
Crow brought Flower to a sunny meadow. And there - bees are buzzing, butterflies and moths are fluttering, grasshoppers are chirping! Oh, how fun, how interesting!
– What a beautiful Flower, it’s like a little Sun! – they all rang and buzzed in different voices.
They surrounded the Flower, looked at it and couldn’t get enough of it. After all, coming out of the darkness into the sunlight, it became even more beautiful and brighter!
The Flower smiled and asked:
– Bees, dragonflies, butterflies and moths! Will you be friends with me?
- Of course we will! You are so cheerful and joyful!
The Flower was delighted, spread all its delicate bright yellow petals, looked at the Sun, adjusted the green cap on its head and sang:

Everyone is living happily in the sunny meadow.
They lead round dances and sing songs.
And I am such a beautiful and joyful Flower!
I will sing you a song and tell you a poem.
And everyone who once came to me here
He will understand that you will never see such a clearing!

The sun listened to this joyful song of the Flower and smiled. And midges, butterflies and moths, bees and bugs danced.
Soon the whole clearing was in bloom! Many, many green blades of grass grew on it, and between them hundreds of babies opened their thin petals - flowers as delicate and beautiful as the bright yellow joyful Flower. The sun painted them in all the colors of the rainbow - purple, blue, light blue, green, yellow, pink, red, burgundy. Oh, how fun it was in the sunny meadow, how beautiful!
Now every day all the flowers sing funny songs, and bees, bugs, butterflies and dragonflies dance and kiss their beautiful heads.
And if you ever find such a cheerful and beautiful sunny clearing in the forest, then, of course, you will definitely see that very beautiful and Joyful Flower on it!

P.s. Picture for the fairy tale by Galina Polnyak.

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This story began a long time ago, three years ago, when the owner of the dacha decided to decorate her yard with flowers. And it began...

It was necessary to clear the area, mark out the flower beds, add soil, add humus, bring large and small stones for the alpine slide, buy seeds and seedlings. The hostess really wanted to see rather the first flowering plants that she worked quickly, the matter was in her hands. Soon the place for the alpine slide was filled with small stones and earth on top to form a large hill. In different places of this hill they laid out big stones. This flowerbed hill is called alpine because it resembles a real small mountain on which flowers grow among the stones. That's very beautiful!

“What should I plant on an alpine hill? - thought the hostess. “We need to make it look beautiful from all sides.”

The owner did not even know that the Good Dwarf had settled on the hill under the largest stone.

He liked the new house so much that he decided to help the owner. Moreover, he himself loved flowers very much. The good Dwarf smelled them, bathed under the bell, from which he shook off the dew and drank it from the rose petals. Every day I made myself a new hat from pansy flowers.

The Good Dwarf slept on a bed of petals different colors, which smelled amazing and calmed him. The good Dwarf was so small that he could unnoticed climb up the clothes to the very ear of the mistress and whisper advice to her.

The owner wanted the flowers that she planted to be not only very beautiful, but also to love her. Before planting, she held the seeds in her palms and warmed them with her breath. The hostess moved the soil with her fingers and watered warm water to warm up. She did everything with such love that the seeds germinate quickly and the seedlings were immediately accepted.


An incense tree, looking like a spreading cabbage, settled right in the middle of the hill. It showed off its dark green shiny leaves, which did not lose their color all summer and were bright green.

At the very beginning of summer, the bergenia sent out several thick arrows upward, on which pink baskets of inflorescences of small flowers bloomed. He was very proud of his flowers, as they were one of the first to appear, attracting fat bumblebees.

Badan was sedate, a little lazy, slow, but at least seasoned. He was not afraid of either heat or cold. Badan quickly grew fat and soon took up a large place on the alpine hill. He looked at everyone like a winner and said:

- Look how important and fat I am! How much space I take up. I always have water to drink. I store it in the thick of the foliage. I'm brave! Unlike you, I am not afraid of wind, rain, frost. My leaves and stems are thick, so they cannot be bent by the wind or even broken by a downpour.

The good Dwarf liked Badan because he could hide under it during the rain. The drops did not flow inside the flower, since there were a lot of leaves and they overlapped each other.

Silvery, shaggy, soft-to-the-touch leaves, similar to bunny ears, settled next to Badan. They differed not only in color, but also in the surface of the leaves. The hostess often stroked them and gently touched them with her fingers. She really liked the warm, furry ears with a gray coating. It was as if there was a cat or a fluffy rabbit lying under your hands. The ears were beautiful even without flowers, although they also bloomed with small purple flowers in mid-summer. Badan touched the Ears with his leaf hands, rubbed his cheek against them, and covered them from the cold.

The ears were so emboldened by everyone’s love that they even climbed on top of a large stone and pressed themselves right up to the very stems of other plants. During the day, various insects rested on Ushki. They felt warm, soft, comfortable on the leaves, like on a feather bed.

The ears especially liked it when a golden bronze beetle, whose wings shimmered in the sun, and a peacock butterfly with a very beautiful design on the wings. The ears allowed everyone to touch them. They were not only gentle, but also kind. But one thing they didn’t like was when the hostess’s next guest exclaimed:

- What beautiful ears!

Each time my ears whispered in response:

- We are not bunnies. Our scientific name is woolly chick.

But no one heard them, no one wanted to remember them correct name. They were so tired of this that they began to turn away from the guests.

"What's happening?" - thought the hostess.

The good Dwarf told her the reason for Ears’ offense.

“Well, this can be fixed,” said the hostess and made a beautiful sign with the name Ushek, introducing them to the guests every time.

Other residents of the alpine hill

On the most top point Fern lived on an alpine hill. Its carved, fan-shaped leaves greatly decorated the hill. They looked like large peacock feathers, only green. The fern grew at the very top, so he saw everything first. He was very attentive and responsible. He often warned other flowers about an approaching thunderstorm, a cat who loved to walk through the flowerbeds and crush flowers, about a chicken who managed to fly over the fence from neighboring yard and peck out tender plants. All the flowers were grateful to him for this. Under its shadow, in the very middle, the tender leaves of the blue Hosta grew. The owner only planted it in the spring, and Fern did his best to protect the young plant from the burns of the sun, wind and large drops of rain. Little Hosta stretched her leafy palms towards Fern and smiled like a child. She became attached to him with her soul and considered him her father.

Irises grew on the very edge of the alpine hill. They were straight, tall, with thick narrow leaves pointed at the top and pale lilac flowers that faded quite quickly in June. Irises, like brave soldiers, stood guard at the very border of the hill. They grew so close to each other that it was difficult for anyone to get between them. And they protected well from the wind. Every night the Irises shouted together, as if on guard:

— Sleep well, inhabitants of the flower country. We are on duty! We see everything, we hear everything, we won’t miss anyone!

And at the other end of the oval hill, the hostess planted many meadow flowers, which she really liked. There were blue Bells, bright red Carnations, yellow Daisies, and honey-smelling Bedstraw. The picture was complemented by a decorative Onion, which scattered thin tube-stems like a delicate fan and poked out soft lilac, shaggy flower heads. The meadow flowers bloomed for a long time, replacing each other, and delighted the hostess all summer.

But not only her. The Good Dwarf was also happy. Now he could feel like wildlife, in a meadow where everything blooms and smells fragrant. In the morning the meadow flowers greeted each other:

- Ding-ding-ding! - the little bells rang.

- Don-don-don! - the larger bells answered them.

- Tick-tock, tick-tock! - Carnations greeted.

- La-la-la! - Daisies sang their song.

It must be said that wild and ornamental plants did not always live amicably: sometimes meadow plants tried to quickly grow and occupy more space, then the cultivated plants did not want to be friends with them, they wondered, considering themselves more beautiful.

But the hostess loved everyone and gave all the flowers her care and affection. Every day she walked around the flower garden, examined each plant, touched it, talked, sang songs:

Bloom quickly, my beauties!

I will water you to quench your thirst.

I won’t forget to wash all the leaves for you.

You give my soul a rest,

Let me look into a fairy tale,

Where the wondrous beauty of nature lives,

Where worldly vanity goes away.

You can look at a flower all day long -

Just as the stamens are good, so is the petal.

You can catch the smell with the breeze,

Like a butterfly, circling over the flower beds.

The flowers listened attentively to the hostess, turning their heads behind her.

There were many more flowers on the alpine hill. They had different heights and color of leaves and flowers, bloomed at different times, so from early spring to late autumn The slide was pleasing to the eye.

Residents of the Land of Flowers

The flower garden did not consist of one slide. There were also many flower beds of rectangular, round, and semicircular shapes. Right next to the fence, Golden Balls towered above all the flowers in the flower garden.

They bloomed only at the end of July, but there was no one taller than them. With their heads, like sun balls, they not only saw the entire yard, but also what was happening behind the fence. Therefore, they could talk about the forest, meadow and goats grazing on it, birds gathering on a small pond, village life, sunset and much more.

The Golden Balls bent their thin, flexible tall stems down and spent hours telling the flowers about life behind the fence. They were real talkers and sometimes even gossiped. But all the flowers listened to them willingly, because they could not see what the Balls saw.

Near the Golden Balls, the Lady's Slipper (Aconinum capulata, or wrestler) has blossomed. It bloomed with blue-violet and white-blue flowers that looked like little shoes. There were so many of them that the plant tried to distribute them throughout July. To everyone who passed by, the flower said:

- Take a pair of shoes. Look how beautiful they are! They will be just right for you!

But only the Good Dwarf wore these flower shoes with gratitude. He could change them every day while the plant was blooming.

Goldenrod settled next to the Lady's Slipper. He was shorter than the Golden Balls, but also tall. On long stems with narrow leaves grew a panicle with small yellow flowers. There were a lot of stems with panicles, so together they looked beautiful, especially in August. The wind swayed the panicles, they whispered, swaying in different directions:

- We are also like the sun! We are just as yellow. Let others envy us. We bloom until late autumn, decorating the flower garden.

But then Physalis, who grew lower nearby, intervened:

— You’re not the only one who blooms until late autumn. Look at my orange lanterns. How beautiful they are! Almost all the flowers will fade, and the lanterns will orange will make everyone happy. Moreover, the hostess will put branches with lanterns in a vase and admire them all winter.

- Don’t worry too much! - Daisies entered the conversation. - Who pleases the hostess all summer if not us? And how different we are: with white petals and yellow

center, pink petals and a large brown spiky center-head, blue, yellow, yellow-red.

How the hostess loves us, even counts the buds! We are the most beautiful! And we are good at bouquets.

“We found something to surprise you with,” the beautiful Lilies said proudly. - Well, can we be compared to one of the flowers?! Whose flower is larger? Yes, the hostess cannot take her eyes off us! Either luxurious white flowers, or yellow, or orange, cream, soft pink, or bright scarlet. And every flower is like a miracle! And what grace. You all don't deserve us. We are queens and you are our servants!

- Well, I do not! - Rose was indignant. — I have always been considered the queen of flowers! All the poets dedicated poems to me. Even the female name is Rose. And you, Lilies, smell so bad! Ugh, even my head hurts. The smell is pungent. They don’t even leave you with a bouquet in your room overnight. On the contrary, they put me closer. I calm my nerves. Scientists call this aromatherapy. From my petals they make rose oil, perfume, make jam, dry them and stuff them into aromatic bags and pillows. The owner comes up to me many times a day and smells the flowers. But I’m not as arrogant as you, Lily. Although I am prickly, with thorns on the stems, I am not arrogant. I just can’t live next to strong-smelling flowers, it’s harmful to me.

The Rose Bush was really nice! Large bright scarlet flowers pleased the eye and exuded most delicate aroma. Early in the morning, droplets of dew shimmered like emeralds on the delicate petals. The flowers were as beautiful as the morning itself! Even the sun was afraid to get up earlier, so as not to dry the dew on the petals.

Rose spoke so emotionally that one rose fell off. The good Dwarf quickly collected the petals and took them to his house. He dried the petals and stuffed them into canvas bags so that the house would smell like roses all winter.

Daylily entered the dispute:

— We are queens too, that is. kings! Our flowers are very similar to Lily flowers, but a little smaller

she. We bloom for a long time. The leaves are long, thin, narrow and grow from the very ground in a beautiful fan.

- There’s no point in joining us! - the proud Lilies grumbled dissatisfiedly. “Even though you are like us, the Lily flower blooms for three days, and then fades and another one blooms, but the Daylily flower blooms only for one day and fades.” And our root legs are different: you, Daylily, are just a rhizome, like many plants, but we have a beautiful bulb.

- But I’ve been growing for 25 years! - Daylily snapped in response. “And I require almost no care, and the beautiful white Lily is afraid of frost.” Yes, and you are fading - Lilies quickly: and only sticks of stems stick out in the flowerbed.

- Lilies, you can’t be so proud and arrogant. We would really like to be friends with Rose. Only we didn’t understand why she wasn’t seated next to us. And now we know. We also smell strong, but like Rose, it’s pleasant. Moreover, just like you - Roses, flowers different color and they smell different. Our five-petal flowers of bright pink, crimson, white, lilac, burgundy are collected in inflorescences in the shape of a hemisphere or panama at the very top of a thin flexible stem. There can be more than a hundred flowers in an inflorescence! The hostess says that we are a bright spot in the flower garden.

The phloxes lowered their Panama inflorescences, hearing some rustling.

- What kind of little ones are growing next to us? - they asked the flowers much lower in height.

- Fi, how rude you are! “We are not little ones at all,” the plants answered, “but very noble flowers.” The hostess gave a lot of money for us. And we have a special name - Astilbe. We are from the highest flower society. And you are called Phlox, as if someone was snorting. And we bloom before you. And what delicate, fluffy flowers we have - inflorescences in the shape of a small Christmas tree in soft pink, white, soft lilac, red! They smell so good! The hostess couldn’t be happier admiring us and touching the fluffy inflorescences. Don't call us little ones! Small and smart. But what kind of flowers grow under our feet? - and Astilbe turned away arrogantly.

“These flowers look like the sky,” said Phlox. - They are very small, but there are so many of them. And most importantly, their petals are painted bright blue. It’s as if a piece of heaven has descended to earth!

“We are Forget-Me-Nots,” the flowers below whispered quietly. — We bloom at the very beginning of summer, when many flowers are not yet blooming. We love shade very much, because in the sun our flowers fade, become pale and inconspicuous. So the hostess sat us near the fence, from which the shadow falls.

- If only we had this color! - Phlox sighed.

“We also want to be like the sky,” the Lupins grumbled in response. “Everyone is bragging, but they forgot about us.” Why are our flowers and leaves worse!? Look, the succulent stems extend like an umbrella from the center near the ground, and on them there are leaves, like an open palm with fingers. Only there are a lot of fingers - fourteen, sixteen. They are all the same size and grow, splayed out, from the middle. Everyone says it's beautiful. And what flowers we have in the shape of a large candle! When we bloom, there are many, many such candles, lilac, purple, pink, white decorate us. True, when we fade, brown pods with seeds remain. But we don’t need to be seated, we grow ourselves. Seeds fall from dry pods to the ground and germinate. We also enrich the soil with nitrogen so that plants grow better. So the hostess planted us not only in the flower garden, but also in the vegetable garden. A whole field of Lupins! Like this.

For a long time, the wild Grapes, which entwined the entire fence and the summer house, were silent. But he couldn’t restrain himself:

- What talkers and braggarts you are all! I look at you from above and see that without each of you the flower garden would not be so beautiful. And without me too. My leaves are sometimes bright green, sometimes burgundy, sometimes yellow, sometimes brownish, sometimes bright red, creating a nice background for you. Moreover, colored polka dots are crawling all over me all the time. He is so bright, colorful, fragrant that I allow him to kiss me with delicate flower petals and hug me with tenacious antennae. We are friends and do not offend each other. In heavy rain I try to cover delicate flowers with its leaves. But, friends, I kept listening to the perennials, but why are the annual flowers silent?

“What can I say,” responded the Marigolds, “of course, we only live one summer, but how we bloom!”

And indeed, there were a lot of marigolds. Like a carpet, they bloomed in a flowerbed: bright yellow, dark burgundy with a yellow border, yellow with burgundy stripes, deep orange with yellow spots, lemon with black stripes. The heads of the Marigolds seem to have woven the pattern of the carpet. They were so bright that it blinded my eyes on a sunny day. The Marigold bushes stood strong, like small trees. As soon as you approached the flowerbed, dozens of butterflies, bumblebees, bees, and dragonflies flew from the Marigold flowers.

Beautiful butterflies: urticaria, peacock's eye, lemongrass opened their patterned multi-colored wings and became a second flower, complementing the beauty of the Marigolds. Some flowers faded, others bloomed, so the carpet of flowers was always beautiful. Nasturtium agreed with the marigolds:

“I also bloom until frost.” And what delicate, large flowers I have! Here are pale pink, here with a yellow tint, and here are pink-red. And the leaves, almost round in shape and juicy green in color, are also good. I spread all over the flowerbed with my flexible, thin, twisting stems and create such a beautiful carpet of flowers and leaves that it’s just a sight for sore eyes!

The flowers of Viola, or as she is also called, Pansies, looked at them with all their eyes. There were so many shades and colors here! In one flower one could see several colors and shades. This made the velvet petals look even more beautiful. Like hundreds colorful butterflies living in the tropical forests, flew in and sat down to rest!

“We listen and listen and look at everything with Pansies,” Viola sang tenderly. “But Petunia has become so tall from too much rain that we can’t see the neighboring flowerbed at all.” We're small.

“There’s no need to look askance at me,” Petunia turned to Viola. “The owner even swore at me, why am I not growing and not growing.” So I strained myself and grew into a whole bush, although I should be as tall as Salvia. But I’m so smart! Large bell flowers different colors with mesh veins are so fragrant and beautiful. Look, there are even double flowers with patterned edges.

- Yes, yes, yes, my dear friends of the same age, I agree with you. We can be proud of our lush, vibrant beauty! “I’ll add some color to you,” Salvia drawled languidly, “my bright scarlet color sets off your pink, yellow, blue, and lilac colors well.” My inflorescence column consists of many small flowers, similar to small bells, only they look in different directions from the stem, and not up and down, like those of Bells or Lilies. We are especially smart when we grow close to each other and there are many of us. Then it seems that a bright fire is burning.

- And we, and we! - squeaked the Daisies. - If we are not so bright and small, then you can forget about us? But we are gentle and complement well bright colors other plants. And we take care of ourselves, scattering seeds around us to grow next year.

The flowers in the flower garden chatted for a long time. Dahlia entered the conversation, then Delphinium, Gladioli, Chrysanthemums, Columbine (aquilegia) and many other plants, of which there were more than a hundred species in the flower garden.

And even spring flowers: Tulips, Daffodils, Crocuses, Lilies of the valley squeaked from the ground with their bulbs so that they would not be forgotten.

Some flowers faded, others bloomed. And so from early spring to late autumn, delighting the hostess, her family and all passers-by. It was impossible to choose just one beautiful flower. They were all good in their own way. This is how the big flower family lived. As in any family, there were good and bad days in the life of flowers. They were sometimes friends, sometimes they quarreled, they were offended. Then they reconciled and rejoiced again.

What about our Good Dwarf? He liked living in the flower garden so much that he made himself several houses under different stones on an alpine hill, filled the feather beds with petals of different flowers and moved from one house to another, enjoying the smell and beauty.

Don’t think that everything was so good and smooth in the life of a flower gardener. It's only in fairy tales flowers bloom in an instant. What happened to the flowers?


The owner loved flowers very much and spent a lot of time with them. But she also loved to experiment, especially when the flower garden was just taking shape. She replanted flowers many times. And she did this even during the flowering period. As soon as the flower takes root, takes a liking to the place, and gets to know its neighbors, it is transplanted to a new place. Only Badan was lucky; he was never transplanted.

The flowers carefully watched the mistress and, if she approached them with a shovel, everyone cowered in fear. What if you move to a new place again, get sick after a transplant, get used to it! True, the hostess’s hands were gentle, they carefully replanted the plants, so they developed quickly.

Another thing that bothered the flowers was the owner’s desire to feed them with something all the time, and since she didn’t know much at first, she didn’t always do it correctly: she would put fresh manure under the roots and burn them; then it will pour fertilizer in the afternoon, and the sun will scorch the plants; This will add a lot of humus for flowers that grow better in sandy soil. But the hostess studied a lot of special books, magazines about flowers, even read an encyclopedia and soon began to do everything correctly. The flowers understood that she loved them, so they forgave her mistakes. But when the owner learned everything, how grateful the plants were to her for the special feeding with fertilizers, after which they grew quickly and bloomed brightly.

There was a third misfortune. The owner, when she first bought seeds and seedlings, did not put up signs with the inscriptions of the planted plants. She forgot what she sowed in the fall, and in the spring she sowed or planted other flowers in the same place.

- No need! - the seeds squeaked from under the ground. - We’re already planted! How could you forget!

But the hostess did not hear anything, and, remembering, she understood that it was too late. But that didn’t last long either. The hostess began marking the planting sites with special boards or sticks with the name of the plants and planting dates. Order reigned in the flower garden. Plants were selected for different flowering periods, color, stem height, and flower bed characteristics. It should be noted that the hostess received knowledge about flowers not only from smart books. She was helped by the Good Dwarf, who quietly suggested what to do.


The good Dwarf also had to worry a little. Within a year, the alpine hill where he had built several houses for himself settled. It was necessary to add soil and lift large stones that had grown into the ground. What started here! The poor Dwarf almost ran away from fear into another flower garden. He was so worried that he did not have time to take his flower-scented featherbeds out of the houses.

- Just be careful! - he whispered in the hostess’s ear. - Lower the stone slowly! Don't cover my house with earth! Are you blind?!

The Good Dwarf had to collect the petals again and arrange his houses.

This time the slide was thoroughly repaired. So for several years the Dwarf could be calm. Nobody touched him anymore.


Another misfortune for the flowers was the neighbor’s cat, or rather, a cat and a cat. The cat was gray-smoky in color, and the cat was spotted, red, white and black.

The cat walked around the entire territory at night, marking it, indicating that he was the owner. He was not interested in flowers. He avoided them. The cat was very interested in flowers.

She loved to lie on them and soak up. She sniffed them, rubbed her muzzle and even ate some. And when the breeze shook the stems, the cat began to catch them with her paw and play with them. And in the morning the housewife found crumpled and broken flowers. The flowers had to figure out how to get rid of the annoying cat - a lover of flowers.

First, they conspired with the bees and bumblebees, who got up early in the morning with the cat, to bite her on the nose. Oh, how it hurt her when several bees stuck their stings into her! But now she has become more careful. She did not approach the flowers when bees and bumblebees were flying over them.

Then the flowers turned to garden ants for help, who also caused the plants a lot of trouble, but now they could help. After all, ants secrete formic acid, which is very caustic. The flowers and the ants agreed that they would spray acid in the cat’s eyes. That's what the ants did. The cat’s eyes stung and nothing could be seen. She quickly ran away to wash them with water!

The cat began to diligently avoid the ant paths. But still she didn’t stop going to the flower garden. Then the flowers conspired to shower the cat with their pollen so that it would get into her nose. As soon as the naughty girl entered the flower garden, all the flowers poured their pollen onto her: the cat was covered with it from head to toe! And she started sneezing so much that she couldn’t stop. Meanwhile, butterflies, bumblebees, bees, dragonflies, moths, beetles thought that the cat was a new huge flower, and they all sat on it. That was the picture!

The cat began to kick, roll around, meow loudly, and call for help. She ran out of the flower garden. No one ever saw her there again. And the flowers sighed with relief.


The real enemies of flowers were weeds. In the rainy summer there was no life from them. They grew by leaps and bounds, entwining flowers, drinking their water with nutrients, shielding them from the sun. The owner weeded them out almost every day.

- Come to me, come to me quickly! - another flower called to the owner. And the hostess immediately pulled out the evil weeds with both hands. But one day she left for two whole weeks. The entire flower garden is overgrown with weeds.

“That’s it,” the flowers thought, “now we won’t survive.”

The good Dwarf tried to help the flowers, but he was so small that he could not cope with all the weeds. However, he could contact the hostess at a distance with his thoughts. The gnome sent her a ray with information that her favorite flowers were dying. He found the owner at work and gave her the information. She didn’t wait for the weekend and went to the dacha in the evening after work. What did she see!

Instead of a beautiful flower garden, only evil weeds grew. She quickly got down to business.

- I'll show you how to hurt my favorite flowers! - the hostess grumbled. Then she collected all the weeds and took them away from the flower garden so that their seeds would not fall off and sprout again.

Now the flowers could breathe freely. The owner watered them and loosened the soil around them. They caressed the mistress’s hands with their leaves and flower petals and sang their songs for her.

But the adventures of the flowers did not end there.

Bad weather

Good for home flowers! They always live warm. They are not afraid of rain, snow, frost, hail, and wind. But the flowers that grow under open air, the sun is not always the only one shining.

In early spring, the first sprouts crawled to the surface of the earth and reached for the sun. How they rejoiced! They basked under the spring rays, stretched out their palms and turned their cheeks. And then one morning, when the sprouts were waiting for the first rays, frost fell on the ground. It was so cold that the sprouts were very cold at first, caught colds and got sick, and then some of them even died. New shoots had to sprout again.

But as soon as they gained strength and began to turn into adult plants, they were hit first by cold rain, and then by hail the size of a pea. How it hurt the leaves! They tried to hide, but there was nowhere.

- Oh, how painful it is! - they shouted. - Help! Cover us!

The hail even pierced the leaves and left holes in them - wounds.

The flowers have finally grown. They were happy. They showed off their flowers and bright greenery. But then a large black cloud covered the sun and lightning flashed. The thunderclaps scared the flowers so much! What will happen?! And then a heavy rain fell on the ground. He flooded everything around, nailed plant stems to the ground, knocked down delicate flowers. Flowers choked in water, wet soil stuck to the leaves. It seemed to the flowers that their life was over.

Finally the rain passed and the sun came out. It dried the plants and warmed them.

There were broken flowers, large puddles and dirt all around. The flowers had to work hard to heal their wounds and give new sprouts.

But that's not all. A cold fog began to creep into the flower garden. He went down to the lowlands in the evenings and, like a cold shower, burned the tender plants and enveloped them in icy drops. The flowers trembled from the humidity and cold, sneezed, coughed, and black spots appeared on the stems and leaves.

This is where the hostess helped the flowers. She began to cover them at night with a special white cloth - a spider web, which warmed the flowers, let raindrops and air through so that they could drink and breathe. Now, no matter how hard the fog tried, it could not harm the plants. The persistent flowers still grew, bloomed and delighted everyone around. They coped with all adversity and persevered. So small and so brave! The owner was very proud of them.

The story of the flower garden continued. New flower beds and plants appeared. The whole area has become a big flower garden!

What about the Good Dwarf? He and the flowers endured all the hardships. When it was cold, he insulated his house with the down of birds and feathers that fell from above, and the fluffy seeds of some flowers.

All summer he knitted a down sweater, pants and socks for winter. For the winter, the Dwarf closed the entrance to the house with a stone and plugged the remaining holes with dry moss, which he collected from a nearby swamp in the fall. He laid a thick layer of dry, fragrant hay on the floor and hung it above his head. winter supplies: dried mushrooms, berries, pieces of fruit and vegetables. Small bags contained hazelnuts, which were brought to him by a familiar squirrel from a neighboring forest. The smell of roses reminded the Gnome of warm summer, a branch with orange physalis lanterns was instead of the sun, and dried forget-me-not flowers lay on the windowsill like a piece of the sky.

So the Good Dwarf spent the winter, waiting warm summer along with the roots of plants that slept underground.

Work with text

- Read the fairy tale to children in parts, accompanying the reading by showing illustrations, pictures, postcards depicting flowers and flower beds (Vasilieva S. L., Miryasova V.I. Thematic dictionary in pictures: The world of plants and mushrooms. Flowers. Trees. M., 2004; Visual aids: “Trees and Shrubs”, “Wild Flowers”, “Berries”, “Garden Flowers” ​​(M.: TC Sfera, 2012), etc.).

- After describing the flower, give the task to find its image, supplement the description given in the fairy tale.

— Offer to act out mini-scenes from a fairy tale, showing different character colors.

- Offer to draw or compose from individual elements the flower garden described in the fairy tale, and add other flowers; illustrate a fairy tale.

— Together with the children, compose a continuation of the fairy tale, including new characters and plots.

Questions and tasks

— How did the hostess start arranging a flower garden in her dacha?

— How does an alpine slide work? Why is it called that?

— What was unusual in the design of the Gnome’s house?

— What was unusual about the housewife planting flower seeds?

— How is Badan described in the fairy tale? What was his character like? Why was Badan so proud of its leaves and stems?

- Who remembers the scientific name of the furry Ears that the owner planted on the alpine hill next to Badan?

— Describe the woolly Chistets.

- Why was he offended by people? How did the owner help him?

— What plant settled at the highest point of the alpine hill?

— How was the Fern different from other plants?

— Which plant did the Fern protect from the sun and rain?

— How did Fern help all plants?

— Who are Irises compared to in the fairy tale? Why?

— What meadow flowers did the owner plant on the alpine hill?

— How did cultivated and wild plants live among themselves?

— What flowers did the hostess plant in the flower beds?

— Why do the Golden Balls have such a name? Why could they see everything?

- Why does the Lady's Slipper have such a name? Who remembers its scientific name?

— Why does Goldenrod have such a name? Does it bloom in early or late summer?

— Which plant’s seeds ripen in bright orange lanterns?

— What color were the daisies growing in the flowerbed?

— What flowers competed with them in color, brightness and shape?

—Which flower is considered the queen of flowers? What is good about this flower?

— How do daylilies differ from lilies?

- Why did the Phloxes begin to argue with the Roses?

- What flowers look like pieces? blue sky?

— Which flowers have flowers that look like big candles?

— Which plant has special tendrils to cling to support and grow upward?

— What annual plants did the hostess plant? Why are they called that?

— What did the housewife do wrong when equipping the flower garden?

— What misfortunes befell the Dwarf and the plants? How did the owner help her favorite flowers?

— How did the Dwarf arrange his home for the winter?

— What kind of care does a flower garden require all summer?

Insect Carnival

The spider organized a carnival

And he called all the insects.

They are rushing to the carnival,

They crawl, and jump, and fly.

Dragonflies flew from the river,

How the helicopters made noise.

A grasshopper galloped from the meadow,

He played a song on the violin.

Mosquitoes in a cheerful flock

They flocked together onto the lawn.

Cheerful lively moth

He sat down beautifully on a flower.

Bee, circling, buzzing with might and main,

She sat down like a lady.

Having heard, the flies flew in

And they carefully sat down next to him.

Beetles, muttering under their breath,

Everyone was asked the same question:

“What's the problem? Go where?

Or maybe this is nonsense?

Here, flying around the green forest,

Butterflies descended from heaven.

Everyone is full of jubilation

And different masks are visible.

Who dressed up as a bird,

Who dressed in the Fairy dress,

Who put up his hat with a feather,

Who attached the tail like a fan.

They danced, sang and laughed

And they didn’t notice

How you got caught in a spider's net...

They didn't expect a clever trap.

Paws stuck to the sticky thread,

The proboscis is firmly glued,

The wings hung like rags,

No lively voice can be heard.

Only tears run down my cheeks,

And everyone calls mom in unison.

Although death is red in the world,

But it's not the right time.

The insidious, evil spider sits,

He looks at everyone sarcastically,

He rubs his hands with a grin,

Swallows hungry saliva:

- What a feast! How cunning I am!

Lunch suddenly came to me on its own.

Do you want a carnival?

And they flew into the web.

Now sit down, don't buzz

And don’t call mom and dad.

As soon as the sun goes down,

This is where your death will come!

- Oh, woe to us! - the guests are crying. —

It is not easy for us to free ourselves.

We can't even move from our place,

And the spider sits on guard.

Is it really possible to come to terms with death?

And plunge into the web?!

- Oh no! - the mosquito squeaked here.

I'm small, but still smart.

I saved the clattering fly

And I will help you out now.

Prepare all the wings -

Again. Drive away fear!

Roll over from side to side

Just don't fall overboard.

Shake the web vigorously

It was as if a mine had been laid.

The paws are already free,

Swing harder without looking back!

The proboscis is already visible,

This is not your fault at all.

Let's shake it all together again

And let's break the web!

Oh happiness! Death is behind us!

Well, there are hopes ahead!

Everyone fluttered, buzzed,

They jumped and galloped.

Everyone started to have enough mosquitoes,

Thank you with all my heart:

- You turned out to be the bravest

More resourceful than us, more skillful!

I wasn't afraid of the spider

And he delivered us from the enemy!

We were able to escape together

So that it doesn’t become dinner by nightfall.

Hooray! We praise the mosquito!

Hurray for the valor of the mosquito!

The mosquito answered the insects:

“Isn’t it better for us to fly home?”

We worked hard together

Everyone was freed from captivity.

When the evil spider wakes up,

Only the woodpecker's knock will be heard.

And from now on we need to be smarter

And don’t go to the eight-legged ones!

Questions and tasks

—Which insect flew and galloped to the carnival to the spider?

— Describe how the guests gathered for the carnival.

-What was their mood?

- What is the spider up to?

- How did he lure the insects into the web?

- What did he want to do with the guests?

— How did the mood of the guests change?

- Who wasn’t afraid of a spider?

— Why did the insects manage to get out of the web?

— What character traits did the mosquito show?

— How did insects praise the mosquito?

— Why did the mosquito call the spider eight-legged? How many legs do insects have?

- Act out scenes from a fairy tale.

— Draw illustrations for the fairy tale, each choosing the appearance of a particular insect.

Walk in the woods

Tanechka and Vanechka

We walked through the forest.

Just for fun

All the flowers were plucked,

Birch twigs

Bent and broke

Pine for the fire

The thin one was broken.

First to alarm

The squirrels trumpeted.

Wolves with indignation

They howled loudest.

Growled angrily

Bear for children.

The nightingale stopped

Sing your songs.

- Shame on you! —

They told the children. —

We're coming to your home

We didn't go to visit.

No books were torn there,

No furniture was broken

And a fire in the kitchen

We didn't light it.

You are in our house

All the flowers have been picked

The branches were broken

The trees were burned.

Leave quickly

You haven't been eaten yet!

Tanechka and Vanya

We managed to escape.

At home we thought about it...

“They won’t let me into the forest now.”

And from this thought

I immediately felt sad.

And then we decided

Ask for forgiveness

Do something good

Serve a treat.

Seedlings were collected

And flower seeds,

The ribbons were cut

To hold it firmly.

Planted pine trees

In an even row,

The seeds have been sown

Around the grass.

Twigs tied up

What was broken yesterday.

Even a windbreak

They collected everything from the forest.

Squirrel with nuts

They generously gave

About spiny hedgehogs

The children haven't forgotten.

They brought them mushrooms,

Sweet, juicy apples.

Bunnies - carrots

Yes, a barrel of cabbage.

Honey for the cubs

We picked up some sweets.

Grain for all the birds

They were scattered everywhere.

The animals and birds are happy,

All the flowers are happy.

The news is like this

It's like a reward for all of them.

Tanechka and Vanya

They come to visit the forest.

Protect nature -

It's so simple!


- Why did the inhabitants of the forest drive Tanechka and Vanechka away?

From childhood we remember the magic words:

"Fly, fly, petal,
Through west to east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Commanded that this or that should happen."

The girl Zhenya was simply lucky in a difficult time to meet an old sorceress who gave her a flower that fulfills wishes. And not one, or three, but seven! How did Zhenya take advantage of this opportunity? What adventures awaited her? This is what the fairy tale "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik" is about.

The book has been reprinted many times, both separately and in collections. You can see it in the storeLABYRINTH

Eat audio version fairy tales.

And, of course, Soviet hand-drawncartoon 1948, Soyuzmultfilm studio. (Another site with this cartoon)

A good fairy tale about love, about friendship, about duty. The merchant wandered around the world for a long time in search of a gift for his youngest daughter, Scarlet Flower. Who knew that this flower would bring so many trials for the heroes. The remarkable literary treatment of the fairy tale by S. Aksakov puts it on a par with Russian folk tales.

V. Propp, a famous researcher of fairy tales, in his book "Russian Fairy Tale" (Published by Leningrad State University, 1984 . P. 210-224) says: "... a group of fairy tales is about a girl who, by the will of fate, finds herself at the mercy of a monster in a luxurious garden or a magical palace. We recall here “Ruslan and Lyudmila” ... “The Scarlet Flower” and “The Tale of Finist clear falcon"These are fairy tales like "Cupid and Psyche". They are especially famous in the history of world culture and have become the subject of literary adaptations." ()

So many interesting materials about the fairy tale and the author collected in a virtual museum"ALOCVET"

Based on a fairy talecartoon (Soyuzmultfilm, 1952 . Director: Lev Atamanov),Feature Film (filmed in 1977 by director Irina Povolotskaya at the M. Gorky Film Studio), as well as severalradio shows

Fairy tale variations: Madame de Beaumont's version of "Beauty and the Beast". A wealthy merchant has three daughters and three sons. All the girls are pretty, but especially the youngest, whom everyone calls Belle - Beauty. The sisters are vain and jealous of Beauty. Unlike her sisters, she is modest and sweet, she does not strive to get married, but wants to always live next to her father.

Suddenly the family goes bankrupt. The beauty is forced to take care of the housework, while the sisters prefer to idle. A merchant undertakes a business trip in hopes of regaining his lost wealth. The older sisters demand that luxurious outfits be brought to them as gifts. Beauty, not wanting to offend her sisters with demonstrative silence, asks only for a rose, because roses do not grow where she lives. (Same The Scarlet Flower, but unlike Aksakov’s, which cannot be imagined, but can only be recognized, has a very real form).

The merchant's attempts to get rich are unsuccessful. In desperation, he heads home and on the way gets into dense forest where it catches him strong storm with snow and rain. Suddenly he sees a brightly lit palace, but there is no one there, although there is dinner on the table, and in the bedroom everything is prepared for a comfortable overnight stay. In the morning he walks through the garden, where he sees a wonderful rose and remembers the request of his youngest daughter. As soon as he picks a flower, a terrible monster and says that the merchant will die as punishment for stealing the rose. He begs to be spared, and the Beast agrees to let him go on the condition that one of his daughters take his place. If none of them agrees, the merchant will be obliged to return and accept death. The monster gives him a box full of gold and lets him go. With money from the box, the older sisters play rich weddings. The merchant gives the rose to his youngest daughter and confesses what happened. The brothers are eager to fight the Beast. Beauty begs her father to allow her to go to the palace where the Beast lives, and in the end he reluctantly accompanies her there.

In a dream, Beauty sees a fairy who thanks her for her dedication and promises a reward. The monster treats the girl well; all her wishes come true with the help of magic. Hands growing from the walls hold lamps, words on the walls spontaneously flash in gold. Here, for example, is what was written above the door:

Come in, beauty, don't be afraid.

You are the hostess here, not the guest.

Believe me, your wishes

The Beast will readily perform.

The Beast dines with Beauty every evening, and little by little the girl, bored in the palace from loneliness, begins to look forward to these meetings. At the end of dinner, the Beast invariably asks Beauty to marry him. She refuses, although she promises never to leave the palace. One day Beauty sees in a magic mirror that her father has fallen ill from melancholy and asks permission to visit him. The Beast agrees on the condition that she returns in seven days.

The next morning she is already home. The father joyfully meets his beloved daughter, and the sisters, to whom the marriage did not bring joy, again envy the Beauty and her luxurious life in the palace. They persuade Beauty to stay at home longer, which she does, but on the tenth day she dreams of a dying woman. broken hearted Monster. Wishing to return, she is immediately transported to the palace. Only now Beauty realizes how much she loves the Beast and agrees to be his wife. The Beauty's tears fall onto his terrible face, and suddenly the Beast is transformed into a handsome prince before his eyes. Beauty's father ends up with them in the palace, and the sisters turn into stone statues. The Prince and Beauty live in peace and happiness because their “contentment rests on virtue.”

Russian folklore also includes the fairy tale"The Enchanted Prince" from Afanasyev's collection. As punishment for picking a wonderful flower in the garden, the Beast demands that his father give it to the one who first meets him upon returning home. Apparently, the youngest beloved daughter runs out first. The monster appears in the form of a winged serpent with three heads. Living nearby, Beauty gradually becomes attached to him. Girl visits native home. Greedy sisters are deceivingly delaying the return. The snake, without waiting for his Beauty, dies. But as soon as she kisses the snake, he turns into a handsome young man.

There are other Russian fairy tales in which a girl saves an enchanted young man and, on the contrary, a good fellow disenchantes his bride, for example, “Finist the Clear Falcon” and “The Frog Princess” with “Marya Morevna”.

In a Chinese fairy tale"Magic Serpent" The monster is also a dragon-like creature. The father picks flowers as gifts for his daughters, not knowing that they belong to the Beast. The monster releases him only on the condition that one of his three daughters marries him. The youngest agrees to sacrifice herself, but everything turns out not so bad: the snake manages to win the girl’s love. Having asked to go home for just a few hours, Beauty, upon her return, finds the snake dying of thirst. She helps him get to the water, and - lo and behold! - the snake sheds its skin and turns into the son of a powerful king.

Turkish fairy tale "The Princess and the Boar" tells the story of a padishah who cannot find an apple for his youngest daughter. On the way home, the padishah's carriage gets stuck in impassable mud. The boar saves him. The terms of the deal are the same: the padishah gives in marriage youngest daughter. The princess goes to the cave where the boar lives. While she sleeps, tired from the road, the gloomy dirty cave turns into an unprecedentedly luxurious palace, and the boar into a handsome man.

"Bouquet of Laurel Flowers" - a fairy tale from Ireland. Here, a father carelessly collects mountain laurel flowers as a gift to his youngest beloved daughter and ends up captive of an evil witch. The girl secretly runs away from home to save her father and take his place. The witch locks her in a room alone with a huge, ugly toad. With nowhere to go, the girl begins to talk to the toad, gradually gets used to it and gradually stops noticing its ugliness. One night she wakes up and sees a sleeping young man and a discarded toad skin on the floor. Naturally, Beauty's first impulse is to throw the skin into the fire. But, fortunately, everything works out without tragic consequences: no trials, no long-term wanderings, no iron shoes fall to the Beauty’s lot. The young man, freed from the spell of the evil witch, warmly thanks his savior and leads her down the aisle.

In an Indonesian fairy tale"Lizard Husband" An old lizard comes to seven sisters and wooes one of them (no matter which one) for his son. The younger sister, Capapito, agrees. She does not pay attention to the ridicule of her sisters and, together with her lizard husband, cultivates her field. For a lizard with short legs peasant labor- a difficult task. One day, especially tired, Capapito’s husband decides to swim in the river. Ennobling work plus life-giving water work wonders: the lizard becomes a man. The sisters, overcome with envy, kidnap the enviable husband, who was created from a former reptile, but he returns to his beloved wife and encroaches the field. high fence so that no one else interferes with their cloudless happiness.

The tale was first published in 1938 . ("Literary newspaper" May 10 1538 g .; "Ural Contemporary", book. 1). This tale is adjacent to two others: “The Mining Master,” which tells about the bride of the main character of the first tale, Katerina, and “The Fragile Twig,” about the son of Katerina and Danila the stone cutter. P. Bazhov conceived a fourth tale, completing the story of this family of stone cutters.

The writer said:

“I’m going to finish the tale about “The Stone Flower”. I want to show in it the successors of his hero, Danila, write about their wonderful skill, aspirations for the future. I think I’ll bring the action of the tale to the present day” (“Evening Moscow”, January 31 1948 . Conversation between P. Bazhov and a newspaper correspondent). This plan remained unfulfilled.

The tale "The Stone Flower" wasfilmed in 1946 The script by P. Bazhov is based on the plots of two fairy tales - “The Stone Flower” and “The Mining Master”.

In 1951 . On the stage of the theater of K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, the opera “The Stone Flower” by the young composer K. Molchanov was staged.

Here is an amazing book - it's not just fairy tales, but tales from magic garden in which flowers and trees speak in human voices. They talk about their destinies, about different times and countries. Many of them are once enchanted people.
And the famous Latvian writer Anna Sakse heard and wrote down these stories more than half a century ago.

B.I. ROAN. "One Hundred Adventures of Periwinkle and Chamomile"

A novel in verse, based on fairy tales from Ukrainian children's magazine"Periwinkle". Fabulous adventures of "flower" people. The book is marked international prize G.-H. Andersen.

From the beginning of the book:

The morning rose like a child,

Smiles sleepily.

Sparrow tweeted: - Brothers,

Isn't it time to wake up?

But no one hears like -

Quietly in the garden.

Cabbage is still sleeping soundly,

The bean is sleeping, and the turnip is sleeping.

And, with my nose buried in the ground,

The pot-bellied zucchini is dozing.

Grandfather Garbuz is snoring in the garden -

Must be a sweet dream.

The eggplant is whistling with its nose,

He turns his cheeks to the dews.

Who gurgled funny in their sleep?

Well, of course, Tsibulka!...

Maurice Carême "Kingdom of Flowers"

This amazing fairy tale famous Belgian writer Maurice Carême about flowers, which are always perceived as a symbol of celebration, goodness and joy. These are the feelings the reader experiences when he finds himself with the little girl Annie in the Kingdom of Flowers.

The electronic text of this book is not yet available anywhere.

View the book atOZONE

Maurice Druon. Tistu - the boy with green fingers

Teestu. son of a weapons factory owner, richest man In the city, by decision of his father, he must join the “school of life.” But as soon as Tist encounters evil, a wonderful property is revealed in him: wherever his fingers touch, lush greenery grows and flowers bloom. The pure soul of a child does not tolerate the slightest falsehood and opposes any injustice. Seeing the gloomy prison building, Tistu reflects: “After all, in such an ugly place, people will never be cured of anger.” He pierces the ground near the prison walls with his “green” fingers, and by morning a wonderful garden appears. Having learned that his father is selling weapons to both warring armies, he realizes that “war is the greatest and most vile disorder that can be found in the world.” Tistu touches the muzzles of the guns and they shoot flowers. And just as Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s Little Prince flies away to his planet, so Tistu leaves the earth where he feels like a stranger. Dream of have a wonderful life is still just a dream.

Masha and Vanya, despite the prohibitions of their forester father, went into the dense forest to find a magicalblue flower , which will help their mother recover faster. The search for the treasured flower led them to Gingerbread house, whose owner turned out to be the cunning and treacherous Baba Yaga. Having put the children in a cage, she invited Leshiy and Vodyany to the upcoming feast. But thanks to the help of their friends - Polkan, Penochka and Zyablik, the children managed to free themselves, escape from the chase and bring their mother a bouquet of magical flowers.

"Once upon a time there lived a little flower. No one knew that it existed on earth. It grew alone in a wasteland; cows and goats did not go there, and children from the pioneer camp never played there. Grass did not grow in the wasteland, but lay alone old gray stones, and between themthere was dry, dead clay. Only the wind was blowing through the wasteland; like a grandfather sower, the wind carried seeds and sowed them everywhere - both in the black damp earth and on a bare stone wasteland. In the good black earth flowers and herbs were born from seeds, but in stone and clay the seeds died."

The writer teaches us to look at the world with love, to treat each other warmly and kindly, to give all the strength of mind and soul to everything around us.

Another story by A. Platonov, in which a little boy trying to know life and death by looking at flowers is called

Flower meadows

Bukarev Daniil, student of school No. 401, Kolpino St. Petersburg 8 years old
Supervisor: Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description of material: The material can be used as an introduction to the environment. I think it will be interesting and useful for educators, junior teachers school age, and just ordinary citizens who love nature, flowers and everything beautiful.
Target: formation of love for native nature, to the surrounding world.
- develop observation and attention to the surrounding world;
- cultivate a love for nature, a desire to appreciate and protect nature.

Today I want to tell you about the flower meadows that are located on our site. My beloved mother adores these clearings, or rather, she likes what grows in them. I myself am delighted with this beauty and want to introduce you to it.
True, I don’t even know the names of many flowers, but over time I think I’ll learn and remember.
Read and enjoy.
We have a greenhouse, and very beautiful pink peonies grow next to the greenhouse. A whole bed of these wonderful flowers. We also grow white and red peonies.

We also have a lot of different tulips: double, regular, and there are tulips with two flowers blooming on one stem. And they are varied in color: white, red, red, dark burgundy. These beautiful flowers bloom very early. After they bloom, the mother waits until the stems dry, then digs up the bulbs, dries them in the shade and trims them. In the fall, my mother plants them in the ground and in the spring they delight us with flowering again.

Our whole family also really likes delphinium and phlox. True, this year there was a disaster; almost all the delphiniums froze to death. But we planted new ones and will wait for them to grow up.
We grow different carnations, they bloom for a very long time and delight us with their flowering.

But the favorites of the garden have always been and will be roses and lilies. On our site there are probably 16 different roses and too many lilies to count. But mom buys and adds new seedlings every year. Neighbors come to us to admire and take pictures with my mother’s flowers.
True, I photographed roses this year, they are just blooming.

And cosmos is sown on its own and has filled almost the entire garden. But there is such beauty when everything is in flowers.
Wonderful irises and daylilies also grow in the dacha. Why are the roots of these flowers bare? I always ask my mother how they grow like that. I tried to plant irises myself, but I buried the roots completely in the ground and they didn’t take root.

Of course, annual flowers also grow, we persuade mom not to plant them. There are so many worries with them, growing these seedlings suddenly doesn’t work out or doesn’t take root, it’s just a disappointment. But my mother always plants gladioli and dahlias, and at the bathhouse they always hang in pots and there are always petunias on the porch of the house.

We still have a lot of these wonderful flowers growing here: astilbes, clematis, asters, poppies, daisies and much more.
Of course, mom grows vegetables and fruits, but flowers are her weakness.
After all, in order for all this to grow and please the eye, you need to water, weed, loosen, and feed. Sometimes I help my mother water and remove the weeds that grow, but otherwise my mother says she can handle it herself.
I want to wish you
To love, to grow flowers.
They will make you happy
With its flowering.
Love all living things
Work miracles.
And the world will become more beautiful
And the earth will rejoice.

Hope you enjoyed it. Until next time.

So that children can develop logical thinking, there was a desire to understand the essence of objects and phenomena, the ability to analyze and correctly draw conclusions was formed, and an attentive and careful attitude to nature, a fairy tale about plants works very well, written by a child with some help from parents. This way you can teach how to build an associative series, and children’s imagination develops especially quickly.


Of course, the child should already have a certain base of rules characteristic of fairy tales. This is always accompanied by reading. Before writing, you need obligatory observations on walks, stories about the characteristics of various plants: is it beneficial or harmful, is it a wild weed or a cultivated plant, ornamental, medicinal or edible. A fairy tale about plants usually begins in the same way as other fairy tales: “Once upon a time...” or “In a distant country...” - and this choice can be entrusted to the child.

Next, you need to jointly decide what kind of story it will be - scary, with adventures, kind or just educational. This decision will determine the choice of the main character. Although a fairy tale about plants will be composed, the presence of a main character is mandatory. It can be a tree, a bush, a flower, or a berry, but the presence of a person is quite appropriate. For example: “Once upon a time there lived an old woman in her rickety hut. She wandered through the forest all day long and collected various herbs, berries and flowers. These were not ordinary plants, but healing ones. People from the village often came to the old woman for help: she and colds He will heal and reduce the bruises for the children."


However, it won't be interesting if there is no action in it. For example: “Once an old woman found a tall, beautiful bush, with unprecedented flowers. The petals were orange, with curved tips. And as if everything was covered in freckles, there were spots. It grew alone.” Girls will probably choose a fairy tale about a wild plant with beautiful flowers. They don’t yet know that their favorite “saranka” or “tiger lily” is called lanceolate lily, and it came to dachas and lawns just from the wild.

Such a fairy tale about a wild plant that has been domesticated will awaken curiosity and arm you with knowledge. Surely the lily in the children's story was enchanted, and the old woman will have to fight for the bulb of this plant to take root in her garden. You can imagine how other plants helped the wild lily enter their community, how harmful insects, which were sent, for example, by the evil forest kikimora, prevented this, and how good insects helped defeat the evil ones. And it will turn out to be a fairy tale about at the same time. It is necessary to clarify how the lily has changed, becoming beautiful year after year thanks to new conditions: the flowers have become larger and brighter, and the bush is taller and denser.

Little tales about plants

This can be done right on walks, because there are always plants underfoot that a child must learn from an early age. It will be both informative and interesting. For example, a fairy tale about medicinal plants may well begin with plantain, the first remedy for bruises and bumps, abrasions and scratches. One boy, who recognized this plant and then wrote a fairy tale about plantain, even tried to cure a broken wheel on a toy car with the help of such a green leaf.

And you can continue it about everyone’s favorite chamomile - also a useful plant, but a fairy tale about it usually turns out to be sad. It’s not in vain that people use the petals of a daisy to tell fortunes about their betrothed – whether he loves or does not love. And the flower is left with one lonely yellow center, which is immediately thrown away. And there was such a cute plant that delighted the eye. Short tale about plants should definitely teach attitude towards nature.

For schoolchildren

Such an essay is planned for a lesson on the course " The world". Every student must come up with a fairy tale about a plant (grade 2). This is not so easy for those who early childhood They didn’t read enough books, and on walks, parents didn’t pay attention to the events constantly happening around them. The tale about a cultivated plant is most often similar to the truth.

You can talk about the apple tree, which, thanks to good wizard began to bear fruits of different colors, sizes and tastes. To do this, parents need to take an interest in Michurin’s works themselves, for example. And look at photographs where the same tree grows large and round red apples on one branch, oval yellow ones on another, and pears on a third. Already miracles! Coming up with a fairy tale about a plant is very easy if you are interested in the topic.

Language development

In the old days there was a saying among the Russian people - “tea”. This is not a drink, but a replacement for the concepts “most likely”, “apparently” or “perhaps”. Even from here a fairy tale about a plant can be composed. This, of course, is Ivan-tea. How could a flower that wonderfully decorates all our July fields have such a strange name?

Once upon a time I lived in a village handsome guy- Ivan. And his shirts were all very beautiful: pink and crimson, scarlet and red. He used to put on his crimson shirt and go out to the edge of the forest for a walk. It can be seen far away among the greenery. That’s why one or another villager said, putting his palm to his forehead: “What is this? Oh, it’s Ivan, tea, walking there again!” Many, many years have passed, both Ivan’s children and grandchildren have become old, and people keep repeating: “What is that there? Ah, Ivan, tea.” Because beautiful crimson flowers have grown everywhere, which people call Ivan-tea. And botanists call this plant fireweed.

Poisonous but useful

Everywhere in vacant lots and near fences you can see lush bushes with bright yellow flowers. In Greek it is chelidonia, and in Russian it is celandine. The plant is very healthy, but you can’t eat it, because you can get poisoned. You can come up with a very interesting tale about this grass, be it short or long. For example, there once lived a young lady. Fair, tall, good-looking, but with a terrible character.

She once offended a hungry old woman and did not allow her to pick a sweet apple in her garden. And she didn’t break off a piece of her pie at her request. The old woman was not evil, but she was fair. “You cannot deceive people with such a beautiful and pure face,” she said, “if the soul is so black and callous!”


And immediately the young lady’s entire face and body became covered with sores - acne. And everyone who met along the way turned away to laugh at her ugliness. For a long time she hid in her chambers, but none of the doctors could cure her. The girl cried and gradually realized that now people treated her the way she had treated all people before, but she didn’t know how to correct the situation.

But the old lady returned after some time. In her hands she carried not lilies, not roses, not even poppies, but some kind of grass with small yellow flowers. The young lady warmly welcomed the guest, fed her, gave her something to drink and asked for forgiveness for the past. Then the old woman began to break the stems brought and lubricate the sores with the dark juice that appeared on the broken ends of the plant, saying: “I had a pure soul, so my body became pure!” The girl washed her face and saw that all the sores had disappeared! Since then, this plant has been called celandine, and its seeds were scattered everywhere by a grateful young lady.


Who hasn’t seen how brightly calendula flowers burn in a flowerbed! But this plant also has its own wonderful history. Once upon a time there happened a cold and dark time on earth, when the winds blew piercingly, and the snowflakes were so sharp that they hurt the skin if the blizzard blew in the face.

And many people caught colds and got sick. The children coughed and it was painful for them to even swallow water or milk. And there was no escape from the cold. There was loud crying everywhere, but spring still did not come.


Even the stars in the sky heard how hard life was for people. But they couldn’t help, and they didn’t want to. They are far away and they are indifferent. But among them there was one aster (aster is a star) who wanted to help. It fell from the sky and flew down to hit the ground, crumbling into thousands and millions of small pieces that fell straight into the snow - seeds. From this fall, from the terrible noise and roar, even spring woke up.

The seeds sprouted and lit up with wondrous flowers, which were called calendula. Everyone knows that they are from the stellar family, that is, asteraceae. And the stars are always so magical that almost all diseases on earth are cured: sore throats, coughs, and wounds. Since then, people have been growing calendula all over the earth and affectionately call these flowers marigolds.

Field and forest plants

Around every city, even the largest city, there are always fields and forests, it just takes a long time to get to them. That’s why people love city parks so much, where almost all plants gather, for which only a forest or field can be considered a home. When parents take their baby for a walk, his attention needs to be paid to literally all manifestations of life: what the weather is like, where the breeze is blowing from, where the sun warms better, why shadow is formed, where grasshoppers live, when butterflies appear, and so on. Only under such conditions will the child’s imagination develop, and by the second grade of school he will be able to independently compose fairy tales about plants and animals.

For example, any clearing in the park can be presented to a child as magical. Smart and talking plants grow on any of them. They even know how to play ball using a drop of dew, and the wind blows it from bluebell to chamomile, from yarrow to St. John's wort. Living in the clearing is both interesting and fun for them. The paths are always framed by dandelions and plantains, which suffer more than others from careless running around, but they cannot be completely trampled. There would be many interesting tales about their vitality.


Parents base most children's stories for school lessons on ancient legends, epics, and even songs. For example, the fact that the name of the forget-me-not flower from all languages ​​of the Earth, including Japanese and Arabic, is translated the same way (“don’t forget me!”) is sure to cause children's interest. Here you can retell ancient greek myth about the appearance of this plant, and even then its own story may well appear.

The touching name of forget-me-not already predisposes you to write. For example, a man leaves for war and asks his family not to forget him. And he picks a little blue flower, which will lie among the pages of his favorite book until his return. And if the person does not return, the forget-me-not will turn into tears, because every clearing, every woodland, every meadow will remind of this person.


Bells are also called the same in all languages, only the words sound differently, but the meaning remains the same. There is a legend that the church bell appeared in Italy in 1500 not by accident. Its prototype is a flower that the bishop of Campania (an Italian province) liked so much that he even seemed to hear the ringing. Returning from a walk, he ordered a copper bell.

This story may well become the basis for a fairy tale about plants. Like, for example, a bell calls everyone to a council to help children lost in the forest. You can also compose a fairy tale about a coachman freezing in the steppe, which he saw in a dream blue flowers and I realized that you need to tie ringing bells to the horse harness, then you won’t get lost or go astray even in a snowstorm. Fairy tales about plants for children are very important. They need to be told so that the child understands how the story is built.


A fairy tale about plants should be life-affirming. For example, about a young apple tree that bloomed for the first time. Oh, what beautiful flowers she has! In this snow-white and pinkish veil, she is the spitting image of a bride! The apple tree is happy, even a little proud, although all the plants around are blooming and smelling, since spring is such a time of year. But the apple tree is now the most beautiful of all. And suddenly! What kind of misfortune is this? The breeze blew and carried away the petal. Then another one, and another!

And so the apple tree litters the last of its curls and cries. What peduncles have become inconspicuous... Gray, large, ugly nodules... But time went on and on. The apple tree, of course, did not forget the lost outfit, but life took its toll, and every day something on the branches became so heavy that it even became difficult to hold. It turns out that these are fruits! They grew large, glossy, and bright by autumn. And how joyfully people looked at this tree, decorated with fruits! And even when the apples were collected, and the branches felt light again, even when the last leaves of the apple tree had fallen, she was no longer upset, because she understood: spring would come soon, she would put on a snow-white veil again, then the apples would ripen red... Everything would be fine -ro-sho!