How to draw a school bell. How to draw a bell flower with a pencil step by step

At all times, flowers have been the personification of spring, purity and light - the most beautiful and perfect creation on earth. In ancient religions, many flowers were attributed to divine origin, which was told in various legends and myths. For example, the bright spring flower Adonis in ancient Greek mythology was considered the blood of the lover of the goddess of love Aphrodite, a young man named Adonis, who died from the tusks of a wild boar. In the place where the drops of Adonis’s blood fell, at the behest of Aphrodite, beautiful bright flowers grew. According to legends, the queen of flowers, the rose, in ancient Rome personified sensual love, and during feasts of the nobility it was customary to wear wreaths of roses on their heads. Thus, flowers create a special atmosphere of celebration, joy and warmth - these gifts of nature have long been sung by poets. And what unique paintings depicting flowers were left behind by many famous artists! Such immortal canvases attract the eye, captivating with their colors and unique combination of colors. How to draw a beautiful flower drawing? We have selected several master classes with step-by-step photos for children on drawing a bell and other flowers - in a vase or just a bouquet. With the help of our step-by-step lessons on drawing flowers with a pencil and videos for beginning artists, you can gain an understanding of the basics of drawing and soon create your own artistic masterpiece.

Beautiful drawing - a flower with paints for children from 3 years old, a simple master class with step-by-step photos

Flowers are the most favorite theme of children's drawings. Indeed, having barely learned to hold a pencil or a brush in his hands, a three-year-old child happily draws the first simple lines with circles on a sheet of paper. If you look closely, in this creation of the young “artist” you can recognize the head of a flower and a stem with leaves. Our today's master class with step-by-step photos is devoted to painting with watercolors an amazingly beautiful flower - a tulip. With this simple lesson for children aged 3 years and older, you can quickly learn how to draw a flower in watercolor and prepare an excellent gift for your mother for March 8 or Mother's Day.

Materials for a master class on painting “Tulip Flower” with paints:

  • watercolor honey paints
  • synthetic brush No. 5 – 6
  • watercolor paper
  • container with water
  • simple pencil
  • eraser

Step-by-step description of the master class with photos on drawing a flower using paints:

  1. To begin with, we draw the cones of the tulip flowers, trying to sketch with thin, barely noticeable lines, which can then be easily erased with an eraser.

  2. Using a brush, apply lilac paint to the tulip flowers, carefully drawing the shadows.

  3. Add green color to the leaves, not forgetting to shade the bends dark.

  4. Now you need to mix green and black paints and paint the stems of the flowers with the resulting shade.

  5. The beautiful color of tulips can be created from two shades - lilac and burgundy.

  6. We paint the flower buds with the resulting mixture of shades. Individual petals, as well as the lower part of the flowers, can be shaded green.

  7. Apply a little yellow paint to the buds at the base.

  8. The leaves need to be drawn in a light green color, and their tips should be slightly touched with a brown tint. Apply dark green paint to the “empty” areas of the leaves. To create smooth color transitions, the buds in certain places need to be “blurred” with clean water.

  9. We draw the pedicels in green and carefully shade the leaves.

  10. Use a mixture of brown and green to show the shadows on the stems, and use burgundy to outline the contours of the flowers.

  11. We apply a slightly blue color to the buds, which makes the flowers look natural.

  12. Using blue and lilac colors we shade the vase in which there is a bouquet of tulips.

  13. We paint each petal and the petal in the upper part with white watercolor. That's it, our flower drawing is ready!

Drawing a flower - a bell with a pencil, step-by-step master class with photos

The bell is a simple drawing that does not require any special skills to complete. In the drawings of children of different ages, the image of these bright blue spring flowers often appears. We bring to your attention a step-by-step master class with photos on how to draw a bell with a pencil - following our recommendations and advice, even a novice little artist will be able to create a beautiful drawing.

List of materials for drawing a bell:

  • simple medium hard pencil
  • colored pastel pencils
  • drawing paper
  • tinted paper for pastel drawing

Drawing of a flower - a bell according to a master class with a photo:

  1. First, we draw the stem - a curved line is drawn from top to bottom on the surface of the drawing sheet. We draw several inclined arcs in different directions from the stem, to which we will draw flowers a little later.

  2. Now you need to draw three softly curved lines from the bottom to the top - this will create the middle of the future leaves. On each of the previously drawn arcs we draw circles (flowers) so that the lines of the arcs pass through the center. You should also draw oval buds at the tips of the upper arcs.

  3. We draw green petals like this - draw a curved line at the base of the large circles. In the middle of the circles we draw lines in the form of an oval, pointed at the edges, and its tip will “peek out” a little. On each side of the “tip” of the petal we draw a sharp triangle - these are the curved edges of the side petals.

  4. Draw the vertical lines of the leaves, adding thickness. We outline the bell flowers more clearly with a pencil. Inside the “cup” of the flower we draw the stamens.

  5. Then you need to transfer the drawing onto tinted paper. To do this, you need to shade the underside of a sheet of paper with a picture of a flower, and then apply this side to a sheet of tinted paper. We trace the outline of the drawing and a “transfer” image appears on the tinted sheet. All that remains is to color the bell leaves with a green pencil and the buds and flowers with a purple pencil.

  6. More saturated shades, which can be used to emphasize the contours, will add completeness to the flower design. Then you need to shade it a little and add orange stamens. That's it, our drawing of a bell is ready! How to draw a flower with a pencil step by step for beginner artists - master class with photos

Chamomile is a touching flower, the drawing of which we will master with the help of a step-by-step master class with photos. How to beautifully draw a flower with a pencil? We offer you a simple step-by-step drawing lesson for beginning artists.

Bluebells are flowers that can be grown both in the garden and at home. A beautiful plant pleases the eye of every person. Today we’ll try to figure out how to draw a bell. But first, we suggest finding out what types of this plant exist.


The spreading bell is the most common type. The plant can reach 50 cm in length. It has its petals curved.

Grows up to 1 meter. Flowers can be blue or white. Unfortunately, this type of bell is listed in the Red Book. Few people can admire its beauty today.

The roundleaf bell is not a very tall plant. Grows up to 40 cm. Flowers are blue, blue or white.

The dotted bell has a goblet shape. The flowers are white, lilac and blue.

Reaches a height of no more than 15 cm. The flowers are blue, the leaves are small.

There are many more types of bells. There are about 300 varieties of them. Next, we’ll figure out how to draw a bell with a pencil. If you put in a little effort and diligence, even those people who rarely pick up pencils or paints can get a beautiful picture.

bell sprig

In order to draw bell flowers, you need to take a sheet of paper, a simple pencil and colored pencils. It is necessary to draw a stem under a slope. Small branches will come from it. At the ends of these branches you need to draw the base of the flowers. Then you can draw their edges. At the base of the flowers we draw leaves. You need to draw a cup on the bottom flower on the left side. Now you need to shape the stem and branches. To do this, you need to draw another line parallel to them. At the bottom of the stem you need to draw a leaf. For the bell, which is located at the bottom of the picture, we add the stamens. In order to show the curves of our flowers, we need to draw several small lines along them. You can draw a ladybug on the stem. Now we take and color the resulting drawing. Which shades are up to you to decide.


In order to draw a bouquet of bells, you first need to draw an elongated circle. Next, we draw the petals of the bell, pointed upward, using lines. With an eraser you can immediately remove everything unnecessary. From the base of the flower you need to draw the stem in two parallel lines. bell in a bouquet? To do this, you just need to draw a few more branches of this wonderful plant. The stems may cross or be pressed tightly against each other. The bouquet can be tied with a ribbon at the bottom. For coloring, you can use not only pencils, but also paints. This will make the bells brighter.


Let's continue the conversation about how to draw bells. Flowers can be drawn without the help of a pencil. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper, gouache and a brush. Think about the plot of the picture right away. Use a thin brush to draw blue paint and draw a line on the stem. Next, with the same brush we draw twigs and buds of bells. To show the petals of the plant, you need to outline the outline with black or dark blue paint. Add green color to the stem and draw leaves. Do this carefully. The drawing is ready. So we figured out how to draw a bell with paints. It turns out very beautiful and bright. In principle, even kids can work on such a picture. Parents can draw flowers, and kids will repeat their actions step by step.

So, we talked about how to draw a bell. Everything is quite simple and even a child can cope with such a drawing.

Not a single “school line” is complete without such a simple object as a bell. Its ringing sound can be heard from afar, and the lush bow decorates the appearance and gives a festive mood.

On the eve of Knowledge Day or at the very beginning of the school year, you should definitely learn how to draw such a school bell. We will depict it step by step, making it golden in color with a lush red bow.

Necessary materials:

  • colour pencils;
  • eraser;
  • pencil for sketching;
  • sheet.

Steps for drawing a school bell:

We depict a school subject, which is associated with September 1, in the form of a triangle with rounded corners. In size it should fill the center of your blank sheet.

Now we begin to gradually “sculpt” the smooth shape of the bell. Now he has become more like a pear.

Use an eraser to remove the auxiliary side lines.

Add an oval at the bottom of the bell.

Use an eraser to remove the bottom arc. We finish drawing the middle of the school bell in the form of simple and understandable geometric shapes: two lines and a circle.

Now let’s add a beautiful fluffy bow at the top of the bell. We complete the lines of folds and surface textures of objects.

We begin to paint our school subject in light colors. To give a golden hue, use a yellow pencil.

Then we'll add some shading in the penumbra and bell shadows. To do this, we make strokes with an orange and red pencil.

Let's move on to the top of the picture, where a chic bow is placed. Let's give it a red tint with a colored pencil. Where, according to our idea, the light will fall, we leave it unpainted.

We enhance the brightness and contrast on the bow using dark red pencils.

For the last bell, as well as for September 1st, I want to draw a beautiful school bell myself. And not just draw, but also create animation.

The end of the school year is coming soon. And for the last bell, as on September 1, I want to draw a beautiful school bell myself. And not just draw, but also create animation. The simplest one, of course, but like in this picture on the left.

This is the kind of bell that we will now draw and “revive”.

The exact same animation can be created in Photoshop. But this lesson is for Flash.

Here is the diagram for the drawing:

As you can see, everything is simple.

Let's start creating animation. Open (if closed) the TimeLine panel. The bell is already placed in the first frame on the first layer. The layer can be renamed. I call it “Bell”.

To create animation, you need to turn a simple drawing into one common symbol. Select the drawing with the Selection Tool and press the F8 button.

The bell should move first to the left, then to the right and return to its place. Set key frames 15, 30, 45 and 60. To create a key frame, select it by clicking the mouse and press the F6 key.

Then, select frame 15 and rotate the bell around the center point to the left. On frame 30 the bell should have the same position as on frame 1. On frame 45 we turn the bell to the right, on frame 60 it is again in its original position.

This picture shows everything.

Yes, we create movement between key frames. Right-click on the layer between the keyframes and select “Create Motion Tween” from the drop-down menu. An arrow appears between the dots.

This is what should happen:

You need to add a tongue.

We draw it on a separate layer. Add a layer, name it Language, draw a small circle. Then we swap the layers so that part of the circle-tongue is hidden behind the bell.

We also make key frames on the layer with the tongue, moving the ball of the tongue to the right place following the movements of the bell. Of course we add movement "Create Motion Tween".

Again, save as an animated gif.

Everything is fine, but the bell moves very slowly. In order to speed it up, you can remove some frames. But it’s easier to speed up playback. The default playback speed in Flash is 12 frames per second. You can put 24 or 36 or any other number.

A cute flower drawing for the holiday of March 8 can be drawn either with paints or with a pencil. But complex drawings with the application of shadows and shading of shades are best left to students at school. But for kids in kindergarten, simple images that do not require special artist skills are more suitable. Cool examples of pictures for beginners are also ideal for this task. Having made bright drawings with roses, bells and other flowers, you can give them to your mother or grandmother on Women's Day. You can add a beautiful vase or small pot to such a picture. All considered composition options can be created using the proposed step-by-step master classes with photos and videos.

A beautiful drawing with a bright flower with paints for children - at school and kindergarten

It is much easier for kindergarten and elementary school children to work with paints. Using gouache, you can create an original and beautiful flower drawing in a minimum of time. Gouache dries quickly, does not smear, and is ideal for creating bright images. The master class below will help you learn how to draw a flower step by step.

Materials for creating a beautiful drawing with a flower with paints for children

  • A4 paper;
  • gouache;
  • black wax pencil;
  • brushes

Master class on depicting a bright flower in a drawing with paints in school and kindergarten

Cool drawing of a bell flower with a pencil for kids from kindergarten

Delicate blue bell flowers are great for drawing at school or kindergarten. The simplicity of their image lies in a slight color transition and a fairly convenient shape. Children from both the older and younger groups of kindergarten can make a beautiful drawing with a bell flower.

Step-by-step video master class on drawing with a bell flower for kindergarten

Simple Flower Drawing for Kids includes detailed explanations of each step and a visualization of them. Therefore, it will be interesting for kids to watch it together with their parents or teacher, and then make such a cool drawing of a flower with a pencil. But to create an image, it is better to choose pencils with high softness: it will be easier for children to work with them.

How to draw a flower with a pencil step by step - for beginner artists

It is quite difficult for novice artists to draw a chic bouquet of flowers with shadows. Therefore, it is better for them to use useful instructions that will help them create an original image step by step. It is better to learn how to draw a flower with a pencil step by step for beginners in photo master classes or video lessons. This will help you understand the rules for creating individual colors. Having learned to depict inflorescences separately, it will not be difficult to “collect” them later into a bouquet. You can learn how to draw a flower for beginners in the proposed master class.

Materials for creating a step-by-step drawing with a flower with pencils

  • paper (cream color, you can use tinted gray);
  • plain white paper;
  • simple and white pencil;
  • eraser.

Master class on drawing with a flower with pencils for beginning artists

  1. Make sketches of flowers, taking into account the peculiarities of their location (the petals of the inflorescences should not touch).4_1
  2. Make blanks for the middle and side petals of daffodils.4_2
  3. Separately practice depicting all parts of the flower.4_3
  4. Draw petals on the main sheet. Remove extra lines.4_4
  5. Complete the leaves, apply shadows on the flowers and stems.4_5

How to make an original drawing of a rose flower in a vase and pot?

Making a cool drawing of a flower in a vase or pot is a little more difficult than just drawing inflorescences. This is due to the need for additional drawing of shadows to obtain the most realistic image. Beginning artists are therefore recommended to select images for work that do not contain glass vases or pots with voluminous protruding elements. This will make drawing somewhat easier and will allow you to make an original drawing of a flower in a vase with simple transitions of light and shadow. The proposed photo and video master classes show how to draw a flower without much difficulty.

Materials for creating an original drawing “Rose in a Vase”

  • paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser.

Step-by-step master class with photos based on the original drawing “Rose in a Vase”

Video master class on creating a drawing with a rose in a pot

A small rose in a pot is depicted no less simply than a rose in a clay vase. The work will require a minimum of materials, and creating an image will not take much time. The following video master class will tell you how to correctly and quickly depict a beautiful drawing with a flower in a pot:

After studying the proposed photo and video master classes and reading the detailed instructions, even a novice artist will not find it difficult to draw beautiful flowers. They can be depicted separately from each other or collected in a bouquet in a vase or pot. Original examples and ideas can be used for both kindergarten and school. And a flower drawing you created with your own hands can be presented as a gift on March 8th to your mother, grandmother or aunt.

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