What are animal tales, short definition. Russian folk tales

Linguists call phonetic analysis an analysis from the standpoint of syllabic composition and the quality of the sounds that make up a word. This is roughly the definition given by online search engines, and it is quite true. Phonetic analysis is one of the main components of the school course in the Russian language.

Along with it, this course includes analysis of composition and morphological analysis . Each of these types has its own basic rules. Everyone who studied at school had to do a complete phonetic analysis of a word in class.

However, the one who left educational institution I might have long ago forgotten what phonetic analysis is and what its basic rules are. Of course, it won’t be difficult to find information about the phonetic analysis of a word online if you wish. Remember this task, which fell to the lot of everyone from the very beginning junior classes, it won't be difficult.

How to perform phonetic analysis?

The main characteristic of vowels is one - location under stress or not. Consonants have more of them: soft or hard, voiceless or voiced, whether they have a pair.

  1. Speak out loud the subject of analysis.
  2. Do not forget to check the accuracy of the written transmission.
  3. Remember about spelling.
  4. Special attention Pay attention to combinations of sounds of the same order (vowels or consonants, etc.).

What you need to know when doing phonetic analysis

Phonetic parsing will require some general information about the features of graphic transmission of a number of sounds. It will help to make a phonetic analysis of the word paired sounds correspondence table. There are a few of them: b - p, v - f, g - k, g - w, z - s.

Ъ (hard sign) and ь ( soft sign) independent sounds do not reflect, but only appropriately illustrate the quality of the consonant before them.

Letters e, ё, yu, i in initial position or after a vowel mean two sounds - [th] and [e], [o], [u] or [a] respectively: box, galaxy, spinning top, fir tree, spruce.

But if they come after a consonant, it means it is soft.

An exception is e, which can be used in some cases after a hard word or to convey the sound [e] after a vowel (for example, project).

The sounds [o] and [e] are not stressed are subject to a phenomenon that in linguistics is called reduction: the letter o is in most cases read as [a], and [e] as [s].

Instead of a voiced consonant at the end of a word or before a voiceless consonant, a paired voiceless consonant is sounded.

So, “mushroom” is pronounced [gr’yp].

The sounds [ch’], [ts] and [sch’] do not have voiced pairs, while [l], [m], [n], [r], [y’] do not have paired voiceless ones.

Sample phonetic analysis

Let's give some examples.

ko-rA-bl, three syllables, stressed second


K - [k] consonant, hard, voiceless, paired

O - [a] vowel, unstressed

R - [r] consonant, hard, voiced, unpaired

A - [a] vowel, stressed

B - [b’] consonant, soft, voiced, unpaired

L - [l’] consonant, soft, voiced, unpaired

Seven letters and six sounds.

mushroom, one syllable, stressed

G - [g] consonant, hard, voiced, paired

Р - [р’] consonant, soft, voiced, paired

I - [s] vowel, stressed

B - [n] consonant, hard, voiced, paired

Four letters and four sounds.

Hedgehog, one syllable, stressed

Yo - [th’] consonant, soft, voiced, unpaired

- [o] vowel, stressed

F - [w] consonant, hard, voiceless, paired.

Two letters and three sounds.

What else is useful to know?

Depending on the methodology and set of textbooks used by teachers in a particular school or class, the formal requirements for phonetic analysis of a word may vary slightly. However general recommendations generally united.

In some cases, questions may arise what to do with prepositions. Most often, in practice, their phonetic analysis is simply not done. Although, just in case, it will be useful to know that usually a preposition is, as it were, adjacent to the part of speech that follows it, and if there are vowels in it, they will most often be unstressed.

For example, in the combination of the preposition and the noun “on the field,” the first syllable in the word “field” is stressed, and the construction itself is pronounced [papOl’u]. Although the option [hit] is also possible. Cases when the emphasis falls on the preposition, and not on what follows it, are rare, but they do occur. A striking example can serve as the roughly colloquial “don’t care” [pOf’yk].

This phenomenon becomes possible because, from a phonetic point of view, nouns and prepositions are often perceived not as different words, and one word is pronounced exactly like that. In linguistics this is called a phonetic word. However, such in-depth information is usually taught in the phonetics course to philology students, but at school they don’t delve into such jungle. Well, anyone who is interested in this point can find the necessary information and examples online.

At school, students are given tasks on phonetic analysis of words, primarily to reinforce basic theoretical knowledge which they receive from the teacher and from books. In its turn, basic knowledge of phonetics will serve them well in practical application language, that is, its correct use in writing and reading. Thus, an understanding of such linguistic phenomena as the peculiarities of the pronunciation of sounds depending on position allows us to understand why in some cases it is necessary to use a letter that conveys a different sound than is heard.

Phonetics and everything connected with it acquires particular importance in regions with pronounced dialect features. For example, in Upper Volga dialects the letter o in an unstressed position is read [o], and in South Russian dialects, due to the peculiarities of the local pronunciation of the sound [g], with aspiration, its pair actually becomes [x]. However, in Russian language lessons, phonetic analysis is required according to the rules literary language. This should help students master Russian literary speech. After all, using a dialect is considered a sign of illiteracy.

Fairy tales about animals for children tell children, in a form they understand, about the habits, characteristics and life of our little friends. These can be fairy tales in verse or prose. More realistic ones for older children or simply involving animals for kids. Today I will show you the best examples of both.

Hello, dear readers. We read fairy tales to even the youngest children, trying to instill a love of books and knowledge of the world. Most books for children contain pictures of animals. Mom, dad or grandmother, reading them, draw the baby’s attention to the picture. They ask if he recognizes the character, say what sounds he makes in real life. This is how the baby’s journey into the world of wildlife begins. The child grows and learns more and more facts about animals, insects, birds.

I would say that the peak of interest in all living things is between 2 and 6 years. You shouldn’t waste this time, be afraid that your child won’t understand or that he won’t be interested in school. By giving knowledge gradually, you will enrich him inner world, lay love for all living things. Basic information baby of this age comes from fairy tales, of course, so we’ll talk about them today.

Book in the Labyrinth

It is difficult to find a parent who does not know these works by Samuil Marshak. And yet I cannot leave this book without attention, in addition, I will put it in first place for little ones and not only.

All 172 pages are divided into sections. The first contains short poems about animals. The second contains poems for children 3-7 years old. Next come tales in verse about stupidity and smart mouse- This perfect combination fairy tales so that the child understands not only what not to do, but also receives an example of correct behavior.

In that wonderful collection There are poems about each month, colors and letters. But main reason, for which I included it in the article - almost all works are about animals. Little listeners will learn what animals and birds look like. The illustrations here are bright, there are many of them.

Book in the Labyrinth

If you are looking for fairy tales about animals for children 2.5-5 years old, then this book by Tamara Kryukova is ideal. It's about a small, inquisitive hedgehog who left home without permission.

In his walk through the forest he learned a lot of interesting things. Where does a squirrel live and why does it need a fluffy tail, why does a hare need it? long ears, where the mole lives and why it has such big paws, why the frog has bulging eyes, and who foxes hunt. In the second fairy tale, the Hedgehog met domestic animals and learned about the characteristics of each of them. And the third fairy tale will tell children about how a squirrel, a hamster, a bunny, wild ducks, a bear and the hedgehog itself prepare for winter. The book is of good quality, thick offset paper, stitched and glued pages, hard cover, A4 format.

Book in the Labyrinth

This paperback book has been reprinted for the 10th time! I bought the 3rd edition when Alexander was 2 years old. Soft cover at this age it served as a plus, since there are two fairy tales on the spread, and the baby is not able to concentrate on one page when there are similar ones on the other bright pictures. Therefore, I simply folded the book like a magazine and the issue was resolved by itself. The tales collected here will help the parent decide on the topics that the child should master before entering school.

At first I did just that - I read fairy tales on 1 theme, then we played it out. For example, about animals it is collected here: where do pets come from, why does a bear sleep in winter, why do animals need warm fur coats, what does a cow give us, how do animals sleep, how do they escape from predators, what are tails for, what relatives do cats have, who what is a whale like, why is a pig lying in a puddle, why is a wolf needed in the forest. More more fairy tales here about birds and insects. I think now you understand why this encyclopedia is described by me in this article. By the way, after each fairy tale, next to the picture, basic information about what was read is given, which is why the book is called an Encyclopedia.

Book in Ozone

I think that the works of Sergei Kozlov do not need any introduction. This book caught my attention while collecting the collection “Golden Fairy Tales in Illustrations” best artists" Each book spread looks like separate picture painted in oil. Every stroke of the artist, who is Evgeny Antonenkov, is visible. Azbuka Publishing House made a book big size 31cm by 25cm, which makes it possible to see the illustrations even better. The paper is thick, matte, coated. The font is clear and of excellent size. In a word – the quality of the publication is a solid 5.

Opening the book, you get the feeling that you are entering fairy tales about the seasons: “ Winter's Tale”, about New Year, “Spring Tale”, “Unusual Spring”, “Hedgehog and the Sea”. Of course, this includes the work “Shake!” Hello!”, familiar to all of us from childhood. In total, the book contains 10 fairy tales, each of which guides the friends Hedgehog and Little Bear through the seasons - starting with winter and ending with autumn. I agree with the publisher who recommends the book for children 6+. I agree that at 3 years old a child will not appreciate these illustrations, he will not be captivated by Kozlov’s writing language. This book went well with us at the age of 5.

The publication is practically square size 21 cm by 22 cm, coated pages, completely filled with illustrations on which the text is located. The book is stitched and glued, with a varnished flower on the cover.

Book in the Labyrinth

This is one of my favorite books in the children's library. I am very glad that the publishing house “ Good book” it was republished. I am sure that many more children and their parents will fall in love with this beautiful bear. This tale is about polar animals: polar bear, reindeer or caribou, seal, blue whale. As the name suggests, the little bear goes looking for the sun. Along the way, he admires the polar night and the northern lights, and also meets other residents of those places. As a result, he returns to his beloved mother at the moment when the sun again came to the land of eternal snow.

Cute, life-like illustrations in purple, blue and pink tones. Matte coated paper. The edition is well stitched and has a hard cover. Suitable for children from 2 to 6 years old. Encyclopedic information is given at the end of the book accessible language. It is intended for parents who are bombarded with little why questions.

Book in the Labyrinth

Another book by Tamara Kryukova, which will tell children about where mammoths went, where the woodpecker got its red cap, why the ostrich can’t fly, why bat He sleeps upside down and like a fox taught a flea a lesson. Here it is necessary to take into account important point. The book is suitable for children over 4 years old, when basic information on these issues has already been discussed and the child’s imagination is developed. That is, these fairy tales should be read by children who understand that a mammoth figuratively took off its skin for washing. There are many topics here to discuss fairy tales. After reading each of them with Alexander, we first discussed what we had read, correlated the information with the real life of animals, and only after that proceeded to the next fairy tale.

At the end of the book there is a rather long, but easily readable and understandable poem about natural signs in nature. “Forest Calendar” tells a child about a fox who decided to learn about all the signs of the seasons. These signs relate to forest animals and birds. We liked this part of the book the most.

Book in the Labyrinth

I think that everyone is familiar with the works of Vitaly Bianchi. Therefore, I’ll just write that despite the fact that this is Machaon, the collection is successful. It includes 9 tales about forest animals, birds and insects. Lovers of the animal world are guaranteed to enjoy reading and looking at the illustrations. This collection We can recommend it to children aged 4 years and above; the fairy tale “How an ant hurried home” will already be understandable to them. But the entire book will be understandable from the age of 5. The publisher itself recommends the book for middle school age.

The illustrations are not flashy, but large and clear. There are many of them and they clearly correspond to what is written. The book format is 29 cm by 21 cm, offset paper, the pages are quite thick. The font is large, suitable for children to read independently.

Our responsibility as parents is to teach our children to love living beings, to instill in them the understanding that everything that exists in nature has the right to do so. Fairy tales about animals for children are the starting point in this difficult task. That’s all for today, dear readers, in the following articles I will introduce you to stories and encyclopedias about animals. To avoid missing new articles, subscribe to the newsletter in the right panel.

The role of animals in Russian folk art extremely large and varied. Almost all fairy tales feature some kind of animal. Among them are fox, bear, wolf, hare, hedgehog, magpie and others. With these well known bright characters adults tell their children about what is good and what is bad. The first fairy tales in history appeared long before the invention of books and writing and were passed on from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. That's why they are called folk. Let's look at the most popular animals that appear in fairy tales and compare how much their “fairytale” characteristics coincide with their descriptions in real life.

“Fox-sister”, “Fox is beautiful when talking”, “Fox Patrikeevna”, Lisafya, Fox-godmother - this is how the Fox is affectionately called in Russian folk tales. This red-haired cheat is certainly an all-time favorite character. And invariably she is cunning, smart, quick-witted, calculating, vindictive and insidious. So, only she was able to outwit and eat poor Kolobok, deceive a stupid wolf whose tail was frozen to the ice hole, and even deceive a man by pretending to be dead. The main idea of ​​these fairy tales is to tell children that what is important in life is not strength, but cunning. Despite this, the fox is still negative character. In some fairy tales, peaceful animals who have suffered from this red-haired cheat have to work very hard to outwit and teach the Fox herself a lesson.

But is the fox really that cunning and smart? German zoologist Alfred Brehm, in his book “The Life of Animals,” argues that the cunning of the fox in Russian fairy tales is greatly exaggerated, but the intelligence of the wolf is, on the contrary, underestimated. Otherwise, the real common fox is in many ways similar to the “fairytale” one: red fur, a beautiful fluffy tail, the fox often hunts a hare or visits nearby chicken coops.

“Bear Clubfoot”, “Mikhail Potapych” or simply Mishka in its popularity does not lag behind the Fox. This character is often presented in fairy tales as lazy, fat and clumsy. Big and clubfooted, he is slow, stupid and dangerous. Often he threatens the weak with his strength, but in the end he always loses, because it is not strength that is important, but speed, dexterity and intelligence - this is the meaning of fairy tales involving Mishka. The most popular fairy tales- “Three Bears”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Tops and Roots”. However, in real life, the brown bear is not as slow as one might assume. He can run very fast and, moreover, is not particularly stupid. Otherwise, his “fairy-tale” image has a lot to do with him common features: he is really big, dangerous and a little club-footed: when walking, his toes point slightly inward, and his heels point outward.

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“Runaway Bunny”, “Cowardly Bunny” or “Slant” is also a very common hero of Russian fairy tales. His main feature- cowardice. In some fairy tales, the Hare is presented as a cowardly, but at the same time boastful, cocky and stupid hero, and in some, on the contrary, as a moderately cautious and intelligent forest animal.

For example, in the fairy tale “The Boastful Bunny” or “Fear has Big Eyes,” the cowardice of the Hare is ridiculed, main idea these fairy tales - you must always be brave. At the same time, in the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”, the Bunny appears before us positive character who needs support and protection.

In real life, the hare, like its “fairytale” character, has long ears, is fast, agile, careful and attentive. Thanks to the special position of the eyes, the hare can look not only forward, but also backward. During the chase, the hare may “squint” its eye to calculate the distance to its pursuer. For this ability, the hare was nicknamed Oblique. Main enemy the hare, as in fairy tales, is a fox.

“The gray wolf - chucked his teeth”, “The wolf-wolf - grabbed from under the bush”, “The wolf-fool” is presented in most cases as a negative character, stupid, angry, hungry and dangerous. But, in most cases, he is so stupid that in the end he is left with nothing. For example, “the tale of the Fox and the Wolf” or “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.” In these fairy tales, the wolf is the embodiment of evil, and the main message for children is that good always triumphs over evil. However, in some fairy tales the wolf appears to us as wise and true friend a person who is always ready to help, an example of this is the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf.”

In real life, a wolf can indeed be extremely dangerous. He is often hungry and wanders through the forest in search of food. But his intelligence is extremely underrated. The wolf is an intelligent and organized animal; a clear structure and discipline can be seen in the wolf pack. Wolves create incredible things strong couples, their alliances are strong, and the wolves themselves are the real personification of loyalty and love for each other. A tamed wolf can indeed become a faithful and devoted friend for a person.

The Prickly Hedgehog has long appeared before us in the image of a kind, smart old man, wise in life. Despite his small stature and small legs, he always emerges victorious thanks to his extraordinary intelligence and cunning. So, for example, in the fairy tale “The Hare and the Hedgehog,” the hedgehog outwitted and killed the poor Hare, with whom they allegedly ran a race, and in the fairy tale “The Magic Wand,” the Hedgehog taught the Hare various life wisdom, explaining that for survival one must first just think with your head.

In real life, Hedgehog is no different outstanding mind, but not stupid either. When in danger, the hedgehog curls up into a thorny ball, which makes it inaccessible to predators, as stated in fairy tales.

The woman makes a pie in the hut and puts it on the windowsill so that it bakes in the sun, because she and her grandfather don’t even have a stove - they live so poorly. A fox and a wolf pass by and steal a pie. The fox secretly eats all the filling and blames it on the wolf. He swears that he didn’t even touch the pie. Then the fox offers him a test: he must lie in the sun, and whoever has wax on his body from the heat eats the honey filling. The wolf falls asleep, and meanwhile the fox steals a honeycomb from the apiary, eats it, and sticks the wax around the wolf’s skin. This is how the cheat gets her way: the wolf is forced to admit to something he didn’t do, because he doesn’t even remember how and when he ate the filling from the pie. The ashamed wolf promises the fox at the first kill to give up his share.

The fox pretends to be dead, and men passing by pick it up and throw it on a cart of fish. The cunning fox throws the fish off the cart, collects the prey and tells the hungry wolf how she caught so many fish. He, following her advice, goes to the river and sticks his tail into the hole. The fox waits until the wolf's tail is completely frozen, runs to the village and calls on the people to beat the wolf. He manages to escape by jumping into someone's sleigh, but is left without a tail. Meanwhile, the fox runs into the hut, smears himself in dough, runs out of the village and lies down on the road. When a wolf drives by, she complains to him: she was beaten so badly that even the marrow came out of her bones. The trusting wolf sympathizes with her, and the fox settles into the sleigh. As soon as the wolf goes into the forest to chop firewood, the fox eats all the insides of the horse and fills its belly with live sparrows and straw. When the wolf notices that the horse is dead, he himself has to carry the fox in the sleigh, and she quietly says: “The beaten one carries the unbeaten!”

For a shoe - a chicken, for a chicken - a piece

The fox finds a bast shoe and asks to go to the man’s house to spend the night, and asks to put his find in the chicken coop. At night she secretly throws away the bast shoe, and in the morning, when they cannot find it, she demands a chicken in return. In other houses, in the same way, she gets a goose for a chicken, a lamb for a goose, and a bull for a lamb. Having skinned her prey, she hides the meat, stuffs the skin of the bull with straw, places it on the road and asks the bear and the wolf to steal the sleigh and collar so that she can ride. But straw goby doesn't move. The fox jumps out of the sleigh, laughs at the wolf and the bear, and runs away. They pounce on the bull, but there is nothing left to profit from.

Fox midwife

A wolf and a fox live in a hut near the village. When the men and women go to haymaking, the wolf steals a jar of butter from the cellar and places it on a high shelf in the canopy to preserve the butter for the holiday before the fox eats it all. Then the fox uses a trick: for three nights in a row she tells the wolf that she is called to be a midwife, and she sneaks into the hallway, puts a ladder against the wall and eats the butter. The holiday is approaching. The wolf and the fox are going to invite guests and are preparing a treat. When the loss of oil is discovered, the wolf blames the fox, but the cheat denies everything and puts the blame on the wolf. The fox offers him a test: he must lie down next to the melted stove and wait: whoever’s oil melts out of his belly eats it. The wolf falls asleep, and the fox coats his stomach with the remaining oil. He wakes up, sees that his whole belly is covered in oil, gets angry at the fox and leaves the house.

Fox, hare and rooster

Lisa lives in ice hut, and the hare - in the bast. In the spring, when the fox’s hut melts, she asks the hare to warm up, and she drives him out. He complains about her first to the dogs, then to the bear and the bull. They are trying to drive the fox out hare hut, but she shouts to them from the stove: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, the scraps will go down the back streets!” The animals run away in fear. Only the rooster is not afraid of the fox, he chops it with his scythe and remains to live with the bunny.

Fox Confessor

A hungry fox comes to a man's yard and climbs onto his perch. But when she is about to grab the hen, the rooster crows at the top of his lungs. Out of fear, the fox falls from its perch and is badly hurt. The rooster comes to the forest for a walk, and the fox is already waiting for him. She approaches the tree on which he sat and seduces him with cunning speeches. The cheat reproaches the rooster for the fact that he, having fifty wives, has never been to confession. The fox promises to forgive him all his sins if he gets down from the tree and repents of everything to her. The rooster descends and falls into the fox's paws. The fox is gloating: now she will get even with the rooster, who did not let her profit from the chicken when she was hungry! But the rooster promises her to persuade the bishop, who will soon have a feast, to entrust the fox with baking the bread, and then they will feast on it together. The fox, having listened, releases the rooster, and it flies away from her.

Man, bear and fox

A man sows turnips, a bear comes and threatens to kill the man, but he promises to give him the tops of the harvest, and agrees to take the roots for himself. The bear agrees. The time comes to dig up the turnips, the bear takes the tops for himself, and the man collects the turnips and takes them to the city to sell. The bear meets him on the road and tastes what the roots the man took for himself taste like. Having guessed that he had deceived him, the bear threatens to kill the man if he decides to go into the forest to get firewood. The fox promises to help the man and comes up with a trick. The man goes into the forest and chops his own wood, but the fox makes a noise. The bear comes running and asks the man what that noise is. The man replies that hunters catch wolves and bears. The bear persuades the man to put him in a sleigh, fill him with firewood and tie him up with ropes: then the hunters will not notice him and will pass by. The man agrees and kills the tied bear. The fox comes and wants the man to treat her for helping him get rid of the bear. He calls her to his home, and he sets the dogs on her. The fox manages to hide in a hole and asks her eyes and ears what they were doing when she was running away from the dogs. The eyes answer that they were watching to make sure she didn’t trip, and the ears say that they were listening to see how far the dogs were. The tail says that he only dangled under her feet so that she would get confused and get into the dogs’ teeth. The fox is angry with the tail: she sticks it out of the hole and shouts to the dogs to eat the fox's tail, and they pull her out of the hole by the tail and bite her to death.

Animals in the pit

An old man and an old woman live in poverty; they have only one hog. He goes into the forest to eat acorns and meets a wolf who asks to take him with him. Borov tells him that where he is going there is a deep hole and the wolf cannot jump over it. But he doesn’t care, and he follows the hog. When they come to the hole, the wolf jumps and falls into it. The same thing happens to the bear, hare and fox: they all fall into the hole.

In order not to die of hunger, the fox suggests pulling his voice: whoever can’t pull it out will be eaten. First they eat the hare, then the wolf. The cunning fox does not give the bear his entire share and hides the remaining meat. When the bear runs out of his supply and begins to starve, the treacherous fox teaches him that he needs to stick his paw into the ribs. He follows her advice, tears his belly and dies, and the fox eats him. When the bear meat runs out, the fox threatens the thrush, which is building a nest in the tree above the pit, that it will eat its children if it does not feed it. The blackbird feeds and waters the fox, and then helps her get out of the hole, as long as she doesn’t touch his babies. The fox demands that he also make her laugh. Drozd flies to the village, sits on the gate and shouts: “Grandma, bring me a piece of bacon!” At his cry, dogs jump out and tear the fox apart.

Fox and crane

The fox makes friends with the crane and invites him to visit. He comes and she treats him to semolina porridge, which she spreads on a plate. The crane pecks and pecks, but nothing gets into its beak. So he remains hungry. And the fox eats all the porridge itself and says that there is nothing more to treat. The crane also invites the fox to visit. He prepares okroshka and serves it on the table in a jug with a narrow neck. The fox can’t manage to eat the okroshka, because his head can’t fit into the jug! And the crane pecks all the okroshka. The fox leaves in frustration, and their friendship comes to an end.

Cat, ram, rooster and fox

A cat, a ram and a cockerel live together. The cat and the ram leave the house to tear their tusks, and the fox sneaks under the window and sings to lure the cockerel out. He looks out, the fox grabs him and takes him into the forest. The cockerel screams, and the cat and the ram help him out. When they leave again, they warn the cockerel not to look out of the window. But the fox sings so sweetly that the cockerel cannot; can't stand it! And again the fox grabs him and carries him into the forest. The cat and the ram come home, see that their cockerel is missing, make a harp and go into the forest to the fox’s hut. And the fox has seven daughters. The cat and the ram play and sing, but the fox sends his daughters to see who plays the harp so well. The cat and the ram, one by one, catch all the fox's daughters, and then the fox herself. They put them in a box, go into the hut, take their cockerel and return home.

Cat and fox

A man takes the mischievous cat into the forest and abandons him there. The cat settles down in the hut in which the forester previously lived, hunts birds and mice and lives without bothering. The fox sees the cat for the first time and is surprised: what a strange animal! The cat tells her that he was sent to them from the Siberian forests by the mayor and his name is Kotofey Ivanovich. The fox invites the cat to visit, and soon they become husband and wife. The fox goes for supplies and meets a wolf and a bear. They try to flirt with her, but she says that now she is the mayor's wife, Lizaveta Ivanovna. The wolf and the bear ask the fox for permission to look at her husband, and sly Fox demands that they bring him a bull and a ram to bow to him and hide, otherwise it will be bad for them. The wolf and the bear bring a bull and a ram, but they do not dare to approach fox hole and ask the hare to call the fox and her husband. The bear and the wolf are hiding so as not to be seen by them: the wolf buries itself in dry leaves, and the bear climbs onto a pine tree.

The fox and the cat arrive. The cat greedily tears the bull's carcass with its teeth and meows. It seems to the bear that the cat is grumbling that he doesn’t have enough. The wolf tries to look at the cat, rustles the leaves, and the cat thinks it’s a mouse: he rushes onto a pile of leaves and grabs the wolf’s face. He runs away in fear, and the cat, frightened, climbs onto the pine tree on which the bear is sitting. He falls to the ground, beats off all his livers and starts to run, and the fox and the cat are happy that now they have enough supplies for the whole winter.

Frightened bear and wolves

An old man and an old woman have a cat and a ram. The old woman notices that the cat has gotten into the habit of eating sour cream in the cellar, and persuades the old man to kill the mischievous cat. The cat manages to overhear their conversation, and he deceives the ram by telling him that they are both going to be killed. They run away from the house and on the way they pick up a wolf's head.

Twelve wolves are warming themselves around a fire in the forest. The cat and the ram join them and get ready to have dinner. The cat reminds the ram that they have twelve wolf heads with them, and asks him to choose the fattest one. The ram takes out a wolf's head from the bushes, which they found on the road, the wolves get scared and try to sneak away under various pretexts. And the cat and the ram are glad that they got rid of them! The wolves meet a bear in the forest and tell him about a cat and a ram that ate twelve wolves. The bear and the wolves agree to invite the cat and the ram for dinner to appease them, and send a fox to them. The bear makes a marmot the cook, and orders one wolf to climb onto a high stump and keep watch. But the cat and the ram notice the guard. The ram runs up and knocks him off the stump, and the cat rushes at the wolf and scratches his whole face. The wolves run away in fear, the bear climbs a pine tree, the marmot hides in a hole, and the fox hides under a log.

The cat notices that a marmot's tail is sticking out of the hole, gets scared and climbs onto the pine tree. The bear thinks that the cat noticed him and jumps from the tree, almost running over the fox. They run away together. The fox complains that the bear was badly hurt when he fell from the tree, and he tells her that if he had not jumped from the pine tree, the cat would have eaten him long ago!

Wolf and goat

The goat builds a hut for herself in the forest, and her babies are born. When she leaves the house, the kids lock themselves in and never go out. When the goat returns, she sings a song in her thin voice, and the kids, recognizing their mother’s voice, unlock the door for her. The wolf overhears the goat's song, waits until she leaves, and sings in a rough, low voice, but the kids do not answer him and tell their mother about everything. The next time the goat leaves the house, the wolf comes again and sings in a thin voice. The kids unlock the door, thinking that it is their mother, and the wolf eats them all, except one, who manages to hide in the stove.

The goat returns home, finds only one kid and cries bitterly. The wolf comes, swears to her that he did not touch her children, and invites her to take a walk in the forest. In the forest, the goat finds a pit in which the robbers cooked porridge, and sees that the fire in it has not yet gone out. She invites the wolf to jump over the pit, and he falls straight into the fire. The wolf's belly bursts from the heat, and the kids jump out - alive and unharmed.

Fool Wolf

A dog lives with a man, serves his owner faithfully, but when old age comes, the dog becomes decrepit, and the man takes him to the forest, ties him to a tree and abandons him. The wolf comes and is going to take revenge on the dog for all the previous insults, but he persuades him not to eat it, because his meat is old and tough: let him better wolf will fatten him up a little, and when his meat becomes tasty, then let him do whatever he wants with it. The wolf agrees, but when the dog eats up, he rushes at the wolf, and he barely escapes.

The wolf, angry that the dog tricked him so cunningly, prowls in search of prey, meets a goat on the mountain and is about to eat it. But the cunning goat invites him not to waste his strength, but to simply stand under the mountain and open his mouth, and then he will run away and jump into the wolf’s mouth. The wolf agrees, but the goat hits the wolf in the forehead so hard that he cannot come to his senses for a long time.

Near the village, the wolf wants to grab the piglet, but the pig does not let him and says that the piglets have just been born and they need to be washed. They go to the mill, and the pig cunningly lures the wolf into the water, and she goes home with the piglets. A hungry wolf finds carrion near the threshing floor. At night he comes to the threshing floor, but the hunter, who has been guarding the wolf for a long time, shoots him with a gun, and the wolf comes to an end

Winter hut of animals

A bull walks through the forest, meets a ram, then a pig, a goose and a rooster and invites them to be fellow travelers - to look for summer from winter. The bull proposes to build a hut so that he will have a place to live when the cold weather comes, but no one wants to help him: the ram makes an excuse by saying that it has warm wool, the pig says that it will bury itself in the ground and keep warm, and the goose and rooster are going to climb into spruce forest, lay one wing under itself, and cover with the other and so winter. The bull has to build a house alone.

Winter is coming with severe frosts, and everyone asks to go into the hut, but the bull won’t let them in. Then the ram threatens to knock a log out of the wall, the pig threatens to undermine the pillars, the goose threatens to pluck moss from the walls, and the rooster threatens to rake the dirt on the roof. There is nothing to do, the bull lets them all into the hut. The fox hears a rooster singing songs in a warm hut, comes to the bear with a wolf and tells them that she has found prey for them - a bull and a ram. The bear opens the door, the fox rushes into the hut and wants to grab the rooster, but the bull and ram kill it. Then the wolf comes there, but the same fate awaits him. One bear manages to escape alive, but the bull and ram also gave him a hard time!

Dog and woodpecker

A dog lives with a man and a woman, feeds them and gives them water, and when it gets old, they drive it out of the yard. A woodpecker flies by. He invites the dog to watch over his children, and in return he will feed it. The woodpecker comes up with a trick: when the women go to the field and bring food to their husbands in pots, he will pretend that he cannot fly up and begin to flutter low over the road, so the women will begin to catch him and put their pots, and in the meantime the dog will eat his fill

So they did. They go home with the woodpecker and see a fox. A dog is chasing a fox, and at this time a man with a barrel of tar is driving along the road. The fox rushes to the cart and jumps through the spokes of the wheel, but the dog gets stuck and comes to an end. The woodpecker sees that the dog is dead and begins to take revenge on the man for running over the dog. He drills a hole in the barrel and all the tar pours out. Then the woodpecker gouges the horse's head, the man tries to beat it with a log, but accidentally kills the horse. A woodpecker flies into a man's hut and starts pecking at the child, and when the mother wants to hit him with a stick, she accidentally hits the child.

Death of a cockerel

The cockerel choked bean seed, the chicken asks the river for water, but the river says that it will give it water if the sticky tree gives a leaf. Lipka sends the hen to the girl to give her some threads, then in exchange for these threads she will give the hen a leaf. The girl demands that the chicken go to the cow, and when the cow gives the chicken milk, the girl will give the chicken threads in exchange for the milk. But the cow sends the hen to the mowers for hay, and the mowers send her to the blacksmiths so that they forge the scythe, and the blacksmiths need coal for the forge. Finally, the hen brings everyone what they need and hurries to the cockerel with water, but he is out of breath.


An old man and an old woman have a chicken. The hen lays an egg and puts it on a shelf, but the mouse waves its tail, the shelf falls, the egg rolls off and breaks. The old man and the old woman are sobbing, the granddaughter commits suicide. He walks past a malt and, hearing about the trouble, breaks all the malt and throws it away. The sexton asks the breadmaker why she broke all the breads and threw them away. Having found out what was happening, he runs to the bell tower and breaks all the bells. The priest asks the sexton why he broke all the bells, and when he tells him, the priest tears up all the books.

Tower of flies

The grief fly is building a tower. A creeping louse, a spinning flea, a long-legged mosquito, a little mouse, a Patrikeevna fox, a rough-haired lizard, a little squirrel from under a bush, and a gray wolf tail come to live with her. The last one to come is the thick-legged bear and asks who lives in the mansion. All the inhabitants identify themselves, and the bear says that he is a frog, a bully for everyone, hits the tower with his paw and breaks it.

You looked at the site category Russian folk tales. Here you will find full list Russian fairy tales from Russian folklore. Long-known and beloved characters from folk tales will greet you here with joy, and once again tell you about their interesting and entertaining adventures.

Russian folk tales are divided into the following groups:

Animal Tales;

Fairy tales;

Everyday tales.

Heroes of Russian folk tales are often represented by animals. So the wolf always represented the greedy and evil, the fox cunning and savvy, the bear strong and kind, and the hare weak and cowardly man. But the moral of these stories was that you should not put a yoke on even the most evil hero, because there can always be a cowardly hare who can outwit the fox and defeat the wolf.

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Russian folk tale plays and educational role. Good and evil are clearly differentiated and give a clear answer to a specific situation. For example, Kolobok, who ran away from home, considered himself independent and brave, but a cunning fox got in his way. A child, even the smallest one, will come to the conclusion that he, too, could be in the place of the kolobok.

The Russian folk tale is suitable even for the youngest children. And as the child grows up, there will always be a suitable instructive Russian fairy tale that can give a hint or even an answer to a question that the child cannot yet solve for himself.

Thanks to the beauty of Russian speech Russian folk tales read pure pleasure. They store and folk wisdom and light humor, which are skillfully intertwined in the plot of each tale. Reading fairy tales to children is very useful, as it replenishes lexicon child and helps him in the future to formulate his thoughts correctly and clearly.

There is no doubt that Russian fairy tales will allow adults to plunge into the world of childhood and magical fantasies by a lot happy moments. A fairy tale on the wings of a magical firebird will take you into an imaginary world and will more than once make you break away from everyday problems. All fairy tales are presented for review absolutely free of charge.

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