Literature test on the topic: “Checking the level of reading.” (4th grade). Oral folk art: types, genres of works and examples

4th grade

1. List the genres (3–4) that can be included in the section of oral folk art.

2. Why are a number of genres of oral folk art called small folklore genres?

3. Give an example of something small folklore genre especially memorable for you.

4. Use numbers to sort names epic heroes in order of precedence:

A) Ilya Muromets;
B) Svyatogor the hero;
B) Alyosha Popovich;
D) Dobrynya Nikitich.

5. Which son in magical Russian fairy tales emerges from any challenge with honor?

A) Junior;
B) average;
B) senior.

6. Name the names of traditional Russian heroes (2–3) fairy tales.

7. Write down the names (1-2) of fairy tales with the participation of animals, where the weak, united, defeat the strong and evil.

A) S.V. Mikhalkov;
B) I.A. Krylov;
B) L.N. Tolstoy;
D) Jean de Lafontaine.

9. Write down the name of the fable that you especially remember.

10. List the names of the poets (2–3) whose works about winter you have read.

11. In which collection will you place V. Bianchi?

A) Stories;
B) stories;
B) non-fairy tales.

13. Whose advice do you especially listen to when choosing books?

A) Comrades;
B) teachers;
B) librarian;
D) parents.

14. Books on what subject do you like to read most and why?

Solomon's Court

The young king Solomon once heard an unknown voice in a dream.
“Ask me what to give you? - this voice told him. – You must decide your fate. Do you want to become famous on earth for your military exploits? Do you want to buy a lot of gold and become the first rich man? Or conquer all nations? Or live long, long life?.. Choose - and whatever you want will come true!”
Solomon thought and, having thought, answered: “I don’t ask myself military glory, no wealth, no longevity. I don’t want power over all people either. I want one thing: to become wise. Let my heart be reasonable and my mind good, so that I can distinguish between good and evil and be a fair judge».
And a voice said to him:
"Let it be so".
And Solomon became the wisest among people. And because he was a sage, he became a powerful ruler, and acquired countless riches, and all nations were subjugated, and he became famous throughout the world.
Throughout the land there was a rumor about his great intelligence and justice.
And people came to him so that he would judge their disputes and litigation.
One day two women came to him and brought a child who was not even a month old.
And one woman said:
- Tsar! We both lived in the same house, slept in the same room. I had a son, and so did she. We were alone in the whole house, and there was no one with us. At night, this woman’s son died, and she secretly put him in my bed, and took my son with her. In the morning I woke up and saw her dead child next to me.
But then another woman began to shout:
- Not true! This is my son alive, and yours is dead!
Solomon said:
- Give me the sword!
When a sharp sword was brought to the king, Solomon ordered the warrior standing nearby:
- Take the child and cut him in two. And give one half to one woman and the other half to another.
The first woman got scared and screamed:
- Don't kill him, don't kill him! I pray you, king, do not order him to be killed! Better give my son to this woman - as long as he stays alive!
And the other said:
- Your decision is fair, oh wise one! Let neither her nor me get this child!
Then Solomon restrained the warrior’s hand and said:
- Give the child to the one who took pity on him: she is his mother!
And the child was given to the mother, and she pressed him to her heart. And the deceiver was driven away in shame.
Thus did Solomon, the wise and just, judge.

(356 words)

(Retold by V. Smirnova)

Read the biblical legend “The Judgment of Solomon” as retold by V. Smirnova. Complete the tasks. Mark the statements that correspond to the content of the text read.

1. At what time do the events described in the text take place?

A) In very distant times;
B) in our time;
B) in the recent past.

2. Who was proposed to by an unknown voice in a dream?

A) To a wise ruler;
B) a famous warrior;
B) to the young king.

A) Choice life path;
B) predicting the future;
B) knowledge of the past.

4. What temptations did the unknown voice offer Solomon? Restore their sequence using numbers.

A) Live a long, long life;
B) become famous on earth for military exploits;
C) conquer all nations;
D) buy a lot of gold and become the first rich man.

6. What meaning does King Solomon give to the wise man’s words?

A) Gifted with great intelligence;
B) having great life experience;
C) with a reasonable heart and a kind mind.

7. Why, for what purpose did King Solomon ask for wisdom?

A) Be a powerful ruler;
B) be a fair judge;
C) become famous throughout the world.

8. Why and for what purpose did people come to the king?

A) Marvel at his great mind;
B) admire his justice;
C) judge their disputes and litigation.

9. Identify in the text the beginning of the parable (6 words), which glorified the wisdom of Solomon throughout the centuries.

10. For what purpose in the parable did the king give the order to the soldier to cut the child in two?

A) Determine the mother of the child;
B) divide the child equally;
B) punish women.

11. Why did Solomon order the child to be given to the first woman?

12. What qualities, in your opinion, should a real mother have?

13. According to Solomon, what should a just judge discern?

14. Explain the meaning of the expression Solomon's solution.

Correct answers to tasks

1 A
2 V
3 A
4 4,1,3,2
6 V
7 B
8 V
9One day two women came to him
10 A
11She felt sorry for the child
13Good and Evil
14Wise decision

Reading as a type of speech activity requires a special approach to assessing the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in primary school.
The proposed tests are exemplary and are selected by the teacher based on the level of reading skills not only of the class as a whole, but also of each student individually, as well as taking into account the requirements of variable author’s programs.
An individual test of reading skill (reading aloud) gives the teacher a fairly complete picture of the level of development of this skill in primary schoolchildren.
Students are offered to read aloud an unfamiliar text with accessible content. The teacher, by recording errors made while reading, determining the number of unreasonable pauses, time spent on reading, and answers to questions posed, assesses the level of mastery of reading skills by students.
In 1st grade, texts to read should be offered to children gently, taking into account the child’s wishes. A gentle testing mode will allow the teacher to determine the level at which the first grader is, which is especially important for both the teacher and the child. Throughout the control, the child must realize that he was entrusted with reading the text because he already “reads well.” A situation of success should accompany the child not only in regular work, but also during control.
In the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades, reading skills are monitored as “reading aloud” and “reading to oneself.” Large texts can be read by two or three children (in a chain). Answers to questions can be constructed in the form of conversation and dialogue.

2nd grade


At the corner of my dacha there was a tub 1 full of water. Nearby is an elderberry bush. On an elder tree sat side by side two young sparrows, still very young, with down showing through their feathers, with bright yellow sinuses along the edges of their beaks. One boldly and confidently fluttered onto the edge of the tub and began to drink. He drank and kept glancing at the other, calling to him in his ringing language. Another - a little smaller - sat on a branch with a serious look and cautiously glanced sideways at the tub. And apparently he was thirsty - his beak was agape from the heat.
And suddenly I clearly saw: the first one - he had been drunk for a long time and was simply encouraging the other by example, showing that there was nothing terrible here. He continuously jumped along the edge of the tub, lowered his beak, grabbed the water and immediately dropped it from his beak and looked at his brother and called him. The little brother on the branch made up his mind and flew to the tub. But as soon as he touched the damp, green edge with his paws, he immediately fluttered in fear back onto the elderberry tree. And he started calling him again.
And finally achieved it. The little brother flew onto the tub, sat down uncertainly, fluttering his wings all the time, and drank. Both flew away.

(V. Veresaev)


1 Tub- a small cylindrical wooden vessel made of boards secured with hoops.

Testing the reader's ability to work with the text of a work of fiction

Read the text “Brother” by V. Veresaev. Complete the tasks. Mark the statements that correspond to the content of the text read.

1. Where do the events described in the text take place?

In the city;
in the park;
in the country.

2. On which bush were two young sparrows sitting?

On lilac;
on elderberry;
on jasmine.

3. What was the weather like?


4. Mark the phrase from the text that determined your choice of weather characteristics.

The beak was agape from the heat;
the sparrow wanted to get drunk;
The sun shone brightly.

5. Match the phrase encourages by example phrases that are similar in meaning.

Shows a role model;
instills confidence in own strength;
boasts of his dexterity.

6. Restore the sequence of actions of the sparrow encouraging his little brother with his example.

Captured water;
lowered his beak;
dropped it.

7. Think about the meaning of the word used in the text brother.

Younger brother;
Older brother.

8. Mark the sentence that expresses main idea text.

Good example better than a hundred words.
Whoever lost heart is lost.
Trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself.

Correct answers to tasks

3rd grade

Reading aloud skill test


Since childhood, Suvorov dreamed of becoming a military man. However, he was a weak and sickly boy. “Well, where can you be a military man! – his father laughed at him. “You won’t even raise a gun!” His father's words upset Suvorov. He decided to toughen up. Sometimes the winter cold would come, everyone would dress in warm fur coats or not leave the house at all, but little Sasha would throw on a light jacket and spend the whole day outside. Spring will come. As soon as the rivers open, no one even thinks about swimming, and Suvorov splashes into the cold water. He was no longer afraid of either heat or cold. The boy walked a lot and learned to ride a horse well. Suvorov got stronger. At the age of sixteen he entered military service. Suvorov lived for seventy years. He spent fifty-four of them in the army. He began his service as a simple soldier. She ended with feld-mar-sha-lom and ge-ne-ra-lis-si-mu-som. Suvorov fought thirty-five major battles. He was the winner in all of them.

(137 words)

(S. Alekseev)

Questions and tasks

1. What did little Sasha dream about?
2. How did Alexander harden himself?
3. How many battles and battles did Suvorov win?


One day, a family of larks built their nest in the middle of a sown field. When summer passed, the baby larks grew up. Wheat also grew.
And then one day the owner went out into the field, looked at the wheat and said to his son: “I think it’s time to harvest the grain. Tomorrow I will ask the neighbors to come help me.”
The little larks heard these words and ran to their mother: “The owner wants to harvest tomorrow. We are afraid that he will destroy our nest. Let’s fly away from this field today!” “Today we are still out of danger,” said the lark mother. “We can stay here one more day.”
The next morning the owner and his son went out into the field. They waited for a long, long time, but not a single neighbor came to help them. Everyone was busy in their fields.
The next day the owner and his son went out into the field again. The owner looked at the wheat and said: “Indeed, it’s time to harvest it. Now I will ask my brothers and sisters to come help me.”
The little larks heard these words. They got scared and ran to their mother. "Mother! - they shouted. “The owner wants to harvest the bread tomorrow.” He's going to call his brothers and sisters for help."
“Don’t be scared,” said the lark mother. – There is no danger yet. We can safely stay here one more day.”
Indeed, the next day neither the owner’s brothers nor sisters came. They all said that, unfortunately, they were very busy in their own fields. On the third day, the owner got up early in the morning, went out into the field and began to work alone.
When the lark mother saw this, she said: “Now it’s time for us to fly away. Because things get done only when a person does it himself, and does not wait for others to do it for him.”


Testing the reader's ability to work with the text of a work of fiction

Read Aesop's fable "Clever Mother-Lark". Complete the tasks. Mark the statements that correspond to the content of the text read.

1. How do you understand the expression: A family of larks has built its nest?

dug up.

2. At what time of year do the events described in the text take place?

In winter;
in spring;
in summer;
in the fall.

3. What kind of grain was sown in the field?


4. Why did the little larks invite their mother to fly away from the field?

The time has come to fly to warmer lands;
they were afraid that their nest would be destroyed;
there was little food.

5. Why did the neighbors and relatives refuse to help the owner of the field?

They were busy in their own fields;
were offended by the owner of the field;
They thought that the harvest was not yet ripe.

6. Think about which expression better than others helps to understand the main idea of ​​the text?

A thing is done only when a person does it himself, and does not wait for others to do it for him.
He who gets up late does not have enough bread.
Winter will ask what is in store for autumn.

7. Restore the deformed outline of the text.

The beginning of harvesting is time for migration.
A house in the middle of a sown field.
Little larks warn their mother about danger.
Mom-lark is in no hurry to fly away.

8. Write down one or two names of Russian fabulists.

Examination reading skills work with text

Correct answers to tasks

4th grade

Reading aloud skill test


The turtle carries his house on his back. She goes everywhere with him and sleeps wherever she wants. Not in a hurry to get home like we are! As soon as it gets dark, the turtle lies down in his house and sleeps. And as soon as the sun rises, the house heats up, and the turtle realizes that it is already day. Her head is visible from the house. The turtle looks around with its beautiful eyes. She rejoices in green grass and flowers. The turtle walks very slowly. After all, it’s hard to carry a house. We run after her and catch up with her. And Sharik runs after us. He stands near the turtle and barks. She's not scared. The ball suddenly rushes at her. But she quickly hides her head. The ball is waiting for the head to appear again. As soon as she peeks out, he lunges at her and barks. And the head hides again. Sharik was offended and stepped aside. The turtle looked out cautiously. The ball did not move. She looked back and slowly crawled along the green grass. Sharik admitted defeat!

(145 words)

(D. Gabe)

Questions and tasks

1. What animal carries its house on its back?
2. Why does the turtle walk slowly:
3. Where does she hide her head in case of danger?


Once upon a time there were two frogs. They were friends and lived in the same ditch. But only one of them was a real forest frog - brave, strong, cheerful, and the other was neither this nor that: she was a coward, a lazy woman, a sleepyhead. They even said about her that she was born not in the forest, but somewhere in a city park.
But still they lived together, these frogs.
And then one night they went out for a walk.
They are walking along a forest road and suddenly they see a house standing there. And near the house there is a cellar. And the smell from this cellar is very tasty: it smells of mold, dampness, moss, mushrooms. And this is exactly what frogs love.
So they quickly climbed into the cellar and began to run and jump there. They jumped and jumped and accidentally fell into a pot of sour cream.
And they began to drown.
And of course, they don’t want to drown.
Then they began to flounder, began to swim. But this clay pot had very high, slippery walls. And the frogs can’t get out of there.
That frog that was lazy swam a little, flopped around and thought: “I still can’t get out of here. Why should I flounder in vain? I’d rather drown right away.”
She thought so, stopped floundering - and drowned.
But the second frog was not like that. She thinks: “No, brothers, I will always have time to drown. This won't get away from me. Better yet, I’ll flounder and swim some more. Who knows, maybe something will work out for me.”
But no, nothing comes of it. No matter how you swim, you won’t get far. The pot is narrow, the walls are slippery - it’s impossible for a frog to get out of the sour cream.
But still she does not give up, does not lose heart.
“Nothing,” he thinks, “as long as I have the strength, I will fight. I’m still alive, which means I have to live. And then – what will happen.”
And here from last bit of strength Our frog is struggling with his frog death. Now she began to lose consciousness. I'm already choking. Now she is being pulled to the bottom. And she doesn’t give up even here - you know she’s working with her paws. He shakes his paws and thinks: “No! I won't give up! You're being naughty, frog death..."
And suddenly - what is it? Suddenly our frog feels that under his feet there is no longer sour cream, but something solid, something strong, reliable, like earth. The frog was surprised, looked and saw: there was no sour cream in the pot anymore, but it was standing on a lump of butter.
"What's happened? - the frog thinks. “Where did the oil come from here?”
She was surprised, and then realized: after all, she herself had churned solid butter out of liquid sour cream with her paws.
“Well,” the frog thinks, “that means I did well not to drown right away.”
She thought so, jumped out of the pot, rested and galloped to her home - into the forest.
And the second frog remained in the pot.
And she, my dear, never saw again white light, and never jumped, and never croaked.

(L. Panteleev)

Testing the reader's ability to work with the text of a work of fiction

Read the text “Two Frogs” by L. Panteleev. Complete the tasks. Mark the statements that correspond to the content of the text read.

1. Where did your frog friends live?

In the cellar;
in a ditch;
In the woods;
in the park.

2. Note the features inherent in a real wood frog.

lazy person;

3. At what time of day did your friends go out for a walk?

During the day;
In the evening;
at night;
in the morning.

4. Why did the frogs climb into the cellar?

To enjoy sour cream;
the cellar smelled very tasty;
the frogs wanted to know what was in the cellar.

5. Why did one of the frogs drown?

6. The brave frog continued to wallow in the pot because:

I decided to swim to the edge of the pot;
decided to fight death to the end;
I decided to churn butter from liquid sour cream.

7. How do you understand the expression: You're naughty, frog death?

You play;
nothing will work out for you;
you fantasize.

About the danger that may lurk in the cellar;
about the delicious smells from the cellar;
about the rules of conduct in difficult situations;
that you should never lose heart.

4th grade

1. Identify the genres that can be included in the section of oral folk art.

A) Fairy tales;
B) epics;
B) fables;
D) chronicles.

2. Name the hero and genre of the work:

From somewhere in the city of Murom,
From that village and Karacharova
A remote, portly, kind fellow was leaving.
He stood at Matins in Murom,
Oh, he wanted to be in time for lunch
To the capital Kyiv city.

3. Indicate a comic genre of folk art - a phrase built on a combination of sounds that make it difficult to quickly pronounce words.

A) Tongue twister;
B) counting rhyme;
B) a riddle;
D) tease.

4. Give 1–2 examples of works of this genre.

5. How do works of oral folk art differ from original works?

6. Which writer gave the following definition of a fairy tale: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it: good fellows lesson"?

A) A.S. Pushkin;
B) G.H. Andersen;
B) P.P. Bazhov;
D) P.P. Ershov.

7. Remember 1-2 names of wise beautiful Russian girls folk tales.

8. Write down the names of 1-2 fairy tales about tiny people, tiny boys and girls.

9. Write the name of the fable, which includes the words: “There is time for work, and an hour for fun.”

10. Which poets’ works (2–3) would you include in the “Poetry Notebook” section?

11. What genres of works by L.N. Do you know Tolstoy?

A) Stories;
B) fables;
B) poetry;
D) fairy tales.

12. Write down the name of your favorite book. What did you like in her?


Spring evening.
The time of night is approaching. The sun is hidden behind the tops of tall pines and spruces. The earth breathes and comes to life, the snow melts. Fluffy hats fall one after another from pines and spruces. Smells like spring buds. The thawed earth has awakened from its winter sleep.

There are many sounds in the spring forest. Song thrushes are singing in the trees. On the top tall pine A wild pigeon coos loudly. The owl hooted and laughed terribly. There was silence.

Lower and lower the cool spring night descends.

  1. Execute parsing last sentence. Describe the proposal.

  2. Execute morphemic(by composition) analysis of the word - came

  3. In the second sentence, indicate the case of nouns.

^ Scheme of analysis of testing reading skills to work with the text of a work of fiction for 4th grade students
Date of inspection: ________________

Class___________ UMK ____________________________

^ Number of students verified

Completed the job without errors

Made mistakes in assignments















Mark “5”_________________________________________ people _____%

Mark “4” ______________________________________ people. _____%

Mark “3”________________________________________person_____%

Mark “2”_____________________________________________person. ____%
Success rate ______%

Percentage of knowledge quality ______%

Teacher: ____________________ Assistant: ___________________

4th grade

F.I. student _____________________UMK ________________________________
Two frogs.

Once upon a time there were two frogs. They were friends and lived in the same ditch. But only one of them was a real forest frog - brave, strong, cheerful, and the other was neither this nor that: she was a coward, a lazy woman, a sleepyhead. They even said about her that she was born not in the forest, but somewhere in a city park.

But still they lived together, these frogs.

And then one night they went out for a walk.

They are walking along a forest road and suddenly they see a house standing there. And near the house there is a cellar. And the smell from this cellar is very tasty: it smells of mold, dampness, moss, mushrooms. And this is exactly what frogs love.

So they quickly climbed into the cellar and began to run and jump there. They jumped and jumped and accidentally fell into a pot of sour cream.

And they began to drown.

And of course, they don’t want to drown.

Then they began to flounder, began to swim. But this clay pot had very high, slippery walls. And the frogs can’t get out of there.

That frog that was lazy swam a little, flopped around and thought: “I still can’t get out of here. Why should I flounder in vain? I’d rather drown right away.”

She thought so, stopped floundering - and drowned.

But the second frog was not like that. She thinks: “No, brothers, I will always have time to drown. This won't get away from me. Better yet, I’ll flounder and swim some more. Who knows, maybe something will work out for me.”

But no, nothing comes of it. No matter how you swim, you won’t get far. The pot is narrow, the walls are slippery - it’s impossible for a frog to get out of the sour cream.

But still she does not give up, does not lose heart.

“Nothing,” he thinks, “as long as I have the strength, I will fight. I’m still alive, which means I have to live. And then – what will happen.”

And now our frog is fighting with his last strength against his frog death. Now she began to lose consciousness. I'm already choking. Now she is being pulled to the bottom. And she doesn’t give up even here - you know she’s working with her paws. He shakes his paws and thinks: “No! I won't give up! You're being naughty, frog death..."

And suddenly - what is it? Suddenly our frog feels that under his feet there is no longer sour cream, but something solid, something strong, reliable, like earth. The frog was surprised, looked and saw: there was no sour cream in the pot anymore, but it was standing on a lump of butter.

"What's happened? - the frog thinks. “Where did the oil come from here?”

She was surprised, and then realized: after all, she herself had churned solid butter out of liquid sour cream with her paws.

“Well,” the frog thinks, “that means I did well not to drown right away.”

She thought so, jumped out of the pot, rested and galloped to her home - into the forest.

And the second frog remained in the pot.

And she, my dear, never saw the white light again, and never jumped, and never croaked.
(L. Panteleev)
^ Testing the reader's ability to work with the text of a work of fiction
Read the text “Two Frogs” by L. Panteleev. Complete the tasks. Mark the statements that correspond to the content of the text read.
1. Where did your frog friends live? Underline the correct answer.

In the cellar;

in a ditch;

in the park.
^ 2. At what time of day did your friends go out for a walk?

In the evening;

3. Why did the frogs climb into the cellar?

To enjoy sour cream;

the cellar smelled very tasty;

the frogs wanted to know what was in the cellar.
^ 4. Why did one of the frogs drown?

Answer: __________________________
5. The brave frog continued to wallow in the pot because:

decided to swim to the edge of the pot;

decided to fight death to the end;

I decided to churn butter from liquid sour cream.
^ 6. How do you understand the expression: You’re naughty, frog death?

nothing will work out for you;


you fantasize.
7. What was the main thing the author wanted to tell us?

About the danger that may lurk in the cellar;

about the delicious smells from the cellar;

about the rules of behavior in difficult situations;

that you should never lose heart.
^ 8. Which collection could this work be placed in?

"Fairy tales";

"Stories about nature";

"Stories about animals."
^ 9. Which of the frogs did you like and why?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Checking your reading level:
^ 1. Identify the genres that can be included in the section of oral folk art. Underline the correct answer.
Fairy tales;



^ 2. Determine the genre of the work. Underline the correct answer.
In the middle of a clean field,

At sunset the sun is red,

At sunrise the month is clear

To the heroic outpost

Gathered for a marching council

Glorious Russian heroes:

We thought and thought about the Duma,

We got dressed according to our outfits.
Fairy tale;


^ 3. Write down the name of one of the epic heroes.

4. Write down 1–2 names of fairy tale writers.
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
^ 5. In which section of the book can the works of writers be placed: N.N. Sladkova, V.V. Bianchi, E.I. Charushina? Underline the correct answer.
“About our little brothers”;

“Time for business - time for fun”;

“Good brotherhood is more valuable than wealth.”

Mathematics test

for 4th grade students

1 option
^ 1. Arrange the numbers in ascending order:

7864, 7564, 795, 7964, 7664, 74645
2. Perform the calculations in a “column” manner:

23562 + 32541 70963 – 14632

345 x 73 6588: 36
3. Follow these steps:

672 – 96: 4 + 200

1t 4ts  1t 400 kg

17 km 100 m  17,010 m

Draw a rectangle ABCD, the width of which is 40 mm and the length is 2 cm more. Find the perimeter and area of ​​the rectangle.

^ 6. Solve the problem:

Two cars left cities at a distance of 861 km towards each other at the same time and met 7 hours later. The speed of one car is 59 km/h. Determine the speed of the second car.
Option 2

  1. Arrange the numbers in descending order:

6792, 6492, 679, 6892, 6565, 64565

  1. Do the calculations

24643 + 42561 80979 – 16823

263 x 65 8320: 65

  1. Follow these steps:
583 – 69: 3 + 300
^ 4. Compare and write the result using signs or =

3 dm 8 cm 3 dm 80 mm

72 c  7 t 20 c
5. Solve the problem and draw a rectangle:

Draw a rectangle ABCD whose length is 40 mm and width is 40 mm.

2 cm shorter. Find the perimeter and area of ​​the rectangle.

^ 6. Solve the problem:

Two pedestrians simultaneously walked towards each other from two villages and met 3 hours later. Determine the distance between the villages if one pedestrian moved at a speed of 5 km/h, and the second - 6 km/h.

* Additional tasks

  1. Suggest a way to find the meaning of an expression. Calculate it.

4t 150 kg * 69 – 4 t 15 kg * 69 + 7 t 900kg *69 =
2. What time is it now if the past part of the day is 4 hours longer than the remaining part?


final test for the course primary school In Russian

for the 2010 -2011 academic year

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. _


System, UMK

1. Dictation:





Average score for dictation:

% quality of work

^ 2. General analysis errors (number of students):

  • Unstressed vowel checked by stress

  • Unstressed vowel, unverified by stress

  • Preparation of proposals

- punctuation marks (at the end of a sentence)

- capital letter at the beginning of a sentence

  • Indication of softness by consonants and, e, e, yu, I

  • Writing b– softness indicator

  • Spelling b after sibilants at the end of a word

  • Spelling combinations: chk, chn, nch, nsch, zhi, shi, cha, sha, chu, schu,

  • Spelling unpronounceable consonants

  • Spelling paired consonants

  • Spelling double consonants

  • Spelling of prefixes

  • Spelling prepositions

  • Omission, replacement, distortion

- nouns

- adjectives

- verbs

^ 3. Grammar task:





Average score for grammar task:

^ 4. Error analysis.

Errors in task No. 1 (persons)

Errors in task No. 2 (persons)

Errors in task No. 3 (persons)


final test for a primary school course in mathematics

for the 2010 -2011 academic year

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. _

System, UMK

^ Number of students on the list

Number of students doing the work

^ 1. Main part quality





Main part average

% quality of work

^ 2. We made mistakes in the main part of the work.

  • Numbering

  • Task

- number of students who did not solve the problem

- made mistakes in calculations

- made mistakes in choosing an action

  • Errors in expressions

- for subtraction

- addition

- multiplication

- division


- action selection

- errors in calculations

  • Geometric material

- finding the perimeter

- finding the area

- execution of the drawing

  • Examples with named numbers

- transformations

- comparison

^ 5. Completed the higher level task correctly. difficulties

(number of students)

Teacher: ________________ Assistant: __________________
Table of the final analysis of reading for 4th grade students, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. ______ for the 2010 – 2011 academic year
System, UMK _____________

Date of inspection: _____________

Number of students in the class _________ people.



Reading Comprehension

(persons - %)

Reading method

Correct reading

spell by letter

By syllables

Syllable + whole word

In whole words

Read without errors

Substitution, omission, distortion

Repeating words and syllables

Setting the accent

Errors in endings


Speech abnormalities


Teacher:___________________________ Assistant: _______________________

Immensely oral folk art. It has been created for centuries, there are many varieties of it. Translated from in English"folklore" is " national significance, wisdom." That is, oral folk art - everything that is created by the spiritual culture of the population over the centuries historical life his.

Features of Russian folklore

If you carefully read the works of Russian folklore, you will notice that it actually reflects a lot: the play of the imagination of the people, the history of the country, laughter, and serious thoughts about human life. Listening to the songs and tales of their ancestors, people thought about many difficult questions their family, social and work life, they thought about how to fight for happiness, improve their lives, what a person should be, what should be ridiculed and condemned.

Varieties of folklore

Varieties of folklore include fairy tales, epics, songs, proverbs, riddles, calendar refrains, magnification, sayings - everything that was repeated passed from generation to generation. At the same time, the performers often introduced something of their own into the text they liked, changing individual details, images, expressions, imperceptibly improving and honing the work.

Oral folk art for the most part exists in a poetic (verse) form, since it was this that made it possible to memorize and pass on these works from mouth to mouth for centuries.


A song is a special verbal and musical genre. It is a small lyrical-narrative or lyrical work, which was created specifically for singing. Their types are as follows: lyrical, dance, ritual, historical. Expressed in folk songs the feelings of one person, but at the same time of many people. They reflected love experiences, social and family life, reflections on a difficult fate. In folk songs, the so-called technique of parallelism is often used, when the mood of a given lyrical character is transferred to nature.

Historical songs are dedicated to various famous personalities and events: the conquest of Siberia by Ermak, the uprising of Stepan Razin, peasant war under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev, the battle of Poltava with the Swedes, etc. The narration in historical folk songs about some events is combined with the emotional sound of these works.


The term "epic" was introduced by I.P. Sakharov in the 19th century. It represents oral folk art in the form of a song of a heroic, epic nature. The epic arose in the 9th century, it was an expression historical consciousness the people of our country. Bogatyrs are the main characters of this type of folklore. They embody the people's ideal of courage, strength, and patriotism. Examples of heroes who were depicted in works of oral folk art: Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets, Mikula Selyaninovich, Alyosha Popovich, as well as the merchant Sadko, the giant Svyatogor, Vasily Buslaev and others. Life basis, at the same time enriched with some fantastic fiction, constitutes the plot of these works. In them, heroes single-handedly defeat entire hordes of enemies, fight monsters, and instantly overcome vast distances. This oral folk art is very interesting.

Fairy tales

Epics must be distinguished from fairy tales. These works of oral folk art are based on invented events. Fairy tales can be magical (in which fantastic forces are involved), as well as everyday ones, where people are depicted - soldiers, peasants, kings, workers, princesses and princes - in everyday settings. This type of folklore differs from other works in its optimistic plot: in it, good always triumphs over evil, and the latter either suffers defeat or is ridiculed.


We continue to describe the genres of oral folk art. A legend, unlike a fairy tale, is a folk oral history. Its basis is an incredible event, fantastic image, a miracle that is perceived by the listener or storyteller as reliable. There are legends about the origin of peoples, countries, seas, about the sufferings and exploits of fictional or real-life heroes.


Oral folk art is represented by many riddles. They are an allegorical image of a certain object, usually based on a metaphorical rapprochement with it. The riddles are very small in volume and have a certain rhythmic structure, often emphasized by the presence of rhyme. They are created in order to develop intelligence and ingenuity. The riddles are varied in content and theme. There may be several versions of them about the same phenomenon, animal, object, each of which characterizes it from a certain aspect.

Proverbs and sayings

Genres of oral folk art also include sayings and proverbs. A proverb is a rhythmically organized, short, figurative saying, aphoristic popular saying. It usually has a two-part structure, which is supported by rhyme, rhythm, alliteration and assonance.

The saying represents figurative expression, which evaluates some phenomenon of life. It, unlike a proverb, is not a whole sentence, but only a part of a statement included in oral folk art.

Proverbs, sayings and riddles are included in the so-called small genres of folklore. What is it? In addition to the above types, these include other oral folk art. The types of small genres are complemented by the following: lullabies, pesters, nursery rhymes, jokes, game choruses, chants, sentences, riddles. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


Small genres of oral folk art include lullabies. People call them bikes. This name comes from the verb "bait" ("bayat") - "to speak." This word has the following ancient meaning: "to speak, to whisper." It is no coincidence that lullabies received this name: the oldest of them are directly related to spell poetry. Struggling with sleep, for example, the peasants said: “Dreamushka, get away from me.”

Pestushki and nursery rhymes

Russian oral folk art is also represented by pestushki and nursery rhymes. At their center is the image of a growing child. The name “pestushki” comes from the word “to nurture”, that is, “to follow someone, raise, nurse, carry in one’s arms, educate.” They are short sentences with which in the first months of a baby’s life they comment on his movements.

Imperceptibly, the pestles turn into nursery rhymes - songs that accompany the baby's games with his toes and hands. This oral folk art is very diverse. Examples of nursery rhymes: “Magpie”, “Ladushki”. They often already contain a “lesson”, an instruction. For example, in “Soroka” the white-sided woman fed everyone porridge, except for one lazy person, although he was the smallest one (his little finger corresponds to him).


In the first years of children's lives, nannies and mothers sang songs of more complex content to them, not related to play. All of them can be designated by the single term “jokes.” In content they resemble small tales in verse. For example, about a cockerel - a golden comb, flying to the Kulikovo field for oats; about the rowan hen, which “winnowed peas” and “sowed millet.”

A joke, as a rule, gives a picture of some bright event, or it depicts some rapid action that corresponds to the active nature of the baby. They are characterized by a plot, but the child is not capable of long-term attention, so they are limited to only one episode.

Sentences, calls

We continue to consider oral folk art. Its types are complemented by slogans and sentences. Children on the street very early learn from their peers a variety of calls, which represent an appeal to birds, rain, rainbows, and the sun. Children, on occasion, shout out words in chorus. In addition to the nicknames, in peasant family every child knew the sentences. They are most often pronounced one by one. Sentences - appeal to a mouse, small bugs, a snail. This may be imitation of various bird voices. Verbal sentences and song calls are filled with faith in the powers of water, sky, earth (sometimes beneficial, sometimes destructive). Their utterance introduced adult peasant children to the work and life. Sentences and calls are combined into a special department called “calendar” children's folklore"This term emphasizes the existing connection between them and the time of year, holiday, weather, the whole way of life and the way of life of the village.

Game sentences and refrains

Genres of oral folk art include playful sentences and refrains. They are no less ancient than calls and sentences. They either connect parts of a game or start it. They can also serve as endings and determine the consequences that exist when conditions are violated.

The games are striking in their resemblance to serious peasant activities: reaping, hunting, sowing flax. Reproducing these cases in strict sequence with the help of multiple repetitions made it possible to instill with early years the child respects customs and the existing order, teach the rules of behavior accepted in society. The names of the games - "Bear in the Forest", "Wolf and Geese", "Kite", "Wolf and Sheep" - speak of a connection with the life and way of life of the rural population.


IN folk epics, fairy tales, legends, songs live no less exciting colorful images than in works of art classical authors. Original and surprisingly accurate rhymes and sounds, bizarre, beautiful poetic rhythms - like lace are woven into the texts of ditties, nursery rhymes, jokes, riddles. And what vivid poetic comparisons we can find in lyrical songs! All this could only be created by the people - Great master words.