Statement by a national artist from the Jurassic school. Sergei Yurievich Jurassic biography

“Education is the main hole in our current system. What needs to be done here is not a patch, but a re-sew of the entire caftan!”

Sergei Yurievich Yursky is a living legend of Russian theater and cinema. This is the brilliant Ostap Bender, and the brilliantly played Vikniksor from the “Republic of SHKID”, and one of the most beloved folk characters - Uncle Mitya in the film “Love and Doves”.

At the end of December 2012, the jury of the International Stanislavsky Prize (and this is one of the world's most prestigious theater awards) unanimously awarded it to Sergei Yursky. Awarded "For outstanding contribution to the development of Russian theater." And in March last year, the country congratulated the actor, writer and director Yursky on his 80th birthday. The actor himself calls himself “a man of the 20th century and only a guest of the 21st century.”

Sergey Yursky is a living illustration of the proverb that a talented person is talented in everything. In the theater, in cinema and in life. Sergei Yuryevich is used to telling the truth, expressing his opinion, without fear of condemnation and criticism. Yursky's civic position - to say what you think - deserves respect. His interviews are always interesting, filled with meaning and wisdom.

We have collected the most interesting statements and quotes from the actor, thoughts about life, about Russia, about the Soviet Union, corruption, about theater...


Freedom is determined by the number of people you can send.

For fifty-five years I have been serving the theater, and through the theater I have been serving the humanistic ideology, the ideology of searching for what freedom is needed for. Freedom is the oxygen environment necessary for life. So that you can breathe. The answer to this question - why breathe - is what I am doing. And the answer was unusually clear, for example, during the thaw period.


For me now the picture looks like this: social groups mainly differ not in origin, but in the amount of money - that is, their structure - these are in order, these are less, these are not in order. And the intelligentsia would be the lubricant between the wheels that spin between these layers. And since there is no lubrication, I am convinced that these wheels will break off against each other.

Now such a phenomenon as the “Russian intelligentsia” is over. She was partly tired, partly sold out. The best people from the intelligentsia either drank themselves to death or took up other things that do not fall within the circle of intellectual existence.


Under Soviet rule it would have passed O most of my life. And if we say all the time that it was stuffy, stuffy, stuffy all the time, then it wasn’t life at all, or something. And there was life. That's why it was different. There was full breath, there were dazzling hopes, there were disappointments. And at the same time, this was life, not a dead field. Life. Now some are trying - those who did not see, even those who saw and lived then - to say that it was a dead field in general, and then we sighed. This is wrong. This was life with all its oddities, responsibilities, changes, deceptions, hopes and dazzling joy, which is associated with youth, the joy of a generation, and with activity.

I am beginning to guess that we need to separate two concepts: Stalin as a person, and Stalinism as a social phenomenon. If Stalin died and we can now analyze his works, his biography, his personal changes, his psychology, and this is very important to understand how it all happened at such heights of power, then Stalinism is a thing that, in my opinion, was born before Stalin and who has not died now. In other words, it was called a cult of personality with all the consequences.


As you age, it begins to seem like the world around you is getting worse. Even with external signs of well-being. And we, they say, are still the same! For this, old friends raise cups, mugs, glasses - we are unchanged, we are still strong. This is courage. There is another worldview. It goes without saying that the world is changing, but I am changing too, and we are no longer the same. Moreover, we don’t have to be “those” - the time comes.

We live in a time when any step, no matter in which direction you take it, will be wrong.

I can’t help but feel that almost all the events that happen not only here, but also in the world, even bloody, even terrible, have a tinge of some kind of farce.

Now time changes no longer in a quarter of a century or even decades, but changes in three years. Three years - different air, different spectators. I feel it.


When I was 16, and my father introduced me to someone, he always said: here, the heir to all my debts. That's how I feel.

Two professions seemed exciting to me - investigator and spy. A spy is a person who pretends, but pretends perfectly. The investigator is the one who sees right through the spy and distinguishes between the real and the fake.

I live without the Internet. I am a lost person, I am a person who has fallen behind all the trains.

I'm afraid of a lot of things. A lot. Both inside yourself and outside. Both in what I see and in what I assume. And I think that moving through life is moving across fear, overcoming fear. Let’s say, I’m also worried about those fearless people I observe. I want to understand what this means. Standing on the edge of an abyss - I understand, looking down from the 15th floor - I understand. But continuous existence in this is still an indicator of some kind of sickness in society, in my opinion.


There is music of words. And you cannot dare to pronounce words from the stage if you have not felt, have not found the inner music of this particular text. This is the creativity of an actor. This is where the magic of theater is born. The actor must guess the rhythm and hidden melody that guided the author at the moment of creation. Moreover: the actor can reveal to the author the true rhythm, and therefore the meaning of his work. Because the written text lives an independent life and only partially belongs to its creator. Its second parent is the one who says it out loud.

A musical, one of the crocodiles, or crocodiles, that eat dramatic art. For me it is very important to affirm dramatic art to the last, that is, the influence of the word that will be heard. And the eye wins completely. We will entertain the eye. We will flash, intensify the light, increase the sound, increase the mass. And what are we going to destroy? Word.

I'm disappointed in where theater as a whole has gone. I try to go my own way inside the theater, but I am very disappointed by the general traffic. I am disappointed by the lack of independence of people's thinking.

For me, art and theater are knowledge. Therefore, from rehearsal to rehearsal I learn some new things, repeating the text, trying to enter the body of this person, feel how his eyes look, how his hands move, how he pronounces words, what actions he performs and how he influences the people around him. , and they are on him. For me it seems very modern and, again, not only modern, but timeless for Russia.


Creativity is an independent act of creation. It consists of many different details, because a person does not live in emptiness. You cannot be independent from society. This formula is absolutely correct, a Marxist formula. But she is not only Marxist. A person depends on a lot. But specifically depending on power, getting too close to it, or becoming part of power - this is destructive for creativity. To what extent? It's different for everyone, but it's noticeable.

Art goes in two ways - either it is an attempt to create images, creativity, that is, a novelty, that is, new rhythms, new thoughts based on enlightenment and the search for truth. I would say that this art is divine. Or this is the art of madmen. Because, since there are a lot of crazy people, they need crazy rhythms, they need an outburst of crazy feelings, they need what is called “freedom similar to relaxation,” or “relaxation similar to freedom.” And to take this away from them means to kill them.

Vulgarity is what is called cloying in a cake. Some people love it. And some frown very much and say: oh, this is cloying, no need. Here opinions differ, because many people love vulgarity. Gerdt’s phrase, very funny when there is an indignant review in the provinces of a tour of the capital’s theater: “Hack work instead of vulgarity.” They expected vulgarity, but they brought trash.


-...Lying as a way of life. Dual existence: pretense for others, a completely different face for those superior and an absolute lack of face and attention to those below. The man calls: “We must punish strictly,” and to him: “Listen, you’re doing all this yourself.” - “I’m not talking about myself! I say: we must be strict, we must punish.” - “So listen, you yourself need to be punished!” - “That’s what I have to do with it!” I say “it must be strictly”. The earth's axis has shifted, and it has moved man-made. Some kind of psychological defect has occurred...

I have an alarming feeling that people who have taken responsibility for millions of citizens are not prepared for such activities...

-... People have made mistakes in their behavior, in corruption, in subservience to power, in accepting anything... In general, today’s deafness and blindness seem strange to me. It’s better not to hear, it’s better to not see... The time has come, we are all punished for the mistakes and temptations to which we succumbed.

... I remember these hundred, two hundred thousand, even up to half a million people on Manezhnaya Square in 90-91. No one invited anyone to these meetings, much less brought them on buses. And people came together, thinking that everything depended on them... Then disappointment came and now, in my opinion, it has reached the lowest point, when there really are a lot of facts that prove “Okay, well, I’ll say it, so what?” And then, who will I tell?.. The neighbor? I know for sure that these connections have already been lost, he will not understand what I am talking about. Or he will be indignant: “You are not a patriot.”

Love for the Motherland, like any love, is a most complex and natural feeling. What will happen if a mother or father works very hard to educate children to love themselves? And ask all the time in the evening: “Let me kiss you, do you love me?” Well, the child will stand it for a month, then he will start to turn away: “I told you yesterday.” - “No, well, do you love me?” The child also asks a question: “You promised to buy me a bear, remember?” - “I’ll buy a bear, but do you love me?” If this drags on, the relationship may deteriorate. Therefore, the children of the country need to create those decoys that would arouse love, and not give orders...

I'll say this. We live with them ( with power) in completely different worlds. And some have no idea about others! And we call ourselves one country, one people and say that we are looking for a common idea. A way out, you ask? There must be people, groups of people who will understand that we have one people, one Russia, who will believe in this and try to make people see each other.

Television sometimes shows terrible things: poor families living in absolutely inhuman conditions. And there are still discussions going on - should they be helped or not? Should I add 15% to a teacher’s salary or not? People live in a state of constant humiliation.

And maternity capital is a deception: “Don’t spend this money on this, don’t spend it on that.” If you want to help, just give me the money and that’s it! There is a second child in my family. We can live without this maternal capital, because we are all working people. But it’s insulting that there seems to be capital, but you can’t get to it.

“For some reason I can’t catch a moment: today are we on horseback or in complete trouble...?”

I already notice some anxiety in the eyes, and some hysteria in the intonation of those who say that everything in our country is improving. They also live on this earth, which means they cannot help but notice this discrepancy between words and reality. Today it has reached proportions that I did not see even during the period of Stalinism... Then there were some justifications, people did not yet know how to survive such a war. And they said: “Well, there was a war, what do you want? Who else had such a war?” We really had terrible consequences, devastation. And now there are much less justifications...


- ... Yes, they always get up in the morning and say: “What, did our son John have breakfast?” - “To hell with him, with John and with breakfast, we should weaken Russia!” Is that what you think every Englishman thinks? Not this way. He thinks about John and breakfast. Our idea of ​​having nothing to do with foreign countries is a false idea... It is now expressed either in xenophobia or in things for which we cannot yet find a name. The migration of peoples undoubtedly concerns us too; the world still breathes the same air. But at the same time we are very gloating: “Ah-ah, Europe has come to grief!” Not understanding that we are part of Europe and that trouble is like cancer, it is spreading... All this extremely surprises me, makes me gloomy.

I've been living for a long time. Russia has never been on its knees. So the idea of ​​“getting up” sounds strange to me...

And on whom were we dependent? We bought what was best. Previously, this was called socialist competition: those who worked better and harder were rewarded. In a capitalist society this is called competition: whoever does business smarter and more efficiently wins. Therefore, let's now talk not about the fact that the cheese has become worse, but about the trouble with medications. It is stated: “We don’t need these foreign medicines.” Yes, but we ended up with these medicines not because we loved everything foreign, but because they have been involved in pharmaceuticals for many decades and achieved results.

I’ll remind you of an anecdote from the 80s about import substitution. A Soviet man (thieves, of course) bought a Mercedes. I drove for several days with a driver and the car turned sour. The owner is told: “Call the company in Germany.” They were alarmed and a man wearing white gloves arrived. I examined everything. “Did you touch anything?” - “We didn’t touch anything, the driver just looked and tightened the nuts, as always.” And he replies: “It’s a Mercedes, there’s no point in tweaking anything there.” So import substitution means tightening the screws...

Medicine has become mercenary, this is one of the most terrible phenomena. Education has also rotted. Or rotten. This does not mean that in Russia all doctors are bad or all teachers are bad - no, this cannot be. But we must admit that increasing the education and intelligence of society is the main goal, everything should be thrown at it.


As long as there are agreements, family support, friendly ties - everything that has developed today on a completely unimaginable scale, I am convinced that nothing will change. It will not be those universities that have failed that will be closed, but those that have not found support. Education is the main hole in our current system. Here we don’t need to put on a patch, but re-sew the entire caftan! What is happening in this area now is scary. “Any diplomas at any time”...

This reflects the current situation - corruption, wildest bribery in the field of teaching, in the field of professional, professorial, teacher corps. The catastrophe is generated, on the one hand, by miserable wages. On the other hand, when a person has the opportunity to teach here and there, be enrolled in ten places and engage in outright hackwork, he also participates in the process of decomposition of society.

The current state idea, along with others, should be education. Now everything has changed. The destruction of the best occurs through the victory of the more dexterous. This is where the terrible triumph of money is!


It is not true that in Soviet times everyone walked around with their bellies full. Hungry people are always and everywhere. Socialism? It was a different life. Would I like to go back there, to the past? Completely empty talk! Socialism is over. If we had capitalism, we could discuss it. But it hasn't started yet. Just like socialism did not begin then either. Therefore, we constantly live in a period of transition.

When did I live more comfortably, you ask? Comfort is the most harmful thing that can happen to a person of art. “Comfortable” means that you are not engaged in art, but, say, in trade. For example, by trading yourself. Literally. Today, wrapping and packaging are important. How to wrap it in order to sell it at a higher price and spend less effort and money? Art has nothing to do with this. Art is the search for what is called truth at the moment. But now trade relations have come to art. Now we need to continuously fill the hall. Moreover, fill it immediately and all the time. It would be better if there was an endless series. This is what is called “comfortable”.

Sergei Yurievich Yursky is a living legend of Russian theater and cinema. This is the brilliant Ostap Bender, and the brilliantly played Vikniksor from the “Republic of SHKID”, and one of the most beloved folk characters - Uncle Mitya in the film “Love and Doves”.

At the end of December 2012, the jury of the International Stanislavsky Prize (and this is one of the world's most prestigious theater awards) unanimously awarded it to Sergei Yursky. Awarded "For outstanding contribution to the development of Russian theater." And in March last year, the country congratulated the actor, writer and director Yursky on his 80th birthday. The actor himself calls himself “a man of the 20th century and only a guest of the 21st century.”

Sergey Yursky is a living illustration of the proverb that a talented person is talented in everything. In the theater, in cinema and in life. Sergei Yuryevich is used to telling the truth, expressing his opinion, without fear of condemnation and criticism. Yursky's civic position - to say what you think - deserves respect. His interviews are always interesting, filled with meaning and wisdom.

We have collected the most interesting statements and quotes from the actor, thoughts about life, about Russia, about the Soviet Union, corruption, about theater...


Freedom is determined by the number of people you can send.

For fifty-five years I have been serving the theater, and through the theater I have been serving the humanistic ideology, the ideology of searching for what freedom is needed for. Freedom is the oxygen environment necessary for life. So that you can breathe. The answer to this question - why breathe - is what I am doing. And the answer was unusually clear, for example, during the thaw period.


For me now the picture looks like this: social groups mainly differ not in origin, but in the amount of money - that is, their structure - these are in order, these are less, these are not in order. And the intelligentsia would be the lubricant between the wheels that spin between these layers. And since there is no lubrication, I am convinced that these wheels will break off against each other.

Now such a phenomenon as the “Russian intelligentsia” is over. She was partly tired, partly sold out. The best people from the intelligentsia either drank themselves to death or took up other things that do not fall within the circle of intellectual existence.


- Under Soviet rule it would have passed O most of my life. And if we say all the time that it was stuffy, stuffy, stuffy all the time, then it wasn’t life at all, or something. And there was life. That's why it was different. There was full breath, there were dazzling hopes, there were disappointments. And at the same time, this was life, not a dead field. Life. Now some are trying - those who did not see, even those who saw and lived then - to say that it was a dead field in general, and then we sighed. This is wrong. This was life with all its oddities, responsibilities, changes, deceptions, hopes and dazzling joy, which is associated with youth, the joy of a generation, and with activity.

I am beginning to guess that we need to separate two concepts, Stalin as a person and Stalinism as a social phenomenon. If Stalin died, and we can now analyze his works, his biography, his personal changes, his psychology, and this is very important in order to understand how it all happened at such heights of power, then Stalinism is a thing that, in my opinion , was born before Stalin and who is not dead now. In other words, it was called a cult of personality with all the consequences.


As you age, it begins to seem like the world around you is getting worse. Even with external signs of well-being. And we, they say, are still the same! For this, old friends raise cups, mugs, glasses - we are unchanged, we are still strong. This is courage. There is another worldview. It goes without saying that the world is changing, but I am changing too, and we are no longer the same. Moreover, we don’t have to be “those” - the time comes.

We live in a time when any step, no matter in which direction you take it, will be wrong.

I can’t help but feel that almost all the events that happen not only here, but also in the world, even bloody, even terrible, have a tinge of some kind of farce.

Now time changes no longer in a quarter of a century or even decades, but changes in three years. Three years - different air, different spectators. I feel it.


When I was 16, and my father introduced me to someone, he always said: here, the heir to all my debts. That's how I feel.

Two professions seemed exciting to me - investigator and spy. A spy is a person who pretends, but pretends perfectly. The investigator is the one who sees right through the spy and distinguishes between the real and the fake.

I live without the Internet. I am a lost person, I am a person who has fallen behind all the trains.

I'm afraid of a lot of things. A lot. Both inside yourself and outside. Both in what I see and in what I assume. And I think that moving through life is moving across fear, overcoming fear. Let’s say, I’m also worried about those fearless people I observe. I want to understand what this means.<…>To stand on the edge of the abyss - I understand, to look down from the 15th floor - I understand. But continuous existence in this is still an indicator of some kind of sickness in society, in my opinion.


There is music of words. And you cannot dare to pronounce words from the stage if you have not felt, have not found the inner music of this particular text. This is the creativity of an actor. This is where the magic of theater is born. The actor must guess the rhythm and hidden melody that guided the author at the moment of creation. Moreover: the actor can reveal to the author the true rhythm, and therefore the meaning of his work. Because the written text lives an independent life and only partially belongs to its creator. Its second parent is the one who says it out loud.

A musical, one of the crocodiles, or crocodiles, that eat dramatic art. For me it is very important to affirm dramatic art to the last, that is, the influence of the word that will be heard. And the eye wins completely. We will entertain the eye. We will flash, intensify the light, increase the sound, increase the mass. And what are we going to destroy? Word.

I'm disappointed in where theater as a whole has gone. I try to go my own way inside the theater, but I am very disappointed by the general traffic. I am disappointed by the lack of independence of people's thinking.

For me, art and theater are knowledge. Therefore, from rehearsal to rehearsal I learn some new things, repeating the text, trying to enter the body of this person, feel how his eyes look, how his hands move, how he pronounces words, what actions he performs and how he influences the people around him. , and they are on him. For me it seems very modern and, again, not only modern, but timeless for Russia.


Creativity is an independent act of creation. It consists of many different details, because a person does not live in emptiness. You cannot be independent from society. This formula is absolutely correct, a Marxist formula. But she is not only Marxist. A person depends on a lot. But specifically depending on power, getting too close to it, or becoming part of power - this is destructive for creativity. To what extent? It's different for everyone, but it's noticeable.

Art goes in two ways - either it is an attempt to create images, creativity, that is, a novelty, that is, new rhythms, new thoughts based on enlightenment and the search for truth. I would say that this art is divine. Or this is the art of madmen. Because, since there are a lot of crazy people, they need crazy rhythms, they need an outburst of crazy feelings, they need what is called “freedom similar to relaxation,” or “relaxation similar to freedom.” And to take this away from them means to kill them.

Vulgarity is what is called cloying in a cake. Some people love it. And some frown very much and say: oh, this is cloying, no need. Here opinions differ, because many people love vulgarity. Gerdt’s phrase, very funny when there is an indignant review in the provinces of a tour of the capital’s theater: “Hack work instead of vulgarity.” They expected vulgarity, but they brought trash.


-...Lying as a way of life. Dual existence: pretense for others, a completely different face for those superior and an absolute lack of face and attention to those below. The man calls: “We must punish strictly,” and to him: “Listen, you’re doing all this yourself.” - “I’m not talking about myself! I say: we must be strict, we must punish.” - “So listen, you yourself need to be punished!” - “That’s what I have to do with it!” I say “it must be strictly”. The earth's axis has shifted, and it has moved man-made. Some kind of psychological defect has occurred...

I have an alarming feeling that people who have taken responsibility for millions of citizens are not prepared for such activities...

-... People have made mistakes in their behavior, in corruption, in subservience to power, in accepting anything... In general, today’s deafness and blindness seem strange to me. It’s better not to hear, it’s better to not see... The time has come, we are all punished for the mistakes and temptations to which we succumbed.

... I remember these hundred, two hundred thousand, even up to half a million people on Manezhnaya Square in 90-91. No one invited anyone to these meetings, much less brought them on buses. And people came together, thinking that everything depended on them... Then disappointment came and now, in my opinion, it has reached the lowest point, when there really are a lot of facts that prove “Okay, well, I’ll say it, so what?” And then, who will I tell?.. The neighbor? I know for sure that these connections have already been lost, he will not understand what I am talking about. Or he will be indignant: “You are not a patriot.”

Love for the Motherland, like any love, is a most complex and natural feeling. What will happen if a mother or father works very hard to educate children to love themselves? And ask all the time in the evening: “Let me kiss you, do you love me?” Well, the child will stand it for a month, then he will start to turn away: “I told you yesterday.” - “No, well, do you love me?” The child also asks a question: “You promised to buy me a bear, remember?” - “I’ll buy a bear, but do you love me?” If this drags on, the relationship may deteriorate. Therefore, the children of the country need to create those decoys that would arouse love, and not give orders...

I'll say this. We live with them ( with power) in completely different worlds. And some have no idea about others! And we call ourselves one country, one people and say that we are looking for a common idea. A way out, you ask? There must be people, groups of people who will understand that we have one people, one Russia, who will believe in this and try to make people see each other.

Television sometimes shows terrible things: poor families living in absolutely inhuman conditions. And there are still discussions going on - should they be helped or not? Should I add 15% to a teacher’s salary or not? People live in a state of constant humiliation.

And maternity capital is a deception: “Don’t spend this money on this, don’t spend it on that.” If you want to help, just give me the money and that’s it! There is a second child in my family. We can live without this maternal capital, because we are all working people. But it’s insulting that there seems to be capital, but you can’t get to it.

“For some reason I can’t catch a moment: today are we on horseback or in complete trouble...?”

I already notice some anxiety in the eyes, and some hysteria in the intonation of those who say that everything in our country is improving. They also live on this earth, which means they cannot help but notice this discrepancy between words and reality. Today it has reached proportions that I did not see even during the period of Stalinism... Then there were some justifications, people did not yet know how to survive such a war. And they said: “Well, there was a war, what do you want? Who else had such a war?” We really had terrible consequences, devastation. And now there are much less justifications...


- ... Yes, they always get up in the morning and say: “What, did our son John have breakfast?” - “To hell with him, with John and with breakfast, we should weaken Russia!” Is that what you think every Englishman thinks? Not this way. He thinks about John and breakfast. Our idea of ​​having nothing to do with foreign countries is a false idea... It is now expressed either in xenophobia or in things for which we cannot yet find a name. The migration of peoples undoubtedly concerns us too; the world still breathes the same air. But at the same time we are very gloating: “Ah-ah, Europe has come to grief!” Not understanding that we are part of Europe and that trouble is like cancer, it is spreading... All this extremely surprises me, makes me gloomy.

I've been living for a long time. Russia has never been on its knees. So the idea of ​​“getting up” sounds strange to me...

And on whom were we dependent? We bought what was best. Previously, this was called socialist competition: those who worked better and harder were rewarded. In a capitalist society this is called competition: whoever does business smarter and more efficiently wins. Therefore, let's now talk not about the fact that the cheese has become worse, but about the trouble with medications. It is stated: “We don’t need these foreign medicines.” Yes, but we ended up with these medicines not because we loved everything foreign, but because they have been involved in pharmaceuticals for many decades and achieved results.

I’ll remind you of an anecdote from the 80s about import substitution. A Soviet man (thieves, of course) bought a Mercedes. I drove for several days with a driver, and the car turned sour. The owner is told: “Call the company in Germany.” They were alarmed and a man wearing white gloves arrived. I examined everything. “Did you touch anything?” - “We didn’t touch anything, the driver just looked and tightened the nuts, as always.” And he replies: “It’s a Mercedes, there’s no point in tweaking anything there.” So import substitution means tightening the screws...

Medicine has become mercenary, this is one of the most terrible phenomena. Education has also rotted. Or rotten. This does not mean that in Russia all doctors are bad or all teachers are bad - no, this cannot be. But we must admit that increasing the education and intelligence of society is the main goal, everything should be thrown at it.


As long as there are agreements, family support, friendly ties - everything that has developed today on a completely unimaginable scale, I am convinced that nothing will change. It will not be those universities that have failed that will be closed, but those that have not found support. Education is the main hole in our current system. Here we don’t need to put on a patch, but re-sew the entire caftan! What is happening in this area now is scary. “Any diplomas at any time”...

This reflects the current situation - corruption, wildest bribery in the field of teaching, in the field of professional, professorial, teacher corps. The catastrophe is generated, on the one hand, by miserable wages. On the other hand, when a person has the opportunity to teach here and there, be enrolled in ten places and engage in outright hackwork, he also participates in the process of decomposition of society.

The current state idea, along with others, should be education. Now everything has changed. The destruction of the best occurs through the victory of the more dexterous. This is where the terrible triumph of money is!


It is not true that in Soviet times everyone walked around with their bellies full. Hungry people are always and everywhere. Socialism? It was a different life. Would I like to go back there, to the past? Completely empty talk! Socialism is over. If we had capitalism, we could discuss it. But it hasn't started yet. Just like socialism did not begin then either. Therefore, we constantly live in a period of transition.

When did I live more comfortably, you ask? Comfort is the most harmful thing that can happen to a person of art. “Comfortable” means that you are not engaged in art, but, say, in trade. For example, by trading yourself. Literally. Today, wrapping and packaging are important. How to wrap it in order to sell it at a higher price and spend less effort and money? Art has nothing to do with this. Art is the search for what is called truth at the moment. But now trade relations have come to art. Now we need to continuously fill the hall. And fill it immediately and all the time. It would be better if there was an endless series. This is what is called “comfortable”.

Based on materials:

, Screenwriter, People's Artist

Sergey Yurievich Yursky(born 1935), Russian actor, director, People's Artist of Russia (1987). Since 1957 at the Leningrad Bolshoi Drama Theater, since 1979 at the Moscow Theater. Mossovet. In 1992, Yursky organized the “ARTel of Sergei Yursky’s ARTists” in Moscow.

Among the roles of Sergei Yursky: Chatsky (“Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboyedov, 1962), Osip (“The Inspector General” by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, 1972), Tesman (“Hedda Gabler” by Henrik Ibsen, 1983), etc. He starred in films “Time, forward!”, “Republic of SHKID” (both 1966), “Golden Calf” (1968), “The Deer King” (1969); television films “The meeting place cannot be changed”, “Little tragedies” (both 1979), “Queen Margot” (1996), etc. Yursky also staged the plays “Truth is good, but happiness is better” by A. N. Ostrovsky (1980, played Groznov), “Players-XXI” based on N.V. Gogol (1992, Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov and “ARTEL of Sergei Yursky ARTISTS”), etc.; directed the film “Chernov, Chernov” (1990). Poems and prose are collected in the book “Gesture” (M., 1997). Author of the book “Who Holds the Pause” (1989).

Sergei Yursky studied at the Faculty of Law of Leningrad University in 1952-1955. In 1959 he graduated from the Leningrad Theater Institute (workshop of L. F. Makariev). Since 1957, actor and director of the Bolshoi Drama Theater. Maxim Gorky (BDT) in Leningrad (in 1959-1960 he simultaneously played at the Leningrad Theater named after the Lenin Komsomol). Since 1979, actor and director of the Moscow Theater. Mossovet. In 1992, Sergei Yursky organized the Sergei Yursky ARTEL ARTIST theater in Moscow.

Bolshoi Drama Theater

The main thing is self-discipline: discipline in washing dishes, throwing away garbage, working, thinking.

It is with the Bolshoi Drama Theater that Yursky's best theatrical works are associated. The actor made his debut on its stage in 1957, while still a 2nd year student at the theater institute, in the play “In Search of Joy” by V. Rozov (Oleg), then, after playing the naughty Pino in the play “Signor Mario Writes a Comedy,” Yursky immediately recommended himself as an actor of eccentric style, sharp form.

Sergei Yursky was inventive in details, ironic, light, playing in one breath, temperamentally, brightly, considering himself a clown by vocation (his father was a famous circus director, and as a child the boy spent a lot of time in the arena). Yursky's acting qualities turned out to be in tune with the requirements of the chief director G. A. Tovstonogov. One after another, performances were released in which the actor invariably shone: “Woe from Wit” (1962, Chatsky), “The Divine Comedy” (1962, Adam), “The Career of Arturo Ui” (1963, Givola), “Three Sisters” (1965 , Tuzenbach), “The Fox and the Grapes” (1968, Aesop), “King Henry IV” (1969, Henry IV), “Restless Old Age” (1970, Polezhaev), “Me, Grandmother, Iliko and Hilarion” (1973, Iliko ).

It seemed that the life of the young actor would continue to consist of nothing but success. But there was a conflict with the then party leadership of Leningrad, and this immediately had a dramatic impact on the artist’s career. They literally “cut off his oxygen.” Feeling trapped, in 1979 Sergei Yursky was forced to leave for Moscow with his wife, actress N. M. Tenyakova.

Theater named after Mossovet

Getting used to it is too much of a psychiatric word. Mikhail Chekhov said that you can get used to it until you go crazy...

Unfortunately, the theater named after. The Moscow City Council was unable to provide Yursky with maximum employment. The actor had extremely rare premieres: “Hedda Gabler” (1983, Tesman), “Foma Opiskin” (1995, Foma). For an energetic actor who could not stand downtime, there were three options - directing, enterprise and concerts. Sergei Yursky began to actively engage in both.


Sergei Yursky’s first directorial experience was at the Bolshoi Drama Theater - “Fiesta” by E. Hemingway (which was never published). In 1971, Yursky made a television film based on this performance on Leningrad Television (among his other television works are “Babies in the Jungle”, the series “Pushkin Concert”, “Babel’s Stories”, “Three Poets”). In 1976, the actor staged his most famous play “Faryatyev’s Fantasies” and himself played the naive dreamer Faryatyev in it.

At the Theater. Mossovet Sergei Yursky turned to directing much more often: “Theme with Variations” by S. I. Aleshin (1979, the role of Igor Mikhailovich, and in 1986 in Japan he staged the play “Treatise on Love” based on this play); “Truth is good, but happiness is better” (1980, role of Groznov), “Ornifl, or Through the Breeze” (1986, played by Ornifl), “There wasn’t a penny, but suddenly it was Altyn” (1997). Unfortunately, the last directorial works of Sergei Yursky did not become events in the theatrical life of Moscow. However, his directorial debut in feature films, the film “Chernov. Chernov" (1989), although good actors took part in it and there were many interesting directorial ideas.


Two professions seemed exciting to me - investigator and spy. A spy is a person who pretends, but pretends perfectly. The investigator is the one who sees right through the spy and distinguishes between the real and the fake.

Perhaps the most famous works of Sergei Yursky in recent years are associated with it. In 1992 he staged “Players –XXI” (“ARTEL of Sergei Yursky’s ARTISTS”), in 1993 - “Chairs”, playing the main role there (“School of Modern Play”). In 1992, together with Olga Yakovleva, he played in French in the play “The King is Dying” (“ARTEL ARTISTS”); in 1996 - in the play “After the Rehearsal” (Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov and “ARTEL of Sergei Yursky’s ARTISTS”, “Golden Mask” award for Yursky’s performance as Director); in 1997 - in the play “Marriage” (Moscow Art Theater, Zhevakin).


Sergei Yursky is a virtuoso reader, he has prepared excellent concert programs based on the works of A. N. Ostrovsky, Dostoevsky, Gogol, Bulgakov, Kharms, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Sergei Yesenin, Boris Pasternak, Hemingway, Babel. But Pushkin occupies a special place in his creative life. Even on Leningrad Television, the actor recorded “Eugene Onegin” (only the 1st and 2nd chapters have survived), in 1992 Yursky recorded the 6th and 7th chapters, and in 1999 on Central Television he recorded the entire novel. This is a completely unique series - the actor slowly and thoroughly goes through, together with his hero, the difficult path of insight, understanding of oneself, life, and the path to love

In 1999, Sergei Yursky was awarded the Pushkin Medal (first awarded in Russia).

Movie roles

Sergei Yursky’s first big role was the funny, naive Oddball in Eldar Ryazanov’s eccentric comedy “The Man from Nowhere” (1961), and the film “The Serf Actress” (1963) cemented Yursky’s reputation as an excellent comedic artist, temperamental and flexible.

In his creative palette, Sergei Yursky continued to organically combine comedic and lyrical colors, hiding the dramatic subtext behind the sharp character of the role. He gravitated toward tragicomedy and managed to realize himself in this genre with brilliance when, after the inspired enthusiast Margulies (“Time, Forward!”, 1966), he received the role of Vikniksor in Gennady Poloka’s film “Republic of SHKID” (1966), and then Ostap Bender in the film Mikhail Abramovich Schweitzer's "The Golden Calf" (1968) and Tartaglia's ("The Deer King", 1969).

The sixties were undoubtedly stellar years for Yursky the film actor. But even then, from time to time, he had bright successes, such as, for example, a serious dramatic role in the television series “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” (1979, Gruzdev). With deep insight into Pushkin’s text, he also played the Improviser in Schweitzer’s “Little Tragedies” (1980). After that, he began to appear on screen infrequently: “The Fall of the Condor” (1982, The Dictator), the television film “Look for the Woman” (1982, Maitre Rocher), the television film “Tales of the Old Wizard” (1984, The Keeper of Fairy Tales), “Love and Doves” ( 1984, Uncle Mitya), “Chernov. Chernov" (1989, Arnold), "Psychic" (1992, Psychic), etc. But no matter how good the actor was in these films, they no longer gave Yursky the material on which he could show his talent in full brilliance.

Sergei Yurievich Yursky - quotes

The main thing is self-discipline: discipline in washing dishes, throwing away garbage, working, thinking.

Getting used to it is too much of a psychiatric word. Mikhail Chekhov said that you can get used to it until you go crazy...

Two professions seemed exciting to me - investigator and spy. A spy is a person who pretends, but pretends perfectly. The investigator is the one who sees right through the spy and distinguishes between the real and the fake.

Our education system is based solely on “shoulds.” The child's wishes and interests are not taken into account. Even he doesn’t need chemistry, and he wants to work as a salesman, but he still has to learn the periodic table. And vice versa. If you want to become a doctor from childhood and want to study anatomy in more depth at school, it won’t work. This is not part of the teacher's plan.

There is a note on the Internet that very convincingly compares a school to a prison. It is impossible to free yourself from it ahead of schedule; in it you are absolutely unfree and dependent on the teacher. You have to do what is required of you, and therefore there is no motivation - you do it all just to get it done. You are not an individual, you are just one of the crowd. And so on.

Extension over time

It seems that in order for parents to be able to work longer, all the information was spread out over years. Although a lot of things could be learned several times faster. So some children finish school as external students. And those who study at home sometimes spend only one month a year preparing for exams for the year. Then why hammer on the same thing every day? I remember how frankly I was bored in class. When the topic was not just covered, but chewed on three hundred times from different sides, as if there was nothing more to talk about.

His inflexibility is the same for everyone

Some people are bored, others don’t understand anything. I would love to not sit for half an hour during class, waiting for everyone to finish the test, but to do some additional, more complex tasks. And it would be great if children could decide for themselves what they want to study.

Its backwardness and lack of modernity

I remember that in our school computer science was taught on such huge computers that had no visual system, only complex sets of commands for calling different functions. Despite the fact that Windows already existed - several years ago. And our school computers were fifty years old, if not more. It’s hard to even call them computers – huge calculators. And this is true not only in terms of technology.

You won’t learn any new discoveries at school. They will tell you what is written in the textbook, even if someone has recently been able to refute it.

Creating a unified workforce

Who do schools prepare? Well, let's be honest. Those who can sit in one place, keep a low profile, and do routine work for many years. That is, convenient employees who will be easy to manage in the future - with a ruble and a whip. Any creativity at school is usually not encouraged, as is entrepreneurship. I remember how we once sold ice cream at school and got hit in the head for it. Like, there is no need to engage in nonsense. Do I want my children to be like this? No.

The most important – moral – base is missing

Quite the contrary. Over these ten years, the child looks every day at how he shouldn’t live, but absorbs it as the norm. To survive in a team, he often has to go against his conscience - to deceive.

He sees unhappy teachers working for pennies and hating their jobs. Or at least women who work very hard but can afford little. Most of these teachers - from my memory - are unmarried and raising children on their own, under great stress. At the same time, men are burned in every possible way, even in class.

I remember one teacher at my school hated men so much that when she called boys to the blackboard, she tormented them for a very long time and then said: “What can I take from you, you’re a boy! Sit down, three.” And the girls were given grades just like that, out of female solidarity.

There are catastrophically few male teachers, the maximum being a physical education teacher and a physicist. And even those are usually suppressed in the team by a female director or a female head teacher. The perfect picture for adulthood? Everyone lives like this, this is the norm!

Nothing is said about God. Or it is said so edifyingly that the child closes everything in this direction. For example, they have now introduced “Fundamentals of Orthodoxy” - but again it is mandatory for everyone, in an edifying manner, just try and refuse. And they are often taught in such a way that they discourage the desire to go deeper.

But children absorb everything like sponges. Education comes from the word “image”! What image do they have before their eyes at school?

Harsh social conditions and “harassment” of white crows

Who determines the rules in a children's group? Usually the one who is bolder, bolder, stronger and more charismatic. Moreover, such a person is not necessarily smart, and does not always have moral purity. And the rules are created the same.

In my class, the rules were set by boys who, already in the fifth grade, were drinking vodka and smoking. We considered normal those who can speak obscenities, who already in the seventh grade kiss someone, and so on. The rest were considered scum and nerds. The girls were tortured less, but they were constantly and cruelly joked about. Boys who grew up in intelligent families were given checks and brainwashing. Constantly. This was in the order of things and did not surprise anyone.

An ordinary-looking girl was enthusiastically called “fat” by the entire class; a boy who reacted very slowly to everything was always laughed at, considered both “stupid” and “a slow person,” someone had a mouse put in their bag, someone had a mouse poured on them. water during recess, someone had their head dunked into the toilet. And I went to a good school, in a good area!

Anyone who stood out was always subject to severe bullying. A girl who dressed modestly and did not date boys was persecuted and called exclusively an “old maid.” The boys were simply beaten and their money was taken away. This happened even more often to those who were a couple of years younger.

How much mental strength does it take to digest all this crap! How many years later does it take to get all this out of your soul! It would seem that people are strangers to you, but every day they rock your boat, not wanting to leave you alone. And you can't escape from it.

There is another option - which I chose, abandoning myself and my values. Becoming the same as everyone else. Doing something completely different from what you want. Imitating the wrong thing and for no apparent reason. But is it really that much better than the first? Coming back to yourself is no easier than getting rid of the crap that has been thrown into your soul, even more difficult. Many things become familiar and seem like the norm.

Kills motivation and curiosity

At school, the only motivation is a grade - bad or good. Out of fear of failing, you try to do better. Dreaming of an A, you correct all your mistakes. Nobody will do something well just like that, study something deeper just like that. For what?

The school kills a child’s natural curiosity with its forcible hammering. Because don’t ask unnecessary questions - what if the teacher himself doesn’t know the answer? And in general, don’t bother everyone else, you never know what’s interesting to you. At home, no one wants to answer your questions either. There is no longer time or energy to read unnecessary books - until you read what you “need”. That's all. There is no curiosity, only obligations and cramming of what is not interesting.

School increases pride especially in girls, especially in relation to boys

Girls find this learning system easier. They switch faster, it’s easier for them to cram without understanding anything. Therefore, they are often more successful at school. Almost all excellent students are girls. In my school, among the ten girls who won gold medals, there was only one boy. Only one.

And in such an environment, girls’ pride grows stronger. Like, look how great I am! How smart I am, and how stupid you all are! And, of course, it is the boys who seem especially stupid. They learn differently, and this form does not suit them at all.

Then such a girl treats all men in a similar way - as stupid, slow, stupid. Although they are not like that, their brains simply work differently, they may harness for a long time, but then they cannot stop! Boys are able to go deeper, study from all sides, and not just jump around.

But the girl doesn’t understand this, her pride simply grows. Does this help her in family life? Absolutely not.

Minimum physical activity

What do children do at school for 5-6 hours? They sit in one place. There are a few breaks where you can run, but often even that is not possible. They have physical education a couple of times a week - that’s all. What is the active lifestyle like here? This is how we grow up - and continue to sit straight on our butts. Where to put all the internal energy and strength? And where to get relief and inspiration from.

Criticism and blow to self-esteem

The system of being publicly questioned at the board and then given a grade can cause a lot of hurt to a child. Because some are afraid to answer at the board, some forget everything from excitement, some need time to get involved. All children are different. And a public survey is only suitable for some. For the rest, it can bring unnecessary stress and worries, including about the teacher’s public grading.

No connection with nature

There is no nature at school. Children are surrounded by stone walls all day. And city children study nature in theory, although they could go outside and study it in practice - in the forest, in the park, in the garden. Even the living corners in schools are usually not very lively.

The school buries the child's talents

It doesn't matter what you love. At school, even something you really love can be pushed into you so diligently that it will cause rejection. For example, I loved mathematics at school while I had a teacher who loved it very much. And then - another teacher - successfully “buried” all this interest. Then try to dig it all up (and now many people are puzzled by this very thing - searching for their talents that have already been killed by someone or something).

School deprives parents and children of communication

It all now comes down to “did you do your homework?”, “passed the exam?” But there is no energy or time for more. Even on weekends. And there is nothing to talk about. Parents are busy with their lives, children are busy with theirs, and there are fewer and fewer points of contact every year.

Children become like those with whom they interact

Whatever the cucumber is - large or small, dense or not very dense, when it gets into a brine with other cucumbers, it becomes the same as the others.

It may be a little more salty or a little less. But he definitely won’t be able to remain the same as he was before. This is how our environment influences us. Whoever we are with is who we become. Whether we like it or not.

Therefore, the environment should be chosen very carefully, especially for children who absorb everything like sponges. What kind of children does he meet at school? Random, not selected by anyone, suitable only by age and area of ​​​​residence. What values ​​do they have, what families, what plans? What do we know about this when we take our child to school?

School teaches one thing, but life requires something else.

School personally taught me that being open and sincere is dangerous. That this makes me weak and vulnerable. And while I lived like this, my life was gray and quite difficult. At the same time, it was from the moment I began to learn to be sincere and open with the world that everything began to change. This is how that site, and books, and travel appeared. There is very little sincerity now, and there is very little openness either.

We have all crawled into our little dark holes and are stewing with ourselves. Therefore, we have few interests with anyone – and few people are interested with us. But if you still get out of your hole and open up to the world and people, you can learn and understand so much!

And yes, people are hungry for sincere emotional communication. Everyone secretly wants to open the doors of the tight cage around their heart. But it's so scary! That’s why people who do this are so admired. They are drawn to them, they want to communicate with them.

I can list for a long time what else I don’t like about modern school education, what is unacceptable to me and why I don’t want to place children in such an environment. But there is no point in simply complaining; Therefore, we need to share our positive experience of how we resolve this issue. We have family education, homeschooling.

Of course, we did not come to this right away. Since my eldest son has speech problems, at one time this made me reconsider my attitude towards school. If he had initially been an ordinary child, I probably would have kept my head down and sent him to the most prestigious school. And I wouldn't even think about it.

I know many mothers of special needs children whose children go to regular schools. This is their harsh school of life, where it is very difficult for them. And mothers fight and fight for this. And I once wanted this too. And now I understand that sending a child with special needs to a regular school is harmful for the child himself. What will this give him besides stress and bullying by classmates? Maybe the mother needs this more to prove to everyone that her child is just like everyone else - and in some ways even better?

At the same time, I see how many opportunities a calm home atmosphere gives Danka, where it is easy for him to be himself. He draws all day. From morning to evening. Every time he draws better and better, he doesn’t need to be forced to do it, he tries and experiments himself. Through drawing he learned to write. Myself. And read. Himself too. And he's interested in it. He doesn't need to be forced or stimulated.

Perhaps someday we will be assigned somewhere and take some exams - if he wants. It doesn't matter to me. In addition, an artist can earn a living no less than a manager. If his talent is not strangled by anyone. Maybe someday he will want to go to school - and I won’t interfere. Neither him nor his brothers. But for now we are homeschooled.